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704 lines (462 loc) · 57.7 KB

File metadata and controls

704 lines (462 loc) · 57.7 KB

Change Log

Commit CogView graphics upgrade completed

  • Release Version v22.09.02.
  • Refactored Spin memory view completed:
    • Improved redraw of memory data, with faster drawing of headers, address column, and main memory values itself.
    • Added a new program setting for drawing top and bottom headers.
    • Added GUI/DrawingSectionManager.cs and Utils/EnumTraverseExtension.cs to help to ordered drawing of every section.
  • Improved graphics render quality of text and graphics elements on custom controls: CogView, MemoryView, SpinView, HubView and CogView. Marginal impact on performance, by improvements in drawing algorithms on each control.
  • Added Icon suport for floating windows.
  • Cleaned code for double-buffering on CogView, MemoryView, SpinView.
  • Removed unused referenced assembly: PresentationFramework. Prevent not found dependencies error when open GEAR project on MonoDevelop.
  • Added documentation on some empty description methods.

Commit 4e679f0 CogView graphics upgrade

  • CogView graphics upgrade: use system highlight color for current executting line (program cursor).

Commit bbee325 Doxygen documentation upgrade part 1

  • Doxygen documentation upgrade: changed to xml style for many tags (summary, remarks, returns).

Release Version 22.09.01 Commit 87d906d CogView appareance enhanced.

  • Changes on CogView.cs:
    • The appareance of the current executting line (program cursor) now is selectable program setting. Can be bold text, a frame around the text line, or both.
  • Gear Emulator window starts now with a size of 1024x768, to help to standarize documentation images.
  • Updated .gitignore : added more visual studio and vscode definitions.
  • Updated secuence diagrams files: Changed extension .mcsgen to more standard .msc. Changed path of documentation files to Doc/sorce/. Modified doxygen documentation accordlingly.

Commit 1e6cd95 CogView, SpinView and MemoryView optimizations.

  • Refactored code to improve performance, using double buffering on CogView, SpinView and MemoryView.
    • Refactored drawing logic to be time efficient.
  • Changes on CogView.cs:
    • In SPIN interpreted mode, now up to five memory values are showed, conforming an encoded instruction. The show memory button now shows the binary representation of each instruction, using the same length of bytes of the instruction.
    • When cog is running in PASM native mode, the hovering message now explains more, giving details if origin or destination fields are used by the instruction, if them are using a inmmediate value, or a pointer to a memory and its value.
    • When following program cursor, the panel is completely white, else grey. This simplification allowed to accelerate of drawing, by removing variables and operations.
    • The spin interpreted details are drawn like a separated panel. The stack now have a header, showing its length, and have a level number.
    • The default start value of display decoded program values as hexadecimal or decimal, now is a program setting.
  • Using Parallel proccesing to improve performance:
    • Initially fill the array of color brushes used to paint each byte of SPIN map (32KB), using Parallel.ForEach with automatic partitioner. Also, generate icons for each type of node of tree view in a separate thread. Both changed in SpinView.cs.
  • Added methods to determine the length of SPIN instruction, advancing the memory accordlingly on InstructionDisassembler.cs and MemorySegment.cs. Also added methods to get binary text representation of PASM instruction.
  • Corrected reset values on TV & VGA Plugins.

Commit 1a8a849 Minor changes previous to CogView optimizations.

Commit eea6143 Reset image on TV & VGA Plugins 2nd part.

  • Corrected plugin files added.

Commit 0e2e5b2 Reset image on TV & VGA Plugins.

  • Added OnReset() methods on Television and vgamonitor plugins: now the screen is cleaned when the user reset the emulator.
  • Corrected resources files to be validated against XSD schema: using the correct http: prefix, to be correctly validated on VS Studio 2019. Apllied to all *.resx files.
  • Fixed format of resharper commentaries.
  • Added Parallax Propeller as vector images: .svg files.

Release Version 22.08.01 Commit 9648f0f Release v22.08.01, Commit 27093c2 Merge commit '195e7f5' new version v22.08.01, Commit 2fdeb0a Code cleanup UI on CogView.

