diff --git a/notebooks/options-historical-test.ipynb b/notebooks/options-historical-test.ipynb
index 1f85d54..7338b06 100644
--- a/notebooks/options-historical-test.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/options-historical-test.ipynb
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
+ "execution_count": 19,
"id": "72577f12",
"metadata": {
"papermill": {
@@ -737,50 +737,14 @@
"tags": []
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Stock Price')"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 6,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
- "model_id": "aa5f2fc376bf4ca8bc2356c9b92500fb",
- "version_major": 2,
- "version_minor": 0
- },
- "image/png": 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- "text/html": [
- "\n",
- "
- "
- " Figure\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " "
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- "Canvas(toolbar=Toolbar(toolitems=[('Home', 'Reset original view', 'home', 'home'), ('Back', 'Back to previous …"
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- }
- ],
+ "outputs": [],
"source": [
- "plt.scatter(\n",
- " pd.to_datetime(df_numeric[\"QUOTE_UNIXTIME\"], unit=\"s\"), df_numeric[\"UNDERLYING_LAST\"], color=\"black\", alpha=0.003\n",
- ")\n",
- "plt.ylabel(\"Price in USD\")\n",
- "plt.xlabel(\"Date\")\n",
- "plt.title(\"Stock Price\")"
+ "# plt.scatter(\n",
+ "# pd.to_datetime(df_numeric[\"QUOTE_UNIXTIME\"], unit=\"s\"), df_numeric[\"UNDERLYING_LAST\"], color=\"black\", alpha=0.003\n",
+ "# )\n",
+ "# plt.ylabel(\"Price in USD\")\n",
+ "# plt.xlabel(\"Date\")\n",
+ "# plt.title(\"Stock Price\")"
@@ -888,7 +852,7 @@
" 21844.0 | \n",
" 0.5 | \n",
" 0.001 | \n",
- " -6760245503562875669 | \n",
+ " 3678200379716462875 | \n",
" 2021-05-18 | \n",
" 35.0 | \n",
" 415.52 | \n",
@@ -930,7 +894,7 @@
" 88804.0 | \n",
" 0.5 | \n",
" 0.001 | \n",
- " 676241597245596579 | \n",
+ " 7914352947402920466 | \n",
" 2021-05-18 | \n",
" 35.0 | \n",
" 415.52 | \n",
@@ -972,7 +936,7 @@
" 9597.0 | \n",
" 1.5 | \n",
" 0.004 | \n",
- " -3670022894257094045 | \n",
+ " 2122035628789397972 | \n",
" 2021-05-18 | \n",
" 35.0 | \n",
" 415.52 | \n",
@@ -1014,7 +978,7 @@
" 111259.0 | \n",
" 1.5 | \n",
" 0.004 | \n",
- " -7249041077272755308 | \n",
+ " 6494844262223153800 | \n",
" 2021-05-18 | \n",
" 35.0 | \n",
" 415.52 | \n",
@@ -1056,7 +1020,7 @@
" 3627.0 | \n",
" 2.5 | \n",
" 0.006 | \n",
- " -8467638488503956034 | \n",
+ " -8781873077306785570 | \n",
" 2021-05-18 | \n",
" 35.0 | \n",
" 415.52 | \n",
@@ -1140,7 +1104,7 @@
" NaN | \n",
" 247.6 | \n",
" 0.647 | \n",
- " 1314457993607049425 | \n",
+ " -7308995714326939962 | \n",
" 2022-12-31 | \n",
" 38.0 | \n",
" 382.44 | \n",
@@ -1182,7 +1146,7 @@
" NaN | \n",
" 252.6 | \n",
" 0.660 | \n",
- " 4656518770267230681 | \n",
+ " 4780599082883713619 | \n",
" 2022-12-31 | \n",
" 38.0 | \n",
" 382.44 | \n",
@@ -1224,7 +1188,7 @@
" NaN | \n",
" 257.6 | \n",
" 0.673 | \n",
- " 3771977514430811622 | \n",
+ " 4851641468731510798 | \n",
" 2022-12-31 | \n",
" 38.0 | \n",
" 382.44 | \n",
@@ -1266,7 +1230,7 @@
" NaN | \n",
" 262.6 | \n",
" 0.687 | \n",
- " -1329059157386487333 | \n",
+ " -529054880333333839 | \n",
" 2022-12-31 | \n",
" 38.0 | \n",
" 382.44 | \n",
@@ -1308,7 +1272,7 @@
" NaN | \n",
" 267.6 | \n",
" 0.700 | \n",
- " 341608810482875292 | \n",
+ " -8806253791797904795 | \n",
" 2022-12-31 | \n",
" 38.0 | \n",
" 382.44 | \n",
@@ -1406,17 +1370,17 @@
"2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 -0.63195 0.31007 NaN 267.6 \n",
- "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.001 -6760245503562875669 \n",
- "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.001 676241597245596579 \n",
- "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.004 -3670022894257094045 \n",
- "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.004 -7249041077272755308 \n",
- "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.006 -8467638488503956034 \n",
+ "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.001 3678200379716462875 \n",
+ "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.001 7914352947402920466 \n",
+ "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.004 2122035628789397972 \n",
+ "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.004 6494844262223153800 \n",
+ "2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 0.006 -8781873077306785570 \n",
"... ... ... \n",
- "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.647 1314457993607049425 \n",
- "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.660 4656518770267230681 \n",
- "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.673 3771977514430811622 \n",
- "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.687 -1329059157386487333 \n",
- "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.700 341608810482875292 \n",
+ "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.647 -7308995714326939962 \n",
+ "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.660 4780599082883713619 \n",
+ "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.673 4851641468731510798 \n",
+ "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.687 -529054880333333839 \n",
+ "2022-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.700 -8806253791797904795 \n",
" x fear_greed_index close RSI_14 \\\n",
"2021-05-18 00:00:00+00:00 2021-05-18 35.0 415.52 NaN \n",
@@ -1557,7 +1521,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 8,
+ "execution_count": 27,
"id": "6fa62b1c-0b12-475f-93b9-c9719d5d44a3",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -1688,7 +1652,7 @@
" 389.621386259459 | \n",
" 75.33245037348792 | \n",
" 0.1790713473960465 | \n",
- " -2.053009515270474e+16 | \n",
+ " 4.642859304801065e+16 | \n",
" 39.038371060741476 | \n",
" 422.4817242735741 | \n",
" 51.789578205978195 | \n",
@@ -1727,7 +1691,7 @@
" 3612.922998334148 | \n",
" 75.1776933230736 | \n",
" 0.17810951115649828 | \n",
- " 5.368571467152072e+18 | \n",
+ " 5.303436691449645e+18 | \n",
" 16.585734663695135 | \n",
" 29.910964085330363 | \n",
" 11.583977124484939 | \n",
@@ -1766,7 +1730,7 @@
" 0.0 | \n",
" 0.0 | \n",
" 0.0 | \n",
- " -9.223245342803787e+18 | \n",
+ " -9.222839143678207e+18 | \n",
" 4.0 | \n",
" 356.58 | \n",
" 24.696818805127215 | \n",
@@ -1805,7 +1769,7 @@
" 0.0 | \n",
" 23.3 | \n",
" 0.055 | \n",
- " -4.736134459086785e+18 | \n",
+ " -4.5444176386767427e+18 | \n",
" 27.0 | \n",
" 396.39 | \n",
" 42.84232079697009 | \n",
@@ -1844,7 +1808,7 @@
" 3.0 | \n",
" 50.5 | \n",
" 0.12 | \n",
- " -8.971649314358414e+16 | \n",
+ " 7.777162536670581e+16 | \n",
" 37.0 | \n",
" 426.05 | \n",
" 51.812257226772104 | \n",
@@ -1883,7 +1847,7 @@
" 48.0 | \n",
" 106.6 | \n",
" 0.253 | \n",
- " 4.647527664145754e+18 | \n",
+ " 4.648366059574329e+18 | \n",
" 52.0 | \n",
" 446.58 | \n",
" 61.50697404440826 | \n",
@@ -1922,7 +1886,7 @@
" 265102.0 | \n",
" 4469.3 | \n",
" 10.425 | \n",
- " 9.2233576495723e+18 | \n",
+ " 9.223077125374876e+18 | \n",
" 77.0 | \n",
" 477.77 | \n",
" 77.26303058216253 | \n",
@@ -2018,15 +1982,15 @@
"75% -0.01001 0.35607 48.0 \n",
"max 0.0 12.17003 265102.0 \n",
- "count 1672745.0 1672745.0 1672745.0 \n",
- "mean 75.33245037348792 0.1790713473960465 -2.053009515270474e+16 \n",
- "std 75.1776933230736 0.17810951115649828 5.368571467152072e+18 \n",
- "min 0.0 0.0 -9.223245342803787e+18 \n",
- "25% 23.3 0.055 -4.736134459086785e+18 \n",
- "50% 50.5 0.12 -8.971649314358414e+16 \n",
- "75% 106.6 0.253 4.647527664145754e+18 \n",
- "max 4469.3 10.425 9.2233576495723e+18 \n",
+ "count 1672745.0 1672745.0 1672745.0 \n",
+ "mean 75.33245037348792 0.1790713473960465 4.642859304801065e+16 \n",
+ "std 75.1776933230736 0.17810951115649828 5.303436691449645e+18 \n",
+ "min 0.0 0.0 -9.222839143678207e+18 \n",
+ "25% 23.3 0.055 -4.5444176386767427e+18 \n",
+ "50% 50.5 0.12 7.777162536670581e+16 \n",
+ "75% 106.6 0.253 4.648366059574329e+18 \n",
+ "max 4469.3 10.425 9.223077125374876e+18 \n",
" fear_greed_index close RSI_14 \\\n",
"count 1672745.0 1672745.0 1599225.0 \n",
@@ -2059,18 +2023,23 @@
"max 77.0 64.61096595089451 77.26303058216253 "
- "execution_count": 8,
+ "execution_count": 27,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
+ "# for c in [\"UNDERLYING_LAST\", \"fear_greed_index\"]:\n",
+ "# df = df_option_history[[c]]\n",
+ "# df[\"date\"] = df.index\n",
+ "# df.drop_duplicates(subset=[\"date\", c]).plot(x=\"date\", y=c)\n",
+ " \n",
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 26,
+ "execution_count": 35,
"id": "95a774ff-3056-460b-a80c-a39cac253015",
"metadata": {
"scrolled": true
@@ -2080,8000 +2049,7342 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "2021-06-10 $1816 1 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 426.0 $183 -8263480724001513998\n",
- "2021-06-10 $1666 2 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 427.0 $150 5857495668399138503\n",
- "2021-06-10 $1530 3 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 427.5 $135 -8755251302512870135\n",
- "2021-06-10 $1407 4 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 428.0 $122 -7684522333899478722\n",
- "2021-06-10 $1308 5 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 429.0 $99 -1167405241563862993\n",
- "2021-06-10 $1228 6 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 430.0 $79 2132165172969796012\n",
- "2021-06-10 $1185 7 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 433.0 $42 7603442827651155742\n",
- "2021-06-10 $1074 8 buy call 2021-06-30 421.65 430.0 $111 -7323517221299559822\n",
- "2021-06-10 $980 9 buy call 2021-06-30 421.65 431.0 $93 -1955121931791686393\n",
- "2021-06-10 $903 10 buy call 2021-06-30 421.65 432.0 $76 5893766814544513474\n",
- "2021-06-10 $860 11 buy call 2021-06-30 421.65 435.0 $43 -9134350063615551458\n",
- "2021-06-10 $824 12 buy call 2021-06-30 421.65 436.0 $35 -1896493007149027758\n",
- "2021-06-10 $794 13 buy call 2021-06-30 421.65 437.0 $29 6334653443905523493\n",
- "2021-06-10 $740 14 buy call 2021-07-02 421.65 435.0 $54 -6509166841685819446\n",
- "2021-06-10 $666 15 buy call 2021-07-16 421.65 439.0 $73 2726210077990345148\n",
- "2021-06-10 $602 16 buy call 2021-07-16 421.65 440.0 $63 1777092778516985302\n",
- "2021-06-11 $544 17 buy call 2021-06-25 423.61 431.0 $58 -8649919829085479701\n",
- "2021-06-11 $497 18 buy call 2021-06-25 423.61 432.0 $46 -8508956253521801390\n",
- "2021-06-11 $480 19 buy call 2021-06-25 423.61 437.0 $16 4084334817734516653\n",
- "2021-06-11 $466 20 buy call 2021-06-25 423.61 438.0 $14 2665644911187023942\n",
- "2021-06-11 $456 21 buy call 2021-06-25 423.61 441.0 $9 2399155346527711095\n",
- "2021-06-11 $449 22 buy call 2021-06-25 423.61 444.0 $6 1897473798043345964\n",
- "2021-06-11 $427 23 buy call 2021-06-30 423.61 438.0 $22 -2502070137984581708\n",
- "2021-06-11 $391 24 buy call 2021-07-02 423.61 437.0 $35 4600915763222311295\n",
- "2021-06-11 $361 25 buy call 2021-07-02 423.61 438.0 $29 -683295053477140256\n",
- "2021-06-11 $340 26 buy call 2021-07-02 423.61 440.0 $21 2136559019616249349\n",
- "2021-06-11 $323 27 buy call 2021-07-02 423.61 442.0 $16 6574323074907573658\n",
- "2021-06-11 $309 28 buy call 2021-07-06 423.61 444.0 $14 5928915876725201924\n",
- "2021-06-15 $297 29 buy call 2021-06-30 425.33 440.0 $11 -7112728330701273172\n",
- "2021-06-15 $291 30 buy call 2021-06-30 425.33 445.0 $5 -815692797112620000\n",
- "2021-06-15 $267 31 buy call 2021-07-16 425.33 445.0 $24 3327556233275291345\n",
- "2021-06-15 $245 32 buy call 2021-07-16 425.33 446.0 $21 -5650420668172004015\n",
- "2021-06-16 $432 31 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 426.0 $188 -8263480724001513998\n",
- "2021-06-16 $575 30 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 427.0 $143 5857495668399138503\n",
- "2021-06-16 $698 29 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 427.5 $124 -8755251302512870135\n",
- "2021-06-16 $811 28 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 428.0 $114 -7684522333899478722\n",
- "2021-06-16 $897 27 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 429.0 $86 -1167405241563862993\n",
- "2021-06-16 $960 26 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 430.0 $64 2132165172969796012\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1008 25 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 431.0 $49 -8649919829085479701\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1043 24 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 432.0 $35 -8508956253521801390\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1070 23 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 433.0 $28 7603442827651155742\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1077 22 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 437.0 $8 4084334817734516653\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1083 21 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 438.0 $6 2665644911187023942\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1085 20 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 441.0 $3 2399155346527711095\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1086 19 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 444.0 $2 1897473798043345964\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1185 18 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 430.0 $99 -7323517221299559822\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1264 17 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 431.0 $80 -1955121931791686393\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1324 16 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 432.0 $61 5893766814544513474\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1353 15 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 435.0 $29 -9134350063615551458\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1374 14 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 436.0 $22 -1896493007149027758\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1390 13 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 437.0 $17 6334653443905523493\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1404 12 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 438.0 $14 -2502070137984581708\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1412 11 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 440.0 $9 -7112728330701273172\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1415 10 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 445.0 $4 -815692797112620000\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1454 9 sell call 2021-07-02 424.51 435.0 $39 -6509166841685819446\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1478 8 sell call 2021-07-02 424.51 437.0 $25 4600915763222311295\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1498 7 sell call 2021-07-02 424.51 438.0 $21 -683295053477140256\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1511 6 sell call 2021-07-02 424.51 440.0 $13 2136559019616249349\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1519 5 sell call 2021-07-02 424.51 442.0 $9 6574323074907573658\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1526 4 sell call 2021-07-06 424.51 444.0 $8 5928915876725201924\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1580 3 sell call 2021-07-16 424.51 439.0 $54 2726210077990345148\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1626 2 sell call 2021-07-16 424.51 440.0 $47 1777092778516985302\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1646 1 sell call 2021-07-16 424.51 445.0 $21 3327556233275291345\n",
- "2021-06-16 $1664 0 sell call 2021-07-16 424.51 446.0 $18 -5650420668172004015\n",
- "2021-06-18 $1506 1 buy put 2021-07-02 421.89 407.0 $157 7416080556174190745\n",
- "2021-06-18 $1357 2 buy put 2021-07-02 421.89 406.0 $148 7491595263492838168\n",
- "2021-06-18 $1225 3 buy put 2021-07-02 421.89 404.0 $132 -4027990955136066337\n",
- "2021-06-18 $1107 4 buy put 2021-07-02 421.89 402.0 $117 -1438247416686663709\n",
- "2021-06-23 $1002 5 buy put 2021-07-07 423.09 408.0 $104 4630030029787339253\n",
- "2021-06-23 $917 6 buy put 2021-07-07 423.09 405.0 $85 -3178031447122640501\n",
- "2021-06-23 $841 7 buy put 2021-07-07 423.09 403.0 $75 -2609338180893221353\n",
- "2021-06-24 $890 6 sell put 2021-07-02 422.64 407.0 $50 7416080556174190745\n",
- "2021-06-24 $935 5 sell put 2021-07-02 422.64 406.0 $45 7491595263492838168\n",
- "2021-06-24 $973 4 sell put 2021-07-02 422.64 404.0 $39 -4027990955136066337\n",
- "2021-06-24 $1005 3 sell put 2021-07-02 422.64 402.0 $33 -1438247416686663709\n",
- "2021-06-24 $1094 2 sell put 2021-07-07 422.64 408.0 $89 4630030029787339253\n",
- "2021-06-24 $1164 1 sell put 2021-07-07 422.64 405.0 $71 -3178031447122640501\n",
- "2021-06-24 $1225 0 sell put 2021-07-07 422.64 403.0 $61 -2609338180893221353\n",
- "2021-07-07 $1107 1 buy put 2021-07-21 432.88 419.0 $117 -8990326112181469216\n",
- "2021-07-07 $1009 2 buy put 2021-07-21 432.88 416.0 $97 -7806973111482250799\n",
- "2021-07-07 $918 3 buy put 2021-07-21 432.88 415.0 $91 4657624451580349257\n",
- "2021-07-07 $836 4 buy put 2021-07-21 432.88 413.0 $81 -1250006010099330474\n",
- "2021-07-08 $755 5 buy put 2021-07-23 434.5 413.0 $80 -8771899160651464790\n",
- "2021-07-09 $931 4 sell put 2021-07-21 430.87 419.0 $176 -8990326112181469216\n",
- "2021-07-09 $1077 3 sell put 2021-07-21 430.87 416.0 $147 -7806973111482250799\n",
- "2021-07-09 $1213 2 sell put 2021-07-21 430.87 415.0 $137 4657624451580349257\n",
- "2021-07-09 $1335 1 sell put 2021-07-21 430.87 413.0 $122 -1250006010099330474\n",
- "2021-07-09 $1484 0 sell put 2021-07-23 430.87 413.0 $150 -8771899160651464790\n",
- "2021-07-13 $1375 1 buy put 2021-07-28 437.2 420.0 $108 -6013814652060333124\n",
- "2021-07-13 $1239 2 buy put 2021-07-30 437.2 420.0 $136 7290475199479429755\n",
- "2021-07-13 $1116 3 buy put 2021-07-30 437.2 418.0 $122 1545320628358999454\n",
- "2021-07-13 $1006 4 buy put 2021-07-30 437.2 416.0 $109 -1820002239782954359\n",
- "2021-07-14 $908 5 buy put 2021-07-28 435.72 415.0 $98 -3017494906187507394\n",
- "2021-07-21 $1034 4 sell put 2021-07-28 431.07 420.0 $127 -6013814652060333124\n",
- "2021-07-21 $1210 3 sell put 2021-07-30 431.07 420.0 $177 7290475199479429755\n",
- "2021-07-21 $1364 2 sell put 2021-07-30 431.07 418.0 $154 1545320628358999454\n",
- "2021-07-21 $1496 1 sell put 2021-07-30 431.07 416.0 $133 -1820002239782954359\n",
- "2021-07-22 $1513 0 sell put 2021-07-28 434.55 415.0 $18 -3017494906187507394\n",
- "2021-07-29 $1369 1 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 445.0 $144 889404921168364464\n",
- "2021-07-29 $1255 2 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 446.0 $113 -8680100208222691274\n",
- "2021-07-29 $1165 3 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 447.0 $89 -8773346126687103044\n",
- "2021-07-29 $1087 4 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 447.5 $78 8113664145765252689\n",
- "2021-07-29 $1018 5 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 448.0 $68 3264938046207259657\n",
- "2021-07-29 $978 6 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 450.0 $39 -7234873079937068112\n",
- "2021-07-29 $948 7 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 451.0 $30 7266098410040997020\n",
- "2021-07-29 $924 8 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 452.0 $23 8679822522851863224\n",
- "2021-07-29 $908 9 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 454.0 $15 6587932479419479600\n",
- "2021-07-29 $896 10 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 455.0 $12 -3313719681382206059\n",
- "2021-07-29 $889 11 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 460.0 $6 8280868224766132503\n",
- "2021-07-29 $805 12 buy call 2021-08-16 438.86 448.0 $83 2655329626524726470\n",
- "2021-07-29 $775 13 buy call 2021-08-16 438.86 452.0 $30 -7055408913620698677\n",
- "2021-07-29 $767 14 buy call 2021-08-16 438.86 460.0 $7 1921846577054608385\n",
- "2021-07-29 $699 15 buy call 2021-08-18 438.86 450.0 $67 -8379417557251639137\n",
- "2021-07-29 $643 16 buy call 2021-08-20 438.86 452.0 $56 628129074234392289\n",
- "2021-07-29 $597 17 buy call 2021-08-20 438.86 453.0 $45 8716957790148420014\n",
- "2021-07-29 $560 18 buy call 2021-08-20 438.86 454.0 $36 -7509247505703703868\n",
- "2021-07-29 $531 19 buy call 2021-08-20 438.86 455.0 $29 -5276342013300003006\n",
- "2021-07-29 $513 20 buy call 2021-08-20 438.86 458.0 $17 -4997801250711500994\n",
- "2021-07-29 $499 21 buy call 2021-08-20 438.86 460.0 $13 -5420362585881454004\n",
- "2021-07-29 $484 22 buy call 2021-08-23 438.86 460.0 $15 -5154372677321407846\n",
- "2021-07-29 $437 23 buy call 2021-08-25 438.86 455.0 $46 707157617031536618\n",
- "2021-07-29 $410 24 buy call 2021-08-27 438.86 460.0 $26 -7735320893117801763\n",
- "2021-07-30 $585 23 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 445.0 $175 889404921168364464\n",
- "2021-07-30 $723 22 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 446.0 $139 -8680100208222691274\n",
- "2021-07-30 $831 21 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 447.0 $109 -8773346126687103044\n",
- "2021-07-30 $927 20 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 447.5 $96 8113664145765252689\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1010 19 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 448.0 $84 3264938046207259657\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1058 18 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 450.0 $48 -7234873079937068112\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1093 17 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 451.0 $36 7266098410040997020\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1120 16 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 452.0 $28 8679822522851863224\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1136 15 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 454.0 $16 6587932479419479600\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1148 14 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 455.0 $13 -3313719681382206059\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1152 13 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 460.0 $5 8280868224766132503\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1255 12 sell call 2021-08-16 440.67 448.0 $103 2655329626524726470\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1290 11 sell call 2021-08-16 440.67 452.0 $36 -7055408913620698677\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1296 10 sell call 2021-08-16 440.67 460.0 $7 1921846577054608385\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1381 9 sell call 2021-08-18 440.67 450.0 $85 -8379417557251639137\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1451 8 sell call 2021-08-20 440.67 452.0 $71 628129074234392289\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1507 7 sell call 2021-08-20 440.67 453.0 $57 8716957790148420014\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1552 6 sell call 2021-08-20 440.67 454.0 $45 -7509247505703703868\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1587 5 sell call 2021-08-20 440.67 455.0 $36 -5276342013300003006\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1605 4 sell call 2021-08-20 440.67 458.0 $19 -4997801250711500994\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1619 3 sell call 2021-08-20 440.67 460.0 $14 -5420362585881454004\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1635 2 sell call 2021-08-23 440.67 460.0 $17 -5154372677321407846\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1691 1 sell call 2021-08-25 440.67 455.0 $57 707157617031536618\n",
- "2021-07-30 $1721 0 sell call 2021-08-27 440.67 460.0 $30 -7735320893117801763\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1564 1 buy call 2021-08-18 437.6 444.0 $156 4155336509268744377\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1505 2 buy call 2021-08-18 437.6 448.0 $58 8447483979497270927\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1461 3 buy call 2021-08-18 437.6 449.0 $44 2109647110733924807\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1427 4 buy call 2021-08-18 437.6 450.0 $33 -8379417557251639137\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1401 5 buy call 2021-08-18 437.6 451.0 $25 2725794905692732227\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1389 6 buy call 2021-08-18 437.6 454.0 $12 -7436343412528578794\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1382 7 buy call 2021-08-18 437.6 458.0 $6 -3277568274978199022\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1255 8 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 446.0 $126 4128578161746878791\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1155 9 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 447.0 $100 5220972022860354650\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1074 10 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 448.0 $80 7535610934088384457\n",
- "2021-08-03 $1010 11 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 449.0 $63 7392732107024039444\n",
- "2021-08-03 $961 12 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 450.0 $49 -8660410077990498462\n",
- "2021-08-03 $922 13 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 451.0 $38 -4719714754117956003\n",
- "2021-08-03 $891 14 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 452.0 $30 628129074234392289\n",
- "2021-08-03 $867 15 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 453.0 $24 8716957790148420014\n",
- "2021-08-03 $850 16 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 455.0 $16 -5276342013300003006\n",
- "2021-08-03 $837 17 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 456.0 $12 1234282553961162120\n",
- "2021-08-03 $777 18 buy call 2021-08-23 437.6 450.0 $60 5285276194086666589\n",
- "2021-08-03 $752 19 buy call 2021-08-23 437.6 454.0 $24 -5231381687082623398\n",
- "2021-08-03 $695 20 buy call 2021-08-27 437.6 453.0 $56 -7363714957720649617\n",
- "2021-08-03 $657 21 buy call 2021-08-27 437.6 455.0 $38 2019157094601517268\n",
- "2021-08-03 $625 22 buy call 2021-08-27 437.6 456.0 $31 7434626775022822260\n",
- "2021-08-03 $598 23 buy call 2021-08-27 437.6 457.0 $26 3820940751678996209\n",
- "2021-08-03 $576 24 buy call 2021-08-27 437.6 458.0 $22 -5345650656215875025\n",
- "2021-08-03 $529 25 buy call 2021-08-30 437.6 455.0 $46 -3892455482049367292\n",
- "2021-08-03 $476 26 buy call 2021-09-01 437.6 456.0 $52 -6803999190099894199\n",
- "2021-08-04 $463 27 buy call 2021-08-18 441.17 455.0 $13 3078814367276290753\n",
- "2021-08-04 $454 28 buy call 2021-08-18 441.17 457.0 $8 2487849569344456406\n",
- "2021-08-04 $433 29 buy call 2021-08-23 441.17 456.0 $20 -5252421709758598178\n",
- "2021-08-04 $416 30 buy call 2021-08-30 441.17 462.0 $17 4589516275497400359\n",
- "2021-08-04 $401 31 buy call 2021-08-30 441.17 463.0 $14 -4069186468833637912\n",
- "2021-08-04 $368 32 buy call 2021-09-01 441.17 460.0 $33 -3145899830442847795\n",
- "2021-08-04 $332 33 buy call 2021-09-03 441.17 461.0 $35 -9038562815023284665\n",
- "2021-08-04 $302 34 buy call 2021-09-03 441.17 462.0 $29 -2398614987700325459\n",
- "2021-08-05 $286 35 buy call 2021-08-20 439.02 454.0 $16 -7509247505703703868\n",
- "2021-08-05 $279 36 buy call 2021-08-20 439.02 460.0 $6 -5420362585881454004\n",
- "2021-08-06 $267 37 buy call 2021-08-20 441.73 458.0 $11 -4997801250711500994\n",
- "2021-08-06 $260 38 buy call 2021-08-20 441.73 461.0 $7 -4055211100531064799\n",
- "2021-08-06 $249 39 buy call 2021-08-23 441.73 460.0 $10 -5154372677321407846\n",
- "2021-08-06 $239 40 buy call 2021-08-23 441.73 461.0 $9 297406617445073219\n",
- "2021-08-06 $220 41 buy call 2021-08-25 441.73 458.0 $19 -4925254018360619637\n",
- "2021-08-06 $200 42 buy call 2021-08-27 441.73 460.0 $19 -7735320893117801763\n",
- "2021-08-06 $185 43 buy call 2021-08-27 441.73 462.0 $14 -3538972550779341032\n",
- "2021-08-06 $173 44 buy call 2021-08-27 441.73 463.0 $12 4714843662145696071\n",
- "2021-08-10 $165 45 buy call 2021-08-25 442.14 460.0 $7 -2034528439721498372\n",
- "2021-08-10 $150 46 buy call 2021-09-01 442.14 462.0 $14 2514685978301361036\n",
- "2021-08-11 $320 45 sell call 2021-08-18 442.67 444.0 $170 4155336509268744377\n",
- "2021-08-11 $362 44 sell call 2021-08-18 442.67 448.0 $43 8447483979497270927\n",
- "2021-08-11 $390 43 sell call 2021-08-18 442.67 449.0 $29 2109647110733924807\n",
- "2021-08-11 $409 42 sell call 2021-08-18 442.67 450.0 $19 -8379417557251639137\n",
- "2021-08-11 $421 41 sell call 2021-08-18 442.67 451.0 $13 2725794905692732227\n",
- "2021-08-11 $425 40 sell call 2021-08-18 442.67 454.0 $5 -7436343412528578794\n",
- "2021-08-11 $427 39 sell call 2021-08-18 442.67 458.0 $2 -3277568274978199022\n",
- "2021-08-11 $554 38 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 446.0 $128 4128578161746878791\n",
- "2021-08-11 $648 37 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 447.0 $95 5220972022860354650\n",
- "2021-08-11 $716 36 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 448.0 $68 7535610934088384457\n",
- "2021-08-11 $764 35 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 449.0 $49 7392732107024039444\n",
- "2021-08-11 $798 34 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 450.0 $35 -8660410077990498462\n",
- "2021-08-11 $822 33 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 451.0 $24 -4719714754117956003\n",
- "2021-08-11 $839 32 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 452.0 $18 628129074234392289\n",
- "2021-08-11 $851 31 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 453.0 $13 8716957790148420014\n",
- "2021-08-11 $858 30 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 455.0 $7 -5276342013300003006\n",
- "2021-08-11 $863 29 sell call 2021-08-20 442.67 456.0 $6 1234282553961162120\n",
- "2021-08-11 $910 28 sell call 2021-08-23 442.67 450.0 $48 5285276194086666589\n",
- "2021-08-11 $924 27 sell call 2021-08-23 442.67 454.0 $14 -5231381687082623398\n",
- "2021-08-11 $909 28 buy call 2021-08-25 442.67 456.0 $14 5199717332234752536\n",
- "2021-08-11 $903 29 buy call 2021-08-25 442.67 461.0 $5 8631393001220238891\n",
- "2021-08-11 $899 30 buy call 2021-08-25 442.67 463.0 $4 3398658900116468849\n",
- "2021-08-11 $817 31 buy call 2021-08-27 442.67 451.0 $81 -8621253216280549759\n",
- "2021-08-11 $752 32 buy call 2021-08-27 442.67 452.0 $64 -6332529723713360099\n",
- "2021-08-11 $800 31 sell call 2021-08-27 442.67 453.0 $48 -7363714957720649617\n",
- "2021-08-11 $828 30 sell call 2021-08-27 442.67 455.0 $29 2019157094601517268\n",
- "2021-08-11 $850 29 sell call 2021-08-27 442.67 456.0 $23 7434626775022822260\n",
- "2021-08-11 $868 28 sell call 2021-08-27 442.67 457.0 $18 3820940751678996209\n",
- "2021-08-11 $881 27 sell call 2021-08-27 442.67 458.0 $14 -5345650656215875025\n",
- "2021-08-11 $800 28 buy call 2021-08-30 442.67 452.0 $80 -5315739864473924039\n",
- "2021-08-11 $737 29 buy call 2021-08-30 442.67 453.0 $63 -481431610706072187\n",
- "2021-08-11 $686 30 buy call 2021-08-30 442.67 454.0 $50 -8665396613474162262\n",
- "2021-08-11 $724 29 sell call 2021-08-30 442.67 455.0 $39 -3892455482049367292\n",
- "2021-08-11 $671 30 buy call 2021-09-01 442.67 455.0 $53 -857858358493682541\n",
- "2021-08-11 $711 29 sell call 2021-09-01 442.67 456.0 $41 -6803999190099894199\n",
- "2021-08-11 $666 30 buy call 2021-09-03 442.67 457.0 $45 -3391596385068146486\n",
- "2021-08-11 $628 31 buy call 2021-09-03 442.67 458.0 $37 365694416857231219\n",
- "2021-08-11 $597 32 buy call 2021-09-03 442.67 459.0 $30 7435231157615054042\n",
- "2021-08-11 $572 33 buy call 2021-09-03 442.67 460.0 $25 7677852431070018021\n",
- "2021-08-11 $558 34 buy call 2021-09-03 442.67 464.0 $13 -8813041024332698019\n",
- "2021-08-11 $503 35 buy call 2021-09-07 442.67 457.0 $54 -1167837262172837825\n",
- "2021-08-11 $478 36 buy call 2021-09-07 442.67 461.0 $25 4303099855519870504\n",
- "2021-08-11 $453 37 buy call 2021-09-08 442.67 462.0 $24 5065914429859163648\n",
- "2021-08-11 $435 38 buy call 2021-09-08 442.67 464.0 $17 1865432954907098950\n",
- "2021-08-11 $392 39 buy call 2021-09-10 442.67 460.0 $43 5417958943557218826\n",
- "2021-08-12 $394 38 sell call 2021-08-18 443.73 455.0 $3 3078814367276290753\n",
- "2021-08-12 $395 37 sell call 2021-08-18 443.73 457.0 $2 2487849569344456406\n",
- "2021-08-12 $403 36 sell call 2021-08-23 443.73 456.0 $8 -5252421709758598178\n",
- "2021-08-12 $373 37 buy call 2021-08-27 443.73 455.0 $29 2019157094601517268\n",
- "2021-08-12 $367 38 buy call 2021-08-27 443.73 464.0 $5 -4718802812849333005\n",
- "2021-08-12 $375 37 sell call 2021-08-30 443.73 462.0 $8 4589516275497400359\n",
- "2021-08-12 $365 38 buy call 2021-08-30 443.73 462.0 $9 4589516275497400359\n",
- "2021-08-12 $371 37 sell call 2021-08-30 443.73 463.0 $7 -4069186468833637912\n",
- "2021-08-12 $388 36 sell call 2021-09-01 443.73 460.0 $17 -3145899830442847795\n",
- "2021-08-12 $406 35 sell call 2021-09-03 443.73 461.0 $19 -9038562815023284665\n",
- "2021-08-12 $421 34 sell call 2021-09-03 443.73 462.0 $16 -2398614987700325459\n",
- "2021-08-13 $430 33 sell call 2021-08-20 445.06 454.0 $9 -7509247505703703868\n",
- "2021-08-13 $431 32 sell call 2021-08-20 445.06 460.0 $2 -5420362585881454004\n",
- "2021-08-13 $388 33 buy call 2021-08-27 445.06 454.0 $42 -3555287357045094239\n",
- "2021-08-13 $376 34 buy call 2021-08-27 445.06 459.0 $12 7671117791812484669\n",
- "2021-08-13 $367 35 buy call 2021-08-27 445.06 461.0 $8 9153543113127895500\n",
- "2021-08-13 $362 36 buy call 2021-08-27 445.06 465.0 $4 3641618691689091412\n",
- "2021-08-13 $357 37 buy call 2021-08-30 445.06 466.0 $5 7214244022155729276\n",
- "2021-08-13 $345 38 buy call 2021-09-01 445.06 463.0 $11 2278021596890134614\n",
- "2021-08-13 $322 39 buy call 2021-09-03 445.06 461.0 $22 -9038562815023284665\n",
- "2021-08-13 $291 40 buy call 2021-09-15 445.06 465.0 $31 3961285591144022245\n",
- "2021-08-13 $263 41 buy call 2021-09-15 445.06 466.0 $27 -6795954869152142924\n",
- "2021-08-17 $264 40 sell call 2021-08-20 447.06 458.0 $2 -4997801250711500994\n",
- "2021-08-17 $265 39 sell call 2021-08-20 447.06 461.0 $1 -4055211100531064799\n",
- "2021-08-17 $265 38 sell call 2021-08-23 447.06 460.0 $1 -5154372677321407846\n",
- "2021-08-17 $265 37 sell call 2021-08-23 447.06 461.0 $1 297406617445073219\n",
- "2021-08-17 $274 36 sell call 2021-08-25 447.06 456.0 $9 5199717332234752536\n",
- "2021-08-17 $278 35 sell call 2021-08-25 447.06 458.0 $5 -4925254018360619637\n",
- "2021-08-17 $280 34 sell call 2021-08-25 447.06 460.0 $3 -2034528439721498372\n",
- "2021-08-17 $282 33 sell call 2021-08-25 447.06 461.0 $2 8631393001220238891\n",
- "2021-08-17 $283 32 sell call 2021-08-25 447.06 463.0 $2 3398658900116468849\n",
- "2021-08-17 $383 31 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 451.0 $101 -8621253216280549759\n",
- "2021-08-17 $457 30 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 452.0 $74 -6332529723713360099\n",
- "2021-08-17 $496 29 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 454.0 $40 -3555287357045094239\n",
- "2021-08-17 $524 28 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 455.0 $29 2019157094601517268\n",
- "2021-08-17 $533 27 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 459.0 $9 7671117791812484669\n",
- "2021-08-17 $539 26 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 460.0 $7 -7735320893117801763\n",
- "2021-08-17 $543 25 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 461.0 $5 9153543113127895500\n",
- "2021-08-17 $547 24 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 462.0 $4 -3538972550779341032\n",
- "2021-08-17 $549 23 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 463.0 $3 4714843662145696071\n",
- "2021-08-17 $552 22 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 464.0 $3 -4718802812849333005\n",
- "2021-08-17 $553 21 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 465.0 $2 3641618691689091412\n",
- "2021-08-17 $650 20 sell call 2021-08-30 447.06 452.0 $98 -5315739864473924039\n",
- "2021-08-17 $723 19 sell call 2021-08-30 447.06 453.0 $73 -481431610706072187\n",
- "2021-08-17 $777 18 sell call 2021-08-30 447.06 454.0 $55 -8665396613474162262\n",
- "2021-08-17 $782 17 sell call 2021-08-30 447.06 462.0 $6 4589516275497400359\n",
- "2021-08-17 $785 16 sell call 2021-08-30 447.06 466.0 $3 7214244022155729276\n",
- "2021-08-17 $846 15 sell call 2021-09-01 447.06 455.0 $62 -857858358493682541\n",
- "2021-08-17 $856 14 sell call 2021-09-01 447.06 462.0 $11 2514685978301361036\n",
- "2021-08-17 $865 13 sell call 2021-09-01 447.06 463.0 $9 2278021596890134614\n",
- "2021-08-17 $917 12 sell call 2021-09-03 447.06 457.0 $53 -3391596385068146486\n",
- "2021-08-17 $958 11 sell call 2021-09-03 447.06 458.0 $42 365694416857231219\n",
- "2021-08-17 $991 10 sell call 2021-09-03 447.06 459.0 $33 7435231157615054042\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1016 9 sell call 2021-09-03 447.06 460.0 $26 7677852431070018021\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1036 8 sell call 2021-09-03 447.06 461.0 $21 -9038562815023284665\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1047 7 sell call 2021-09-03 447.06 464.0 $11 -8813041024332698019\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1112 6 sell call 2021-09-07 447.06 457.0 $66 -1167837262172837825\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1138 5 sell call 2021-09-07 447.06 461.0 $27 4303099855519870504\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1163 4 sell call 2021-09-08 447.06 462.0 $25 5065914429859163648\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1179 3 sell call 2021-09-08 447.06 464.0 $17 1865432954907098950\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1229 2 sell call 2021-09-10 447.06 460.0 $51 5417958943557218826\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1261 1 sell call 2021-09-15 447.06 465.0 $32 3961285591144022245\n",
- "2021-08-17 $1286 0 sell call 2021-09-15 447.06 466.0 $26 -6795954869152142924\n",
- "2021-08-18 $1178 1 buy put 2021-09-01 443.95 422.0 $107 4783800732919832415\n",
- "2021-08-20 $1370 0 sell put 2021-09-01 439.87 422.0 $192 4783800732919832415\n",
- "2021-08-25 $1337 1 buy call 2021-09-08 447.96 457.0 $32 -1449219512285802511\n",
- "2021-08-25 $1313 2 buy call 2021-09-08 447.96 458.0 $23 8423204620394794466\n",
- "2021-08-25 $1300 3 buy call 2021-09-08 447.96 460.0 $13 -5084125807289549531\n",
- "2021-08-25 $1291 4 buy call 2021-09-08 447.96 462.0 $8 5065914429859163648\n",
- "2021-08-25 $1180 5 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 454.0 $110 1271733733177058082\n",
- "2021-08-25 $1095 6 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 455.0 $85 8073289492227191653\n",
- "2021-08-25 $1030 7 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 456.0 $64 -5110481032966392750\n",
- "2021-08-25 $1002 8 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 459.0 $27 -5688591748236234421\n",
- "2021-08-25 $982 9 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 460.0 $20 5417958943557218826\n",
- "2021-08-25 $966 10 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 461.0 $15 -4464234341830146901\n",
- "2021-08-25 $955 11 buy call 2021-09-15 447.96 466.0 $10 -6795954869152142924\n",
- "2021-08-25 $948 12 buy call 2021-09-15 447.96 468.0 $7 2392831172420734220\n",
- "2021-08-25 $870 13 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 458.0 $77 8799050427037374461\n",
- "2021-08-25 $807 14 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 459.0 $62 3757692274185652869\n",
- "2021-08-25 $758 15 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 460.0 $49 2097938696027297542\n",
- "2021-08-25 $718 16 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 461.0 $39 -5279535535674979932\n",
- "2021-08-25 $686 17 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 462.0 $31 -4392853505217250539\n",
- "2021-08-25 $661 18 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 463.0 $25 4537772610306895874\n",
- "2021-08-25 $640 19 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 464.0 $20 5879670809616624195\n",
- "2021-08-25 $622 20 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 465.0 $17 2962223763949972829\n",
- "2021-08-25 $612 21 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 468.0 $10 2986381095911566843\n",
- "2021-08-25 $604 22 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 470.0 $7 322078277673600304\n",
- "2021-08-25 $554 23 buy call 2021-09-22 447.96 462.0 $49 -967896947695555673\n",
- "2021-08-25 $504 24 buy call 2021-09-24 447.96 463.0 $50 8998328070896468939\n",
- "2021-08-26 $534 23 sell call 2021-09-08 448.88 457.0 $31 -1449219512285802511\n",
- "2021-08-26 $556 22 sell call 2021-09-08 448.88 458.0 $22 8423204620394794466\n",
- "2021-08-26 $566 21 sell call 2021-09-08 448.88 460.0 $11 -5084125807289549531\n",
- "2021-08-26 $571 20 sell call 2021-09-08 448.88 462.0 $6 5065914429859163648\n",
- "2021-08-26 $689 19 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 454.0 $118 1271733733177058082\n",
- "2021-08-26 $777 18 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 455.0 $89 8073289492227191653\n",
- "2021-08-26 $842 17 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 456.0 $66 -5110481032966392750\n",
- "2021-08-26 $868 16 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 459.0 $26 -5688591748236234421\n",
- "2021-08-26 $886 15 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 460.0 $19 5417958943557218826\n",
- "2021-08-26 $899 14 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 461.0 $14 -4464234341830146901\n",
- "2021-08-26 $907 13 sell call 2021-09-15 448.88 466.0 $8 -6795954869152142924\n",
- "2021-08-26 $911 12 sell call 2021-09-15 448.88 468.0 $5 2392831172420734220\n",
- "2021-08-26 $989 11 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 458.0 $79 8799050427037374461\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1051 10 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 459.0 $62 3757692274185652869\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1099 9 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 460.0 $49 2097938696027297542\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1136 8 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 461.0 $38 -5279535535674979932\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1166 7 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 462.0 $30 -4392853505217250539\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1189 6 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 463.0 $24 4537772610306895874\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1207 5 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 464.0 $19 5879670809616624195\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1222 4 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 465.0 $15 2962223763949972829\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1229 3 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 468.0 $8 2986381095911566843\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1233 2 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 470.0 $5 322078277673600304\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1279 1 sell call 2021-09-22 448.88 462.0 $46 -967896947695555673\n",
- "2021-08-26 $1325 0 sell call 2021-09-24 448.88 463.0 $47 8998328070896468939\n",
- "2021-08-27 $1198 1 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 452.5 $126 -1352089128017500697\n",
- "2021-08-27 $1088 2 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 453.0 $110 3739543348957722958\n",
- "2021-08-27 $1004 3 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 454.0 $83 1271733733177058082\n",
- "2021-08-27 $941 4 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 455.0 $62 8073289492227191653\n",
- "2021-08-27 $896 5 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 456.0 $45 -5110481032966392750\n",
- "2021-08-27 $862 6 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 457.0 $33 2643248072572221774\n",
- "2021-08-27 $837 7 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 458.0 $24 -2479978817810594924\n",
- "2021-08-27 $820 8 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 459.0 $17 -5688591748236234421\n",
- "2021-08-27 $807 9 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 460.0 $12 5417958943557218826\n",
- "2021-08-27 $799 10 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 462.0 $7 3167744599668954757\n",
- "2021-08-27 $793 11 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 463.0 $6 -5895630240797154149\n",
- "2021-08-27 $789 12 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 467.0 $3 1672745693119250196\n",
- "2021-08-27 $712 13 buy call 2021-09-13 446.33 455.0 $76 1488235662690372816\n",
- "2021-08-27 $709 14 buy call 2021-09-13 446.33 467.0 $3 5422431603862443501\n",
- "2021-08-27 $648 15 buy call 2021-09-15 446.33 457.0 $60 -4427827099765978087\n",
- "2021-08-27 $592 16 buy call 2021-09-17 446.33 458.0 $55 8799050427037374461\n",
- "2021-08-27 $549 17 buy call 2021-09-17 446.33 459.0 $43 3757692274185652869\n",
- "2021-08-27 $514 18 buy call 2021-09-17 446.33 460.0 $34 2097938696027297542\n",
- "2021-08-27 $487 19 buy call 2021-09-17 446.33 461.0 $26 -5279535535674979932\n",
- "2021-08-27 $477 20 buy call 2021-09-17 446.33 465.0 $10 2962223763949972829\n",
- "2021-08-27 $468 21 buy call 2021-09-17 446.33 466.0 $8 8596620849453389804\n",
- "2021-08-27 $444 22 buy call 2021-09-24 446.33 465.0 $23 -6844052022565743609\n",
- "2021-08-31 $402 23 buy call 2021-09-15 452.18 461.0 $42 -3550327378425895328\n",
- "2021-08-31 $382 24 buy call 2021-09-15 452.18 464.0 $19 -8898121156834663243\n",
- "2021-08-31 $367 25 buy call 2021-09-15 452.18 465.0 $14 3961285591144022245\n",
- "2021-08-31 $362 26 buy call 2021-09-15 452.18 470.0 $5 2662415589738404953\n",
- "2021-08-31 $328 27 buy call 2021-09-17 452.18 463.0 $33 4537772610306895874\n",
- "2021-08-31 $303 28 buy call 2021-09-17 452.18 464.0 $25 5879670809616624195\n",
- "2021-08-31 $289 29 buy call 2021-09-17 452.18 467.0 $13 -1936720028524422613\n",
- "2021-08-31 $278 30 buy call 2021-09-17 452.18 468.0 $10 2986381095911566843\n",
- "2021-08-31 $271 31 buy call 2021-09-17 452.18 470.0 $7 322078277673600304\n",
- "2021-08-31 $251 32 buy call 2021-09-20 452.18 466.0 $19 -7774162183611404462\n",
- "2021-08-31 $235 33 buy call 2021-09-20 452.18 467.0 $15 -7775766901659946583\n",
- "2021-08-31 $227 34 buy call 2021-09-20 452.18 470.0 $8 -2624712733478865333\n",
- "2021-08-31 $220 35 buy call 2021-09-22 452.18 474.0 $6 1494793038239222938\n",
- "2021-08-31 $205 36 buy call 2021-09-24 452.18 470.0 $14 4956926280631936966\n",
- "2021-08-31 $195 37 buy call 2021-09-24 452.18 472.0 $10 -7191602935669076361\n",
- "2021-09-01 $417 36 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 452.5 $223 -1352089128017500697\n",
- "2021-09-01 $613 35 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 453.0 $197 3739543348957722958\n",
- "2021-09-01 $764 34 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 454.0 $151 1271733733177058082\n",
- "2021-09-01 $875 33 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 455.0 $112 8073289492227191653\n",
- "2021-09-01 $956 32 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 456.0 $82 -5110481032966392750\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1014 31 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 457.0 $58 2643248072572221774\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1054 30 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 458.0 $41 -2479978817810594924\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1082 29 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 459.0 $29 -5688591748236234421\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1102 28 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 460.0 $20 5417958943557218826\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1111 27 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 462.0 $10 3167744599668954757\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1118 26 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 463.0 $8 -5895630240797154149\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1121 25 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 467.0 $3 1672745693119250196\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1256 24 sell call 2021-09-13 451.6 455.0 $136 1488235662690372816\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1259 23 sell call 2021-09-13 451.6 467.0 $4 5422431603862443501\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1364 22 sell call 2021-09-15 451.6 457.0 $105 -4427827099765978087\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1397 21 sell call 2021-09-15 451.6 461.0 $34 -3550327378425895328\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1410 20 sell call 2021-09-15 451.6 464.0 $14 -8898121156834663243\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1421 19 sell call 2021-09-15 451.6 465.0 $11 3961285591144022245\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1423 18 sell call 2021-09-15 451.6 470.0 $3 2662415589738404953\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1517 17 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 458.0 $95 8799050427037374461\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1591 16 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 459.0 $74 3757692274185652869\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1647 15 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 460.0 $57 2097938696027297542\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1690 14 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 461.0 $44 -5279535535674979932\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1716 13 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 463.0 $26 4537772610306895874\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1735 12 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 464.0 $20 5879670809616624195\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1749 11 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 465.0 $15 2962223763949972829\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1761 10 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 466.0 $12 8596620849453389804\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1769 9 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 467.0 $9 -1936720028524422613\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1776 8 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 468.0 $8 2986381095911566843\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1781 7 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 470.0 $5 322078277673600304\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1794 6 sell call 2021-09-20 451.6 466.0 $14 -7774162183611404462\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1804 5 sell call 2021-09-20 451.6 467.0 $11 -7775766901659946583\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1810 4 sell call 2021-09-20 451.6 470.0 $6 -2624712733478865333\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1813 3 sell call 2021-09-22 451.6 474.0 $4 1494793038239222938\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1844 2 sell call 2021-09-24 451.6 465.0 $32 -6844052022565743609\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1855 1 sell call 2021-09-24 451.6 470.0 $11 4956926280631936966\n",
- "2021-09-01 $1861 0 sell call 2021-09-24 451.6 472.0 $7 -7191602935669076361\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1711 1 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 456.0 $149 8224626508794768547\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1594 2 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 457.0 $117 -7908758988454179964\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1503 3 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 458.0 $90 8799050427037374461\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1434 4 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 459.0 $69 3757692274185652869\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1380 5 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 460.0 $53 2097938696027297542\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1339 6 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 461.0 $40 -5279535535674979932\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1308 7 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 462.0 $31 -4392853505217250539\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1283 8 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 463.0 $24 4537772610306895874\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1263 9 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 464.0 $19 5879670809616624195\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1247 10 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 465.0 $16 2962223763949972829\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1234 11 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 466.0 $12 8596620849453389804\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1225 12 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 468.0 $8 2986381095911566843\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1219 13 buy call 2021-09-17 451.85 470.0 $6 322078277673600304\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1160 14 buy call 2021-09-20 451.85 460.0 $58 8620527278910896650\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1082 15 buy call 2021-09-22 451.85 460.0 $77 8905250380812447439\n",
- "2021-09-02 $1070 16 buy call 2021-09-22 451.85 468.0 $12 8396951508543179622\n",
- "2021-09-02 $976 17 buy call 2021-09-24 451.85 460.0 $93 8426243963673874662\n",
- "2021-09-02 $902 18 buy call 2021-09-24 451.85 461.0 $73 -8035178615020232411\n",
- "2021-09-02 $891 19 buy call 2021-09-24 451.85 470.0 $11 4956926280631936966\n",
- "2021-09-02 $872 20 buy call 2021-09-29 451.85 470.0 $18 2986983655481736375\n",
- "2021-09-02 $795 21 buy call 2021-09-30 451.85 463.0 $76 -5537252536559852595\n",
- "2021-09-02 $732 22 buy call 2021-09-30 451.85 464.0 $63 1773432047678488461\n",
- "2021-09-02 $679 23 buy call 2021-09-30 451.85 465.0 $52 -8888044349015673078\n",
- "2021-09-02 $635 24 buy call 2021-09-30 451.85 466.0 $43 -5751283791856243041\n",
- "2021-09-02 $578 25 buy call 2021-10-01 451.85 465.0 $57 -7421475269856045784\n",
- "2021-09-02 $529 26 buy call 2021-10-01 451.85 466.0 $48 9170381942832297340\n",
- "2021-09-03 $509 27 buy call 2021-09-17 453.21 467.0 $19 -1936720028524422613\n",
- "2021-09-03 $503 28 buy call 2021-09-17 453.21 473.0 $6 -2599127534420797792\n",
- "2021-09-03 $472 29 buy call 2021-09-20 453.21 465.0 $30 8473245614117597454\n",
- "2021-09-03 $426 30 buy call 2021-09-22 453.21 464.0 $45 178285582230315917\n",
- "2021-09-03 $419 31 buy call 2021-09-22 453.21 474.0 $7 1494793038239222938\n",
- "2021-09-03 $411 32 buy call 2021-09-24 453.21 475.0 $7 -9083978189637905490\n",
- "2021-09-03 $379 33 buy call 2021-09-29 453.21 469.0 $31 -8603484718244281111\n",
- "2021-09-03 $367 34 buy call 2021-09-29 453.21 475.0 $12 -3933559861585675929\n",
- "2021-09-03 $344 35 buy call 2021-10-06 453.21 475.0 $22 1960639510397154048\n",
- "2021-09-03 $316 36 buy call 2021-10-08 453.21 475.0 $27 7213385856898565121\n",
- "2021-09-08 $406 35 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 456.0 $90 8224626508794768547\n",
- "2021-09-08 $471 34 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 457.0 $66 -7908758988454179964\n",
- "2021-09-08 $518 33 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 458.0 $48 8799050427037374461\n",
