This project is no longer maintained. Please use instead.
A collection of components to share common functionality across teams.
npm install @eurosport/web-toolkit emotion@9 react-emotion@9 emotion-theming@9 polished@2
All available components are exported as named exports so you can pull them in easily:
import { ThemeProvider } from 'emotion-theming';
import { injectStyles, theme, Button } from '@eurosport/web-toolkit';
const MyApp = () => (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
Also many components rely on non embed assets that should be copied from @eurosport/web-toolkit/dist/assets/**
to a folder named eurosport-web-toolkit
inside your public assets folder. For example you can add the following preinstall
and postinstall
scripts to your package.json to achieve that.
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "rm -rf ./public/eurosport-web-toolkit/",
"postinstall": "cp -a ./node_modules/@eurosport/web-toolkit/dist/assets/. ./public/eurosport-web-toolkit/"
then a simple yarn
or npm install
will transparently handle this for you from now on.
The Link component use a default prop "linkComponent" which is a function returning an anchor tag. If you want to override this behaviour, you can specify a custom function in your app as below :
import { RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Link } from '@eurosport/web-toolkit';
Link.defaultProps.linkComponent = ({ href, children, ...props }) => (
<RouterLink {...props} to={href}>
If a component defines a prop "linkComponent", then you can override the link behaviour for one instance of this component, by passing a custom function to this prop.
import { RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Card } from '@eurosport/web-toolkit';
const overridenLink = ({ href, children, ...props }) => (
<RouterLink {...props} to={href}>
const cardData = {};
<Card.Content card={cardData} type="article" linkComponent={overridenLink} />;
"emotion": "9",
"emotion-theming": "9",
"polished": "2",
"prop-types": "15",
"react": "16",
"react-emotion": "9"