  • Changed in Cog View UI:
    • Separated and ordered in two different toolstips: buttons to perform actions, and labels to show information.
    • When a cog is stopped, the panel is cleared, to visually differentiate when a cog is running.
    • When PASM code is shown, added the option to show value of operation as hexadecimal or decimal base, like SPIN bytecode. changes in InstructionDisassembler.cs and CogView.cs.
  • Corrected error on restore in wrong position a unpinned tab when other where selected to pinned, in Emulator.cs and TabManager.cs.
  • Added header to memory panel, to show the offset to each address, in Spin Map tab SpinView.cs.
  • Modified header background color of Main Memory tab, to use the same of other headers, in MemoryView.cs.
  • Code cleanup and refactoring in CogView.cs and in some parts of Cog.cs, affecting also InterpretedCog.cs and NativeCog.cs.
    • Refactored naming and visibility of members, parameters and local variables in classes, methods and enums.
    • Use of data bindings to global properties, for FreqFormat to show clock frequency on Spin byte code.
    • Added XML & Doxygen comments in files.
    • Removed extra spaces at line ends.
  • Code renaming on classes and files, documenting almost all.
  • Prepared modification of Main graphics context variable for the direct painting of MemoryView and SpinView panels, like CogView does, instead to use a bitmap backbuffer, in MemoryView.cs and SpinView.cs.
  • Added documentation on SpinBytecode to repository, and added link to it on

Release Version 22.07.01 Commit 195e7f5 Update version data, Merge commit 'f2647ca' b3b4bda & Commit 9a615fb Code cleanup UI on SpinView.

  • Changed constant name PropellerCPU.MaxRAMAddress to PropellerCPU.MaxMemoryAddress, to clarify it refers to top of ROM, not RAM. Affects PropellerCPU.cs, CogView.cs, InterpretedCog.cs, MemoryManager.cs, SpinView.cs.
  • Code cleanup and refactoring in SpinView.cs and in some parts of Emulator.cs.
    • Improved visualization of Spin objects in map, with more details and different colors. Added three alignment modes on map: none, at Byte, or at Word, with a new tool strip selector with icons.
    • Refactored naming and visibility of members, parameters and local variables in classes, methods and enums.
    • Use of data bindings to global properties, for FreqFormat to show clock frequency on Spin byte code.
    • Added XML & Doxygen comments in files.
    • Removed extra spaces at line ends.
  • Corrected Doxygen documentation on mcsgen diagrams, for method name change of Gear.GUI.Emulator.LoadPluginFromFile().

Release Version 22.06.03 Commit f2647ca Fix issue #30 - Linux-Mono: Version 22.06.02 crashes directly after loading a binary.

Release Version 22.06.02 Commit 812346a Code cleanup UI on RingMeter & MemoryView + performance improvement

  • Changed Gear image on ring meter: updated to better quality and colorful image and improved performance, thanks to refactoring, use precalculated screen positions for numbers on ring, pre-defined images, paralellism to load resources and precalculate.

  • Corrected error if no file name was selected on dialog to open a plugin or binary file, but pressed open button. Corrected methods PluginEditor.OpenButton_Click(.), GearDesktop.OpenPluginButton_Click(.), GearDesktop.OpenBinaryButton_Click(.), Emulator.OpenPlugin_Click(.), Emulator.OpenBinary_Click(.).

  • Auto update of program properties, using binding instead of custom methods, for EmbeddedCode, TabSize, LastPlugin and UseAnimationsin files AppPropertiesEditor.cs, Emulator.cs, PluginEditor.cs.

  • Added Refresh button and manage visibility of Reset button on AppPropertiesEditor.cs.

  • Improved font rendering and drawing aliased lines on Emulator.cs, HubView.cs, RingMeter.cs, BitView.cs, MemoryView.cs, PluginEditor.cs.

  • Code cleanup and refactoring in files: RingMeter.cs, MemoryView.cs and in some places in PluginBase.cs, PluginEditor.cs, PropellerCPU.cs, ModuleCompiler.cs.

    • Refactored naming and visibility of members, parameters and local variables in classes, methods and enums.
    • Identify paralellism points with complexity.
    • Added XML & Doxygen comments in files.
    • Removed extra spaces at line ends.
  • New file CommonUI.cs to declare common objects for User Interface. Moved there declaration of IRequestRepaintable interface.

Release Version 22.06.01 UI Speed optimizations and Commit 27bcd05 Code cleanup UI BitView + paint optimization

  • Improved performance of GUI on BitView control, redrawing it only on value changes.

    • Conditional control painting: only pins changed or full redraw if it is requested.
    • Pre-calculated rectangle coordinates for each pin.
    • Refactored logic to set Brush only once in constructor.
  • Code cleanup and refactoring in files: BitView.cs, and in some places in HubView.cs, Emulator.cs.

