Backbone for creating a domain that complains with the guidelines of Schibsted Spain
sui-domain provides:
- Avoid repeating boilerplate code by extracting some on this library.
- Enforce all to follow same rules while creating a new domain.
- A HttpFetcher to make http requests
- Set of domain objects to extend
- A utility to create an entry point
$ npm install @s-ui/domain --save
import { EntryPointFactory } from '@s-ui/domain'
// useCases is an object with a key with the name of the use case
// and the value is the factory of the useCase
const useCases = {
'current_user': UserFactory.currentUserUseCase
'products_search': SearchFactory.productsSearchUseCase
'real_estate_detail': DetailFactory.realEstateDetailUseCase
// config could be a simple object or a more complicated
// creation like a class Config with methods to get and set
const config = {
// that returns you an instantiable EntryPoint class
const EntryPoint = EntryPointFactory({ config, useCases })
const domain = new EntryPoint()
// if you don't want to share the config between instances
// you could pass the config directly to the constructor
// useful if you're mutating the config for storing values
const EntryPoint = EntryPointFactory({ useCases })
const domain = new EntryPoint({ config })
import { FetcherFactory } from '@s-ui/domain'
import UserEntitiesFactory from '../../user/Entities/factory'
import UserValueObjectsFactory from '../../user/ValueObjects/factory'
import HTTPUserRepository from './HTTPUserRepository'
export default class UserRepositoriesFactory {
static hTTPUserRepository = ({config}) =>
new HTTPUserRepository({
fetcher: FetcherFactory.httpFetcher(),
userEntityFactory: UserEntitiesFactory.userEntity,
emptyUserValueObjectFactory: UserValueObjectsFactory.emptyUserValueObject
import { UseCase } from '@s-ui/domain'
export default class CurrentUserUseCase extends UseCase {
constructor ({service} = {}) {
this._service = service
async execute () {
const userEntity = await this._service.execute()
return userEntity.toJSON()
import { Service } from '@s-ui/domain'
export default class CurrentUserService extends Service {
constructor ({repository} = {}) {
this._repository = repository
async execute () {
const userEntity = this._repository.current()
return userEntity
includes a way to subscribe to every useCase execution without the need of using any kind of decorator or external dependency.
This is useful if you have side effects in a different place from where you're executing the useCase of the domain.
.subscribe(({params, error, result}) => {
// doSomething when the useCase generate_search_url_search_use_case is called in other place