If you want to contribute to the project just follow this steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Run the tests. Only pull request with passing test will be considered, so its better to start with a clean slate. The project at
contains a GHUnit target with all the tests. - Include a test for your changes if you are adding some new functionality or fixing a bug. Your test should fail without your code, and pass with it. Refactorings and documentation does not require new tests.
- Make all the tests pass.
- Make sure you have updated the documentation, the surrounding code comments, examples elsewhere, and whatever might be affected by your contribution.
- Push to your fork and submit a pull request.
- Two spaces, no tabs. The project is configured for that. Xcode should honor the settings.
- No trailing whitespace. Blank lines should not have any space.
- No spaces inside parenthesis. No space after function names. A space after
. Spaces around operators. - Braces in a line of its own, at the same indentation than the surrounding block.
- Generally, just follow the rest of the code you see around.