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123 lines (98 loc) · 7.29 KB Wrapper

TheMovieDbWrapper is a C# wrapper for API providing cross-platform support for Xamarin, iOS, Android, and all flavors of .NET.

A nuget package is available directly through Visual Studio:

Common Requests

The current release supports common requests for movie and other miscellaneous information, such as:

  • configuration information
  • Movie information
  • Movie rating information
  • TV show information
  • Movie and TV genres
  • Movie/TV industry specific professions
  • Production company information
  • People information

Usage - Setup

In order to use any feature of the wrapper, a concrete implementation of the IMovieDbSettings interface must be created. The interface only contains 2 properties:

  1. ApiKey: a private key required to query API.
  2. ApiUrl: the URL used for api calls to This URL should be static, but is included in case an alternative URL is ever provided. The current URL is

Once the IMovieDbSettings interface has been implemented, it can be used to register your settings with the MovieDbFactory.

Note: There is an overloaded method on the MovieDbFactory which allows you to register your settings as parameters to the method.

Usage - MovieDbFactory

The MovieDbFactory provides access to all exposed operations for retrieving information from The factory exposes the following methods (other methods may be exposed, but these are the important ones):

  • void MovieDbFactory.RegisterSettings( IMovieDbSettings settings ): Registers your specific API key with the factory.
  • void MovieDbFactory.RegisterSettings( string apiKey, string apiUrl = "" ): Registers your specific API key with the factory.
  • Lazy<T> MovieDbFactory.Create<T>() where T : IApiRequest: Creates the specific API requested. See below (Usages - Interfaces) for all exposed interfaces. One of the RegisterSettings methods must be called prior to creating anything from the factory.

Usage - Interfaces

The following interfaces can be used to retrieve information:

Usage - Examples

Register your settings first:

// registration with an implementation of IMovieDbSettings
//, i.e., public class YourMovieDbSettings : IMoveDbSettings { // implementation }
MovieDbFactory.RegisterSettings( new YourMovieDbSettings() )

// alternative method of registration
MovieDbFactory.RegisterSettings( "your-apiKey", "" )

Retrieve an API request interface (see Usage - Interfaces above for available interfaces):

// as the factory returns a Lazy<T> instance, simply grab the Value out of the Lazy<T>
// and assign to a local variable.
var movieApi = MovieDbFactory.Create<IApiMovieRequest>().Value

Use the API request interface to retrieve information:

ApiSearchResponse<MovieInfo> response = await _api.SearchByTitleAsync( "Star Trek" );

The ApiSearchResponse<T> provides rich information about the results of the search:

  • IReadOnlyList<T> Results: The list of results from the search.
  • int PageNumber: The current page number of the search result.
  • int TotalPages: The total number of pages found from the search result.
  • int TotalResults: The total number of results from the search.
  • ToString(): returns "Page x of y (z total results)".
  • ApiError Error: Contains specific error information if an error was encountered during the API call to
  • ApiRateLimit RateLimit: Contains the current rate limits from your most recent API call to

Other methods querying on specific Id's, such as IApiMovieRequest.FindByIdAsync( movieId ) will return an ApiQueryResponse<T> with a single result as well as some common information seen in the ApiSearchResponse:

  • T Item: The item returned from the API call, where T is the specific query such as MovieInfo, Movie, MovieCredit, etc..
  • ToString(): returns the ToString method of the Item.
  • ApiError Error: Contains specific error information if an error was encountered during the API call to
  • ApiRateLimit RateLimit: Contains the current rate limits from your most recent API call to

Usage - Examples: Putting it all together

// RegisterSettings only needs to be called one time when your application starts-up.
MovieDbFactory.RegisterSettings( new YourMovieDbSettings() )

var movieApi = MovieDbFactory.Create<IApiMovieRequest>().Value;

ApiSearchResponse<MovieInfo> response = await movieApi.SearchByTitleAsync( "Star Trek" );

foreach( MovieInfo info in response.Results )
    Console.WriteLine( "{0} ({1}): {2}" info.Title, info.ReleaseDate, info.Overview );

See the MovieInfo class for all available information from a movie search response.

Usage - Examples: Paging a search result

var movieApi = MovieDbFactory.Create<IApiMovieRequest>().Value;

int pageNumber = 1;
int totalPages;
    ApiSearchResponse<MovieInfo> response = await movieApi.SearchByTitleAsync( "Harry", pageNumber );

    // alternatively, just call response.ToString() which will provide the same paged information format as below:
    Console.WriteLine( "Page {0} of {1} ({2} total results)", response.PageNumber, response.TotalPages, response.TotalResults );

    foreach( MovieInfo info in response.Results )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0} ({1}): {2}", info.Title, info.ReleaseDate, info.Overview );

    totalPages = response.TotalPages;
} while( pageNumber++ < totalPages );

Do you have a comprehensive list of examples?

  • The API we've exposed should be fairly straight forward. All interfaces, classes, methods, properties, etc... have full intellisense support. If you need more detailed examples, just ask!
  • You may also browse the suite of integration tests covering all usages of the API.