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Images in the terminal

Dylan Araps edited this page Dec 13, 2016 · 32 revisions

I get a lot of comments/questions about how to get w3m-img mode working with<br > neofetch. This wiki page will guide you through setting up neofetch/w3m-img and<br > will try to explain the various quirks of this mode.

Enabling Image Mode

Neofetch 2.0.1 changes the default image mode to ascii from wallpaper. From 2.0.1 onwards an additional step is required to use image mode.

You can either use the launch option --image wallpaper (also /path/to/img / /path/to/dir/) or you can edit the config file to enable image mode. The option you have to change is called image_source, just change this from ascii to one of the other valid values and image mode will be enabled.



  • w3m-img

    • Image rendering in the terminal.
    • This is sometimes bundled together with w3m.
    • Terminology and iTerm users don't need to install w3m-img.
  • imagemagick

    • Generating thumbnails and cropping the images.
  • A terminal emulator that supports \033[14t or xdotool or<br > xwininfo + xprop or xwininfo + xdpyinfo

    • Getting the terminal window size in pixels so that we can size the image correctly.

Terminal Emulator

The table below lists my testing of various terminal emulators, what works and<br > what doesn't.

Terminal Emulator w3m-img Quirks
Gnome-terminal Yes - Image disappears on window focus and resize<br>- Possible issues on Fedora, see #295
iTerm N/A See [1]
konsole Yes
st Yes Image disappears on window focus and resize
Terminator Yes Image disappears on window focus and resize
Terminology N/A See [2]
Termite Yes
tilda No
URxvt Yes Display problems with xft fonts Fixed! See: Changelog
Xfce4-terminal Yes
Xterm Yes

[1] iTerm doesn't require w3m-img to display images. Instead it uses a<br > set of escape sequences built into iTerm.

[2] Terminology doesn't require w3m-img to display images. Instead it uses<br> a builtin program called tycat.

Note: For image mode to work, the w3m-img column must say yes and you must have<br > the dependencies installed.

Image source

Neofetch by default will try to use your current wallpaper as the image. If the<br > wallpaper detection fails we fallback to ascii mode, when ths happens you should<br > try and launch neofetch with --image path/to/image or --image path/to/dir/.

The list below shows the current wallpaper setters we support.

Linux / BSD

  • feh
  • nitrogren
  • gsettings

Mac OS X / Windows

  • Builtin wallpaper setter

If your wallpaper setter isn't listed here and there's an easy way to find where<br > the current wallpaper is stored, open an issue and I'll gladly add support for it.


Once you've installed w3m-img, imagemagick, have a terminal emulator that<br > meets the criteria above and have a working image source, neofetch should<br > display images correctly.

If neofetch still won't display the images then you should open a new issue on<br > github and provide me with a verbose log.