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File metadata and controls

254 lines (185 loc) · 8.5 KB


Backend API

ediarum.WEB offers a API to retrieve all needed data for the frontend. Details of the API is found in

The following features are supported:

  • List of objects incl. facetted search and fulltext search
  • Single object as XML
  • Transform a single object with XSLT
  • Metadata of an object as JSON
  • Search within a list of objects or in a single object and highlight the hits
  • Retrieve passages / parts of an object
  • Search for relations between objects


To include the ediarum.web backend API add a appconf.xml (see APPCONF.xml) to your project and include the following lines to your controller.xql:

import module namespace edwebcontroller="";

edwebcontroller:init-exist-variables($exist:path, $exist:resource, $exist:controller, $exist:prefix, $exist:root),

(: Always use cached data, even if data are newer than cache. :)
request:set-attribute("cache", "yes"),

(: Include the ediarum.web API :)

(: Other requests than defined are passed through :)


For a more complex example of a controller.xql see the example for controller.xql

Automatic link generation

It is possible to generate links of a <a> element with the use of simple constants. Just insert one of the following constants at the beginning of the string in a href attribute:

  • $base-url/ is replaced with the app root URL, e.g.
  • $id/ is replaced with the link to the object with this ID, e.g.
  • $id-type(VARIABLE)/ is replaced with the link to the first object with the ID of this id-type (property).
  • $edweb/ is replaced with the root URL of the ediarum.WEB app, e.g.


To use this feature one has to insert the function edweb:view-expand-links to the view.xql of your app. E.g.

let $content := request:get-data()
let $result := templates:apply($content, $lookup, (), $config)
    edweb:view-expand-links($result, ())


<a href="$id/object-00001">

Referrer and highlighting

If one follows a link from one object (A) to another (B) all links to object (A) are highlighted.


To work you have to make use $id replacement with the Autmatic link generation at the pages of object (A) and (B). Then in the href attribute a referrer to object (A) is set, e.g. ?ref=object-a.

At the page of object (B) to all links with $id to object (A) a <span> element with the class referer is added:

<a href="link-to-object-a">
    <span class="referer">
        Linktext ...

So, to highlight the links you have to use a appropriate css entry or just use the prefconfigured layout.

Preconfigured layout

ediarum.WEB contains a LESS file with predefined CSS instructions. These are match the used elements and classes of the templating functions.


To use the LESS file copy it from /resources/ediarum.less to your app and include it in your less file:

@import "ediarum.less"; 

Then use a LESS compiler to generate a CSS file.

Colors and fonts

Preconfigured colors and fonts can be overwritten by your LESS file:

@primary-color: #4ead6f;
@primary-color-dark: #316E47;
@theme-gray: #d0d0d0;
@theme-dark-gray: #4F4D49;
@theme-light-gray: #f3f3f3;
@main-font:  "Frutiger", "Verdana", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
@main-font-size: 12pt;
@navigation-font:  "Frutiger", "Verdana", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
@navigation-font-size: 10pt;
@footer-font:  "Frutiger", "Verdana", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
@footer-font-size: 9pt;
@content-font:  "Frutiger", "Verdana", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
@content-font-size: 10pt;

Citation Text Services API (CTS API)

The CTS specification defines different endpoints to retrieve text data for citation purposes. The specification can be found at

ediarum.WEB supports the following CTS requests:

  • GetPassage


  1. Include the ediarum.WEB API in your controller.xql (see above) and add the following line before edwebcontroller:generate-api():

    (: The parameter defines the property name to use as cts urn for the objects. :)
  2. Define in the appconf.xml an object property (in the example defined as cts, see also which will be used as CTS URN:

    <filter xml:id="cts">
        <xpath>.//tei:text/tei:body/tei:div[@type='translation'or @type='edition' or @type='transcription']/@n/string()</xpath>
        <label-function type="xquery">
            function($string) { $string }

    Important: The object property must be a valid CTS URN of the form urn:cts:<namespace>:<textgroup>.<work>.<version>.

  3. Add a definition for object parts in the appconf.xml (see

    <parts separator="." prefix="-">
        <part xml:id="book" starts-with="b">
            <part xml:id="book-chapter">


A request /api/cts?request=GetPassage&urn=urn:cts:my-ns:author001.text01.version01:b-1.1 returns:

<cts:GetPassage xmlns:cts="">
    <cts:info>Data received via CTS-API of ediarum.WEB at http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/my-project/api/cts</cts:info>
      <TEI xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="en">
            <div type="edition" xml:lang="grc" n="author001.text01.version01">
              <div type="textpart" subtype="book" n="1">
                <div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" n="1">
                    <seg n="1">Some text.</seg>
                    <seg n="2">More text.</seg>

Example for controller.xql

An example for an entire controller.xql is:

xquery version "3.0";

import module namespace edwebcontroller="";

declare variable $exist:path external;
declare variable $exist:resource external;
declare variable $exist:controller external;
declare variable $exist:prefix external;
declare variable $exist:root external;

edwebcontroller:init-exist-variables($exist:path, $exist:resource, $exist:controller, $exist:prefix, $exist:root),

(: Always use cached data, even if data are newer than cache. :)
request:set-attribute("cache", "yes"),

(: Redirect to home page :)
edwebcontroller:redirect("/", "index.html"),

(: Home page :)
edwebcontroller:generate-path("/", "static-pages/index.html"),

(: Letters :)
edwebcontroller:view-with-feed("/letters/index.html", "data-pages/letters.html", "object-type/letters"),
edwebcontroller:view-with-feed("/letters/", "data-pages/letters_details.html", "object-type/letters/id/"),

(: Persons :)
edwebcontroller:view-with-feed("/persons/index.html","data-pages/persons.html", "object-type/persons"),
edwebcontroller:view-with-feed("/persons/", "data-pages/persons_details.html", "object-type/persons/id/"),

(: Home page :)
edwebcontroller:generate-path("/index.html", "static-pages/index.html"),

(: Include CTS API :)

(: Include the ediarum.web API :)

(: Other requests than defined are passed through :)