Mozaïk is a tool based on nodejs / react / reflux / d3 / stylus to easily craft beautiful dashboards. See demo
- Scalable layout
- Themes support
- Extendable by modules
- Grid positining
- Optimized backend communication
- Rotation support (with smooth transition)
Easy way to get started is using the demo dashboard. Look at the instructions on the dedicated repository
Alternatively, use provided Yeoman generator available to start with new dashboard or widget:
npm install -g yo gulp generator-mozaik
yo mozaik
npm install
gulp publish
node app.js
Visit the Wiki for further information/doc.
Widgets are maintained as separate modules, thus available via mozaik-ext-name in npm.js. To install an extension:
Install modules from npmjs:
npm install --save mozaik-ext-example
Register widgets by adding to dashboard
:mozaik.addBatch('example', require('mozaik-ext-example'));
Configure size, widget placement and params in
:module.exports = { // ... dashboards: [ // Dashboard 1 { columns: 2, rows: 2, widgets: [ { type: 'example.widget_name', // WidgetName -> widget_name param1: 'value1', // See widget documentation columns: 1, rows: 1, // Size x: 0, y: 0 // Position } ] } ] }
If widget needs to communicate with backend (see widget documentation), register its client api by adding to dashboard
:mozaik.bus.registerApi('example', require('mozaik-ext-example/client') );
If client api requires configuration, it is provided in dashboard's
:module.exports = { env: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production', host: 'localhost', port: process.env.PORT || 5000, // Server-side client configuration. // By convention, the name follow the module api: { example: { foo: 'bar' }, } // ... }
(Re)build the dashboard:
gulp publish
Mozaïk dashboard comes with 5 themes and makes it easy to develop your own theme. Set theme name in config.js
// Options: bordeau, night-blue, light-grey, light-yellow, yellow
theme: 'night-blue'