- "2021-09-08 $553 32 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 459.0 $35 3757692274185652869\n",
- "2021-09-08 $578 31 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 460.0 $26 2097938696027297542\n",
- "2021-09-08 $596 30 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 461.0 $19 -5279535535674979932\n",
- "2021-09-08 $611 29 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 462.0 $15 -4392853505217250539\n",
- "2021-09-08 $622 28 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 463.0 $12 4537772610306895874\n",
- "2021-09-08 $630 27 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 464.0 $9 5879670809616624195\n",
- "2021-09-08 $637 26 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 465.0 $7 2962223763949972829\n",
- "2021-09-08 $642 25 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 466.0 $6 8596620849453389804\n",
- "2021-09-08 $645 24 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 467.0 $4 -1936720028524422613\n",
- "2021-09-08 $649 23 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 468.0 $4 2986381095911566843\n",
- "2021-09-08 $651 22 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 470.0 $3 322078277673600304\n",
- "2021-09-08 $651 21 sell call 2021-09-17 451.52 473.0 $1 -2599127534420797792\n",
- "2021-09-08 $681 20 sell call 2021-09-20 451.52 460.0 $30 8620527278910896650\n",
- "2021-09-08 $688 19 sell call 2021-09-20 451.52 465.0 $8 8473245614117597454\n",
- "2021-09-08 $733 18 sell call 2021-09-22 451.52 460.0 $45 8905250380812447439\n",
- "2021-09-08 $748 17 sell call 2021-09-22 451.52 464.0 $16 178285582230315917\n",
- "2021-09-08 $753 16 sell call 2021-09-22 451.52 468.0 $6 8396951508543179622\n",
- "2021-09-08 $755 15 sell call 2021-09-22 451.52 474.0 $2 1494793038239222938\n",
- "2021-09-08 $813 14 sell call 2021-09-24 451.52 460.0 $59 8426243963673874662\n",
- "2021-09-08 $858 13 sell call 2021-09-24 451.52 461.0 $46 -8035178615020232411\n",
- "2021-09-08 $864 12 sell call 2021-09-24 451.52 470.0 $6 4956926280631936966\n",
- "2021-09-08 $865 11 sell call 2021-09-24 451.52 475.0 $2 -9083978189637905490\n",
- "2021-09-08 $876 10 sell call 2021-09-29 451.52 469.0 $12 -8603484718244281111\n",
- "2021-09-08 $886 9 sell call 2021-09-29 451.52 470.0 $10 2986983655481736375\n",
- "2021-09-08 $889 8 sell call 2021-09-29 451.52 475.0 $4 -3933559861585675929\n",
- "2021-09-08 $939 7 sell call 2021-09-30 451.52 463.0 $51 -5537252536559852595\n",
- "2021-09-08 $980 6 sell call 2021-09-30 451.52 464.0 $41 1773432047678488461\n",
- "2021-09-08 $1012 5 sell call 2021-09-30 451.52 465.0 $33 -8888044349015673078\n",
- "2021-09-08 $1038 4 sell call 2021-09-30 451.52 466.0 $27 -5751283791856243041\n",
- "2021-09-08 $1075 3 sell call 2021-10-01 451.52 465.0 $37 -7421475269856045784\n",
- "2021-09-08 $1104 2 sell call 2021-10-01 451.52 466.0 $30 9170381942832297340\n",
- "2021-09-08 $1112 1 sell call 2021-10-06 451.52 475.0 $9 1960639510397154048\n",
- "2021-09-08 $1124 0 sell call 2021-10-08 451.52 475.0 $12 7213385856898565121\n",
- "2021-10-12 $1064 1 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 448.0 $59 -8562697085517522172\n",
- "2021-10-12 $1017 2 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 449.0 $46 -6562006305009011619\n",
- "2021-10-12 $982 3 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 450.0 $35 -6871474695779340646\n",
- "2021-10-12 $961 4 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 452.0 $20 8696482330465350063\n",
- "2021-10-12 $950 5 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 455.0 $10 3333672168165587316\n",
- "2021-10-12 $868 6 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 448.0 $82 6860327782864068070\n",
- "2021-10-12 $803 7 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 449.0 $64 5086601905624086744\n",
- "2021-10-12 $751 8 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 450.0 $51 -6997591470041400488\n",
- "2021-10-12 $712 9 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 451.0 $39 -936725144149634690\n",
- "2021-10-12 $681 10 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 452.0 $30 -7160825108495421813\n",
- "2021-10-12 $657 11 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 453.0 $23 2690977519215350184\n",
- "2021-10-12 $642 12 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 455.0 $15 -4927857033622649512\n",
- "2021-10-12 $629 13 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 456.0 $12 7444617174009146500\n",
- "2021-10-12 $567 14 buy call 2021-11-01 434.69 450.0 $61 5516757018457807580\n",
- "2021-10-12 $529 15 buy call 2021-11-01 434.69 452.0 $38 -3582657093890628811\n",
- "2021-10-12 $510 16 buy call 2021-11-01 434.69 455.0 $18 -2217397414433599514\n",
- "2021-10-12 $471 17 buy call 2021-11-05 434.69 455.0 $38 -6617396644036680447\n",
- "2021-10-12 $440 18 buy call 2021-11-05 434.69 456.0 $31 90578365343935783\n",
- "2021-10-13 $398 19 buy call 2021-11-05 433.64 453.0 $41 -5687072432408552531\n",
- "2021-10-14 $378 20 buy call 2021-10-29 435.18 452.5 $19 7868901530472763524\n",
- "2021-10-14 $352 21 buy call 2021-11-03 435.18 454.0 $26 1595889553102190973\n",
- "2021-10-14 $329 22 buy call 2021-11-03 435.18 455.0 $22 2219942099188491150\n",
- "2021-10-15 $306 23 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 457.0 $22 -4635465958592046321\n",
- "2021-10-15 $286 24 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 457.5 $20 -6793440511966620134\n",
- "2021-10-15 $267 25 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 458.0 $18 -4742453072230403274\n",
- "2021-10-15 $253 26 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 460.0 $13 2568749493122870824\n",
- "2021-10-15 $243 27 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 462.0 $10 -937216904157497817\n",
- "2021-10-15 $233 28 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 462.5 $9 7843718575734271878\n",
- "2021-10-15 $217 29 buy call 2021-11-01 442.47 460.0 $15 -7467071513536419055\n",
- "2021-10-15 $204 30 buy call 2021-11-01 442.47 461.0 $13 7029210030302360690\n",
- "2021-10-15 $191 31 buy call 2021-11-01 442.47 462.0 $12 -1634644199183290432\n",
- "2021-10-15 $175 32 buy call 2021-11-03 442.47 462.0 $16 -4166965985192648903\n",
- "2021-10-15 $162 33 buy call 2021-11-03 442.47 464.0 $12 2190092435470133543\n",
- "2021-10-19 $151 34 buy call 2021-11-05 447.25 469.0 $10 392704717350204100\n",
- "2021-10-20 $449 33 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 450.0 $298 -6871474695779340646\n",
- "2021-10-20 $635 32 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 452.0 $187 8696482330465350063\n",
- "2021-10-20 $994 31 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 449.0 $360 -6562006305009011619\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1424 30 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 448.0 $430 -8562697085517522172\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1503 29 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 455.0 $80 3333672168165587316\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1790 28 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 451.0 $288 -936725144149634690\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2140 27 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 450.0 $350 -6997591470041400488\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2374 26 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 452.0 $235 -7160825108495421813\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2785 25 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 449.0 $412 5086601905624086744\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2975 24 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 453.0 $190 2690977519215350184\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3455 23 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 448.0 $481 6860327782864068070\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3571 22 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 455.0 $117 -4927857033622649512\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3661 21 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 456.0 $90 7444617174009146500\n",
- "2021-10-20 $4041 20 sell call 2021-11-01 450.7 450.0 $381 5516757018457807580\n",
- "2021-10-20 $4306 19 sell call 2021-11-01 450.7 452.0 $266 -3582657093890628811\n",
- "2021-10-20 $4445 18 sell call 2021-11-01 450.7 455.0 $139 -2217397414433599514\n",
- "2021-10-20 $4071 19 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 451.0 $373 -7397406601195378448\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3753 20 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 452.0 $317 135430565513741272\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3486 21 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 453.0 $267 -2896361701385545923\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3365 22 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 457.0 $120 5972519988769993029\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3304 23 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 460.0 $60 5952422785979668646\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3274 24 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 463.0 $30 -4750995629851181829\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3266 25 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 471.0 $7 -7647491889193751410\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3003 26 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 454.0 $262 1276210832658576634\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3222 25 sell call 2021-11-05 450.7 455.0 $219 -6617396644036680447\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3001 26 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 455.0 $220 -6617396644036680447\n",
- "2021-10-20 $3182 25 sell call 2021-11-05 450.7 456.0 $182 90578365343935783\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2998 26 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 456.0 $184 90578365343935783\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2860 27 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 457.5 $137 7281732699173937830\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2735 28 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 458.0 $124 -8376058731804560030\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2634 29 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 459.0 $101 2465256806350964852\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2551 30 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 460.0 $82 -6700083435688453698\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2484 31 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 461.0 $66 -687190671329913955\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2456 32 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 465.0 $28 5597925563911162739\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2432 33 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 466.0 $23 536663498009001719\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2422 34 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 471.0 $9 -7031114540802905555\n",
- "2021-10-20 $2182 35 buy call 2021-11-08 450.7 455.0 $240 -8607807008809738843\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1979 36 buy call 2021-11-08 450.7 456.0 $202 -4780692853347765243\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1839 37 buy call 2021-11-08 450.7 458.0 $139 -826740288691207366\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1724 38 buy call 2021-11-08 450.7 459.0 $115 -599849971395155865\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1629 39 buy call 2021-11-08 450.7 460.0 $94 -4114313855450248830\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1552 40 buy call 2021-11-08 450.7 461.0 $76 4321083363782407069\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1490 41 buy call 2021-11-08 450.7 462.0 $62 -3011843089558683514\n",
- "2021-10-20 $1439 42 buy call 2021-11-08 450.7 463.0 $50 1643500674904153987\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1816 41 sell call 2021-11-05 452.39 453.0 $378 -5687072432408552531\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1746 42 buy call 2021-11-05 452.39 462.0 $70 -166818322384925716\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1690 43 buy call 2021-11-05 452.39 463.0 $55 -9168099649001183941\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1678 44 buy call 2021-11-05 452.39 470.0 $12 8536209755027345594\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1626 45 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 464.0 $51 3645372093249306786\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1584 46 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 465.0 $41 836111757783779058\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1551 47 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 466.0 $33 -2100790797762897653\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1536 48 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 470.0 $14 4351941244656510549\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1387 49 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 460.0 $148 -3560424199337840695\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1265 50 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 461.0 $122 6680932718787225144\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1181 51 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 463.0 $83 7702228191728505003\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1161 52 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 470.0 $19 3944805337881681063\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1148 53 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 472.0 $13 -4548054914056694707\n",
- "2021-10-21 $1046 54 buy call 2021-11-12 452.39 463.0 $101 -6398164922012932213\n",
- "2021-10-21 $977 55 buy call 2021-11-12 452.39 465.0 $68 -4852403311252857386\n",
- "2021-10-21 $940 56 buy call 2021-11-12 452.39 468.0 $37 4457350292787768267\n",
- "2021-10-21 $860 57 buy call 2021-11-15 452.39 465.0 $79 5456585746422654655\n",
- "2021-10-21 $805 58 buy call 2021-11-15 452.39 467.0 $54 711175713972124246\n",
- "2021-10-21 $775 59 buy call 2021-11-15 452.39 470.0 $30 3637314917811578493\n",
- "2021-10-21 $698 60 buy call 2021-11-19 452.39 467.5 $76 776441375893438717\n",
- "2021-10-21 $628 61 buy call 2021-11-19 452.39 468.0 $69 2259569769449942406\n",
- "2021-10-21 $570 62 buy call 2021-11-19 452.39 469.0 $58 -3172158829714818393\n",
- "2021-10-21 $520 63 buy call 2021-11-19 452.39 470.0 $49 -3208225307812113259\n",
- "2021-10-21 $478 64 buy call 2021-11-19 452.39 471.0 $41 -3460531967254880383\n",
- "2021-10-21 $449 65 buy call 2021-11-19 452.39 473.0 $29 7448289368136961607\n",
- "2021-10-21 $423 66 buy call 2021-11-19 452.39 474.0 $25 -8950100994410498916\n",
- "2021-10-22 $746 65 sell call 2021-10-29 453.63 452.5 $324 7868901530472763524\n",
- "2021-10-22 $1067 64 sell call 2021-11-03 453.63 454.0 $321 1595889553102190973\n",
- "2021-10-22 $1334 63 sell call 2021-11-03 453.63 455.0 $268 2219942099188491150\n",
- "2021-10-22 $1291 64 buy call 2021-11-05 453.63 464.0 $42 -3956286472477690328\n",
- "2021-10-22 $1271 65 buy call 2021-11-05 453.63 467.0 $20 8985179960967273587\n",
- "2021-10-22 $1263 66 buy call 2021-11-08 453.63 473.0 $7 9014913597646548433\n",
- "2021-10-22 $1154 67 buy call 2021-11-10 453.63 462.0 $108 -7312087773842562551\n",
- "2021-10-22 $1128 68 buy call 2021-11-10 453.63 468.0 $26 9137251116807966975\n",
- "2021-10-22 $1106 69 buy call 2021-11-10 453.63 469.0 $21 1033064719537108356\n",
- "2021-10-22 $1003 70 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 466.0 $102 5278634783435767337\n",
- "2021-10-22 $919 71 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 467.0 $84 -8088823261233543854\n",
- "2021-10-22 $886 72 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 472.0 $32 -3547518547756849242\n",
- "2021-10-22 $867 73 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 475.0 $18 6878034388240853715\n",
- "2021-10-22 $851 74 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 476.0 $16 8473088267151107322\n",
- "2021-10-22 $775 75 buy call 2021-11-26 453.63 470.0 $75 9085646210551244343\n",
- "2021-10-22 $743 76 buy call 2021-11-26 453.63 475.0 $31 -5725486079981063936\n",
- "2021-10-26 $858 75 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 457.0 $115 -4635465958592046321\n",
- "2021-10-26 $952 74 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 457.5 $95 -6793440511966620134\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1032 73 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 458.0 $81 -4742453072230403274\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1067 72 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 460.0 $35 2568749493122870824\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1079 71 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 462.0 $13 -937216904157497817\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1088 70 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 462.5 $10 7843718575734271878\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1141 69 sell call 2021-11-01 455.48 460.0 $53 -7467071513536419055\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1175 68 sell call 2021-11-01 455.48 461.0 $35 7029210030302360690\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1196 67 sell call 2021-11-01 455.48 462.0 $22 -1634644199183290432\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1245 66 sell call 2021-11-03 455.48 462.0 $49 -4166965985192648903\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1267 65 sell call 2021-11-03 455.48 464.0 $23 2190092435470133543\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1254 66 buy call 2021-11-08 455.48 469.0 $13 -8311374648639333362\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1248 67 buy call 2021-11-08 455.48 474.0 $5 8395892284645503275\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1204 68 buy call 2021-11-10 455.48 466.0 $43 8321105229487461804\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1200 69 buy call 2021-11-10 455.48 478.0 $4 4948343860065343613\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1103 70 buy call 2021-11-12 455.48 464.0 $96 -4625831468845902512\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1082 71 buy call 2021-11-12 455.48 470.0 $20 -2372555533737968287\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1075 72 buy call 2021-11-12 455.48 475.0 $7 -5141261254783711907\n",
- "2021-10-26 $1065 73 buy call 2021-11-15 455.48 475.0 $9 -5261736391507440246\n",
- "2021-10-26 $963 74 buy call 2021-11-22 455.48 467.0 $101 4728787150380874738\n",
- "2021-10-26 $909 75 buy call 2021-11-22 455.48 470.0 $54 -4533475146854728772\n",
- "2021-10-26 $868 76 buy call 2021-11-24 455.48 473.0 $40 -6339230730409795807\n",
- "2021-10-26 $831 77 buy call 2021-11-29 455.48 475.0 $36 5503270328426745110\n",
- "2021-10-26 $771 78 buy call 2021-12-03 455.48 475.0 $60 2878242502928256310\n",
- "2021-10-27 $1016 77 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 457.0 $246 5972519988769993029\n",
- "2021-10-27 $1506 76 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 453.0 $491 -2896361701385545923\n",
- "2021-10-27 $2073 75 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 452.0 $567 135430565513741272\n",
- "2021-10-27 $2189 74 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 460.0 $117 5952422785979668646\n",
- "2021-10-27 $2835 73 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 451.0 $647 -7397406601195378448\n",
- "2021-10-27 $2880 72 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 463.0 $45 -4750995629851181829\n",
- "2021-10-27 $2883 71 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 471.0 $4 -7647491889193751410\n",
- "2021-10-27 $3239 70 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 456.0 $357 90578365343935783\n",
- "2021-10-27 $3657 69 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 455.0 $418 -6617396644036680447\n",
- "2021-10-27 $3931 68 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 457.5 $275 7281732699173937830\n",
- "2021-10-27 $4178 67 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 458.0 $248 -8376058731804560030\n",
- "2021-10-27 $4661 66 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 454.0 $483 1276210832658576634\n",
- "2021-10-27 $4865 65 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 459.0 $205 2465256806350964852\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5025 64 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 460.0 $161 -6700083435688453698\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5153 63 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 461.0 $128 -687190671329913955\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5250 62 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 462.0 $98 -166818322384925716\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5324 61 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 463.0 $75 -9168099649001183941\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5380 60 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 464.0 $56 -3956286472477690328\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5420 59 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 465.0 $41 5597925563911162739\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5448 58 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 466.0 $29 536663498009001719\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5469 57 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 467.0 $21 8985179960967273587\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5479 56 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 469.0 $11 392704717350204100\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5487 55 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 470.0 $9 8536209755027345594\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5493 54 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 471.0 $6 -7031114540802905555\n",
- "2021-10-27 $5878 53 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 456.0 $386 -4780692853347765243\n",
- "2021-10-27 $6325 52 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 455.0 $448 -8607807008809738843\n",
- "2021-10-27 $6599 51 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 458.0 $274 -826740288691207366\n",
- "2021-10-27 $6823 50 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 459.0 $225 -599849971395155865\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7006 49 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 460.0 $184 -4114313855450248830\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7157 48 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 461.0 $151 4321083363782407069\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7275 47 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 462.0 $119 -3011843089558683514\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7366 46 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 463.0 $92 1643500674904153987\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7436 45 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 464.0 $70 3645372093249306786\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7488 44 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 465.0 $53 836111757783779058\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7526 43 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 466.0 $39 -2100790797762897653\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7541 42 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 469.0 $15 -8311374648639333362\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7552 41 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 470.0 $12 4351941244656510549\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7558 40 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 473.0 $6 9014913597646548433\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7562 39 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 474.0 $5 8395892284645503275\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7785 38 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 460.0 $224 -3560424199337840695\n",
- "2021-10-27 $7970 37 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 461.0 $185 6680932718787225144\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8118 36 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 462.0 $149 -7312087773842562551\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8235 35 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 463.0 $118 7702228191728505003\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8291 34 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 466.0 $56 8321105229487461804\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8322 33 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 468.0 $32 9137251116807966975\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8345 32 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 469.0 $24 1033064719537108356\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8363 31 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 470.0 $18 3944805337881681063\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8373 30 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 472.0 $11 -4548054914056694707\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8376 29 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 478.0 $4 4948343860065343613\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8520 28 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 463.0 $144 -6398164922012932213\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8636 27 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 464.0 $117 -4625831468845902512\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8727 26 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 465.0 $92 -4852403311252857386\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8772 25 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 468.0 $45 4457350292787768267\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8797 24 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 470.0 $26 -2372555533737968287\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8804 23 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 475.0 $8 -5141261254783711907\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8912 22 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 465.0 $108 5456585746422654655\n",
- "2021-10-27 $8978 21 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 467.0 $67 711175713972124246\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9009 20 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 470.0 $32 3637314917811578493\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9019 19 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 475.0 $10 -5261736391507440246\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9149 18 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 466.0 $131 5278634783435767337\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9256 17 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 467.0 $108 -8088823261233543854\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9353 16 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 467.5 $97 776441375893438717\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9440 15 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 468.0 $88 2259569769449942406\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9510 14 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 469.0 $71 -3172158829714818393\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9568 13 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 470.0 $58 -3208225307812113259\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9614 12 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 471.0 $47 -3460531967254880383\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9651 11 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 472.0 $38 -3547518547756849242\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9681 10 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 473.0 $30 7448289368136961607\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9705 9 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 474.0 $25 -8950100994410498916\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9724 8 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 475.0 $20 6878034388240853715\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9740 7 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 476.0 $16 8473088267151107322\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9859 6 sell call 2021-11-22 455.96 467.0 $120 4728787150380874738\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9925 5 sell call 2021-11-22 455.96 470.0 $67 -4533475146854728772\n",
- "2021-10-27 $9971 4 sell call 2021-11-24 455.96 473.0 $46 -6339230730409795807\n",
- "2021-10-27 $10058 3 sell call 2021-11-26 455.96 470.0 $88 9085646210551244343\n",
- "2021-10-27 $10091 2 sell call 2021-11-26 455.96 475.0 $34 -5725486079981063936\n",
- "2021-10-27 $10133 1 sell call 2021-11-29 455.96 475.0 $42 5503270328426745110\n",
- "2021-10-27 $10200 0 sell call 2021-12-03 455.96 475.0 $68 2878242502928256310\n",
- "2021-10-28 $9742 1 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 454.0 $457 -7182113784216203596\n",
- "2021-10-28 $9343 2 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 455.0 $399 -3374082070889562541\n",
- "2021-10-28 $8999 3 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 456.0 $343 604300438883442598\n",
- "2021-10-28 $8708 4 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 457.0 $290 -4088376387100052979\n",
- "2021-10-28 $7972 5 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 450.0 $736 5972018961112463256\n",
- "2021-10-28 $7726 6 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 458.0 $245 4309811524988686044\n",
- "2021-10-28 $7523 7 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 459.0 $203 -1607869576880037419\n",
- "2021-10-28 $7356 8 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 460.0 $166 -3560424199337840695\n",
- "2021-10-28 $7251 9 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 462.0 $104 -7312087773842562551\n",
- "2021-10-28 $7204 10 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 465.0 $47 9064518438664109952\n",
- "2021-10-28 $7177 11 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 467.0 $26 2650047490948683348\n",
- "2021-10-28 $7165 12 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 470.0 $11 3944805337881681063\n",
- "2021-10-28 $6662 13 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 454.0 $503 2763305168888096810\n",
- "2021-10-28 $6094 14 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 453.0 $567 8893412372773055199\n",
- "2021-10-28 $5650 15 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 455.0 $443 1531475177411487464\n",
- "2021-10-28 $5266 16 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 456.0 $384 -4598174311330573762\n",
- "2021-10-28 $4932 17 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 457.0 $333 -9014486251751500943\n",
- "2021-10-28 $4648 18 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 458.0 $283 -9050819333608773435\n",
- "2021-10-28 $4408 19 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 459.0 $240 -4092487215843134958\n",
- "2021-10-28 $4209 20 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 460.0 $198 -6763435038904526439\n",
- "2021-10-28 $4045 21 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 461.0 $163 135484815601078042\n",
- "2021-10-28 $3912 22 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 462.0 $133 -8789326117149161503\n",
- "2021-10-28 $3805 23 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 463.0 $106 -6398164922012932213\n",
- "2021-10-28 $3721 24 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 464.0 $83 -4625831468845902512\n",
- "2021-10-28 $3656 25 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 465.0 $65 -4852403311252857386\n",
- "2021-10-28 $3606 26 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 466.0 $49 -1393811797128360077\n",
- "2021-10-29 $3524 27 buy call 2021-11-12 458.27 467.0 $81 -3227294626183243483\n",
- "2021-10-29 $3462 28 buy call 2021-11-12 458.27 468.0 $62 4457350292787768267\n",
- "2021-10-29 $3414 29 buy call 2021-11-12 458.27 469.0 $47 7043839822682941642\n",
- "2021-10-29 $3377 30 buy call 2021-11-12 458.27 470.0 $36 -2372555533737968287\n",
- "2021-10-29 $3223 31 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 465.0 $154 5456585746422654655\n",
- "2021-10-29 $3098 32 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 466.0 $124 6903079756452899026\n",
- "2021-10-29 $3020 33 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 468.0 $77 4776240400849950020\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2985 34 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 471.0 $35 -4924348997652286431\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2968 35 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 474.0 $16 -5046463720374901761\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2954 36 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 475.0 $13 -5261736391507440246\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2949 37 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 480.0 $5 -6213205191102924082\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2766 38 buy call 2021-11-17 458.27 465.0 $182 -2291297615781608949\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2734 39 buy call 2021-11-17 458.27 473.0 $31 -6803043275105524719\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2715 40 buy call 2021-11-17 458.27 475.0 $19 2055814500101883423\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2457 41 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 464.0 $257 5471517891566252660\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2237 42 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 465.0 $219 8923621376713992771\n",
- "2021-10-29 $2053 43 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 466.0 $184 5278634783435767337\n",
- "2021-10-29 $1899 44 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 467.0 $153 -8088823261233543854\n",
- "2021-10-29 $1759 45 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 467.5 $139 776441375893438717\n",
- "2021-10-29 $1635 46 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 468.0 $124 2259569769449942406\n",
- "2021-10-29 $1534 47 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 469.0 $100 -3172158829714818393\n",
- "2021-10-29 $1452 48 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 470.0 $81 -3208225307812113259\n",
- "2021-10-29 $1385 49 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 471.0 $67 -3460531967254880383\n",
- "2021-10-29 $1330 50 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 472.0 $54 -3547518547756849242\n",
- "2021-10-29 $1286 51 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 473.0 $43 7448289368136961607\n",
- "2021-10-29 $1259 52 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 475.0 $27 6878034388240853715\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1211 53 buy call 2021-11-15 460.07 470.0 $47 3637314917811578493\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1204 54 buy call 2021-11-15 460.07 479.0 $6 2364223938483328082\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1137 55 buy call 2021-11-17 460.07 470.0 $67 2151868927444391485\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1128 56 buy call 2021-11-17 460.07 480.0 $8 3740696545305567113\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1093 57 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 474.0 $35 -8950100994410498916\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1077 58 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 478.0 $15 -6603376970525973240\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1063 59 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 479.0 $13 1429227486920333842\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1053 60 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 480.0 $10 8735284055935725920\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1043 61 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 481.0 $9 6902481032498677961\n",
- "2021-11-02 $1034 62 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 482.0 $8 -2517669480334719652\n",
- "2021-11-02 $992 63 buy call 2021-11-22 460.07 474.0 $42 -623088176215434515\n",
- "2021-11-02 $957 64 buy call 2021-11-22 460.07 475.0 $34 1903312725833013265\n",
- "2021-11-02 $866 65 buy call 2021-11-26 460.07 472.0 $90 -8243090444211088994\n",
- "2021-11-02 $793 66 buy call 2021-11-26 460.07 473.0 $73 7991135811793133734\n",
- "2021-11-02 $734 67 buy call 2021-11-26 460.07 474.0 $58 1325710705426283651\n",
- "2021-11-02 $686 68 buy call 2021-11-26 460.07 475.0 $47 -5725486079981063936\n",
- "2021-11-02 $665 69 buy call 2021-11-26 460.07 479.0 $21 7820001651815876826\n",
- "2021-11-02 $646 70 buy call 2021-11-26 460.07 480.0 $18 -8538299637426399000\n",
- "2021-11-02 $630 71 buy call 2021-11-26 460.07 481.0 $15 -1604811788730308387\n",
- "2021-11-02 $572 72 buy call 2021-11-29 460.07 475.0 $58 5503270328426745110\n",
- "2021-11-02 $539 73 buy call 2021-11-29 460.07 478.0 $32 1913535711794286669\n",
- "2021-11-02 $516 74 buy call 2021-11-29 460.07 480.0 $22 -7671017882521524880\n",
- "2021-11-03 $497 75 buy call 2021-11-17 461.87 476.0 $19 4245129482543674724\n",
- "2021-11-03 $483 76 buy call 2021-11-17 461.87 478.0 $13 -7985893560952457943\n",
- "2021-11-03 $476 77 buy call 2021-11-17 461.87 482.0 $6 1271887615301654733\n",
- "2021-11-03 $453 78 buy call 2021-11-19 461.87 477.0 $23 2227131650246909366\n",
- "2021-11-03 $445 79 buy call 2021-11-19 461.87 484.0 $7 -5626102861725443363\n",
- "2021-11-03 $436 80 buy call 2021-11-22 461.87 484.0 $8 -5151791609260047594\n",
- "2021-11-03 $402 81 buy call 2021-12-01 461.87 480.0 $34 6898395856111034496\n",
- "2021-11-04 $392 82 buy call 2021-11-19 464.73 485.0 $9 -39957717689991510\n",
- "2021-11-04 $383 83 buy call 2021-11-19 464.73 486.0 $8 6526111657638961636\n",
- "2021-11-04 $376 84 buy call 2021-11-19 464.73 487.0 $7 -5414560998669011243\n",
- "2021-11-04 $361 85 buy call 2021-11-26 464.73 485.0 $14 -6356131041605643197\n",
- "2021-11-04 $344 86 buy call 2021-11-29 464.73 485.0 $16 82721535105417929\n",
- "2021-11-04 $330 87 buy call 2021-11-29 464.73 486.0 $14 5190873932546123349\n",
- "2021-11-05 $545 86 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 467.0 $216 2650047490948683348\n",
- "2021-11-05 $882 85 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 465.0 $338 9064518438664109952\n",
- "2021-11-05 $971 84 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 470.0 $89 3944805337881681063\n",
- "2021-11-05 $1539 83 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 462.0 $569 -7312087773842562551\n",
- "2021-11-05 $2283 82 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 460.0 $745 -3560424199337840695\n",
- "2021-11-05 $3118 81 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 459.0 $835 -1607869576880037419\n",
- "2021-11-05 $4045 80 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 458.0 $928 4309811524988686044\n",
- "2021-11-05 $5064 79 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 457.0 $1020 -4088376387100052979\n",
- "2021-11-05 $6181 78 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 456.0 $1117 604300438883442598\n",
- "2021-11-05 $7387 77 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 455.0 $1207 -3374082070889562541\n",
- "2021-11-05 $8693 76 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 454.0 $1307 -7182113784216203596\n",
- "2021-11-05 $10386 75 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 450.0 $1693 5972018961112463256\n",
- "2021-11-05 $10715 74 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 466.0 $330 -1393811797128360077\n",
- "2021-11-05 $11108 73 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 465.0 $394 -4852403311252857386\n",
- "2021-11-05 $11572 72 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 464.0 $464 -4625831468845902512\n",
- "2021-11-05 $12111 71 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 463.0 $540 -6398164922012932213\n",
- "2021-11-05 $12731 70 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 462.0 $621 -8789326117149161503\n",
- "2021-11-05 $13430 69 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 461.0 $699 135484815601078042\n",
- "2021-11-05 $14217 68 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 460.0 $788 -6763435038904526439\n",
- "2021-11-05 $15090 67 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 459.0 $873 -4092487215843134958\n",
- "2021-11-05 $16049 66 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 458.0 $960 -9050819333608773435\n",
- "2021-11-05 $17102 65 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 457.0 $1054 -9014486251751500943\n",
- "2021-11-05 $18230 64 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 456.0 $1128 -4598174311330573762\n",
- "2021-11-05 $19468 63 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 455.0 $1239 1531475177411487464\n",
- "2021-11-05 $20800 62 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 454.0 $1333 2763305168888096810\n",
- "2021-11-05 $22229 61 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 453.0 $1429 8893412372773055199\n",
- "2021-11-05 $21544 62 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 463.0 $684 -7295240980831995185\n",
- "2021-11-05 $20823 63 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 462.5 $720 -3338157481403525137\n",
- "2021-11-05 $20068 64 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 462.0 $755 8021807274307215470\n",
- "2021-11-05 $19233 65 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 461.0 $834 -177300849843244492\n",
- "2021-11-05 $18319 66 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 460.0 $913 930916622207194150\n",
- "2021-11-05 $17321 67 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 459.0 $998 6186813689926795325\n",
- "2021-11-05 $16238 68 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 458.0 $1082 8372323252292959801\n",
- "2021-11-05 $16158 69 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 476.0 $79 8473088267151107322\n",
- "2021-11-05 $14990 70 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 457.0 $1168 -3196906293705680205\n",
- "2021-11-05 $13646 71 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 455.0 $1343 1514365232656872341\n",
- "2021-11-05 $13628 72 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 483.0 $17 3312645039675724787\n",
- "2021-11-05 $13620 73 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 488.0 $8 -8218358125043179421\n",
- "2021-11-05 $13612 74 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 489.0 $7 -4704887420691782363\n",
- "2021-11-05 $13174 75 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 467.0 $437 4728787150380874738\n",
- "2021-11-05 $12675 76 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 466.0 $499 4137829595417137249\n",
- "2021-11-05 $12109 77 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 465.0 $565 8516447206356366257\n",
- "2021-11-05 $11780 78 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 469.0 $328 9090008531325604271\n",
- "2021-11-05 $11500 79 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 470.0 $280 -4533475146854728772\n",
- "2021-11-05 $11262 80 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 471.0 $237 5813721068813422579\n",
- "2021-11-05 $11061 81 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 472.0 $200 -7686491452913794995\n",
- "2021-11-05 $10896 82 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 473.0 $165 5591504364846503304\n",
- "2021-11-05 $10805 83 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 476.0 $90 -52420178233690068\n",
- "2021-11-05 $10731 84 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 477.0 $73 2650363001388564278\n",
- "2021-11-05 $10693 85 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 480.0 $38 7743842423316972233\n",
- "2021-11-05 $10667 86 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 482.0 $25 8463294672341236322\n",
- "2021-11-05 $10654 87 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 486.0 $12 476128574241746464\n",
- "2021-11-09 $10863 86 sell call 2021-11-12 468.99 469.0 $209 7043839822682941642\n",
- "2021-11-09 $11017 85 sell call 2021-11-12 468.99 470.0 $155 -2372555533737968287\n",
- "2021-11-09 $11278 84 sell call 2021-11-12 468.99 468.0 $262 4457350292787768267\n",
- "2021-11-09 $11608 83 sell call 2021-11-12 468.99 467.0 $330 -3227294626183243483\n",
- "2021-11-09 $11802 82 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 470.0 $195 3637314917811578493\n",
- "2021-11-09 $12071 81 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 468.0 $270 4776240400849950020\n",
- "2021-11-09 $12225 80 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 471.0 $154 -4924348997652286431\n",
- "2021-11-09 $12669 79 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 466.0 $445 6903079756452899026\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13187 78 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 465.0 $519 5456585746422654655\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13250 77 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 474.0 $63 -5046463720374901761\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13295 76 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 475.0 $46 -5261736391507440246\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13307 75 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 479.0 $13 2364223938483328082\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13317 74 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 480.0 $10 -6213205191102924082\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13575 73 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 470.0 $259 2151868927444391485\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14110 72 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 465.0 $536 -2291297615781608949\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14246 71 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 473.0 $136 -6803043275105524719\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14327 70 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 475.0 $82 2055814500101883423\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14350 69 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 480.0 $23 3740696545305567113\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14722 68 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 469.0 $373 -3172158829714818393\n",
- "2021-11-09 $15037 67 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 470.0 $316 -3208225307812113259\n",
- "2021-11-09 $15466 66 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 468.0 $429 2259569769449942406\n",
- "2021-11-09 $15928 65 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 467.5 $463 776441375893438717\n",
- "2021-11-09 $16192 64 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 471.0 $265 -3460531967254880383\n",
- "2021-11-09 $16688 63 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 467.0 $496 -8088823261233543854\n",
- "2021-11-09 $16910 62 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 472.0 $223 -3547518547756849242\n",
- "2021-11-09 $17473 61 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 466.0 $564 5278634783435767337\n",
- "2021-11-09 $17654 60 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 473.0 $181 7448289368136961607\n",
- "2021-11-09 $18289 59 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 465.0 $636 8923621376713992771\n",
- "2021-11-09 $18437 58 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 474.0 $149 -8950100994410498916\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19150 57 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 464.0 $713 5471517891566252660\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19271 56 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 475.0 $122 6878034388240853715\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19331 55 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 478.0 $61 -6603376970525973240\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19382 54 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 479.0 $51 1429227486920333842\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19421 53 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 480.0 $40 8735284055935725920\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19452 52 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 481.0 $32 6902481032498677961\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19477 51 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 482.0 $25 -2517669480334719652\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19646 50 sell call 2021-11-22 468.99 474.0 $170 -623088176215434515\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19786 49 sell call 2021-11-22 468.99 475.0 $141 1903312725833013265\n",
- "2021-11-09 $19335 50 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 469.0 $451 -8552061934750422050\n",
- "2021-11-09 $18942 51 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 470.0 $392 6384431718647018353\n",
- "2021-11-09 $18426 52 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 468.0 $515 -3427886736981167915\n",
- "2021-11-09 $18087 53 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 471.0 $339 4110397372841059403\n",
- "2021-11-09 $17796 54 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 472.0 $290 3731106890905641240\n",
- "2021-11-09 $16990 55 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 464.0 $805 1194218439645386590\n",
- "2021-11-09 $16817 56 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 475.0 $173 3322102897053529100\n",
- "2021-11-09 $16749 57 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 480.0 $67 6572425878498930316\n",
- "2021-11-09 $16721 58 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 485.0 $27 3497482541656262701\n",
- "2021-11-09 $16249 59 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 469.0 $472 952028337588239130\n",
- "2021-11-09 $15714 60 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 468.0 $534 -6060682168733927235\n",
- "2021-11-09 $15301 61 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 470.0 $412 9085646210551244343\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14696 62 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 467.0 $605 8115215681080152435\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14337 63 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 471.0 $358 2886837195160508855\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14642 62 sell call 2021-11-26 468.99 472.0 $306 -8243090444211088994\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14334 63 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 472.0 $308 -8243090444211088994\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14595 62 sell call 2021-11-26 468.99 473.0 $262 7991135811793133734\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14331 63 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 473.0 $263 7991135811793133734\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14554 62 sell call 2021-11-26 468.99 474.0 $223 1325710705426283651\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14740 61 sell call 2021-11-26 468.99 475.0 $187 -5725486079981063936\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14550 62 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 475.0 $189 -5725486079981063936\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14439 63 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 478.0 $111 1535596220845003177\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14528 62 sell call 2021-11-26 468.99 479.0 $90 7820001651815876826\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14602 61 sell call 2021-11-26 468.99 480.0 $75 -8538299637426399000\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14526 62 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 480.0 $76 -8538299637426399000\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14587 61 sell call 2021-11-26 468.99 481.0 $62 -1604811788730308387\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14522 62 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 481.0 $64 -1604811788730308387\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14470 63 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 482.0 $52 -6386270809698307385\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14432 64 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 484.0 $37 -497766237204300755\n",
- "2021-11-09 $14418 65 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 490.0 $14 -1536120328679256658\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13914 66 buy call 2021-11-29 468.99 469.0 $503 -7002440505533442997\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13468 67 buy call 2021-11-29 468.99 470.0 $445 6570557661207933586\n",
- "2021-11-09 $12896 68 buy call 2021-11-29 468.99 468.0 $572 3803187442876505534\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13106 67 sell call 2021-11-29 468.99 475.0 $211 5503270328426745110\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13231 66 sell call 2021-11-29 468.99 478.0 $126 1913535711794286669\n",
- "2021-11-09 $13319 65 sell call 2021-11-29 468.99 480.0 $88 -7671017882521524880\n",
- "2021-11-10 $13357 64 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 476.0 $39 4245129482543674724\n",
- "2021-11-10 $13378 63 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 478.0 $22 -7985893560952457943\n",
- "2021-11-10 $13385 62 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 482.0 $7 1271887615301654733\n",
- "2021-11-10 $14069 61 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 463.0 $685 -7295240980831995185\n",
- "2021-11-10 $14798 60 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 462.5 $730 -3338157481403525137\n",
- "2021-11-10 $15561 59 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 462.0 $763 8021807274307215470\n",
- "2021-11-10 $16402 58 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 461.0 $842 -177300849843244492\n",
- "2021-11-10 $17331 57 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 460.0 $930 930916622207194150\n",
- "2021-11-10 $18342 56 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 459.0 $1011 6186813689926795325\n",
- "2021-11-10 $18407 55 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 476.0 $66 8473088267151107322\n",
- "2021-11-10 $19502 54 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 458.0 $1096 8372323252292959801\n",
- "2021-11-10 $19553 53 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 477.0 $51 2227131650246909366\n",
