Destination Earth Data Lake Laboratory, which contains additional information for working with DestinE Data Lake services:
- Harmonised Data Access (Juypter notebooks examples + Python Tools)
- STACK service (Juypter Notebook examples on how to use DASK for near data processing)
- HOOK service (Juypter Notebook examples on how to use HOOK for workflows)
Further information available in DestinE Data Lake documentation:
Additional ressources:
- DestinE Data Portfolio:
- DataLake Priority services:
DestinE Platform Insula Service Users
Please perform the following and select my_env kernel when running the provided Notebooks
Open a terminal window (File, New, Terminal) and run the following commands in sequence:
Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv /home/jovyan/my_env
Activate it:
source /home/jovyan/my_env/bin/activate
Install required dependencies for this example Notebooks:
pip install -r /home/jovyan/datalake-lab/requirements.txt
Verify the installation:
pip list | grep destinelab
This should give:
destinelab 0.9
Install kernel my_env. Run the command:
python -m ipykernel install --name my_env --user
Select the kernel my_env from the top-right menu of these notebooks.
Users who already have a previous version of the 'my_env' environment installed, should delete the kernel before running the steps above. To delete the my_env kernel please run the following command: 'jupyter kernelspec uninstall my_env' from a terminal window.