- portable hand trolly + 2 plastic boxes
- a variety of hand tools
- a soldering iron
- a small laboratory power supply
- a multimeter
- an arduino starter kit
- breadboards
- test leads
- basic electronic components
- consumables and other cool things.
- full content list
It can be borrowed for up to 1 month starting the 5th of March. Please consider using ONE workplace as a contact groups (e.g. if you already life together in a WG or share a studio space)
If you are interested in borrowing a PEW! write Ralf [email protected] or Timo [email protected].
- name
- telephone number
- loan period (from when to when do you need the PEW! unit?)
- tell us in 250 - 500 characters why and for what you will need the tools.
- PEW!’s are only for HfK related projects!
- the maximum rental-time is up to 1 month (let us know if you want to extend after the month. If there are more PEW!’s available we can make an exception.)
- take care of the tools! let us know if something is damaged so that we can replace it.
- please return the unit in the state you have received it (checklist will be available soon)
- consumables are consumables. (let us know if something is used up!)