- You can optionally modify
as your directories for you MOT17, MOTSynth, and you train/eval outputs atconfigs/path_cfg.py
- Download and extract all MOTSynth videos. This will take a while...
MOTSYNTH_ROOT=$(python -c "from configs.path_cfg import MOTSYNTH_ROOT; print(MOTSYNTH_ROOT);")
wget -P $MOTSYNTH_ROOT https://motchallenge.net/data/MOTSynth_1.zip
wget -P $MOTSYNTH_ROOT https://motchallenge.net/data/MOTSynth_2.zip
wget -P $MOTSYNTH_ROOT https://motchallenge.net/data/MOTSynth_3.zip
rm $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/MOTSynth_1.zip
rm $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/MOTSynth_2.zip
rm $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/MOTSynth_3.zip
- Extract frames from the videos you downloaded. Again, this will take while.
python tools/anns/to_frames.py --motsynth-root $MOTSYNTH_ROOT
# You can now delete the videos
- Download and extract the annotations (in several formats):
wget -P $MOTSYNTH_ROOT https://motchallenge.net/data/MOTSynth_coco_annotations.zip
wget -P $MOTSYNTH_ROOT https://motchallenge.net/data/MOTSynth_mot_annotations.zip
wget -P $MOTSYNTH_ROOT https://motchallenge.net/data/MOTSynth_mots_annotations.zip
# Merged annotation files for ReID and detection trainings
wget -P $MOTSYNTH_ROOT https://vision.in.tum.de/webshare/u/brasoand/motsynth/comb_annotations.zip
unzip $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/MOTSynth_coco_annotations.zip -d $MOTSYNTH_ROOT
unzip $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/MOTSynth_mot_annotations.zip -d $MOTSYNTH_ROOT
unzip $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/MOTSynth_mots_annotations.zip -d $MOTSYNTH_ROOT
unzip $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/comb_annotations.zip -d $MOTSYNTH_ROOT
rm $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/MOTSynth_coco_annotations.zip
rm $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/MOTSynth_mot_annotations.zip
rm $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/MOTSynth_mots_annotations.zip
rm $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/comb_annotations.zip
Note: You can generate the mot, mots and combined annotation files yourself from the original coco format annotations with the scripts tools/anns/generate_mot_format_files.py
, tools/anns/generate_mots_format_files.py
, and tools/anns/combine_anns.py
, respectively.
After runnning these steps, your MOTSYNTH_ROOT
directory should look like this:
├── frames
│-- 000
│ │-- rgb
│ │ │-- 0000.jpg
│ │ │-- 0001.jpg
│ │ │-- ...
│-- ...
├── annotations
│-- 000.json
│-- 001.json
│-- ...
├── comb_annotations
│-- split_1.json
│-- split_2.json
│-- ...
├── mot_annotations
│-- 000
│ │-- gt
│ │ │-- gt.txt
│ │-- seqinfo.ini
│-- ...
├── mots_annotations
│-- 000
│ │-- gt
│ │ │-- gt.txt
│ │-- seqinfo.ini
│-- ...
We will use MOT17 for both tracking and MOTS experiments, since MOTS20 sequences are a subset of MOT17 sequences. To download it, follow these steps:
- Download and extract it under
. E.g.:
MOTCHA_ROOT=$(python -c "from configs.path_cfg import MOTCHA_ROOT; print(MOTCHA_ROOT);")
wget -P $MOTCHA_ROOT https://motchallenge.net/data/MOT17.zip
- Download and extract COCO-format MOT17 annotations (or alternatively, you can generate them with
). These are needed for evaluation in detection and reid trainings.
wget -P $MOTCHA_ROOT https://vision.in.tum.de/webshare/u/brasoand/motsynth/motcha_coco_annotations.zip
unzip $MOTCHA_ROOT/motcha_coco_annotations.zip -d $MOTCHA_ROOT
rm $MOTCHA_ROOT/motcha_coco_annotations.zip
After runnning these steps, your MOTCHA_ROOT
directory should look like this:
├── MOT17
| │-- train
| │ │-- MOT17-02-DPM
| │ │ │-- gt
| │ │ │ |-- gt.txt
| │ │ │-- det
| │ │ │ |-- det.txt
| │ │ |-- img1
| │ │ │ |-- 000001.jpg
| │ │ │ |-- 000002.jpg
| │ │ │ |-- ...
| │ │ │-- seqinfo.ini
| | |-- MOT17-02-FRCNN
| │ │ │-- ...
| | |-- ...
| │-- test
| │-- MOT17-01-DPM
| │-- ...
│-- MOT17-02.json
│-- ...
│-- MOT17-train.json
Note: This is only needed if you want to train you own ReID model.
To train and evaluate ReID models, we store the bounding-box cropped images of pedestrians in every 60th frame from both MOTSynth and MOT17, respectively. You can download these images here:
# For MOT17
MOTCHA_ROOT=$(python -c "from configs.path_cfg import MOTCHA_ROOT; print(MOTCHA_ROOT);")
wget -P $MOTCHA_ROOT https://vision.in.tum.de/webshare/u/brasoand/motsynth/motcha_reid_images.zip.zip
unzip $MOTCHA_ROOT/motcha_reid_images.zip -d $MOTCHA_ROOT
rm $MOTCHA_ROOT/motcha_reid_images.zip
# For MOTSynth
MOTSYNTH_ROOT=$(python -c "from configs.path_cfg import MOTSYNTH_ROOT; print(MOTSYNTH_ROOT);")
wget -P $MOTSYNTH_ROOT https://vision.in.tum.de/webshare/u/brasoand/motsynth/motsynth_reid_images.zip.zip
unzip $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/motsynth_reid_images.zip -d $MOTSYNTH_ROOT
rm $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/motsynth_reid_images.zip
Alternatively, you can directly generate these images locally by running:
# For MOT17
python tools/anns/store_reid_imgs.py --ann-path $MOTCHA_ROOT/motcha_coco_annotations/MOT17-train.json
# For MOTSynth
python tools/anns/store_reid_imgs.py --ann-path $MOTSYNTH_ROOT/comb_annotations/train_mini.json