- Talk title: Pandoc
- Presenter: Christian Krippes [email protected]
- Date: 28. September 2022
- Pandoc is available for MacOs, Windows and Linux.
- Installation instructions and an installer can be found at https://pandoc.org/installing.html
- Pandoc is free software and a universal document converter for the commandline
- Is was created 2006 by John MacFarlane
- It converts a lot of different markup formats between each other. E.g.
. - It supports LaTeX.
- It has support for Figures, Tables, Synthax Highlighting, Cross References, Bibliography, Math (LaTeX)
- Lots of different markup formats (e.g from Students) can be combined into one PDF.
- Use one markup and create output for lots of different publication channels. e.g. write in Markdown and create a PDF,HTML and Word-Document just by saving.
- Split bigger publications into one file per chapter and compile the full doucument out of many small ones.
- Its a command line tool, automation is possible.
- Write your own filter and templates to adapt pandoc to special use cases
- By empowering plain text it enables you to keep your documents in a version control system like git. Which makes it easier to track changes.
- Create slideshows that also make a great PDF-Handout.
- Supports most common markup formats. Makes you more flexible.
- Plain text becomes powerful and enables version control
- Automation possible, makes repetitive tasks easier
- Details sometimes get complicated
- Learning curve, espacialy for those who not used to commandline tools
- No gui, which might be a hurdle for some people.