A <DefaultRoute>
is active when the parent route's path matches exactly.
Note, this is not a <NotFoundRoute>
. It is only active when the parent's
route path is matched exactly.
See <Route props>
<Route path="/" handler={App}>
When the url is `/`, this route will be active. In other
words, `Home` will be the `<RouteHandler/>` in `App`.
<DefaultRoute handler={Home}/>
<Route name="about" handler={About}/>
<Route name="users" handler={Users}>
<Route name="user" handler={User} path="/user/:id"/>
<!-- when the url is `/users`, this will be active -->
<DefaultRoute name="users-index" handler={UsersIndex}/>
This is all really just a shortcut for the less intuitive version of the same functionality:
<!-- don't do this -->
<!-- this route has a path but it'll never match directly because ... -->
<Route path="/users" handler={Users}>
<!-- this child has the same path, and the child matches first -->
<Route name="users-index" path="/users" handler={UsersIndex}/>
<Route name="user" handler={User} path="/user/:id"/>