    • Refactored naming and visibility of members, parameters and local variables in classes, methods and enums.
    • Identify paralellism points with complexity.
    • Added XML & Doxygen comments in files.
    • Removed extra spaces at line ends.
  • Added custom Text for debugging with selected information, on files: BitView.cs, Emulator.cs, HubView.cs, PropellerCPU.cs.

  • Compacted decorations in attributes or members with multiple Attributes on TimeUnitComboBox.cs, TimeUnitMgmt.cs, TimeUnitToolStripComboBox.cs.

  • Added file name in header comments on xx.Designer.cs files.

Commit 3202daf Code cleanup UI Emulator, FloatedWindow, PluginEditor and AboutGear

  • Fixed bug when running emulator, but floated windows were not updated on Emulator.cs.

  • The order of tabs on emulator is remembered when a view is pinned/unpinned or floated/unfloated. Also, now tab repetitions are numbered if multiple copies of a plug-in are loaded. Created GUI.TabManager class to manage the document tabs.

  • Fixed bug on enable/disable buttons (step Instruction and step Clock) when the emulator arrives to a breakpoint.

  • Added new app property: UseAnimations, to enable/disable the use of animations on splitters of Emulator.

  • Corrected namespace dependency of app properties on Gear.Utils for classes TimeUnitsEnum and NumberFormatEnum.

  • Moved RememberRTBoxPosition class to Gear/GUI namespace and folder, on File 'RememberRTBoxPosition.cs'.

  • Code cleanup in files: Emulator.cs, FloatedWindow.cs, AboutGear.cs, AppPropertiesEditor.cs, CollapsibleSplitter.cs, TabManager.cs, PluginEditor.cs.

    • Refactored naming and visibility of members, parameters and local variables in classes, methods and enums.
    • Added legacy TODO tags in Doxygen documentation, and also identify paralellism points with complexity.
    • Added XML & Doxygen comments in files.
    • Updated format of @version tags to vYY.MM.dd.
    • Removed extra spaces at line ends.
  • Added .gitattributes file to preserve line endings for *.sh files on windows.

Commit 999845e Code cleanup UI LogicView & TimeUnit

Release Version 22.05.04 Emulator Core code Cleanup and Commit d2613c4 Bugfix VGA & television not working

  • Fixes bug on clearing arrays that broke VGA and television plugins, on PropellerCPU.cs.

Commit 0b06168 Code cleanup on PropellerCPU

  • Ordered update of ClockMode, XtalFrequency & CoreFrequency in HubView, using event detection when that properties changes in PropellerCPU. Files: HubView.cs, HubView.Designer.cs, Emulator.cs and PropellerCPU.cs.
  • Code cleanup in files: specially on PropellerCPU.cs, but also in NativeCog.cs, InterpretedCog.cs, Cog.cs.
    • Added Cog.CogNum property that replace PropellerCPU.CogID().
    • Changed method names to Cog.RequestHubOperation() and PropellerCPU.ExecuteHubOperation() to clarify the colaboration between classes.
    • Refactored naming and visibility of members, parameters and local variables in classes, methods and enums.
    • Added legacy TODO tags in Doxygen documentation, and also identify paralellism points.
    • Put extra UserControl documentation of SPIN interpreted code at the end of methods, lefting more cleaner the headers of methods.
    • Added XML & Doxygen comments in files.
  • Added first version of documentation of target .Net Framework and C# versions

Commit bf3509d Code cleanup on NativeCog

Commit 484a19e Code cleanup on InterpretedCog

  • Corrected visibility of abstract method Cog.Boot() to private protected, affecting descendents classes InterpretedCog and NativeCog.
  • Code cleanup in files: specially InterpretedCog.cs.
    • Refactored naming and visibility of members, parameters and local variables in classes, methods and enums.
    • Added XML & Doxygen comments in files.

Commit 2db28c5 PASM Condition codes to be intuitive evaluated

  • Invert sense of return value on Cog.ConditionCompare(), to a intuitive one: Returns TRUE if logic condition is valid, else FALSE. Files: Cog.cs, FreqGenerator.cs, NativeCog.cs.

