- (front) Fixes viewport meta on subroutes
- (front) Adds scroll-behavior to body
- (front) Adds page transitions
- (testing) Adds dg commands for visual regression tests
- (front) Adds tailwind breakpoint and applies smaller padding
- (front) Fixes PageTransition container flex layout
- (front) Adds width fix to PageTransition and posts/privacy
- (front) Reduces sentry tracing/replay to 0 in < production
- (front) Fixes links section display
- (front) Fixes bad ariaHidden prop name
- (front) Removes unnecessary ThemeToggle classList toggles
- (testing) Renames lt_sm scenario to xs
- (testing) Adds backstop reference script and reference images
- (testing) Initializes backstop project
- (testing) Adds backstopjs to project
- (testing) Adds backstop reports and test images to .gitignore
- (project) Adds release automation on bump and push
- (docker) Adds patch-package step and improves caching
- (strapi) Upgrades strapi to v4.11.3
- (strapi) Adds plausible analytics dashboard to strapi
- (utils) Adds back/front package version bumps to bump script
- (front) Adjusts padding for
s andh*
- (project) Updates package.json file versions and names
- (strapi) Upgrades patches for strapi 4.11.3
- (strapi) Uninstalls postinstall-postinstall
- (utils) Renames cdcms to cdback
- (front) Fixes a silly leftover test
- (front) Adjusts logic for external link detection
- (terraform) Applies unique names to security and management resources
- (front) Adds ScrollTop component, functionality, and styles
- (front) Adds trailingSlash to svelte config
- (strapi) Adds custom analytics dashboard, middleware, and patch for strapi
- (strapi) Adds custom webhook body and patch for strapi
- (utils) Adds webhook token to envVar config for local dev
- (front) Adjusts error logging for api failures
- (front) Adds trailingSlash option to render index.html files instead of [routeName].html
- (front) Removes characters from api endpoint
- (front) Adds some defensive content and logs errors for failures
- (front) Adjusts scrollbar-gutter and header padding
- (front) Sets max-width on layout
- (strapi) Renames github dispatch token var
- (front) Adds italic to h6 and sets text-base for h5/6
- (front) Adds scrollbar behavior and style enhancements
- (front) Adds more mobile-first style enhancements
- (front) Adjustments to font-size, margin, and padding
- (front) Adjusts Code component scrollbar
- (front) Refactor file structure and import paths
- (front) Refactors ThemeToggle component
- (front) Adds global mobile styles
- (front) Adds mobile styles for and refactors Code component
- (front) Adds mobile styles for posts/privacy
- (front) Adds mobile styles for and refactors Image component
- (front) Updates flourish component styles
- (front) Moves body classes and adds mobile text size
- (front) Uses privacy updatedAt time for effective date
- (front) Moves and adjusts styles for code in posts
- (front) Adds syntax highlighter styles and loads based on theme
- (front) Adds Code component as a markdown renderer
- (front) Adds event listener to system color and toggles theme
- (front) Installs svelte-highlight
- (front) Refactors tailwind classes with @apply in css
- (front) Adds Flourish component and sets z-index for media elements
- (front) Deletes user.ip from Sentry log events
- (front) Adds privacy route, new (and updated) styles
- (strapi) Updates strapi to v4.11.2
- (strapi) Installs and configures sentry for strapi
- (strapi) Adds privacy singleton and api
- (utils) Adds supporting sentry env vars to backend
- (front) Removes unused ThemeToggle vars in Header
- (front) Fixes @apply class error when importing css directly
- (front) Removes crypto and uuid from client logging
- (front) Fixes Link component for anchor, mailto, and tel variants
- (front) Fixes closing Sentry.init() bracket
- (front) Refactor beforeSend scrub conditionals
- (front) Uses theme colors for pre tag on privacy page
- (front) Refactors for and uses noscript styles
- (front) Installs, uses, and refactors for unplugin-icons and inanimate svgs
- (front) Adds error message to layout server
- (project) Updates privacy policy
- (project) Updates privacy policy
- (project) Updates privacy policy
- (project) Adds PRIVACY.md