- "2021-11-10 $20735 52 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 457.0 $1183 -3196906293705680205\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22096 51 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 455.0 $1362 1514365232656872341\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22107 50 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 483.0 $11 3312645039675724787\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22115 49 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 484.0 $9 -5626102861725443363\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22121 48 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 485.0 $7 -39957717689991510\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22126 47 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 486.0 $5 6526111657638961636\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22130 46 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 487.0 $5 -5414560998669011243\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22133 45 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 488.0 $4 -8218358125043179421\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22136 44 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 489.0 $3 -4704887420691782363\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22584 43 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 467.0 $449 4728787150380874738\n",
- "2021-11-10 $22913 42 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 469.0 $330 9090008531325604271\n",
- "2021-11-10 $23427 41 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 466.0 $514 4137829595417137249\n",
- "2021-11-10 $24003 40 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 465.0 $577 8516447206356366257\n",
- "2021-11-10 $24281 39 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 470.0 $279 -4533475146854728772\n",
- "2021-11-10 $24514 38 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 471.0 $233 5813721068813422579\n",
- "2021-11-10 $24709 37 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 472.0 $196 -7686491452913794995\n",
- "2021-11-10 $24866 36 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 473.0 $158 5591504364846503304\n",
- "2021-11-10 $24948 35 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 476.0 $82 -52420178233690068\n",
- "2021-11-10 $25012 34 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 477.0 $65 2650363001388564278\n",
- "2021-11-10 $25043 33 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 480.0 $32 7743842423316972233\n",
- "2021-11-10 $25063 32 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 482.0 $20 8463294672341236322\n",
- "2021-11-10 $25075 31 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 484.0 $13 -5151791609260047594\n",
- "2021-11-10 $25083 30 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 486.0 $9 476128574241746464\n",
- "2021-11-10 $25520 29 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 468.0 $437 -3427886736981167915\n",
- "2021-11-10 $25894 28 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 469.0 $375 -8552061934750422050\n",
- "2021-11-10 $26215 27 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 470.0 $322 6384431718647018353\n",
- "2021-11-10 $26909 26 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 464.0 $694 1194218439645386590\n",
- "2021-11-10 $27183 25 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 471.0 $275 4110397372841059403\n",
- "2021-11-10 $27417 24 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 472.0 $235 3731106890905641240\n",
- "2021-11-10 $27550 23 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 475.0 $133 3322102897053529100\n",
- "2021-11-10 $27594 22 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 480.0 $45 6572425878498930316\n",
- "2021-11-10 $27610 21 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 485.0 $16 3497482541656262701\n",
- "2021-11-10 $28066 20 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 468.0 $457 -6060682168733927235\n",
- "2021-11-10 $28583 19 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 467.0 $518 8115215681080152435\n",
- "2021-11-10 $28978 18 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 469.0 $395 952028337588239130\n",
- "2021-11-10 $29319 17 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 470.0 $342 9085646210551244343\n",
- "2021-11-10 $29614 16 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 471.0 $296 2886837195160508855\n",
- "2021-11-10 $29863 15 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 472.0 $249 -8243090444211088994\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30074 14 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 473.0 $212 7991135811793133734\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30218 13 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 475.0 $145 -5725486079981063936\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30298 12 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 478.0 $80 1535596220845003177\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30350 11 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 480.0 $53 -8538299637426399000\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30392 10 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 481.0 $43 -1604811788730308387\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30427 9 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 482.0 $35 -6386270809698307385\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30450 8 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 484.0 $24 -497766237204300755\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30469 7 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 485.0 $20 -6356131041605643197\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30478 6 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 490.0 $9 -1536120328679256658\n",
- "2021-11-10 $30966 5 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 468.0 $489 3803187442876505534\n",
- "2021-11-10 $31390 4 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 469.0 $425 -7002440505533442997\n",
- "2021-11-10 $31766 3 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 470.0 $376 6570557661207933586\n",
- "2021-11-10 $31790 2 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 485.0 $25 82721535105417929\n",
- "2021-11-10 $31810 1 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 486.0 $21 5190873932546123349\n",
- "2021-11-10 $31891 0 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 480.0 $81 6898395856111034496\n",
- "2021-11-12 $31440 1 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 464.0 $450 -1488312181410176599\n",
- "2021-11-12 $30925 2 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 463.0 $514 3923330291596509143\n",
- "2021-11-12 $30533 3 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 465.0 $392 -5062415732526826734\n",
- "2021-11-12 $29949 4 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 462.0 $583 -988366774825077512\n",
- "2021-11-12 $29612 5 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 466.0 $336 -6607815579075524078\n",
- "2021-11-12 $29329 6 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 467.0 $283 8115215681080152435\n",
- "2021-11-12 $29090 7 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 468.0 $238 -6060682168733927235\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28894 8 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 469.0 $195 952028337588239130\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28735 9 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 470.0 $159 9085646210551244343\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28606 10 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 471.0 $128 2886837195160508855\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28504 11 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 472.0 $101 -8243090444211088994\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28425 12 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 473.0 $79 7991135811793133734\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28363 13 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 474.0 $61 1325710705426283651\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28315 14 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 475.0 $47 -5725486079981063936\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28279 15 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 476.0 $36 8264238219859354838\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28250 16 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 477.0 $28 2705878313788146332\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28228 17 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 478.0 $21 1535596220845003177\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28212 18 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 479.0 $16 7820001651815876826\n",
- "2021-11-12 $28198 19 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 480.0 $13 -8538299637426399000\n",
- "2021-11-12 $26354 20 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 447.0 $1843 -4882523462898505221\n",
- "2021-11-12 $26345 21 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 482.0 $9 -6386270809698307385\n",
- "2021-11-12 $26338 22 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 484.0 $6 -497766237204300755\n",
- "2021-11-12 $26332 23 buy call 2021-11-26 463.81 485.0 $5 -6356131041605643197\n",
- "2021-11-12 $25842 24 buy call 2021-11-29 463.81 464.0 $490 -2386595163381157488\n",
- "2021-11-12 $25287 25 buy call 2021-11-29 463.81 463.0 $554 2916588433626089525\n",
- "2021-11-12 $24858 26 buy call 2021-11-29 463.81 465.0 $428 -7633932668721011634\n",
- "2021-11-16 $25156 25 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 468.0 $298 -6060682168733927235\n",
- "2021-11-16 $25512 24 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 467.0 $357 8115215681080152435\n",
- "2021-11-16 $25756 23 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 469.0 $244 952028337588239130\n",
- "2021-11-16 $26173 22 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 466.0 $418 -6607815579075524078\n",
- "2021-11-16 $26370 21 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 470.0 $198 9085646210551244343\n",
- "2021-11-16 $26856 20 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 465.0 $486 -5062415732526826734\n",
- "2021-11-16 $27414 19 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 464.0 $559 -1488312181410176599\n",
- "2021-11-16 $27570 18 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 471.0 $157 2886837195160508855\n",
- "2021-11-16 $27692 17 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 472.0 $122 -8243090444211088994\n",
- "2021-11-16 $28326 16 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 463.0 $635 3923330291596509143\n",
- "2021-11-16 $28419 15 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 473.0 $94 7991135811793133734\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29132 14 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 462.0 $713 -988366774825077512\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29201 13 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 474.0 $70 1325710705426283651\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29253 12 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 475.0 $53 -5725486079981063936\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29292 11 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 476.0 $39 8264238219859354838\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29319 10 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 477.0 $28 2705878313788146332\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29339 9 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 478.0 $21 1535596220845003177\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29354 8 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 479.0 $15 7820001651815876826\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29364 7 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 480.0 $11 -8538299637426399000\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29370 6 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 482.0 $7 -6386270809698307385\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29374 5 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 484.0 $4 -497766237204300755\n",
- "2021-11-16 $29377 4 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 485.0 $4 -6356131041605643197\n",
- "2021-11-16 $31458 3 sell call 2021-11-26 467.47 447.0 $2082 -4882523462898505221\n",
- "2021-11-16 $31986 2 sell call 2021-11-29 467.47 465.0 $528 -7633932668721011634\n",
- "2021-11-16 $32585 1 sell call 2021-11-29 467.47 464.0 $600 -2386595163381157488\n",
- "2021-11-16 $33256 0 sell call 2021-11-29 467.47 463.0 $672 2916588433626089525\n",
- "2021-11-19 $32819 1 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 470.0 $437 -4181418334029468073\n",
- "2021-11-19 $32419 2 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 469.0 $399 6578535321861378720\n",
- "2021-11-19 $31938 3 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 471.0 $480 6390730748106269931\n",
- "2021-11-19 $31573 4 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 468.0 $365 -2055021198839120560\n",
- "2021-11-19 $31226 5 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 467.5 $346 -786071161057723503\n",
- "2021-11-19 $30893 6 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 467.0 $332 -6638419326291599902\n",
- "2021-11-19 $30587 7 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 466.0 $306 2894438469502850978\n",
- "2021-11-19 $30305 8 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 465.0 $281 -7180611294458547029\n",
- "2021-11-19 $29600 9 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 475.0 $704 2878242502928256310\n",
- "2021-11-19 $29340 10 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 464.0 $260 -6075125950101428768\n",
- "2021-11-19 $29099 11 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 463.0 $240 -4616720386056917844\n",
- "2021-11-19 $28869 12 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 462.5 $229 -3929580964914947651\n",
- "2021-11-19 $28646 13 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 462.0 $223 -8733183645418996601\n",
- "2021-11-19 $28440 14 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 461.0 $205 -3099617157204494662\n",
- "2021-11-19 $28247 15 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 460.0 $192 -1902530537704380077\n",
- "2021-11-19 $28081 16 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 458.0 $166 1115983697720680745\n",
- "2021-11-19 $27925 17 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 457.0 $155 8795963833136804486\n",
- "2021-11-19 $27779 18 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 456.0 $145 3316393671967074043\n",
- "2021-11-19 $27643 19 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 455.0 $136 7024374935420109785\n",
- "2021-11-19 $27515 20 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 454.0 $127 6381412082568268521\n",
- "2021-11-19 $27402 21 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 452.0 $112 2238698358349973090\n",
- "2021-11-19 $27302 22 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 450.0 $100 -4538348146892158607\n",
- "2021-11-19 $27207 23 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 449.0 $94 -5975186391033749101\n",
- "2021-11-19 $27118 24 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 448.0 $88 -6986713590538732178\n",
- "2021-11-19 $27035 25 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 447.0 $83 7758321945509419593\n",
- "2021-11-19 $26563 26 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 470.0 $471 -4673574882753084216\n",
- "2021-11-23 $26020 27 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 468.0 $543 8960941381678445222\n",
- "2021-11-23 $25516 28 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 467.0 $503 1237817997468187027\n",
- "2021-11-23 $24932 29 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 469.0 $583 -6545476741321103245\n",
- "2021-11-23 $24461 30 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 466.0 $471 5953768765761464201\n",
- "2021-11-23 $24022 31 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 465.0 $438 8231957813573485027\n",
- "2021-11-23 $23388 32 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 470.0 $633 6433627102729234331\n",
- "2021-11-23 $22979 33 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 464.0 $409 -4291935604056356838\n",
- "2021-11-23 $22296 34 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 471.0 $682 7672992845071291361\n",
- "2021-11-23 $21913 35 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 463.0 $382 8526153423292170911\n",
- "2021-11-23 $21167 36 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 472.0 $746 621902317068859729\n",
- "2021-11-23 $20368 37 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 473.0 $798 -7378769554832434686\n",
- "2021-11-23 $20009 38 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 462.0 $358 194495211968465089\n",
- "2021-11-23 $19151 39 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 474.0 $858 1554448873281150133\n",
- "2021-11-23 $18222 40 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 475.0 $928 -21400230681382917\n",
- "2021-11-23 $17906 41 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 460.0 $315 7576428941368558050\n",
- "2021-11-23 $17611 42 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 459.0 $295 5218634104227524373\n",
- "2021-11-23 $17348 43 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 457.0 $262 -7343113098457309023\n",
- "2021-11-23 $17115 44 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 455.0 $232 -1922398561435325242\n",
- "2021-11-23 $16920 45 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 452.0 $195 -2630281198358707981\n",
- "2021-11-23 $16745 46 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 450.0 $174 3074250449095086412\n",
- "2021-11-23 $16588 47 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 448.0 $156 -1051389563772263898\n",
- "2021-11-23 $16441 48 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 447.0 $147 -7117387224545433584\n",
- "2021-11-23 $16300 49 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 446.0 $140 1892223110928260486\n",
- "2021-11-23 $15700 50 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 468.0 $599 -2314048558484554957\n",
- "2021-11-23 $15137 51 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 467.0 $563 3670518522978583644\n",
- "2021-11-23 $14497 52 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 469.0 $639 -1411257929645994514\n",
- "2021-11-24 $14264 53 buy put 2021-12-08 468.29 458.0 $232 3158857249129073822\n",
- "2021-11-24 $14060 54 buy put 2021-12-08 468.29 456.0 $204 3199046145316675428\n",
- "2021-11-24 $13879 55 buy put 2021-12-08 468.29 454.0 $180 2959231605410992824\n",
- "2021-11-24 $13708 56 buy put 2021-12-08 468.29 453.0 $170 -3227467367050532737\n",
- "2021-11-24 $13557 57 buy put 2021-12-08 468.29 451.0 $151 1084275121212077789\n",
- "2021-11-24 $13421 58 buy put 2021-12-08 468.29 449.0 $135 -318325316978085674\n",
- "2021-11-24 $12822 59 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 470.0 $598 -8585345026767690139\n",
- "2021-11-24 $12365 60 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 466.0 $457 5905671725093537797\n",
- "2021-11-24 $11712 61 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 471.0 $652 -3335647416238882817\n",
- "2021-11-24 $11280 62 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 465.0 $431 7724066416253572817\n",
- "2021-11-24 $10878 63 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 464.0 $402 -7556169798474501937\n",
- "2021-11-24 $10499 64 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 463.0 $378 -188351438012640460\n",
- "2021-11-24 $10144 65 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 462.0 $354 2250349407899572179\n",
- "2021-11-24 $9808 66 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 461.0 $336 1939052603486807433\n",
- "2021-11-24 $9490 67 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 460.0 $317 3619626818402178392\n",
- "2021-11-24 $9192 68 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 459.0 $297 -8281650650992696844\n",
- "2021-11-24 $8911 69 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 458.0 $281 -6285267829214773876\n",
- "2021-11-24 $8645 70 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 457.0 $265 6904586018163169692\n",
- "2021-11-24 $8392 71 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 456.0 $252 4406486399754057695\n",
- "2021-11-24 $8154 72 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 455.0 $238 3338178154504941095\n",
- "2021-11-24 $7928 73 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 454.0 $225 4883318203186763227\n",
- "2021-11-24 $7714 74 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 453.0 $213 5976847420075197951\n",
- "2021-11-24 $7512 75 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 452.0 $202 -6618045596565803074\n",
- "2021-11-24 $7320 76 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 451.0 $191 1074841034956018751\n",
- "2021-11-24 $7139 77 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 450.0 $181 4051385345589866974\n",
- "2021-11-24 $6965 78 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 449.0 $173 4468710771834853106\n",
- "2021-11-30 $7323 77 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 465.0 $359 -7180611294458547029\n",
- "2021-11-30 $7640 76 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 464.0 $317 -6075125950101428768\n",
- "2021-11-30 $7923 75 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 463.0 $284 -4616720386056917844\n",
- "2021-11-30 $8316 74 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 466.0 $394 2894438469502850978\n",
- "2021-11-30 $8576 73 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 462.5 $260 -3929580964914947651\n",
- "2021-11-30 $9017 72 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 467.0 $442 -6638419326291599902\n",
- "2021-11-30 $9275 71 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 462.0 $259 -8733183645418996601\n",
- "2021-11-30 $9744 70 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 467.5 $469 -786071161057723503\n",
- "2021-11-30 $10239 69 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 468.0 $496 -2055021198839120560\n",
- "2021-11-30 $10465 68 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 461.0 $227 -3099617157204494662\n",
- "2021-11-30 $11037 67 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 469.0 $572 6578535321861378720\n",
- "2021-11-30 $11241 66 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 460.0 $205 -1902530537704380077\n",
- "2021-11-30 $11872 65 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 470.0 $632 -4181418334029468073\n",
- "2021-11-30 $12581 64 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 471.0 $709 6390730748106269931\n",
- "2021-11-30 $12744 63 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 458.0 $164 1115983697720680745\n",
- "2021-11-30 $12893 62 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 457.0 $150 8795963833136804486\n",
- "2021-11-30 $13027 61 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 456.0 $134 3316393671967074043\n",
- "2021-11-30 $13145 60 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 455.0 $119 7024374935420109785\n",
- "2021-11-30 $14185 59 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 475.0 $1041 2878242502928256310\n",
- "2021-11-30 $14291 58 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 454.0 $106 6381412082568268521\n",
- "2021-11-30 $14376 57 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 452.0 $86 2238698358349973090\n",
- "2021-11-30 $14444 56 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 450.0 $69 -4538348146892158607\n",
- "2021-11-30 $14507 55 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 449.0 $63 -5975186391033749101\n",
- "2021-11-30 $14562 54 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 448.0 $56 -6986713590538732178\n",
- "2021-11-30 $14612 53 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 447.0 $51 7758321945509419593\n",
- "2021-11-30 $15271 52 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 470.0 $659 -4673574882753084216\n",
- "2021-11-30 $14578 53 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 465.0 $692 -2243029738126213292\n",
- "2021-11-30 $13925 54 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 464.0 $652 6161431071798556431\n",
- "2021-11-30 $13195 55 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 466.0 $730 -2894421968876832793\n",
- "2021-11-30 $12575 56 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 462.0 $619 9084268400879039271\n",
- "2021-11-30 $12042 57 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 460.0 $532 4441037262770604584\n",
- "2021-11-30 $11623 58 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 455.0 $419 -1053259479679420063\n",
- "2021-11-30 $11220 59 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 454.0 $402 1406262730720663686\n",
- "2021-11-30 $10888 60 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 450.0 $331 -5657316976200275191\n",
- "2021-11-30 $10587 61 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 448.0 $301 2967844699397091966\n",
- "2021-11-30 $10317 62 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 446.0 $269 2632328282021768997\n",
- "2021-11-30 $10057 63 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 445.0 $259 4572023500346419541\n",
- "2021-11-30 $9814 64 buy put 2021-12-15 464.54 444.0 $243 2395503582575134203\n",
- "2021-11-30 $9029 65 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 464.0 $784 661320300377500862\n",
- "2021-11-30 $8210 66 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 465.0 $818 -6263604119438948487\n",
- "2021-11-30 $7458 67 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 463.0 $752 -5963482028875886581\n",
- "2021-11-30 $6749 68 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 462.0 $708 8395427613393716022\n",
- "2021-11-30 $6108 69 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 460.0 $640 -7859684289912239057\n",
- "2021-11-30 $5572 70 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 456.0 $536 -7390743154122221026\n",
- "2021-11-30 $5083 71 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 454.0 $488 -1813163298039620249\n",
- "2021-11-30 $4584 72 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 453.0 $498 8823062103315398550\n",
- "2021-11-30 $4156 73 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 451.0 $428 1893129116270191971\n",
- "2021-11-30 $3747 74 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 450.0 $408 -1359937365767253381\n",
- "2021-11-30 $3373 75 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 448.0 $374 -2389428147512467118\n",
- "2021-11-30 $3071 76 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 443.0 $301 1497016835913364772\n",
- "2021-12-01 $3632 75 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 455.0 $562 -1922398561435325242\n",
- "2021-12-01 $4264 74 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 457.0 $632 -7343113098457309023\n",
- "2021-12-01 $4976 73 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 459.0 $713 5218634104227524373\n",
- "2021-12-01 $5730 72 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 460.0 $755 7576428941368558050\n",
- "2021-12-01 $6196 71 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 452.0 $466 -2630281198358707981\n",
- "2021-12-01 $7048 70 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 462.0 $853 194495211968465089\n",
- "2021-12-01 $7465 69 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 450.0 $418 3074250449095086412\n",
- "2021-12-01 $8377 68 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 463.0 $912 8526153423292170911\n",
- "2021-12-01 $9305 67 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 464.0 $929 -4291935604056356838\n",
- "2021-12-01 $9680 66 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 448.0 $376 -1051389563772263898\n",
- "2021-12-01 $10029 65 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 447.0 $349 -7117387224545433584\n",
- "2021-12-01 $11063 64 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 465.0 $1035 8231957813573485027\n",
- "2021-12-01 $12125 63 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 466.0 $1063 5953768765761464201\n",
- "2021-12-01 $12449 62 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 446.0 $324 1892223110928260486\n",
- "2021-12-01 $13613 61 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 467.0 $1165 1237817997468187027\n",
- "2021-12-01 $14852 60 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 468.0 $1240 8960941381678445222\n",
- "2021-12-01 $16174 59 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 469.0 $1322 -6545476741321103245\n",
- "2021-12-01 $17589 58 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 470.0 $1416 6433627102729234331\n",
- "2021-12-01 $19071 57 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 471.0 $1483 7672992845071291361\n",
- "2021-12-01 $20637 56 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 472.0 $1566 621902317068859729\n",
- "2021-12-01 $22305 55 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 473.0 $1669 -7378769554832434686\n",
- "2021-12-01 $24030 54 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 474.0 $1726 1554448873281150133\n",
- "2021-12-01 $25878 53 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 475.0 $1848 -21400230681382917\n",
- "2021-12-01 $27099 52 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 467.0 $1222 3670518522978583644\n",
- "2021-12-01 $28397 51 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 468.0 $1299 -2314048558484554957\n",
- "2021-12-01 $29761 50 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 469.0 $1364 -1411257929645994514\n",
- "2021-12-01 $28915 51 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 456.0 $845 1374058920719143072\n",
- "2021-12-01 $28031 52 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 458.0 $883 9042455151274645898\n",
- "2021-12-01 $27352 53 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 452.0 $679 1015448175181055970\n",
- "2021-12-01 $26236 54 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 463.0 $1115 2919208734196543460\n",
- "2021-12-01 $25685 55 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 447.0 $550 2809005650061877182\n",
- "2021-12-01 $25220 56 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 443.0 $465 -982922838419579571\n",
- "2021-12-01 $24774 57 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 442.0 $445 7557364255083820408\n",
- "2021-12-01 $24347 58 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 441.0 $426 7309987763226346131\n",
- "2021-12-01 $23940 59 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 440.0 $407 -3925655025934293414\n",
- "2021-12-01 $23625 60 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 434.0 $314 7004608712415278999\n",
- "2021-12-01 $22656 61 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 457.0 $968 319208583432620953\n",
- "2021-12-01 $21763 62 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 455.0 $893 2650688065474673567\n",
- "2021-12-01 $20746 63 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 458.0 $1016 -8663801942365007415\n",
- "2021-12-01 $19636 64 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 459.0 $1109 -2919534166268715199\n",
- "2021-12-01 $18840 65 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 452.0 $796 -6366054613688702472\n",
- "2021-12-01 $17665 66 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 461.0 $1174 3554421399155613097\n",
- "2021-12-01 $16958 67 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 449.0 $706 -3832075259006437957\n",
- "2021-12-01 $16306 68 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 447.0 $652 1762455987571397568\n",
- "2021-12-01 $14848 69 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 466.0 $1457 -1661465697426365731\n",
- "2021-12-01 $14220 70 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 446.0 $627 -5083727893526669520\n",
- "2021-12-01 $13617 71 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 445.0 $603 -4296420194568682211\n",
- "2021-12-01 $13038 72 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 444.0 $578 -2281444630686271760\n",
- "2021-12-01 $12504 73 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 442.0 $534 -935387996448134038\n",
- "2021-12-01 $11991 74 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 441.0 $512 -1354520876479599916\n",
- "2021-12-01 $11497 75 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 440.0 $493 8597609472312001867\n",
- "2021-12-01 $11027 76 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 439.0 $470 8588513981657031446\n",
- "2021-12-02 $11747 75 sell put 2021-12-08 450.44 451.0 $721 1084275121212077789\n",
- "2021-12-02 $12392 74 sell put 2021-12-08 450.44 449.0 $646 -318325316978085674\n",
- "2021-12-02 $13197 73 sell put 2021-12-08 450.44 453.0 $805 -3227467367050532737\n",
- "2021-12-02 $14037 72 sell put 2021-12-08 450.44 454.0 $841 2959231605410992824\n",
- "2021-12-02 $14943 71 sell put 2021-12-08 450.44 456.0 $907 3199046145316675428\n",
- "2021-12-02 $15986 70 sell put 2021-12-08 450.44 458.0 $1043 3158857249129073822\n",
- "2021-12-02 $16812 69 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 451.0 $827 1074841034956018751\n",
- "2021-12-02 $17600 68 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 450.0 $789 4051385345589866974\n",
- "2021-12-02 $18468 67 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 452.0 $868 -6618045596565803074\n",
- "2021-12-02 $19222 66 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 449.0 $755 4468710771834853106\n",
- "2021-12-02 $20126 65 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 453.0 $905 5976847420075197951\n",
- "2021-12-02 $21069 64 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 454.0 $943 4883318203186763227\n",
- "2021-12-02 $22056 63 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 455.0 $988 3338178154504941095\n",
- "2021-12-02 $23090 62 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 456.0 $1035 4406486399754057695\n",
- "2021-12-02 $24174 61 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 457.0 $1084 6904586018163169692\n",
- "2021-12-02 $25308 60 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 458.0 $1135 -6285267829214773876\n",
- "2021-12-02 $26496 59 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 459.0 $1189 -8281650650992696844\n",
- "2021-12-02 $27711 58 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 460.0 $1215 3619626818402178392\n",
- "2021-12-02 $29015 57 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 461.0 $1305 1939052603486807433\n",
- "2021-12-02 $30378 56 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 462.0 $1364 2250349407899572179\n",
- "2021-12-02 $31791 55 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 463.0 $1413 -188351438012640460\n",
- "2021-12-02 $33298 54 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 464.0 $1508 -7556169798474501937\n",
- "2021-12-02 $34853 53 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 465.0 $1556 7724066416253572817\n",
- "2021-12-02 $36483 52 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 466.0 $1630 5905671725093537797\n",
- "2021-12-02 $38444 51 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 470.0 $1962 -8585345026767690139\n",
- "2021-12-02 $40511 50 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 471.0 $2068 -3335647416238882817\n",
- "2021-12-02 $39823 51 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 438.0 $688 -6933286430675730210\n",
- "2021-12-02 $39163 52 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 437.0 $659 7024415742356950389\n",
- "2021-12-02 $38527 53 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 436.0 $635 -8759998789149222718\n",
- "2021-12-02 $37911 54 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 435.0 $616 -7300309051666070463\n",
- "2021-12-02 $37315 55 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 434.0 $595 5518201704766797480\n",
- "2021-12-02 $35298 56 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 467.0 $2016 6714652726987994129\n",
- "2021-12-02 $33202 57 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 468.0 $2096 -5255505492403135617\n",
- "2021-12-02 $32632 58 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 433.0 $569 8363950833192082240\n",
- "2021-12-02 $30460 59 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 469.0 $2171 -2816506946293316307\n",
- "2021-12-02 $29909 60 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 432.0 $551 -8452311585812283578\n",
- "2021-12-02 $27657 61 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 470.0 $2251 9099429674672614412\n",
- "2021-12-02 $27122 62 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 431.0 $534 1447290350057499088\n",
- "2021-12-02 $26612 63 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 430.0 $510 2939328962775817167\n",
- "2021-12-02 $26119 64 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 429.0 $492 -8484473113678336050\n",
- "2021-12-02 $24991 65 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 450.0 $1127 -6667326719330168323\n",
- "2021-12-02 $23789 66 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 452.0 $1202 1206320774406851169\n",
- "2021-12-02 $22476 67 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 454.0 $1312 30830307431493529\n",
- "2021-12-02 $21136 68 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 455.0 $1339 -1462479640591060603\n",
- "2021-12-02 $19762 69 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 456.0 $1374 1861164866431040719\n",
- "2021-12-02 $18282 70 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 458.0 $1479 -767432005812910026\n",
- "2021-12-02 $16676 71 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 460.0 $1606 -2280735082543617629\n",
- "2021-12-02 $15894 72 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 440.0 $781 8465996311828596476\n",
- "2021-12-02 $15170 73 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 438.0 $723 3713056281138409208\n",
- "2021-12-02 $14519 74 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 435.0 $651 1563083017319927466\n",
- "2021-12-02 $13884 75 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 434.0 $634 284333450500093507\n",
- "2021-12-02 $13299 76 buy put 2021-12-20 450.44 432.0 $584 4684883519340811455\n",
- "2021-12-03 $12355 77 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 456.0 $944 -8661718903612214335\n",
- "2021-12-03 $11594 78 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 450.0 $760 1152045821319902308\n",
- "2021-12-03 $10936 79 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 446.0 $657 8745622820472256765\n",
- "2021-12-03 $10306 80 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 445.0 $630 6580060774803716453\n",
- "2021-12-03 $9694 81 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 444.0 $611 1383817609863264294\n",
- "2021-12-03 $9127 82 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 442.0 $566 -7801909855996369126\n",
- "2021-12-03 $8602 83 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 440.0 $525 -9185095389348945003\n",
- "2021-12-03 $8112 84 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 438.0 $489 -7674222009031711433\n",
- "2021-12-03 $7640 85 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 437.0 $471 8169882712408143138\n",
- "2021-12-03 $7202 86 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 435.0 $438 -1556516723535889012\n",
- "2021-12-03 $6537 87 buy put 2021-12-23 457.53 445.0 $664 -5589469175393328857\n",
- "2021-12-03 $5988 88 buy put 2021-12-23 457.53 440.0 $548 6723391816176166192\n",
- "2021-12-03 $5411 89 buy put 2021-12-31 457.53 435.0 $577 9003022720707037751\n",
- "2021-12-07 $6011 88 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 458.0 $601 9042455151274645898\n",
- "2021-12-07 $6681 87 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 460.0 $671 4441037262770604584\n",
- "2021-12-07 $7212 86 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 456.0 $531 1374058920719143072\n",
- "2021-12-07 $7962 85 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 462.0 $751 9084268400879039271\n",
- "2021-12-07 $8462 84 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 455.0 $501 -1053259479679420063\n",
- "2021-12-07 $9263 83 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 463.0 $801 2919208734196543460\n",
- "2021-12-07 $10113 82 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 464.0 $851 6161431071798556431\n",
- "2021-12-07 $10587 81 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 454.0 $475 1406262730720663686\n",
- "2021-12-07 $11484 80 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 465.0 $897 -2243029738126213292\n",
- "2021-12-07 $11907 79 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 452.0 $424 1015448175181055970\n",
- "2021-12-07 $12865 78 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 466.0 $959 -2894421968876832793\n",
- "2021-12-07 $13238 77 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 450.0 $373 -5657316976200275191\n",
- "2021-12-07 $13574 76 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 448.0 $337 2967844699397091966\n",
- "2021-12-07 $13891 75 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 447.0 $318 2809005650061877182\n",
- "2021-12-07 $14189 74 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 446.0 $298 2632328282021768997\n",
- "2021-12-07 $14468 73 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 445.0 $280 4572023500346419541\n",
- "2021-12-07 $14734 72 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 444.0 $267 2395503582575134203\n",
- "2021-12-07 $14986 71 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 443.0 $252 -982922838419579571\n",
- "2021-12-07 $15221 70 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 442.0 $236 7557364255083820408\n",
- "2021-12-07 $15445 69 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 441.0 $225 7309987763226346131\n",
- "2021-12-07 $15656 68 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 440.0 $211 -3925655025934293414\n",
- "2021-12-07 $15810 67 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 434.0 $155 7004608712415278999\n",
- "2021-12-07 $16590 66 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 459.0 $781 -2919534166268715199\n",
- "2021-12-07 $17332 65 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 458.0 $742 -8663801942365007415\n",
- "2021-12-07 $18131 64 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 460.0 $800 -7859684289912239057\n",
- "2021-12-07 $18832 63 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 457.0 $702 319208583432620953\n",
- "2021-12-07 $19669 62 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 461.0 $837 3554421399155613097\n",
- "2021-12-07 $20338 61 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 456.0 $670 -7390743154122221026\n",
- "2021-12-07 $21228 60 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 462.0 $891 8395427613393716022\n",
- "2021-12-07 $21864 59 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 455.0 $636 2650688065474673567\n",
- "2021-12-07 $22804 58 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 463.0 $941 -5963482028875886581\n",
- "2021-12-07 $23406 57 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 454.0 $602 -1813163298039620249\n",
- "2021-12-07 $24393 56 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 464.0 $988 661320300377500862\n",
- "2021-12-07 $24964 55 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 453.0 $572 8823062103315398550\n",
- "2021-12-07 $25958 54 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 465.0 $994 -6263604119438948487\n",
- "2021-12-07 $26501 53 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 452.0 $544 -6366054613688702472\n",
- "2021-12-07 $27605 52 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 466.0 $1105 -1661465697426365731\n",
- "2021-12-07 $28125 51 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 451.0 $520 1893129116270191971\n",
- "2021-12-07 $29294 50 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 467.0 $1170 6714652726987994129\n",
- "2021-12-07 $29787 49 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 450.0 $494 -1359937365767253381\n",
- "2021-12-07 $31025 48 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 468.0 $1238 -5255505492403135617\n",
- "2021-12-07 $31495 47 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 449.0 $471 -3832075259006437957\n",
- "2021-12-07 $32804 46 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 469.0 $1310 -2816506946293316307\n",
- "2021-12-07 $33249 45 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 448.0 $445 -2389428147512467118\n",
- "2021-12-07 $34630 44 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 470.0 $1382 9099429674672614412\n",
- "2021-12-07 $35056 43 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 447.0 $427 1762455987571397568\n",
- "2021-12-07 $35460 42 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 446.0 $404 -5083727893526669520\n",
- "2021-12-07 $35843 41 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 445.0 $384 -4296420194568682211\n",
- "2021-12-07 $36207 40 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 444.0 $365 -2281444630686271760\n",
- "2021-12-07 $36555 39 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 443.0 $348 1497016835913364772\n",
- "2021-12-07 $36885 38 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 442.0 $331 -935387996448134038\n",
- "2021-12-07 $37201 37 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 441.0 $317 -1354520876479599916\n",
- "2021-12-07 $37502 36 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 440.0 $301 8597609472312001867\n",
- "2021-12-07 $37788 35 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 439.0 $287 8588513981657031446\n",
- "2021-12-07 $38059 34 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 438.0 $272 -6933286430675730210\n",
- "2021-12-07 $38320 33 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 437.0 $261 7024415742356950389\n",
- "2021-12-07 $38568 32 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 436.0 $249 -8759998789149222718\n",
- "2021-12-07 $38804 31 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 435.0 $237 -7300309051666070463\n",
- "2021-12-07 $39029 30 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 434.0 $225 5518201704766797480\n",
- "2021-12-07 $39244 29 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 433.0 $216 8363950833192082240\n",
- "2021-12-07 $39450 28 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 432.0 $207 -8452311585812283578\n",
- "2021-12-07 $39648 27 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 431.0 $198 1447290350057499088\n",
- "2021-12-07 $39835 26 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 430.0 $188 2939328962775817167\n",
- "2021-12-07 $40015 25 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 429.0 $181 -8484473113678336050\n",
- "2021-12-07 $40778 24 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 458.0 $763 -767432005812910026\n",
- "2021-12-07 $41620 23 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 460.0 $843 -2280735082543617629\n",
- "2021-12-07 $42321 22 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 456.0 $702 1861164866431040719\n",
- "2021-12-07 $42994 21 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 455.0 $673 -1462479640591060603\n",
- "2021-12-07 $43635 20 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 454.0 $642 30830307431493529\n",
- "2021-12-07 $44218 19 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 452.0 $584 1206320774406851169\n",
- "2021-12-07 $44749 18 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 450.0 $531 -6667326719330168323\n",
- "2021-12-07 $45084 17 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 440.0 $336 8465996311828596476\n",
- "2021-12-07 $45391 16 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 438.0 $308 3713056281138409208\n",
- "2021-12-07 $45659 15 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 435.0 $268 1563083017319927466\n",
- "2021-12-07 $45914 14 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 434.0 $256 284333450500093507\n",
- "2021-12-07 $46147 13 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 432.0 $234 4684883519340811455\n",
- "2021-12-07 $46914 12 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 456.0 $767 -8661718903612214335\n",
- "2021-12-07 $47507 11 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 450.0 $594 1152045821319902308\n",
- "2021-12-07 $48009 10 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 446.0 $503 8745622820472256765\n",
- "2021-12-07 $48491 9 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 445.0 $482 6580060774803716453\n",
- "2021-12-07 $48952 8 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 444.0 $462 1383817609863264294\n",
- "2021-12-07 $49376 7 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 442.0 $425 -7801909855996369126\n",
- "2021-12-07 $49767 6 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 440.0 $391 -9185095389348945003\n",
- "2021-12-07 $50125 5 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 438.0 $359 -7674222009031711433\n",
- "2021-12-07 $50469 4 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 437.0 $344 8169882712408143138\n",
- "2021-12-07 $50787 3 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 435.0 $319 -1556516723535889012\n",
- "2021-12-07 $51292 2 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 445.0 $506 -5589469175393328857\n",
- "2021-12-07 $51709 1 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 440.0 $417 6723391816176166192\n",
- "2021-12-07 $52167 0 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 435.0 $459 9003022720707037751\n",
- "2021-12-22 $51533 1 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 463.0 $633 6193590104863828252\n",
- "2021-12-22 $50836 2 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 462.0 $697 -3627270154688008579\n",
- "2021-12-22 $50261 3 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 464.0 $574 -2906979181393045495\n",
- "2021-12-22 $49486 4 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 461.0 $774 -5211474207824592943\n",
- "2021-12-22 $48970 5 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 465.0 $516 4742997638541766946\n",
- "2021-12-22 $48128 6 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 460.0 $841 2765260779165710728\n",
- "2021-12-22 $47667 7 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 466.0 $460 6093709062367530957\n",
- "2021-12-22 $46763 8 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 459.0 $904 -2401664552315734329\n",
- "2021-12-22 $45779 9 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 458.0 $983 7319490024812669776\n",
- "2021-12-22 $44624 10 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 457.0 $1154 1080369063827958654\n",
- "2021-12-22 $44309 11 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 469.0 $315 -8422720012030806942\n",
- "2021-12-22 $43177 12 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 456.0 $1131 -2135890821450627182\n",
- "2021-12-22 $42904 13 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 470.0 $272 7255296518189776395\n",
- "2021-12-22 $41695 14 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 455.0 $1209 8307231945342433829\n",
- "2021-12-22 $41460 15 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 471.0 $234 4539051710832057157\n",
- "2021-12-22 $40084 16 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 454.0 $1375 1666120317701656209\n",
- "2021-12-22 $39883 17 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 472.0 $201 3653069656913119081\n",
- "2021-12-22 $39739 18 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 474.0 $143 -7844528062267288594\n",
- "2021-12-22 $39620 19 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 475.0 $118 -5691372101690740669\n",
- "2021-12-22 $39539 20 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 477.0 $81 818248629781811233\n",
- "2021-12-22 $39493 21 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 480.0 $45 -8888204364509964831\n",
- "2021-12-22 $39470 22 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 484.0 $22 -8339389246248787521\n",
- "2021-12-22 $38770 23 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 463.0 $700 -1470902175174194689\n",
- "2021-12-22 $38008 24 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 462.0 $761 1390616777075503769\n",
- "2021-12-22 $37370 25 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 464.0 $637 -2681843298185636828\n",
- "2021-12-22 $36535 26 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 461.0 $835 -6283882180061576168\n",
- "2021-12-23 $35996 27 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 468.0 $538 -7115015610516699855\n",
- "2021-12-23 $35392 28 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 467.0 $603 -7232774905386927966\n",
- "2021-12-23 $34913 29 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 469.0 $479 6888345135669144946\n",
- "2021-12-23 $34239 30 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 466.0 $673 -1924237180529561505\n",
- "2021-12-23 $33817 31 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 470.0 $421 6300630372077057829\n",
- "2021-12-23 $33077 32 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 465.0 $740 7749627761105785003\n",
- "2021-12-23 $32709 33 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 471.0 $367 7787711442639617280\n",
- "2021-12-23 $32388 34 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 472.0 $320 -8607952181061442170\n",
- "2021-12-23 $32115 35 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 473.0 $273 2981162684893521747\n",
- "2021-12-23 $31881 36 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 474.0 $233 1752325348521668465\n",
- "2021-12-23 $31683 37 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 475.0 $197 9218493098961619202\n",
- "2021-12-23 $30552 38 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 460.0 $1131 7762118414469400390\n",
- "2021-12-23 $30414 39 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 477.0 $137 -1374063323619706376\n",
- "2021-12-23 $30300 40 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 478.0 $113 4394357671049417407\n",
- "2021-12-23 $30224 41 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 480.0 $76 -8970932931102528233\n",
- "2021-12-23 $28601 42 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 454.0 $1622 8221357002536740814\n",
- "2021-12-23 $28549 43 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 482.0 $51 3030769652023532830\n",
- "2021-12-23 $28514 44 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 484.0 $35 -3990291059519024548\n",
- "2021-12-23 $28484 45 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 485.0 $29 2072105260025100270\n",
- "2021-12-23 $28470 46 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 490.0 $14 -3985990671990180203\n",
- "2021-12-23 $27896 47 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 468.0 $573 -3499872598016550021\n",
- "2021-12-23 $27184 48 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 466.0 $711 2498415320074757883\n",
- "2021-12-23 $26730 49 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 470.0 $454 -2965429685826703294\n",
- "2021-12-23 $25951 50 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 465.0 $778 -1054706326802130739\n",
- "2021-12-23 $25601 51 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 472.0 $349 -6461413749760110651\n",
- "2021-12-23 $25340 52 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 474.0 $261 3760425282218643242\n",
- "2021-12-28 $24902 53 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 478.0 $437 -3038298319987250320\n",
