diff --git a/packages/Overview.mdx b/packages/Overview.mdx
index 8ca21c3b60..6a2b93bcac 100644
--- a/packages/Overview.mdx
+++ b/packages/Overview.mdx
@@ -13,38 +13,38 @@ Noen av de nåværende komponentene i biblioteket er fra Altinn. Vi jobber nå m
V1 er klar når følgende komponenter er markert som "✅ Felles":
-| Komponent | Status | Design | Specification |
-| :-------------------------------------------------- | :--------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [Accordion](/docs/felles-accordion--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Accordion](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=13134%3A99489&t=q8n4mcOmllKbfppi-1) | [Github - Accordion](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/75) |
-| [Alert](/docs/felles-alert--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Alert](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=6801%3A29775&t=q8n4mcOmllKbfppi-1) | [Github - Alert](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/78) |
-| Autocomplete | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Autocomplete | [Github - Autocomplete](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/525) |
-| [Button](/docs/altinn-button--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Button](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=16157%3A48501&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Button](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/315) |
-| [Checkbox](/docs/felles-checkbox--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Checkbox](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=6632%3A21157&t=q8n4mcOmllKbfppi-1) | [Github - Checkbox](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/316) |
-| Card | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Card | [Github - Card](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/317) |
-| [Chip](/docs/felles-chip--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Chip](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=7882%3A46679&t=q8n4mcOmllKbfppi-1) | [Github - Chip](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/49) |
-| DropdownMenu | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - DropdownMenu | [Github - DropdownMenu](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/219) |
-| [Fieldset](/docs/felles-fieldset--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Fieldset](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=16120%3A49532&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Fieldset](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/318) |
-| Header | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Header | [Github - Header](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/216) |
-| [HelpText](/docs/altinn-helptext--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - HelpText](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=10351%3A59384&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - HelpText](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/29) |
-| [Link](/docs/felles-link--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Link](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=12585%3A103505&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Link](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/62) |
-| [List](/docs/altinn-list--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | Figma - List | [Github - List](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/80) |
-| Loader ([Spinner](/docs/altinn-spinner--docs)) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Loader](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=9104%3A49626&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Loader](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/81) |
-| Modal | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Modal | [Github - Modal](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/82) |
-| [Native Select](/docs/altinn-nativeselect--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Native Select](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=7538%3A45657&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Native Select](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/482) |
-| [Pagination](/docs/felles-pagination--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Pagination](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=16577%3A54916&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Pagination](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/83) |
-| [Popover](/docs/altinn-popover--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Popover](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=10702%3A68901&t=Rlfq5UyNZBL69dFr-1) | [Github - Popover](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/60) |
-| [Radio](/docs/felles-radio--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Radio](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=16241%3A53787&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Radio](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/86) |
-| [Select](/docs/altinn-select-flervalgsmeny--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Select](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=7538%3A45657&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Select](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/320) |
-| Search | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Search | [Github - Search](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/88) |
-| [Switch](/docs/felles-switch--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Switch](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=17755-6024&mode=design&t=ztPUyfbDSQjlpEzv-0) | [Github - Switch](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/89) |
-| [Table](/docs/altinn-table--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | Figma - Table | [Github - Table](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/90) |
-| [Tabs](/docs/felles-tabs--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Tabs](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=9551%3A54208&t=Rlfq5UyNZBL69dFr-1) | [Github - Tabs](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/91) |
-| [Tag](/docs/felles-tag--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Tag](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=10185%3A59053&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Tag](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/322) |
-| [Textarea](/docs/felles-textarea--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Text area](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=6632%3A21873&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Textarea](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/323) |
-| [Textfield](/docs/felles-textfield--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Text Field](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=6632%3A22228&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Textfield](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/92) |