Release Version 22.05.03 and Commit 3dc6dad Refactored EmulationCore.Cog, Code cleanup 6

Release Version 22.05.02 and Commit ac5755d Emulator speedup and code cleanup 5

Release Version 22.05.01 and Commit 56ce3b6 Code cleanup 4

Commit a5ccb86 Improved Emulator run mode and Code cleanup 3

  • Improved logic to enable/disable buttons (step Instruction and step Clock) when the emulator is running/stopped in Emulator.cs. Added shorcut 'c' to make a clock step in emulator.
  • Moved legend about emulator shortcuts in Hubview control to be show in Status label of GearDesktop form.
  • Changed all labels to be private in class HubView (HubView.Designer.cs).
  • Corrected more links on
  • CodeUtils Added: bash scripts to update things of code files:
  • Icon added to and doxygen html documentation.
  • Documentation of toolchain to generate Gear Logo: Included geometry definition of Gear control Gear_Control_Geometry.svg, based on open source tools as FreeCAD, Inkscape and POV-Ray.
  • Code cleanup on POV-Ray files for Gear Logo: copyright texts, corrected indentation, tabs to spaces, dead code cleanup, more documentation.
  • Upgrade Doxygen version to v1.9.
  • Added tag @issue to document links to github issues.
  • Improved documentation in some .cs files.
  • Corrected use of string instead of String in .cs files.
  • Removed @todo Document tags in all Doxygen documentation.

Release Version 22.04.01 and Commit 4f1928a Bugfix in LogicView, New icon for program and Code cleanup 2 and Commit 19c525d Version correction

  • Fixed bug in LogicView.cs: no detecting modification of timeFrame or tickMark.
  • New Icon for Gear program.
  • Update to v22.04.01.
  • Updated default value for plugins directory on app.config.
  • Removed extra spaces in line endings on all files.
  • Changed tag @since to @version in all Doxygen documentation.

Commit dd92658 - Corrected initial directory to open plug-ins and code cleanup 1

  • Corrected initial directory to open plug-ins in programs settings.
  • Corrected files of the project to have coherent line endings (CRLF), and coded in UTF-8.
  • Added generation of manifest.

Release Version 22.03.02 and commit eec325f - Various bugfixes.

  • Fixed bug in AssemblyInfo.cs: missing '+' on string concatenation.
  • Fixed bug corrected LONG registers not assigned correctly in Cog - DIR, OUT on Cog.cs.
  • Fixed bug on [LogicAnalog](Gear/GUI/LogicProbe/LogicAnalog.cs).Draw(): was comparing wrong time to activate.
  • Fixed bug in maximum frequency of Cog Counters, to 128Mhz instead of wrong limit of 120Mhz, on PLL.cs.
  • Fixed bug on LogicView.cs: save TimeUnitSelected with the other properties in logic view.
  • Fixed bug of Form name not updated when open another binary file in Emulator.cs.
  • Fixed hidden vertical scroll bar on Logic View: LogicView.Designer.cs.
  • Fixed bug of not remembering last binary open from Settings in Emulator.cs and GearDesktop.
  • Method PluginEditor.cs.OpenButton_Click(.) refactored on using Open File Dialog.
  • Updated GEAR Developers.

Release Version 22.03.01 and commit bf3cee3 - Improved accuracy of Video generator and improvements in code.

  • Updated version to 22.03.01, and files header copyright updated to 2007-2022.
  • Updated with description section, link to new Plugin notes.
  • Updated to fix dead links of Propeller threads. Added links to github commits, pull request and issues.
  • Added file : Details of deployed plugins, and Plugin API.
  • Separated big file NativeCog.cs in two files: NativeCog.cs with the main definitions, and NativeCogInstructions.cs with the Instructions methods, for clarity and better mantainability.
  • Created BinarySizeException.cs file to contains the class BinarySizeException, extracted from PropellerCPU.cs.
  • Created SingleInstanceException.cs file to contains the class SingleInstanceException, extracted from GearDesktop.cs.
  • Changed VisualStudio analizer: from legacy FxCops to NETAnalyzers in Project file (Articles "Migrate from FxCop analyzers to .NET analyzers" and "Install .NET analyzers" .
  • Deleted obsolete file: Gear\EmulationCore\DisassemblerStrings.cs.

[Merge pull request #29 from Sh1nyAnd3o3/vidgen_ordering1c94a33, and Commits cfcccf4c, 9a386ad and e0073bf.

  • Changed VideoGenerator Video Generation Procedure to fit Verilog Code (from @github/Sh1nyAnd3o3).