- (back) Reinstalls @strapi/plugin-seo after flexbox PR merged
- (front) Removes unused crypto import
- (front) Removes server_name from sentry events
- (front) Adds exception for intentional link to 404 page
- (front) Bumps sentry to latest version
- (utils) Adds expose host to svelte-kit preview
- (utils) Adds PUBLIC_API_PATH_PRIVACY env var to setup script
- (front) Updates dispatch workflow to use workflow id/endpoint
- (front) Adds privacy api endpoint to workflow
- (project) Double quotes github var in payload
- (project) Move testing steps out of github workflow file
- (project) Adds and updates test configuration for workflow_dispatch
- (project) Removes echo
- (project) Uses github.ref_name for contitional and also logs the ref_name for testing
- (project) Uses github.ref as environment conditional
- (project) Removes colon
- (project) Removes event types from workflow_dispatch
- (project) Sets local environment to "development" in sentry logging
- (project) Removes repository_dispatch while testing
- (project) Removes unused steps and adjusts order
- (project) Uses DEPLOYMENT_BRANCH instead of github.ref in robots step
- (utils) Uses workflow_dispatch in act script
- (front) Removes extra line
- (front) Formats markdown component
- (front) Touches up css refactor
- (front) Changes linkedin svg
- (front) Moves font classes
- (front) Refactors styles for privacy policy; makes footer link brighter
- (front) Self-closes span
- (ci) Updates gh workflow with working branch conditional
- (front) Adds Link renderer to include target/rel attrs for external links
- (docker) Refactors dockerfile for better caching
- (terraform) Removes global tags to prevent environment resource conflicts
- (front) Comments frontend service out
- (front/back) Runs compression on and adds optimized images
- (project) Updates feature template
- (strapi) Removes example webpack config
- (utils) Updates utils for docker changes
- (project) Removes local package install step, replaced by custom act image
- (project) Adds custom
image for local testing
- (back/front) Adds catchafire icon; adjusts links section styles
- (back/front) Adds pinboard to cms and frontend
- (back/front) Adds pinboard to cms and frontend
- (front) Adds fixed height/width to prevent image loader from causing CLS
- (front) Adds shingle for maintenance mode
- (front) Uses seo data from cms; adds media url for dev env
- (front) Adds strapi seo plugin and components
- (front) Adds robots.txt
- (front) Adds sentry logging for broken images
- (front) Adds MetaTags and Head component defaults
- (front) Adds svelte-meta-tags
- (front) Adds custom static 404 page
- (front) Adds and configures plausible analytics
- (front) Adds compression and error page for ssg cloudfront fallback
- (front) Adds svelte ssg adapter and configuration
- (front) Adds and updates favicon
- (front) Adds sentry to 404 page
- (front) Adds server/client hooks for sentry
- (front) Adds sentry packages and updates env vars
- (front) Adds svelte-blurhash component
- (front) Adds base svelte install
- (front) Adds error, global-error, adjusts not-found, and adds styles
- (strapi) Updates strapi to v4.11.0
- (strapi) Adds blurhash plugin to strapi
- (terraform) Adds www_record overwrite var and sets up prod main.tf
- (utils) Adjusts local frontend dev utils to pass environment as an argument
- (utils) Adds preview and start commands
- (front) Adjusts sentry logging and sets environment for client
- (front) Cleans up css and adds flourish to load effect
- (front) Removes duplicate css rule
- (front) Removes temporary margin adjustment
- (front) Refactors border flourish to prevent skip-to-content layout shift
- (front) Fixes sentry configuration for svelte
- (front) Updates packages to complete initial security fix from dependabot
- (front) Add rel="noopener noreferrer" to external links
- (front) Add rel="noopener noreferrer" to external links
- (front) Fixes environment declaration in sentry initialization
- (front) Removes svelte fallback 404 config
- (front) Adds styles and ready class with useEffect
- (project) Uses empty string for media url
- (project) Adds quotes around api path vars
- (project) Writes media url to env file
- (project) Adds media url env var to gh workflow
