diff --git a/techstack.md b/techstack.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..962c5b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techstack.md
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# Tech Stack File
+![](https://img.stackshare.io/repo.svg "repo") [dennys/hMoney](https://github.com/dennys/hMoney)![](https://img.stackshare.io/public_badge.svg "public")
Tools used|11/09/23
Report generated|
+## Languages (1)
+ C#
+ |
+## Frameworks (3)
+## Data (1)
+## DevOps (10)
+## Other (1)
+ NLog
+ |
+## Open source packages (9)
+## NuGet (9)
+|[MSTest.TestFramework](https://www.nuget.org/MSTest.TestFramework)|v2.2.7|10/30/21|dennys |MIT|N/A|
+|[Microsoft.CSharp](https://www.nuget.org/Microsoft.CSharp)|v4.7.0|11/10/21|dennys |MIT|N/A|
+|[Microsoft.Extensions.Logging](https://www.nuget.org/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging)|v5.0.0|11/10/21|dennys |Apache-2.0|N/A|
+|[Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility](https://www.nuget.org/Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility)|v5.0.2|11/10/21|dennys |MIT|N/A|
+|[NLog.Config](https://www.nuget.org/NLog.Config)|v4.7.12|11/02/21|dennys |N/A|N/A|
+|[NLog.Extensions.Logging](https://www.nuget.org/NLog.Extensions.Logging)|v1.7.4|11/10/21|dennys |BSD-3-Clause|N/A|
+|[NUnit3TestAdapter](https://www.nuget.org/NUnit3TestAdapter)|v4.0.0|11/07/21|dennys |MIT|N/A|
+|[SonarAnalyzer.CSharp](https://www.nuget.org/SonarAnalyzer.CSharp)|v8.30.0|11/01/21|dennys |N/A|N/A|
+|[System.Data.SQLite.Core](https://www.nuget.org/System.Data.SQLite.Core)|v1.0.115|11/10/21|dennys |N/A|N/A|
+Generated via [Stack File](https://github.com/apps/stack-file)
diff --git a/techstack.yml b/techstack.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fce8c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techstack.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+repo_name: dennys/hMoney
+report_id: 679d9876ff575829d57dff52758e39e1
+repo_type: Public
+timestamp: '2023-11-09T12:34:46+00:00'
+requested_by: dennys
+provider: github
+branch: master
+detected_tools_count: 25
+- name: C#
+ description: Simple, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language for the
+ .NET platform
+ website_url: http://csharp.net
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Languages & Frameworks
+ sub_category: Languages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/1015/1200px-C_Sharp_wordmark.svg.png
+ detection_source: Repo Metadata
+- name: ".NET"
+ description: A free, cross-platform, open source developer platform for building
+ many different types of applications
+ website_url: http://www.microsoft.com/net/
+ license: MIT
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Languages & Frameworks
+ sub_category: Frameworks (Full Stack)
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/1014/IoPy1dce_400x400.png
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-10-30 23:05:49.000000000 Z
+- name: ".NET Core"
+ description: An Open Source, General-Purpose Development Platform Maintained by
+ Microsoft and the .NET Community
+ website_url: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/
+ version: '5.0'
+ license: MIT
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Languages & Frameworks
+ sub_category: Frameworks (Full Stack)
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/6403/default_91fc1f0ee315262794273aa1387eaf8fed8436e6.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-10 15:48:44.000000000 Z
+- name: ASP.NET Core
+ description: A cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web
+ applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux
+ website_url: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/
+ version: '5.0'
+ license: MIT
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Languages & Frameworks
+ sub_category: Frameworks (Full Stack)
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/11331/asp.net-core.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-10 15:48:44.000000000 Z
+- name: SQLite
+ description: A software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration,
+ transactional SQL database engine
+ website_url: http://www.sqlite.org/
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: true
+ category: Data Stores
+ sub_category: Databases
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/1071/sqlite.jpg
+ detection_source: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-10-24 13:45:31.000000000 Z
+- name: Azure Pipelines
+ description: Continuously build, test, and deploy to any platform and cloud
+ website_url: https://azure.microsoft.com/ko-kr/services/devops/pipelines/
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: true
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Continuous Integration
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/10164/528389819366_e7a0672f0480b3e98d21_512.png
+ detection_source: azure-pipelines.yml
+ last_updated_by: Dennys Hsieh
+ last_updated_on: 2021-10-29 23:53:43.000000000 Z
+- name: Castle Core
+ description: It provides common Castle Project abstractions including logging services
+ website_url: https://github.com/castleproject/Core
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Monitoring
+ sub_category: Logging Tools
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/20916/default_6d17162c9963bc83521ee29cf394f349c95173f3.png
+ detection_source: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-10-24 13:45:31.000000000 Z
+- name: CircleCI
+ description: Automate your development process quickly, safely, and at scale
+ website_url: https://circleci.com/
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: true
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Continuous Integration
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/190/CvqrSSFs_400x400.jpg
+ detection_source: ".circleci/config.yml"
+ last_updated_by: Dennys Hsieh
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-07 07:14:41.000000000 Z
+- name: Git
+ description: Fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
+ website_url: http://git-scm.com/
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Version Control System
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/1046/git.png
+ detection_source: Repo Metadata
+- name: GitHub Actions
+ description: Automate your workflow from idea to production
+ website_url: https://github.com/features/actions
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: true
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Continuous Integration
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/11563/actions.png
+ detection_source: ".github/workflows/shiftleft-analysis.yml"
+ last_updated_by: Dennys Hsieh
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-04 01:05:22.000000000 Z
+- name: NUnit
+ description: An open-source unit testing framework
+ website_url: http://www.nunit.org/
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Testing Frameworks
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/2371/jZ6MYx5Y_400x400.png
+ detection_source: hMoneyTests/hMoneyTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-07 08:06:51.000000000 Z
+- name: NuGet
+ description: The package manager for .NET
+ website_url: https://www.nuget.org/
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Package Managers
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/2637/6I3oEOP4_400x400.jpg
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-10-30 23:05:49.000000000 Z
+- name: SonarQube
+ description: Continuous Code Quality
+ website_url: http://www.sonarqube.org/
+ license: LGPL-3.0
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Code Review
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/2638/zIVhxKyn_400x400.png
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-01 11:18:13.000000000 Z
+- name: Travis CI
+ description: A hosted continuous integration service for open source and private
+ projects
+ website_url: http://travis-ci.com/
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: true
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Continuous Integration
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/460/Lu6cGu0z_400x400.png
+ detection_source: ".travis.yml"
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-25 15:41:56.000000000 Z
+- name: Visual Studio
+ description: State-of-the-art tools and services that you can use to create great
+ apps for devices, the cloud, and everything in between.
