diff --git a/.github/formula-template.j2 b/.github/formula-template.j2 index bfea54b3..4c10f097 100644 --- a/.github/formula-template.j2 +++ b/.github/formula-template.j2 @@ -16,6 +16,17 @@ class {{ classname }} < Formula {%- endif %} depends_on "python@3.9" +{# + Addresses failed runs like this one: + https://github.com/dbt-labs/homebrew-dbt/actions/runs/8088432639/job/22102463432#step:17:88 + We need to indicate that `lxml` depends on the os dependencies `libxml2` and `libxslt`. + This needs to occur before we try to import the resource (e.g. at the top of the file). +#} +{%- if package in ('dbt-redshift') %} + uses_from_macos "libxml2" + uses_from_macos "libxslt" +{%- endif %} + {{ resources }} def install