- A user can Login/logout to the app
- A user can CREATE a grocery list
- A user can CREATE a new grocery list item and UPDATE and DELETE an item
- A user can favorite an item that they need frequently
- ***A user can sort the items into cateogories
- ***A user can create a "household" or group list that can be updated and deleted by multiple users ( this is a STRETCH goal) achieved by allowing multiple users to send something equivalent to a "friend request" to eachother which would grant them access to admin to both be able to CRUD the same grocery list
- ***A user can add links from favorite recipes and the app will search data in the url and automatically create a grocery list with the ingredients
Basic Requirements
- Users
- Grocery Lists
- Grocery Items
- List_Items (join table)
One to Many: Grocery List >- List Items Many to Many: Grocery List >- List_items -< List Items
API with recipes: https://rapidapi.com/collection/food-apis
- Use a Rails API backend with a React frontend.
- Have at least three models on the backend, that include:
- at least one one-to-many relationship
- at least one many-to-many relationship
- full CRUD actions for at least one resource
- Have at least three different client-side routes using React Router. Be sure to include a nav bar or other UI element that allows users to navigate between routes.
- Implement authentication/authorization, including password protection. A user should be able to log in to the site with a secure password and stay logged in via user ID in the session hash.