The data set have been taken from movieLens and the movie information was extracted from IMDB.
cd into any of the heroku directories
cd heroku
pip install all the requirements using
pip install requirements.txt
Run the flask app
- - Used tp scrape the IMDB data
- heroku - Contains the web app for movie recommendation using the Matrix Factorization Method -> (
- heroku2 - Contains the web app for movie recommendation using the User based collaborative filtering ->(
- heroku3 - Contains the web app for movie recommendation using the Item based collaborative filtering-> (
This has been deployed but is not working due to some server load issue but will work in localhost The ratings in the app should be an integer ranging from 0-5
The deployment of these apps has been done through Heroku
The database was stored using Mlab
The small version of this dataset have been used which contains 100,000 ratings and 3,600 tag applications applied to 9,000 movies by 600 users.
Only ~800 movies were used from this dataset due to server issues.
We have used 3 files from this dataset
- ratings.csv - Each line of this file after the header row represents one rating of one movie by one user
- movies.csv - Each line of this file after the header row represents one movie
- links.csv - Each line of this file after the header row represents one movie