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📓 Lesson 3 - Data wrangling with Pandas

Pandas is a Python library that allows the loading, processing and wrangling of data. With Pandas you can gain access to data from a multitude of input sources such as CSV, TSV, Excel, SQL databases, JSON, etc. Afterwards, data can be exported out in the aforementioned formats as well.

Installing Pandas

Let's start by installing Pandas that can be performed as follows:

pip install pandas

Using Pandas

To start using Pandas, we can import Pandas as follows:

import pandas as pd

Pandas data structure

Pandas allow us to work with tabular datasets. Let us take a look at the basic data structures of Pandas that consists of 3 types as follows (i.e. the first two are the data structures while the latter serves as a point of reference): Pandas Data Structures

  1. Series
  2. DataFrame
  3. Index

In a nutshell, you will see that a Pandas DataFrame and Pandas Series are labeled data (i.e. it has row names and column names).

You’ll also see that a Pandas DataFrame is a collection of Pandas Series (i.e. the individual columns and rows).

Pandas Series

A Pandas Series is a one-dimensional array that is very much similar to the NumPy array but with the ability to be labeled (i.e. the axis label or also called the index). A Series can hold an integer, float, string, python object, etc. At a high-level, a Series can be thought of as a column in Microsoft Excel.

Pandas DataFrame

A Pandas DataFrame is a two-dimensional array. At a high-level, a DataFrame can be thought of as the spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel (i.e. a M × N matrix where M denotes the rows and N the columns).

Pandas Index

The index in Pandas is an inherent property of Series and DataFrame objects that serves as a point of reference as to which rows and/or columns to perform operations on (i.e. for a DataFrame) or the specific element in a Series to perform operations on. By default, Pandas automatically assigns index numbers starting from 0 to denote the row numbers or column numbers (i.e. if none are explicitly defined).

Creation of Pandas Series and DataFrame

Let's create some Pandas Series and Pandas DataFrame.

Pandas Series

A Pandas Series can be created using the pd.Series() command with a Python list as input arguments.

Consider the following elements inside the Python list:

# A list of integers
# A list of integers and floats
# A list of integers and a string
# A list of strings

As we can see above, by default, there are no Series name (i.e. column and row names as in a DataFrame). In the Index section below we will be adding the Series name.

Pandas DataFrame

By default, we can see that the Index values are integers. In the Index section we will be adding a label instead.

# Creating a DataFrame from a NumPy array
n1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
df1 = pd.DataFrame(n1)

Pandas Index

Let's add some meaningful labels to the columns.

Pandas Series

# Creating a Series from a list
l2 = [1,2,3,4,5]
s2 = pd.Series(l2, name='A')

Pandas DataFrame

# Creating a DataFrame from a NumPy array
n2 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])

# Creating columns name
df2 = pd.DataFrame(n2, columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])

# Creating a DataFrame with column and row names
df3 = pd.DataFrame(n2, columns=['A', 'B', 'C'], index=['R1', 'R2', 'R3'])

# Row names (i.e. the index) in a DataFrame can be renamed by altering the .index
df4 = df3.copy()
df4.index = ['John', 'Mary', 'Somchai']

# Creating a DataFrame from a dictionary
d = {'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6], 'C': [7, 8, 9]}
df5 = pd.DataFrame(d)

# Creating a DataFrame from a dictionary (with Index)
d = {'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6], 'C': [7, 8, 9]}
df6 = pd.DataFrame(d, index=['John','Somchai','Sally'])

# Creating a DataFrame from a dictionary (with Index)
d = {'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6], 'C': [7, 8, 9]}
df7 = pd.DataFrame(d)
df7.index = ['John','Somchai','Sally']

Read CSV data

Let's consider a simple use case of Pandas that I use quite often, which is to read in a CSV data:

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

In the above example, we are reading from a local file. However, if the CSV file is located on the cloud, it could also be read in a similar fashion. So instead of the file name, you can paste in the URL of the CSV file:

df = pd.read_csv('')

To display the CSV data, this is as simple as calling the df variable:


which yields the following DataFrame:

As we can see, the DataFrame could be thought of as an $m×n$ matrix with $m$ rows and $n$ columns.

💡 Note: Reading in Excel file works in the same way and instead of pd.read_csv we'll use the pd.read_excel command.

Getting to know the data

Data dimension

To figure out how many rows and columns your data has you can use the shape method, which is appended as a suffix to a Pandas object.

For example, to apply the shape method on the DataFrame object that is stored in the df variable we would run df.shape.

Firstly, we'll read in data from a CSV file as mentioned above.

df = pd.read_csv('')

Secondly, we determine the dimension of the data:


This produces a tuple telling us the number of rows and columns are presented in the DataFrame:

(1144, 5)

Summary information of a DataFrame

We can quickly obtain information (e.g. dtype, columns, non-null values and memory usage) about a DataFrame by using the info method.

Exploring the DataFrame

head() - Explore the first few rows.

tail() - Explore the last few rows.

