This repository contains all the files for the "Arduino Robotic Car workshop" run by the Univeristy of Eidnburgh Embedded and Robotics Society. The structure of the repository is as follows:
These files contain the the finished versions of the files that should be completed by the participants . These files are intended for people that have not managed to finish writing up the code during the workshop or that want to self study the workshop at home.
This file contains the outline skeleton code with no functionality.
This file contains the code that will flash an LED on and off in 1 second intervals.
This file contains the code that will turn an LED on and off whenever a button is pressed.
This file contains the code that will turn on one of the DC motors used in this project whenever a button is pressed.
This file contains the code that will turn on both of the DC motors whenever a button is pressed.
You will need the Arduino IDE installed. Download the chosen file and open it using the Arduino IDE. You can upload it to your Arduino following the instructions within this software.
The slides to this workshop will be posted online and linked in here so that everyone can follow along at home.