Releases: doktor83/SRBMiner-Multi
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.3.2
a6afe592f7bce694655fe7efc67a5b37 *
d2ddee2411a217a5433391a9707c5734 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-2-Linux.tar.xz
Performance improvement on algorithm 'dynex' [Dynexcoin]
Added parameter '--gpu-dynex-r' (performance tuning for algorithm 'dynex' - min 1, max 16)
Removed auto tuner for algorithm 'dynex' [it was causing data reporting issues]
Minor bug fixes
- Higher value for '--gpu-dynex-r' parameter can lead to increased number of stale shares (rejected shares)!
- Try playing with the combination of '--gpu-intensity' and '--gpu-dynex-r' parameter to find optimal settings
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.3.1 to v2.3.2:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-2-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-2 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.3.1 && miner start
RaveOS update script from v2.3.1 to v2.3.2:
stop && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-2-Linux.tar.xz && cp -adpR SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-2/SRBMiner-MULTI /app-data/miners/srbminer-nvidia-2.3.1 && start
stop && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-2-Linux.tar.xz && cp -adpR SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-2/SRBMiner-MULTI /app-data/miners/srbminer-2.3.1 && start
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.3.1
80b84099716d2cad823f03726821a997 *
34afdcb85aa460271c6005b13fa778bc *SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-1-Linux.tar.xz
Updated algorithm 'dynex' to support dynexsolve 2.3.0 (new job types, FP64, etc.)
Removed support for INTEL GPU's on algorithm 'dynex'
Removed support for NVIDIA GPU's on algorithm 'dynex' [temporary]
Fixed dual ERG/ETC/ETH + SHA256DT kernels on some GPU's broken since V2.2.6
Minor bug fixes
- Intel Arc support is removed due to lack of FP64 support (has only emulated FP64)
- Nvidia support is temporarily removed due to lack of time - couldn't make it until July 27th. (Switch to dynexsolve 2.3.0)
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.3.0 to v2.3.1:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-1-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-1 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.3.0 && miner start
RaveOS update script from v2.3.0 to v2.3.1:
stop && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-1-Linux.tar.xz && cp -adpR SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-1/SRBMiner-MULTI /app-data/miners/srbminer-nvidia-2.3.0 && start
stop && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-1-Linux.tar.xz && cp -adpR SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-1/SRBMiner-MULTI /app-data/miners/srbminer-2.3.0 && start
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.3.0
d50735d5050325a374ab0bb9b5d9b3cd *
ce5639883d613b78330320b6e5e8d257 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-0-Linux.tar.xz
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's*
Added algorithm 'memehash_apepepow' (APEPEPOW coin) for CPU mining, fee 2%*
Added shares (accepted/rejected) statistics for CPU mining
Reduced miner binary size
Minor bug fixes
- The performance improvement on 'dynex' is temporary until support for new job types is added
- Auto tune will choose a safe intensity value, you should try to increase '--gpu-intensity' manually
- Dual mining algo hashrates also changed - you might need to manually set '--gpu-intensity' parameter for the second algorithm (probably set it lower than the auto selected value)
- GPU implementation will come later - if coin dev decides to take action, right now it would be useless due to the 4 byte nonce size
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.2.9 to v2.3.0:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-0-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-0 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.2.9 && miner start
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.2.9
b9e2e4d57f71327e2389d23531c6000c *
a85142de6e45a05ac4bb89762be12dc1 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-9-Linux.tar.xz
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'memehash' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
Added VerusCoin PBAAS support
Minor bug fixes
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.2.8 to v2.2.9:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-9-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-9 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.2.8 && miner start
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.2.8
841d59a4ee4cccb08ed3add8c92699ca *
54b2c1e9374b90267ad095948edfd15f *SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-8-Linux.tar.xz
Added algorithm 'memehash' (PEPEPOW coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 2% [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL]
Minor improvement for algorithm 'dynex' in dual mining mode
Fixed hashrate regression on 'sha512_256d_radiant' algorithm for RX6600 GPU's [single mode]
Fixed algorithm 'lyra2v2_webchain' on NVIDIA GPU's broken in previous versions
Fixed algorithm 'autolykos2' in dual mining with 'sha512_256d_radiant' for some GPU's broken in previous version
Added sum of accepted/rejected/hw error shares to stats
Added parameter '--disable-gpu-dual-kernels' [disables usage of optimised dual kernels]
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.2.7 to v2.2.8:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-8-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-8 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.2.7 && miner start
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.2.7
87d0b75a8bafc8fbe054b53d646d992e *
8d4a6bc1ebb7d96dd6b3fce79e00626c *SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-7-Linux.tar.xz
Significantly improved mining performance of dual kernels for algorithm 'dynex' [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL]
Added kernels for DUAL mining : DYNEX/BLAKE3_ALEPHIUM, DYNEX/SHA256DT
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for some GPU's
Fixed algorithm 'sha256dt' broken in previous versions
Fixed algorithm 'dynamo' broken in previous versions
Fixed algorithm 'autolykos2' in dual mining for Nvidia Turing GPU's broken in previous version
Fixed low hashrate issue (again) when connecting to some ALEPHIUM pool/s [,, woolypooly for ex.]
