Script for building Boost for Apple platforms (iOS, iOS Simulator, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, OS X)
This is a new location for my previous GIST:
Builds a Boost framework for iOS, iOS Simulator, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, and macOS. Creates a set of universal libraries that can be used on iOS/tvOS/macOS and in the iOS/tvOS simulators. Then creates a pseudo-framework to make using boost in Xcode less painful.
To configure the script, define:
BOOST_VERSION: Which version of Boost to build (e.g. 1.58.0)
BOOST_VERSION2: Same as BOOST_VERSION, but with _ instead of . (e.g. 1_58_0)
BOOST_LIBS: Which Boost libraries to build
IOS_SDK_VERSION: iOS SDK version (e.g. 9.0)
MIN_IOS_VERSION: Minimum iOS Target Version (e.g. 8.0)
TVOS_SDK_VERSION: tvOS SDK version (e.g. 9.2)
MIN_TVOS_VERSION: Minimum tvOS Target Version (e.g. 9.2)
MACOS_SDK_VERSION: macOS SDK version (e.g. 10.11)
MIN_MACOS_VERSION: Minimum macOS Target Version (e.g. 10.10)
If a boost tarball (a file named “boost_$BOOST_VERSION2.tar.bz2”) does not exist in the current directory, this script will attempt to download the version specified by BOOST_VERSION2. You may also manually place a matching tarball in the current directory and the script will use that.
usage: ./ [{-ios,-tvos,-macos} ...] options
Run ./ -h
for descriptions of all options.