Pull request #26 & commits 8d15f6b, 1f71fdb - Added carry and zero flag changes to WAITVID instruction

  • Pull request #26 by @github/Sh1nyAnd3o3 : the carry and zero flag of an WAITVID instruction are set like the opcode of the WAITVID command tells.

Commit 94c3c2c - Updated http address for documentation links

  • Broken links fixed: parallax forums fixed.

Release Version 21.06.01 & Commit c647059- Cummulative release: bugfixes #23 #24 and bytecode documentation

  • Cummulative release for bugfixes #23 & #24 and bytecode documentation.
  • Include missing example file for Stimulus plugin: test.stm.

Commits 9979938, c0fb5ae, 90271bd - Ammends to correct issue Wuerfel21#24 & better documentation

Pull request #25 & commits 5eff3e6, 0935b40 - Fix reversed assignment ops

  • Commit 0935b40 by @github/Wuerfel21 : Fix reversed assignment ops, base solution.
  • Commit 5eff3e6 : Complement changes of the other commit, changing the PAMS instruction code on dissasembler window.

Commit 2845f4c - Bugfix @github/Wuerfel21#23: implement opcode 0x37 with ROL pasm instruction

  • Bugfix issue @github/Wuerfel21#23: implement opcode 0x37 (Push Packed Literal) with ROL pasm instruction and not SHL, on SPIN interpreter.
  • Added some documentation placeholders and remove some @todo Documents.
  • Corrected a propeller 1 forum link, to new web structure.

Release Version 20.10.01 & Commit c76aa43 - Added icons & images, some refresh improvements

  • Icons added to almost all windows and tools, based on Visual Studio 2019 Image Library. They are in svg native format (Gear/Resources/Icons/svg & Gear/Resources/Images/svg) directories).
  • Some changes from pull request #17 Prevent pathological copying of brushes, event storms on Linux (@github/jlunder): using double-buffer flag on Windows.Forms controls and DoubleBufferedPanel class, on every form and some controls (including PluginBase class) to prevent flickering.
  • Updated Gear Developers list and Third Party Components.
  • Updated header of every file for Gear Developers.

Commit de00b07 - Use Memory constants

  • Use Memory constants instead of constants like 0xFFFF.

Version 20.09.02 & Commit d517820 - Enhanced UI and fixed bug #20

  • Correction of bug number corrected (should be Fix #20).

  • New Cummulative version 20.09.01 - UI Improvemnts.

  • Changelog updated.

    Commit fe5274f - Message on oversize binary load

    • On binary load, now it is validating its size and show message error. Fix Issue #20.

    Version 20.09.01 - UI Improvements.

    • New time units dedicated ComboBox and ToolStripComboBox. They are used in the new field "elapsed time" in Hub and Logic views (Time Frame and Tick Mark Grid fields). Their values are remembereded as program properties.
    • Added tooltips to explain enhancements in Hub and Logic views.
    • Added time units & number formats in hub view. You can cycle between None, System default and Parallax (separator "_"), using the mouse button.
    • Added program properties editor form.
    • Enhanced plugin system to v1.0, with better XML format, and the possibility to write code to a separate .cs file
    • Migrated to .Net Framework 4.7.2, supporting version 7.3 of c# language.
    • A lot of documentation improvements and error corrections, using better tools of VisualStudio 2019.

Commit da92124 - UI Improvements - time units & number formats in hub view

  • Added time units & number formats in hub view. New time units dedicated combobox.
  • Added program properties editor windows.
  • A lot of documentation improvements and error corrections.

Commit ba539b3 - Format selection for Counter, core and xtal frequency in Hub view.

  • HubView Improvement: You can change the system counter, core and xtal frequency between 3 formats, remembering the selection.

Version 20.08.01 & Commits fceddc3 - Cummulative Release

  • Updated version to 20.08.01 in files and documentation, syncronizing some code changes with UI-Improvements branch.

  • Updated with corrected links to propeller forums and version changes.

  • Added comment headers to some files without it, and some documentation improvements.

    Commit 5474027 - Enhanced plugin system and editor.

    • Enhanced plugin format in XML files, also accepting old format. A plugin can have the c# code in a separate file (*.cs), to enable debugging into visual studio. Added validation of xml format.
    • Added tab size of plugin editor to program properties.
    • Enhanced comments on plugin template for new plugins, and also in shipped plugins.

