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137 lines (110 loc) · 6.31 KB

Detailed Documentation

Calling this maven plugin will apply the whole process as follows:

  1. test-selection: select the tests that execute the code changes (this is done by diff-test-selection);
  2. instrumention: instrument the selected tests with probes to measure their energy consumption;
  3. delta: computation of the energy consumption delta test-wise (ΔSEC(t) = SEC(v2,t) - SEC(v1,t));
  4. mark: apply a strategy to mark as passing ✔️ or failing ❌ the commit;
  5. failer: instrument the tests that have a positive &Delta, meaning that are consuming energy after applying the commit;
  6. suspect: run fault localization to rate the modified line according to their suspiciousness;
  7. report: generate a readable report;

For more information, you can view a dedicated README for each step, however, we advise you to not run the steps individually since they are made to work together.

Diff-jjoules offers an extra feature which the mutation of the source code in order to introduce artificial energy regression. Please, see the dedicated documentation for more information.


The approach is divided into 2 workflows:

For the first workflow, we have the test-selection, then the instrumention and eventually the delta computation as shown in the figure below:


For the second workflow, we have the mark to decide to break the build or not, the failer and eventually suspect as shown in the figure below:


There is one extra step to report formatted result.


Maven plugins options

  Implementation: fr.davidson.diff.jjoules.DiffJJoulesMojo
  Language: java

  Available parameters:

    iterations (Default: 5)
      User property: iterations
      Number of execution to do to measure the energy consumption of tests.

    measureEnergyConsumption (Default: false)
      User property: measure
      (no description available)

    outputPath (Default: diff-jjoules)
      User property: output-path
      Specify the path to output the files that produces this plugin

      Required: true
      User property: path-dir-second-version
      Specify the path to root directory of the project in the second version.

    pathToReport (Default: .github/workflows/
      User property: path-to-report
      Specify the path to output the report

      User property: path-repo-v1
      Specify the path to the root directory of the project before applying the
      commit. This is useful when it is used on multi-modules project.

      User property: path-repo-v2
      Specify the path to the root directory of the project after applying the
      commit. This is useful when it is used on multi-modules project.

    reportType (Default: MARKDOWN)
      User property: report
      Specify the type of report to generate

    shouldMark (Default: true)
      User property: mark
      Enable or disable the mark (and the suspect and the failer) goals when
      running diff-jjoules

    shouldSuspect (Default: true)
      User property: suspect
      Enable or disable the suspect (and failer) goals when running

Jar Options

Usage: fr.davidson.diff.jjoules.Main [-hV] [--junit4] [--mark] [--measure] [--report] [--suspect]
                                     [--cohen-s-d=<cohensD>] -f=<pathToFirstVersion> [-i=<iterations>]
                                     [--mark-strategy=<markStrategyEnum>] [-o=<output>]
                                     [--path-report-file=<pathToReport>] [--path-repository-v1=<pathToRepositoryV1>]
                                     [--path-repository-v2=<pathToRepositoryV2>] [--report-type=<reportEnum>]
                                     -s=<pathToSecondVersion> [--test-filter-type=<testFilterEnum>]
                          Specify the threshold of the Cohen's D Default value: 0.8
  -f, --path-first-version=<pathToFirstVersion>
                          Path to the first version of the program.
  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --iteration=<iterations>
                          Number of test executions to measure their energy consumption.
      --junit4            Enable junit4 tests
      --mark              Enable mark step.
                          Specify the mark strategy to be used.Valid values: STRICT, AGGREGATE, CODE_COVERAGE,
                            DIFF_COVERAGE, ORIGINAL Default value: ORIGINAL
      --measure           Enable the energy consumption measurements of Diff-JJoules Default value: false
  -o, --output=<output>   Path to the output folder.
                          Path to report file to produce.
                          Path to the first version of the program that contains .git (this is used for multi-module
                          Path to the second version of the program that contains .git (this is used for multi-module
      --report            Enable report step (the mark step must be enabled).
                          Specify the report type to produce.Valid values: TEXTUAL, MARKDOWN, NONE Default value:
  -s, --path-second-version=<pathToSecondVersion>
                          Path to the second version of the program.
      --suspect           Enable suspect step.
                          Specify the test filter to use for marking.Valid values: ALL, EMPTY_INTERSECTION,
                            STUDENTS_T_TEST Default value: ALL
  -V, --version           Print version information and exit.
                          Specify the wrapper to be used.Valid values: MAVEN, PROPERTIES Default value: MAVEN