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Building on MacOS

NOTE: Building for MacOS is no longer supported after v0.3.15 on Maya 2019 with MacOS El Capitan 10.11. These build instructions are provided for historical reasons only and are not up to date (as of Maya 2020).

We can build mmSolver on MacOS. We have provided a Bash build script and CMake script which are configurable and readable for developers.

To use the pre-made build scripts, you can use the following commands to build the entire project (assuming you have already installed the build dependancies):

On MacOS:

$ cd /path/to/project/root/
$ bash scripts/build_thirdparty_mac_mayaXXXX.bash
$ bash scripts/build_mmSolver_mac_mayaXXXX.bash

Note: Replace XXXX, with the Maya version to build for.

The sections below explain the process in more detail.

Installing Build Dependencies

mmSolver has a few dependencies, and are listed in Install the dependencies using the guide listed below.

NOTE: Some of these dependancies are requirements of the Maya version and should be obtained from the Maya developer documentation.

Installing Maya Development Kit

The Maya development environment must be installed and set up correctly. The Autodesk Maya documentation contains details on how this can be done.

When you download the devkit, make sure to extract it. mmSolver will use the devkit files for building. It is assumed the devkit is installed to ~/maya####_devkitBase/devkit/bin/ (with #### replaced with the Maya version number), otherwise you should modify the <project root>/scripts/build_mmSolver_mac_maya####.bash script with the correct path.

Installing Sphinx

To install Sphinx, you can use the Pythin package manager:

$ pip install sphinx

Checking Build Dependencies

Running the below commands should give you a similar output and will mean you have all the needed dependancies.

$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.0.2

CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (

$ clang --version
Apple LLVM version 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin15.0.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/

$ make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0

$ python --version
Python 2.7.18

$ pip show sphinx
Name: Sphinx
Version: 1.8.5
Summary: Python documentation generator
Author: Georg Brandl
Author-email: [email protected]
License: BSD
Location: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requires: sphinxcontrib-websupport, imagesize, setuptools, babel, typing, Pygments, requests, six, docutils, packaging, snowballstemmer, alabaster, Jinja2

If everything looks good you can proceed to building, otherwise you will need to find and install the required dependancy.

Building Dependencies

The dependencies can be easily downloaded and built for mmSolver using build scripts provided in the <project root>/scripts directory.

On MacOS:

$ cd /path/to/project/root
$ bash scripts/build_thirdparty_mac_mayaXXXX.bash

Note: Replace XXXX, with the Maya version to build for.

If the commands above have worked, you should see the following directories under <project root>/external/install.

  • cminpack
  • eigen
  • libmv
  • openMVG

These dependencies will automatically be found by the mmSolver build script and installed.

Build mmSolver

After building Thirdparty, you can now build mmSolver.

Run these commands, on MacOS:

$ cd <project root>
$ bash scripts/build_mmSolver_mac_mayaXXXX.bash

# Run tests (optional but encouraged)
$ cd build
$ make test
$ cd ..

Note: Replace XXXX, with the Maya version to build for.

The build script (using CMake) will perform the following tasks:

  • Build documentation using Sphinx.
  • Compile Qt Designer .ui files into a format for Maya's version of Qt (PySide or PySide2).
  • Create a module (.mod) with configuration options.
  • Copy all needed files (including dependencies) into a module.

Following the steps above you will have the Maya plug-in compiled, and installed into your ~/maya/MAYA_VERSION/modules directory.

The below sections in this file list more details and how to run different stages of the build manually.

Customize Build Scripts

The build scripts contain default values for your version of Maya, and will work for default installations. If you have a custom install path, then you may need to edit the build scripts.

Below lists the variables in the build scripts:

Variable Description Example Value
MAYA_VERSION Maya version to build for. 2018
MAYA_LOCATION Location for Maya header (.h) files. /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018
INSTALL_MODULE_DIR Directory to install the Maya module. ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/2018/modules
FRESH_BUILD Delete all build files before re-compiling. 1
RUN_TESTS After build, run the test suite inside Maya. 0
WITH_CMINPACK Use the CMinpack library for solving. 1
BUILD_PACKAGE Create an archive file ready to distribute. 0

CMake Build Script

For those needing or wanting to compile the mmSolver Maya plug-in manually you can do it easily using the following commands.

Example CMake usage on MacOS:

$ cd <project root>
$ mkdir build
$ cd build

# Configure make files
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/2018/modules \
        -DUSE_CMINPACK=1 \
        -DMAYA_VERSION=2018 \
        -DMAYA_LOCATION=/Applications/Autodesk/maya2018 \
        -DCMINPACK_ROOT=/project_root/external/install/cminpack \

# Compile the project (including documentation, and Qt .ui files)
$ make -j4

# Install to Maya module directory.
$ make install

# Create .tar.gz archive.
$ make package

Common options:

CMake Option Description
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Location to install the Maya module.
MAYA_VERSION Maya version to build for.
MAYA_LOCATION Path to Maya install directory
USE_CMINPACK Build with CMinpack? (default = 1)
CMINPACK_ROOT Directory to CMinpack install base directory

Advanced options:

CMake Option Description
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE The type of build (Release, Debug, etc)
MAYA_INCLUDE_PATH Directory to the Maya header include files
MAYA_LIB_PATH Directory to the Maya library files
USE_CMINPACK Build with CMinpack? (default = 1)
CMINPACK_INCLUDE_PATH Directory to CMinpack header includes
CMINPACK_LIB_PATH Directory to CMinpack library
PREFERRED_SOLVER Preferred solver; 'cminpack_lmdif' or 'cminpack_lmder'.

