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File metadata and controls

162 lines (115 loc) · 5.68 KB


  1. Get Postgres
# Ubuntu/Debian
$ sudo apt install postgresql
$ sudo systemctl start [email protected]

# Arch
$ sudo pacman -Syu postgresql
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/postgres/data
$ sudo chown postgres:postgres -R /var/lib/postgres/data
$ sudo -u postgres initdb /var/lib/postgres/data
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
  1. Get comfortable
git clone
cd boring-software/code
stack setup
stack build
  1. Set up the cluster roles and permissions
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create role "test" with login password 'test';
postgres=# create database "test";
postgres=# grant all privileges on database "test" to "test";
postgres=# \q
$ psql -U test test
test=> create table foo (id bigserial primary key);
test=> drop table foo;

First steps

  1. Find the docs for ConnectInfo. Try to make a value of this type.

  2. Try to connect to Postgres from Haskell using you rown ConnectInfo. Use the credentials from the DB setup.

  3. Find out what functions from postgresql-simple allow you to operate on a Connection. Read the sigs for query and execute.

  4. Find out how to get a Query type.

  5. Find out what function has type Bytestring -> Query

  6. Write a function executeSqlFile :: Connection -> FilePath -> IO ()

  7. Think of how we'd want to represent the structure of the schemactl tables in Haskell types things in the Database. Find them in db/000_bootstrap.sql.up.

  8. Create Haskell types for these.

  9. See if you can get FromRow and ToRow instances for your custom types.

  10. Write a function markActiveRevision :: Pg.Connection -> ? -> IO () which marks a revision as active in the DB. You might need to create a type for this.

  11. Write a function getActiveRevision :: Pg.Connection -> IO ? which marks a revision as active in the DB. You might need to re-use your type from the previous section.

Minimally useful!

  1. Write an implementation for getMigrationsToRun to yield the migrations to run based on the current Rev from the database. What cases can't this function handle at this point?

  2. Does the type for getMigrationsToRun function make sense? If not, what could it be instead?

  3. Does the type for Migration still make sense? If not, what could it be instead?

  4. If you want, change the types and fix the compile errors. You can also wait with this if you're unsure what/if there is a problem with these types.

  5. Think of a CLI. Implement it. Keep the implementation simple. Try to see if you can use System.Environment.getArgs and a hand written parser.

    What is the difference between the types parseArgs :: IO (Maybe EventType) and parseArgs :: [String] -> Maybe EventType? How do they differ in their use?

  6. File parsing time! See if you can read (a simple version of) that index file! Take a look at Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 for parsing things.

    It's fine if your initial parser breaks on whitespace or comments.

  7. Get your program to run the migrations from the schemactl-index file.

Other essentials

  1. What information do you need if you want to support Downgrades? Change the program to support it. Hint: you probably need to change the types of Migration, markActiveRevision, and possibly your parser.

  2. Add support for reading the connection settings from a config file. Can you use JSON for this? Hint: a small solution can include Data.Aeson, GHC.Generics, and DeriveGeneric.

  3. Add support for specifying the amount of migrations to run on during an upgrade or downgrade. Make people pass it on the CLI.

Productionize, enhance

  1. Add support for whitespace and/or comments in your index file parser.

  2. Add more validation logic to the getMigrationsToRun function (for interesting mistakes humans could make). Add a --strict mode to toggle these validations.

    Some ideas: duplicate migrations, warn/error on changes to migration files after they have been applied the fact. Warn/error when users change the order of migrations in the file based on the schemactl_events table.

  3. Your CLI code is probably getting a bit convoluted at this point, especially if you want to handle common idioms wherer the order does not matter. See if you can change your hand-written parser to one based on optparse-applicative.

  4. Are you happy with your error handling code? ('Yes' is fine; trust your instinct). If not, research alternatives and try them out until you're happy.

  5. What other things aren't you happy with? See if you can find solutions to the things that bother you.

Competitive solution

  1. Add support for making connections to multiple databases. Add these to your config file. Allow the user to specify which database to run migrations against in the config file.

  2. Read passwords/secrets from another source like environment variables or maybe some encrypted file? (Hint for the latter: See if you can use fernet)

  3. Add support for making connections over SSH tunnels. Research your own libs and write an implementation. Add this as an option in the config file.

  4. Since we now have SSH tunnels: add support for locking before running migrations. Add a break-lock command to your CLI.