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barrydorman edited this page Jun 22, 2012 · 9 revisions

What's New?

6/21/2012 - Support for jQuery core was added by André. He wrote an API parser that converts to C# source code that produces a compatible Blade reference too! So, we should be able to keep things in sync as jQuery changes. I'll work on providing an updated installer package that includes these changes soon.

6/20/2012 - Started building a unit testing framework. The goal is to provide a testing experience through the built in test tools of VS2010. That is, using mstest to invoke methods that have a special [TestMethod] attribute. Initially I thought this could exist as a custom unit test extension. Unfortunately there are limitations that prevent this. So, I've ended up with something more complex that involves Roslyn, CodeDom, T4, and WCF - all sorts of fun stuff!

6/14/2012 - Added initial support for the knockout 2.1 release library. This comes in the form of a reference library available in the Add References dialog now. The usage syntax is very similar to standard knockout code. One thing to note is the observable types are defined using some specific classes - Observable<T>, DependentObservable<T>, and ObservableArray<T>. I also added a knockout sample based off the hello world example of knockout's website.

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