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The Mlang compiler

CI Tests Documentation deployed

The M language has been invented by the French Direction Générale des Finances Publiques (DGFiP), equivalent to the IRS, to transcribe the tax code into machine-readable instructions. It is a small Domain Specific Language based on variable declarations and arithmetic operations. This work is based on a retro-engineering of the syntax and the semantics of M, from the codebase previously released by the DGFiP on Framagit forge and now regularly published on Adullact forge.


There is currently no legal guarantee of any kind about the correctness of the code produced by the Mlang compiler, or by the results produced by the interpreter of Mlang. However, authors have been in contact with DGFiP to validate Mlang, and the system passes all the private DGFiP tests as of Sept. 2022 for the version of the source files responsible for computing the tax on the 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 income.


Mlang is implemented in OCaml. To manage dependencies, install opam and switch to a version of OCaml that is at least 4.0.9. In order to support multi-precision floating-point computation, you will need also need to install the MPFR library.

For Debian-based distributions, simply invoke

sudo apt install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev git opam

For Red Hat-based distributions, first invoke

sudo yum install gmp-devel mpfr-devel git

Opam is only packaged for Fedora. For other distributions using RPM, please refer to the official documentation. Note that to use the Opam binary release and install Mlang dependencies, you will need a C compiler and the following softwares as Opam dependencies: patch,unzip, bubblewrap and bzip2.

If you would like to generate tests using the fuzzer, you will need to install AFL:

sudo apt install afl++ afl++-clang

If you have not used opam before, run:

opam init
opam update -y

Then, you can initialize your Mlang projet using

make init

This command creates a local Opam switch (analogous to a virtual environment), installs Mlang's OCaml dependencies and clones the M source code repository released by the DGFiP with

git submodule update --init

You can then use

make build

to build the compiler.

If needed,

make deps

will reinstall OCaml dependencies and refetch the M source code.

The interpreter and the C backend in examples/dgfip_c/ should be usable straight away, as the C compiler was installed for Opam. Mlang results are tested on GCC and Clang, the latter being preferred if available.

The Java backend in examples/java/ requires Java development environment. The generated code targets Java 7, and could be used with OpenJDK 1.7 or more. However, the test harness code requires Java 8, so to use the automated backend tests, we ask for OpenJDK 1.8 or more.

For Debian-based distributions, you can try:

sudo apt install default-jdk

For Red Hat-based distributions, depending on your version:

sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel


sudo yum install java-11-openjdk-devel

NB : if you are using JDK 1.8, in order to cross-compile the generated code to 1.7, you would also need JDK 1.7 installed in order to provide the correct version of the base classes.


Please read the m_specs/complex_case_with_ins_outs_2018.m_spec for a walk-through of what happens in this example. You can compare what happens on the official simulator by entering the exact amounts of the case in the right income codes. Everything should be the same.

The input variables that you want to use have to be declared beforehand in the .m_spec file, in the const section. If you put a variable in the saisie section, you will then be prompted to input it at interpretation time. You can also change which variables you want the interpreter to output in the sortie section.

If you invoke make quick_test, Make will show you the Mlang options is is using to run a simple test of the Mlang interpreter.

Please refer to the DGFiP's simulator for the meaning of the variables. Important variables are:

  • 0AC and 0AM, which should be set to 1 for respectively single or married;
  • 1AJ and 1BJ, salaried income for individuals number 1 and 2;
  • 0CF, the number of dependent persons (children);
  • ...

Mlang's run are configured by a specification file (.m_spec), see the dedicated README for more details.

Mlang also need an M++ file to know how to run the "liquidations multiples" mechanism that is necessary to compute the income tax correctly. For instance, the file mpp_specs/2018_6_7.mpp corresponds to the unpublished code of the DGFiP for version of the 2018 M sources published in ir-calcul.

If you want to test the output of the interpreter on a situation you made up, edit your own .m_spec and run it with the command:

YEAR=<2018 or 2019 or 2020> M_SPEC_FILE=<path to .m_spec> make quick_test

For how to produce ready-to-use income tax computation source files for your application, see the dedicated README.

Some of the Makefile flags can be permanently configured by creating a file Makefile.config in the top directory. Check the file Makefile.config.template to see some of the options that can be configured in that way.


Mlang is tested using the FIP test file format used by the DGFiP to test their internal tooling. The --run_test and --run_all_tests options ease the testing process of the interpreter (with or without optimizations) and report test errors in a convenient format.

Mlang backends are also tested using the same FIP format, see for instance examples/java/backend_test.

When running --run_all_tests, you can enable code coverage instrumentation with the --code_coverage option. Another interesting option is --precision, which lets you choose how numbers are represented for the tax computation. The default is --precision double, that uses the 64-bits IEEE754 floating-point representation and associated operations. This is what the DGFiP uses. The --precision mpfr option lets you use 1024-bits floating point numbers for virtually infinite precision. Finally, --precision fixed<n> uses fixed-point arithmetic with GMP-provided big integers. The fixed-point numbers are represented with the Q number format and <n> is the number of fractional bits. The integer bits are unbounded.

The DGFiP does not publish its internal test base. However, randomized test cases have been created for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 income versions of the software, in the folder tests. The fact that Mlang passes these tests only means that it faithfully reproduces the computation done by the DGFiP using unpublished software. Notably, it does not mean that the M sources (published by the DGFiP) and the M++ sources (recreated from unpublished sources) are faithful to the way the law says taxes should be computed.

To check that Mlang passes all the randomized tests, simply invoke

make tests

Some tests might fail using non-default precision settings, even if the error message shows no difference between the expected value and the computed value. This is because we control a difference of 0 between the computed and the expected, but when doing computations with a higher precision, a difference lower than the smallest representable float value might appear. To pass the test, we have provided the command line option --test_error_margin=0.0000001 to let you define how much error margin you want to tolerate when running tests.


The OCaml code is self-documented using ocamldoc style. You can generate the HTML documentation using

make doc

To browse the documentation, just open the file doc.html with your browser. Here is a high-level picture describing the architecture of the compiler:


First, the code is parsed into AST (both for M and M++). Then, the AST are desugared into M and M++ intermediate representations. BIR stands for Backend IR, and collects the result of inlining the M code inside M++. OIR is the Optimization IR, which is a CFG-form of BIR.

Known Limitations

The code released by the DGFiP is not complete as of September 2020. Indeed, in order to correctly compute the amount of taxes for a fiscal household, the DGFiP executes the M program several times, each time changing the values of some variables to enable or disable parts of the computation.

The DGFiP has not published the source code of this iterative computation. However, the authors of Mlang have come up with a new DSL called M++, used for describing the logic of this iterative computation. Currently, the authors have transcribed the unpublished source code into the mpp_specs/*2018_6_7*.mpp file, which has been tested only for the computation of taxes for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 income.


The project accepts pull requests. There is currently no formalized contribution guide or centralized discussion place about the project. Please email the authors if you are interested:

denis DOT merigoux AT inria DOT fr raphael DOT monat AT lip6 DOT fr

Please note that the copyright of this code is owned by Inria; by contributing, you disclaim all copyright interests in favor of Inria.

Don't forget format to use make format before you commit to ensure a uniform style.

Formal semantics

The formal_semantics folder contains the formalization for the core of the M language, that roughly corresponds to the Mir internal representation in Mlang. The reference formalization is written in Coq, in file semantique.v. See the research paper for more details.


The compiler is released under the GPL license (version 3).