- "2021-12-28 $24340 54 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 476.0 $561 1188451745024825716\n",
- "2021-12-28 $23705 55 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 475.0 $635 5858809687525137161\n",
- "2021-12-28 $23375 56 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 480.0 $329 3897512759371967164\n",
- "2021-12-28 $22666 57 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 474.0 $708 -2916584866703533217\n",
- "2021-12-28 $22426 58 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 482.0 $240 -1145396929155491697\n",
- "2021-12-28 $22255 59 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 484.0 $170 3516407562641476376\n",
- "2021-12-28 $21239 60 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 470.0 $1015 -2675616814695045124\n",
- "2021-12-28 $21157 61 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 488.0 $82 -2034609767012663708\n",
- "2021-12-28 $21099 62 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 490.0 $57 6394866071289516220\n",
- "2021-12-28 $21074 63 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 495.0 $24 4267190192799824254\n",
- "2021-12-28 $20524 64 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 477.0 $550 -3898277547371282807\n",
- "2021-12-28 $20034 65 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 478.0 $489 4969741468783037188\n",
- "2021-12-28 $19419 66 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 476.0 $614 -3268762483731400094\n",
- "2021-12-28 $18987 67 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 479.0 $432 -613588988700129206\n",
- "2021-12-28 $18299 68 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 475.0 $687 3454312447905665442\n",
- "2021-12-28 $17919 69 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 480.0 $379 -2512687783112025917\n",
- "2021-12-28 $17157 70 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 474.0 $762 -8468580078456929741\n",
- "2021-12-28 $16826 71 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 481.0 $330 -6910010678091636148\n",
- "2021-12-28 $15989 72 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 473.0 $836 3455800450344990204\n",
- "2021-12-28 $15703 73 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 482.0 $286 -3209697459361815471\n",
- "2021-12-28 $15436 74 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 482.5 $266 3849988627317712482\n",
- "2021-12-28 $14524 75 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 472.0 $911 -532060189311323244\n",
- "2021-12-28 $14278 76 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 483.0 $246 9192388900991557764\n",
- "2021-12-28 $13288 77 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 471.0 $989 -4047319848748131290\n",
- "2021-12-28 $13076 78 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 484.0 $211 1539185122596120654\n",
- "2021-12-29 $12950 79 buy call 2022-01-12 476.92 485.0 $126 -7215623187560409925\n",
- "2021-12-29 $12931 80 buy call 2022-01-12 476.92 496.0 $18 -8680704362831740257\n",
- "2021-12-29 $12919 81 buy call 2022-01-12 476.92 500.0 $11 5852005122627715706\n",
- "2021-12-29 $12434 82 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 477.5 $485 -7222691982966501539\n",
- "2021-12-29 $11416 83 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 470.0 $1017 -7486228821489302831\n",
- "2021-12-29 $11255 84 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 485.0 $160 -6243754984201144133\n",
- "2021-12-29 $11140 85 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 487.0 $115 -2234733961094394906\n",
- "2021-12-29 $11043 86 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 488.0 $96 -7022344386821290935\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10960 87 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 489.0 $82 -7751274783845876204\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10891 88 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 490.0 $69 -445469692342372425\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10832 89 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 491.0 $58 7141466599755857204\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10782 90 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 492.0 $49 4249278210529469077\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10740 91 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 493.0 $42 6635501452336821725\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10704 92 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 494.0 $35 -412815548920290989\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10672 93 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 495.0 $31 1562900451142005564\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10652 94 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 498.0 $20 -3875302533575287222\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10634 95 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 499.0 $17 8804364466352968230\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10619 96 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 500.0 $15 8996927659484444417\n",
- "2021-12-29 $10074 97 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 477.0 $544 8822875427982362519\n",
- "2021-12-29 $9584 98 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 478.0 $489 -5393682612258203235\n",
- "2021-12-29 $8973 99 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 476.0 $611 5085773542237952317\n",
- "2021-12-29 $8295 100 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 475.0 $677 7552521101165727494\n",
- "2021-12-29 $7862 101 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 479.0 $432 -6026379563800978299\n",
- "2021-12-29 $7485 102 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 480.0 $377 3048136785501109218\n",
- "2021-12-29 $7154 103 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 481.0 $330 606440727140842832\n",
- "2021-12-29 $6969 104 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 485.0 $184 1505704012075969595\n",
- "2021-12-30 $7260 103 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 477.0 $291 818248629781811233\n",
- "2021-12-30 $7674 102 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 475.0 $415 -5691372101690740669\n",
- "2021-12-30 $7817 101 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 480.0 $144 -8888204364509964831\n",
- "2021-12-30 $8293 100 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 474.0 $476 -7844528062267288594\n",
- "2021-12-30 $8934 99 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 472.0 $642 3653069656913119081\n",
- "2021-12-30 $9657 98 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 471.0 $724 4539051710832057157\n",
- "2021-12-30 $9702 97 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 484.0 $45 -8339389246248787521\n",
- "2021-12-30 $10520 96 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 470.0 $819 7255296518189776395\n",
- "2021-12-30 $11404 95 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 469.0 $885 -8422720012030806942\n",
- "2021-12-30 $12585 94 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 466.0 $1181 6093709062367530957\n",
- "2021-12-30 $13842 93 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 465.0 $1258 4742997638541766946\n",
- "2021-12-30 $15195 92 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 464.0 $1354 -2906979181393045495\n",
- "2021-12-30 $16666 91 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 463.0 $1471 6193590104863828252\n",
- "2021-12-30 $18230 90 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 462.0 $1565 -3627270154688008579\n",
- "2021-12-30 $19892 89 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 461.0 $1663 -5211474207824592943\n",
- "2021-12-30 $21652 88 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 460.0 $1760 2765260779165710728\n",
- "2021-12-30 $23510 87 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 459.0 $1859 -2401664552315734329\n",
- "2021-12-30 $25466 86 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 458.0 $1957 7319490024812669776\n",
- "2021-12-30 $27522 85 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 457.0 $2056 1080369063827958654\n",
- "2021-12-30 $29684 84 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 456.0 $2163 -2135890821450627182\n",
- "2021-12-30 $31941 83 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 455.0 $2258 8307231945342433829\n",
- "2021-12-30 $34285 82 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 454.0 $2344 1666120317701656209\n",
- "2021-12-30 $35687 81 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 464.0 $1403 -2681843298185636828\n",
- "2021-12-30 $37167 80 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 463.0 $1481 -1470902175174194689\n",
- "2021-12-30 $38758 79 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 462.0 $1591 1390616777075503769\n",
- "2021-12-30 $40430 78 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 461.0 $1673 -6283882180061576168\n",
- "2021-12-30 $40304 79 buy call 2022-01-14 477.48 486.0 $125 8424192626882550236\n",
- "2021-12-30 $39555 80 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 474.0 $749 -7309726950272073250\n",
- "2021-12-30 $39352 81 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 484.0 $202 -1742406005237339185\n",
- "2021-12-30 $39276 82 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 490.0 $75 -4501687483430254634\n",
- "2021-12-30 $39214 83 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 491.0 $62 7484079384339700991\n",
- "2021-12-30 $39160 84 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 492.0 $53 5579667949860697781\n",
- "2021-12-30 $39114 85 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 493.0 $45 3277359919887597959\n",
- "2021-12-30 $39075 86 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 494.0 $39 2585343753645809103\n",
- "2021-12-30 $39056 87 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 499.0 $18 7809839714380164389\n",
- "2021-12-30 $39040 88 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 500.0 $15 7896400324381709653\n",
- "2021-12-30 $38405 89 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 476.0 $635 2674647082207873827\n",
- "2021-12-30 $38014 90 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 480.0 $390 7147193179922101119\n",
- "2021-12-30 $37240 91 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 474.0 $773 -5749078167792819796\n",
- "2021-12-30 $37016 92 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 484.0 $224 4483294259741110038\n",
- "2021-12-30 $36824 93 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 485.0 $191 -3214164177031328086\n",
- "2021-12-30 $36739 94 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 490.0 $85 -7023748428338220458\n",
- "2021-12-30 $36700 95 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 495.0 $38 3459444187639817951\n",
- "2021-12-30 $36151 96 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 478.0 $548 -952199850198703786\n",
- "2021-12-30 $35538 97 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 477.0 $613 -4015636539131821709\n",
- "2021-12-30 $35049 98 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 479.0 $488 5160162683541876341\n",
- "2021-12-30 $34369 99 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 476.0 $679 -7230608271679701288\n",
- "2021-12-30 $33622 100 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 475.0 $747 -8553984206742553986\n",
- "2021-12-30 $33184 101 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 480.0 $437 2975279334738288125\n",
- "2021-12-30 $32360 102 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 474.0 $823 7930944365313567585\n",
- "2021-12-30 $31976 103 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 481.0 $384 -195084653196604088\n",
- "2021-12-30 $31084 104 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 473.0 $891 -7014415853325359055\n",
- "2021-12-31 $31469 103 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 475.0 $386 9218493098961619202\n",
- "2021-12-31 $31737 102 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 477.0 $268 -1374063323619706376\n",
- "2021-12-31 $32185 101 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 474.0 $449 1752325348521668465\n",
- "2021-12-31 $32403 100 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 478.0 $219 4394357671049417407\n",
- "2021-12-31 $32922 99 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 473.0 $519 2981162684893521747\n",
- "2021-12-31 $33060 98 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 480.0 $139 -8970932931102528233\n",
- "2021-12-31 $33647 97 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 472.0 $588 -8607952181061442170\n",
- "2021-12-31 $34318 96 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 471.0 $671 7787711442639617280\n",
- "2021-12-31 $34400 95 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 482.0 $83 3030769652023532830\n",
- "2021-12-31 $35147 94 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 470.0 $748 6300630372077057829\n",
- "2021-12-31 $35978 93 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 469.0 $831 6888345135669144946\n",
- "2021-12-31 $36844 92 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 468.0 $867 -7115015610516699855\n",
- "2021-12-31 $36891 91 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 484.0 $48 -3990291059519024548\n",
- "2021-12-31 $37899 90 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 467.0 $1008 -7232774905386927966\n",
- "2021-12-31 $37935 89 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 485.0 $37 2072105260025100270\n",
- "2021-12-31 $39029 88 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 466.0 $1095 -1924237180529561505\n",
- "2021-12-31 $40215 87 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 465.0 $1186 7749627761105785003\n",
- "2021-12-31 $40225 86 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 490.0 $11 -3985990671990180203\n",
- "2021-12-31 $41824 85 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 460.0 $1600 7762118414469400390\n",
- "2021-12-31 $44061 84 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 454.0 $2237 8221357002536740814\n",
- "2021-12-31 $44508 83 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 474.0 $448 3760425282218643242\n",
- "2021-12-31 $45132 82 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 472.0 $625 -6461413749760110651\n",
- "2021-12-31 $45919 81 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 470.0 $787 -2965429685826703294\n",
- "2021-12-31 $46867 80 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 468.0 $949 -3499872598016550021\n",
- "2021-12-31 $47990 79 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 466.0 $1124 2498415320074757883\n",
- "2021-12-31 $49177 78 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 465.0 $1187 -1054706326802130739\n",
- "2021-12-31 $48952 79 buy call 2022-01-18 476.14 482.0 $224 8722985910076079378\n",
- "2021-12-31 $48705 80 buy call 2022-01-19 476.14 482.0 $246 -6158569448546711378\n",
- "2021-12-31 $48649 81 buy call 2022-01-19 476.14 491.0 $56 -5936813666885578419\n",
- "2021-12-31 $48601 82 buy call 2022-01-19 476.14 492.0 $47 -70733498077675306\n",
- "2021-12-31 $47679 83 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 472.0 $921 -5767577027764869005\n",
- "2021-12-31 $47393 84 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 482.0 $286 1812641674426355056\n",
- "2021-12-31 $46368 85 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 470.0 $1024 -5756320068540981888\n",
- "2021-12-31 $46121 86 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 483.0 $246 -7642573433784480990\n",
- "2021-12-31 $44966 87 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 469.0 $1155 7970332073375526528\n",
- "2021-12-31 $44753 88 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 484.0 $212 272086522634009946\n",
- "2021-12-31 $44570 89 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 485.0 $182 6271330781376052682\n",
- "2021-12-31 $44413 90 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 486.0 $157 -4712470962182659571\n",
- "2021-12-31 $42984 91 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 465.0 $1428 -8854920380269771096\n",
- "2021-12-31 $42849 92 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 487.0 $135 5847057055955803160\n",
- "2021-12-31 $42734 93 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 488.0 $114 95415147049889421\n",
- "2021-12-31 $42637 94 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 489.0 $96 920875165805110594\n",
- "2021-12-31 $42554 95 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 490.0 $83 8414140740897521619\n",
- "2021-12-31 $42482 96 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 491.0 $71 6948228745333581339\n",
- "2021-12-31 $42420 97 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 492.0 $61 -5441536429653612929\n",
- "2021-12-31 $40555 98 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 460.0 $1865 -4636382717599886935\n",
- "2021-12-31 $40514 99 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 495.0 $40 3046039772555831866\n",
- "2021-12-31 $40478 100 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 496.0 $35 4979305136724631860\n",
- "2021-12-31 $38155 101 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 455.0 $2323 2193324204412288468\n",
- "2021-12-31 $38127 102 buy call 2022-01-21 476.14 498.0 $27 1786496485992405564\n",
- "2021-12-31 $37728 103 buy call 2022-01-24 476.14 480.0 $398 -5289005914464590099\n",
- "2021-12-31 $37600 104 buy call 2022-01-24 476.14 488.0 $128 3380419374730988611\n",
- "2022-01-04 $37436 105 buy call 2022-01-18 477.77 483.0 $163 2350043147986510188\n",
- "2022-01-04 $37394 106 buy call 2022-01-18 477.77 489.0 $41 1600197111519215887\n",
- "2022-01-04 $37383 107 buy call 2022-01-18 477.77 495.0 $11 -270920589544215381\n",
- "2022-01-04 $36959 108 buy call 2022-01-19 477.77 478.0 $423 -5949241080403261054\n",
- "2022-01-04 $36952 109 buy call 2022-01-19 477.77 500.0 $6 6151963749804328446\n",
- "2022-01-04 $35976 110 buy call 2022-01-21 477.77 471.0 $976 -6282753754365119402\n",
- "2022-01-04 $34736 111 buy call 2022-01-21 477.77 468.0 $1239 -6540860588716900082\n",
- "2022-01-04 $33419 112 buy call 2022-01-21 477.77 467.0 $1316 3465874751273454422\n",
- "2022-01-04 $31835 113 buy call 2022-01-21 477.77 464.0 $1584 -3088932916528796948\n",
- "2022-01-04 $29801 114 buy call 2022-01-21 477.77 459.0 $2033 -2794896760085131108\n",
- "2022-01-04 $29785 115 buy call 2022-01-21 477.77 497.0 $15 -7698358551303284518\n",
- "2022-01-04 $27662 116 buy call 2022-01-21 477.77 458.0 $2123 829321454108468548\n",
- "2022-01-04 $27651 117 buy call 2022-01-21 477.77 500.0 $10 -1597503350164002494\n",
- "2022-01-04 $27147 118 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 478.0 $503 -5071396909699542271\n",
- "2022-01-04 $26522 119 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 476.0 $625 -6675185683521142917\n",
- "2022-01-04 $25813 120 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 475.0 $708 2964216344638986775\n",
- "2022-01-04 $25037 121 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 474.0 $775 5542148298552987114\n",
- "2022-01-04 $24749 122 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 482.0 $288 -7215182694673179726\n",
- "2022-01-04 $24537 123 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 484.0 $211 4045629597301524610\n",
- "2022-01-04 $24363 124 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 485.0 $173 5411390683225040579\n",
- "2022-01-04 $23269 125 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 470.0 $1094 4545660152882618714\n",
- "2022-01-04 $23121 126 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 486.0 $147 -5163745157445265544\n",
- "2022-01-04 $23050 127 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 490.0 $70 7476176262643810838\n",
- "2022-01-04 $23023 128 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 495.0 $27 -5425637887836453088\n",
- "2022-01-04 $22464 129 buy call 2022-01-26 477.77 478.0 $558 5793939649679716350\n",
- "2022-01-04 $21774 130 buy call 2022-01-26 477.77 476.0 $689 758380812402582545\n",
- "2022-01-05 $22049 129 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 478.0 $275 -3038298319987250320\n",
- "2022-01-05 $22439 128 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 476.0 $391 1188451745024825716\n",
- "2022-01-05 $22615 127 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 480.0 $177 3897512759371967164\n",
- "2022-01-05 $23082 126 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 475.0 $467 5858809687525137161\n",
- "2022-01-05 $23610 125 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 474.0 $529 -2916584866703533217\n",
- "2022-01-05 $23712 124 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 482.0 $103 -1145396929155491697\n",
- "2022-01-05 $23770 123 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 484.0 $58 3516407562641476376\n",
- "2022-01-05 $23811 122 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 485.0 $42 -7215623187560409925\n",
- "2022-01-05 $24660 121 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 470.0 $850 -2675616814695045124\n",
- "2022-01-05 $24675 120 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 488.0 $15 -2034609767012663708\n",
- "2022-01-05 $24681 119 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 490.0 $7 6394866071289516220\n",
- "2022-01-05 $24682 118 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 495.0 $1 4267190192799824254\n",
- "2022-01-05 $24683 117 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 496.0 $2 -8680704362831740257\n",
- "2022-01-05 $24682 116 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 500.0 $0 5852005122627715706\n",
- "2022-01-05 $25044 115 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 477.5 $362 -7222691982966501539\n",
- "2022-01-05 $25375 114 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 478.0 $332 4969741468783037188\n",
- "2022-01-05 $25766 113 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 477.0 $392 -3898277547371282807\n",
- "2022-01-05 $26044 112 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 479.0 $278 -613588988700129206\n",
- "2022-01-05 $26492 111 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 476.0 $449 -3268762483731400094\n",
- "2022-01-05 $26720 110 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 480.0 $229 -2512687783112025917\n",
- "2022-01-05 $27237 109 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 475.0 $517 3454312447905665442\n",
- "2022-01-05 $27422 108 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 481.0 $186 -6910010678091636148\n",
- "2022-01-05 $28008 107 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 474.0 $587 -8468580078456929741\n",
- "2022-01-05 $28157 106 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 482.0 $149 -3209697459361815471\n",
- "2022-01-05 $28825 105 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 473.0 $669 3455800450344990204\n",
- "2022-01-05 $28954 104 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 482.5 $130 3849988627317712482\n",
- "2022-01-05 $29069 103 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 483.0 $115 9192388900991557764\n",
- "2022-01-05 $29802 102 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 472.0 $734 -532060189311323244\n",
- "2022-01-05 $29892 101 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 484.0 $91 1539185122596120654\n",
- "2022-01-05 $30715 100 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 471.0 $823 -4047319848748131290\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31619 99 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 470.0 $905 -7486228821489302831\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31686 98 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 485.0 $68 -6243754984201144133\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31737 97 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 486.0 $51 8424192626882550236\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31775 96 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 487.0 $39 -2234733961094394906\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31803 95 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 488.0 $29 -7022344386821290935\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31825 94 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 489.0 $22 -7751274783845876204\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31841 93 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 490.0 $17 -445469692342372425\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31852 92 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 491.0 $12 7141466599755857204\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31861 91 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 492.0 $9 4249278210529469077\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31867 90 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 493.0 $7 6635501452336821725\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31871 89 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 494.0 $5 -412815548920290989\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31875 88 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 495.0 $4 1562900451142005564\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31876 87 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 498.0 $2 -3875302533575287222\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31877 86 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 499.0 $2 8804364466352968230\n",
- "2022-01-05 $31879 85 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 500.0 $2 8996927659484444417\n",
- "2022-01-05 $32247 84 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 478.0 $369 -5393682612258203235\n",
- "2022-01-05 $32676 83 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 477.0 $430 8822875427982362519\n",
- "2022-01-05 $32989 82 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 479.0 $313 -6026379563800978299\n",
- "2022-01-05 $33475 81 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 476.0 $487 5085773542237952317\n",
- "2022-01-05 $34036 80 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 475.0 $562 7552521101165727494\n",
- "2022-01-05 $34296 79 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 480.0 $260 3048136785501109218\n",
- "2022-01-05 $34512 78 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 481.0 $217 606440727140842832\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35146 77 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 474.0 $635 -7309726950272073250\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35321 76 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 482.0 $175 8722985910076079378\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35464 75 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 483.0 $144 2350043147986510188\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35575 74 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 484.0 $112 -1742406005237339185\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35665 73 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 485.0 $90 1505704012075969595\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35696 72 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 489.0 $32 1600197111519215887\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35720 71 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 490.0 $25 -4501687483430254634\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35739 70 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 491.0 $19 7484079384339700991\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35753 69 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 492.0 $15 5579667949860697781\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35765 68 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 493.0 $12 3277359919887597959\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35773 67 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 494.0 $9 2585343753645809103\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35780 66 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 495.0 $8 -270920589544215381\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35783 65 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 499.0 $3 7809839714380164389\n",
- "2022-01-05 $35785 64 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 500.0 $3 7896400324381709653\n",
- "2022-01-05 $36179 63 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 478.0 $395 -5949241080403261054\n",
- "2022-01-05 $36699 62 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 476.0 $520 2674647082207873827\n",
- "2022-01-05 $36985 61 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 480.0 $287 7147193179922101119\n",
- "2022-01-05 $37646 60 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 474.0 $662 -5749078167792819796\n",
- "2022-01-05 $37842 59 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 482.0 $196 -6158569448546711378\n",
- "2022-01-05 $37973 58 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 484.0 $132 4483294259741110038\n",
- "2022-01-05 $38076 57 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 485.0 $104 -3214164177031328086\n",
- "2022-01-05 $38107 56 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 490.0 $31 -7023748428338220458\n",
- "2022-01-05 $38131 55 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 491.0 $25 -5936813666885578419\n",
- "2022-01-05 $38150 54 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 492.0 $20 -70733498077675306\n",
- "2022-01-05 $38160 53 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 495.0 $10 3459444187639817951\n",
- "2022-01-05 $38163 52 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 500.0 $4 6151963749804328446\n",
- "2022-01-05 $38608 51 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 478.0 $446 -952199850198703786\n",
- "2022-01-05 $39110 50 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 477.0 $502 -4015636539131821709\n",
- "2022-01-05 $39497 49 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 479.0 $388 5160162683541876341\n",
- "2022-01-05 $40068 48 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 476.0 $572 -7230608271679701288\n",
- "2022-01-05 $40403 47 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 480.0 $335 2975279334738288125\n",
- "2022-01-05 $41043 46 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 475.0 $641 -8553984206742553986\n",
- "2022-01-05 $41326 45 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 481.0 $284 -195084653196604088\n",
- "2022-01-05 $42039 44 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 474.0 $713 7930944365313567585\n",
- "2022-01-05 $42280 43 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 482.0 $242 1812641674426355056\n",
- "2022-01-05 $43060 42 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 473.0 $781 -7014415853325359055\n",
- "2022-01-05 $43263 41 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 483.0 $203 -7642573433784480990\n",
- "2022-01-05 $44121 40 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 472.0 $859 -5767577027764869005\n",
- "2022-01-05 $44286 39 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 484.0 $166 272086522634009946\n",
- "2022-01-05 $45225 38 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 471.0 $939 -6282753754365119402\n",
- "2022-01-05 $45362 37 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 485.0 $138 6271330781376052682\n",
- "2022-01-05 $46376 36 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 470.0 $1015 -5756320068540981888\n",
- "2022-01-05 $46489 35 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 486.0 $113 -4712470962182659571\n",
- "2022-01-05 $47589 34 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 469.0 $1101 7970332073375526528\n",
- "2022-01-05 $47680 33 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 487.0 $92 5847057055955803160\n",
- "2022-01-05 $48857 32 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 468.0 $1177 -6540860588716900082\n",
- "2022-01-05 $48930 31 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 488.0 $74 95415147049889421\n",
- "2022-01-05 $50197 30 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 467.0 $1268 3465874751273454422\n",
- "2022-01-05 $50257 29 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 489.0 $60 920875165805110594\n",
- "2022-01-05 $50303 28 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 490.0 $47 8414140740897521619\n",
- "2022-01-05 $51748 27 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 465.0 $1446 -8854920380269771096\n",
- "2022-01-05 $51787 26 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 491.0 $39 6948228745333581339\n",
- "2022-01-05 $53304 25 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 464.0 $1518 -3088932916528796948\n",
- "2022-01-05 $53334 24 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 492.0 $31 -5441536429653612929\n",
- "2022-01-05 $53351 23 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 495.0 $17 3046039772555831866\n",
- "2022-01-05 $55236 22 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 460.0 $1886 -4636382717599886935\n",
- "2022-01-05 $55249 21 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 496.0 $14 4979305136724631860\n",
- "2022-01-05 $57235 20 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 459.0 $1986 -2794896760085131108\n",
- "2022-01-05 $57246 19 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 497.0 $12 -7698358551303284518\n",
- "2022-01-05 $59316 18 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 458.0 $2070 829321454108468548\n",
- "2022-01-05 $59325 17 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 498.0 $10 1786496485992405564\n",
- "2022-01-05 $59331 16 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 500.0 $7 -1597503350164002494\n",
- "2022-01-05 $61690 15 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 455.0 $2359 2193324204412288468\n",
- "2022-01-05 $62163 14 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 478.0 $474 -5071396909699542271\n",
- "2022-01-05 $62760 13 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 476.0 $598 -6675185683521142917\n",
- "2022-01-05 $63424 12 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 475.0 $664 2964216344638986775\n",
- "2022-01-05 $63786 11 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 480.0 $363 -5289005914464590099\n",
- "2022-01-05 $64525 10 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 474.0 $740 5542148298552987114\n",
- "2022-01-05 $64791 9 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 482.0 $266 -7215182694673179726\n",
- "2022-01-05 $64979 8 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 484.0 $189 4045629597301524610\n",
- "2022-01-05 $66022 7 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 470.0 $1044 4545660152882618714\n",
- "2022-01-05 $66181 6 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 485.0 $159 5411390683225040579\n",
- "2022-01-05 $66311 5 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 486.0 $131 -5163745157445265544\n",
- "2022-01-05 $66399 4 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 488.0 $89 3380419374730988611\n",
- "2022-01-05 $66458 3 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 490.0 $59 7476176262643810838\n",
- "2022-01-05 $66478 2 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 495.0 $21 -5425637887836453088\n",
- "2022-01-05 $67004 1 sell call 2022-01-26 477.56 478.0 $527 5793939649679716350\n",
- "2022-01-05 $67662 0 sell call 2022-01-26 477.56 476.0 $658 758380812402582545\n",
- "2022-01-19 $66911 1 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 456.0 $750 -4217977557363755821\n",
- "2022-01-19 $66075 2 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 458.0 $835 155368081272702288\n",
- "2022-01-19 $65367 3 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 455.0 $708 -824677668372674482\n",
- "2022-01-19 $64695 4 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 454.0 $671 5357251994394513729\n",
- "2022-01-19 $63762 5 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 460.0 $932 5221221753654808173\n",
- "2022-01-19 $63154 6 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 452.0 $608 -1749086210561179232\n",
- "2022-01-19 $62610 7 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 450.0 $543 -8044330020548405408\n",
- "2022-01-19 $62119 8 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 448.0 $490 8233131065133589298\n",
- "2022-01-19 $61751 9 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 443.0 $368 4494223494172573852\n",
- "2022-01-19 $61416 10 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 441.0 $334 1621141298133962471\n",
- "2022-01-19 $61101 11 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 440.0 $314 -1552490734461092733\n",
- "2022-01-19 $60864 12 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 435.0 $237 -1613710307253702498\n",
- "2022-01-19 $60058 13 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 456.0 $805 -8090132045135771517\n",
- "2022-01-19 $59212 14 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 457.0 $845 6866342105759329447\n",
- "2022-01-19 $58445 15 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 455.0 $767 -3058867771176182231\n",
- "2022-01-19 $57558 16 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 458.0 $886 -6418768184477412084\n",
- "2022-01-19 $56623 17 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 459.0 $934 -8471501365701108290\n",
- "2022-01-19 $55896 18 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 454.0 $727 -2887584250906838141\n",
- "2022-01-19 $54905 19 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 460.0 $990 839899998407410620\n",
- "2022-01-19 $54207 20 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 453.0 $697 -8654600833165935326\n",
- "2022-01-19 $53546 21 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 452.0 $661 3532338324446898793\n",
- "2022-01-19 $52510 22 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 461.0 $1035 -3009556596649190489\n",
- "2022-01-19 $51423 23 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 462.0 $1086 48923454167138847\n",
- "2022-01-19 $50824 24 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 450.0 $599 -293591844560922327\n",
- "2022-01-19 $49633 25 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 464.0 $1190 5780367559074886209\n",
- "2022-01-19 $49064 26 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 449.0 $568 8986085205359714802\n",
- "2022-01-20 $48286 27 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 451.0 $778 -4392028597634210135\n",
- "2022-01-20 $47617 28 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 448.0 $668 6198187351881356554\n",
- "2022-01-20 $46981 29 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 447.0 $635 -7071305289930050002\n",
- "2022-01-20 $46380 30 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 446.0 $601 4733700235134887391\n",
- "2022-01-20 $45808 31 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 445.0 $571 -3010077655605713736\n",
- "2022-01-20 $45294 32 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 443.0 $514 6648624747694693695\n",
- "2022-01-20 $44806 33 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 442.0 $487 -5391463138518992844\n",
- "2022-01-20 $44341 34 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 441.0 $464 803906579490001050\n",
- "2022-01-20 $43902 35 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 440.0 $439 -6574948825396050785\n",
- "2022-01-20 $43527 36 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 437.0 $374 -7902508703277905348\n",
- "2022-01-20 $43172 37 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 436.0 $354 2746965840337609449\n",
- "2022-01-20 $42836 38 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 435.0 $336 -8836320275808239099\n",
- "2022-01-20 $42549 39 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 432.0 $286 9169498391025403258\n",
- "2022-01-20 $42278 40 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 431.0 $270 2918433609806412550\n",
- "2022-01-20 $42021 41 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 430.0 $257 -8546749855473793486\n",
- "2022-01-20 $41167 42 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 452.0 $853 2487987008008121645\n",
- "2022-01-20 $40272 43 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 453.0 $894 -2588256830734116661\n",
- "2022-01-20 $39497 44 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 450.0 $775 -5340543361723299540\n",
- "2022-01-20 $38559 45 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 454.0 $937 -1949053424537332616\n",
- "2022-01-20 $37571 46 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 455.0 $987 -797448677744307067\n",
- "2022-01-20 $36535 47 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 456.0 $1036 -4772145834163843694\n",
- "2022-01-20 $35446 48 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 457.0 $1088 -7311143113620663907\n",
- "2022-01-20 $35163 49 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 430.0 $282 4993352499520249347\n",
- "2022-01-20 $34066 50 buy put 2022-02-09 451.81 456.0 $1097 -8235448871641972853\n",
- "2022-01-20 $33541 51 buy put 2022-02-09 451.81 440.0 $524 -1420797125037867731\n",
- "2022-01-20 $33126 52 buy put 2022-02-09 451.81 435.0 $414 -8452143328421670414\n",
- "2022-01-21 $32402 53 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 444.0 $724 -5499506689601560587\n",
- "2022-01-21 $31841 54 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 439.0 $560 -7256520419909224780\n",
- "2022-01-21 $31308 55 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 438.0 $532 -8955084873908156351\n",
- "2022-01-21 $30984 56 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 429.0 $324 -1358690525918667836\n",
- "2022-01-21 $29026 57 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 465.0 $1957 -8437369526734199974\n",
- "2022-01-21 $28714 58 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 428.0 $311 720432533739373560\n",
- "2022-01-21 $28419 59 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 427.0 $295 -2318153810198445326\n",
- "2022-01-21 $28153 60 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 425.0 $265 -8593324588837017692\n",
- "2022-01-21 $27355 61 buy put 2022-02-07 446.65 445.0 $797 -5895935208182579434\n",
- "2022-01-21 $26839 62 buy put 2022-02-07 446.65 436.0 $516 3641149772138808309\n",
- "2022-01-21 $25376 63 buy put 2022-02-07 446.65 458.0 $1462 -3120568979276469495\n",
- "2022-01-21 $25082 64 buy put 2022-02-07 446.65 425.0 $293 4980978546988112900\n",
- "2022-01-21 $24182 65 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 446.0 $900 4898257189807807955\n",
- "2022-01-21 $23081 66 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 450.0 $1100 7038119695121527411\n",
- "2022-01-21 $21797 67 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 454.0 $1283 -936994593408424531\n",
- "2022-01-21 $20460 68 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 455.0 $1337 3597470744454501346\n",
- "2022-01-21 $18950 69 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 458.0 $1509 -2953907874022805388\n",
- "2022-01-21 $17309 70 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 460.0 $1640 -8562876717141329635\n",
- "2022-01-21 $16877 71 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 430.0 $432 1309796120702472349\n",
- "2022-01-21 $16532 72 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 425.0 $344 -3840599815486004154\n",
- "2022-01-21 $15491 73 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 448.0 $1040 -2342243054937716331\n",
- "2022-01-21 $14365 74 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 450.0 $1126 -8355071877443317159\n",
- "2022-01-21 $13586 75 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 441.0 $778 -5535396651118802225\n",
- "2022-01-21 $12300 76 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 453.0 $1285 -7807905577464961359\n",
- "2022-01-21 $11554 77 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 440.0 $746 -1040857812321307505\n",
- "2022-01-21 $10867 78 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 438.0 $686 -2376727481298201739\n",
- "2022-01-25 $10268 79 buy put 2022-02-09 439.88 426.0 $598 7589199602989617538\n",
- "2022-01-25 $9796 80 buy put 2022-02-09 439.88 420.0 $472 4898101715894290133\n",
- "2022-01-25 $8883 81 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 435.0 $912 6048643373705808217\n",
- "2022-01-25 $8002 82 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 434.0 $881 -9080084210100021389\n",
- "2022-01-25 $7250 83 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 430.0 $751 7510782245132395742\n",
- "2022-01-25 $6542 84 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 428.0 $707 -3599925748944011445\n",
- "2022-01-25 $5893 85 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 426.0 $649 8282549226358002083\n",
- "2022-01-25 $5316 86 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 423.0 $576 -6975568656535081189\n",
- "2022-01-25 $4799 87 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 420.0 $516 2619606004386297210\n",
- "2022-01-27 $5604 86 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 435.0 $805 -1613710307253702498\n",
- "2022-01-27 $6643 85 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 440.0 $1040 -1552490734461092733\n",
- "2022-01-27 $7735 84 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 441.0 $1093 1621141298133962471\n",
- "2022-01-27 $8946 83 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 443.0 $1211 4494223494172573852\n",
- "2022-01-27 $10496 82 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 448.0 $1551 8233131065133589298\n",
- "2022-01-27 $12187 81 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 450.0 $1692 -8044330020548405408\n",
- "2022-01-27 $14055 80 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 452.0 $1868 -1749086210561179232\n",
- "2022-01-27 $16094 79 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 454.0 $2040 5357251994394513729\n",
- "2022-01-27 $18223 78 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 455.0 $2130 -824677668372674482\n",
- "2022-01-27 $20444 77 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 456.0 $2221 -4217977557363755821\n",
- "2022-01-27 $22852 76 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 458.0 $2409 155368081272702288\n",
- "2022-01-27 $25451 75 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 460.0 $2600 5221221753654808173\n",
- "2022-01-27 $27141 74 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 449.0 $1690 8986085205359714802\n",
- "2022-01-27 $28902 73 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 450.0 $1762 -293591844560922327\n",
- "2022-01-27 $30816 72 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 452.0 $1915 3532338324446898793\n",
- "2022-01-27 $32811 71 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 453.0 $1995 -8654600833165935326\n",
- "2022-01-27 $34888 70 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 454.0 $2078 -2887584250906838141\n",
- "2022-01-27 $37050 69 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 455.0 $2163 -3058867771176182231\n",
- "2022-01-27 $39300 68 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 456.0 $2250 -8090132045135771517\n",
- "2022-01-27 $41638 67 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 457.0 $2339 6866342105759329447\n",
- "2022-01-27 $44067 66 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 458.0 $2430 -6418768184477412084\n",
- "2022-01-27 $46571 65 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 459.0 $2504 -8471501365701108290\n",
- "2022-01-27 $49243 64 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 460.0 $2673 839899998407410620\n",
- "2022-01-27 $51952 63 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 461.0 $2710 -3009556596649190489\n",
- "2022-01-27 $54739 62 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 462.0 $2787 48923454167138847\n",
- "2022-01-27 $57736 61 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 464.0 $2998 5780367559074886209\n",
- "2022-01-27 $56692 62 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 433.0 $1043 -7962159675245062532\n",
- "2022-01-27 $55688 63 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 432.0 $1004 2662666411096812033\n",
- "2022-01-27 $54717 64 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 431.0 $970 4548935826173258000\n",
- "2022-01-27 $53515 65 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 436.0 $1201 9189171147664429526\n",
- "2022-01-27 $52166 66 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 439.0 $1349 -8264786425893007022\n",
- "2022-01-27 $51394 67 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 425.0 $771 9020004507074608160\n",
- "2022-01-27 $49726 68 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 445.0 $1667 -4883715540013130926\n",
- "2022-01-27 $47936 69 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 447.0 $1790 9080121717532529796\n",
- "2022-01-27 $47410 70 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 415.0 $525 1462290601458019746\n",
- "2022-01-27 $46934 71 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 412.0 $475 -3412418224926347087\n",
- "2022-01-27 $45741 72 buy put 2022-02-14 433.21 435.0 $1193 -3207993281310211189\n",
- "2022-01-27 $44775 73 buy put 2022-02-14 433.21 430.0 $965 5137745692871263406\n",
- "2022-01-27 $43353 74 buy put 2022-02-14 433.21 440.0 $1421 2781710407705788496\n",
- "2022-01-27 $41827 75 buy put 2022-02-14 433.21 442.0 $1526 -8226770196365766563\n",
- "2022-01-27 $41153 76 buy put 2022-02-14 433.21 420.0 $673 -2296700646645303379\n",
- "2022-01-27 $39907 77 buy put 2022-02-16 433.21 435.0 $1245 5745502083995378583\n",
- "2022-01-27 $38950 78 buy put 2022-02-16 433.21 428.0 $957 81513997258281625\n",
- "2022-01-27 $37480 79 buy put 2022-02-16 433.21 440.0 $1469 6250875506903114144\n",
- "2022-01-27 $36622 80 buy put 2022-02-16 433.21 425.0 $858 8517554511652868590\n",
- "2022-01-27 $35049 81 buy put 2022-02-16 433.21 442.0 $1572 8564572455456135328\n",
- "2022-01-27 $34328 82 buy put 2022-02-16 433.21 420.0 $720 7666337254776648652\n",
- "2022-01-27 $33152 83 buy put 2022-02-18 433.21 433.0 $1176 1908732564388983559\n",
- "2022-01-27 $31932 84 buy put 2022-02-18 433.21 434.0 $1219 -6628838897923900717\n",
- "2022-01-27 $30789 85 buy put 2022-02-18 433.21 432.0 $1142 7327764919960303652\n",
- "2022-01-27 $29535 86 buy put 2022-02-18 433.21 435.0 $1254 -5489720967380866660\n",
- "2022-01-27 $28423 87 buy put 2022-02-18 433.21 431.0 $1111 -6795235832841470978\n",
- "2022-01-28 $29222 86 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 431.0 $800 2918433609806412550\n",
- "2022-01-28 $30069 85 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 432.0 $847 9169498391025403258\n",
- "2022-01-28 $30828 84 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 430.0 $760 -8546749855473793486\n",
- "2022-01-28 $31548 83 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 429.0 $721 -1358690525918667836\n",
- "2022-01-28 $32231 82 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 428.0 $683 720432533739373560\n",
- "2022-01-28 $33196 81 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 435.0 $966 -8836320275808239099\n",
- "2022-01-28 $33842 80 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 427.0 $647 -2318153810198445326\n",
- "2022-01-28 $34845 79 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 436.0 $1003 2746965840337609449\n",
- "2022-01-28 $35424 78 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 425.0 $580 -8593324588837017692\n",
- "2022-01-28 $36500 77 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 437.0 $1077 -7902508703277905348\n",
- "2022-01-28 $37623 76 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 438.0 $1123 -8955084873908156351\n",
- "2022-01-28 $38811 75 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 439.0 $1189 -7256520419909224780\n",
- "2022-01-28 $40020 74 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 440.0 $1210 -6574948825396050785\n",
- "2022-01-28 $41333 73 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 441.0 $1313 803906579490001050\n",
- "2022-01-28 $42709 72 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 442.0 $1377 -5391463138518992844\n",
- "2022-01-28 $44154 71 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 443.0 $1446 6648624747694693695\n",
- "2022-01-28 $45620 70 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 444.0 $1466 -5499506689601560587\n",
- "2022-01-28 $47198 69 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 445.0 $1579 -3010077655605713736\n",
- "2022-01-28 $48805 68 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 446.0 $1608 4733700235134887391\n",
- "2022-01-28 $50527 67 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 447.0 $1722 -7071305289930050002\n",
- "2022-01-28 $52326 66 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 448.0 $1800 6198187351881356554\n",
- "2022-01-28 $54329 65 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 451.0 $2004 -4392028597634210135\n",
- "2022-01-28 $57687 64 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 465.0 $3358 -8437369526734199974\n",
- "2022-01-28 $58512 63 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 430.0 $826 4993352499520249347\n",
- "2022-01-28 $59593 62 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 436.0 $1082 3641149772138808309\n",
- "2022-01-28 $60236 61 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 425.0 $643 4980978546988112900\n",
- "2022-01-28 $61851 60 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 445.0 $1616 -5895935208182579434\n",
- "2022-01-28 $63832 59 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 450.0 $1982 -5340543361723299540\n",
- "2022-01-28 $65962 58 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 452.0 $2130 2487987008008121645\n",
- "2022-01-28 $68205 57 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 453.0 $2244 -2588256830734116661\n",
- "2022-01-28 $70536 56 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 454.0 $2332 -1949053424537332616\n",
- "2022-01-28 $72957 55 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 455.0 $2421 -797448677744307067\n",
- "2022-01-28 $75459 54 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 456.0 $2503 -4772145834163843694\n",
- "2022-01-28 $78061 53 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 457.0 $2603 -7311143113620663907\n",
- "2022-01-28 $80709 52 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 458.0 $2648 -3120568979276469495\n",
- "2022-01-28 $81616 51 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 430.0 $908 1309796120702472349\n",
- "2022-01-28 $82723 50 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 435.0 $1108 -8452143328421670414\n",
- "2022-01-28 $83484 49 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 426.0 $761 7589199602989617538\n",
- "2022-01-28 $84207 48 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 425.0 $724 -3840599815486004154\n",
- "2022-01-28 $85567 47 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 440.0 $1361 -1420797125037867731\n",
- "2022-01-28 $86143 46 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 420.0 $576 4898101715894290133\n",
- "2022-01-28 $87840 45 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 446.0 $1698 4898257189807807955\n",
- "2022-01-28 $89879 44 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 450.0 $2039 7038119695121527411\n",
