diff --git a/_project/api/_src/Usecases/Graph.Controllers.ts b/_project/api/_src/Usecases/Graph.Controllers.ts
index d7a8bb54..6afe5523 100644
--- a/_project/api/_src/Usecases/Graph.Controllers.ts
+++ b/_project/api/_src/Usecases/Graph.Controllers.ts
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { GraphRsc } from "@effect-app-boilerplate/resources"
 import type { GraphMutationResponse } from "@effect-app-boilerplate/resources/Graph/Mutation"
 import type { GraphQueryRequest, GraphQueryResponse } from "@effect-app-boilerplate/resources/Graph/Query"
 import { dropUndefined } from "@effect-app/core/utils"
-import { makeRequestId, RequestContext } from "@effect-app/infra/RequestContext"
+import { RequestContext, RequestId } from "@effect-app/infra/RequestContext"
 import { RequestContextContainer } from "@effect-app/infra/services/RequestContextContainer"
 import type { CTX } from "api/lib/routing.js"
 import BlogControllers from "./Blog.Controllers.js"
@@ -25,24 +25,26 @@ function request<Key extends string>(
   ) => {
     const q = req[name]
     return q
-      ? Effect.gen(function*($) {
-        yield* $(RequestContextContainer.flatMap(_ =>
-          _.update(ctx =>
-            RequestContext.inherit(ctx, {
-              id: makeRequestId(),
-              locale: ctx.locale,
-              name: ReasonableString(name) // TODO: Use name from handler.Request
-            })
-          )
-        ))
+      ? Effect
+        .gen(function*($) {
+          yield* $(RequestContextContainer.flatMap((_) =>
+            _.update((ctx) =>
+              RequestContext.inherit(ctx, {
+                id: RequestId.make(),
+                locale: ctx.locale,
+                name: ReasonableString(name) // TODO: Use name from handler.Request
+              })
+            )
+          ))
-        const ctx = yield* $(RequestContextContainer.get)
+          const ctx = yield* $(RequestContextContainer.get)
-        const r = yield* $(
-          handler(q.input ?? {}, { ...context, context: ctx })
-        )
-        return r
-      })["|>"](Effect.either)
+          const r = yield* $(
+            handler(q.input ?? {}, { ...context, context: ctx })
+          )
+          return r
+        })
+        ["|>"](Effect.either)
       : NoResponse
@@ -89,17 +91,20 @@ function mutation<Key extends string>(
     resultQuery?: (inp: A, ctx: CTX) => Effect<R2, E2, A2>
   ) => {
     const q = req[name]
-    return f(name, handler).flatMap(x =>
+    return f(name, handler).flatMap((x) =>
         ? Effect(x)
         : x.isLeft()
-        ? Effect(x)
+        ? Effect(Either.left(x.left))
         : (q?.query
-          ? Effect.allPar({
-            query: Query.flatMap(_ => _(q.query!, ctx)),
-            result: resultQuery ? resultQuery(x.right, ctx) : emptyResponse
-          }).map(({ query, result }) => ({ ...query, result })) // TODO: Replace $ variables in the query parameters baed on mutation output!
-          : emptyResponse).map(query => Either(query ? { query, response: x.right } : { response: x.right }))
+          ? Effect
+            .allPar({
+              query: Query.flatMap((_) => _(q.query!, ctx)),
+              result: resultQuery ? resultQuery(x.right, ctx) : emptyResponse
+            })
+            .map(({ query, result }) => ({ ...query, result })) // TODO: Replace $ variables in the query parameters baed on mutation output!
+          : emptyResponse)
+          .map((query) => Either(query ? { query, response: x.right } : { response: x.right }))
@@ -116,8 +121,10 @@ const Mutation = graph.matchMutation.withEffect(
               (id, ctx) =>
-                blogPostControllers.FindPost.h({ id }, ctx)
-                  .flatMap(x => (!x ? Effect.die("Post went away?") : Effect(x)))
+                blogPostControllers
+                  .FindPost
+                  .h({ id }, ctx)
+                  .flatMap((x) => (!x ? Effect.die("Post went away?") : Effect(x)))
             // UpdatePurchaseOrder: handle("UpdatePurchaseOrder", UpdatePurchaseOrder.h, () =>
             //   FindPurchaseOrder.h(req.UpdatePurchaseOrder!.input).flatMap(x =>
diff --git a/_project/resources/_src/Graph/Mutation.ts b/_project/resources/_src/Graph/Mutation.ts
index 4993e23e..1f19ced0 100644
--- a/_project/resources/_src/Graph/Mutation.ts
+++ b/_project/resources/_src/Graph/Mutation.ts
@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ const makeMutationInput_ = makeMutationInput(GraphQueryRequest.Api.props)
 export class GraphMutationRequest extends Post("/graph/mutate")<GraphMutationRequest>()(
-    CreatePost: optProp(
-      makeMutationInput_(CreatePost.CreatePostRequest)
-    )
+    CreatePost: makeMutationInput_(CreatePost.CreatePostRequest)
+      .optional
     // UpdatePurchaseOrder: optProp(
     //   makeMutationInput_(PurchaseOrders.Update.UpdatePurchaseOrderRequest)
     // )
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ export class GraphMutationRequest extends Post("/graph/mutate")<GraphMutationReq
 const PostResult = props({
-  result: optProp(BlogPost)
+  result: BlogPost.optional
@@ -33,21 +32,20 @@ export class GraphMutationResponse extends Model<GraphMutationResponse>()({
   // TODO: Support guaranteed optional sub-queries, like on Create/Update of PO
   // guarantee an optional return of PurchaseOrder
   // first must enable PO cache for guarantee.
