Folder Name | Description of Contents |
acronyms-defined-dict | dictionary of acronyms defined from technical jargon |
adjectives-abuse-list | list of adjectives that [RobinAbuseBot]( "A random insult generating abuse bot for Reddit's Robin chat. |
") constructs insults with via | |
adjective-words-list | list of various English adjective words |
alfred-hitchcock-movies | all films produced by Alfred Hitchcock |
bbs-subjects-list | list of forum topics from an electronic bulletin board system |
book-titles-list | Loosely formatted list of book titles |
buildings-word-list | list of words related to buildings from |
business-noun-words | a list of words that can be categorized as business-related nouns |
common-english-words | a brief listing of the most commonly used words in English (the top 30) |
curse-words-list | Warning! list of vulgar (i.e. "curse") words |
elasticlunr-default-stop | list of ElasticLunr stop words from |
english-connective-words | list of "connective" English words--these are words that can often be dropped from simple search queries |
english-top-1000 | 1,000 most used words in the English language |
english-top-1500 | 1,500 most used words in the English language taken from htpwdScan |
english-words-various | various english words taken from some old ZIP files |
espionage-techniques-list | an alphabetized list of espionage techniques |
etc-anonymizer-names | copy of Splunk's etc/anonymizer/names.txt |
female-names-list | alphabetized and capitalized list of female names |
first-names-list | list of first names often used by people |
first20hours-google-20k | 20,000 words parsed from Google |
fortune-global500-list | Fortune 500 companies list with rank, company name, revenue.. |
geographic-stop-words | geographical stop words, i.e. words that are ignored during natural language processing |
indefinite-nouns-words | a list of indefinite nouns--in other words, not "proper" nouns and therefore do not need to be capitalized.. |
international-address-list | various samples of worldwide postal addresses |
ieee-journal-names | a list of journals published by the IEEE |
infosec-glossary-terms | glossary of information security terminology copied from RFC4949: |
jargon-common-words | common information technology jargon words |
jargon-common-bases | common base words in information technology jargon |
keyword-ideas-generator | list constructed from the words shown by |
last-names-list | list of last names often used by people in the Americas |
linux-words-dict | words taken from /usr/share/dict/words on Linux install |
longest-english-words | alphabetized list of English words that are longer than twenty letters |
mrrobot-season3-subtitles | Subtitles for season three of the Mr. Robot television series |
multi-lingual-vernacular | Popular vernacular from common languages along with associated numeric rating of each |
not-found-translations | "Not Found" translations on iBiblio |
nouns-abuse-list.txt | list of nouns that RobinAbuseBot constructs insults with via |
obama-nobel-speech | Barack Obama's 2009 Nobel Peace Prize award acceptance speech |
objects-name-list | listing that contains names of various objects from |
occupations-frequency-list | list of occupations sorted by numeric score--higher means more popular from |
one-hundred-thousand | the numbers 1-97935 with one on each line |
phrack-acronyms-metalshopprivate | Phrack |
reliable-passgen-wordlist | wordlist.txt from BURP |
rogets-thesaurus-ebook | Roget's Thesaurus EBook from Project Gutenberg |
sdbf-count-1edit | single character edits file packaged with Smart DNS Brute Forcer |
sdbf-count-1w | individual word frequency counts packaged with Smart DNS Brute Forcer |
sdbf-count-2l | double letter sequence frequency counts packaged with Smart DNS Brute Forcer |
sdbf-count-2w | double word sequence frequency counts packaged with Smart DNS Brute Forcer |
sdbf-count-3l | triple letter sequence frequency counts packaged with Smart DNS Brute Forcer |
sdbf-count-big | big word frequency counts packaged with Smart DNS Brute Forcer |
search-stop-words | commonly used words that a search engine will be programmed to ignore |
secureblackbox-client-list | brief list of corporations with household names |
security-words-dictionary | dictionary of some actual real, but mostly made-up security words created manually by yours truly |
sfbay-companies-list | List of companies based in the San Francisco Bay Area |
sierrasoftworks-bender-quotes | list of Bender quotes via |
spike-proxy-allwords | dictionary distributed with ImmunitySec SPIKE Proxy dpkg |
technical-manual-words | various forms of technical root words likely to be found in a manual from |
tweet-word-ngrams | binary sequence and words parsed from tweets with cardinality |
unicode-words-list | list of strings with some containing Unicode characters via |
usenet-name-strings | strings parsed from USENET names |
usgovt-manual-acronyms | U.S. Government Manual Commonly Used Agency Acronyms |
various-vocabulary-sorted | Various English words in lowercase and sorted |
word-cluster-ngrams | word clusters parsed from the text in millions of tweets |
worker-death-cases | sentences sorted by increasing length, each of which details unique cases of worker death |
worker-death-summaries2017 | Occupational Health and Safety Adminstration Archive Reports of Fatalities and Catastrophes |
yo-momma-jokes | over one thousand very crude "yo momma!" jokes |
zoo-animal-list | an alphabetically sorted list of names for zoo-kept animals |
Folders and files
Name | Name | Last commit date | ||
parent directory.. | ||||