    Commit 70e132c - Merge pull request #19 from davispuh/Remember-Dirs

    • Remember last directories binary files and plugins loaded or edited.

    Commit 970064d & a35ab06- Merge pull request #18 from Memotech-Bill/master

    • Corrected timing of Video Generator Frame Reload.
    • Added the ability to set breaks on video frame reloads, either all or just those that do not coinside with a WAIT_VID.
    • Fixed refresh when switching between tabs.

    Commit decdc0d - Remember last directories binary files and plugins loaded or edited.

    • The last directories of binary and plugins loaded are remembered on main windows and plugin editor.
    • Better documentation of PluginTemplate and PluginBase classes.
    • A lot of documentation improvements and error corrections.

    Commit 961cddc - Merge pull request #16 from mbaeten/master

    • Fixed Z-flag behavior of instructions SUMC and SUMN.

    Commit 74c355d - Bug correction on Logic View creation

    • Corrected bug on Logic View: on creation of logic view form, the last grid settings was not updated on form creation.

    Commit b41c66a - Plugin 1.0 Changes 3

    • Overhead eliminated on run emulator step (calling to a default setting every time).
    • Some DOXYGEN documentation on Emulator.cs

    Commit 7eb43c6 - Plugin 1.0 Changes 2

    • Correction on some missing Z and C flags on NativeCog.cs.
    • A lot of DOXYGEN documentation on *.cs.
    • Ordering on Using libraries on *.cs.
    • Some corrections of mispellings.

    Commit 8d43068 - Plugin 1.0 Changes 1

    • Improved syntax highlighting in Plugin Editor: faster processing of text, with progress bar for user feedback.
    • Auto detected class name on the code, to prevent possible inconsistences on the plugin instance name of the XML with the class name on the code.
    • Error grid more intelligent: shown only on errors, with more space on the grid.
    • References List improved: Added name to it, improved tool tips to Add & Remove buttons.
    • Some DOXYGEN documentation fixed.

    Commit d2a38e8 - Merge Correction 3

    • Corrected spellings errors.

    Commit 789b325 - Merge Correction 2

    • EmulationCore/PropellerCPU.cs - for PropellerCPU class changed ancestor to Propeller.DirectMemory and consequences, spelling errors. Now it compiles well.
    • EmulationCore/Cog.cs - changed references of CogSpecialAddress to Assembly.RegisterAddress, and references of CogConditionCodes to Assembly.ConditionCodes, using the definitions of Propeller/AssemblyRegisters.cs and Propeller/Conditions.cs. Also deleted obsolete definitions of enum CogSpecialAddress and CogConditionCodes. Corrected spelling errors.
    • Propeller/AssemblyRegisters.cs - Added comments from old code in EmulationCore/Cog.cs, principally by adding the correction for PAR register (allowing writes) in PASM.
    • GUI/SpinView.cs - Changed invocations of methods Propeller.ReadYYY() and Propeller.WriteYYY() to Propeller.DirectReadYYY() and Propeller.DirectWriteYYY(), following the changes in Propeller/MemoryManager.cs.

    Commit 2eb7f4e - Merge Correction 1

    Commit 30ca271 - Merge pull request #2 from gatuno1/Rel_Candidate2015_03

    • Version 2015.03.26

    Commit bd306e9 - Final commit to Rel.Cand2015_03

    • Fix the date to 15.03.26

    Commit 2d703bf - Version corrected to Rel.Cand.15_03

    • Corrected version & date in About dialog and Assembly version.

Commit 3451731 - Version reference corrected to Rel.Cand.15_03

  • Correction on all version references to points to V15.03.31.
  • Some spellings corrected in coments.

Commit ca1a8cc - Bug corrections of LastPlugin application setting

  • Bug Correction on first plugin loading on a fresh instalation of GEAR, related to LastPlugin application setting.
  • Corrected a bug in references list: it was possible to add a blank line to the list.

Version 15.03.26

  • Corrections on all the effects for PASM hub operations (zero, carry and return): CLKSET, COGID, COGINIT, COGSTOP, LOCKNEW, LOCKRET, LOCKSET, LOCKCLR. There was some missing values for carry & zero flags.

  • Algorithm optimization for PropellerCPU.PinChanged() to determinate the pin state faster for DIR and OUT.

  • Corrected reset events invocations, affecting pins & lock state, and logic view. Now all of them are reset effectively.

  • Improvements on LogicView, to show more helpful messages on errors, labels on buttons and text boxes.