-| [ToggleGroup](/docs/felles-togglegroup--docs) | ✅ Felles | Figma - Toggle Group | [Github - ToggleGroup](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/304) |
-| Tooltip | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Tooltip | [Github - Tooltip](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/93) |
-| [Typography](/docs/felles-typography--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Typography](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=9219%3A49405&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Typography](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/324) |
+| Komponent | Status | Design | Specification |
+| :------------------------------------------------ | :--------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [Accordion](/docs/felles-accordion--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Accordion](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=13134%3A99489&t=q8n4mcOmllKbfppi-1) | [Github - Accordion](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/75) |
+| [Alert](/docs/felles-alert--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Alert](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=6801%3A29775&t=q8n4mcOmllKbfppi-1) | [Github - Alert](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/78) |
+| Autocomplete | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Autocomplete | [Github - Autocomplete](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/525) |
+| [Button](/docs/altinn-button--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Button](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=16157%3A48501&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Button](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/315) |
+| [Checkbox](/docs/felles-checkbox--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Checkbox](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=6632%3A21157&t=q8n4mcOmllKbfppi-1) | [Github - Checkbox](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/316) |
+| Card | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Card | [Github - Card](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/317) |
+| [Chip](/docs/felles-chip--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Chip](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=7882%3A46679&t=q8n4mcOmllKbfppi-1) | [Github - Chip](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/49) |
+| DropdownMenu | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - DropdownMenu | [Github - DropdownMenu](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/219) |
+| [Fieldset](/docs/felles-fieldset--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Fieldset](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=16120%3A49532&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Fieldset](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/318) |
+| Header | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Header | [Github - Header](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/216) |
+| [HelpText](/docs/altinn-helptext--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - HelpText](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=10351%3A59384&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - HelpText](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/29) |
+| [Link](/docs/felles-link--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Link](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=12585%3A103505&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Link](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/62) |
+| [List](/docs/altinn-list--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | Figma - List | [Github - List](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/80) |
+| Loader ([Spinner](/docs/altinn-spinner--docs)) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Loader](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=9104%3A49626&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Loader](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/81) |
+| Modal | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Modal | [Github - Modal](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/82) |
+| [Native Select](/docs/altinn-nativeselect--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Native Select](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=7538%3A45657&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Native Select](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/482) |
+| [Pagination](/docs/felles-pagination--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Pagination](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=16577%3A54916&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Pagination](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/83) |
+| [Popover](/docs/altinn-popover--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Popover](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=10702%3A68901&t=Rlfq5UyNZBL69dFr-1) | [Github - Popover](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/60) |
+| [Radio](/docs/felles-radio--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Radio](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=16241%3A53787&mode=design&t=qezsXvNE3xBWJlKj-1) | [Github - Radio](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/86) |
+| [Select](/docs/altinn-select-flervalgsmeny--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | [Figma - Select](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=7538%3A45657&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Select](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/320) |
+| Search | 🚸 Ikke påbegynt | Figma - Search | [Github - Search](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/88) |
+| [Switch](/docs/felles-switch--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Switch](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=17755-6024&mode=design&t=ztPUyfbDSQjlpEzv-0) | [Github - Switch](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/89) |
+| [Table](/docs/altinn-table--docs) | 🔵 Altinn | Figma - Table | [Github - Table](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/90) |
+| [Tabs](/docs/felles-tabs--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Tabs](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?type=design&node-id=9551%3A54208&t=Rlfq5UyNZBL69dFr-1) | [Github - Tabs](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/91) |
+| [Tag](/docs/felles-tag--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Tag](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=10185%3A59053&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Tag](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/322) |
+| [Textarea](/docs/felles-textarea--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Text area](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=6632%3A21873&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Textarea](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/323) |
