Please follow the setup instructions located in the assign/setup directory.
The sample code for these examples is code/
Here is the code to show "Hello World!" using PHP:
<title>Hello World in PHP</title>
<?php echo("Hello World!"); ?>
Click for a demonstration of the Hello World code
The URL of the PHP file is: http://localhost/HelloWorld.php
Modify the code using a text editor. Try and change the code so that the output looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5
Click here for a demonstration of the Hello World Again code
Example code to query the workson database and return some answers in a table. To query the COSC 304 database, the url is jdbc:mysql://
and put in your user id and password. There is also sample code for SQL Server.
Modify the sample PHP code for querying WorksOn such that for each department you list its projects and then its employees. The output should look like this (click here).
You can pass and receive parameters between PHP pages. An example is to create an HTML form that collects user input and then passes this information to a PHP file to perform the query and return the answers.
Create your own query form for the WorksOn database. Your form should have boxes for the Employee name and Project name that accept partial matches (using LIKE '%queryString%'
). The PHP file should receive the parameters and create a query that lists all WorksOn records where the employee name and project name are as specified. Show the count of the # of records at the bottom of the page. An example query form and system is available.