- Fluid layout
- media queries
- responsive images
- correct units
- desktop-first vs mobile-first
- clean
- easy to understand
- growth
- reusable
- how to organize files, name classes, and structure HTML
- less HTTP requests
- Less code
- compress code
- use a css preprocessor
- less images
- compress images
- Load HTML --> Parse HTML --> DOM
- (from Parse HTML) Load CSS --> Parse CSS --> CSSOM
- (from DOM and CSSOM) Render tree --> website render
- Resolving combined CSS that is conflicted
- Sources: Author (coder), User, Browser
- Importance: User
, Author!important
, Author declaration, User declaration, Default browser - Specificity (per css blocks that effect the same element in DOM): inline, ID, class, elements (0,0,0,0) Highest number wins left to right
- When using 3rd party stylesheets, include your import last to ensure your changes take effect
- Use for scalability with mobile and standard (no need for media queries)
- Divide default html font-size (if px) by 10 to get rem
- So if we set
font-size: 10px;
in html tag then 10px = 1rem font-size: 62.5%
in html tag then 62.5% = 10px (.625/16 = 10px)
- Block: Standalone component
- Element: part of block
- Modifier: different version of block or element (e.g. --round)
- Compiles css
- Variables, nesting, operators, partials and imports, mixins, functions, extends, control directives
- Sass different than SCSS (preserves original css syntax)
- Examples:
$color-primary: #444
- When nesting, use & to get parent full path. E.g. A nested
inside anli
. Using:first-child
alone inside of anli
===li :first-child
- mixin: specific content you would include in multiple locations, can pass in variables (
@mixin style-text($color)
... `@include style-text($dark-color)) @function divide($a,$b) { return $a / $b; }
...margin: divide(60,2) * 1px;
- @extend %placeholder
- Extend takes selectors and combines them (same inner code), mixin adds code to selectors
- Float, flexbox, css grid
- creates html easily
- .className (then tab)
- htmlElementName.className (then tab)
- .className> ('>' continues as child of div)
- design for one first
- Can pass blocks of code into mixins
- Use em's for measurement; 1em = 16px
- ORDER: Base + typograph > general layout + grid > page layout > components
- set different layouts, names, and size first
- sizzy.co to test different devices
- adjust image resolution so phones download a 200KB image instead of the 1MB picture for web
- when to use responsive images:
- resolution switching
- density switching (pixel switching)
- art directino (different picture)
- Use @supports
- Test in all browsers, come features in chrome aren't supported in Safari or firefox
- Compile Sass
- Concate all css files (imports and self made)
- Prefixing for older versions
- Compress to one file
- inherit on property to force inherit
- :not sudo-class (
= select everything except last child) - Selectors:
- grab everything that starts with (^), contains (*), or ends with ($)
- '>' direct children
- '*' all children
- '+' adjacent sybling
- '~' general sybling
- Perspective: Really cool, makes it pop off the page more or less
- coverr.co - free background videos for websites
- easings.net for bezier curves
- Use pixels when base is rem if you never want that to be adjusted if the base is as well
- Use table and table cell for creating boxes side by side with same height and for vertically centering
- Use column in css for separting text into columns
- original scripts in package.json file:
- "compile:sass": "node-sass sass/main.scss css/style.css -w",
- "watch:sass": "nodemon -e scss -x "npm run compile:sass""
- Adjust popup when decreased device size
- Test Density and Resolution Switching on all other images