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COSC 304 - Introduction to Database Systems
Lab 6: Using Python with MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server

This assignment practices developing Python code that uses a MySQL database.

The database is a university database consisting of students, professors, courses, sections, and enrollments. There is a list of courses each of which may have 1 or more sections. A student enrolls in a section which is taught by a professor. Assume that a student can only enroll in a course once. When the student completes the course, a grade is assigned that is used to calculate their overall GPA. The database schema is below:

student (sid, sname, sex, birthdate, gpa)
prof (pname, dname)
course (cnum, dname, cname)
section (cnum, secnum, pname)
enroll (sid, cnum, secnum, grade)

Question 1 (35 marks)

Download the starter code (Python file, Jupyter Notebook) and the test file (Python file, Jupyter Notebook). There is also a DDL script to create the database.

Write the code to complete the methods in EnrollDB (look for TODO items).

Your code will be graded based on it passing the unit tests. You can show the TA all unit tests passing to receive full marks. Otherwise, submit your source code online.

Operation Marks
List all students in the database (listAllStudents) 1 mark
List all professors in a department (listDeptProfessors) 2 marks
List all students in a course (listCourseStudents) 2 marks
Compute student GPA (computeGPA) 2 marks
Add a student (addStudent) 2 marks
Delete a student (deleteStudent) (Make sure to also delete all courses enrolled in). 2 marks
Update a student (updateStudent) 2 marks
New student enrolment (newEnroll) 2 marks
Update student GPA (updateStudentGPA) 2 marks
Update student mark (updateStudentMark) 2 marks
Remove student from section (removeStudentFromSection) 2 marks
Query1: Return the list of students that have not been in any course section. Hint: Left join can be used instead of a subquery. 3 marks
Query2: For each student return their id and name, number of course sections registered in (called numcourses), and gpa (average of grades). Return only students born after March 15, 1992. A student is also only in the result if their gpa is above 3.1 or registered in 0 courses. Order by GPA descending then student name ascending and show only the top 5.3 marks
Query3: For each course, return the number of sections (numsections), total number of students enrolled (numstudents), average grade (avggrade), and number of distinct professors who taught the course (numprofs). Only show courses in Chemistry or Computer Science department. Make sure to show courses even if they have no students. Do not show a course if there are no professors teaching that course.4 marks
Query4: Return the students who received a higher grade than their course section average in at least two courses. Order by number of courses higher than the average and only show top 5.4 marks