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403 lines (314 loc) · 17.7 KB

File metadata and controls

403 lines (314 loc) · 17.7 KB


Add Angular v19 to the list of supported versions in dependencies.


Callbacks onSuccess() and onError() were called before $items was updated. $items() inside the callbacks had a non-updated value.


New fields:

  • $lastReadError
  • $lastReadOneError
  • $lastReadManyError
  • $lastRefreshError

In params structures, fields readRequest and refreshRequest are deprecated (will be removed in v5).
Use read and refresh instead.


New method: fetchItem()!

This method will check if the item exists in the collection and return it if it does.
If the item does not exist, the request argument will be used to fetch the item and add it to the collection.
If the option fetchItemRequestFactory is set, the request argument is optional.
If both are missing, the resulting Observable will throw an error.


createEffect.forValue() renamed to getEffectFor().


Experimental method for createEffect(): forValue(), which takes a value and returns an observable that will execute the effect when subscribed.


  • New (experimental!) methods: readFrom and readManyFrom. Can be called as part of constructor options.
  • EffectFnMethods renamed to EffectObservables, and lost methods next, error and complete - the same functionality with a less ambiguous API can be achieved with EffectListeners. This API is considered stable now.


  • Use untracked() every time when reactive context should not be affected;
  • Use take(1) instead of first() to prevent no elements in sequence exception.


Improved API for createEffect() listeners, introduced in v4.1.1.

Methods of the function, returned by createEffect():

export type EffectFnMethods = {
  next: (fn: ((v: unknown) => void)) => void,
  error: (fn: ((v: unknown) => void)) => void,
  complete: (fn: (() => void)) => void,
  next$: Observable<unknown>,
  error$: Observable<unknown>,

Also, you can set next listener or an object with listeners as a second argument, when you call an effect:

class Component {
  store = inject(Store);
  dialog = inject(Dialog);
  toasts = inject(Toasts);
  changeZipCode(zipCode: string) {, () => this.dialog.close());
    // or:, {
      next: () => this.dialog.close(),
      error: () => this.toasts.error('Error, please try again.'),


createEffect() now returns not just a function, but a function with methods! :) API is experimental and might change, so it's documented only here for now.

In your store:

import { createEffect } from './create-effect';

class Store extends Collection<Item> {
  readonly changeZipCode = createEffect<string>(_ => _.pipe(
    // code to change zipcode

In your component:

class Component {
  store = inject(Store);
  dialog = inject(Dialog);
  changeZipCode(zipCode: string) { => this.dialog.close());;

In this example, the dialog window will be closed only after the service response, and only if it was successful.

Alongside nextValue, there are other methods:

export type EffectFnMethods = {
  nextValue: (fn: ((v: unknown) => void)) => void,
  nextError: (fn: ((v: unknown) => void)) => void,
  onNextValue(): Observable<unknown>,
  onNextError(): Observable<unknown>,

Internally, values and errors will not be saved in memory if you don't use these methods.


Sometimes we know in advance the IDs of items we read, and it can be quite useful to know that these items are being read.

Now, the methods read(), readOne(), and readMany() accept a parameter item/items, where you can pass partial items:{
  request: req,
  items: [{id: 1}, {id: 2}]

This will instantly add {id: 1} and {id: 2} to $readingItems, but not to $items (because they are not in the collection yet).

Params should be objects that have at least the ID field (the field or multiple fields that the comparator will use to find the item). The object can also have any other fields - they will be ignored.

A new method, isItemReading(), will return a Signal<boolean> - you can check (reactively) if an item with a specific ID is being read.

The method isItemProcessing() will now also look for an item in $readingItems (in addition to previous states).

And a new helper method to quickly convert an array of IDs into partial items:
idsToPartialItems(ids: unknown[], field: string): Partial<T>[]


Angular v18 is now supported.


  • Function, returned by createEffect() now accepts Signal<T> | WritableSignal<T> as an argument;
  • createEffect() now has optional configuration argument of type CreateEffectOptions. Here you can pass an injector, configure if function should retry on error (true by default), and pass retry() configuration options. All fields are optional.


Because of PR#53446, one custom equality check function is restored. You can import it as equalPrimitives().


  • Angular v17.1.0-next is supported;
  • Minimum supported version of Angular is v17.0.0 (stable).


  • Status pipes removed: it's quite easy to read status from the collection directly in the template;
  • Custom equality functions for Angular Signals removed: this library only operates on immutable data structures, and was using these functions only to guarantee updates even when items were mutated outside. In Angular v17 custom equality functions are ignored for mutable structures, so they are useless even as a tool for other parts of your application;
  • getTrackByFieldFn() helper is removed: with Angular v17 built-in control flow, it is not needed anymore;
  • setAfterFirstReadHandler() is removed: use setOnFirstItemsRequest().