- "2022-01-28 $92191 43 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 454.0 $2313 -936994593408424531\n",
- "2022-01-28 $94608 42 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 455.0 $2418 3597470744454501346\n",
- "2022-01-28 $97149 41 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 456.0 $2541 -8235448871641972853\n",
- "2022-01-28 $99869 40 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 458.0 $2721 -2953907874022805388\n",
- "2022-01-28 $102775 39 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 460.0 $2907 -8562876717141329635\n",
- "2022-01-28 $103789 38 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 431.0 $1014 4548935826173258000\n",
- "2022-01-28 $104842 37 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 432.0 $1054 2662666411096812033\n",
- "2022-01-28 $105816 36 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 430.0 $975 7510782245132395742\n",
- "2022-01-28 $106900 35 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 433.0 $1084 -7962159675245062532\n",
- "2022-01-28 $107800 34 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 428.0 $901 -3599925748944011445\n",
- "2022-01-28 $108926 33 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 434.0 $1127 -9080084210100021389\n",
- "2022-01-28 $110089 32 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 435.0 $1163 6048643373705808217\n",
- "2022-01-28 $111310 31 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 436.0 $1222 9189171147664429526\n",
- "2022-01-28 $112141 30 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 426.0 $832 8282549226358002083\n",
- "2022-01-28 $112937 29 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 425.0 $796 9020004507074608160\n",
- "2022-01-28 $114257 28 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 438.0 $1321 -2376727481298201739\n",
- "2022-01-28 $115626 27 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 439.0 $1370 -8264786425893007022\n",
- "2022-01-28 $116359 26 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 423.0 $733 -6975568656535081189\n",
- "2022-01-28 $117781 25 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 440.0 $1423 -1040857812321307505\n",
- "2022-01-28 $119261 24 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 441.0 $1481 -5535396651118802225\n",
- "2022-01-28 $119909 23 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 420.0 $648 2619606004386297210\n",
- "2022-01-28 $121602 22 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 445.0 $1694 -4883715540013130926\n",
- "2022-01-28 $123429 21 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 447.0 $1828 9080121717532529796\n",
- "2022-01-28 $123952 20 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 415.0 $523 1462290601458019746\n",
- "2022-01-28 $125871 19 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 448.0 $1920 -2342243054937716331\n",
- "2022-01-28 $127938 18 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 450.0 $2068 -8355071877443317159\n",
- "2022-01-28 $128397 17 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 412.0 $459 -3412418224926347087\n",
- "2022-01-28 $130673 16 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 453.0 $2277 -7807905577464961359\n",
- "2022-01-28 $131689 15 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 430.0 $1017 5137745692871263406\n",
- "2022-01-28 $132903 14 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 435.0 $1214 -3207993281310211189\n",
- "2022-01-28 $134358 13 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 440.0 $1456 2781710407705788496\n",
- "2022-01-28 $135923 12 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 442.0 $1566 -8226770196365766563\n",
- "2022-01-28 $136607 11 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 420.0 $684 -2296700646645303379\n",
- "2022-01-28 $137604 10 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 428.0 $998 81513997258281625\n",
- "2022-01-28 $138838 9 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 435.0 $1235 5745502083995378583\n",
- "2022-01-28 $139732 8 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 425.0 $894 8517554511652868590\n",
- "2022-01-28 $141234 7 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 440.0 $1503 6250875506903114144\n",
- "2022-01-28 $142818 6 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 442.0 $1585 8564572455456135328\n",
- "2022-01-28 $143563 5 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 420.0 $745 7666337254776648652\n",
- "2022-01-28 $144724 4 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 431.0 $1162 -6795235832841470978\n",
- "2022-01-28 $145927 3 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 432.0 $1204 7327764919960303652\n",
- "2022-01-28 $147159 2 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 433.0 $1232 1908732564388983559\n",
- "2022-01-28 $148433 1 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 434.0 $1275 -6628838897923900717\n",
- "2022-01-28 $149747 0 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 435.0 $1315 -5489720967380866660\n",
- "2022-02-16 $149009 1 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 446.0 $738 -262335355439656620\n",
- "2022-02-16 $148328 2 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 447.0 $680 -4811409139686314417\n",
- "2022-02-16 $147526 3 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 445.0 $801 -8522991405093088254\n",
- "2022-02-16 $146661 4 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 444.0 $865 -2236290039363238420\n",
- "2022-02-16 $146039 5 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 448.0 $621 1977481357004556906\n",
- "2022-02-16 $145474 6 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 449.0 $565 8896092896882825600\n",
- "2022-02-16 $144961 7 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 450.0 $512 6350415715566102850\n",
- "2022-02-16 $143958 8 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 442.0 $1002 -912935071112833816\n",
- "2022-02-16 $142809 9 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 440.0 $1149 -975511274632002106\n",
- "2022-02-16 $142392 10 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 452.0 $416 4290980577309973343\n",
- "2022-02-16 $142019 11 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 453.0 $372 5069198652900376185\n",
- "2022-02-16 $141690 12 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 454.0 $329 4293535707837971274\n",
- "2022-02-16 $140389 13 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 438.0 $1300 -7372339298582030579\n",
- "2022-02-16 $140162 14 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 457.0 $226 931810000966215597\n",
- "2022-02-16 $139993 15 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 459.0 $169 1617010858543409568\n",
- "2022-02-16 $139847 16 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 460.0 $145 3706524863799962940\n",
- "2022-02-16 $139791 17 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 466.0 $55 2396938663106472531\n",
- "2022-02-16 $138982 18 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 446.0 $809 -1233678342368632085\n",
- "2022-02-16 $138231 19 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 447.0 $750 -5808025992998565857\n",
- "2022-02-16 $137361 20 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 445.0 $869 -5092491219335748737\n",
- "2022-02-16 $136427 21 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 444.0 $934 7940706181354946092\n",
- "2022-02-16 $135422 22 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 443.0 $1004 4777190591767048596\n",
- "2022-02-16 $134842 23 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 450.0 $579 3943384344289333127\n",
- "2022-02-16 $133769 24 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 442.0 $1073 7645685142915627240\n",
- "2022-02-16 $132629 25 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 441.0 $1139 8376996865394168758\n",
- "2022-02-16 $131408 26 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 440.0 $1220 -8318241592833778305\n",
- "2022-02-17 $130761 27 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 448.0 $647 1302451252264603020\n",
- "2022-02-17 $130172 28 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 449.0 $588 -3348508014686317896\n",
- "2022-02-17 $129691 29 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 451.0 $480 537440267480731672\n",
- "2022-02-17 $129303 30 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 453.0 $388 6457768583925166596\n",
- "2022-02-17 $128957 31 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 454.0 $345 -951476536812424654\n",
- "2022-02-17 $127687 32 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 439.0 $1269 6051817237962446567\n",
- "2022-02-17 $126349 33 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 438.0 $1338 824118424709400080\n",
- "2022-02-17 $126045 34 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 455.0 $303 6237819872772714600\n",
- "2022-02-17 $125779 35 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 456.0 $265 5998872970751301294\n",
- "2022-02-17 $125547 36 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 457.0 $232 7588829405064695709\n",
- "2022-02-17 $125371 37 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 459.0 $175 2832843058749973763\n",
- "2022-02-17 $125219 38 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 460.0 $151 113888038184824314\n",
- "2022-02-17 $125091 39 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 461.0 $128 7148686302354883698\n",
- "2022-02-17 $124981 40 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 462.0 $109 1722201197251336588\n",
- "2022-02-17 $124924 41 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 466.0 $56 -7101331884716786087\n",
- "2022-02-17 $124885 42 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 468.0 $39 3138968078866045706\n",
- "2022-02-17 $124076 43 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 446.0 $808 2720349929193565302\n",
- "2022-02-17 $123505 44 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 450.0 $570 2676736049094684994\n",
- "2022-02-17 $122430 45 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 442.0 $1075 -2945073632203499666\n",
- "2022-02-17 $121961 46 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 452.0 $468 3788317736402234411\n",
- "2022-02-17 $121625 47 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 455.0 $335 7282405317499157697\n",
- "2022-02-17 $121331 48 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 456.0 $294 -286925339646840048\n",
- "2022-02-17 $121104 49 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 458.0 $226 -6043011386753094779\n",
- "2022-02-17 $120931 50 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 460.0 $172 -20665754635701572\n",
- "2022-02-17 $120804 51 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 462.0 $127 6721393831376831410\n",
- "2022-02-17 $120062 52 buy call 2022-03-09 446.65 448.0 $741 -8391568974770975829\n",
- "2022-02-18 $120798 51 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 438.0 $737 -7372339298582030579\n",
- "2022-02-18 $121420 50 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 440.0 $622 -975511274632002106\n",
- "2022-02-18 $121938 49 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 442.0 $519 -912935071112833816\n",
- "2022-02-18 $122362 48 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 444.0 $424 -2236290039363238420\n",
- "2022-02-18 $122740 47 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 445.0 $379 -8522991405093088254\n",
- "2022-02-18 $123076 46 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 446.0 $337 -262335355439656620\n",
- "2022-02-18 $123375 45 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 447.0 $299 -4811409139686314417\n",
- "2022-02-18 $123636 44 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 448.0 $262 1977481357004556906\n",
- "2022-02-18 $123863 43 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 449.0 $228 8896092896882825600\n",
- "2022-02-18 $124061 42 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 450.0 $198 6350415715566102850\n",
- "2022-02-18 $124205 41 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 452.0 $145 4290980577309973343\n",
- "2022-02-18 $124327 40 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 453.0 $123 5069198652900376185\n",
- "2022-02-18 $124431 39 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 454.0 $104 4293535707837971274\n",
- "2022-02-18 $124491 38 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 457.0 $61 931810000966215597\n",
- "2022-02-18 $124533 37 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 459.0 $43 1617010858543409568\n",
- "2022-02-18 $124568 36 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 460.0 $35 3706524863799962940\n",
- "2022-02-18 $124578 35 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 466.0 $11 2396938663106472531\n",
- "2022-02-18 $125383 34 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 438.0 $806 824118424709400080\n",
- "2022-02-18 $126133 33 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 439.0 $750 6051817237962446567\n",
- "2022-02-18 $126826 32 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 440.0 $694 -8318241592833778305\n",
- "2022-02-18 $127465 31 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 441.0 $640 8376996865394168758\n",
- "2022-02-18 $128052 30 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 442.0 $587 7645685142915627240\n",
- "2022-02-18 $128588 29 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 443.0 $537 4777190591767048596\n",
- "2022-02-18 $129075 28 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 444.0 $488 7940706181354946092\n",
- "2022-02-18 $129517 27 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 445.0 $442 -5092491219335748737\n",
- "2022-02-18 $129914 26 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 446.0 $398 -1233678342368632085\n",
- "2022-02-18 $130269 25 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 447.0 $356 -5808025992998565857\n",
- "2022-02-18 $130586 24 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 448.0 $317 1302451252264603020\n",
- "2022-02-18 $130865 23 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 449.0 $280 -3348508014686317896\n",
- "2022-02-18 $131110 22 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 450.0 $246 3943384344289333127\n",
- "2022-02-18 $131325 21 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 451.0 $215 537440267480731672\n",
- "2022-02-18 $131484 20 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 453.0 $160 6457768583925166596\n",
- "2022-02-18 $131620 19 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 454.0 $137 -951476536812424654\n",
- "2022-02-18 $131737 18 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 455.0 $117 6237819872772714600\n",
- "2022-02-18 $131835 17 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 456.0 $99 5998872970751301294\n",
- "2022-02-18 $131917 16 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 457.0 $83 7588829405064695709\n",
- "2022-02-18 $131977 15 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 459.0 $60 2832843058749973763\n",
- "2022-02-18 $132026 14 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 460.0 $50 113888038184824314\n",
- "2022-02-18 $132067 13 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 461.0 $42 7148686302354883698\n",
- "2022-02-18 $132102 12 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 462.0 $35 1722201197251336588\n",
- "2022-02-18 $132119 11 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 466.0 $18 -7101331884716786087\n",
- "2022-02-18 $132131 10 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 468.0 $13 3138968078866045706\n",
- "2022-02-18 $132752 9 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 442.0 $621 -2945073632203499666\n",
- "2022-02-18 $133179 8 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 446.0 $428 2720349929193565302\n",
- "2022-02-18 $133451 7 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 450.0 $273 2676736049094684994\n",
- "2022-02-18 $133661 6 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 452.0 $210 3788317736402234411\n",
- "2022-02-18 $133794 5 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 455.0 $134 7282405317499157697\n",
- "2022-02-18 $133908 4 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 456.0 $115 -286925339646840048\n",
- "2022-02-18 $133991 3 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 458.0 $83 -6043011386753094779\n",
- "2022-02-18 $134049 2 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 460.0 $59 -20665754635701572\n",
- "2022-02-18 $134090 1 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 462.0 $42 6721393831376831410\n",
- "2022-02-18 $134485 0 sell call 2022-03-09 437.17 448.0 $395 -8391568974770975829\n",
- "2022-02-23 $133571 1 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 430.0 $913 6398592907484241297\n",
- "2022-02-23 $132615 2 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 431.0 $956 6306952684199212516\n",
- "2022-02-23 $131784 3 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 428.0 $830 8841051751163774020\n",
- "2022-02-23 $130777 4 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 432.0 $1006 -2649104934366599139\n",
- "2022-02-23 $130015 5 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 426.0 $762 -6425178753768376765\n",
- "2022-02-23 $129294 6 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 425.0 $720 -2430502101377143075\n",
- "2022-02-23 $128074 7 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 436.0 $1219 -3974783486432204903\n",
- "2022-02-23 $127509 8 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 420.0 $565 -3246871795081853816\n",
- "2022-02-23 $126997 9 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 418.0 $511 -9132114872906744405\n",
- "2022-02-23 $126554 10 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 415.0 $442 7355521148896846482\n",
- "2022-02-23 $125564 11 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 430.0 $990 8586079200524353167\n",
- "2022-02-23 $124619 12 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 429.0 $944 5185041197211948254\n",
- "2022-02-23 $123594 13 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 431.0 $1024 1378082171071654296\n",
- "2022-02-23 $122690 14 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 428.0 $904 4553186446225559133\n",
- "2022-02-23 $121618 15 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 432.0 $1071 180006300162593837\n",
- "2022-02-23 $120752 16 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 427.0 $865 -5950844884883445592\n",
- "2022-02-23 $119634 17 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 433.0 $1118 6844289225587026206\n",
- "2022-02-23 $118807 18 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 426.0 $826 3818069824968288367\n",
- "2022-02-23 $117641 19 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 434.0 $1165 725537482293854425\n",
- "2022-02-23 $116848 20 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 425.0 $793 -1895723690460741374\n",
- "2022-02-23 $115633 21 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 435.0 $1214 6995009196170952557\n",
- "2022-02-23 $114872 22 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 424.0 $760 1070518830108837496\n",
- "2022-02-23 $114146 23 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 423.0 $726 -1145464065167691583\n",
- "2022-02-23 $112816 24 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 437.0 $1329 1124561878089286856\n",
- "2022-02-23 $111423 25 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 438.0 $1392 -9139486325064787972\n",
- "2022-02-23 $110787 26 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 420.0 $636 -7169715818953219337\n",
- "2022-02-24 $109804 27 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 422.0 $982 -6958700159290492086\n",
- "2022-02-24 $108978 28 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 418.0 $825 200214244720008648\n",
- "2022-02-24 $108260 29 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 415.0 $718 7282137573646844799\n",
- "2022-02-24 $107602 30 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 413.0 $657 635113997608648372\n",
- "2022-02-24 $106972 31 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 412.0 $629 3265650984490043319\n",
- "2022-02-24 $106399 32 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 410.0 $573 7569838436764541352\n",
- "2022-02-24 $105850 33 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 409.0 $548 5140625790667971595\n",
- "2022-02-24 $105352 34 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 407.0 $497 -3986121741253850280\n",
- "2022-02-24 $104876 35 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 406.0 $476 -7534918655360366803\n",
- "2022-02-24 $104422 36 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 405.0 $453 -5054876161408869755\n",
- "2022-02-24 $102360 37 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 440.0 $2061 6383701463307449531\n",
- "2022-02-24 $101340 38 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 422.0 $1020 4631035152371256950\n",
- "2022-02-24 $100395 39 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 420.0 $944 2759332365109151274\n",
- "2022-02-24 $99242 40 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 425.0 $1152 -5998763118628744798\n",
- "2022-02-24 $98043 41 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 426.0 $1199 -6814670418852280910\n",
- "2022-02-24 $96742 42 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 428.0 $1300 -2902923333955517505\n",
- "2022-02-24 $95304 43 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 430.0 $1437 -7691560253675460805\n",
- "2022-02-24 $94689 44 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 410.0 $615 -5588971856832556653\n",
- "2022-02-24 $94174 45 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 406.0 $514 -7091776841239128806\n",
- "2022-02-24 $93680 46 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 405.0 $493 1093640705121284499\n",
- "2022-02-24 $93211 47 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 404.0 $469 9185796789736650181\n",
- "2022-02-24 $92783 48 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 402.0 $427 -3686564524014727861\n",
- "2022-02-24 $91658 49 buy put 2022-03-16 421.97 422.0 $1124 8607351563586712927\n",
- "2022-02-24 $90594 50 buy put 2022-03-16 421.97 420.0 $1064 9112176459393237818\n",
- "2022-02-24 $89343 51 buy put 2022-03-16 421.97 425.0 $1250 -7870730346642965176\n",
- "2022-02-24 $88511 52 buy put 2022-03-16 421.97 414.0 $832 -8675012113270301196\n",
- "2022-02-25 $89312 51 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 428.0 $802 8841051751163774020\n",
- "2022-02-25 $90043 50 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 426.0 $732 -6425178753768376765\n",
- "2022-02-25 $90937 49 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 430.0 $894 6398592907484241297\n",
- "2022-02-25 $91627 48 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 425.0 $691 -2430502101377143075\n",
- "2022-02-25 $92562 47 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 431.0 $936 6306952684199212516\n",
- "2022-02-25 $93556 46 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 432.0 $994 -2649104934366599139\n",
- "2022-02-25 $94095 45 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 420.0 $540 -3246871795081853816\n",
- "2022-02-25 $95288 44 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 436.0 $1194 -3974783486432204903\n",
- "2022-02-25 $95770 43 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 418.0 $482 -9132114872906744405\n",
- "2022-02-25 $96184 42 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 415.0 $415 7355521148896846482\n",
- "2022-02-25 $97066 41 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 428.0 $883 4553186446225559133\n",
- "2022-02-25 $97997 40 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 429.0 $931 5185041197211948254\n",
- "2022-02-25 $98836 39 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 427.0 $840 -5950844884883445592\n",
- "2022-02-25 $99800 38 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 430.0 $965 8586079200524353167\n",
- "2022-02-25 $100614 37 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 426.0 $814 3818069824968288367\n",
- "2022-02-25 $101637 36 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 431.0 $1024 1378082171071654296\n",
- "2022-02-25 $102402 35 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 425.0 $766 -1895723690460741374\n",
- "2022-02-25 $103474 34 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 432.0 $1072 180006300162593837\n",
- "2022-02-25 $104209 33 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 424.0 $736 1070518830108837496\n",
- "2022-02-25 $105330 32 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 433.0 $1122 6844289225587026206\n",
- "2022-02-25 $106031 31 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 423.0 $701 -1145464065167691583\n",
- "2022-02-25 $107169 30 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 434.0 $1139 725537482293854425\n",
- "2022-02-25 $107838 29 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 422.0 $670 -6958700159290492086\n",
- "2022-02-25 $109034 28 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 435.0 $1196 6995009196170952557\n",
- "2022-02-25 $109644 27 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 420.0 $611 -7169715818953219337\n",
- "2022-02-25 $110943 26 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 437.0 $1300 1124561878089286856\n",
- "2022-02-25 $112310 25 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 438.0 $1367 -9139486325064787972\n",
- "2022-02-25 $112866 24 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 418.0 $557 200214244720008648\n",
- "2022-02-25 $114363 23 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 440.0 $1498 6383701463307449531\n",
- "2022-02-25 $114847 22 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 415.0 $484 7282137573646844799\n",
- "2022-02-25 $115287 21 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 413.0 $441 635113997608648372\n",
- "2022-02-25 $115707 20 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 412.0 $421 3265650984490043319\n",
- "2022-02-25 $116092 19 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 410.0 $385 7569838436764541352\n",
- "2022-02-25 $116454 18 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 409.0 $363 5140625790667971595\n",
- "2022-02-25 $116784 17 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 407.0 $331 -3986121741253850280\n",
- "2022-02-25 $117101 16 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 406.0 $317 -7534918655360366803\n",
- "2022-02-25 $117399 15 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 405.0 $299 -5054876161408869755\n",
- "2022-02-25 $118324 14 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 428.0 $926 -2902923333955517505\n",
- "2022-02-25 $119175 13 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 426.0 $851 -6814670418852280910\n",
- "2022-02-25 $120188 12 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 430.0 $1014 -7691560253675460805\n",
- "2022-02-25 $120999 11 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 425.0 $812 -5998763118628744798\n",
- "2022-02-25 $121715 10 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 422.0 $716 4631035152371256950\n",
- "2022-02-25 $122371 9 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 420.0 $657 2759332365109151274\n",
- "2022-02-25 $122784 8 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 410.0 $414 -5588971856832556653\n",
- "2022-02-25 $123132 7 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 406.0 $348 -7091776841239128806\n",
- "2022-02-25 $123456 6 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 405.0 $325 1093640705121284499\n",
- "2022-02-25 $123770 5 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 404.0 $315 9185796789736650181\n",
- "2022-02-25 $124055 4 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 402.0 $285 -3686564524014727861\n",
- "2022-02-25 $124974 3 sell put 2022-03-16 428.06 425.0 $920 -7870730346642965176\n",
- "2022-02-25 $125792 2 sell put 2022-03-16 428.06 422.0 $818 8607351563586712927\n",
- "2022-02-25 $126543 1 sell put 2022-03-16 428.06 420.0 $752 9112176459393237818\n",
- "2022-02-25 $127135 0 sell put 2022-03-16 428.06 414.0 $593 -8675012113270301196\n",
- "2022-03-02 $126060 1 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 430.0 $1075 8743260556038729011\n",
- "2022-03-02 $124946 2 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 431.0 $1113 2440284580096897855\n",
- "2022-03-02 $123783 3 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 432.0 $1162 7060064084790183733\n",
- "2022-03-02 $122572 4 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 433.0 $1211 137169862664607053\n",
- "2022-03-02 $121321 5 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 434.0 $1250 -7475998940929629135\n",
- "2022-03-02 $120023 6 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 435.0 $1297 -5267995069633545034\n",
- "2022-03-02 $119102 7 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 425.0 $921 -7870730346642965176\n",
- "2022-03-02 $118298 8 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 422.0 $803 8607351563586712927\n",
- "2022-03-02 $117560 9 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 420.0 $737 9112176459393237818\n",
- "2022-03-02 $116871 10 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 418.0 $689 -7661474436991906770\n",
- "2022-03-02 $116237 11 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 416.0 $633 5419500983457548866\n",
- "2022-03-02 $115692 12 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 412.0 $544 -1393039119142126233\n",
- "2022-03-02 $115190 13 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 410.0 $502 7147961890185468208\n",
- "2022-03-02 $113988 14 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 430.0 $1201 -2556673558657621368\n",
- "2022-03-02 $112825 15 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 429.0 $1162 -8742467577380896365\n",
- "2022-03-02 $111567 16 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 431.0 $1258 -5463747595672249116\n",
- "2022-03-02 $110426 17 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 428.0 $1140 -3582890484575913730\n",
- "2022-03-02 $109132 18 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 432.0 $1293 1706612185075818993\n",
- "2022-03-02 $108028 19 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 427.0 $1104 -5970946421277043338\n",
- "2022-03-02 $106696 20 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 433.0 $1331 5598158073648615618\n",
- "2022-03-02 $105639 21 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 426.0 $1056 5738507214478616794\n",
- "2022-03-02 $104255 22 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 434.0 $1384 5019453712413262439\n",
- "2022-03-02 $103226 23 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 425.0 $1028 -5747946444811652324\n",
- "2022-03-02 $101797 24 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 435.0 $1428 7795083350917481337\n",
- "2022-03-02 $100814 25 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 424.0 $983 -8325011089745009272\n",
- "2022-03-02 $99325 26 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 436.0 $1488 4782590377534444286\n",
- "2022-03-03 $100123 25 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 435.0 $799 -5267995069633545034\n",
- "2022-03-03 $100886 24 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 434.0 $763 -7475998940929629135\n",
- "2022-03-03 $101613 23 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 433.0 $728 137169862664607053\n",
- "2022-03-03 $102312 22 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 432.0 $700 7060064084790183733\n",
- "2022-03-03 $102984 21 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 431.0 $672 2440284580096897855\n",
- "2022-03-03 $103622 20 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 430.0 $639 8743260556038729011\n",
- "2022-03-03 $104136 19 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 425.0 $515 -7870730346642965176\n",
- "2022-03-03 $104588 18 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 422.0 $452 8607351563586712927\n",
- "2022-03-03 $104999 17 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 420.0 $412 9112176459393237818\n",
- "2022-03-03 $105376 16 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 418.0 $378 -7661474436991906770\n",
- "2022-03-03 $105720 15 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 416.0 $344 5419500983457548866\n",
- "2022-03-03 $106008 14 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 412.0 $289 -1393039119142126233\n",
- "2022-03-03 $106270 13 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 410.0 $263 7147961890185468208\n",
- "2022-03-03 $107230 12 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 436.0 $960 4782590377534444286\n",
- "2022-03-03 $108150 11 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 435.0 $921 7795083350917481337\n",
- "2022-03-03 $109037 10 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 434.0 $888 5019453712413262439\n",
- "2022-03-03 $109888 9 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 433.0 $851 5598158073648615618\n",
- "2022-03-03 $110703 8 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 432.0 $816 1706612185075818993\n",
- "2022-03-03 $111492 7 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 431.0 $790 -5463747595672249116\n",
- "2022-03-03 $112250 6 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 430.0 $758 -2556673558657621368\n",
- "2022-03-03 $112976 5 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 429.0 $727 -8742467577380896365\n",
- "2022-03-03 $113674 4 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 428.0 $698 -3582890484575913730\n",
- "2022-03-03 $114341 3 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 427.0 $668 -5970946421277043338\n",
- "2022-03-03 $114984 2 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 426.0 $644 5738507214478616794\n",
- "2022-03-03 $115603 1 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 425.0 $619 -5747946444811652324\n",
- "2022-03-03 $116195 0 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 424.0 $593 -8325011089745009272\n",
- "2022-03-04 $115159 1 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 436.0 $1035 4782590377534444286\n",
- "2022-03-04 $114163 2 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 435.0 $996 7795083350917481337\n",
- "2022-03-04 $113086 3 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 437.0 $1076 2550410311644909095\n",
- "2022-03-04 $112129 4 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 434.0 $956 5019453712413262439\n",
- "2022-03-04 $111011 5 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 438.0 $1118 2737522622889257345\n",
- "2022-03-04 $110091 6 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 433.0 $919 5598158073648615618\n",
- "2022-03-04 $109207 7 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 432.0 $883 1706612185075818993\n",
- "2022-03-04 $108039 8 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 439.0 $1168 3715502199419156181\n",
- "2022-03-04 $106824 9 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 440.0 $1214 -4256107650207970878\n",
- "2022-03-04 $105977 10 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 431.0 $846 -5463747595672249116\n",
- "2022-03-04 $104690 11 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 441.0 $1287 3510362848969266771\n",
- "2022-03-04 $103876 12 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 430.0 $813 -2556673558657621368\n",
- "2022-03-04 $103090 13 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 429.0 $785 -8742467577380896365\n",
- "2022-03-04 $101745 14 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 442.0 $1345 -469998064661468957\n",
- "2022-03-04 $100990 15 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 428.0 $754 -3582890484575913730\n",
- "2022-03-04 $100266 16 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 427.0 $723 -5970946421277043338\n",
- "2022-03-04 $98746 17 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 445.0 $1520 8303277093091701648\n",
- "2022-03-04 $98049 18 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 426.0 $696 5738507214478616794\n",
- "2022-03-04 $97379 19 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 425.0 $669 -5747946444811652324\n",
- "2022-03-04 $96740 20 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 424.0 $639 -8325011089745009272\n",
- "2022-03-04 $96125 21 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 423.0 $614 2816793528463319846\n",
- "2022-03-04 $95532 22 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 422.0 $592 -4941745557286789227\n",
- "2022-03-04 $93684 23 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 450.0 $1848 -498393934134285195\n",
- "2022-03-04 $93115 24 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 421.0 $568 4358767252196068161\n",
- "2022-03-04 $92571 25 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 420.0 $543 5056420340848557557\n",
- "2022-03-04 $92047 26 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 419.0 $524 -325890611813195948\n",
- "2022-03-08 $90842 27 buy put 2022-03-23 419.55 420.0 $1204 -1042688251617866683\n",
- "2022-03-08 $89541 28 buy put 2022-03-23 419.55 422.0 $1300 -2489538726795800032\n",
- "2022-03-08 $88148 29 buy put 2022-03-23 419.55 424.0 $1393 -4601478700198940724\n",
- "2022-03-08 $86871 30 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 420.0 $1276 -5267462699265167865\n",
- "2022-03-08 $85550 31 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 421.0 $1320 -4606766662068578755\n",
- "2022-03-08 $84399 32 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 417.0 $1151 5550732924211555218\n",
- "2022-03-08 $82981 33 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 423.0 $1417 -5202515246931434106\n",
- "2022-03-08 $81907 34 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 415.0 $1073 8316557710226445918\n",
- "2022-03-08 $80395 35 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 425.0 $1512 -1649332086057234730\n",
- "2022-03-08 $79393 36 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 413.0 $1001 4236230213185847160\n",
- "2022-03-08 $78495 37 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 410.0 $897 -4083387278942131043\n",
- "2022-03-08 $76685 38 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 430.0 $1810 8214652965553641468\n",
- "2022-03-08 $75849 39 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 408.0 $835 -4097344579603193174\n",
- "2022-03-08 $75233 40 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 400.0 $615 5796024793339379566\n",
- "2022-03-08 $74154 41 buy put 2022-03-28 419.55 414.0 $1079 -8190399848742793840\n",
- "2022-03-08 $72314 42 buy put 2022-03-28 419.55 428.0 $1839 -7707663821059462287\n",
- "2022-03-08 $70930 43 buy put 2022-03-30 419.55 420.0 $1383 -1984781937157363069\n",
- "2022-03-08 $69516 44 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 420.0 $1414 -2388622808709655081\n",
- "2022-03-08 $68143 45 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 419.0 $1372 -9127040450621601708\n",
- "2022-03-08 $66814 46 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 418.0 $1329 -4680286901403325661\n",
- "2022-03-08 $65566 47 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 416.0 $1247 7743946153594567758\n",
- "2022-03-08 $64015 48 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 423.0 $1550 594902665767641499\n",
- "2022-03-08 $62803 49 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 415.0 $1212 3273506665171169599\n",
- "2022-03-08 $61160 50 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 425.0 $1642 6707726299109809555\n",
- "2022-03-08 $60054 51 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 412.0 $1105 -4058892144594814470\n",
- "2022-03-08 $59021 52 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 410.0 $1033 114118856487315327\n",
- "2022-03-09 $57952 53 buy put 2022-03-23 416.38 415.0 $1068 -9011461480321236956\n",
- "2022-03-09 $56742 54 buy put 2022-03-23 416.38 418.0 $1209 -1645277043720656802\n",
- "2022-03-09 $55867 55 buy put 2022-03-23 416.38 410.0 $875 1877191763572066131\n",
- "2022-03-09 $55005 56 buy put 2022-03-23 416.38 408.0 $861 1390063113698655829\n",
- "2022-03-09 $54333 57 buy put 2022-03-23 416.38 402.0 $671 5363625144525847187\n",
- "2022-03-09 $53764 58 buy put 2022-03-23 416.38 400.0 $569 758626866672024419\n",
- "2022-03-09 $52570 59 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 416.0 $1193 1606913330837523992\n",
- "2022-03-09 $51272 60 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 418.0 $1297 -3300477026139947972\n",
- "2022-03-09 $49956 61 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 419.0 $1316 1350922958559388318\n",
- "2022-03-09 $48922 62 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 412.0 $1033 -2863238082685022819\n",
- "2022-03-09 $47459 63 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 422.0 $1462 4010350361358239\n",
- "2022-03-09 $45884 64 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 424.0 $1575 2352434283296169960\n",
- "2022-03-09 $44203 65 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 426.0 $1680 7611516514999168203\n",
- "2022-03-09 $42464 66 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 427.0 $1738 -83232491947998641\n",
- "2022-03-09 $41678 67 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 405.0 $786 -5764510879445479609\n",
- "2022-03-09 $40968 68 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 402.0 $709 -4214325820590963092\n",
- "2022-03-09 $40376 69 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 398.0 $591 -2327699454450408979\n",
- "2022-03-09 $39186 70 buy put 2022-03-28 416.38 415.0 $1190 -3403533704947894715\n",
- "2022-03-09 $37865 71 buy put 2022-03-28 416.38 418.0 $1320 -8667484212588755016\n",
- "2022-03-09 $37040 72 buy put 2022-03-28 416.38 405.0 $824 -3365937581263156469\n",
- "2022-03-09 $35736 73 buy put 2022-03-30 416.38 415.0 $1304 4389545325065471517\n",
- "2022-03-09 $34289 74 buy put 2022-03-30 416.38 418.0 $1446 5174669499171244466\n",
- "2022-03-09 $33239 75 buy put 2022-03-30 416.38 410.0 $1049 -4273466453381177830\n",
- "2022-03-09 $31548 76 buy put 2022-03-30 416.38 424.0 $1691 -2043225667703597128\n",
- "2022-03-09 $30636 77 buy put 2022-03-30 416.38 406.0 $911 -1653172837470366884\n",
- "2022-03-09 $29260 78 buy put 2022-03-31 416.38 417.0 $1375 -1155154359120533008\n",
- "2022-03-10 $28139 79 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 428.0 $1121 8099639378112978384\n",
- "2022-03-10 $26973 80 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 429.0 $1165 5250025976318651064\n",
- "2022-03-10 $25700 81 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 431.0 $1272 2236194215012817810\n",
- "2022-03-10 $24215 82 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 435.0 $1485 -939749250500228127\n",
- "2022-03-10 $23655 83 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 411.0 $559 6626865632140115735\n",
- "2022-03-10 $23190 84 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 407.0 $464 8193723896824797910\n",
- "2022-03-10 $22148 85 buy put 2022-03-28 427.36 425.0 $1042 7266823421147452050\n",
- "2022-03-10 $21047 86 buy put 2022-03-30 427.36 425.0 $1100 6441908552684701410\n",
- "2022-03-10 $19452 87 buy put 2022-03-30 427.36 435.0 $1594 2633852271654678768\n",
- "2022-03-10 $18231 88 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 427.0 $1221 1928179994666092702\n",
- "2022-03-10 $16967 89 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 428.0 $1263 -2761325325905491913\n",
- "2022-03-10 $15787 90 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 426.0 $1179 3519784282827016057\n",
- "2022-03-10 $14480 91 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 429.0 $1307 1725521686937334030\n",
- "2022-03-10 $13118 92 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 430.0 $1361 7676831999482633056\n",
- "2022-03-10 $12023 93 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 424.0 $1094 -869973714922510432\n",
- "2022-03-10 $11003 94 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 422.0 $1020 -750665987808541460\n",
- "2022-03-10 $10011 95 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 421.0 $991 -7430834848290386114\n",
- "2022-03-10 $9374 96 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 409.0 $637 7696446939282178949\n",
- "2022-03-10 $8546 97 buy put 2022-04-01 427.36 415.0 $827 7069139304841849215\n",
- "2022-03-10 $7853 98 buy put 2022-04-01 427.36 410.0 $692 -3761802199281400385\n",
- "2022-03-11 $8658 97 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 426.0 $805 5738507214478616794\n",
- "2022-03-11 $9430 96 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 425.0 $773 -5747946444811652324\n",
- "2022-03-11 $10273 95 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 427.0 $844 -5970946421277043338\n",
- "2022-03-11 $10996 94 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 424.0 $723 -8325011089745009272\n",
- "2022-03-11 $11889 93 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 428.0 $894 -3582890484575913730\n",
- "2022-03-11 $12572 92 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 423.0 $684 2816793528463319846\n",
- "2022-03-11 $13533 91 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 429.0 $961 -8742467577380896365\n",
- "2022-03-11 $14181 90 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 422.0 $649 -4941745557286789227\n",
- "2022-03-11 $15197 89 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 430.0 $1017 -2556673558657621368\n",
- "2022-03-11 $15808 88 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 421.0 $611 4358767252196068161\n",
- "2022-03-11 $16381 87 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 420.0 $574 5056420340848557557\n",
- "2022-03-11 $17434 86 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 431.0 $1054 -5463747595672249116\n",
- "2022-03-11 $18566 85 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 432.0 $1132 1706612185075818993\n",
- "2022-03-11 $19095 84 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 419.0 $530 -325890611813195948\n",
- "2022-03-11 $20292 83 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 433.0 $1198 5598158073648615618\n",
- "2022-03-11 $21533 82 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 434.0 $1241 5019453712413262439\n",
- "2022-03-11 $22858 81 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 435.0 $1326 7795083350917481337\n",
- "2022-03-11 $24225 80 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 436.0 $1368 4782590377534444286\n",
- "2022-03-11 $25677 79 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 437.0 $1452 2550410311644909095\n",
- "2022-03-11 $27205 78 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 438.0 $1529 2737522622889257345\n",
- "2022-03-11 $28810 77 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 439.0 $1606 3715502199419156181\n",
- "2022-03-11 $30498 76 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 440.0 $1688 -4256107650207970878\n",
- "2022-03-11 $32267 75 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 441.0 $1770 3510362848969266771\n",
- "2022-03-11 $34119 74 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 442.0 $1853 -469998064661468957\n",
- "2022-03-11 $36245 73 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 445.0 $2126 8303277093091701648\n",
- "2022-03-11 $38815 72 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 450.0 $2571 -498393934134285195\n",
- "2022-03-11 $38338 73 buy put 2022-03-25 425.49 409.0 $476 747100615749492231\n",
- "2022-03-11 $37046 74 buy put 2022-03-28 425.49 430.0 $1292 -3203763745091642620\n",
- "2022-03-11 $36199 75 buy put 2022-03-28 425.49 420.0 $846 2258884741337942440\n",
- "2022-03-11 $35746 76 buy put 2022-03-28 425.49 406.0 $452 -8380533152008854801\n",
- "2022-03-11 $34290 77 buy put 2022-03-30 425.49 432.0 $1456 -5655285118777109454\n",
- "2022-03-11 $33769 78 buy put 2022-03-31 425.49 405.0 $520 815242653826699724\n",
- "2022-03-11 $32593 79 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 425.0 $1175 -4787848348337334052\n",
- "2022-03-11 $31507 80 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 423.0 $1086 1933307193576898032\n",
- "2022-03-11 $30184 81 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 428.0 $1322 3563195867683657667\n",
- "2022-03-11 $29134 82 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 422.0 $1049 -1275146317091342818\n",
- "2022-03-11 $27734 83 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 430.0 $1400 2800336399602287943\n",
- "2022-03-11 $26722 84 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 421.0 $1011 -5113523093220963713\n",
- "2022-03-11 $25737 85 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 420.0 $984 -8263806668183456621\n",
- "2022-03-11 $24799 86 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 419.0 $938 7892892232505389446\n",
- "2022-03-11 $23926 87 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 417.0 $872 -3368339180554586518\n",
- "2022-03-11 $23077 88 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 416.0 $848 603870950795731941\n",
- "2022-03-11 $22349 89 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 412.0 $728 5199212903847358077\n",
- "2022-03-11 $20350 90 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 440.0 $1998 -1727667089416186724\n",
- "2022-03-11 $19798 91 buy put 2022-04-01 425.49 405.0 $551 2920664902645771611\n",
- "2022-03-11 $18778 92 buy put 2022-04-04 425.49 420.0 $1020 4382684402713339474\n",
- "2022-03-11 $17955 93 buy put 2022-04-04 425.49 414.0 $822 8929306746079675737\n",
- "2022-03-11 $17241 94 buy put 2022-04-04 425.49 410.0 $714 9214341154563797628\n",
- "2022-03-11 $16232 95 buy put 2022-04-06 425.49 418.0 $1008 -7453119156151947250\n",
- "2022-03-11 $14938 96 buy put 2022-04-08 425.49 424.0 $1293 -6630391912572307636\n",
- "2022-03-11 $13806 97 buy put 2022-04-08 425.49 420.0 $1132 7470446235996044223\n",
- "2022-03-11 $12862 98 buy put 2022-04-08 425.49 413.0 $943 -4979927955292884736\n",
- "2022-03-15 $13770 97 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 418.0 $909 -1645277043720656802\n",
- "2022-03-15 $14559 96 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 415.0 $789 -9011461480321236956\n",
- "2022-03-15 $15566 95 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 420.0 $1008 -1042688251617866683\n",
- "2022-03-15 $16683 94 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 422.0 $1118 -2489538726795800032\n",
- "2022-03-15 $17918 93 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 424.0 $1235 -4601478700198940724\n",
- "2022-03-15 $18510 92 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 410.0 $593 1877191763572066131\n",
- "2022-03-15 $19036 91 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 408.0 $527 1390063113698655829\n",
- "2022-03-15 $19398 90 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 402.0 $362 5363625144525847187\n",
- "2022-03-15 $19715 89 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 400.0 $318 758626866672024419\n",
- "2022-03-15 $20673 88 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 417.0 $959 5550732924211555218\n",
- "2022-03-15 $21589 87 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 416.0 $916 1606913330837523992\n",
- "2022-03-15 $22597 86 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 418.0 $1009 -3300477026139947972\n",
- "2022-03-15 $23470 85 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 415.0 $874 8316557710226445918\n",
- "2022-03-15 $24515 84 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 419.0 $1045 1350922958559388318\n",
- "2022-03-15 $25619 83 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 420.0 $1105 -5267462699265167865\n",
- "2022-03-15 $26410 82 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 413.0 $792 4236230213185847160\n",
- "2022-03-15 $27553 81 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 421.0 $1143 -4606766662068578755\n",
- "2022-03-15 $28305 80 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 412.0 $753 -2863238082685022819\n",
- "2022-03-15 $29513 79 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 422.0 $1209 4010350361358239\n",
- "2022-03-15 $30230 78 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 411.0 $717 6626865632140115735\n",
- "2022-03-15 $31491 77 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 423.0 $1262 -5202515246931434106\n",
- "2022-03-15 $32172 76 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 410.0 $682 -4083387278942131043\n",
- "2022-03-15 $33494 75 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 424.0 $1322 2352434283296169960\n",
- "2022-03-15 $34143 74 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 409.0 $650 747100615749492231\n",
- "2022-03-15 $35512 73 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 425.0 $1370 -1649332086057234730\n",
- "2022-03-15 $36129 72 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 408.0 $617 -4097344579603193174\n",
- "2022-03-15 $37556 71 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 426.0 $1428 7611516514999168203\n",
- "2022-03-15 $38137 70 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 407.0 $582 8193723896824797910\n",
- "2022-03-15 $39630 69 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 427.0 $1493 -83232491947998641\n",
- "2022-03-15 $41187 68 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 428.0 $1558 8099639378112978384\n",
- "2022-03-15 $41710 67 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 405.0 $524 -5764510879445479609\n",
- "2022-03-15 $43334 66 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 429.0 $1624 5250025976318651064\n",
- "2022-03-15 $45018 65 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 430.0 $1685 8214652965553641468\n",
- "2022-03-15 $46779 64 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 431.0 $1762 2236194215012817810\n",
- "2022-03-15 $47222 63 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 402.0 $443 -4214325820590963092\n",
- "2022-03-15 $47617 62 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 400.0 $396 5796024793339379566\n",
- "2022-03-15 $49628 61 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 435.0 $2012 -939749250500228127\n",
- "2022-03-15 $49981 60 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 398.0 $353 -2327699454450408979\n",
- "2022-03-15 $51033 59 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 418.0 $1053 -8667484212588755016\n",
- "2022-03-15 $51955 58 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 415.0 $923 -3403533704947894715\n",
- "2022-03-15 $52833 57 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 414.0 $878 -8190399848742793840\n",
- "2022-03-15 $53974 56 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 420.0 $1142 2258884741337942440\n",
- "2022-03-15 $55385 55 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 425.0 $1412 7266823421147452050\n",
- "2022-03-15 $56954 54 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 428.0 $1569 -7707663821059462287\n",
- "2022-03-15 $57557 53 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 406.0 $604 -8380533152008854801\n",
- "2022-03-15 $58131 52 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 405.0 $574 -3365937581263156469\n",
- "2022-03-15 $59852 51 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 430.0 $1722 -3203763745091642620\n",