+| [Textfield](/docs/felles-textfield--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Text Field](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=6632%3A22228&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Textfield](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/92) |
+| [ToggleGroup](/docs/felles-togglegroup--docs) | ✅ Felles | Figma - Toggle Group | [Github - ToggleGroup](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/304) |
+| [Tooltip](/docs/felles-tooltip--docs) | ✅ Felles | Figma - Tooltip | [Github - Tooltip](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/93) |
+| [Typography](/docs/felles-typography--docs) | ✅ Felles | [Figma - Typography](https://www.figma.com/file/vpM9dqqQPHqU6ogfKp5tlr/Felles-komponenter?node-id=9219%3A49405&t=7Q2N4sUdQGhFZrPh-1) | [Github - Typography](https://github.com/digdir/designsystem/issues/324) |
## Planlagte komponenter i fremtiden
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.mdx b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94b3d1353f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { Meta, Canvas, Story, Controls, Primary } from '@storybook/blocks';
+import * as TooltipStories from './Tooltip.stories.tsx';
+# Tooltip
+## Plassering
+## Åpen som standard
+## Avansert bruk
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.module.css b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.module.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..459985008e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.module.css
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.wrapper {
+ background: var(--fds-semantic-border-neutral-strong);
+ padding: var(--fds-spacing-1) var(--fds-spacing-2);
+ color: white;
+ border-radius: var(--fds-border_radius-medium);
+ font: var(--fds-typography-paragraph-xsmall);
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.stories.tsx b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4ccd9ac70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import type { Meta, StoryObj, StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
+import React from 'react';
+import { Paragraph, Button } from '../..';
+import { Tooltip } from '.';
+type Story = StoryObj;
+const defaultChildren = ;
+const decorators = [
+ (Story: StoryFn) => (
+ ),
+export default {
+ title: 'Felles/Tooltip',
+ component: Tooltip,
+ decorators,
+} as Meta;
+export const Preview: Story = {
+ args: {
+ content: 'Tooltip text',
+ children: defaultChildren,
+ },
+export const Placement: Story = {
+ args: {
+ content: 'Tooltip text',
+ placement: 'bottom',
+ children: defaultChildren,
+ },
+export const DefaultOpen: Story = {
+ args: {
+ content: 'Tooltip text',
+ defaultOpen: true,
+ children: defaultChildren,
+ },
+export const Complex: StoryFn = () => {
+ return (
+ Du kan ha{' '}
+ tooltip
+ {' '}
+ inne i tekst også
+ );
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.test.tsx b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..788b0a8079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
+import { act, render as renderRtl, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
+import type { TooltipProps } from './Tooltip';
+import { Tooltip } from './Tooltip';
+const render = async (props: Partial = {}) => {
+ const allProps: TooltipProps = {
+ children: ,
+ content: 'Tooltip text',
+ ...props,
+ };
+ /* Flush microtasks */
+ await act(async () => {});
+ const user = userEvent.setup();
+ return {
+ user,
+ ...renderRtl(),
+ };
+describe('Tooltip', () => {
+ describe('should render children', () => {
+ it('should render child', async () => {
+ await render();
+ const tooltipTrigger = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'My button' });
+ expect(tooltipTrigger).toBeInTheDocument();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('should render tooltip', () => {
+ it('should render tooltip on hover', async () => {
+ const { user } = await render();
+ const tooltipTrigger = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'My button' });
+ expect(screen.queryByRole('tooltip')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ await act(async () => await user.hover(tooltipTrigger));
+ const tooltip = await screen.findByText('Tooltip text');
+ expect(tooltip).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.queryByRole('tooltip')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ });
+ it('should render tooltip on focus', async () => {
+ await render();
+ const tooltipTrigger = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'My button' });
+ expect(screen.queryByText('Tooltip text')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ act(() => tooltipTrigger.focus());
+ const tooltip = await screen.findByText('Tooltip text');
+ expect(tooltip).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.queryByRole('tooltip')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ });
+ it('should close tooltip on escape', async () => {
+ const { user } = await render();
+ const tooltipTrigger = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'My button' });
+ expect(screen.queryByText('Tooltip text')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ await act(async () => {
+ await user.hover(tooltipTrigger);
+ });
+ const tooltip = await screen.findByText('Tooltip text');
+ expect(tooltip).toBeInTheDocument();
+ await act(async () => {
+ await user.keyboard('[Escape]');
+ });
+ expect(screen.queryByText('Tooltip text')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should render open when we pass open prop', async () => {
+ await render({ open: true });
+ const tooltipTrigger = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'My button' });
+ expect(screen.getByRole('tooltip')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(tooltipTrigger).toHaveAttribute('aria-describedby');
+ });
+ it('delay', async () => {
+ const user = userEvent.setup();
+ await render({ delay: 300 });
+ await act(async () => {
+ await user.hover(screen.getByRole('button'));
+ await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 250));
+ expect(screen.queryByRole('tooltip')).toBeNull();
+ await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 600));
+ });
+ expect(screen.getByRole('tooltip')).toBeVisible();
+ });
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.tsx b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c765dbc097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/Tooltip.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+import type { HTMLAttributes } from 'react';
+import React, { cloneElement, forwardRef, useState } from 'react';
+import cn from 'classnames';
+import {
+ useFloating,
+ autoUpdate,
+ offset,
+ flip,
+ shift,
+ arrow,
+ useHover,
+ useFocus,
+ useDismiss,
+ useRole,
+ useInteractions,
+ useTransitionStyles,
+ useMergeRefs,
+ FloatingArrow,
+ FloatingPortal,
+} from '@floating-ui/react';
+import styles from './Tooltip.module.css';
+const ARROW_HEIGHT = 7;
+const ARROW_GAP = 4;
+export type TooltipProps = {
+ /**
+ * The element that triggers the tooltip.