-  CreatePost: optProp(
-    either(
-      MutationErrors,
-      props({
-        response: prop(CreatePost.CreatePostResponse),
-        query: optProp(PostResult)
-      })
-    )
+  CreatePost: either(
+    MutationErrors,
+    props({
+      response: CreatePost.CreatePostResponse,
+      query: PostResult.optional
+    })
+    .optional
   // UpdatePurchaseOrder: optProp(
   //   either(
   //     MutationErrors,
   //     props({
-  //       response: optProp(Void),
-  //       query: optProp(POResult)
+  //       response: Void.optional,
+  //       query: POResult.optional
   //     })
   //   )
   // )
diff --git a/_project/resources/_src/Graph/Query.ts b/_project/resources/_src/Graph/Query.ts
index 69c4c52e..be6c46d8 100644
--- a/_project/resources/_src/Graph/Query.ts
+++ b/_project/resources/_src/Graph/Query.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import { either } from "@effect-app/prelude/schema"
+import * as BlogRsc from "../Blog.js"
 import { QueryErrors } from "../errors.js"
-import { BlogRsc } from "../index.js"
 import { makeInput } from "./utils.js"
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ export class GraphQueryRequest extends Post("/graph/query")<GraphQueryRequest>()
   // ),
   // AllMeTasks: optProp(makeInput(Me.Tasks.AllMeTasksRequest, true)),
-  FindBlogPost: optProp(makeInput(BlogRsc.FindPost.FindPostRequest)),
-  GetAllBlogPosts: optProp(makeInput(BlogRsc.GetPosts.GetPostsRequest))
+  FindBlogPost: makeInput(BlogRsc.FindPost.FindPostRequest).optional,
+  GetAllBlogPosts: makeInput(BlogRsc.GetPosts.GetPostsRequest).optional
 }) {}
@@ -33,7 +33,5 @@ export class GraphQueryResponse extends Model<GraphQueryResponse>()({
   // ),
   // AllMeTasks: optProp(either(QueryErrors, Me.Tasks.AllMeTasksResponse)),
-  FindBlogPost: optProp(
-    either(QueryErrors, BlogRsc.FindPost.FindPostResponse)
-  )
+  FindBlogPost: either(QueryErrors, BlogRsc.FindPost.FindPostResponse).optional
 }) {}
diff --git a/_project/resources/_src/Graph/utils.ts b/_project/resources/_src/Graph/utils.ts
index 91ddf17a..5037f16a 100644
--- a/_project/resources/_src/Graph/utils.ts
+++ b/_project/resources/_src/Graph/utils.ts
@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@ import type { Property, PropertyRecord, SchemaAny, SchemaProperties } from "@eff
 export function makeInput<Self extends SchemaAny>(
   a: Self
 ): SchemaProperties<{
-  input: Property<Self, "required", None, None>
+  input: Property<Self, "required", None<any>, None<any>>
 export function makeInput<Self extends SchemaAny>(
   a: Self,
   noInput: true
 ): SchemaProperties<{
-  input: Property<Self, "optional", None, None>
+  input: Property<Self, "optional", None<any>, None<any>>
 export function makeInput<Self extends SchemaAny>(a: Self, noInput?: boolean): any {
-  return props(noInput ? { input: optProp(a) } : { input: prop(a) })
+  return props(noInput ? { input: a.optional } : { input: a })
 export function makeMutationInput<Props extends PropertyRecord>(baseSchemaProps: Props) {
   return <Self extends SchemaAny>(a: Self) => {
-    const query = props({ ...baseSchemaProps, result: optProp(bool) })
-    return props({ input: prop(a), query: optProp(query) })
+    const query = props({ ...baseSchemaProps, result: bool.optional })
+    return props({ input: a, query: query.optional })