Soldering station (Ersa i-CON PICO, Manual)
Banana Cables for Laboratory Power Supply (generic)
Laboratory Power Supply (Basetech BT-305, Manual)
Multimeter (VOLTCRAFT VC175, Manual)
Variable Power Supply (Voltcraft SNG-1000-OC-N, Manual)
Wire Stripper (Jokari SUPER 4 20040)
Third Hand (Generic)
Desoldering Pump (Engineer SS-02, Manual)
Flush Cutters (Knipex Super-Knips 78 03 125, Careful with Thick Wires, may damage the Cutter! Manual)
Tweezers (Vertus)
Screwdriver (WIHA 260-30)
Multi crimping Tool (Knipex 97 21 215 B, Manual)
Digital Calipers (Kunzer 7EMS01, Manual
Anti Static Soldering Mat ( located in the Consumables box )
Consumables Consumables