- Backend API
- Automatic link generation
- Referrer and highlighting
- Preconfigured layout
- Citation Text Services API (CTS API)
- Example for
ediarum.WEB offers a API to retrieve all needed data for the frontend. Details of the API is found in API.md.
The following features are supported:
- List of objects incl. facetted search and fulltext search
- Single object as XML
- Transform a single object with XSLT
- Metadata of an object as JSON
- Search within a list of objects or in a single object and highlight the hits
- Retrieve passages / parts of an object
- Search for relations between objects
To include the ediarum.web backend API add a appconf.xml
(see APPCONF.xml) to your project and include the following lines to your controller.xql
import module namespace edwebcontroller="http://www.bbaw.de/telota/software/ediarum/web/controller";
edwebcontroller:init-exist-variables($exist:path, $exist:resource, $exist:controller, $exist:prefix, $exist:root),
(: Always use cached data, even if data are newer than cache. :)
request:set-attribute("cache", "yes"),
(: Include the ediarum.web API :)
(: Other requests than defined are passed through :)
For a more complex example of a controller.xql
see the example for controller.xql
It is possible to generate links of a <a>
element with the use of simple constants. Just insert one of the following constants at the beginning of the string in a href
is replaced with the app root URL, e.g.https://example.com/exist/apps/myapp/
is replaced with the link to the object with this ID, e.g.https://example.com/exist/apps/myapp/object-type/id
is replaced with the link to the first object with the ID of this id-type (property).$edweb/
is replaced with the root URL of the ediarum.WEB app, e.g.https://example.com/exist/apps/ediarum.WEB/
To use this feature one has to insert the function edweb:view-expand-links
to the view.xql
of your app. E.g.
let $content := request:get-data()
let $result := templates:apply($content, $lookup, (), $config)
edweb:view-expand-links($result, ())
<a href="$id/object-00001">
If one follows a link from one object (A) to another (B) all links to object (A) are highlighted.
To work you have to make use $id
replacement with the Autmatic link generation at the pages of object (A) and (B). Then in the href
attribute a referrer to object (A) is set, e.g. ?ref=object-a
At the page of object (B) to all links with $id
to object (A) a <span>
element with the class referer
is added:
<a href="link-to-object-a">
<span class="referer">
Linktext ...
So, to highlight the links you have to use a appropriate css entry or just use the prefconfigured layout.
ediarum.WEB contains a LESS file with predefined CSS instructions. These are match the used elements and classes of the templating functions.
To use the LESS file copy it from /resources/ediarum.less
to your app and include it in your less file:
@import "ediarum.less";
Then use a LESS compiler to generate a CSS file.
Preconfigured colors and fonts can be overwritten by your LESS file:
@primary-color: #4ead6f;
@primary-color-dark: #316E47;
@theme-gray: #d0d0d0;
@theme-dark-gray: #4F4D49;
@theme-light-gray: #f3f3f3;
@main-font: "Frutiger", "Verdana", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
@main-font-size: 12pt;
@navigation-font: "Frutiger", "Verdana", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
@navigation-font-size: 10pt;
@footer-font: "Frutiger", "Verdana", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
@footer-font-size: 9pt;
@content-font: "Frutiger", "Verdana", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
@content-font-size: 10pt;
The CTS specification defines different endpoints to retrieve text data for citation purposes. The specification can be found at https://github.com/cite-architecture/cts_spec.
ediarum.WEB supports the following CTS requests:
- GetPassage
Include the ediarum.WEB API in your
(see above) and add the following line beforeedwebcontroller:generate-api()
:(: The parameter defines the property name to use as cts urn for the objects. :) edwebcontroller:include-cts("cts")
Define in the
an object property (in the example defined ascts
, see also APPCONF.md) which will be used as CTS URN:<filter xml:id="cts"> <name>CTS-URNs</name> <type>id</type> <xpath>.//tei:text/tei:body/tei:div[@type='translation'or @type='edition' or @type='transcription']/@n/string()</xpath> <label-function type="xquery"> function($string) { $string } </label-function> </filter>
Important: The object property must be a valid CTS URN of the form
. -
Add a definition for object parts in the
(see APPCONF.md):<parts separator="." prefix="-"> <part xml:id="book" starts-with="b"> <root>tei:div[@subtype='book'][parent::tei:div/@type=('edition','translation')]</root> <id>@n</id> <part xml:id="book-chapter"> <root>tei:div[@subtype='chapter']</root> <id>@n</id> </part> </part> </part>
A request /api/cts?request=GetPassage&urn=urn:cts:my-ns:author001.text01.version01:b-1.1
<cts:GetPassage xmlns:cts="http://chs.harvard.edu/xmlns/cts/">
<cts:info>Data received via CTS-API of ediarum.WEB at http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/my-project/api/cts</cts:info>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="en">
<div type="edition" xml:lang="grc" n="author001.text01.version01">
<div type="textpart" subtype="book" n="1">
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" n="1">
<seg n="1">Some text.</seg>
<seg n="2">More text.</seg>
An example for an entire controller.xql
xquery version "3.0";
import module namespace edwebcontroller="http://www.bbaw.de/telota/software/ediarum/web/controller";
declare variable $exist:path external;
declare variable $exist:resource external;
declare variable $exist:controller external;
declare variable $exist:prefix external;
declare variable $exist:root external;
edwebcontroller:init-exist-variables($exist:path, $exist:resource, $exist:controller, $exist:prefix, $exist:root),
(: Always use cached data, even if data are newer than cache. :)
request:set-attribute("cache", "yes"),
(: Redirect to home page :)
edwebcontroller:redirect("/", "index.html"),
(: Home page :)
edwebcontroller:generate-path("/", "static-pages/index.html"),
(: Letters :)
edwebcontroller:view-with-feed("/letters/index.html", "data-pages/letters.html", "object-type/letters"),
edwebcontroller:view-with-feed("/letters/", "data-pages/letters_details.html", "object-type/letters/id/"),
(: Persons :)
edwebcontroller:view-with-feed("/persons/index.html","data-pages/persons.html", "object-type/persons"),
edwebcontroller:view-with-feed("/persons/", "data-pages/persons_details.html", "object-type/persons/id/"),
(: Home page :)
edwebcontroller:generate-path("/index.html", "static-pages/index.html"),
(: Include CTS API :)
(: Include the ediarum.web API :)
(: Other requests than defined are passed through :)