  • In Plugin Editor now you can start with a default plugin template (new default) or empty window (old default style). The program recovers it from "Resources/PluginTemplate.cs".

  • Updated PluginBase class structure, so all the old plugins have to be updated:

    • Constructor invocation must call Base constructor.
    • Extra parameter on OnClock() method for current clock number in tick clocks.
    • Method PresentChip() with no param, because Chip reference now is included in plugin base class definition.
    • New method OnClose() is called for every plugin before closing the emulator (to perform cleanup).
  • Added program settings to remember them between sessions (stored in "Gear.exe.config" file in this version):

    • TimeFrame and TickMarkGrid on logic view.
    • LastBinary & LastPlugin on Emulator, GearDesktop & PluginEditor.
    • UpdateEachSteps to enable changes on the screen refresh rate.
    • Added UseNoTemplate program setting to enable load plugin editor empty (old default style).
  • Changed names and tooltips on buttons "open plugin", "load plugin", "open binary" on GearDesktop & Emulator.

  • Memory leaks prevention: Corrections for Disposable members in CogView.cs, LogicView.cs, MemoryView.cs & PluginEditor.cs.

  • Improved general documentation of source code, including specific pages for sequence of callings for PropellerCPU.Step() and loading a plugin in memory after compilation.

Version 14.07.03

  • Faster emulation.

    • In my own testing, GEAR runs now about 30% or 35% faster than Gear V09_10_26, maybe because the executable now use MS .NET framework 4.0 instead of 2.0. The drawback is the need to download the framework, but in windows 7 or 8, probably it is installed already.
    • Also, updated the project files to MS Visual C# 2010 Express (the old proyect was in MS Visual C# 2005). I use that because it was the only I could find.
  • Show Cog RAM Special Purpose Registers values.

    • Now the values of special registers in cog memory (between $1F0 - PAR and $1FF - VSCL) are displayed correctly in memory or PASM view.
  • Logic modes in counters.

    • Logic modes (CTRMODE between %10000 and %11111) didn't work well in past versions of Gear.
  • Correction to enable PAR register changes.

    • As there was some reports of prop forum users that GEAR was of not capable to change the PAR cog register (forum thread "PASM simulator / debugger?") then I enabled it. They claims that some parallax video drivers in PASM changes the PAR register, and GEAR didn't emulate that. The Propeller Manual V1.2 specify that is a read-only register, but if parallax did that drivers that really run on the real one...
  • Fixes in Logic View.

    • When you reload a binary or reset it, and you had run it before using pins, the logic view show a mix between new and old samples.
    • If you are using windows in other languages than english, -with other number formats-, the preset values for time frame and tick mark (with "." decimal separator) will not work if you press the update button.
  • Flickering correction on cog view over PASM lines.

    • When you were on cog view (PASM code), the tool tip text sometimes flickers.
  • Tooltips over pins and locks in hub view.

    • Added tooltips on hub view on pins and locks views (IN*, DIR*, Floating, Lock Free, Locks), to identify easily which pin or lock is.
  • Plugin editor enhancements.

    • Experimental C# sintax highlighting of code. Now the name of the file is displayed on the title of the window. Added tooltips to be more self explaining.

Version 09.10.26 26 October 2009

  • Many thanks to Bob Anderson for identifying bugs in and subsequently testing improvements to the emulation of SUBS, SUBSX, CMPSX and REV.

Version 09.06.05 (140) 5 June 2009

  • Many thanks to Ben Levitt for improving the behaviour of GEAR. (Reload Binary, Open to PlugIn, Close PlugIn)
  • Improvements in SerialIO plugin (Ben Levitt).

Version 09.05.12 (50) 11 May 2009

  • Fixed memory references of the form LONG[ &MyVar ][ 2 ], this case was being emulated as LONG[ 2 ][ &MyVar ].
  • Included SerialIO plugin (with thanks to Ben Levitt) in the distribution.

Version 08.10.16 (151) 16 October 2008

  • An extra function has been added which allows hot keys to be disabled for a plugin. Simply add the following function to your plugin: public override Boolean AllowHotKeys { get { return false; } }.

Version 08.04.29 (159) 29 April 2008

  • The lastest is now included in
  • 'R' and 'S' keys can now be used to run, stop and step the currently active cog.
  • Floating the cursor over an assembly cog page shows the values stored at the source and destination registers for the instruction line that's under the mouse. The values are shown as both hex and decimal.

