Here's a list of changes I've made to the Picasso library
###Cache Added the possibility to use an external cache instance per request. Example:
// creating a cache object with 1MB max size
Cache cache = new LruCache( 1024*1024*1 );
// now create a new request which will use this cache object
Picasso.with( this )
.load( file )
.withCache( myCache )
.into( imageView );
Remember to clear the cache when you don't need that anymore ( using cache.clear() )
###Generators Generators can be used to load images which cannot be loaded using the common scheme convention. There are different situations when you need to generate a Bitmap which is not directly related to a file or url or even a real bitmap resource. In this case you can use the scheme "custom.resource" with a Generator. A Generator is a simple interface with only one method:
public interface Generator {
Bitmap decode( String path ) throws IOException;
So you can use a generator in this way:
.load( Uri.parse( "custom.resource://" + file ) )
.withGenerator( new Generator() {
public Bitmap decode( String path ) throws IOException {
return whatever(path);
} )
.into( imageView );
###Resize Both the original Picasso methods resize and resizeDimen have been modified in the followings new methods:
public RequestCreator resizeDimen(int targetWidthResId, int targetHeightResId, boolean onlyIfBigger);
public RequestCreator resize(int targetWidth, int targetHeight, boolean onlyIfBigger);
basically you can pass an option to skip the resize operation if the loaded bitmap is smaller than the passed targetWidth
and targetHeight
Picasso uses a default BitmapFactory.Options object, every time, to decode the required Bitmap.
I've added a method withOptions
in the RequestCreator which allow you to pass your own Options object which will be used to decode the image.
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inPreferredConfig = Config.RGB_565;
###Fade Time
Added .fade(ms time)
method in the RequestCreator class in order to let you change the fade in animation time.
Author: Alessandro Crugnola