  • $updatingItems, $deletingItems, $refreshingItems, $mutatingItems, $processingItems will only contain items that currently exist in the $items list. Previously, they could potentially contain non-existing items for a short time. For example, if read() or delete() operations were executed faster than update(), and update() was started earlier, than update() would contain items that were removed by delete(), until its (update()) request is not completed. It was quite difficult to achieve (and even more difficult to notice), but now it's fixed;
  • $mutatingItems and $processingItems now contain unique items only. Previously, it was theoretically possible to have duplicates there if some items were being removed and updated simultaneously.


Method getItemByField() now accepts Signal<T|undefined> as fieldValue.


  • Method setAfterFirstReadHandler() renamed to setOnFirstItemsRequest(). Previous method is not removed, but deprecated.
  • Now it's possible to set onFirstItemsRequest in the constructor (using the options object).


Fix: getItem() and getItemByField() should trigger lazy-loading.


Lazy loading!

Previously, you could load the first set of items into the collection when collection is initialized, or when your service/component decide to do it.

Now, you can also use lazy loading, using the setAfterFirstReadHandler(handlerFn) - handlerFn will be called once (asynchronously), when $items signal is read for the first time.


class ExampleService {
  private readonly coll = new Collection();
  private readonly api = inject(ApiService);

  private readonly load = createEffect(_ => _.pipe(
    switchMap(() =>{
      request: this.api.getItems()

  constructor() {
    this.coll.setAfterFirstReadHandler(() => this.load());

It is just an example - it's up to you how your handler will load the first set of items.


As preparation for this change in Angular Signals, collection.$items now uses the first version of Angular Signals' default equality function. This function will always treat items as non-equal, so the $items signal will send a notification even if items still point to the same objects after the collection was mutated. This library treats items as immutable structures and will not compare them.


Allow getItem() to accept undefined as input (return type has not been changed).


Workaround for Angular Signals issue #51812.


  • New state field: $isBeforeFirstRead: Signal<boolean>.
    Initialized with 'true', will be set to false after the first execution of read(), readOne(), or readMany().
    It is designed to be used with 'No entries found' placeholders.
  • effect() helper was renamed to createEffect() to don't conflict with Angular's effect() function.
    createEffect() is still exported as effect() for backwards compatibility, and as sideEffect() to don't conflict with NgRx.Store's createEffect().


effect() helper will now resubscribe on errors, so if you forgot to catch an error - it's not an issue anymore.
Also, if a value, passed to the effect, is an observable, and this observable throws an error, observable will be resubscribed automatically.


getItem() and getItemByField() now accept equalFn parameter - you can set your own equality check function or set undefined to use the default one.


  • Specialized equality check functions will be used in getItem() and getItemByField().
  • Better documentation and more tests for equality check functions.

3.1.2 - 3.1.4

  • Only update status$ signals when needed.
  • signalEqual object is exposed as public API - here you can find functions to use for custom equality checks.


Better equality functions for signals.


  • New method to replace previously removed postInit(): asyncInit(). Will be called in the next microtask from the constructor (init() will be called first).
  • Collection.constructor() will complain in dev mode, if the comparator has to use default id fields, because no custom id fields are provided and no custom comparator is provided - that's exactly why Collection is not @Injectable anymore: providing this information is critically important for the correct functioning of Collection, so comparator fields (or a custom comparator) should be set explicitly. This error will help you not forget about it but will not pollute the console in production mode.


New helper: effect() function.
Copy of effect() method of NgRx ComponentStore, where takeUntil(this.destroy$) is replaced with takeUntilDestroyed(destroyRef), to use it as a function.


Breaking changes:

  • Observable-based version removed;
  • CollectionCore renamed to CollectionInterface;
  • Fields, containing signals now prefixed with '$' ($items, $totalCountFetched, $isUpdating and so on);
  • Methods don't accept observables anymore:
    • isItemDeleting()
    • isItemRefreshing()
    • isItemUpdating()
    • isItemMutating()
    • isItemProcessing()
  • Collection class is not @Injectable anymore. Easiest way to create an injectable class is to extend Collection with an @Injectable class;
  • NGX_COLLECTION_OPTIONS token removed - set options using constructor() or setOptions();
  • Default value for onDuplicateErrCallbackParam changed from {status: 409} to DuplicateError object;
  • postInit() method removed - you can declare your own and call it as Promise.resolve().then(() => this.postInit()); from init() if needed;
  • CollectionManager merged back to Collection.


getItemByPartial() is now part of the API.


