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Principle: Low context-sensitivity

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Carbon should favor designs and mechanisms that are not sensitive to context. Instead, we should favor constructs that are not ambiguous so that they don't need context for disambiguation. This is in service to the goal that Carbon code is easy to read, understand, and write. In particular, this is about prioritizing reading and understanding over writing. We should be willing to trade off conciseness, which still benefits reading as well as writing, for a sufficiently impactful reduction in the amount of context needed to read and understand code.

Context can be expensive in different ways, for example:

  • It can be large: it might require looking through a lot of lines of code to find all of the relevant contextual information.
  • It can be distant: the further away from the current declaration or definition, the more expensive it is to find contextual information. This can scale from a separate definition in the same file, to a separate file, or even to a separate package.
  • It can be unpredictable: it might require careful searching of large bodies of code to locate the contextual information if its location cannot be predicted.
  • It can be subtle: the contextual clues might be easily missed or mistaken.

Code that isn't context sensitive is easier to copy or move between contexts, like files or functions. It is code that needs fewer changes when it is refactored, in support of software evolution.

In general, we should start with more restrictive constructs that limit ambiguity and see if we can make them work. If we find those restrictions are burdensome, we will then have more information to inform the next step. Ideally we would address those use cases with simple tools that solve multiple problems. The goal is to make a bunch of orthogonal mechanisms, each of which are easily understood and act in unsurprising ways.

If that next step is to loosen restrictions, that is generally easier to do while maintaining compatibility with existing code than adding new restrictions.

Mitigations of context-sensitive costs

There are several ways that the potential costs of context-sensitive code can be mitigated. These techniques can and should be leveraged to help minimize and mitigate the contextual costs of Carbon features, and in some cases may provide a path to a feature that would otherwise be prohibitively costly.

Visual aids

A direct way to reduce contextual costs is through lexical and syntactic structures that form visual aids. These can both reinforce what the context is and aid the reader in the expensive aspect of navigating the context. For example, representing contexts with indentation, or IDE highlighting of matching parentheses and braces. These visual hints make it easier for developers to notice contextual elements.

Contextual validity rather than meaning

When the context only affects the validity of code, but not its meaning, the costs are significantly reduced. In that case, understanding the meaning or behavior of the code doesn't require context, and a developer can easily rely on the compiler to check the validity. A simple example of this is contextually valid syntax, which is relatively common and inexpensive. However, reusing the same syntax with different contexts with different meanings shifts the contextual information from simple validity to impacting the meaning of code.

Reduced cost of mistakes

Another mitigation for the costs of context-sensitive code is when the cost of a mistake due to the context is low. Some simple examples:

  • Context-sensitivity in comments is less expensive in general than in code.
  • In places where the general meaning is clear, developers can safely and reliably work with that general understanding, and the context only provides a minor refinement.
Compiler-checked context

Another way the costs of mistakes can be reduced is when the compiler can reliably detect them. This is the fundamental idea behind statically type-checked languages: the compiler enforcement reduces the contextual cost of knowing what the types are. How early and effectively the compiler can detect the mistakes also plays a role in reducing this cost, which is part of the value proposition for definition-checked generics.

An example of this situation in Rust is that the same syntax is used for a move and a copy of the value in a variable. Those cases are distinguished by whether the type implements a specific trait, which may not be readily ascertained. The compiler verifies that the code never uses a variable that is no longer valid due to having been moved from, which is expected to catch the problems that could arise from this difference. Otherwise the semantic difference between a move and a copy is considered in Rust to be low-enough stakes for there to be no need to signal that difference in the code.

However, the reasoning that makes this example a good design on balance for Rust doesn't necessarily apply to Carbon. The compiler is checking to prevent errors, but it can't reliably check for unpredictable performance. Given Carbon's priorities, that might make this level of contextual information still too expensive.

More background on this area of Rust specifically is presented in their blog post on language ergonomics.

Applications of the principle

There are many parts of Carbon that could potentially be analyzed through this lens, and we can't enumerate them all here. This section focuses on several examples to help illustrate how the principle is likely to be relevant to Carbon. They focus on either cases that showcase the principle in effect or cases which make challenging tradeoffs of the costs in the principle.

Imports and namespaces

There are several parts of the way imports and namespaces are designed in Carbon that reflect applications of this principle:

  • Adding an import or reordering imports should never change behavior of existing code. This means the reader doesn't have to look through all the imports to understand how code behaves. This is also important for tooling, which should not have to worry about unwanted side effects when adding or sorting imports.

  • Carbon doesn't provide an analogy to C++'s using namespace or a "wildcard imports" mechanisms that merge the names from one namespace into another. Either would introduce ambiguity in where a name is coming from, making the code more context-sensitive.

  • Carbon doesn't support large blocks of code inside a namespace declaration, where the reader would have to search for the beginning of the block to see what namespace applies.

Name shadowing

We should limit how names can be reused with shadowing rules, so the meaning of a name doesn't change in surprising ways between scopes. Further, if you find a matching declaration you don't have to keep searching to see if there is another that hides the one you found. This both expands the context you have to consider, and is an opportunity to make a mistake identifying the correct context, potentially leading to misunderstanding of the code.

Flow-sensitive typing

This principle is an argument against flow-sensitive typing, where the type of a name can change depending on control flow. For example, Midori used this for optional types. If we were to support this in Carbon, you could unwrap an optional value by testing it against None.

var x: Optional(Int) = ...;
if (x != None) {
  // x has type Int.
// x is back to type Optional(Int).

This can be taken farther, this example has x taking on three different types:

var x: Optional(Optional(Int)) = ...;
if (x != None) {
  // x has type Optional(Int).
  if (x != None) {
    // x has type Int.
  // x has type Optional(Int).
// x has type Optional(Optional(Int)).

The concern here is that the context is very subtle. The type of x is affected by otherwise ordinary-looking if statements and closing braces (}).

While we might not want to completely eliminate the possibility of flow-sensitive typing in Carbon, it would have to overcome a large hurdle. We would only want a flow-sensitive feature if it delivered sufficiently large usability, consistency, or expressivity gains.

Coherence of names and generics

Carbon packages are designed to ensure all declared names belong to exactly one package and the compiler can enforce Carbon's equivalent one-definition rule (ODR). This avoids an issue in C++ where the ODR is not reliably checked by the compiler, which can leave the correctness of programs dependent on both distant and subtle contextual information.

Similarly, Carbon generics should have coherence, like Rust, where types have a single implementation of an interface. And this should be enforced by the compiler, using rules like Rust's orphan rules.


Since Carbon's number one goal is performance, it is important that the performance characteristics of code be predictable and readily determined by readers. This argues that those characteristics should not depend on expensive context. For example, Carbon should not provide a dynamic_cast facility with the same capabilities of C++'s where distant aspects of the inheritance structure can cause surprising performance differences. Similarly, Carbon should try to ensure normal looking method calls and data member access don't have the surprising performance costs caused by virtual inheritance in C++.

More generally, Carbon should avoid features with hidden costs, particularly when they scale based on subtle aspects of the context where those features are used.