You can also explicitly specify a number inside to tell it to show exactly N number of rows.


As the name implies, head() allows the display of the first few rows.

By default, 5 rows will be shown:


You can also explicitly specify a number inside to tell it to show exactly N number of rows.



As the name implies, tail() allows the display of the last few rows.

By default, 5 rows will be shown.


You can also explicitly specify a number inside to tell it to show exactly N number of rows.


Selection of columns

Selecting a single column

To select specific columns (such as the MolWt column) we can run the following:


which produces the following Series output:

In addition to the above method, one can use any of the 3 approaches:

df.loc[:, 'MolLogP']
# Note that MolLogP is located at the first column and thus the index of 0
df.iloc[:, 0]

Selecting multiple columns

To select multiple columns (such as MolWt and MolWt) we can run the following:


which produces the following DataFrame output:

Filtering data

Data filtering can be performed by specifying a single or more criteria.

Filtering by a single threshold value

Let's say that we would like to filter the data according to certain threshold value such as displaying the same data set where the MolLogP is less than 2:

df[df.MolLogP < 2]

As a result, this led to a subset of the data with 479 rows from the total of 1144 rows.

Filtering by applying multiple criteria

Instead of filtering the data according to a single criteria as shown above, we can specify multiple criteria as shown below where we display data where MolLogP is less than 2 AND logS is greater than -1:

df[(df.MolLogP < 2) & (df.logS > -1)]

Let's modify the above filter by displaying data where MolLogP is less than 2 OR logS is greater than -1:

df[(df.MolLogP < 2) | (df.logS > -1)]

Pandas Index

The Pandas Index essentially serves 3 roles:

  1. Identification
  2. Selection
  3. Alignment

Both rows and columns have Index

You can think of the Pandas Index as sort of like the address that you can use in identifying the specific rows or columns.

💡 Note: It should be noted that the index is not considered to be a part of the DataFrame's dimensions.

Let's apply the index method to the DataFrame to display the row names.

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1144, step=1)

Let's apply the columns method to the DataFrame to display the column name.

Index(['MolLogP', 'MolWt', 'NumRotatableBonds', 'AromaticProportion', 'logS'], dtype='object')

Index for Identification

In our data filtering example shown above and also displayed below, it can be noticed that the row number is retained when rows were removed as a result of the filtering.

df[(df.MolLogP < 2) & (df.logS > -1)]

Thus, we can see that the filtered DataFrame had row names of 7, 19, 26, 29, etc. Make note that rows 0-6, 8-18, 20-25, 27-28 were removed as a result of meeting the filter criteria.

Index for Selection

loc method

Firstly, loc is a method for selecting columns and filtering rows by label (i.e. row index and column names).

The following 2 approaches will give rise to the same output.

# 1. Selects the first row and all columns (explicit)
df.loc[0, :]
# 2. Selects the first row and all columns (implicit)

The display output for the 2 above mentioned commands is shown below:

MolLogP                 2.5954
MolWt                 167.8500
NumRotatableBonds       0.0000
AromaticProportion      0.0000
logS                   -2.1800
Name: 0, dtype: float64

Let's now select all rows and a specific column (MolLogP):

# Selects all rows and the MolLogP column
df.loc[:, 'MolLogP']
0       2.59540
1       2.37650
2       2.59380
3       2.02890
4       2.91890
1139    1.98820
1140    3.42130
1141    3.60960
1142    2.56214
1143    2.02164
Name: MolLogP, Length: 1144, dtype: float64

Let's now try to select the first row and the MolLogP column:

# Select the first row and the MolLogP column
df.loc[0, 'MolLogP']

iloc method

Secondly, iloc is a method for filtering rows and selecting columns based on the position integers.

Let's consider three examples.

In this first example, we're going to select and display data from the first row and all columns:

# Selects the first row and all columns
df.iloc[0, :]
MolLogP                 2.5954
MolWt                 167.8500
NumRotatableBonds       0.0000
AromaticProportion      0.0000
logS                   -2.1800
Name: 0, dtype: float64

In this second example, we're going to display only a single value from the first row and first column:

# Selects the first row and the first column
df.iloc[0, 0]

In this third example, we're going to display data from the first columns (and all rows):

# Selects all rows and the first column
df.iloc[:, 0]
0       2.59540
1       2.37650
2       2.59380
3       2.02890
4       2.91890
1139    1.98820
1140    3.42130
1141    3.60960
1142    2.56214
1143    2.02164
Name: MolLogP, Length: 1144, dtype: float64

Index for Alignment

We know that Pandas Index serves as a unique identifier. As a result, it keeps track of the individual rows or columns when we perform operations on them.

