A validator for decoded JSON
This project is heavily influenced by the excellent library Norm, but is intended for a more specific use case -- validating JSON payloads and providing helpful error messages.
Mold only validates values that resemble JSON, for example, a value decoded with the Jason library.
# define a struct for validating data
mold =
required: %{
"my_int" => %Mold.Int{gte: 0},
"my_str" => %Mold.Str{one_of: ["foo", "bar"]}
optional: %{
"my_lst" => %Mold.Lst{of: %Mold.Str{}}
|> Mold.prep!()
# use Mold.exam/2 to valide data against a mold
valid_data = %{"my_int" => 1, "my_str" => "foo"}
:ok = Mold.exam(mold, valid_data)
invalid_data = %{"my_int" => -1, "my_str" => "bla", "my_lst" => ["a", 2, "c"]}
{:error, error_map} = Mold.exam(mold, invalid_data)
error_map == %{
"my_int" => "must be an integer greater than or equal to 0",
"my_str" => "must be one of these strings (with matching case): \"foo\", \"bar\"",
"my_lst" => %{1 => "must be a string"}
created_without_macros = %Mold.Rec{
required: %{
"my_int" => %Mold.Int{gte: 0},
"my_str" => %Mold.Str{one_of: ["foo", "bar"]}
optional: %{
"my_lst" => %Mold.Lst{of: %Mold.Str{}}
created_with_macros =
required: %{
"my_int" => int(gte: 0),
"my_str" => str(one_of: ["foo", "bar"])
optional: %{
"my_lst" => lst(of: str())
created_with_macros == created_without_macros
Mold.exam(%Mold.Int{}, 1)
# ** (Mold.Error) you must call Mold.prep!/1 on the mold before calling Mold.exam/2
# Mold.prep!/1 ensures that you're using the library correctly.
Mold.prep!(%Mold.Int{lt: true})
# ** (Mold.Error) :lt must be an integer
# Mold.prep!/1 prevents you from creating a mold that can't be satisfied
Mold.prep!(%Mold.Rec{required: %{"my_int" => %Mold.Int{gt: 4, lt: 1}}})
# ** (Mold.Error) :gt must be less than :lt
Mold generates error messages for all mold structs based on their parameters. The contrived demo at the end of the README for examples.
# Mold.prep!/1 pre-computes error messages
mold = %Mold.Int{gte: 0, lt: 100, nil_ok?: true}
assert %Mold.Int{
"if not nil, must be an integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than 100" = err_msg
} = Mold.prep!(mold)
{:error, ^err_msg} = Mold.exam(mold, -1)
custom_error_message = "gotta be from 0-99 or null"
assert %Mold.Int{error_message: ^custom_error_message} =
mold =
gte: 0,
lt: 100,
nil_ok?: true,
error_message: custom_error_message
assert {:error, ^custom_error_message} = Mold.exam(mold, -1)
{:error, ^custom_error_message = Mold.exam(mold, -1)
pet_mold = rec(required: %{"name" => str(), "species" => str(), "is_rescue" => boo()})
# A Dic (short for "Dictionary") describes a hash map
song_by_genre_mold =
keys: str(min: 4),
required: %{"artist" => str(), "title" => str()},
optional: %{"year" => int(gte: 1900, lte: 2025)}
user_mold =
required: %{
"first_name" => str(),
"last_name" => str(),
"middle_initial" => str(nil_ok?: true, max: 1),
# all molds have a :but field that allows for custom logic
"date_of_birth" =>
but: fn it -> match?({:ok, _}, Date.from_iso8601(it)) end,
error_message: "must be formatted yyyy-mm-dd"
"id" =>
regex: ~r/^[0-f]{5}$/,
error_message: "must be a a length 5 hex string"
"lucky_numbers" => lst(of: int(), min: 3)
optional: %{
"gender" => str(one_of: ["male", "female", "non-binary"], nil_ok?: true),
"temperature" => dec(gt: 0),
"pets" => lst(of: pet_mold),
"favorite_songs_by_genre" => song_by_genre_mold,
"anything_else" => any()
# prep!/1 recusively preps nested molds
user_mold = Mold.prep!(user_mold)
valid_user = %{
"first_name" => "Cornelius",
"last_name" => "Adoab",
"middle_initial" => "R",
"id" => "a9bf0",
"date_of_birth" => "1915-12-14",
"lucky_numbers" => [1, 2, 3],
"gender" => nil,
"pets" => [
%{"name" => "Bilton", "species" => "badger", "is_rescue" => false},
%{"name" => "Sledrick", "species" => "snake", "is_rescue" => true}
"temperature" => "103.9",
"favorite_songs_by_genre" => %{
"bluegrass" => %{"title" => "Glendale Train", "artist" => "New Riders of the Purple Sage"},
"80s Athens, GA rock" => %{"title" => "Radio Free Europe", "artist" => "REM"}
:ok = Mold.exam(user_mold, valid_user)
# errors when data has invalid top-level fields
invalid_user =
Map.merge(valid_user, %{
"first_name" => nil,
"lucky_numbers" => [1, 2],
"gender" => "woman",
"temperature" => "-100"
{:error, error_map} = Mold.exam(user_mold, invalid_user)
error_map == %{
"first_name" => "must be a string",
"lucky_numbers" =>
"must be a list with at least 3 elements, each of which must be an integer",
"gender" =>
"if not nil, must be one of these strings (with matching case): \"male\", \"female\", \"non-binary\"",
"temperature" => "must be a decimal-formatted string greater than 0"
# error when data has invalid nested fields
invalid_user =
|> Map.put("lucky_numbers", ["seven", 2, "3.14"])
|> update_in(["pets"], fn pets ->
["Steve", %{"name" => "Larry", "species" => true} | pets]
|> put_in(["favorite_songs_by_genre", "bluegrass", "title"], nil)
{:error, error_map} = Mold.exam(user_mold, invalid_user)
error_map == %{
"lucky_numbers" => %{
0 => "must be an integer",
2 => "must be an integer"
"pets" => %{
0 =>
"must be a record with the required keys \"is_rescue\", \"name\", \"species\"",
1 => %{"species" => "must be a string", "is_rescue" => "is required"}
"favorite_songs_by_genre" => %{"bluegrass" => %{"title" => "must be a string"}}
# error when Dic[tionary] keys are invalid
invalid_user =
put_in(valid_user, ["favorite_songs_by_genre", "rap"], %{
"group" => "Outkast",
"title" => "Elevators"
{:error, error_map} = Mold.exam(user_mold, invalid_user)
error_map == %{
"favorite_songs_by_genre" => %{
:__key_errors__ => %{
message: "must be a string with at least 4 characters",
keys: ["rap"]
# errors in the value for a bad key are also reported
"rap" => %{"artist" => "is required"}