  • Signal-based collection: processingItems: Signal<T[]> field has been added;
  • Observable-based collection: processingItems$: Observable<T[]>, processingItemsSignal: Signal<T[]> fields have been added.


  • New methods, for both versions: listenForItemsUpdate(), listenForItemsDeletion();
  • Methods isItemDeleting(), isItemRefreshing(), isItemUpdating(), isItemMutating(), isItemProcessing() now accept Partial<T> as an argument...;
  • ...and implemented in the observable-based version. They return signals there as well to have the same API. To get the same result using observables only, you can use hasItemIn() method.


Signal-based version (class Collection) now uses NGX_COLLECTION_OPTIONS injection token to inject options, because string injection tokens are deprecated in Angular.


  • Signal-based Collection!
  • API documentation moved to the interfaces.


  • toObservable() from '@angular/core/rxjs-interop' will be used without replacement;
  • If instantiated not in an injection context and without injector argument, the constructor() will throw an error in development mode or will print to console.error (or errorReporter, if set), at runtime.


If class is instantiated in an injection context, the injector will be created from this context.


  • Every request parameter now accepts signals! The signal will be read once, at the moment of request execution;
  • Signals are accepted also by:
    • getItemViewModel()
    • getItem()
    • getItemByField()


  • Add support for Angular Signals;
  • This version requires Angular 16;
  • Export ViewModel and ItemViewModel types;
  • Every interface is converted to a type, so they can now be imported using import type.


Accept Angular 16 as peerDependency.


  • delete() and deleteMany() now have 2 new optional fields in their params:
    • readRequest: consecutive read() request (will completely reset items);
    • decrementTotalCount: decrement totalCountFetched by count of removed items, by number, or read new value from the response object.
  • Angular and NgRx versions bump, RxJS 7 & 8 versions are supported.


You can now get an observable to be notified about the mutations:

  • listenForCreate()
  • listenForRead()
  • listenForUpdate()
  • listenForDelete() Events will be only emitted if there are active observers.


  • Comparator now accepts dot-separated paths;
  • onSuccess/onError callbacks are wrapped with try...catch now (will try to use errReporter in case of exception);
  • errReporter is wrapped with try...catch now (in case of exception raised by errReporter, will try to use console.error, if exist).


  • User errReporter to report errors, and don't use console by default.
  • Comparator class (and comparatorFields parameter) now understand composite fields.
  • Update NgRx dependencies to v15 (stable).


  • Restore global configuration feature (COLLECTION_SERVICE_OPTIONS token)


  • Make constructors empty (for some reason Angular complains that constructors with arguments are not compatible with dependency injection, although it only happens if code is published to npm).
  • make setOptions() public.


  • Optimize speed of duplicate detection in read()
  • Add "emitDecoratorMetadata": true to tsconfig


  • New (additional) methods:
    • createMany()
    • refreshMany()
    • updateMany()
    • deleteMany()
  • request parameter will now accept an array of requests (to forkJoin() them) in:
    • createMany()
    • readMany()
    • refreshMany()
    • updateMany()
    • deleteMany()
      Requests with suffix *many will run in parallel (using forkJoin()). If you need to run them differently, you can use regular methods with the creation operator of your choice.
  • A function can be used as a value for the comparator field in configuration options or as an argument for setComparator() method;
  • New method for override: postInit() - will be called in the next microtask after constructor().
    You can override and use it to call the methods declared in the subclass and still don't bother about constructor() overriding;
  • getTrackByFieldFn() helper will not use fields with empty values;
  • Jest has been configured to run tests in this repo - pull requests are welcome!


  • readMany() should update totalCountFetched if provided


  • onDuplicateErrCallbackParam added to configuration options.
  • type restriction for item parameter is relaxed to Partial. It was possible to use partial objects before, but it was not obvious from signatures.
  • New methods readOne(), readMany(), getItem(), getItemByField() have been added and documented.
  • Removed synchronous check from setUniqueStatus() when active = false. It was the only synchronous call in code.


  • Update dependencies to Angular 15 release version
  • Add file with test to the repo
  • Add deleteItemStatus() method


You can (optionally) declare Collection Service configuration details in your module or component providers:

providers: [
    useValue: {
      allowFetchedDuplicates: environment.production,

Token COLLECTION_SERVICE_OPTIONS is just a string to don't break lazy-loading (if you are using it).

Options structure:

interface CollectionServiceOptions {
  comparatorFields?: string[];
  throwOnDuplicates?: string;
  allowFetchedDuplicates?: boolean; // if not set: true


  • Fix itemViewModel.isProcessing;
  • Make all selectors in itemViewModel protected from streams without pre-emitted value;
  • Add getTrackByFieldFn() helper function.


  • read() now accepts usual arrays also;
  • Info about duplicates prevention has been added to README.