A setup for working on Google Apps Script in a VS Code or Gitpod container
Login the user
clasp login --no-localhost
Create a new Project
clasp create --title "Title" --type standalone --rootDir ./src
clasp create --title "Title" --type forms --rootDir ./src
clasp create --title "Title" --parentId "*******" --rootDir ./src
Clone and work on an existing project
clasp clone "*******" --rootDir ./src
Watch and push code when saved
clasp push --watch
Edit (if need to)
- .clasp.json
"rootDir": "./src"
- appsscript.json
"timeZone": "Asia/Singapore"
Open in the script editor
clasp open
- Install Docker Desktop if not installed
- Install the Remote Development extension pack in VS Code
- Run Docker Desktop
- Open repo folder with VS Code using Run Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container...
Container composition
- using this Dockerfile
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/typescript-node:12
Container conposition
FROM gitpod/workspace-full
DockerfileFROM buildpack-deps:focal
Dockerfile- Ubuntu Focal based