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Reference Data |
Easy-to-use reference data in CSV and JSON formats. |
Country list, S&P 500 companies, Language codes, World cities, Airport codes, Country codes, Currency codes, UN Locode |
2018-06-06 |
2018-06-19 |
reference-data.png |
This page is the place where you can find all reference data available on DataHub. Each dataset is easy-to-use and includes instructions on how to use it in different tools and programming languages.
What is reference data? Here is the quote from Wikipedia that answers that question:
Reference data are data that define the set of permissible values to be used by other data fields. Reference data gain in value when they are widely re-used and widely referenced. Typically, they do not change overly much in terms of definition, apart from occasional revisions. Reference data are often defined by standards organizations, such as country codes as defined in ISO 3166-1... read full article
In this section, we have included the datasets that are most popular among our users.
ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 English country names and code elements. This list states the country names (official short names in English) in alphabetical order as given in ISO 3166-1 and the corresponding ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements:
List of companies in the S&P 500 (Standard and Poor’s 500). The S&P 500 is a free-float, capitalization-weighted index of the top 500 publicly listed stocks in the US (top 500 by market cap). The dataset includes a list of all the stocks contained therein:
Comprehensive language code information, consisting of ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2 and IETF language types:
List of major cities in the world that have above 15,000 inhabitants. Each city is associated with its country and subcountry to reduce the number of ambiguities. Subcountry can be the name of a state (eg in United Kingdom or the United States of America) or the major administrative section (eg ‘‘region’’ in France’’):
Airport codes from around the world:
Comprehensive country code information, including ISO 3166 codes, ITU dialing codes, ISO 4217 currency codes, and many others:
List of currencies and their 3 digit codes as defined by ISO 4217. The data provided here is the consolidation of Table A.1 “Current currency & funds code list” and Table A.3 “Historic denominations”:
A list of the seven continents with English names and short, unique and permanent identifying codes:
List mantained by the SMDG Secretariat to specify the port terminal facilities in UN/EDIFACT messages. The list is directly linked with the UN/LOCODE codelist:
Official IMDG Codes for use in transport of dangerous goods as described by the IMO:
Database of IPv4 address networks with their respective geographical location:
This Data Package contains the delegation details of top-level domains:
Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) is a classification defined by the United Nations Statistics Division:
Coded representations of the package type names used in International Trade (UNECE/CEFACT Trade Facilitation Recommendation No.21):
Standardised codes from Recommendation 20, mantained by UNECE:
The United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations is a code list maintained by UNECE, United Nations agency, to facilitate trade:
This data provides the details of the membership by states to WIPO administered treaties on the subject matter of copyright:
List of FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) region codes:
This dataset lists all the Media Types (MIME types), Media Subtypes, and their file extensions:
Coded list of ISO 6346 shipping containers, used in international trade and electronic shipping messages:
International Commercial Terms (‘Incoterms’) are internationally recognised standard trade terms used in sales contracts:
The DAC Secretariat maintains various code lists which are used by donors to report on their aid flows to the DAC databases. In addition, these codes are used to classify information in the DAC databases:
UK condensed standard industrial classification of economic activities (SIC) 2007 codes:
List of companies in the S&P 500 (Standard and Poor’s 500). The dataset includes a list of all the stocks contained therein and associated key financials such as price, market capitalization, earnings, price/earnings ratio, price to book etc.:
List of companies in the NYSE, and other exchanges:
List of companies in the NASDAQ exchanges: