Notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Breaking changes until 1.0
- improve logging
- improve documentation
- examples
- process specific connectors
- Update class names in Kafka connector
- Minor documentation updates
- Fix class names to PEP standards - will break existing references
- KafkaEnqueue, KafkaDequeue - Kafka connectors for Consumer, Producer
- MultiTask - Scaffolding for building large multi-processing application, useful for scaling Turbo Queue
- Update documentation to use Semantic Versioning
- New file name pattern (load,ready,unload).
- Timer function to clear out slow batches.
- Cleanup class to clean-up leftover events from restart. Ensures events still on disk are reloaded into the queue to be sent.
- Standardized naming convention of the queue files.
- Troubleshooting documentation started.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.