- "2022-03-15 $60977 50 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 418.0 $1126 5174669499171244466\n",
- "2022-03-15 $61974 49 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 415.0 $997 4389545325065471517\n",
- "2022-03-15 $63187 48 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 420.0 $1214 -1984781937157363069\n",
- "2022-03-15 $63994 47 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 410.0 $808 -4273466453381177830\n",
- "2022-03-15 $65413 46 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 424.0 $1419 -2043225667703597128\n",
- "2022-03-15 $66888 45 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 425.0 $1476 6441908552684701410\n",
- "2022-03-15 $67565 44 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 406.0 $678 -1653172837470366884\n",
- "2022-03-15 $69479 43 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 432.0 $1914 -5655285118777109454\n",
- "2022-03-15 $71548 42 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 435.0 $2070 2633852271654678768\n",
- "2022-03-15 $72674 41 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 417.0 $1127 -1155154359120533008\n",
- "2022-03-15 $73755 40 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 416.0 $1081 7743946153594567758\n",
- "2022-03-15 $74923 39 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 418.0 $1169 -4680286901403325661\n",
- "2022-03-15 $75961 38 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 415.0 $1039 3273506665171169599\n",
- "2022-03-15 $77160 37 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 419.0 $1199 -9127040450621601708\n",
- "2022-03-15 $78400 36 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 420.0 $1241 -2388622808709655081\n",
- "2022-03-15 $79694 35 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 421.0 $1295 -7430834848290386114\n",
- "2022-03-15 $80617 34 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 412.0 $923 -4058892144594814470\n",
- "2022-03-15 $81962 33 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 422.0 $1346 -750665987808541460\n",
- "2022-03-15 $83350 32 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 423.0 $1389 594902665767641499\n",
- "2022-03-15 $84197 31 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 410.0 $847 114118856487315327\n",
- "2022-03-15 $85648 30 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 424.0 $1452 -869973714922510432\n",
- "2022-03-15 $86459 29 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 409.0 $812 7696446939282178949\n",
- "2022-03-15 $87964 28 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 425.0 $1505 6707726299109809555\n",
- "2022-03-15 $89528 27 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 426.0 $1565 3519784282827016057\n",
- "2022-03-15 $91144 26 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 427.0 $1617 1928179994666092702\n",
- "2022-03-15 $92822 25 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 428.0 $1678 -2761325325905491913\n",
- "2022-03-15 $93503 24 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 405.0 $682 815242653826699724\n",
- "2022-03-15 $95242 23 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 429.0 $1740 1725521686937334030\n",
- "2022-03-15 $97046 22 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 430.0 $1804 7676831999482633056\n",
- "2022-03-15 $98205 21 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 417.0 $1160 -3368339180554586518\n",
- "2022-03-15 $99321 20 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 416.0 $1117 603870950795731941\n",
- "2022-03-15 $100557 19 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 419.0 $1236 7892892232505389446\n",
- "2022-03-15 $101630 18 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 415.0 $1074 7069139304841849215\n",
- "2022-03-15 $102906 17 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 420.0 $1277 -8263806668183456621\n",
- "2022-03-15 $104229 16 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 421.0 $1323 -5113523093220963713\n",
- "2022-03-15 $105600 15 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 422.0 $1372 -1275146317091342818\n",
- "2022-03-15 $106555 14 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 412.0 $956 5199212903847358077\n",
- "2022-03-15 $107982 13 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 423.0 $1427 1933307193576898032\n",
- "2022-03-15 $108867 12 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 410.0 $886 -3761802199281400385\n",
- "2022-03-15 $110405 11 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 425.0 $1539 -4787848348337334052\n",
- "2022-03-15 $112089 10 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 428.0 $1684 3563195867683657667\n",
- "2022-03-15 $112809 9 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 405.0 $721 2920664902645771611\n",
- "2022-03-15 $114619 8 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 430.0 $1811 2800336399602287943\n",
- "2022-03-15 $117126 7 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 440.0 $2507 -1727667089416186724\n",
- "2022-03-15 $118433 6 sell put 2022-04-04 416.98 420.0 $1308 4382684402713339474\n",
- "2022-03-15 $119491 5 sell put 2022-04-04 416.98 414.0 $1059 8929306746079675737\n",
- "2022-03-15 $120410 4 sell put 2022-04-04 416.98 410.0 $919 9214341154563797628\n",
- "2022-03-15 $121695 3 sell put 2022-04-06 416.98 418.0 $1286 -7453119156151947250\n",
- "2022-03-15 $123128 2 sell put 2022-04-08 416.98 420.0 $1433 7470446235996044223\n",
- "2022-03-15 $124263 1 sell put 2022-04-08 416.98 413.0 $1136 -4979927955292884736\n",
- "2022-03-15 $125872 0 sell put 2022-04-08 416.98 424.0 $1610 -6630391912572307636\n",
- "2022-03-17 $125161 1 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 436.0 $711 7965779131528608961\n",
- "2022-03-17 $124393 2 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 435.0 $767 845104456649441086\n",
- "2022-03-17 $123734 3 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 437.0 $658 4356703237193278433\n",
- "2022-03-17 $122908 4 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 434.0 $826 -6934076478004050109\n",
- "2022-03-17 $122299 5 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 438.0 $608 6795188083064211384\n",
- "2022-03-17 $121409 6 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 433.0 $889 -3963843949314428211\n",
- "2022-03-17 $120853 7 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 439.0 $556 2095337008666281258\n",
- "2022-03-17 $119903 8 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 432.0 $949 3113712606751261531\n",
- "2022-03-17 $119392 9 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 440.0 $510 -4542522604610594040\n",
- "2022-03-17 $118378 10 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 431.0 $1014 3464120271743443774\n",
- "2022-03-17 $117911 11 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 441.0 $466 5879066435847526293\n",
- "2022-03-17 $116826 12 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 430.0 $1084 7676831999482633056\n",
- "2022-03-17 $115675 13 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 429.0 $1151 1725521686937334030\n",
- "2022-03-17 $115249 14 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 442.0 $425 -4043317436512362911\n",
- "2022-03-17 $114863 15 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 443.0 $385 -142143333756094419\n",
- "2022-03-17 $114513 16 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 444.0 $350 1782188178262396827\n",
- "2022-03-17 $113214 17 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 427.0 $1298 1928179994666092702\n",
- "2022-03-17 $112898 18 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 445.0 $315 8613959953875218437\n",
- "2022-03-17 $111440 19 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 425.0 $1458 6707726299109809555\n",
- "2022-03-17 $111155 20 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 446.0 $284 -3377884273339276398\n",
- "2022-03-17 $110899 21 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 447.0 $255 5940716003244291912\n",
- "2022-03-17 $110671 22 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 448.0 $228 5306287408475630916\n",
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- "2022-03-17 $110121 25 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 451.0 $162 2711051957075328324\n",
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- "2022-03-18 $107616 27 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 441.0 $668 5858499837850022856\n",
- "2022-03-18 $106892 28 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 440.0 $724 -1727667089416186724\n",
- "2022-03-18 $106277 29 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 442.0 $614 3077511170168628734\n",
- "2022-03-18 $105494 30 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 439.0 $782 3058784780949148747\n",
- "2022-03-18 $104931 31 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 443.0 $563 7893843449347965534\n",
- "2022-03-18 $104081 32 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 438.0 $849 2566250296961159699\n",
- "2022-03-18 $103564 33 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 444.0 $516 -7634918646788412828\n",
- "2022-03-18 $102643 34 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 437.0 $921 -6877556209800300091\n",
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- "2022-03-18 $101180 36 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 436.0 $991 4926461783946783639\n",
- "2022-03-18 $100754 37 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 446.0 $426 3421874489279344022\n",
- "2022-03-18 $99695 38 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 435.0 $1058 3640784367596430916\n",
- "2022-03-18 $99308 39 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 447.0 $386 -3931828913005019127\n",
- "2022-03-18 $98188 40 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 434.0 $1120 5816625915259609518\n",
- "2022-03-18 $97835 41 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 448.0 $352 9115772388507031419\n",
- "2022-03-18 $96643 42 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 433.0 $1191 -7535946138046918993\n",
- "2022-03-18 $96361 43 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 450.0 $282 -8766414375731898730\n",
- "2022-03-18 $94919 44 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 430.0 $1441 2800336399602287943\n",
- "2022-03-18 $93268 45 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 427.0 $1650 -6561378538649984454\n",
- "2022-03-18 $93110 46 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 455.0 $158 -4584040201149393361\n",
- "2022-03-18 $92970 47 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 456.0 $139 -502681773642220362\n",
- "2022-03-18 $91160 48 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 425.0 $1810 -4787848348337334052\n",
- "2022-03-18 $91052 49 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 458.0 $107 -7531700102090838613\n",
- "2022-03-18 $90957 50 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 459.0 $94 -8145824555603098066\n",
- "2022-03-18 $90875 51 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 460.0 $82 2097978853884403021\n",
- "2022-03-18 $90113 52 buy call 2022-04-04 440.76 440.0 $761 -7941640465321504775\n",
- "2022-03-22 $89215 53 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 442.0 $897 4868464848257485468\n",
- "2022-03-22 $88186 54 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 440.0 $1029 5383831625573019114\n",
- "2022-03-22 $87734 55 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 450.0 $451 -810686634847346223\n",
- "2022-03-22 $87366 56 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 452.0 $367 7991257105637696866\n",
- "2022-03-22 $87104 57 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 455.0 $262 3234314788741160215\n",
- "2022-03-22 $86926 58 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 458.0 $177 -2085840074797028568\n",
- "2022-03-22 $86790 59 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 460.0 $135 5381411669835885263\n",
- "2022-03-22 $86691 60 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 462.0 $99 -6762456692476338524\n",
- "2022-03-22 $86628 61 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 465.0 $62 -6388553694782206586\n",
- "2022-03-22 $85805 62 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 444.0 $822 -4504197115015402811\n",
- "2022-03-22 $85043 63 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 445.0 $762 -6125250611432640077\n",
- "2022-03-22 $84156 64 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 443.0 $886 -1810674887983858614\n",
- "2022-03-22 $83449 65 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 446.0 $706 -3695631850719530236\n",
- "2022-03-22 $82500 66 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 442.0 $949 2966982354814981705\n",
- "2022-03-22 $81847 67 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 447.0 $652 366197018708506895\n",
- "2022-03-22 $80818 68 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 441.0 $1028 -6030008477954635253\n",
- "2022-03-22 $80219 69 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 448.0 $599 1089247058712547016\n",
- "2022-03-22 $79125 70 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 440.0 $1093 1311119901094694266\n",
- "2022-03-22 $78622 71 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 450.0 $502 -4334114332173542667\n",
- "2022-03-22 $78321 72 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 455.0 $301 7627074103166469520\n",
- "2022-03-22 $78051 73 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 456.0 $269 -5312022601984602537\n",
- "2022-03-22 $77812 74 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 457.0 $238 887287788365575251\n",
- "2022-03-22 $77648 75 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 460.0 $164 -7864632915302239239\n",
- "2022-03-22 $77539 76 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 463.0 $108 -7771557140805521862\n",
- "2022-03-22 $77458 77 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 465.0 $80 5993171207455109899\n",
- "2022-03-22 $76659 78 buy call 2022-04-11 444.38 445.0 $799 6985948178635669107\n",
- "2022-03-23 $75874 79 buy call 2022-04-06 449.59 448.0 $784 6851623001033820481\n",
- "2022-03-23 $74959 80 buy call 2022-04-06 449.59 446.0 $914 2209098973599166840\n",
- "2022-03-23 $74837 81 buy call 2022-04-06 449.59 464.0 $122 -4068038920971573161\n",
- "2022-03-23 $74773 82 buy call 2022-04-06 449.59 468.0 $63 5100550942406446122\n",
- "2022-03-23 $74727 83 buy call 2022-04-06 449.59 470.0 $45 -1763723470016775385\n",
- "2022-03-23 $73952 84 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 449.0 $775 1078217964796889630\n",
- "2022-03-23 $73450 85 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 454.0 $501 -6790042924718440957\n",
- "2022-03-23 $73120 86 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 458.0 $329 -7566131631929464491\n",
- "2022-03-23 $72891 87 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 461.0 $229 4153723301404711456\n",
- "2022-03-23 $71158 88 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 436.0 $1732 3110754464738341064\n",
- "2022-03-23 $69341 89 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 435.0 $1816 7583729566811393803\n",
- "2022-03-23 $69188 90 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 464.0 $153 5021881904323110834\n",
- "2022-03-23 $69088 91 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 467.0 $99 3666770307862945462\n",
- "2022-03-23 $66878 92 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 431.0 $2209 3893161337194817711\n",
- "2022-03-23 $66793 93 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 468.0 $85 868419534895794954\n",
- "2022-03-23 $66720 94 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 469.0 $72 8032184751936734697\n",
- "2022-03-23 $64423 95 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 430.0 $2296 6990255959356795579\n",
- "2022-03-23 $64361 96 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 470.0 $62 1664062278107033383\n",
- "2022-03-23 $63612 97 buy call 2022-04-11 449.59 450.0 $748 2669888429691034531\n",
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- "2022-03-23 $62541 99 buy call 2022-04-11 449.59 456.0 $434 577895979140288556\n",
- "2022-03-23 $60693 100 buy call 2022-04-11 449.59 435.0 $1847 4404704611186782476\n",
- "2022-03-23 $60560 101 buy call 2022-04-11 449.59 466.0 $133 -7978600818803152490\n",
- "2022-03-23 $60460 102 buy call 2022-04-11 449.59 468.0 $99 5375119510179329903\n",
- "2022-03-23 $59660 103 buy call 2022-04-13 449.59 450.0 $799 -2545077833274968995\n",
- "2022-03-23 $59552 104 buy call 2022-04-13 449.59 469.0 $108 7897041944497545155\n",
- "2022-03-24 $59162 105 buy call 2022-04-08 443.84 451.0 $389 4640764424691280675\n",
- "2022-03-24 $58813 106 buy call 2022-04-08 443.84 452.0 $348 4422392458749732574\n",
- "2022-03-24 $58671 107 buy call 2022-04-08 443.84 459.0 $142 -7584109160371369501\n",
- "2022-03-24 $58007 108 buy call 2022-04-11 443.84 446.0 $663 7625691744366896964\n",
- "2022-03-24 $57445 109 buy call 2022-04-11 443.84 448.0 $561 3639327948884234339\n",
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- "2022-03-24 $57262 111 buy call 2022-04-11 443.84 464.0 $78 -6748743154148339562\n",
- "2022-03-24 $57195 112 buy call 2022-04-11 443.84 465.0 $66 1653354112575535344\n",
- "2022-03-24 $56478 113 buy call 2022-04-13 443.84 446.0 $717 1757250039503152099\n",
- "2022-03-24 $56363 114 buy call 2022-04-13 443.84 463.0 $114 517877112516994513\n",
- "2022-03-24 $56277 115 buy call 2022-04-13 443.84 465.0 $85 -668040187394792223\n",
- "2022-03-24 $55419 116 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 444.0 $858 -4598643704950715984\n",
- "2022-03-24 $54613 117 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 445.0 $805 -8256291659189275123\n",
- "2022-03-24 $53625 118 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 442.0 $987 3373836271184202635\n",
- "2022-03-24 $52880 119 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 446.0 $745 3490900279240728281\n",
- "2022-03-24 $52188 120 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 447.0 $691 4524544196030114160\n",
- "2022-03-24 $51550 121 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 448.0 $637 -3478994813907824098\n",
- "2022-03-24 $50428 122 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 440.0 $1122 1747796390937618693\n",
- "2022-03-24 $49845 123 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 449.0 $582 5967240840189880382\n",
- "2022-03-24 $48571 124 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 438.0 $1273 -4779212326993121472\n",
- "2022-03-24 $48035 125 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 450.0 $536 5303595546607995979\n",
- "2022-03-24 $46685 126 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 437.0 $1349 1140561683010955566\n",
- "2022-03-24 $46194 127 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 451.0 $490 -4422573541039602750\n",
- "2022-03-24 $45748 128 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 452.0 $446 514418147016250713\n",
- "2022-03-24 $44267 129 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 435.0 $1480 4300546044271688259\n",
- "2022-03-24 $43861 130 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 453.0 $405 7195874712690352284\n",
- "2022-03-25 $44265 129 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 451.0 $404 2711051957075328324\n",
- "2022-03-25 $44724 128 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 450.0 $460 -3622393320571396129\n",
- "2022-03-25 $45242 127 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 449.0 $519 -1476278301477027282\n",
- "2022-03-25 $45818 126 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 448.0 $576 5306287408475630916\n",
- "2022-03-25 $46465 125 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 447.0 $648 5940716003244291912\n",
- "2022-03-25 $47174 124 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 446.0 $710 -3377884273339276398\n",
- "2022-03-25 $47963 123 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 445.0 $789 8613959953875218437\n",
- "2022-03-25 $48826 122 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 444.0 $864 1782188178262396827\n",
- "2022-03-25 $49765 121 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 443.0 $940 -142143333756094419\n",
- "2022-03-25 $50785 120 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 442.0 $1020 -4043317436512362911\n",
- "2022-03-25 $51885 119 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 441.0 $1101 5879066435847526293\n",
- "2022-03-25 $53066 118 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 440.0 $1182 -4542522604610594040\n",
- "2022-03-25 $54319 117 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 439.0 $1253 2095337008666281258\n",
- "2022-03-25 $55657 116 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 438.0 $1339 6795188083064211384\n",
- "2022-03-25 $57082 115 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 437.0 $1426 4356703237193278433\n",
- "2022-03-25 $58597 114 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 436.0 $1515 7965779131528608961\n",
- "2022-03-25 $60200 113 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 435.0 $1604 845104456649441086\n",
- "2022-03-25 $61895 112 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 434.0 $1695 -6934076478004050109\n",
- "2022-03-25 $63681 111 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 433.0 $1787 -3963843949314428211\n",
- "2022-03-25 $65527 110 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 432.0 $1847 3113712606751261531\n",
- "2022-03-25 $67496 109 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 431.0 $1969 3464120271743443774\n",
- "2022-03-25 $69532 108 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 430.0 $2037 7676831999482633056\n",
- "2022-03-25 $71663 107 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 429.0 $2132 1725521686937334030\n",
- "2022-03-25 $73987 106 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 427.0 $2324 1928179994666092702\n",
- "2022-03-25 $76502 105 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 425.0 $2516 6707726299109809555\n",
- "2022-03-25 $79531 104 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 420.0 $3030 -2388622808709655081\n",
- "2022-03-25 $79027 105 buy call 2022-04-08 450.42 453.0 $504 -8643387192883092354\n",
- "2022-03-25 $78992 106 buy call 2022-04-08 450.42 471.0 $34 -3338086776977095533\n",
- "2022-03-25 $78963 107 buy call 2022-04-08 450.42 472.0 $28 8096522324105595625\n",
- "2022-03-25 $78525 108 buy call 2022-04-11 450.42 455.0 $438 3682028236074246820\n",
- "2022-03-25 $78474 109 buy call 2022-04-11 450.42 470.0 $50 74111524013962269\n",
- "2022-03-25 $77765 110 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 451.0 $708 1974885422937964085\n",
- "2022-03-25 $76931 111 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 449.0 $834 -346811815217422795\n",
- "2022-03-25 $76280 112 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 452.0 $650 7646060734511905259\n",
- "2022-03-25 $75377 113 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 448.0 $902 -8469760816407797504\n",
- "2022-03-25 $74782 114 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 453.0 $595 -4131258583363255940\n",
- "2022-03-25 $73811 115 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 447.0 $970 6500839659605933553\n",
- "2022-03-25 $73362 116 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 456.0 $448 -8360488961613514178\n",
- "2022-03-25 $72790 117 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 454.0 $572 2110072008679305858\n",
- "2022-03-25 $72268 118 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 455.0 $521 -3295662198095566527\n",
- "2022-03-25 $71797 119 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 456.0 $470 -5763063424852552904\n",
- "2022-03-25 $71370 120 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 457.0 $427 -7038728090133729952\n",
- "2022-03-25 $70987 121 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 458.0 $382 -1064584449182685622\n",
- "2022-03-25 $70644 122 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 459.0 $342 -7062259612429781894\n",
- "2022-03-25 $70338 123 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 460.0 $306 6337849931343073407\n",
- "2022-03-25 $70066 124 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 461.0 $271 -1804677298791352376\n",
- "2022-03-25 $69825 125 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 462.0 $240 4093205400231801111\n",
- "2022-03-25 $69614 126 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 463.0 $211 -2771133398157508556\n",
- "2022-03-25 $69428 127 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 464.0 $185 2797121563525290170\n",
- "2022-03-25 $69265 128 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 465.0 $162 5434456555997379336\n",
- "2022-03-25 $69124 129 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 466.0 $141 -1187342608285426051\n",
- "2022-03-25 $69001 130 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 467.0 $122 -5310046490819129565\n",
- "2022-03-29 $69292 129 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 456.0 $292 -502681773642220362\n",
- "2022-03-29 $69645 128 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 455.0 $353 -4584040201149393361\n",
- "2022-03-29 $69837 127 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 458.0 $193 -7531700102090838613\n",
- "2022-03-29 $69988 126 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 459.0 $152 -8145824555603098066\n",
- "2022-03-29 $70105 125 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 460.0 $117 2097978853884403021\n",
- "2022-03-29 $70802 124 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 450.0 $698 -8766414375731898730\n",
- "2022-03-29 $71653 123 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 448.0 $852 9115772388507031419\n",
- "2022-03-29 $72588 122 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 447.0 $935 -3931828913005019127\n",
- "2022-03-29 $73610 121 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 446.0 $1023 3421874489279344022\n",
- "2022-03-29 $74716 120 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 445.0 $1107 -8676303817688241836\n",
- "2022-03-29 $75912 119 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 444.0 $1196 -7634918646788412828\n",
- "2022-03-29 $77198 118 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 443.0 $1287 7893843449347965534\n",
- "2022-03-29 $78576 117 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 442.0 $1379 3077511170168628734\n",
- "2022-03-29 $80051 116 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 441.0 $1475 5858499837850022856\n",
- "2022-03-29 $81616 115 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 440.0 $1566 -1727667089416186724\n",
- "2022-03-29 $83278 114 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 439.0 $1662 3058784780949148747\n",
- "2022-03-29 $85034 113 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 438.0 $1757 2566250296961159699\n",
- "2022-03-29 $86887 112 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 437.0 $1854 -6877556209800300091\n",
- "2022-03-29 $88841 111 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 436.0 $1954 4926461783946783639\n",
- "2022-03-29 $90892 110 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 435.0 $2052 3640784367596430916\n",
- "2022-03-29 $93037 109 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 434.0 $2146 5816625915259609518\n",
- "2022-03-29 $95285 108 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 433.0 $2248 -7535946138046918993\n",
- "2022-03-29 $97827 107 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 430.0 $2543 2800336399602287943\n",
- "2022-03-29 $100662 106 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 427.0 $2836 -6561378538649984454\n",
- "2022-03-29 $103700 105 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 425.0 $3038 -4787848348337334052\n",
- "2022-03-29 $105285 104 sell call 2022-04-04 455.85 440.0 $1586 -7941640465321504775\n",
- "2022-03-29 $104651 105 buy call 2022-04-13 455.85 455.0 $633 -8247601629039485040\n",
- "2022-03-29 $104568 106 buy call 2022-04-14 455.85 470.0 $83 5155463792743261098\n",
- "2022-03-29 $104498 107 buy call 2022-04-14 455.85 471.0 $69 -1537748780782371213\n",
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- "2022-03-29 $95719 123 buy call 2022-04-22 455.85 460.0 $504 3457309159158679696\n",
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- "2022-03-30 $92064 129 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 462.0 $362 -6762456692476338524\n",
- "2022-03-30 $92534 128 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 460.0 $471 5381411669835885263\n",
- "2022-03-30 $93135 127 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 458.0 $601 -2085840074797028568\n",
- "2022-03-30 $93357 126 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 465.0 $223 -6388553694782206586\n",
- "2022-03-30 $94172 125 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 455.0 $816 3234314788741160215\n",
- "2022-03-30 $95225 124 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 452.0 $1053 7991257105637696866\n",
- "2022-03-30 $96443 123 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 450.0 $1219 -810686634847346223\n",
- "2022-03-30 $98380 122 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 442.0 $1938 4868464848257485468\n",
- "2022-03-30 $100510 121 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 440.0 $2130 5383831625573019114\n",
- "2022-03-30 $101038 120 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 460.0 $529 -7864632915302239239\n",
- "2022-03-30 $101402 119 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 463.0 $365 -7771557140805521862\n",
- "2022-03-30 $101675 118 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 465.0 $273 5993171207455109899\n",
- "2022-03-30 $102403 117 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 457.0 $729 887287788365575251\n",
- "2022-03-30 $103204 116 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 456.0 $801 -5312022601984602537\n",
- "2022-03-30 $104074 115 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 455.0 $871 7627074103166469520\n",
- "2022-03-30 $105344 114 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 450.0 $1271 -4334114332173542667\n",
- "2022-03-30 $106784 113 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 448.0 $1440 1089247058712547016\n",
- "2022-03-30 $108314 112 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 447.0 $1531 366197018708506895\n",
- "2022-03-30 $109929 111 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 446.0 $1616 -3695631850719530236\n",
- "2022-03-30 $111639 110 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 445.0 $1710 -6125250611432640077\n",
- "2022-03-30 $113439 109 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 444.0 $1801 -4504197115015402811\n",
- "2022-03-30 $115331 108 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 443.0 $1893 -1810674887983858614\n",
- "2022-03-30 $117309 107 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 442.0 $1978 2966982354814981705\n",
- "2022-03-30 $119379 106 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 441.0 $2071 -6030008477954635253\n",
- "2022-03-30 $121543 105 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 440.0 $2165 1311119901094694266\n",
- "2022-03-30 $123276 104 sell call 2022-04-11 461.51 445.0 $1733 6985948178635669107\n",
- "2022-03-30 $122699 105 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 461.0 $576 5020929108472128932\n",
- "2022-03-30 $122179 106 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 462.0 $519 -5959857722985210618\n",
- "2022-03-30 $121544 107 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 460.0 $635 -5389828863882182887\n",
- "2022-03-30 $120841 108 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 459.0 $702 -7498506656276241218\n",
- "2022-03-30 $120071 109 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 458.0 $769 8086828988442542580\n",
- "2022-03-30 $119787 110 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 467.0 $284 -2612114457199685387\n",
- "2022-03-30 $119749 111 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 480.0 $37 6978922007112726373\n",
- "2022-03-30 $119480 112 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 468.0 $268 -294770152031556489\n",
- "2022-03-30 $119246 113 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 469.0 $234 -607465789656120749\n",
- "2022-03-30 $119114 114 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 473.0 $131 -1455839675394637823\n",
- "2022-03-30 $119043 115 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 477.0 $70 5346280643611927631\n",
- "2022-03-30 $118999 116 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 480.0 $44 6814755425608554075\n",
- "2022-03-30 $118363 117 buy call 2022-04-18 461.51 461.0 $635 -3264003277897973399\n",
- "2022-03-30 $117668 118 buy call 2022-04-18 461.51 460.0 $694 5416654493669340476\n",
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- "2022-03-30 $117401 120 buy call 2022-04-18 461.51 482.0 $39 4782209436926510912\n",
- "2022-03-30 $116719 121 buy call 2022-04-20 461.51 461.0 $681 8406780490215832450\n",
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- "2022-03-30 $115092 123 buy call 2022-04-20 461.51 458.0 $881 2782292679965700391\n",
- "2022-03-30 $114889 124 buy call 2022-04-20 461.51 472.0 $202 8504496982087944407\n",
- "2022-03-30 $114160 125 buy call 2022-04-22 461.51 461.0 $729 -2851577665261918607\n",
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- "2022-03-30 $112933 127 buy call 2022-04-22 461.51 464.0 $557 4267186230852311665\n",
- "2022-03-30 $112079 128 buy call 2022-04-22 461.51 459.0 $854 3733928565417646773\n",
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- "2022-03-31 $111415 129 sell call 2022-04-06 458.41 464.0 $141 -4068038920971573161\n",
- "2022-03-31 $111470 128 sell call 2022-04-06 458.41 468.0 $56 5100550942406446122\n",
- "2022-03-31 $112592 127 sell call 2022-04-06 458.41 448.0 $1123 6851623001033820481\n",
- "2022-03-31 $112626 126 sell call 2022-04-06 458.41 470.0 $34 -1763723470016775385\n",
- "2022-03-31 $113919 125 sell call 2022-04-06 458.41 446.0 $1294 2209098973599166840\n",
- "2022-03-31 $114392 124 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 458.0 $474 -7566131631929464491\n",
- "2022-03-31 $114707 123 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 461.0 $315 4153723301404711456\n",
- "2022-03-31 $115431 122 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 454.0 $725 -6790042924718440957\n",
- "2022-03-31 $115623 121 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 464.0 $193 5021881904323110834\n",
- "2022-03-31 $115732 120 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 467.0 $109 3666770307862945462\n",
- "2022-03-31 $115819 119 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 468.0 $88 868419534895794954\n",
- "2022-03-31 $116924 118 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 449.0 $1105 1078217964796889630\n",
- "2022-03-31 $116995 117 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 469.0 $72 8032184751936734697\n",
- "2022-03-31 $117051 116 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 470.0 $57 1664062278107033383\n",
- "2022-03-31 $119316 115 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 436.0 $2265 3110754464738341064\n",
- "2022-03-31 $121647 114 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 435.0 $2332 7583729566811393803\n",
- "2022-03-31 $124389 113 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 431.0 $2743 3893161337194817711\n",
- "2022-03-31 $127229 112 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 430.0 $2840 6990255959356795579\n",
- "2022-03-31 $127861 111 sell call 2022-04-11 458.41 456.0 $633 577895979140288556\n",
- "2022-03-31 $128771 110 sell call 2022-04-11 458.41 452.0 $911 7053042570140703224\n",
- "2022-03-31 $128934 109 sell call 2022-04-11 458.41 466.0 $163 -7978600818803152490\n",
- "2022-03-31 $129998 108 sell call 2022-04-11 458.41 450.0 $1065 2669888429691034531\n",
- "2022-03-31 $130110 107 sell call 2022-04-11 458.41 468.0 $113 5375119510179329903\n",
- "2022-03-31 $132478 106 sell call 2022-04-11 458.41 435.0 $2368 4404704611186782476\n",
- "2022-03-31 $133602 105 sell call 2022-04-13 458.41 450.0 $1125 -2545077833274968995\n",
- "2022-03-31 $133731 104 sell call 2022-04-13 458.41 469.0 $130 7897041944497545155\n",
- "2022-03-31 $131977 105 buy call 2022-04-14 458.41 443.0 $1754 -7622204090116479503\n",
- "2022-03-31 $131324 106 buy call 2022-04-18 458.41 458.0 $652 -8074151597738926733\n",
- "2022-03-31 $130890 107 buy call 2022-04-18 458.41 462.0 $433 -6001467341108361264\n",
- "2022-03-31 $130246 108 buy call 2022-04-20 458.41 459.0 $644 6377379022024501709\n",
- "2022-03-31 $129765 109 buy call 2022-04-20 458.41 462.0 $480 8900637095336221638\n",
- "2022-03-31 $129012 110 buy call 2022-04-22 458.41 458.0 $752 3518879776000382329\n",
- "2022-03-31 $128196 111 buy call 2022-04-22 458.41 457.0 $816 -6924379812335461014\n",
- "2022-03-31 $128091 112 buy call 2022-04-22 458.41 475.0 $104 6752736598509157951\n",
- "2022-03-31 $128022 113 buy call 2022-04-22 458.41 478.0 $68 3566518318851720690\n",
- "2022-03-31 $127954 114 buy call 2022-04-25 458.41 479.0 $68 5605921832776731864\n",
- "2022-03-31 $127894 115 buy call 2022-04-25 458.41 480.0 $59 -4299636423970214345\n",
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- "2022-03-31 $126734 117 buy call 2022-04-27 458.41 465.0 $450 3278718208185974085\n",
- "2022-03-31 $126327 118 buy call 2022-04-27 458.41 466.0 $406 -5342164147062755098\n",
- "2022-03-31 $126204 119 buy call 2022-04-27 458.41 476.0 $122 -1356998406871298634\n",
- "2022-03-31 $125384 120 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 459.0 $820 -1222532989864683100\n",
- "2022-03-31 $124501 121 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 458.0 $882 -2618108066639571617\n",
- "2022-03-31 $123740 122 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 460.0 $760 8687366692318975588\n",
- "2022-03-31 $122794 123 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 457.0 $946 2742185230404306823\n",
- "2022-03-31 $122298 124 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 465.0 $495 -3112983174318176154\n",
- "2022-03-31 $120767 125 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 449.0 $1530 -2721308298222059950\n",
- "2022-03-31 $120472 126 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 470.0 $295 -2075033804286988408\n",
- "2022-03-31 $118621 127 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 445.0 $1850 5960640973884518351\n",
- "2022-03-31 $118457 128 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 475.0 $163 -3886549169559060474\n",
- "2022-03-31 $118370 129 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 480.0 $87 -5003380109014055517\n",
- "2022-03-31 $117585 130 buy call 2022-05-02 458.41 460.0 $784 1250769256745299221\n",
- "2022-04-01 $118071 129 sell call 2022-04-08 451.77 452.0 $487 4422392458749732574\n",
- "2022-04-01 $118616 128 sell call 2022-04-08 451.77 451.0 $545 4640764424691280675\n",
- "2022-04-01 $118793 127 sell call 2022-04-08 451.77 459.0 $178 -7584109160371369501\n",
- "2022-04-01 $119569 126 sell call 2022-04-11 451.77 448.0 $777 3639327948884234339\n",
- "2022-04-01 $120480 125 sell call 2022-04-11 451.77 446.0 $911 7625691744366896964\n",
- "2022-04-01 $120607 124 sell call 2022-04-11 451.77 462.0 $128 5185348695703046164\n",
- "2022-04-01 $120694 123 sell call 2022-04-11 451.77 464.0 $88 -6748743154148339562\n",
- "2022-04-01 $120767 122 sell call 2022-04-11 451.77 465.0 $73 1653354112575535344\n",
- "2022-04-01 $121754 121 sell call 2022-04-13 451.77 446.0 $988 1757250039503152099\n",
- "2022-04-01 $121904 120 sell call 2022-04-13 451.77 463.0 $150 517877112516994513\n",
- "2022-04-01 $122010 119 sell call 2022-04-13 451.77 465.0 $107 -668040187394792223\n",
- "2022-04-01 $122655 118 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 452.0 $646 514418147016250713\n",
- "2022-04-01 $123362 117 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 451.0 $707 -4422573541039602750\n",
- "2022-04-01 $123949 116 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 453.0 $588 7195874712690352284\n",
- "2022-04-01 $124715 115 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 450.0 $767 5303595546607995979\n",
- "2022-04-01 $125539 114 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 449.0 $824 5967240840189880382\n",
- "2022-04-01 $126429 113 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 448.0 $891 -3478994813907824098\n",
- "2022-04-01 $127388 112 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 447.0 $960 4524544196030114160\n",
- "2022-04-01 $128421 111 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 446.0 $1033 3490900279240728281\n",
- "2022-04-01 $129526 110 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 445.0 $1106 -8256291659189275123\n",
- "2022-04-01 $130709 109 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 444.0 $1184 -4598643704950715984\n",
- "2022-04-01 $132015 108 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 442.0 $1306 3373836271184202635\n",
- "2022-04-01 $133504 107 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 440.0 $1490 1747796390937618693\n",
- "2022-04-01 $135161 106 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 438.0 $1658 -4779212326993121472\n",
- "2022-04-01 $136903 105 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 437.0 $1742 1140561683010955566\n",
- "2022-04-01 $138814 104 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 435.0 $1912 4300546044271688259\n",
- "2022-04-01 $138388 105 buy call 2022-04-18 451.77 457.0 $425 613128935031641547\n",
- "2022-04-01 $138050 106 buy call 2022-04-18 451.77 459.0 $338 -1763881058328589341\n",
- "2022-04-01 $137417 107 buy call 2022-04-20 451.77 454.0 $632 1606909623569649814\n",
- "2022-04-01 $136890 108 buy call 2022-04-20 451.77 456.0 $526 -8896007881147219012\n",
- "2022-04-01 $136413 109 buy call 2022-04-20 451.77 457.0 $477 -974751224179999185\n",
- "2022-04-01 $136327 110 buy call 2022-04-20 451.77 470.0 $85 3585083863552994872\n",
- "2022-04-01 $136052 111 buy call 2022-04-22 451.77 463.0 $274 -1023452163971237512\n",
- "2022-04-01 $135961 112 buy call 2022-04-22 451.77 471.0 $91 7424008501525491404\n",
- "2022-04-01 $135297 113 buy call 2022-04-25 451.77 455.0 $663 3043639479366189660\n",
- "2022-04-01 $134739 114 buy call 2022-04-25 451.77 457.0 $557 -3385592773892266545\n",
- "2022-04-01 $134617 115 buy call 2022-04-25 451.77 470.0 $122 9058323998928562900\n",
- "2022-04-01 $134063 116 buy call 2022-04-27 451.77 458.0 $553 -7200989430219795964\n",
- "2022-04-01 $133557 117 buy call 2022-04-27 451.77 459.0 $505 -540307258641164821\n",
- "2022-04-01 $133393 118 buy call 2022-04-27 451.77 469.0 $164 8553464627804161839\n",
- "2022-04-01 $132508 119 buy call 2022-04-29 451.77 453.0 $884 4835830660371325245\n",
- "2022-04-01 $131797 120 buy call 2022-04-29 451.77 456.0 $710 -3656236211671102760\n",
- "2022-04-01 $131336 121 buy call 2022-04-29 451.77 461.0 $461 2045415704730832741\n",
- "2022-04-01 $130991 122 buy call 2022-04-29 451.77 464.0 $344 7074693702981872686\n",
- "2022-04-01 $130744 123 buy call 2022-04-29 451.77 467.0 $246 3871480281490842327\n",
- "2022-04-01 $130550 124 buy call 2022-04-29 451.77 469.0 $194 -5982951547876434873\n",
- "2022-04-01 $130398 125 buy call 2022-04-29 451.77 471.0 $151 -4179996649330186667\n",
- "2022-04-01 $130136 126 buy call 2022-05-06 451.77 470.0 $261 8497910492552446931\n",
- "2022-04-01 $129229 127 buy call 2022-05-13 451.77 457.0 $907 138313954774887478\n",
- "2022-04-01 $127918 128 buy call 2022-05-20 451.77 452.0 $1310 -4798619872412299033\n",
- "2022-04-01 $126540 129 buy call 2022-05-20 451.77 451.0 $1377 -4264756185633471490\n",
- "2022-04-01 $125293 130 buy call 2022-05-20 451.77 453.0 $1247 1766306031578579938\n",
- "2022-04-05 $125786 129 sell call 2022-04-08 456.7 453.0 $494 -8643387192883092354\n",
- "2022-04-05 $125788 128 sell call 2022-04-08 456.7 471.0 $3 -3338086776977095533\n",
- "2022-04-05 $125790 127 sell call 2022-04-08 456.7 472.0 $2 8096522324105595625\n",
- "2022-04-05 $126194 126 sell call 2022-04-11 456.7 455.0 $405 3682028236074246820\n",
- "2022-04-05 $126201 125 sell call 2022-04-11 456.7 470.0 $8 74111524013962269\n",
- "2022-04-05 $126625 124 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 456.0 $424 -8360488961613514178\n",
- "2022-04-05 $126939 123 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 458.0 $315 8086828988442542580\n",
- "2022-04-05 $127418 122 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 455.0 $479 -8247601629039485040\n",
- "2022-04-05 $127685 121 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 459.0 $268 -7498506656276241218\n",
- "2022-04-05 $127910 120 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 460.0 $226 -5389828863882182887\n",
- "2022-04-05 $128521 119 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 453.0 $611 -4131258583363255940\n",
- "2022-04-05 $128707 118 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 461.0 $187 5020929108472128932\n",
- "2022-04-05 $129382 117 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 452.0 $676 7646060734511905259\n",
- "2022-04-05 $130126 116 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 451.0 $744 1974885422937964085\n",
- "2022-04-05 $130279 115 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 462.0 $154 -5959857722985210618\n",
- "2022-04-05 $131185 114 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 449.0 $907 -346811815217422795\n",
- "2022-04-05 $132174 113 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 448.0 $989 -8469760816407797504\n",
- "2022-04-05 $133239 112 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 447.0 $1066 6500839659605933553\n",
- "2022-04-05 $133288 111 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 467.0 $50 -2612114457199685387\n",
- "2022-04-05 $133289 110 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 480.0 $1 6978922007112726373\n",
- "2022-04-05 $133684 109 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 457.0 $396 -7038728090133729952\n",
- "2022-04-05 $134135 108 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 456.0 $452 -5763063424852552904\n",
- "2022-04-05 $134477 107 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 458.0 $342 -1064584449182685622\n",
- "2022-04-05 $134988 106 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 455.0 $512 -3295662198095566527\n",
- "2022-04-05 $135281 105 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 459.0 $294 -7062259612429781894\n",
- "2022-04-05 $135853 104 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 454.0 $572 2110072008679305858\n",
- "2022-04-05 $136102 103 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 460.0 $250 6337849931343073407\n",
- "2022-04-05 $136311 102 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 461.0 $210 -1804677298791352376\n",
- "2022-04-05 $136486 101 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 462.0 $175 4093205400231801111\n",
- "2022-04-05 $136630 100 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 463.0 $145 -2771133398157508556\n",
- "2022-04-05 $136749 99 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 464.0 $120 2797121563525290170\n",
- "2022-04-05 $136846 98 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 465.0 $97 5434456555997379336\n",
- "2022-04-05 $136922 97 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 466.0 $77 -1187342608285426051\n",
- "2022-04-05 $136983 96 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 467.0 $62 -5310046490819129565\n",
- "2022-04-05 $137032 95 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 468.0 $49 -294770152031556489\n",
- "2022-04-05 $137069 94 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 469.0 $38 -607465789656120749\n",
- "2022-04-05 $137097 93 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 470.0 $29 5155463792743261098\n",
- "2022-04-05 $138545 92 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 443.0 $1448 -7622204090116479503\n",
- "2022-04-05 $138566 91 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 471.0 $22 -1537748780782371213\n",
- "2022-04-05 $138582 90 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 472.0 $17 -3416796811064459590\n",
- "2022-04-05 $138595 89 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 473.0 $13 -1455839675394637823\n",
- "2022-04-05 $138604 88 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 474.0 $10 5585666871429639196\n",
- "2022-04-05 $138611 87 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 475.0 $8 -450012916098296245\n",
- "2022-04-05 $138615 86 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 477.0 $4 5346280643611927631\n",
- "2022-04-05 $138617 85 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 478.0 $3 758975238963975011\n",
- "2022-04-05 $138618 84 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 480.0 $2 6814755425608554075\n",
- "2022-04-05 $139051 83 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 457.0 $433 613128935031641547\n",
- "2022-04-05 $139429 82 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 458.0 $379 -8074151597738926733\n",
- "2022-04-05 $139975 81 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 455.0 $547 8217366147248049707\n",
- "2022-04-05 $140303 80 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 459.0 $328 -1763881058328589341\n",
- "2022-04-05 $140585 79 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 460.0 $283 5416654493669340476\n",
- "2022-04-05 $141263 78 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 453.0 $679 -2068333520296720591\n",
- "2022-04-05 $141504 77 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 461.0 $241 -3264003277897973399\n",
- "2022-04-05 $142244 76 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 452.0 $741 -450626526430158217\n",
- "2022-04-05 $142447 75 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 462.0 $204 -6001467341108361264\n",
- "2022-04-05 $142565 74 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 465.0 $118 4601392078774087001\n",
- "2022-04-05 $142604 73 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 470.0 $40 -1465930650601435197\n",
- "2022-04-05 $142606 72 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 482.0 $2 4782209436926510912\n",
- "2022-04-05 $143089 71 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 457.0 $484 -974751224179999185\n",
- "2022-04-05 $143632 70 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 456.0 $544 -8896007881147219012\n",
- "2022-04-05 $144062 69 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 458.0 $430 2782292679965700391\n",
- "2022-04-05 $144667 68 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 455.0 $606 -9214718064856750395\n",
- "2022-04-05 $145044 67 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 459.0 $378 6377379022024501709\n",
- "2022-04-05 $145708 66 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 454.0 $664 1606909623569649814\n",
- "2022-04-05 $146037 65 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 460.0 $330 5495133950519405695\n",
- "2022-04-05 $146322 64 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 461.0 $286 8406780490215832450\n",
- "2022-04-05 $146568 63 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 462.0 $246 8900637095336221638\n",
- "2022-04-05 $147517 62 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 450.0 $950 982463228630611662\n",
- "2022-04-05 $147573 61 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 470.0 $57 3585083863552994872\n",
- "2022-04-05 $147610 60 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 472.0 $37 8504496982087944407\n",
- "2022-04-05 $147639 59 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 473.0 $30 3815100981681715617\n",
- "2022-04-05 $148173 58 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 457.0 $535 -6924379812335461014\n",
- "2022-04-05 $148651 57 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 458.0 $478 3518879776000382329\n",
- "2022-04-05 $149307 56 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 455.0 $657 -8176444524215779899\n",
- "2022-04-05 $149731 55 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 459.0 $425 3733928565417646773\n",
- "2022-04-05 $150447 54 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 454.0 $716 4993914699434491777\n",
- "2022-04-05 $150822 53 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 460.0 $376 3457309159158679696\n",
- "2022-04-05 $151605 52 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 453.0 $784 3284453795984868885\n",
- "2022-04-05 $151935 51 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 461.0 $330 -2851577665261918607\n",
- "2022-04-05 $152788 50 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 452.0 $854 -1088756220797734736\n",
- "2022-04-05 $153074 49 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 462.0 $287 -8607260092027920482\n",
- "2022-04-05 $154001 48 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 451.0 $927 3414283478837374915\n",
- "2022-04-05 $154248 47 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 463.0 $248 -1023452163971237512\n",
- "2022-04-05 $155248 46 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 450.0 $1001 4605875523843454190\n",
- "2022-04-05 $155462 45 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 464.0 $214 4267186230852311665\n",
- "2022-04-05 $155643 44 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 465.0 $182 -4020850053260544561\n",
- "2022-04-05 $155797 43 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 466.0 $155 -4700260818157444620\n",
- "2022-04-05 $155928 42 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 467.0 $131 -955550734194120679\n",
- "2022-04-05 $156020 41 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 469.0 $93 5584561332566744636\n",
- "2022-04-05 $156095 40 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 470.0 $76 -2064201964215352118\n",
- "2022-04-05 $156158 39 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 471.0 $63 7424008501525491404\n",
- "2022-04-05 $156200 38 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 473.0 $43 -6175488135149695586\n",
- "2022-04-05 $156228 37 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 475.0 $29 6752736598509157951\n",
- "2022-04-05 $156243 36 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 478.0 $15 3566518318851720690\n",
- "2022-04-05 $156806 35 sell call 2022-04-25 456.7 457.0 $564 -3385592773892266545\n",
- "2022-04-05 $157492 34 sell call 2022-04-25 456.7 455.0 $687 3043639479366189660\n",
- "2022-04-05 $157581 33 sell call 2022-04-25 456.7 470.0 $89 9058323998928562900\n",
- "2022-04-05 $157596 32 sell call 2022-04-25 456.7 479.0 $16 5605921832776731864\n",
- "2022-04-05 $157608 31 sell call 2022-04-25 456.7 480.0 $13 -4299636423970214345\n",
- "2022-04-05 $158160 30 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 458.0 $552 -7200989430219795964\n",
- "2022-04-05 $158657 29 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 459.0 $498 -540307258641164821\n",
- "2022-04-05 $159103 28 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 460.0 $447 1841153707810584901\n",
- "2022-04-05 $160026 27 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 452.0 $923 80100526454393556\n",
- "2022-04-05 $160262 26 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 465.0 $237 3278718208185974085\n",