On 23 January 2008

  • Updated Still works with V08_01_18 of GEAR.

  • The stimulus plug-in page has a context menu which allows a new stimulus file to be loaded and the current one to be saved.

  • Editing of the stimulus file is allowed - previously it was read-only.

  • As part of the stimulus file, it is now possible to include the words reset and stop.

    • reset - simulates a reset of the processor.

    • stop - causes a breakpoint - click Run to go to the next stop / breakpoint.

      How's this for something you haven't been able to do til now!!

      ! Stimulus File breakpoint example
      !  (diagnosing the first microseconds of life)
      10u stop
      +10u stop
      +10u stop
      +10u stop
      +10u stop
      +10u reset

On 21 January 2008

  • Added which updates stimulus.xml and the example stimulus file. It is now possible to do clock and pwm generation.

Version 08_01_18 (140)

  • Pin toggling by means of a stimulus file.

Version 08.01.13 (86)

  • Better disassembly of PASM.
  • Some fixes in assembly language emulation
  • An alternative / short instruction set for the spin bytecodes (the original is still available).
  • The ability to display numbers as hex or decimal.
  • The ability to add a single breakpoint (just click on a line of code).
  • Improved simulation of the timing from the output pins.
  • Better disassembly of PASM.
  • Some fixes in assembly language emulation.
  • An alternative / short instruction set for the spin bytecodes (the original is still available).
  • The ability to display numbers as hex or decimal.
  • The ability to add a single breakpoint (just click on a line of code).



  • Fixed HUBOP instruction (source and destination fields were switched).
  • Fixed PAR, now it's the 14 bit value passed, not the data stored at that address.
  • Fixed jitter in the analog view.


  • Fixed carry in addition / subtraction operations (most of them at least).
  • Changed the VGA plug-in to be sensitive on sync edges.
  • First official open source release.


  • Fixed MIN/MAX/MINS/MAXS instructions.
  • Improved and Consolidated PLL code.
  • General cleanups.
  • Fixed broadcast video emulation.


  • Now you can add pin ranges in the text box (12..14 is the equivalent to 12,13,14).
  • Reduced stack usage for interpreted cogs.
  • Fixed COGINIT/COGNEW for interpreted calls.
  • Fixed nested function calls.
  • Added broadcast emulation (possibly incorrect).
  • Changed the way PLLs work, allows for multiple aural hooks (since they are used now).


  • Implemented proper interpreted random output (thanks Paul and chip!).
  • Added analog channels to the logic view.
  • Reduced inital pins in logic view to 32 (0 - 31) since those are the only ones anyone should be using anyway.
  • Double clicking a channel in the logic view deletes it now.
  • Added the ability to add digital channels (incase you deleted it).
  • Fixed CMPSUB, frequencys are properly calculated in TV based applications.
  • Increased the number of samples allowed in the logic view from 256 to 1024.
  • Added a good ammount of initial condition checking to the GUI (although there is something wrong if the events occur before the emulator is presented to a plugin).
  • Other little fixes here and there.


  • Proper handling of condition field on native instructions.
  • VSCL is now buffered between WAITVID frames (VCFG is not).
  • Changed behavior of Forward and Reverse random (negitive feedback LSFR, rather than rotating buffer with XOR).
  • Timing fixed on instructions.
  • Fixed parity and other various instruction flag issues.
  • A cog stops rather than reboots the chip if the interpreter returns from it's starting function (stack underflow).
  • Increased the size of the virtual VGA monitor plug-in (Bitmap 512x384 VGA runs at 1024x768 with pixel / line doubling).
  • Included a PinNoise plugin, which plays with some pins.
  • PLLs dejitter is now more accurate (uses sub-system clock accuracy).


  • Fixed a HUGE problem involving inplace effected memory (interpreted)
  • x /= y was being processed as x := y / x (Which is bad). Order of operations is now appropriate.
  • Changed the name of BusModule to PluginBase class (makes more sense to me)
  • Sped up the interpreted core a little bit (doesn't use the stack for internal temporary variables).
  • Cleaned up the source significantly.
  • Fixed a minor bug in the composite video generator phase shifting code (s-video).
  • Numerous bug fixes scattered about the native and interpreted cores.


  • Support for Frequency Generator modes 1-3 (PLL), and VGA video generators.
  • New SPIN memory viewer, but it's incomplete.