This is a portfolio website built using React, Yarn, and various npm packages. It showcases my personal information, details about my projects, and includes live demo links and GitHub repositories for each project.
- Home: A landing page that provides an introduction and a welcome message.
- About Me: Introduces me, highlighting my background, skills, and interests.
- Services: Outlines the services I offer, such as web development, full-stack development, and more.
- Projects: A detailed showcase of my projects, including:
- Live demo links
- GitHub repository links
- Brief descriptions and technologies used in each project
- Contact: A section with a contact form and social media links for getting in touch with me.
This project is built using the following technologies:
- React (v18.0.0)
- Yarn for package management
- React Router Dom (v6.3.0) for navigation
- AOS (v2.3.4) for animations on scroll
- React Spinners (v0.11.0) for loading animations
- Swiper (v8.1.4) for sliders
- React Typical (v0.1.3) for typing animations
- React TSParticles (v2.1.3) for animated particle backgrounds
- React Scroll (v1.8.7) for smooth scrolling
- Testing Libraries: @testing-library/react, @testing-library/jest-dom, @testing-library/user-event
- Web Vitals (v2.1.4) for performance monitoring
To run this project locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the dependencies:
yarn install
- Start the development server:
yarn start
This portfolio was built by customizing and reusing some existing pre-made components and landing pages that I copied and adapted for my personal use.
Feel free to submit issues or feature requests.