- "2022-04-05 $160467 25 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 466.0 $206 -5342164147062755098\n",
- "2022-04-05 $160598 24 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 469.0 $131 8553464627804161839\n",
- "2022-04-05 $160637 23 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 476.0 $40 -1356998406871298634\n",
- "2022-04-05 $161303 22 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 457.0 $666 2742185230404306823\n",
- "2022-04-05 $162029 21 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 456.0 $727 -3656236211671102760\n",
- "2022-04-05 $162635 20 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 458.0 $607 -2618108066639571617\n",
- "2022-04-05 $163186 19 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 459.0 $551 -1222532989864683100\n",
- "2022-04-05 $163682 18 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 460.0 $497 8687366692318975588\n",
- "2022-04-05 $164597 17 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 453.0 $916 4835830660371325245\n",
- "2022-04-05 $165044 16 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 461.0 $447 2045415704730832741\n",
- "2022-04-05 $165358 15 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 464.0 $315 7074693702981872686\n",
- "2022-04-05 $166563 14 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 449.0 $1206 -2721308298222059950\n",
- "2022-04-05 $166842 13 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 465.0 $279 -3112983174318176154\n",
- "2022-04-05 $167053 12 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 467.0 $212 3871480281490842327\n",
- "2022-04-05 $168561 11 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 445.0 $1509 5960640973884518351\n",
- "2022-04-05 $168721 10 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 469.0 $160 -5982951547876434873\n",
- "2022-04-05 $168858 9 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 470.0 $138 -2075033804286988408\n",
- "2022-04-05 $168976 8 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 471.0 $119 -4179996649330186667\n",
- "2022-04-05 $169039 7 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 475.0 $63 -3886549169559060474\n",
- "2022-04-05 $169065 6 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 480.0 $27 -5003380109014055517\n",
- "2022-04-05 $169588 5 sell call 2022-05-02 456.7 460.0 $524 1250769256745299221\n",
- "2022-04-05 $169813 4 sell call 2022-05-06 456.7 470.0 $225 8497910492552446931\n",
- "2022-04-05 $170729 3 sell call 2022-05-13 456.7 457.0 $917 138313954774887478\n",
- "2022-04-05 $171997 2 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 453.0 $1269 1766306031578579938\n",
- "2022-04-05 $173330 1 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 452.0 $1333 -4798619872412299033\n",
- "2022-04-05 $174732 0 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 451.0 $1403 -4264756185633471490\n",
- "2022-04-13 $174053 1 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 438.0 $678 -2620668533329810278\n",
- "2022-04-13 $173296 2 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 440.0 $757 3867879874810194812\n",
- "2022-04-13 $172438 3 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 442.0 $857 8204877326545420637\n",
- "2022-04-13 $171531 4 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 443.0 $906 755619187461201644\n",
- "2022-04-13 $170574 5 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 444.0 $957 2569574133106054087\n",
- "2022-04-13 $170117 6 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 431.0 $456 -5973158987980604694\n",
- "2022-04-13 $169049 7 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 446.0 $1067 -389169919797125015\n",
- "2022-04-13 $168619 8 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 430.0 $430 7095328997820117140\n",
- "2022-04-13 $168294 9 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 425.0 $324 2221378711512512241\n",
- "2022-04-13 $167546 10 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 438.0 $747 -1347689577653101116\n",
- "2022-04-13 $166761 11 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 439.0 $785 -1864538757156235618\n",
- "2022-04-13 $166047 12 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 437.0 $713 -1105602113255731207\n",
- "2022-04-13 $165218 13 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 440.0 $828 4830357216353961033\n",
- "2022-04-13 $164541 14 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 436.0 $677 -4192083845587647150\n",
- "2022-04-13 $163672 15 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 441.0 $868 -3237818172094830254\n",
- "2022-04-13 $163028 16 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 435.0 $643 4292681691662374034\n",
- "2022-04-13 $162104 17 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 442.0 $924 1270492339481471257\n",
- "2022-04-13 $161492 18 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 434.0 $611 -3222542116262446518\n",
- "2022-04-13 $160521 19 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 443.0 $970 -7373684999373038285\n",
- "2022-04-13 $159940 20 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 433.0 $581 1944173250121330127\n",
- "2022-04-13 $158919 21 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 444.0 $1020 -2256575631093320243\n",
- "2022-04-13 $158364 22 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 432.0 $554 -8779029265658748222\n",
- "2022-04-13 $157290 23 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 445.0 $1074 5960640973884518351\n",
- "2022-04-13 $156790 24 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 430.0 $499 -2162348553176839896\n",
- "2022-04-13 $156315 25 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 429.0 $474 7089033942458025834\n",
- "2022-04-13 $155865 26 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 428.0 $450 5756625230312416979\n",
- "2022-04-14 $154984 27 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 448.0 $880 515512973735174707\n",
- "2022-04-14 $154050 28 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 449.0 $934 -2721308298222059950\n",
- "2022-04-14 $153059 29 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 450.0 $990 1732688096172124142\n",
- "2022-04-14 $151867 30 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 453.0 $1191 4835830660371325245\n",
- "2022-04-14 $151556 31 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 431.0 $311 -3793136179228046605\n",
- "2022-04-14 $151314 32 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 427.0 $241 5286417551659838384\n",
- "2022-04-14 $151093 33 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 426.0 $220 -6368688829586110645\n",
- "2022-04-14 $150886 34 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 425.0 $207 1288740028825333535\n",
- "2022-04-14 $150686 35 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 424.0 $199 3641289750120421969\n",
- "2022-04-14 $150498 36 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 423.0 $187 -768320484854635781\n",
- "2022-04-14 $149921 37 buy put 2022-05-02 443.37 440.0 $577 -6561697695983752760\n",
- "2022-04-14 $149406 38 buy put 2022-05-02 443.37 438.0 $514 -8817210067360310594\n",
- "2022-04-14 $148972 39 buy put 2022-05-02 443.37 435.0 $433 66771048513374103\n",
- "2022-04-14 $148649 40 buy put 2022-05-02 443.37 430.0 $323 7063554006451252557\n",
- "2022-04-14 $148408 41 buy put 2022-05-02 443.37 425.0 $240 -7821425029848507346\n",
- "2022-04-14 $147756 42 buy put 2022-05-04 443.37 440.0 $651 7324902118221444186\n",
- "2022-04-14 $147504 43 buy put 2022-05-04 443.37 422.0 $252 303781468417474221\n",
- "2022-04-14 $146694 44 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 443.0 $809 5231583000815837606\n",
- "2022-04-14 $145804 45 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 445.0 $889 8048914489915987870\n",
- "2022-04-14 $145102 46 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 440.0 $702 881095712514450199\n",
- "2022-04-14 $144117 47 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 447.0 $984 146521513095334420\n",
- "2022-04-14 $143079 48 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 448.0 $1037 -537758158267081541\n",
- "2022-04-14 $142644 49 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 430.0 $435 5352091709041731201\n",
- "2022-04-14 $140821 50 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 460.0 $1822 -7805615613723258478\n",
- "2022-04-14 $140480 51 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 425.0 $340 -9192609356832634359\n",
- "2022-04-14 $139730 52 buy put 2022-05-13 443.37 438.0 $750 -3109485889964509016\n",
- "2022-04-19 $138988 53 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 438.0 $741 8244033526101692503\n",
- "2022-04-19 $138324 54 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 436.0 $663 -4563632452217218468\n",
- "2022-04-19 $137700 55 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 435.0 $624 3309624768951267970\n",
- "2022-04-19 $136771 56 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 442.0 $928 -9024472854127795985\n",
- "2022-04-19 $136214 57 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 433.0 $556 8835940689892261814\n",
- "2022-04-19 $135874 58 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 425.0 $340 2805271310694550948\n",
- "2022-04-19 $135553 59 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 424.0 $320 8678429928192467720\n",
- "2022-04-19 $134750 60 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 438.0 $802 -866101841397071510\n",
- "2022-04-19 $133990 61 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 437.0 $760 7820080761964393625\n",
- "2022-04-19 $133147 62 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 439.0 $842 2907040027056829671\n",
- "2022-04-19 $132423 63 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 436.0 $723 5442660112516705025\n",
- "2022-04-19 $131737 64 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 435.0 $686 -7414101481272973868\n",
- "2022-04-19 $131292 65 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 427.0 $444 153490489302373017\n",
- "2022-04-19 $129819 66 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 450.0 $1472 -774009817655892153\n",
- "2022-04-19 $129445 67 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 424.0 $374 909154239579468128\n",
- "2022-04-19 $129130 68 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 421.0 $314 -4487715454199421626\n",
- "2022-04-19 $128833 69 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 420.0 $296 4603218380984116549\n",
- "2022-04-19 $128472 70 buy put 2022-05-09 437.95 422.0 $361 -1471104826620681351\n",
- "2022-04-19 $127670 71 buy put 2022-05-11 437.95 436.0 $801 3560652012518630336\n",
- "2022-04-19 $127304 72 buy put 2022-05-11 437.95 420.0 $365 -973180195779088213\n",
- "2022-04-19 $126422 73 buy put 2022-05-13 437.95 437.0 $882 -2224923473257041498\n",
- "2022-04-19 $125613 74 buy put 2022-05-13 437.95 435.0 $808 81250696523884435\n",
- "2022-04-19 $124466 75 buy put 2022-05-13 437.95 443.0 $1146 8165311843712509928\n",
- "2022-04-19 $123206 76 buy put 2022-05-13 437.95 445.0 $1260 6675529081501400717\n",
- "2022-04-19 $122615 77 buy put 2022-05-13 437.95 428.0 $590 -348729689302102063\n",
- "2022-04-19 $121584 78 buy put 2022-05-20 437.95 438.0 $1031 4071343035328324441\n",
- "2022-04-20 $120935 79 buy put 2022-05-04 444.89 445.0 $648 -7782676555406707648\n",
- "2022-04-20 $120325 80 buy put 2022-05-04 444.89 444.0 $609 1739470666067408489\n",
- "2022-04-20 $119636 81 buy put 2022-05-04 444.89 446.0 $689 -2854719311660690724\n",
- "2022-04-20 $119446 82 buy put 2022-05-06 444.89 423.0 $189 1962165787703243961\n",
- "2022-04-20 $118752 83 buy put 2022-05-09 444.89 444.0 $693 -3555785827594641192\n",
- "2022-04-20 $118253 84 buy put 2022-05-09 444.89 438.0 $499 8522658321790883750\n",
- "2022-04-20 $117852 85 buy put 2022-05-09 444.89 434.0 $400 6712604261768300313\n",
- "2022-04-20 $117614 86 buy put 2022-05-09 444.89 425.0 $237 4867794527590527033\n",
- "2022-04-20 $116601 87 buy put 2022-05-11 444.89 450.0 $1013 -498034848096548190\n",
- "2022-04-20 $116184 88 buy put 2022-05-13 444.89 431.0 $416 2315963228589920127\n",
- "2022-04-20 $115787 89 buy put 2022-05-13 444.89 430.0 $396 -1927036986248102100\n",
- "2022-04-20 $114865 90 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 445.0 $922 -6647025674272591557\n",
- "2022-04-20 $113979 91 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 444.0 $885 1927043744958193874\n",
- "2022-04-20 $113017 92 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 446.0 $961 3714833149961196219\n",
- "2022-04-20 $112168 93 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 443.0 $849 9197226884032922679\n",
- "2022-04-20 $111166 94 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 447.0 $1001 3209921821531828285\n",
- "2022-04-20 $110350 95 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 442.0 $815 1170160092981497384\n",
- "2022-04-20 $109308 96 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 448.0 $1042 -1566762603962637037\n",
- "2022-04-20 $108525 97 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 441.0 $782 -7544913157290145356\n",
- "2022-04-20 $107377 98 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 450.0 $1147 7821944967078996523\n",
- "2022-04-20 $106627 99 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 440.0 $750 2218677182587111243\n",
- "2022-04-20 $105906 100 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 439.0 $720 676522386940675914\n",
- "2022-04-20 $105242 101 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 437.0 $663 2869280932496472307\n",
- "2022-04-20 $104606 102 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 436.0 $636 -8828026453237890210\n",
- "2022-04-20 $103995 103 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 435.0 $610 -77977347368560397\n",
- "2022-04-20 $103409 104 buy put 2022-05-20 444.89 434.0 $585 -2819185662955847448\n",
- "2022-04-21 $103809 103 sell put 2022-04-27 444.6 444.0 $400 2569574133106054087\n",
- "2022-04-21 $104298 102 sell put 2022-04-27 444.6 446.0 $490 -389169919797125015\n",
- "2022-04-21 $104658 101 sell put 2022-04-27 444.6 443.0 $361 755619187461201644\n",
- "2022-04-21 $104982 100 sell put 2022-04-27 444.6 442.0 $324 8204877326545420637\n",
- "2022-04-21 $105243 99 sell put 2022-04-27 444.6 440.0 $262 3867879874810194812\n",
- "2022-04-21 $105451 98 sell put 2022-04-27 444.6 438.0 $209 -2620668533329810278\n",
- "2022-04-21 $105542 97 sell put 2022-04-27 444.6 431.0 $91 -5973158987980604694\n",
- "2022-04-21 $105621 96 sell put 2022-04-27 444.6 430.0 $80 7095328997820117140\n",
- "2022-04-21 $105663 95 sell put 2022-04-27 444.6 425.0 $43 2221378711512512241\n",
- "2022-04-21 $106143 94 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 444.0 $480 -2256575631093320243\n",
- "2022-04-21 $106664 93 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 445.0 $522 5960640973884518351\n",
- "2022-04-21 $107106 92 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 443.0 $443 -7373684999373038285\n",
- "2022-04-21 $107513 91 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 442.0 $407 1270492339481471257\n",
- "2022-04-21 $107886 90 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 441.0 $374 -3237818172094830254\n",
- "2022-04-21 $108227 89 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 440.0 $342 4830357216353961033\n",
- "2022-04-21 $108541 88 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 439.0 $314 -1864538757156235618\n",
- "2022-04-21 $108828 87 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 438.0 $288 -1347689577653101116\n",
- "2022-04-21 $109090 86 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 437.0 $263 -1105602113255731207\n",
- "2022-04-21 $109331 85 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 436.0 $241 -4192083845587647150\n",
- "2022-04-21 $109550 84 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 435.0 $220 4292681691662374034\n",
- "2022-04-21 $109750 83 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 434.0 $201 -3222542116262446518\n",
- "2022-04-21 $109933 82 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 433.0 $183 1944173250121330127\n",
- "2022-04-21 $110099 81 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 432.0 $167 -8779029265658748222\n",
- "2022-04-21 $110237 80 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 430.0 $138 -2162348553176839896\n",
- "2022-04-21 $110363 79 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 429.0 $127 7089033942458025834\n",
- "2022-04-21 $110477 78 sell put 2022-04-29 444.6 428.0 $115 5756625230312416979\n",
- "2022-04-21 $109817 79 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 444.0 $660 8339518583397227530\n",
- "2022-04-21 $109074 80 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 446.0 $742 5771606685729335886\n",
- "2022-04-21 $108808 81 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 429.0 $265 1646469416147588920\n",
- "2022-04-21 $108257 82 buy put 2022-05-09 444.6 440.0 $551 -286367403354089866\n",
- "2022-04-21 $107948 83 buy put 2022-05-09 444.6 430.0 $308 8942326125440241903\n",
- "2022-04-21 $107131 84 buy put 2022-05-11 444.6 446.0 $816 -8734795609247713408\n",
- "2022-04-21 $106534 85 buy put 2022-05-11 444.6 440.0 $597 -6722632175356712405\n",
- "2022-04-21 $106075 86 buy put 2022-05-11 444.6 435.0 $458 7558305229228253252\n",
- "2022-04-21 $105724 87 buy put 2022-05-11 444.6 430.0 $350 6461697975475391131\n",
- "2022-04-21 $104868 88 buy put 2022-05-13 444.6 446.0 $856 3552373787172989012\n",
- "2022-04-21 $103967 89 buy put 2022-05-13 444.6 447.0 $900 -5943499668926184996\n",
- "2022-04-21 $103014 90 buy put 2022-05-13 444.6 448.0 $952 -183608562038926457\n",
- "2022-04-21 $102376 91 buy put 2022-05-13 444.6 440.0 $638 -7735008794987375118\n",
- "2022-04-21 $102076 92 buy put 2022-05-13 444.6 425.0 $299 -5569966508090881066\n",
- "2022-04-21 $100981 93 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 449.0 $1094 3441024366748376810\n",
- "2022-04-21 $100427 94 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 433.0 $554 -2642410674419372276\n",
- "2022-04-21 $99895 95 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 432.0 $531 -5401105134582805039\n",
- "2022-04-21 $99384 96 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 431.0 $510 -912328025257822217\n",
- "2022-04-21 $98896 97 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 430.0 $488 8901713366850060610\n",
- "2022-04-21 $98448 98 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 428.0 $447 3604391426995581660\n",
- "2022-04-21 $98019 99 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 427.0 $428 4556517812158940264\n",
- "2022-04-21 $97611 100 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 426.0 $408 7362797234126306172\n",
- "2022-04-21 $97219 101 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 425.0 $391 -5179077685189216712\n",
- "2022-04-21 $96860 102 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 423.0 $358 -5627587149321322286\n",
- "2022-04-21 $95832 103 buy put 2022-05-27 444.6 445.0 $1028 -321680568088035198\n",
- "2022-04-21 $94573 104 buy put 2022-05-27 444.6 450.0 $1258 -373264296029739030\n",
- "2022-04-22 $94860 103 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 431.0 $288 -3793136179228046605\n",
- "2022-04-22 $95953 102 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 448.0 $1093 515512973735174707\n",
- "2022-04-22 $96152 101 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 427.0 $200 5286417551659838384\n",
- "2022-04-22 $97319 100 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 449.0 $1168 -2721308298222059950\n",
- "2022-04-22 $98570 99 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 450.0 $1251 1732688096172124142\n",
- "2022-04-22 $98751 98 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 426.0 $182 -6368688829586110645\n",
- "2022-04-22 $98916 97 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 425.0 $166 1288740028825333535\n",
- "2022-04-22 $99067 96 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 424.0 $151 3641289750120421969\n",
- "2022-04-22 $99203 95 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 423.0 $137 -768320484854635781\n",
- "2022-04-22 $100685 94 sell put 2022-04-29 438.05 453.0 $1483 4835830660371325245\n",
- "2022-04-22 $101251 93 sell put 2022-05-02 438.05 438.0 $566 -8817210067360310594\n",
- "2022-04-22 $101902 92 sell put 2022-05-02 438.05 440.0 $652 -6561697695983752760\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102353 91 sell put 2022-05-02 438.05 435.0 $452 66771048513374103\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102659 90 sell put 2022-05-02 438.05 430.0 $306 7063554006451252557\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102861 89 sell put 2022-05-02 438.05 425.0 $203 -7821425029848507346\n",
- "2022-04-22 $103606 88 sell put 2022-05-04 438.05 440.0 $746 7324902118221444186\n",
- "2022-04-22 $103834 87 sell put 2022-05-04 438.05 422.0 $228 303781468417474221\n",
- "2022-04-22 $104644 86 sell put 2022-05-06 438.05 440.0 $811 881095712514450199\n",
- "2022-04-22 $103828 87 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 440.0 $815 881095712514450199\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102965 88 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 441.0 $863 -1345668784632226225\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102053 89 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 442.0 $911 -3601270164663763280\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102998 88 sell put 2022-05-06 438.05 443.0 $945 5231583000815837606\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102029 89 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 443.0 $968 5231583000815837606\n",
- "2022-04-22 $101472 90 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 433.0 $556 -6048021571065807322\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102526 89 sell put 2022-05-06 438.05 445.0 $1054 8048914489915987870\n",
- "2022-04-22 $101446 90 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 445.0 $1079 8048914489915987870\n",
- "2022-04-22 $101907 89 sell put 2022-05-06 438.05 430.0 $462 5352091709041731201\n",
- "2022-04-22 $101440 90 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 430.0 $467 5352091709041731201\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102606 89 sell put 2022-05-06 438.05 447.0 $1167 146521513095334420\n",
- "2022-04-22 $101411 90 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 447.0 $1194 146521513095334420\n",
- "2022-04-22 $100998 91 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 428.0 $413 8612448272344599555\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102235 90 sell put 2022-05-06 438.05 448.0 $1238 -537758158267081541\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102577 89 sell put 2022-05-06 438.05 425.0 $343 -9192609356832634359\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102232 90 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 425.0 $345 -9192609356832634359\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102008 91 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 418.0 $223 8289440647980977243\n",
- "2022-04-22 $101798 92 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 417.0 $209 8821281975791108866\n",
- "2022-04-22 $103992 91 sell put 2022-05-06 438.05 460.0 $2194 -7805615613723258478\n",
- "2022-04-22 $103176 92 buy put 2022-05-11 438.05 438.0 $815 -172609321845990021\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102081 93 buy put 2022-05-11 438.05 444.0 $1094 5629093505782342009\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102936 92 sell put 2022-05-13 438.05 438.0 $855 -3109485889964509016\n",
- "2022-04-22 $102075 93 buy put 2022-05-13 438.05 438.0 $860 -3109485889964509016\n",
- "2022-04-22 $101288 94 buy put 2022-05-13 438.05 436.0 $786 -8373300142630744031\n",
- "2022-04-22 $100926 95 buy put 2022-05-13 438.05 420.0 $362 -1349822648303009231\n",
- "2022-04-22 $100360 96 buy put 2022-05-16 438.05 428.0 $565 2146738877162884615\n",
- "2022-04-22 $99683 97 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 429.0 $676 8618878087184936393\n",
- "2022-04-22 $98053 98 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 451.0 $1630 -4264756185633471490\n",
- "2022-04-22 $97503 99 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 424.0 $549 -6885432503509628784\n",
- "2022-04-22 $95740 100 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 453.0 $1762 1766306031578579938\n",
- "2022-04-22 $95237 101 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 422.0 $503 5130081337761377740\n",
- "2022-04-22 $94754 102 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 421.0 $482 -861532577323860664\n",
- "2022-04-22 $92849 103 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 455.0 $1904 -7943443129871170018\n",
- "2022-04-22 $92387 104 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 420.0 $462 5680920808937197696\n",
- "2022-04-26 $91981 105 buy put 2022-05-11 428.5 412.0 $405 -3065761136993251614\n",
- "2022-04-26 $91195 106 buy put 2022-05-13 428.5 424.0 $785 6657098524923451337\n",
- "2022-04-26 $90506 107 buy put 2022-05-13 428.5 421.0 $689 8264885398264681013\n",
- "2022-04-26 $89874 108 buy put 2022-05-13 428.5 419.0 $631 5386217825072062371\n",
- "2022-04-26 $89456 109 buy put 2022-05-13 428.5 410.0 $417 338933897371692409\n",
- "2022-04-26 $88626 110 buy put 2022-05-18 428.5 423.0 $830 1542810006401756209\n",
- "2022-04-26 $87827 111 buy put 2022-05-18 428.5 422.0 $798 8616881563392289414\n",
- "2022-04-26 $87076 112 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 419.0 $750 8719460696437679617\n",
- "2022-04-26 $86355 113 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 418.0 $721 5871839707064870699\n",
- "2022-04-26 $85660 114 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 417.0 $694 1787033299068815045\n",
- "2022-04-26 $84987 115 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 416.0 $672 2676689005849331663\n",
- "2022-04-26 $84341 116 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 415.0 $646 5345749756147183941\n",
- "2022-04-26 $83718 117 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 414.0 $622 8768420398859392258\n",
- "2022-04-26 $83120 118 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 413.0 $597 6631953994881278532\n",
- "2022-04-26 $82547 119 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 412.0 $573 -8389974671584390991\n",
- "2022-04-26 $81998 120 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 411.0 $548 -2805102377444792844\n",
- "2022-04-26 $81472 121 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 410.0 $525 -5816616084607017509\n",
- "2022-04-26 $80964 122 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 409.0 $508 8473686853221393283\n",
- "2022-04-26 $80475 123 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 408.0 $488 -3025009046043144595\n",
- "2022-04-26 $79603 124 buy put 2022-05-23 428.5 422.0 $872 -9106645118657774961\n",
- "2022-04-26 $78538 125 buy put 2022-05-27 428.5 425.0 $1064 -5879831422355481744\n",
- "2022-04-26 $77056 126 buy put 2022-05-27 428.5 434.0 $1481 8488201142709918757\n",
- "2022-04-26 $76158 127 buy put 2022-05-27 428.5 420.0 $898 4343871846004779399\n",
- "2022-04-26 $74410 128 buy put 2022-05-27 428.5 440.0 $1747 9150290575108320607\n",
- "2022-04-26 $73773 129 buy put 2022-05-27 428.5 410.0 $636 2794989537989681963\n",
- "2022-04-26 $72679 130 buy put 2022-05-31 428.5 425.0 $1094 -7457420491971071362\n",
- "2022-04-27 $73825 129 sell put 2022-05-04 416.17 424.0 $1147 8678429928192467720\n",
- "2022-04-27 $75040 128 sell put 2022-05-04 416.17 425.0 $1216 2805271310694550948\n",
- "2022-04-27 $76791 127 sell put 2022-05-04 416.17 433.0 $1751 8835940689892261814\n",
- "2022-04-27 $78683 126 sell put 2022-05-04 416.17 435.0 $1893 3309624768951267970\n",
- "2022-04-27 $80659 125 sell put 2022-05-04 416.17 436.0 $1977 -4563632452217218468\n",
- "2022-04-27 $82817 124 sell put 2022-05-04 416.17 438.0 $2158 8244033526101692503\n",
- "2022-04-27 $85323 123 sell put 2022-05-04 416.17 442.0 $2507 -9024472854127795985\n",
- "2022-04-27 $86353 122 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 420.0 $1031 4603218380984116549\n",
- "2022-04-27 $87423 121 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 421.0 $1070 -4487715454199421626\n",
- "2022-04-27 $88651 120 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 424.0 $1229 909154239579468128\n",
- "2022-04-27 $90050 119 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 427.0 $1400 153490489302373017\n",
- "2022-04-27 $92011 118 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 435.0 $1961 -7414101481272973868\n",
- "2022-04-27 $94030 117 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 436.0 $2020 5442660112516705025\n",
- "2022-04-27 $96178 116 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 437.0 $2149 7820080761964393625\n",
- "2022-04-27 $98362 115 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 438.0 $2184 -866101841397071510\n",
- "2022-04-27 $100626 114 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 439.0 $2265 2907040027056829671\n",
- "2022-04-27 $103944 113 sell put 2022-05-06 416.17 450.0 $3319 -774009817655892153\n",
- "2022-04-27 $105112 112 sell put 2022-05-09 416.17 422.0 $1168 -1471104826620681351\n",
- "2022-04-27 $106263 111 sell put 2022-05-11 416.17 420.0 $1152 -973180195779088213\n",
- "2022-04-27 $105102 112 buy put 2022-05-11 416.17 420.0 $1160 -973180195779088213\n",
- "2022-04-27 $103836 113 buy put 2022-05-11 416.17 422.0 $1266 68944330319144885\n",
- "2022-04-27 $103060 114 buy put 2022-05-11 416.17 410.0 $775 -5957472784262642596\n",
- "2022-04-27 $105155 113 sell put 2022-05-11 416.17 436.0 $2096 3560652012518630336\n",
- "2022-04-27 $104051 114 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 417.0 $1104 -746707467600019036\n",
- "2022-04-27 $103041 115 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 415.0 $1009 3696738464689445528\n",
- "2022-04-27 $102106 116 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 413.0 $934 -1425694587077801348\n",
- "2022-04-27 $100765 117 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 422.0 $1341 147321038618375574\n",
- "2022-04-27 $99396 118 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 423.0 $1368 2777072724543879849\n",
- "2022-04-27 $98630 119 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 408.0 $765 4574138823999485581\n",
- "2022-04-27 $97953 120 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 405.0 $677 1339024347513748385\n",
- "2022-04-27 $99568 119 sell put 2022-05-13 416.17 428.0 $1616 -348729689302102063\n",
- "2022-04-27 $99008 120 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 400.0 $559 -911183924719521628\n",
- "2022-04-27 $101092 119 sell put 2022-05-13 416.17 435.0 $2084 81250696523884435\n",
- "2022-04-27 $100628 120 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 396.0 $463 8663602094924381076\n",
- "2022-04-27 $102858 119 sell put 2022-05-13 416.17 437.0 $2231 -2224923473257041498\n",
- "2022-04-27 $105549 118 sell put 2022-05-13 416.17 443.0 $2691 8165311843712509928\n",
- "2022-04-27 $108415 117 sell put 2022-05-13 416.17 445.0 $2867 6675529081501400717\n",
- "2022-04-27 $107106 118 buy put 2022-05-18 416.17 420.0 $1308 848979731100808653\n",
- "2022-04-27 $106232 119 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 407.0 $874 5411979411195636597\n",
- "2022-04-27 $105389 120 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 406.0 $842 465656992179322407\n",
- "2022-04-27 $104563 121 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 405.0 $825 -309264053002664598\n",
- "2022-04-27 $103767 122 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 404.0 $796 8876859379770661519\n",
- "2022-04-27 $103006 123 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 403.0 $760 8708773522621434602\n",
- "2022-04-27 $102275 124 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 402.0 $731 9037694888552139064\n",
- "2022-04-27 $101570 125 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 401.0 $704 -8010709403207787149\n",
- "2022-04-27 $100889 126 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 400.0 $680 -1508555339879131998\n",
- "2022-04-27 $100233 127 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 399.0 $656 4533273076328040041\n",
- "2022-04-27 $99600 128 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 398.0 $632 8774344932249204971\n",
- "2022-04-27 $98988 129 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 397.0 $611 -4204225326822131924\n",
- "2022-04-27 $98401 130 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 396.0 $587 8476888686215925635\n",
- "2022-04-27 $100784 129 sell put 2022-05-20 416.17 438.0 $2384 4071343035328324441\n",
- "2022-04-27 $99734 130 buy put 2022-05-25 416.17 410.0 $1049 -7197659314069562784\n",
- "2022-04-28 $102374 129 sell put 2022-05-04 417.21 444.0 $2640 1739470666067408489\n",
- "2022-04-28 $105073 128 sell put 2022-05-04 417.21 445.0 $2700 -7782676555406707648\n",
- "2022-04-28 $107912 127 sell put 2022-05-04 417.21 446.0 $2840 -2854719311660690724\n",
- "2022-04-28 $108687 126 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 417.0 $775 8821281975791108866\n",
- "2022-04-28 $109504 125 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 418.0 $818 8289440647980977243\n",
- "2022-04-28 $110555 124 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 423.0 $1052 1962165787703243961\n",
- "2022-04-28 $111711 123 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 425.0 $1156 -9192609356832634359\n",
- "2022-04-28 $113039 122 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 428.0 $1329 8612448272344599555\n",
- "2022-04-28 $114434 121 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 429.0 $1396 1646469416147588920\n",
- "2022-04-28 $115897 120 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 430.0 $1463 5352091709041731201\n",
- "2022-04-28 $117595 119 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 433.0 $1699 -6048021571065807322\n",
- "2022-04-28 $119847 118 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 440.0 $2253 881095712514450199\n",
- "2022-04-28 $122190 117 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 441.0 $2343 -1345668784632226225\n",
- "2022-04-28 $124622 116 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 442.0 $2433 -3601270164663763280\n",
- "2022-04-28 $127149 115 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 443.0 $2528 5231583000815837606\n",
- "2022-04-28 $129798 114 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 444.0 $2649 8339518583397227530\n",
- "2022-04-28 $132514 113 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 445.0 $2717 8048914489915987870\n",
- "2022-04-28 $135359 112 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 446.0 $2846 5771606685729335886\n",
- "2022-04-28 $138302 111 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 447.0 $2943 146521513095334420\n",
- "2022-04-28 $139505 110 sell put 2022-05-09 417.21 425.0 $1204 4867794527590527033\n",
- "2022-04-28 $141021 109 sell put 2022-05-09 417.21 430.0 $1517 8942326125440241903\n",
- "2022-04-28 $142822 108 sell put 2022-05-09 417.21 434.0 $1801 6712604261768300313\n",
- "2022-04-28 $144945 107 sell put 2022-05-09 417.21 438.0 $2124 8522658321790883750\n",
- "2022-04-28 $147211 106 sell put 2022-05-09 417.21 440.0 $2267 -286367403354089866\n",
- "2022-04-28 $149880 105 sell put 2022-05-09 417.21 444.0 $2669 -3555785827594641192\n",
- "2022-04-28 $150916 104 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 420.0 $1037 -973180195779088213\n",
- "2022-04-28 $152043 103 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 422.0 $1128 68944330319144885\n",
- "2022-04-28 $152769 102 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 412.0 $726 -3065761136993251614\n",
- "2022-04-28 $153430 101 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 410.0 $662 -5957472784262642596\n",
- "2022-04-28 $154984 100 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 430.0 $1555 6461697975475391131\n",
- "2022-04-28 $156903 99 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 435.0 $1919 7558305229228253252\n",
- "2022-04-28 $159057 98 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 438.0 $2155 -172609321845990021\n",
- "2022-04-28 $161369 97 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 440.0 $2313 -6722632175356712405\n",
- "2022-04-28 $164030 96 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 444.0 $2661 5629093505782342009\n",
- "2022-04-28 $166864 95 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 446.0 $2835 -8734795609247713408\n",
- "2022-04-28 $170076 94 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 450.0 $3213 -498034848096548190\n",
- "2022-04-28 $171051 93 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 417.0 $975 -746707467600019036\n",
- "2022-04-28 $172108 92 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 419.0 $1058 5386217825072062371\n",
- "2022-04-28 $173005 91 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 415.0 $898 3696738464689445528\n",
- "2022-04-28 $174106 90 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 420.0 $1101 -1349822648303009231\n",
- "2022-04-28 $175253 89 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 421.0 $1148 8264885398264681013\n",
- "2022-04-28 $176079 88 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 413.0 $826 -1425694587077801348\n",
- "2022-04-28 $177271 87 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 422.0 $1193 147321038618375574\n",
- "2022-04-28 $178511 86 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 423.0 $1241 2777072724543879849\n",
- "2022-04-28 $179771 85 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 424.0 $1260 6657098524923451337\n",
- "2022-04-28 $180498 84 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 410.0 $728 338933897371692409\n",
- "2022-04-28 $181824 83 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 425.0 $1327 -5569966508090881066\n",
- "2022-04-28 $182492 82 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 408.0 $668 4574138823999485581\n",
- "2022-04-28 $183078 81 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 405.0 $587 1339024347513748385\n",
- "2022-04-28 $184679 80 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 430.0 $1602 -1927036986248102100\n",
- "2022-04-28 $186331 79 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 431.0 $1652 2315963228589920127\n",
- "2022-04-28 $186802 78 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 400.0 $472 -911183924719521628\n",
- "2022-04-28 $188825 77 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 436.0 $2024 -8373300142630744031\n",
- "2022-04-28 $191003 76 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 438.0 $2178 -3109485889964509016\n",
- "2022-04-28 $191398 75 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 396.0 $396 8663602094924381076\n",
- "2022-04-28 $193712 74 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 440.0 $2315 -7735008794987375118\n",
- "2022-04-28 $196589 73 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 446.0 $2877 3552373787172989012\n",
- "2022-04-28 $199553 72 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 447.0 $2965 -5943499668926184996\n",
- "2022-04-28 $202606 71 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 448.0 $3054 -183608562038926457\n",
- "2022-04-28 $204124 70 sell put 2022-05-16 417.21 428.0 $1518 2146738877162884615\n",
- "2022-04-28 $205313 69 sell put 2022-05-18 417.21 420.0 $1190 848979731100808653\n",
- "2022-04-28 $206565 68 sell put 2022-05-18 417.21 422.0 $1253 8616881563392289414\n",
- "2022-04-28 $207858 67 sell put 2022-05-18 417.21 423.0 $1293 1542810006401756209\n",
- "2022-04-28 $208979 66 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 417.0 $1122 1787033299068815045\n",
- "2022-04-28 $210140 65 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 418.0 $1162 5871839707064870699\n",
- "2022-04-28 $211223 64 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 416.0 $1083 2676689005849331663\n",
- "2022-04-28 $212424 63 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 419.0 $1202 8719460696437679617\n",
- "2022-04-28 $213469 62 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 415.0 $1046 5345749756147183941\n",
- "2022-04-28 $214714 61 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 420.0 $1245 5680920808937197696\n",
- "2022-04-28 $215722 60 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 414.0 $1009 8768420398859392258\n",
- "2022-04-28 $217009 59 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 421.0 $1288 -861532577323860664\n",
- "2022-04-28 $217984 58 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 413.0 $975 6631953994881278532\n",
- "2022-04-28 $219310 57 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 422.0 $1327 5130081337761377740\n",
- "2022-04-28 $220251 56 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 412.0 $942 -8389974671584390991\n",
- "2022-04-28 $221620 55 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 423.0 $1369 -5627587149321322286\n",
- "2022-04-28 $222528 54 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 411.0 $909 -2805102377444792844\n",
- "2022-04-28 $223945 53 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 424.0 $1418 -6885432503509628784\n",
- "2022-04-28 $224821 52 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 410.0 $876 -5816616084607017509\n",
- "2022-04-28 $226279 51 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 425.0 $1459 -5179077685189216712\n",
- "2022-04-28 $227123 50 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 409.0 $845 8473686853221393283\n",
- "2022-04-28 $228638 49 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 426.0 $1515 7362797234126306172\n",
- "2022-04-28 $229449 48 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 408.0 $812 -3025009046043144595\n",
- "2022-04-28 $231015 47 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 427.0 $1567 4556517812158940264\n",
- "2022-04-28 $231800 46 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 407.0 $785 5411979411195636597\n",
- "2022-04-28 $233420 45 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 428.0 $1621 3604391426995581660\n",
- "2022-04-28 $234176 44 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 406.0 $757 465656992179322407\n",
- "2022-04-28 $235852 43 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 429.0 $1676 8618878087184936393\n",
- "2022-04-28 $236581 42 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 405.0 $730 -309264053002664598\n",
- "2022-04-28 $238313 41 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 430.0 $1733 8901713366850060610\n",
- "2022-04-28 $239016 40 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 404.0 $703 8876859379770661519\n",
- "2022-04-28 $240785 39 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 431.0 $1770 -912328025257822217\n",
- "2022-04-28 $241463 38 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 403.0 $678 8708773522621434602\n",
- "2022-04-28 $243315 37 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 432.0 $1853 -5401105134582805039\n",
- "2022-04-28 $243968 36 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 402.0 $654 9037694888552139064\n",
- "2022-04-28 $245860 35 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 433.0 $1892 -2642410674419372276\n",
- "2022-04-28 $246488 34 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 401.0 $629 -8010709403207787149\n",
- "2022-04-28 $248443 33 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 434.0 $1956 -2819185662955847448\n",
- "2022-04-28 $249049 32 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 400.0 $606 -1508555339879131998\n",
- "2022-04-28 $251094 31 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 435.0 $2046 -77977347368560397\n",
- "2022-04-28 $251678 30 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 399.0 $585 4533273076328040041\n",
- "2022-04-28 $253768 29 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 436.0 $2090 -8828026453237890210\n",
- "2022-04-28 $254329 28 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 398.0 $562 8774344932249204971\n",
- "2022-04-28 $256514 27 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 437.0 $2186 2869280932496472307\n",
- "2022-04-28 $257055 26 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 397.0 $541 -4204225326822131924\n",
- "2022-04-28 $257575 25 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 396.0 $521 8476888686215925635\n",
- "2022-04-28 $259908 24 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 439.0 $2334 676522386940675914\n",
- "2022-04-28 $262291 23 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 440.0 $2383 2218677182587111243\n",
- "2022-04-28 $264754 22 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 441.0 $2464 -7544913157290145356\n",
- "2022-04-28 $267323 21 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 442.0 $2570 1170160092981497384\n",
- "2022-04-28 $269970 20 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 443.0 $2647 9197226884032922679\n",
- "2022-04-28 $272705 19 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 444.0 $2736 1927043744958193874\n",
- "2022-04-28 $275526 18 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 445.0 $2822 -6647025674272591557\n",
- "2022-04-28 $278408 17 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 446.0 $2882 3714833149961196219\n",
- "2022-04-28 $281405 16 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 447.0 $2998 3209921821531828285\n",
- "2022-04-28 $284460 15 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 448.0 $3056 -1566762603962637037\n",
- "2022-04-28 $287611 14 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 449.0 $3151 3441024366748376810\n",
- "2022-04-28 $290881 13 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 450.0 $3271 7821944967078996523\n",
- "2022-04-28 $294216 12 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 451.0 $3336 -4264756185633471490\n",
- "2022-04-28 $297769 11 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 453.0 $3553 1766306031578579938\n",
- "2022-04-28 $301513 10 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 455.0 $3745 -7943443129871170018\n",
- "2022-04-28 $302835 9 sell put 2022-05-23 417.21 422.0 $1323 -9106645118657774961\n",
- "2022-04-28 $303789 8 sell put 2022-05-25 417.21 410.0 $954 -7197659314069562784\n",
- "2022-04-28 $305162 7 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 420.0 $1374 4343871846004779399\n",
- "2022-04-28 $306164 6 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 410.0 $1003 2794989537989681963\n",
- "2022-04-28 $307741 5 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 425.0 $1577 -5879831422355481744\n",
- "2022-04-28 $309788 4 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 434.0 $2048 8488201142709918757\n",
- "2022-04-28 $312239 3 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 440.0 $2452 9150290575108320607\n",
- "2022-04-28 $315103 2 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 445.0 $2864 -321680568088035198\n",
- "2022-04-28 $318391 1 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 450.0 $3289 -373264296029739030\n",
- "2022-04-28 $319983 0 sell put 2022-05-31 417.21 425.0 $1593 -7457420491971071362\n",
- "2022-04-29 $319075 1 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 428.0 $908 -348729689302102063\n",
- "2022-04-29 $318203 2 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 427.0 $871 4994201360570938903\n",
- "2022-04-29 $317373 3 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 426.0 $829 2556310600829975274\n",
- "2022-04-29 $316377 4 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 430.0 $996 -1927036986248102100\n",
- "2022-04-29 $315616 5 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 424.0 $760 6657098524923451337\n",
- "2022-04-29 $314922 6 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 422.0 $693 147321038618375574\n",
- "2022-04-29 $314260 7 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 421.0 $662 8264885398264681013\n",
- "2022-04-29 $313627 8 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 420.0 $632 -1349822648303009231\n",
- "2022-04-29 $313074 9 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 417.0 $552 -746707467600019036\n",
- "2022-04-29 $311487 10 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 440.0 $1587 -7735008794987375118\n",
- "2022-04-29 $310984 11 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 415.0 $502 3696738464689445528\n",
- "2022-04-29 $310586 12 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 410.0 $398 338933897371692409\n",
- "2022-04-29 $309554 13 buy put 2022-05-16 427.86 430.0 $1031 -7315023861751003421\n",
- "2022-04-29 $308468 14 buy put 2022-05-18 427.86 430.0 $1085 6659411658661406080\n",
- "2022-04-29 $307413 15 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 428.0 $1055 3604391426995581660\n",
- "2022-04-29 $306395 16 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 427.0 $1017 4556517812158940264\n",
- "2022-04-29 $305296 17 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 429.0 $1098 8618878087184936393\n",
- "2022-04-29 $304320 18 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 426.0 $976 7362797234126306172\n",
- "2022-04-29 $303183 19 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 430.0 $1136 8901713366850060610\n",
- "2022-04-29 $302242 20 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 425.0 $940 -5179077685189216712\n",
- "2022-04-29 $301062 21 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 431.0 $1180 -912328025257822217\n",
- "2022-04-29 $300155 22 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 424.0 $906 -6885432503509628784\n",
- "2022-04-29 $299280 23 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 423.0 $874 -5627587149321322286\n",
- "2022-04-29 $297989 24 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 433.0 $1291 -2642410674419372276\n",
- "2022-04-29 $297148 25 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 422.0 $840 5130081337761377740\n",
- "2022-04-29 $296340 26 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 421.0 $807 -861532577323860664\n",
- "2022-05-03 $297250 25 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 415.0 $910 3696738464689445528\n",
- "2022-05-03 $298251 24 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 417.0 $1002 -746707467600019036\n",
- "2022-05-03 $298961 23 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 410.0 $711 338933897371692409\n",
- "2022-05-03 $300099 22 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 420.0 $1138 -1349822648303009231\n",
- "2022-05-03 $301290 21 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 421.0 $1192 8264885398264681013\n",
- "2022-05-03 $302536 20 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 422.0 $1247 147321038618375574\n",
- "2022-05-03 $303902 19 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 424.0 $1366 6657098524923451337\n",
- "2022-05-03 $305393 18 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 426.0 $1492 2556310600829975274\n",
- "2022-05-03 $306951 17 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 427.0 $1559 4994201360570938903\n",
- "2022-05-03 $308578 16 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 428.0 $1627 -348729689302102063\n",
- "2022-05-03 $310347 15 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 430.0 $1770 -1927036986248102100\n",
- "2022-05-03 $312939 14 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 440.0 $2593 -7735008794987375118\n",
- "2022-05-03 $314725 13 sell put 2022-05-16 414.55 430.0 $1786 -7315023861751003421\n",
- "2022-05-03 $316555 12 sell put 2022-05-18 414.55 430.0 $1831 6659411658661406080\n",
- "2022-05-03 $317915 11 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 421.0 $1361 -861532577323860664\n",
- "2022-05-03 $319321 10 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 422.0 $1406 5130081337761377740\n",
- "2022-05-03 $320779 9 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 423.0 $1459 -5627587149321322286\n",
- "2022-05-03 $322293 8 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 424.0 $1515 -6885432503509628784\n",
- "2022-05-03 $323865 7 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 425.0 $1572 -5179077685189216712\n",
- "2022-05-03 $325495 6 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 426.0 $1631 7362797234126306172\n",
- "2022-05-03 $327184 5 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 427.0 $1690 4556517812158940264\n",
- "2022-05-03 $328937 4 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 428.0 $1753 3604391426995581660\n",
- "2022-05-03 $330754 3 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 429.0 $1818 8618878087184936393\n",
- "2022-05-03 $332637 2 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 430.0 $1884 8901713366850060610\n",
- "2022-05-03 $334590 1 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 431.0 $1953 -912328025257822217\n",
- "2022-05-03 $336683 0 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 433.0 $2094 -2642410674419372276\n",
- "2022-05-05 $335807 1 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 430.0 $875 8901713366850060610\n",
- "2022-05-05 $335056 2 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 427.0 $751 4556517812158940264\n",
- "2022-05-05 $334135 3 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 431.0 $920 -912328025257822217\n",
- "2022-05-05 $333420 4 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 426.0 $714 7362797234126306172\n",
- "2022-05-05 $332742 5 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 425.0 $678 -5179077685189216712\n",
- "2022-05-05 $332096 6 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 424.0 $645 -6885432503509628784\n",
- "2022-05-05 $330974 7 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 435.0 $1121 -77977347368560397\n",
- "2022-05-05 $330393 8 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 422.0 $581 5130081337761377740\n",
- "2022-05-05 $329840 9 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 421.0 $552 -861532577323860664\n",
- "2022-05-05 $329317 10 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 420.0 $523 5680920808937197696\n",
- "2022-05-05 $328819 11 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 419.0 $497 8719460696437679617\n",
- "2022-05-05 $328347 12 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 418.0 $471 5871839707064870699\n",
- "2022-05-05 $326912 13 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 440.0 $1435 2218677182587111243\n",
- "2022-05-05 $326465 14 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 417.0 $446 1787033299068815045\n",
- "2022-05-05 $326041 15 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 416.0 $423 2676689005849331663\n",
- "2022-05-05 $325640 16 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 415.0 $401 5345749756147183941\n",
- "2022-05-05 $325260 17 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 414.0 $379 8768420398859392258\n",
- "2022-05-05 $323447 18 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 445.0 $1812 -6647025674272591557\n",
- "2022-05-05 $323087 19 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 413.0 $360 6631953994881278532\n",
- "2022-05-05 $322745 20 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 412.0 $341 -8389974671584390991\n",
- "2022-05-05 $322422 21 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 411.0 $322 -2805102377444792844\n",
