Report by @arij.
- dates: 21 September 2019
- location: Casablanca, Morocco
- announcements: eventbrite, twitter
- visitors: 33
- attendees: @arij
Swag distributed:
- trifolds: 20
- booklets: 10
(shared in chat on 2019-09-22)
In this meetup I shared "Success Story and Innovation" together with 2 other guys shared our experience working in the digital field.
I started my presentation talking about my experience working as a contractor for Decred, then I talked about Decred and its governance system, Politeia, privacy and the end shared my future plans.
People have asked us if we can do courses about blockchain in their universities and associations.
The attendance were very interested in Decred, and some of them wanted to know more about what is blockchain and what is governance and asked us if we can do more meetups about that.
At the end, some of the speakers have suggested to do some robotics courses for poor children for free and asked us if Decred could help with that by bringing someone to teach the kids.
It was a great to share my experience and knowledge with other people and seeing people interested and asking questions even when the time was up. The meetup was supposed to end at 18:30 but people stayed until 19:30, and they still wanted to stay more and know more.
Later I was asked by an association that assisted our meetup to talk about blockchain technology in their association building on the Oct 20. There will be mostly university students and we were given two hours to talk.