Let's say that we have created a Pandas Series that has row names of 0, 1, 1143:

s1 = pd.Series([1,5,10], index=[0, 1, 1143], name = 'A')
0        1
1        5
1143    10
Name: A, dtype: int64

In our forthcoming example, we're going to use the MolLogP column from the DataFrame:

0       2.59540
1       2.37650
2       2.59380
3       2.02890
4       2.91890
1139    1.98820
1140    3.42130
1141    3.60960
1142    2.56214
1143    2.02164
Name: MolLogP, Length: 1144, dtype: float64

If we were to perform an operation between the above Pandas Series and a column from our DataFrame mentioned above, like so:

df.MolLogP * s1

This will lead to the following output:

0        2.5954
1       11.8825
2           NaN
3           NaN
4           NaN
1139        NaN
1140        NaN
1141        NaN
1142        NaN
1143    20.2164
Length: 1144, dtype: float64

Here, we can notice that the display output shows the multiplication operation as performed on rows 0, 1 and 1143, which corresponds to the same row names specified by the Pandas Series s1.

Particularly, the value 2.59540 from row 0 of the df.MolLogP column was multiplied by the value of 1 from row 0 of the s1 Series. This multiplication led to a value of 2.5954.

Next, we have the value 2.37650 from row 1 of the df.MolLogP column was multiplied by the value of 5 from row 1 of the s1 Series. This multiplication led to a value of 11.8825.

Finally, we have the value 2.02164 from row 1143 of the df.MolLogP column was multiplied by the value of 10 from row 1143 of the s1 Series. This multiplication led to a value of 20.2164.

We can also notice that all other rows that were not mentioned in the row names of the s1 Series were also not involved in the multiplication operation and thus displayed values of NaN.

Renaming the Index

Renumbering the index

Let's say that we would like to rename the index values but before doing so, we're going to display the original DataFrame:


Notice that the index value starts from 0 and ends at 1143.

We're going to use the arange() method from NumPy to generate a list of values starting from 1 and running up to but not including 1145 (where values proceeds in increment of 1).

df.index = np.arange(1,1145,1)

Notice that the index value now starts from 1 and ends at 1144.

Renaming the index with strings

What if we would like to use strings as part of the index name, such as mol99, we certainly can.

Let's start by creating a list of such strings.

id_list = []
for i in np.arange(1,1145,1):
  a = 'mol'+str(i)

A one-liner version can also be used:

id_list = ['mol'+str(i) for i in np.arange(1,1145,1)]

Finally, we'll replace the index values with the newly generated ones:

df.index = id_list

The DataFrame should now show the new index values:


Handling Missing Data

Let's now consider how to handle missing data and in order to do that, sometimes it is also helpful to consider the non-missing data.

  1. isnull is a function for detecting missing values
  2. notnull is a function for detecting non-missing values

Detect missing data

Perhaps the first thing that we want to do is to determine whether the data being analyzed contains any missing data or not.

Particularly, the isnull() method appended after df would allow us to display a DataFrame showing whether each cell value is null (if it has missing data it will display a value of False) or not


Instead of showing a DataFrame of True/False values, let's display a summarized version where the sum of missing values is displayed for each column.

MolLogP               0
MolWt                 0
NumRotatableBonds     0
AromaticProportion    0
logS                  0
dtype: int64

Here, we can see that our dataset contains no missing data. So let's artificially add missing data so that we can proceed further with the tutorial. To do this, we're going to assign missing data by using pd.NA to specific cells of the DataFrame.

df.iloc[0, 0] = pd.NA
df.iloc[12, 0] = pd.NA
df.iloc[8, 1] = pd.NA
df.iloc[12, 1] = pd.NA
df.iloc[57, 2] = pd.NA
df.iloc[31, 3] = pd.NA
df.iloc[101, 4] = pd.NA

We can see that we have added missing data to arbitrary cells of the DataFrame.

Let's proceed to detect missing data in the DataFrame:

MolLogP               2
MolWt                 2
NumRotatableBonds     1
AromaticProportion    1
logS                  1
dtype: int64

💡 Note: In addition to isnull() you can also use isna(), which should give the same outcome.

Here, comes the fun part, let's display the DataFrame again but this time only rows with at least one missing value is shown:

df[df.isnull().any(axis = 1)]

Detect non-missing data

This is the opposite to the previous function where we are checking for non-missing data.


Drop missing data

In handling missing data, you can decide to either drop the missing data or fill in missing data with replacement values.

Let's drop rows that have at least 1 missing value:


We can see from the above that 6 rows with missing data have been removed from the DataFrame thereby reducing the number of rows from 1144 to 1138.

💡 Note: It is worth to mention that the above did not save the new DataFrame to the existing DataFrame. Thus, we can add the argument inplace=True in order to save the new DataFrame with no missing data to the existing df DataFrame.


Replace missing data

In handling missing data, you can decide to either drop the missing data or fill in missing data with replacement values.

Let's replace missing values with the column's mean:


Or instead the column's median:



In this lesson, we've covered how to install the Pandas library, Pandas data structure, creation of Pandas Series and DataFrame, reading in CSV files, selecting columns and dropping missing data from the DataFrame. Finally, we've also used Pandas in a Streamlit app.

Next step

🚀 Proceed to Project 2 to build a Streamlit app that shows the use of Pandas in a Streamlit app.