+ website_url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/aa718325.aspx
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Integrated Development Environment
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/1451/SR2hUhQN.png
+ detection_source: hMoney.sln
+ last_updated_by: admin
+ last_updated_on: 2021-09-17 09:03:55.000000000 Z
+- name: NLog
+ description: Flexible & free open-source logging for .NET
+ website_url: https://nlog-project.org/
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: false
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/9672/nlog_logo_square_normal.png
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-02 15:34:22.000000000 Z
+- name: MSTest.TestFramework
+ description: This is MSTest V2, the evolution of Microsoft's Test Framework
+ package_url: https://www.nuget.org/MSTest.TestFramework
+ version: 2.2.7
+ license: MIT
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Libraries
+ sub_category: NuGet Packages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/package/13142/default_a057bdad489be3cb053d372a68695da4ac94962d.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-10-30 23:05:49.000000000 Z
+- name: Microsoft.CSharp
+ description: Provides support for compilation and code generation, including dynamic,
+ using the C# language
+ package_url: https://www.nuget.org/Microsoft.CSharp
+ version: 4.7.0
+ license: MIT
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Libraries
+ sub_category: NuGet Packages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/package/12845/default_ccf90b566c21ad9eaa59733f297e535ea39fb3b4.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-10 15:48:44.000000000 Z
+- name: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ description: Logging infrastructure default implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ package_url: https://www.nuget.org/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ version: 5.0.0
+ license: Apache-2.0
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Libraries
+ sub_category: NuGet Packages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/package/12854/default_ccf90b566c21ad9eaa59733f297e535ea39fb3b4.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-10 15:48:44.000000000 Z
+- name: Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility
+ description: This Windows Compatibility Pack provides access to APIs that were previously
+ available only for .NET Framework
+ package_url: https://www.nuget.org/Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility
+ version: 5.0.2
+ license: MIT
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Libraries
+ sub_category: NuGet Packages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/package/13273/default_c09df070293865f4f6559cd9d8af76724cd749a8.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-10 15:48:44.000000000 Z
+- name: NLog.Config
+ description: NLog.config file to get started with configuring NLog
+ package_url: https://www.nuget.org/NLog.Config
+ version: 4.7.12
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Libraries
+ sub_category: NuGet Packages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/package/13116/default_baa6c1c3e725b18a803052f0d13efd0ca49e5d50.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-02 15:34:22.000000000 Z
+- name: NLog.Extensions.Logging
+ description: NLog LoggerProvider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging for logging in
+ .NET Standard libraries and .NET Core applications
+ package_url: https://www.nuget.org/NLog.Extensions.Logging
+ version: 1.7.4
+ license: BSD-3-Clause
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Libraries
+ sub_category: NuGet Packages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/package/13244/default_43ce02ab18bb400d4d6b410ac4dc3a50f87e634a.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-10 15:48:44.000000000 Z
+- name: NUnit3TestAdapter
+ description: A package including the NUnit 3 TestAdapter for Visual Studio 2012
+ onwards
+ package_url: https://www.nuget.org/NUnit3TestAdapter
+ version: 4.0.0
+ license: MIT
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Libraries
+ sub_category: NuGet Packages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/package/13216/default_e23dabba1be2c69fbf5fc50bdc46cbffbe6ca2cb.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoneyTests/hMoneyTests.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoneyTests/hMoneyTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-07 08:06:51.000000000 Z
+- name: SonarAnalyzer.CSharp
+ description: Analyzers which spot bugs and code smells in your code
+ package_url: https://www.nuget.org/SonarAnalyzer.CSharp
+ version: 8.30.0
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Libraries
+ sub_category: NuGet Packages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/package/14021/default_5cc7ff1dadffe5f694f858b281e9a8eb4358038e.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoneyVSTests/hMoneyVSTests.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-01 11:18:13.000000000 Z
+- name: System.Data.SQLite.Core
+ description: The official SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with
+ the ADO.NET provider
+ package_url: https://www.nuget.org/System.Data.SQLite.Core
+ version: 1.0.115
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Libraries
+ sub_category: NuGet Packages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/package/13011/default_971bb108ce002c2032e407a9046135e1542c46c7.png
+ detection_source_url: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ detection_source: hMoney/hMoney.csproj
+ last_updated_by: dennys
+ last_updated_on: 2021-11-10 15:48:44.000000000 Z