Karen Simonyan & Andrew Zisserman, ICLR 2015
This paper investigates the effect of increasing depth of a convolutional network on the ImageNet Challenge-
The key idea behind this paper is that a deeper convolutional network having smaller filters has nearly the same number of weights as that of a shallow network with larger filters and receptive fields, while helping the network fit better to the training data. This can be illustrated better by considering an example of a stack of three
The architecture of the VGG16 network (with
- It was conjectured that greater depth and smaller convolutional filters led to an inherent regularization being applied on the network. This, coupled with pre-initialization of certain layers allowed the network to converge in less number of epochs.
- This network performed exceptionally well in the localisation task of the ImageNet challenge.
- It was observed that this network was slow to train and deploy due to its depth and number of fully connected node.
- The weights involved in this network are by themselves quite large.