Minor bug fixes
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.2.6 to v2.2.7:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-7-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-7 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.2.6 && miner start
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.2.6
1e3213afde273238c60b29a268535ca4 *
43aa4773f964a5e6ae66d594f406e761 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-6-Linux.tar.xz
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'blake3_alephium' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL [Alephium]
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'sha256dt' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL [Novo]
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for some AMD/NVIDIA GPU's [Dynexcoin]
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'sha512_256d_radiant' for NVIDIA (Pascal, Turing) and AMD gfx1100 [Radiant]
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'sha3d' for NVIDIA GPUS [Kylacoin]
Improved mining performance on many dual algorithms for AMD gfx1100
Added kernels for DUAL mining : DYNEX/BLAKE3_IRONFISH, DYNEX/KASPA
Added support for AMD gfx1100 on algorithm 'sha3d'
Better auto tune for algorithm 'dynex'
Fixed low diff shares issue when connecting to some RXD,NOVO and KYLACOIN pool/s [ for ex.]
Fixed low hashrate issue when connecting to some ALEPHIUM pool/s [,, woolypooly for ex.]
Fixed some bugs when using --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3
Removed keyboard shortcut 'h'. Hashrate stats will be displayed periodically.
Minor bug fixes
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.2.5 to v2.2.6:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-6-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-6 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.2.5 && miner start
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.2.5
6124b283ebc174df1436206822d8d799 *
a106eda1ce99994813c65997b9172de4 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-5-Linux.tar.xz
Significantly improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'blake3_ironfish' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL in single and dual modes
Added support for algorithm 'sha3d' on NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
Ironfish is now compatible with pools using stratum v2
Added optimised kernel for DUAL mining : DYNEX/SHA512_256D_RADIANT
Added auto tune for algorithm 'dynex' that will try to find an optimal gpu intensity value
Removed CPU POW [algorithm 'dynex']
Algorithm 'xdag' is now compatible with xdagj 0.6.1
Fixed broken RXD/ALEPH mining on RDNA gpus [linux]
If using '--gpu-reset-oc' parameter, it will get applied also on miner shutdown
Bug fixes
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.2.4 to v2.2.5:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-5-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-5 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.2.4 && miner start
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.2.4
daf0a8f68ddc1fd7c939d300986b3919 *
33fa7dad30facdd82b2d87e23a0b5fd1 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-4-Linux.tar.xz
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL
More chips can now fit in VRAM on algorithm 'dynex'
Lowered devfee for algorithm 'dynex' to 2.5%
Small hashrate improvements on algorithm 'blake3_alephium' & lower power consumption
Small hashrate improvements on algorithm 'blake3_ironfish' & lower power consumption
Fixed --gpu-coffset and --gpu-moffset parameters on Windows
Minor bug fixes
Note: Dynex intensity should be much lower than on previous version!
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.2.3 to v2.2.4:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-4-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-4 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.2.3 && miner start
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.2.3
35a9bb93e5bb70f4d409159d6d1b99a4 *
ff3e3e0838f37534e54a8cd163ddc809 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-3-Linux.tar.xz
Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for AMD/NVIDIA
Added fan control for NVIDIA GPU'S : --gpu-fan0, --gpu-fan1, --zil-fan parameters
Added support for gfx900 on ROCM drivers for algorithm 'dynex'
Minor bug fixes
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
HiveOS update script from v2.2.2 to v2.2.3:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-3-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-2-3 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.2.2 && miner start