You can read any of the build scripts to find out how they work. The build scripts can be found in <project root>/scripts/build_*.bash.

If you are new to building Maya plug-ins using CMake, we recommend watching these videos by Chad Vernon:

Building Packages

For developers wanting to produce a pre-compiled archive "package", simply turn on the variable BUILD_PACKAGE in the build script, by setting it to 1, then re-run the build script.

$ cd <project root>
$ bash scripts/build_mmSolver_mac_mayaXXXX.bash

This will re-compile mmSolver, then copy all scripts and plug-ins into a .tar.gz file, ready for distribution to users.

Compile Qt UI files

The CMake build script will automatically compile the Qt .ui files, however these scripts can also be run manually if needed.

The Qt Designer .ui files must be compiled using the intended version of Maya (either PySide or PySide2) in order to use the mmSolver tool GUIs.

To compile the *.ui files, run these commands.

On MacOS:

$ cd <project root>
$ /Applications/Autodesk/maya<VERSION>/ scripts/

# Or to compile a specific directory:
$ /Applications/Autodesk/maya<VERSION>/ scripts/ /path/to/directory

These commands use mayapy, the Maya Python interpreter. Make sure the use the executable with the version of Maya you are installing to. Using incorrect versions may cause unforeseen errors.

NOTE: Replace <project root> and <VERSION> as required.

Build Documentation

The CMake build script will automatically build the documentation, but the steps are documented manually below.

mmSolver comes with a set of documentation, and Sphinx building scripts to automate HTML page generation. It is recommended to build the HTML documentation, however it is optional for an installation.

To build the documentation, you will need to install both Python 2.7.x and Sphinx.

After Sphinx is installed (and Python is on your PATH environment variable), you can build the documentation with the following command line.

On MacOS:

$ cd <project root>/docs
$ make html

If this documentation build is successful, it will be installed automatically into the Maya Module (when the build script is run).

Note: Sphinx will likely list a number of 'errors' while building the documentation, this means the automatic tools failed to find documentation. This is (unfortunately) normal. A majority of the documentation will be present.

Run Test Suite

If you use the build script, you can automatically run the test suite after compiling and installing. Make sure to turn on the variable RUN_TESTS in the .bash or .bat scripts.

After all parts of the mmSolver are installed and can be found by Maya, try running the test suite to confirm everything is working as expected.

On MacOS:

$ cd <project root>
$ /Applications/Autodesk/maya<VERSION>/ tests/

Make sure you use the same Maya version 'mayapy' for testing as you have build for.

For more information about testing, see the Testing section in

Build Release Packages from Scratch

If you wish to build a (.tar.gz) package for users to download, there are a number of steps to ensure are run correctly in specific environments. The commands below are one-liner commands to set up everything from scratch and build, then package.

The directories below are hard-coded for the author's computer, you may need to change the paths for your environment.

Run in the MacOS Bash terminal:

# Maya 2018
$ mkdir -p ~/dev ; cd ~/dev ; git clone mayaMatchMoveSolver_maya2018Deploy_mac
$ cd ~/dev/mayaMatchMoveSolver_maya2018Deploy_mac ; git fetch --all; git checkout -f issue146; git pull; rm -R -f build_* ; rm -R -f external/install/* ; rm -R -f external/working/*/ ; bash scripts/build_thirdparty_mac_maya2018.bash ; bash scripts/build_mmSolver_mac_maya2018.bash

# Maya 2019
$ mkdir -p ~/dev ; cd ~/dev ; git clone mayaMatchMoveSolver_maya2019Deploy_mac
$ cd ~/dev/mayaMatchMoveSolver_maya2019Deploy_mac ; git fetch --all; git checkout -f issue146; git pull; rm -R -f build_* ; rm -R -f external/install/* ; rm -R -f external/working/*/ ; bash scripts/build_thirdparty_mac_maya2019.bash ; bash scripts/build_mmSolver_mac_maya2019.bash

# Maya 2020
$ mkdir -p ~/dev ; cd ~/dev ; git clone mayaMatchMoveSolver_maya2020Deploy_mac
$ cd ~/dev/mayaMatchMoveSolver_maya2020Deploy_mac ; git fetch --all; git checkout -f issue146; git pull; rm -R -f build_* ; rm -R -f external/install/* ; rm -R -f external/working/*/ ; bash scripts/build_thirdparty_mac_maya2020.bash ; bash scripts/build_mmSolver_mac_maya2020.bash

Package files can then be uploaded from the "~/dev/mayaMatchMoveSolver_maya*Deploy_mac/packages" folder.