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22 lines (16 loc) · 1.21 KB

File metadata and controls

22 lines (16 loc) · 1.21 KB


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

Pull Request Process

  1. Squash all your commits before opening the PR.
  2. Ensure you're pull-request contains a unique commit referencing the issue that solves in the commit message. Example: Implement new features #7.
  3. You may merge the Pull Request in once you have the sign-off of two other developers, or if you do not have permission to do that, you may request the second reviewer to merge it for you.


  1. The versioning scheme we use is SemVer.
  2. Increase the version number in the mdutils/doc/source/ file.
  3. Increase the version number in the mdutils/ file.
  4. Increase the version number in the mdutils/pyproject.toml file.
  5. Increate the version number in the .github_changelog_generator file.
  6. Run github_changelog_generator -u didix21 -p mdutils.
  7. Run python sdist --formats=gztar,zip.
  8. Upload package to pypi: twine upload dist/*.