+ * @note Needs to be a single ReactElement and not: | <>>
+ */
+ children: React.ReactElement & React.RefAttributes;
+ /** Content of the tooltip */
+ content: string;
+ /**
+ * Placement of the tooltip on the trigger.
+ * @default 'top'
+ */
+ placement?: 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';
+ /** Delay in milliseconds before opening.
+ * @default 150
+ */
+ delay?: number;
+ /** Whether the tooltip is open or not.
+ * This overrides the internal state of the tooltip.
+ */
+ open?: boolean;
+ /** Whether the tooltip is open by default or not. */
+ defaultOpen?: boolean;
+} & HTMLAttributes;
+export const Tooltip = forwardRef(
+ (
+ {
+ children,
+ content,
+ placement = 'top',
+ delay = 150,
+ open: userOpen,
+ defaultOpen = false,
+ className,
+ ...restHTMLProps
+ },
+ ref,
+ ) => {
+ const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(defaultOpen);
+ const arrowRef = React.useRef(null);
+ const internalOpen = userOpen ?? isOpen;
+ const { refs, floatingStyles, context } = useFloating({
+ open: internalOpen,
+ onOpenChange: setIsOpen,
+ placement,
+ whileElementsMounted: autoUpdate,
+ middleware: [
+ flip({
+ fallbackAxisSideDirection: 'start',
+ }),
+ shift(),
+ arrow({
+ element: arrowRef,
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ const { styles: animationStyles } = useTransitionStyles(context, {
+ initial: {
+ opacity: 0,
+ },
+ });
+ const { getReferenceProps, getFloatingProps } = useInteractions([
+ // Event listeners to change the open state
+ useHover(context, { move: false, delay }),
+ useFocus(context),
+ useDismiss(context),
+ useRole(context, { role: 'tooltip' }),
+ ]);
+ const mergedRef = useMergeRefs([ref, refs.setFloating]);
+ const childMergedRef = useMergeRefs([
+ (children as React.ReactElement & React.RefAttributes)
+ .ref as React.MutableRefObject,
+ refs.setReference,
+ ]);
+ if (
+ !children ||
+ children?.type === React.Fragment ||
+ (children as unknown) === React.Fragment
+ ) {
+ console.error(
+ ' children needs to be a single ReactElement and not: | <>>',
+ );
+ return null;
+ }
+ return (
+ <>
+ {cloneElement(
+ children,
+ getReferenceProps({
+ ref: childMergedRef,
+ }),
+ )}
+ {internalOpen && (
+ <>
+ {content}
+ >
+ )}
+ >
+ );
+ },
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/index.ts b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c44c04bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Tooltip/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export type { TooltipProps } from './Tooltip';
+export { Tooltip } from './Tooltip';
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/index.ts b/packages/react/src/components/index.ts
index 3e8ae3678e..fd321a30cf 100644
--- a/packages/react/src/components/index.ts
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/index.ts
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ export * from './Alert';
export * from './Tag';
export * from './Chip';
export * from './Pagination';
+export * from './Tooltip';
export * from './form/Checkbox';
export * from './form/Radio';
export * from './form/Fieldset';