Fork the master repository to your personal github account. You can do this by clicking the button Fork in the Master repo website.
Master repository:
Make a directory where you want to work and go to it, for example:
$ mkdir seg-bsu $ cd seg-bsu
Clone your own fork to your personal computer:
$ git clone https://github.com/[your-github-name]/bsu_seg_chapter.git
Make sure you have Python 3.7. You can update by,
$ conda update --all
Go to the Anaconda app and follow,
- click on 'Environments',
- click on 'Create',
- choose Python 3.7 and a name.
Command line version:
$ conda create -n [name] python=3.7 anaconda
Go back to your working folder, for example:
$ cd seg-bsu/bsu_seg_chapter/[specific package]/ $ source activate [name of environment] $ jupyter notebook [name of notebook]
Write stuff in the notebook.
You can use/write python classes and functions in
To leave this python environment from your terminal,
$ source deactivate
All your work is saved in:
seg-bsu/bsu_seg_chapter/[specific package]/[name of notebook]
Go back to
Add your work
$ git add .
Commit your work with a message of what you did
$ git commit -m "message"
Push your committed work online
$ git push origin master
- Go to your Github repo webpage
- Click New pull request
- Engage in a chat with the master
Add remote from original repository in your forked repository
$ cd seg-bsu/bsu_seg_chapter/ $ git remote add upstream git://github.com/dylanmikesell/bsu_seg_chapter.git
Updating your fork from original repo to keep up with their changes:
$ git fetch upstream $ git pull upstream master