[ ] Replace the blasphemy ./test/all.test is, with a python/go script
[ ] Move dir("d", file("name", "content")) into its own package.
[V] Make sure subpackages works right. DONE a. If you know your import path - instrument packages below you, or directly above you (if you're "github.com/foo/bar", then if strings.HasPrefix(x, "github.com/foo/bar"), or or strings.HasPrefix("github.com/foo/bar", x), package will be instrumented. b. If not, compile only relative subpackages. strings.HasPrefix(x, "./")
[ ] Automatically detect a file is in gopath and act accordingly.
[ ] investigate bugs when trying to use app in gosloppy.
[V] Package cache - a must before release.
[-] Should a package cache persist itself? Probably not worth it. - WONTFIX
[V] Permanent cache of standard packages.
[ ] Some light performance tests. If you can see by hand it's working reasonably fast, maybe we can skip them.
[V] support gosloppy run file1.go file2.go
[ ] Support gosloppy sloppify
[V] Take into account package namespace.
$ cat a.go
package foo
var io = struct{koko string}
$ cat b.go
var x = io.koko // will trigger import of io
[V] Auto import of packages from the standard library. Must before release.
[V] Easy way to panic on error. Must before release. e.g.
result := must(f())
// equiv:
result, __temp := f()
if __temp := err { panic("filename:linenumber", err)
[ ] Easy way to log errors
// equiv:
__temp := os.Getwd()
if __temp := err { log.Println("filename:linenumber", err)
[ ] Should we support script mode?
#!/bin/bash -c '$GOPATH/bin/gosloppy'
[ ] Show warnings for unused variables? (maybe you should just use go build
for that).