Short Tandem Repeat disease loci resource
⭐️ View the data at strchive.org ⭐️
STRchive by Harriet Dashnow is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- Harriet Dashnow
- Laurel Hiatt
- Akshay Avvaru
- Vincent Rubinetti
If you notice an error, omission, or update, feel free to leave a comment or create a pull request.
To make a change to the STRchive data itself, please edit data/STRchive-loci.json
Then run the "linting" script and fix any errors:
python scripts/check-loci.py data/STRchive-loci.json
From the root directory, run:
Or to skip retrieve and manubot stages, which will speed things up substantially:
snakemake --config stages="skip-refs"
python scripts/make-catalog.py -g hg38 -f TRGT data/STRchive-loci.json data/STRchive-disease-loci.hg38.TRGT.bed
python scripts/make-catalog.py -g T2T -f TRGT data/STRchive-loci.json data/STRchive-disease-loci.T2T-chm13.TRGT.bed
python scripts/make-catalog.py -g hg19 -f TRGT data/STRchive-loci.json data/STRchive-disease-loci.hg19.TRGT.bed
python scripts/make-catalog.py -f bed -g hg38 data/STRchive-loci.json data/STRchive-disease-loci.hg38.bed
python scripts/make-catalog.py -f bed -g T2T data/STRchive-loci.json data/STRchive-disease-loci.T2T-chm13.bed
python scripts/make-catalog.py -f bed -g hg19 data/STRchive-loci.json data/STRchive-disease-loci.hg19.bed
New install:
conda env create --file scripts/environment.yml
conda activate strchive
Update existing installation:
conda activate strchive
conda env update --file scripts/environment.yml --prune
conda activate strchive
Note: biomaRt isn't playing nicely with conda, so installing it within the R script where it is used.