- (project) Adds missing vars for gh workflow
- (project) Uses checkout in dispatch workflow
- (project) Update format of interpreted outputs
- (project) Updates act utils with options for job selection
- (strapi) Uses dgrebb/strapi-plugin-seo while PR in review
- (strapi) Removes airtable and replaces with new strapi market assets
- (strapi) Fixes database configuration and adjusts s3 bucket setting
- (utils) Fixes incorrectly set env and puts stg in development mode
- (front) Removes nextjs project and reference to next
- (front) Refactors custom tailwind classes and imports
- (front) [breaking] Refactors project with Svelte
- (front) Moves globals, renames styles directory, and adjusts imports
- (strapi) [breaking] Renames strapi project directory
- (terraform) Adds configuration for publicly accessing rds instance from one ip address
- (terraform) Adds configuration for publicly accessing rds instance from one ip address
- (terraform) Adds configuration for public access to rds
- (terraform) Adds configuration for public access to rds
- (terraform) Refactors storage defaults to only run for uploads bucket
- (terraform) Modularizes storage/cdn/network for svelte static cdn
- (utils) Adds args for local development pointing to stg database
- (utils) Adds args for local development pointing to stg database
- (utils) Refactors prep-build script for Svelte
- (back) Uses local uploads directory when in dev mode
- (back) Adds .dockerignore to backend directory
- (deps-dev) Bump @sveltejs/kit from 1.12.0 to 1.15.2 in /front
- (front) Throws error if nav or footer apis fail
- (front) Adds logging to server console
- (front) Adds local backup image
- (front) Moves static 404 page
- (front) Removes prerender from client layout
- (project) Removes skip-ci from cz bump message
- (strapi) Updates strapi to v4.11.1
- (terraform) Adds final prd terraform config
- (terraform) Removes api module and references
- (utils) Adds separate admin dev command
- (utils) Adds --watch-admin flag for local development
- (utils) Adjusts environment scripts with more back/front specificity
- (utils) Modifies frontend dev args for local setup
- (utils) Adds -- --host option to expose for local hosts domain
- (utils) Moves bump command into a script
- (utils) Adds commands to open github repo and project in browser
- (utils) Adjusts front start command to copy standalone files for server
- (utils/front) Moves api paths into env vars
- (ci) Refactors workflow names and adds colors
- (front) Uncomments build script
- (front) Updates build script and cleans up Node packages
- (front) Adds robots.txt replacement and renames frontend workflow
- (front) Adjusts path for push trigger
- (front) Adds push trigger for front directory
- (front) Capitalizes github dispatch type
- (front) Removes trial and error echo statements
- (front) Adds dynamic vars and echoes context
- (front) Fixes name of secret
- (front) Removes gh run cancel
- (front) Adds id to build step
- (front) Adds github token and renames local install step
- (front) Adds deployment branch as variable
- (front) Polishes off github actions, including local act conditional setup
- (front) Adds build script for github action
- (project) Adds main branch to ci workflow
- (project) Sets up testing for gh workflow var issues
- (project) Adds workflow_dispatch to frontend workflow
- (project) Changes names of build workflows
- (project) Adjusts outputs to match changes step id
- (project) Moves jobs and runs on condition of changes in front or backend
- (project) Adjust github actions utils for local dispatch testing
- (project) Adds workflow for backend and push dispatch
- (project) Updates utils and github build and deploy action
- (project) Adds s3 action to github workflow
- (project) Switches github workflow to static .env variables
- (project) Adds github dispatch proxy server
- (project) Adds build and deploy github workflow
- (terraform) Updates infrastructure for svelte configuration
- (utils) Adds act command and script
- (front) Adjusts padding for moon icon
- (front) Adds a little padding to the moon icon
- (front) Adjusts meta description text
- (strapi) Adds some welcome page customization
- (strapi) Customizes dashboard
- (project) Removes readmes