- "2022-05-05 $322117 22 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 410.0 $305 -5816616084607017509\n",
- "2022-05-05 $321828 23 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 409.0 $288 8473686853221393283\n",
- "2022-05-05 $321554 24 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 408.0 $273 -3025009046043144595\n",
- "2022-05-05 $319318 25 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 450.0 $2236 7821944967078996523\n",
- "2022-05-05 $318883 26 buy put 2022-05-23 428.97 415.0 $434 6239410635236108926\n",
- "2022-05-06 $318106 27 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 407.0 $776 5411979411195636597\n",
- "2022-05-06 $317362 28 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 406.0 $744 465656992179322407\n",
- "2022-05-06 $316647 29 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 405.0 $714 -309264053002664598\n",
- "2022-05-06 $315968 30 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 404.0 $678 8876859379770661519\n",
- "2022-05-06 $315320 31 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 403.0 $648 8708773522621434602\n",
- "2022-05-06 $314696 32 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 402.0 $623 9037694888552139064\n",
- "2022-05-06 $314104 33 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 401.0 $591 -8010709403207787149\n",
- "2022-05-06 $313536 34 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 400.0 $568 -1508555339879131998\n",
- "2022-05-06 $312993 35 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 399.0 $542 4533273076328040041\n",
- "2022-05-06 $312478 36 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 398.0 $514 8774344932249204971\n",
- "2022-05-06 $311985 37 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 397.0 $493 -4204225326822131924\n",
- "2022-05-06 $311517 38 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 396.0 $467 8476888686215925635\n",
- "2022-05-06 $311070 39 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 395.0 $446 -4343165446477721445\n",
- "2022-05-06 $310645 40 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 394.0 $425 -5108207220391153871\n",
- "2022-05-06 $309717 41 buy put 2022-05-23 414.15 410.0 $927 -5486689584548226059\n",
- "2022-05-06 $308319 42 buy put 2022-05-23 414.15 420.0 $1397 -8575483008722826691\n",
- "2022-05-06 $307712 43 buy put 2022-05-23 414.15 400.0 $607 3765921517681547112\n",
- "2022-05-06 $306722 44 buy put 2022-05-25 414.15 410.0 $989 -7197659314069562784\n",
- "2022-05-06 $305873 45 buy put 2022-05-25 414.15 406.0 $848 -541989490445496750\n",
- "2022-05-06 $305061 46 buy put 2022-05-25 414.15 405.0 $812 -7532818594748853156\n",
- "2022-05-06 $304396 47 buy put 2022-05-25 414.15 400.0 $664 -766164985570998909\n",
- "2022-05-06 $303834 48 buy put 2022-05-25 414.15 396.0 $561 -5446325791731650506\n",
- "2022-05-06 $302622 49 buy put 2022-05-27 414.15 414.0 $1212 4560113351434158388\n",
- "2022-05-06 $301368 50 buy put 2022-05-27 414.15 415.0 $1253 -7771197663832426622\n",
- "2022-05-06 $300321 51 buy put 2022-05-27 414.15 410.0 $1046 2794989537989681963\n",
- "2022-05-06 $298814 52 buy put 2022-05-27 414.15 420.0 $1507 4343871846004779399\n",
- "2022-05-10 $297569 53 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 400.0 $1244 -1947348140664681565\n",
- "2022-05-10 $296503 54 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 396.0 $1065 -972672334983531239\n",
- "2022-05-10 $295477 55 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 395.0 $1026 5798872043596626226\n",
- "2022-05-10 $294136 56 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 402.0 $1340 5961678503517595640\n",
- "2022-05-10 $293149 57 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 394.0 $986 -826033750873401444\n",
- "2022-05-10 $291707 58 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 404.0 $1442 7291155717862681028\n",
- "2022-05-10 $290212 59 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 405.0 $1494 -7031848351115808480\n",
- "2022-05-10 $288923 60 buy put 2022-05-31 398.33 400.0 $1289 1482825458148457863\n",
- "2022-05-10 $287850 61 buy put 2022-05-31 398.33 395.0 $1072 -8922810875176510673\n",
- "2022-05-10 $286311 62 buy put 2022-05-31 398.33 405.0 $1538 -5071114007852441034\n",
- "2022-05-10 $285427 63 buy put 2022-05-31 398.33 390.0 $884 8401343987608684172\n",
- "2022-05-10 $283599 64 buy put 2022-05-31 398.33 410.0 $1827 1981424676355485496\n",
- "2022-05-10 $282184 65 buy put 2022-06-01 398.33 402.0 $1414 -3925015412179005892\n",
- "2022-05-10 $281267 66 buy put 2022-06-01 398.33 390.0 $917 -2753249697545082034\n",
- "2022-05-10 $279888 67 buy put 2022-06-03 398.33 400.0 $1378 -7926136008343877544\n",
- "2022-05-10 $277675 68 buy put 2022-06-03 398.33 415.0 $2212 -4271318739903384765\n",
- "2022-05-10 $277001 69 buy put 2022-06-03 398.33 380.0 $674 8047930592707028761\n",
- "2022-05-10 $275588 70 buy put 2022-06-06 398.33 400.0 $1412 -2201565692754681811\n",
- "2022-05-10 $274880 71 buy put 2022-06-06 398.33 380.0 $707 8574781431206454770\n",
- "2022-05-10 $273810 72 buy put 2022-06-08 398.33 390.0 $1070 6595303818571362354\n",
- "2022-05-10 $273047 73 buy put 2022-06-08 398.33 380.0 $762 -6878673794711168689\n",
- "2022-05-10 $271529 74 buy put 2022-06-10 398.33 400.0 $1517 2507859356127584972\n",
- "2022-05-10 $269771 75 buy put 2022-06-10 398.33 405.0 $1758 -1860965509344891604\n",
- "2022-05-10 $268654 76 buy put 2022-06-10 398.33 390.0 $1116 -6917703470395315039\n",
- "2022-05-10 $267703 77 buy put 2022-06-10 398.33 385.0 $950 -8501026929086000012\n",
- "2022-05-10 $266894 78 buy put 2022-06-10 398.33 380.0 $809 -558355296884458039\n",
- "2022-05-11 $266062 79 buy put 2022-05-25 399.18 395.0 $831 2517265207411554254\n",
- "2022-05-11 $265339 80 buy put 2022-05-25 399.18 392.0 $722 2843423966493503314\n",
- "2022-05-11 $264687 81 buy put 2022-05-25 399.18 390.0 $652 -7820571231231481969\n",
- "2022-05-11 $264181 82 buy put 2022-05-25 399.18 385.0 $505 -3214145581015343348\n",
- "2022-05-11 $263160 83 buy put 2022-05-27 399.18 398.0 $1020 6538371980184959125\n",
- "2022-05-11 $261750 84 buy put 2022-05-27 399.18 406.0 $1410 -4061618846687307144\n",
- "2022-05-11 $261032 85 buy put 2022-05-27 399.18 390.0 $717 -461115315690839848\n",
- "2022-05-11 $260488 86 buy put 2022-05-27 399.18 384.0 $543 -7617678152978539990\n",
- "2022-05-11 $259996 87 buy put 2022-05-27 399.18 382.0 $492 -1976323818210774759\n",
- "2022-05-11 $259550 88 buy put 2022-05-27 399.18 380.0 $445 1255999531309288525\n",
- "2022-05-11 $258480 89 buy put 2022-05-31 399.18 398.0 $1069 8334603224337338169\n",
- "2022-05-11 $257573 90 buy put 2022-05-31 399.18 394.0 $907 -3568081689693506585\n",
- "2022-05-11 $257085 91 buy put 2022-05-31 399.18 380.0 $487 2921609889293693067\n",
- "2022-05-11 $255892 92 buy put 2022-06-01 399.18 400.0 $1192 -4432611580456812465\n",
- "2022-05-11 $254810 93 buy put 2022-06-03 399.18 396.0 $1082 -411003599019906882\n",
- "2022-05-11 $253947 94 buy put 2022-06-03 399.18 390.0 $862 -3654573641948970906\n",
- "2022-05-11 $252165 95 buy put 2022-06-03 399.18 410.0 $1781 3878083252016086774\n",
- "2022-05-11 $250411 96 buy put 2022-06-10 399.18 407.5 $1754 -4565014709370683415\n",
- "2022-05-11 $248445 97 buy put 2022-06-10 399.18 411.0 $1965 6295018915564827058\n",
- "2022-05-11 $246467 98 buy put 2022-06-15 399.18 410.0 $1977 8911627406405179866\n",
- "2022-05-11 $245675 99 buy put 2022-06-15 399.18 380.0 $792 5944122181048351185\n",
- "2022-05-11 $244128 100 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 399.0 $1546 4644216054765187777\n",
- "2022-05-11 $242534 101 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 400.0 $1593 -8224572991269435477\n",
- "2022-05-11 $241029 102 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 398.0 $1505 5839536756559032722\n",
- "2022-05-11 $239389 103 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 401.0 $1639 8120482278627895922\n",
- "2022-05-11 $237928 104 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 397.0 $1460 -7081250499989781724\n",
- "2022-05-13 $238777 103 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 394.0 $849 -5108207220391153871\n",
- "2022-05-13 $239676 102 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 395.0 $900 -4343165446477721445\n",
- "2022-05-13 $240628 101 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 396.0 $953 8476888686215925635\n",
- "2022-05-13 $241632 100 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 397.0 $1004 -4204225326822131924\n",
- "2022-05-13 $242692 99 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 398.0 $1061 8774344932249204971\n",
- "2022-05-13 $243812 98 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 399.0 $1120 4533273076328040041\n",
- "2022-05-13 $244995 97 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 400.0 $1184 -1508555339879131998\n",
- "2022-05-13 $246236 96 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 401.0 $1242 -8010709403207787149\n",
- "2022-05-13 $247544 95 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 402.0 $1308 9037694888552139064\n",
- "2022-05-13 $248918 94 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 403.0 $1375 8708773522621434602\n",
- "2022-05-13 $250351 93 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 404.0 $1434 8876859379770661519\n",
- "2022-05-13 $251851 92 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 405.0 $1500 -309264053002664598\n",
- "2022-05-13 $253428 91 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 406.0 $1578 465656992179322407\n",
- "2022-05-13 $255083 90 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 407.0 $1656 5411979411195636597\n",
- "2022-05-13 $256813 89 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 408.0 $1730 -3025009046043144595\n",
- "2022-05-13 $258620 88 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 409.0 $1808 8473686853221393283\n",
- "2022-05-13 $260507 87 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 410.0 $1888 -5816616084607017509\n",
- "2022-05-13 $262477 86 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 411.0 $1970 -2805102377444792844\n",
- "2022-05-13 $264529 85 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 412.0 $2053 -8389974671584390991\n",
- "2022-05-13 $266665 84 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 413.0 $2137 6631953994881278532\n",
- "2022-05-13 $268881 83 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 414.0 $2216 8768420398859392258\n",
- "2022-05-13 $271194 82 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 415.0 $2314 5345749756147183941\n",
- "2022-05-13 $273593 81 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 416.0 $2400 2676689005849331663\n",
- "2022-05-13 $276119 80 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 417.0 $2526 1787033299068815045\n",
- "2022-05-13 $278703 79 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 418.0 $2585 5871839707064870699\n",
- "2022-05-13 $281375 78 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 419.0 $2673 8719460696437679617\n",
- "2022-05-13 $284147 77 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 420.0 $2772 5680920808937197696\n",
- "2022-05-13 $287006 76 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 421.0 $2860 -861532577323860664\n",
- "2022-05-13 $289960 75 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 422.0 $2955 5130081337761377740\n",
- "2022-05-13 $293100 74 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 424.0 $3140 -6885432503509628784\n",
- "2022-05-13 $296343 73 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 425.0 $3244 -5179077685189216712\n",
- "2022-05-13 $299677 72 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 426.0 $3335 7362797234126306172\n",
- "2022-05-13 $303115 71 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 427.0 $3438 4556517812158940264\n",
- "2022-05-13 $306854 70 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 430.0 $3740 8901713366850060610\n",
- "2022-05-13 $310685 69 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 431.0 $3832 -912328025257822217\n",
- "2022-05-13 $314910 68 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 435.0 $4225 -77977347368560397\n",
- "2022-05-13 $319633 67 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 440.0 $4724 2218677182587111243\n",
- "2022-05-13 $324856 66 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 445.0 $5224 -6647025674272591557\n",
- "2022-05-13 $330589 65 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 450.0 $5733 7821944967078996523\n",
- "2022-05-13 $331821 64 sell put 2022-05-23 392.37 400.0 $1233 3765921517681547112\n",
- "2022-05-13 $333738 63 sell put 2022-05-23 392.37 410.0 $1918 -5486689584548226059\n",
- "2022-05-13 $336071 62 sell put 2022-05-23 392.37 415.0 $2333 6239410635236108926\n",
- "2022-05-13 $338842 61 sell put 2022-05-23 392.37 420.0 $2772 -8575483008722826691\n",
- "2022-05-13 $339741 60 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 392.0 $900 2843423966493503314\n",
- "2022-05-13 $340554 59 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 390.0 $813 -7820571231231481969\n",
- "2022-05-13 $341597 58 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 395.0 $1044 2517265207411554254\n",
- "2022-05-13 $342687 57 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 396.0 $1091 -5446325791731650506\n",
- "2022-05-13 $344001 56 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 400.0 $1314 -766164985570998909\n",
- "2022-05-13 $344625 55 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 385.0 $625 -3214145581015343348\n",
- "2022-05-13 $346235 54 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 405.0 $1611 -7532818594748853156\n",
- "2022-05-13 $347919 53 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 406.0 $1684 -541989490445496750\n",
- "2022-05-13 $349889 52 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 410.0 $1971 -7197659314069562784\n",
- "2022-05-13 $350954 51 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 394.0 $1066 -826033750873401444\n",
- "2022-05-13 $351842 50 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 390.0 $888 -461115315690839848\n",
- "2022-05-13 $352956 49 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 395.0 $1115 5798872043596626226\n",
- "2022-05-13 $354121 48 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 396.0 $1165 -972672334983531239\n",
- "2022-05-13 $355391 47 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 398.0 $1271 6538371980184959125\n",
- "2022-05-13 $356766 46 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 400.0 $1376 -1947348140664681565\n",
- "2022-05-13 $357431 45 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 384.0 $665 -7617678152978539990\n",
- "2022-05-13 $358924 44 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 402.0 $1494 5961678503517595640\n",
- "2022-05-13 $359522 43 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 382.0 $599 -1976323818210774759\n",
- "2022-05-13 $361127 42 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 404.0 $1605 7291155717862681028\n",
- "2022-05-13 $362801 41 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 405.0 $1675 -7031848351115808480\n",
- "2022-05-13 $363340 40 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 380.0 $540 1255999531309288525\n",
- "2022-05-13 $365082 39 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 406.0 $1742 -4061618846687307144\n",
- "2022-05-13 $367096 38 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 410.0 $2015 2794989537989681963\n",
- "2022-05-13 $369416 37 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 414.0 $2321 4560113351434158388\n",
- "2022-05-13 $371817 36 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 415.0 $2401 -7771197663832426622\n",
- "2022-05-13 $374640 35 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 420.0 $2824 4343871846004779399\n",
- "2022-05-13 $375756 34 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 394.0 $1117 -3568081689693506585\n",
- "2022-05-13 $376695 33 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 390.0 $939 8401343987608684172\n",
- "2022-05-13 $377859 32 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 395.0 $1165 -8922810875176510673\n",
- "2022-05-13 $379176 31 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 398.0 $1318 8334603224337338169\n",
- "2022-05-13 $380597 30 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 400.0 $1421 1482825458148457863\n",
- "2022-05-13 $382306 29 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 405.0 $1710 -5071114007852441034\n",
- "2022-05-13 $382893 28 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 380.0 $588 2921609889293693067\n",
- "2022-05-13 $384944 27 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 410.0 $2051 1981424676355485496\n",
- "2022-05-13 $385923 26 sell put 2022-06-01 392.37 390.0 $980 -2753249697545082034\n",
- "2022-05-13 $387378 25 sell put 2022-06-01 392.37 400.0 $1456 -4432611580456812465\n",
- "2022-05-13 $388933 24 sell put 2022-06-01 392.37 402.0 $1555 -3925015412179005892\n",
- "2022-05-13 $389975 23 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 390.0 $1043 -3654573641948970906\n",
- "2022-05-13 $391291 22 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 396.0 $1317 -411003599019906882\n",
- "2022-05-13 $392802 21 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 400.0 $1511 -7926136008343877544\n",
- "2022-05-13 $393487 20 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 380.0 $686 8047930592707028761\n",
- "2022-05-13 $395609 19 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 410.0 $2123 3878083252016086774\n",
- "2022-05-13 $398098 18 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 415.0 $2489 -4271318739903384765\n",
- "2022-05-13 $399638 17 sell put 2022-06-06 392.37 400.0 $1541 -2201565692754681811\n",
- "2022-05-13 $400354 16 sell put 2022-06-06 392.37 380.0 $717 8574781431206454770\n",
- "2022-05-13 $401475 15 sell put 2022-06-08 392.37 390.0 $1121 6595303818571362354\n",
- "2022-05-13 $402242 14 sell put 2022-06-08 392.37 380.0 $768 -6878673794711168689\n",
- "2022-05-13 $403423 13 sell put 2022-06-10 392.37 390.0 $1182 -6917703470395315039\n",
- "2022-05-13 $405067 12 sell put 2022-06-10 392.37 400.0 $1644 2507859356127584972\n",
- "2022-05-13 $406054 11 sell put 2022-06-10 392.37 385.0 $988 -8501026929086000012\n",
- "2022-05-13 $407965 10 sell put 2022-06-10 392.37 405.0 $1912 -1860965509344891604\n",
- "2022-05-13 $408784 9 sell put 2022-06-10 392.37 380.0 $819 -558355296884458039\n",
- "2022-05-13 $410848 8 sell put 2022-06-10 392.37 407.5 $2065 -4565014709370683415\n",
- "2022-05-13 $413141 7 sell put 2022-06-10 392.37 411.0 $2294 6295018915564827058\n",
- "2022-05-13 $414035 6 sell put 2022-06-15 392.37 380.0 $894 5944122181048351185\n",
- "2022-05-13 $416303 5 sell put 2022-06-15 392.37 410.0 $2269 8911627406405179866\n",
- "2022-05-13 $418003 4 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 397.0 $1701 -7081250499989781724\n",
- "2022-05-13 $419751 3 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 398.0 $1748 5839536756559032722\n",
- "2022-05-13 $421553 2 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 399.0 $1803 4644216054765187777\n",
- "2022-05-13 $423407 1 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 400.0 $1854 -8224572991269435477\n",
- "2022-05-13 $425316 0 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 401.0 $1910 8120482278627895922\n",
- "2022-05-18 $424517 1 buy put 2022-06-01 408.26 408.0 $798 2903114969669194644\n",
- "2022-05-18 $423626 2 buy put 2022-06-01 408.26 410.0 $891 -6019874888179731024\n",
- "2022-05-18 $422911 3 buy put 2022-06-01 408.26 406.0 $714 8246613600252676018\n",
- "2022-05-18 $422235 4 buy put 2022-06-01 408.26 405.0 $675 -1028901558596374507\n",
- "2022-05-18 $421731 5 buy put 2022-06-01 408.26 400.0 $504 -4432611580456812465\n",
- "2022-05-18 $421284 6 buy put 2022-06-01 408.26 398.0 $446 -4299789192133080759\n",
- "2022-05-18 $420889 7 buy put 2022-06-01 408.26 396.0 $394 -8031344461142446744\n",
- "2022-05-18 $420619 8 buy put 2022-06-01 408.26 390.0 $270 -2753249697545082034\n",
- "2022-05-18 $419797 9 buy put 2022-06-03 408.26 407.0 $821 -9132796891034322043\n",
- "2022-05-18 $419017 10 buy put 2022-06-03 408.26 406.0 $779 -515916713425749491\n",
- "2022-05-18 $418277 11 buy put 2022-06-03 408.26 405.0 $740 -3892441758007811230\n",
- "2022-05-18 $417574 12 buy put 2022-06-03 408.26 404.0 $702 2051475327127774375\n",
- "2022-05-18 $416907 13 buy put 2022-06-03 408.26 403.0 $666 5677447722048482469\n",
- "2022-05-18 $416339 14 buy put 2022-06-03 408.26 400.0 $568 -7926136008343877544\n",
- "2022-05-18 $415909 15 buy put 2022-06-03 408.26 395.0 $429 -3553193051434379311\n",
- "2022-05-18 $415503 16 buy put 2022-06-03 408.26 394.0 $405 854528280987278728\n",
- "2022-05-18 $415182 17 buy put 2022-06-03 408.26 390.0 $321 -3654573641948970906\n",
- "2022-05-18 $414189 18 buy put 2022-06-06 408.26 410.0 $992 -7912513427612358035\n",
- "2022-05-18 $412863 19 buy put 2022-06-06 408.26 416.0 $1325 4843441936990661527\n",
- "2022-05-18 $412376 20 buy put 2022-06-06 408.26 396.0 $487 2121003565808741993\n",
- "2022-05-18 $411915 21 buy put 2022-06-06 408.26 395.0 $460 -1410726991769382928\n",
- "2022-05-18 $410956 22 buy put 2022-06-08 408.26 408.0 $958 6986707196207473757\n",
- "2022-05-18 $410124 23 buy put 2022-06-08 408.26 405.0 $832 -8005482759451303358\n",
- "2022-05-18 $409400 24 buy put 2022-06-08 408.26 402.0 $723 1395358823366629692\n",
- "2022-05-18 $408743 25 buy put 2022-06-08 408.26 400.0 $656 7611798344504582193\n",
- "2022-05-18 $408304 26 buy put 2022-06-08 408.26 392.0 $439 2906225651018304628\n",
- "2022-05-19 $409074 25 sell put 2022-06-01 392.11 390.0 $771 -2753249697545082034\n",
- "2022-05-19 $410124 24 sell put 2022-06-01 392.11 396.0 $1051 -8031344461142446744\n",
- "2022-05-19 $411288 23 sell put 2022-06-01 392.11 398.0 $1164 -4299789192133080759\n",
- "2022-05-19 $412554 22 sell put 2022-06-01 392.11 400.0 $1267 -4432611580456812465\n",
- "2022-05-19 $414139 21 sell put 2022-06-01 392.11 405.0 $1586 -1028901558596374507\n",
- "2022-05-19 $415796 20 sell put 2022-06-01 392.11 406.0 $1657 8246613600252676018\n",
- "2022-05-19 $417580 19 sell put 2022-06-01 392.11 408.0 $1785 2903114969669194644\n",
- "2022-05-19 $419520 18 sell put 2022-06-01 392.11 410.0 $1941 -6019874888179731024\n",
- "2022-05-19 $420368 17 sell put 2022-06-03 392.11 390.0 $848 -3654573641948970906\n",
- "2022-05-19 $421397 16 sell put 2022-06-03 392.11 394.0 $1030 854528280987278728\n",
- "2022-05-19 $422474 15 sell put 2022-06-03 392.11 395.0 $1078 -3553193051434379311\n",
- "2022-05-19 $423820 14 sell put 2022-06-03 392.11 400.0 $1346 -7926136008343877544\n",
- "2022-05-19 $425328 13 sell put 2022-06-03 392.11 403.0 $1509 5677447722048482469\n",
- "2022-05-19 $426892 12 sell put 2022-06-03 392.11 404.0 $1565 2051475327127774375\n",
- "2022-05-19 $428523 11 sell put 2022-06-03 392.11 405.0 $1631 -3892441758007811230\n",
- "2022-05-19 $430213 10 sell put 2022-06-03 392.11 406.0 $1691 -515916713425749491\n",
- "2022-05-19 $431982 9 sell put 2022-06-03 392.11 407.0 $1770 -9132796891034322043\n",
- "2022-05-19 $433101 8 sell put 2022-06-06 392.11 395.0 $1119 -1410726991769382928\n",
- "2022-05-19 $434268 7 sell put 2022-06-06 392.11 396.0 $1168 2121003565808741993\n",
- "2022-05-19 $436268 6 sell put 2022-06-06 392.11 410.0 $2001 -7912513427612358035\n",
- "2022-05-19 $438750 5 sell put 2022-06-06 392.11 416.0 $2482 4843441936990661527\n",
- "2022-05-19 $439788 4 sell put 2022-06-08 392.11 392.0 $1039 2906225651018304628\n",
- "2022-05-19 $441234 3 sell put 2022-06-08 392.11 400.0 $1446 7611798344504582193\n",
- "2022-05-19 $442768 2 sell put 2022-06-08 392.11 402.0 $1535 1395358823366629692\n",
- "2022-05-19 $444488 1 sell put 2022-06-08 392.11 405.0 $1721 -8005482759451303358\n",
- "2022-05-19 $446392 0 sell put 2022-06-08 392.11 408.0 $1904 6986707196207473757\n",
- "2022-05-26 $445495 1 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 397.0 $896 -73131332621760533\n",
- "2022-05-26 $444706 2 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 399.0 $788 -5701511581384327018\n",
- "2022-05-26 $443968 3 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 400.0 $738 2507859356127584972\n",
- "2022-05-26 $443454 4 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 405.0 $513 -1860965509344891604\n",
- "2022-05-26 $442052 5 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 389.0 $1401 6527899993061622799\n",
- "2022-05-26 $441615 6 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 407.0 $437 312471616673028483\n",
- "2022-05-26 $441245 7 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 409.0 $369 -1821381105462588253\n",
- "2022-05-26 $440907 8 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 410.0 $337 -5112795936927207132\n",
- "2022-05-26 $440626 9 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 412.0 $281 1264936039790380258\n",
- "2022-05-26 $440358 10 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 412.5 $267 8808518438464728954\n",
- "2022-05-26 $440102 11 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 413.0 $255 2166306838890105490\n",
- "2022-05-26 $439871 12 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 414.0 $231 -7792530836052400439\n",
- "2022-05-26 $439660 13 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 415.0 $210 5772630863012368477\n",
- "2022-05-26 $439470 14 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 416.0 $189 -7583958567142127642\n",
- "2022-05-26 $438417 15 buy call 2022-06-13 397.36 395.0 $1053 -3505641625378532809\n",
- "2022-05-26 $437301 16 buy call 2022-06-13 397.36 394.0 $1115 8695072311369045120\n",
- "2022-05-26 $436060 17 buy call 2022-06-13 397.36 392.0 $1240 5613580495215932160\n",
- "2022-05-26 $435028 18 buy call 2022-06-15 397.36 397.0 $1032 1074499615954713944\n",
- "2022-05-26 $433939 19 buy call 2022-06-15 397.36 396.0 $1088 -3861494275730966248\n",
- "2022-05-26 $433065 20 buy call 2022-06-15 397.36 400.0 $873 1331954900864472120\n",
- "2022-05-26 $432337 21 buy call 2022-06-15 397.36 403.0 $728 1715714850780626020\n",
- "2022-05-26 $431265 22 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 397.0 $1071 -7081250499989781724\n",
- "2022-05-26 $430247 23 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 398.0 $1017 5839536756559032722\n",
- "2022-05-26 $429119 24 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 396.0 $1128 -6013178232336406655\n",
- "2022-05-26 $428155 25 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 399.0 $963 4644216054765187777\n",
- "2022-05-26 $426967 26 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 395.0 $1187 5566834179256628104\n",
- "2022-05-27 $426200 27 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 406.0 $767 4157051924783593930\n",
- "2022-05-27 $425323 28 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 404.0 $876 2081914714402504525\n",
- "2022-05-27 $424388 29 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 403.0 $934 5219938257811671547\n",
- "2022-05-27 $423698 30 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 407.5 $690 -4565014709370683415\n",
- "2022-05-27 $423032 31 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 408.0 $665 -4953607539427994050\n",
- "2022-05-27 $421974 32 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 401.0 $1057 -2646867627241910154\n",
- "2022-05-27 $421447 33 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 411.0 $527 6295018915564827058\n",
- "2022-05-27 $420182 34 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 398.0 $1264 -2765812013841707089\n",
- "2022-05-27 $418702 35 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 395.0 $1479 3343123711647371154\n",
- "2022-05-27 $418407 36 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 417.5 $295 -6353233457892528812\n",
- "2022-05-27 $418125 37 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 418.0 $281 1991563956261136880\n",
- "2022-05-27 $417870 38 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 419.0 $254 -1944802475220112020\n",
- "2022-05-27 $417641 39 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 420.0 $229 -6562388461765584285\n",
- "2022-05-27 $417435 40 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 421.0 $205 7529652612029573710\n",
- "2022-05-27 $417260 41 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 422.5 $174 -288648428052581656\n",
- "2022-05-27 $417130 42 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 425.0 $130 -4994506900078766739\n",
- "2022-05-27 $416315 43 buy call 2022-06-13 405.2 406.0 $814 -3022495938241255315\n",
- "2022-05-27 $415332 44 buy call 2022-06-13 405.2 403.0 $982 -1175994850952407627\n",
- "2022-05-27 $413882 45 buy call 2022-06-13 405.2 396.0 $1450 6986025613639632204\n",
- "2022-05-27 $413467 46 buy call 2022-06-13 405.2 415.0 $414 -3224887750150629046\n",
- "2022-05-27 $413204 47 buy call 2022-06-13 405.2 420.0 $263 -5277008588167085027\n",
- "2022-05-27 $412988 48 buy call 2022-06-13 405.2 422.0 $215 2526349221068816113\n",
- "2022-05-27 $412812 49 buy call 2022-06-13 405.2 424.0 $175 -3009437452097917809\n",
- "2022-05-27 $412103 50 buy call 2022-06-15 405.2 410.0 $709 8911627406405179866\n",
- "2022-05-27 $411482 51 buy call 2022-06-15 405.2 412.0 $620 5218468126585902524\n",
- "2022-05-27 $410476 52 buy call 2022-06-17 405.2 405.0 $1005 7770678173348937556\n",
- "2022-05-28 $411206 51 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 415.0 $730 5772630863012368477\n",
- "2022-05-28 $411882 50 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 416.0 $677 -7583958567142127642\n",
- "2022-05-28 $412668 49 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 414.0 $787 -7792530836052400439\n",
- "2022-05-28 $413266 48 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 417.5 $598 -6353233457892528812\n",
- "2022-05-28 $413838 47 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 418.0 $573 1991563956261136880\n",
- "2022-05-28 $414682 46 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 413.0 $845 2166306838890105490\n",
- "2022-05-28 $415558 45 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 412.5 $876 8808518438464728954\n",
- "2022-05-28 $416462 44 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 412.0 $905 1264936039790380258\n",
- "2022-05-28 $416987 43 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 419.0 $526 -1944802475220112020\n",
- "2022-05-28 $417956 42 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 411.0 $969 6295018915564827058\n",
- "2022-05-28 $418436 41 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 420.0 $481 -6562388461765584285\n",
- "2022-05-28 $419470 40 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 410.0 $1035 -5112795936927207132\n",
- "2022-05-28 $419909 39 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 421.0 $439 7529652612029573710\n",
- "2022-05-28 $421011 38 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 409.0 $1103 -1821381105462588253\n",
- "2022-05-28 $421389 37 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 422.5 $379 -288648428052581656\n",
- "2022-05-28 $422545 36 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 408.0 $1156 -4953607539427994050\n",
- "2022-05-28 $423737 35 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 407.5 $1193 -4565014709370683415\n",
- "2022-05-28 $424963 34 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 407.0 $1227 312471616673028483\n",
- "2022-05-28 $426262 33 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 406.0 $1299 4157051924783593930\n",
- "2022-05-28 $426553 32 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 425.0 $292 -4994506900078766739\n",
- "2022-05-28 $427925 31 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 405.0 $1373 -1860965509344891604\n",
- "2022-05-28 $429374 30 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 404.0 $1449 2081914714402504525\n",
- "2022-05-28 $430901 29 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 403.0 $1528 5219938257811671547\n",
- "2022-05-28 $432584 28 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 401.0 $1684 -2646867627241910154\n",
- "2022-05-28 $434350 27 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 400.0 $1766 2507859356127584972\n",
- "2022-05-28 $436196 26 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 399.0 $1847 -5701511581384327018\n",
- "2022-05-28 $438126 25 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 398.0 $1931 -2765812013841707089\n",
- "2022-05-28 $440140 24 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 397.0 $2014 -73131332621760533\n",
- "2022-05-28 $442326 23 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 395.0 $2187 3343123711647371154\n",
- "2022-05-28 $445046 22 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 389.0 $2721 6527899993061622799\n",
- "2022-05-28 $445824 21 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 415.0 $778 -3224887750150629046\n",
- "2022-05-28 $446350 20 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 420.0 $527 -5277008588167085027\n",
- "2022-05-28 $446792 19 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 422.0 $443 2526349221068816113\n",
- "2022-05-28 $447160 18 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 424.0 $368 -3009437452097917809\n",
- "2022-05-28 $448500 17 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 406.0 $1341 -3022495938241255315\n",
- "2022-05-28 $450063 16 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 403.0 $1564 -1175994850952407627\n",
- "2022-05-28 $452194 15 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 396.0 $2131 6986025613639632204\n",
- "2022-05-28 $454411 14 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 395.0 $2218 -3505641625378532809\n",
- "2022-05-28 $456714 13 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 394.0 $2304 8695072311369045120\n",
- "2022-05-28 $459191 12 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 392.0 $2477 5613580495215932160\n",
- "2022-05-28 $460242 11 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 412.0 $1052 5218468126585902524\n",
- "2022-05-28 $461418 10 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 410.0 $1177 8911627406405179866\n",
- "2022-05-28 $463069 9 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 403.0 $1651 1715714850780626020\n",
- "2022-05-28 $464949 8 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 400.0 $1881 1331954900864472120\n",
- "2022-05-28 $467071 7 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 397.0 $2122 1074499615954713944\n",
- "2022-05-28 $469274 6 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 396.0 $2204 -3861494275730966248\n",
- "2022-05-28 $470816 5 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 405.0 $1543 7770678173348937556\n",
- "2022-05-28 $472805 4 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 399.0 $1989 4644216054765187777\n",
- "2022-05-28 $474872 3 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 398.0 $2068 5839536756559032722\n",
- "2022-05-28 $477019 2 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 397.0 $2148 -7081250499989781724\n",
- "2022-05-28 $479248 1 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 396.0 $2229 -6013178232336406655\n",
- "2022-05-28 $481555 0 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 395.0 $2308 5566834179256628104\n",
- "2022-05-31 $480628 1 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 415.0 $926 897939225724265462\n",
- "2022-05-31 $479523 2 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 412.0 $1105 5218468126585902524\n",
- "2022-05-31 $478288 3 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 410.0 $1234 8911627406405179866\n",
- "2022-05-31 $476987 4 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 409.0 $1300 4664289288966632318\n",
- "2022-05-31 $476411 5 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 422.0 $576 -6964837875230672302\n",
- "2022-05-31 $475955 6 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 425.0 $455 5309120568748493971\n",
- "2022-05-31 $474358 7 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 405.0 $1596 -7439209841015038537\n",
- "2022-05-31 $474006 8 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 428.0 $352 -8864441989468622840\n",
- "2022-05-31 $473712 9 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 430.0 $293 -7445835883674134174\n",
- "2022-05-31 $472742 10 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 415.0 $969 -5270188209429950583\n",
- "2022-05-31 $471829 11 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 416.0 $913 -1754007972108987268\n",
- "2022-05-31 $470802 12 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 414.0 $1026 5020266255959471983\n",
- "2022-05-31 $469943 13 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 417.0 $858 -8373995802913427273\n",
- "2022-05-31 $468857 14 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 413.0 $1086 -8215094754880399699\n",
- "2022-05-31 $468050 15 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 418.0 $806 8783459277107486133\n",
- "2022-05-31 $466902 16 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 412.0 $1147 -4826965343678232028\n",
- "2022-05-31 $466146 17 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 419.0 $756 4941306567436948699\n",
- "2022-05-31 $464935 18 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 411.0 $1210 3976713247711777026\n",
- "2022-05-31 $464228 19 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 420.0 $706 1474421352191119536\n",
- "2022-05-31 $462953 20 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 410.0 $1275 -6239813723379265721\n",
- "2022-05-31 $462292 21 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 421.0 $660 -7647608295969073641\n",
- "2022-05-31 $460950 22 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 409.0 $1341 2026033056769942056\n",
- "2022-05-31 $460334 23 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 422.0 $616 -2997585350301112010\n",
- "2022-05-31 $458924 24 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 408.0 $1409 -4798511601576685354\n",
- "2022-05-31 $458350 25 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 423.0 $573 3369357331202813680\n",
- "2022-05-31 $456872 26 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 407.0 $1478 -6925238823461274104\n",
- "2022-06-01 $456055 27 buy call 2022-06-15 412.8 413.0 $816 5670949092573770050\n",
- "2022-06-01 $455284 28 buy call 2022-06-15 412.8 414.0 $770 6085260435290413766\n",
- "2022-06-01 $455006 29 buy call 2022-06-15 412.8 426.0 $278 6761742424327487855\n",
- "2022-06-01 $454752 30 buy call 2022-06-15 412.8 427.0 $253 -1937292741506653891\n",
- "2022-06-01 $453393 31 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 405.0 $1358 7770678173348937556\n",
- "2022-06-01 $453016 32 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 424.0 $377 2555477711527775285\n",
- "2022-06-01 $451335 33 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 401.0 $1680 8120482278627895922\n",
- "2022-06-01 $450990 34 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 425.0 $344 -6806725582397904588\n",
- "2022-06-01 $449243 35 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 400.0 $1747 -8224572991269435477\n",
- "2022-06-01 $448928 36 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 426.0 $314 -6750458037333333770\n",
- "2022-06-01 $448641 37 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 427.0 $286 -1578330776987020804\n",
- "2022-06-01 $446740 38 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 398.0 $1901 5839536756559032722\n",
- "2022-06-01 $446477 39 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 428.0 $262 -6284976088317172051\n",
- "2022-06-01 $446241 40 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 429.0 $235 4280217975650283379\n",
- "2022-06-01 $446031 41 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 430.0 $210 3297349625661770247\n",
- "2022-06-01 $445841 42 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 431.0 $189 1976132086934166744\n",
- "2022-06-01 $445671 43 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 432.0 $170 7712533292092575030\n",
- "2022-06-01 $445519 44 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 433.0 $151 5051718475475714260\n",
- "2022-06-01 $444874 45 buy call 2022-06-21 412.8 418.0 $644 -8441165856434140470\n",
- "2022-06-01 $444298 46 buy call 2022-06-22 412.8 420.0 $576 8897198221516680027\n",
- "2022-06-01 $443875 47 buy call 2022-06-22 412.8 424.0 $422 -687678285604201946\n",
- "2022-06-01 $443019 48 buy call 2022-06-24 412.8 415.0 $855 -7733626131279875136\n",
- "2022-06-01 $441887 49 buy call 2022-06-24 412.8 410.0 $1132 -6040172510625725367\n",
- "2022-06-01 $441420 50 buy call 2022-06-24 412.8 424.0 $466 6997546260847447583\n",
- "2022-06-01 $440985 51 buy call 2022-06-24 412.8 425.0 $434 1177028667695144476\n",
- "2022-06-01 $440264 52 buy call 2022-06-30 412.8 420.0 $721 -2739365700618035887\n",
- "2022-06-02 $439221 53 buy call 2022-06-17 409.64 406.0 $1042 -3705072724453698940\n",
- "2022-06-02 $438382 54 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 410.0 $838 -5457484741509940826\n",
- "2022-06-02 $437405 55 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 408.0 $977 -5389586425901678977\n",
- "2022-06-02 $436368 56 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 407.0 $1036 -6362566087907678722\n",
- "2022-06-02 $435269 57 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 406.0 $1098 -130353424455310701\n",
- "2022-06-02 $434108 58 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 405.0 $1161 -6640606558290127551\n",
- "2022-06-02 $433503 59 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 415.0 $604 -6154890251333268432\n",
- "2022-06-02 $432963 60 buy call 2022-06-22 409.64 417.0 $539 7594555974831246146\n",
- "2022-06-02 $432240 61 buy call 2022-06-24 409.64 414.0 $723 -6717085494680617708\n",
- "2022-06-02 $431862 62 buy call 2022-06-24 409.64 422.5 $377 -5933232448218868316\n",
- "2022-06-02 $431423 63 buy call 2022-06-30 409.64 423.0 $438 -7945868126788987945\n",
- "2022-06-02 $430360 64 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 410.0 $1063 8135739701811564262\n",
- "2022-06-02 $429121 65 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 407.0 $1238 -6519878365215463977\n",
- "2022-06-02 $428165 66 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 412.0 $955 4492484356734136261\n",
- "2022-06-02 $427313 67 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 414.0 $852 7890722224151982199\n",
- "2022-06-02 $425887 68 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 404.0 $1425 -4323091111379471316\n",
- "2022-06-02 $425303 69 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 420.0 $583 1957439915779951765\n",
- "2022-06-02 $424759 70 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 421.0 $544 7639372705475230969\n",
- "2022-06-02 $424384 71 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 426.0 $374 3453041421821868762\n",
- "2022-06-02 $424038 72 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 427.0 $345 6370797559818352405\n",
- "2022-06-02 $423652 73 buy call 2022-07-08 409.64 428.0 $386 -6467254946731467755\n",
- "2022-06-02 $422378 74 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 410.0 $1273 -4181793125458243145\n",
- "2022-06-02 $421047 75 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 409.0 $1330 3688027157174082528\n",
- "2022-06-02 $419658 76 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 408.0 $1389 -5091503721180047374\n",
- "2022-06-02 $418208 77 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 407.0 $1449 8476537401855153791\n",
- "2022-06-02 $417046 78 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 412.0 $1161 -6305080528980958831\n",
- "2022-06-03 $417884 77 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 415.0 $838 897939225724265462\n",
- "2022-06-03 $418783 76 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 414.0 $900 6085260435290413766\n",
- "2022-06-03 $419736 75 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 413.0 $954 5670949092573770050\n",
- "2022-06-03 $420210 74 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 422.0 $474 -6964837875230672302\n",
- "2022-06-03 $421228 73 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 412.0 $1019 5218468126585902524\n",
- "2022-06-03 $422382 72 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 410.0 $1155 8911627406405179866\n",
- "2022-06-03 $422734 71 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 425.0 $352 5309120568748493971\n",
- "2022-06-03 $423959 70 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 409.0 $1226 4664289288966632318\n",
- "2022-06-03 $424275 69 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 426.0 $317 6761742424327487855\n",
- "2022-06-03 $424559 68 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 427.0 $284 -1937292741506653891\n",
- "2022-06-03 $424811 67 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 428.0 $253 -8864441989468622840\n",
- "2022-06-03 $426335 66 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 405.0 $1525 -7439209841015038537\n",
- "2022-06-03 $426533 65 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 430.0 $198 -7445835883674134174\n",
- "2022-06-03 $427298 64 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 417.0 $766 -8373995802913427273\n",
- "2022-06-03 $428013 63 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 418.0 $715 8783459277107486133\n",
- "2022-06-03 $428838 62 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 416.0 $826 -1754007972108987268\n",
- "2022-06-03 $429499 61 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 419.0 $662 4941306567436948699\n",
- "2022-06-03 $430110 60 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 420.0 $611 1474421352191119536\n",
- "2022-06-03 $430995 59 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 415.0 $886 -5270188209429950583\n",
- "2022-06-03 $431941 58 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 414.0 $947 5020266255959471983\n",
- "2022-06-03 $432501 57 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 421.0 $560 -7647608295969073641\n",
- "2022-06-03 $433511 56 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 413.0 $1011 -8215094754880399699\n",
- "2022-06-03 $434026 55 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 422.0 $516 -2997585350301112010\n",
- "2022-06-03 $434497 54 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 423.0 $471 3369357331202813680\n",
- "2022-06-03 $435558 53 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 412.0 $1062 -4826965343678232028\n",
- "2022-06-03 $436698 52 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 411.0 $1141 3976713247711777026\n",
- "2022-06-03 $437129 51 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 424.0 $431 2555477711527775285\n",
- "2022-06-03 $437518 50 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 425.0 $390 -6806725582397904588\n",
- "2022-06-03 $438729 49 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 410.0 $1212 -6239813723379265721\n",
- "2022-06-03 $440009 48 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 409.0 $1280 2026033056769942056\n",
- "2022-06-03 $440361 47 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 426.0 $353 -6750458037333333770\n",
- "2022-06-03 $441714 46 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 408.0 $1354 -4798511601576685354\n",
- "2022-06-03 $442033 45 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 427.0 $319 -1578330776987020804\n",
- "2022-06-03 $442319 44 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 428.0 $287 -6284976088317172051\n",
- "2022-06-03 $443746 43 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 407.0 $1428 -6925238823461274104\n",
- "2022-06-03 $445228 42 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 406.0 $1482 -3705072724453698940\n",
- "2022-06-03 $445486 41 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 429.0 $259 4280217975650283379\n",
- "2022-06-03 $445717 40 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 430.0 $232 3297349625661770247\n",
- "2022-06-03 $447275 39 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 405.0 $1558 7770678173348937556\n",
- "2022-06-03 $447479 38 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 431.0 $205 1976132086934166744\n",
- "2022-06-03 $447658 37 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 432.0 $180 7712533292092575030\n",
- "2022-06-03 $447818 36 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 433.0 $160 5051718475475714260\n",
- "2022-06-03 $449692 35 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 401.0 $1875 8120482278627895922\n",
- "2022-06-03 $451645 34 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 400.0 $1954 -8224572991269435477\n",
- "2022-06-03 $453769 33 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 398.0 $2124 5839536756559032722\n",
- "2022-06-03 $454512 32 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 418.0 $744 -8441165856434140470\n",
- "2022-06-03 $455427 31 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 415.0 $916 -6154890251333268432\n",
- "2022-06-03 $456667 30 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 410.0 $1240 -5457484741509940826\n",
- "2022-06-03 $458030 29 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 408.0 $1364 -5389586425901678977\n",
- "2022-06-03 $459465 28 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 407.0 $1436 -6362566087907678722\n",
- "2022-06-03 $460976 27 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 406.0 $1511 -130353424455310701\n",
- "2022-06-03 $462561 26 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 405.0 $1586 -6640606558290127551\n",
- "2022-06-03 $463383 25 sell call 2022-06-22 417.37 417.0 $823 7594555974831246146\n",
- "2022-06-03 $464044 24 sell call 2022-06-22 417.37 420.0 $661 8897198221516680027\n",
- "2022-06-03 $464525 23 sell call 2022-06-22 417.37 424.0 $482 -687678285604201946\n",
- "2022-06-03 $465498 22 sell call 2022-06-24 417.37 415.0 $974 -7733626131279875136\n",
- "2022-06-03 $466548 21 sell call 2022-06-24 417.37 414.0 $1050 -6717085494680617708\n",
- "2022-06-03 $467141 20 sell call 2022-06-24 417.37 422.5 $594 -5933232448218868316\n",
- "2022-06-03 $467670 19 sell call 2022-06-24 417.37 424.0 $530 6997546260847447583\n",
- "2022-06-03 $468978 18 sell call 2022-06-24 417.37 410.0 $1308 -6040172510625725367\n",
- "2022-06-03 $469465 17 sell call 2022-06-24 417.37 425.0 $488 1177028667695144476\n",
- "2022-06-03 $470284 16 sell call 2022-06-30 417.37 420.0 $820 -2739365700618035887\n",
- "2022-06-03 $470960 15 sell call 2022-06-30 417.37 423.0 $676 -7945868126788987945\n",
- "2022-06-03 $471803 14 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 420.0 $844 1957439915779951765\n",
- "2022-06-03 $472986 13 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 414.0 $1183 7890722224151982199\n",
- "2022-06-03 $473781 12 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 421.0 $796 7639372705475230969\n",
- "2022-06-03 $475088 11 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 412.0 $1308 4492484356734136261\n",
- "2022-06-03 $476523 10 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 410.0 $1435 8135739701811564262\n",
- "2022-06-03 $477093 9 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 426.0 $571 3453041421821868762\n",
- "2022-06-03 $477622 8 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 427.0 $530 6370797559818352405\n",
- "2022-06-03 $479265 7 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 407.0 $1643 -6519878365215463977\n",
- "2022-06-03 $481103 6 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 404.0 $1839 -4323091111379471316\n",
- "2022-06-03 $481680 5 sell call 2022-07-08 417.37 428.0 $578 -6467254946731467755\n",
- "2022-06-03 $483202 4 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 412.0 $1522 -6305080528980958831\n",
- "2022-06-03 $484852 3 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 410.0 $1651 -4181793125458243145\n",
- "2022-06-03 $486565 2 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 409.0 $1714 3688027157174082528\n",
- "2022-06-03 $488345 1 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 408.0 $1780 -5091503721180047374\n",
- "2022-06-03 $490196 0 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 407.0 $1852 8476537401855153791\n",
- "2022-06-07 $489476 1 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 412.0 $719 5511126478944220829\n",
- "2022-06-07 $488701 2 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 411.0 $775 -1780870329961390084\n",
- "2022-06-07 $488090 3 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 414.0 $610 558579160186776260\n",
- "2022-06-07 $487527 4 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 415.0 $562 -6154890251333268432\n",
- "2022-06-07 $487012 5 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 416.0 $515 6128382820813875661\n",
- "2022-06-07 $485464 6 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 400.0 $1547 -8107915679033367782\n",
- "2022-06-07 $485326 7 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 428.0 $137 -6721577697689791064\n",
- "2022-06-07 $485248 8 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 432.0 $78 5525453674740806809\n",
- "2022-06-07 $484502 9 buy call 2022-06-22 411.76 412.0 $745 -3855127542599819902\n",
- "2022-06-07 $483912 10 buy call 2022-06-22 411.76 415.0 $589 5868639068341471205\n",
- "2022-06-07 $483607 11 buy call 2022-06-22 411.76 422.0 $305 5726707059448903651\n",
- "2022-06-07 $483410 12 buy call 2022-06-22 411.76 426.0 $196 7791960429004342275\n",
- "2022-06-07 $482607 13 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 412.0 $802 -4502830895138940406\n",
- "2022-06-07 $481752 14 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 411.0 $855 -1958277635259093305\n",
- "2022-06-07 $481004 15 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 413.0 $747 -4099070434915588231\n",
- "2022-06-07 $480089 16 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 410.0 $914 -6040172510625725367\n",
- "2022-06-07 $479397 17 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 414.0 $692 -6717085494680617708\n",
- "2022-06-07 $478359 18 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 408.0 $1037 3916386730773074701\n",
- "2022-06-07 $477762 19 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 416.0 $596 2404720984936651643\n",
- "2022-06-07 $477257 20 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 418.0 $505 -4184640108543158667\n",
- "2022-06-07 $476901 21 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 422.0 $355 -7482324068790391965\n",
- "2022-06-07 $476608 22 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 424.0 $292 6997546260847447583\n",
- "2022-06-07 $476344 23 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 425.0 $264 1177028667695144476\n",
- "2022-06-07 $476153 24 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 428.0 $190 8568733121640440490\n",
- "2022-06-07 $475372 25 buy call 2022-06-27 411.76 413.0 $780 -3530394015236866722\n",
- "2022-06-07 $474789 26 buy call 2022-06-27 411.76 417.0 $583 4568752138849494113\n",
- "2022-06-08 $474120 27 buy call 2022-06-22 415.69 416.0 $668 1322285684839880822\n",
- "2022-06-08 $473341 28 buy call 2022-06-22 415.69 414.0 $778 8191214324388696511\n",
- "2022-06-08 $472153 29 buy call 2022-06-22 415.69 408.0 $1188 -7322764176887209915\n",
- "2022-06-08 $470666 30 buy call 2022-06-22 415.69 404.0 $1486 2498291567311590138\n",
- "2022-06-08 $470592 31 buy call 2022-06-22 415.69 435.0 $73 -1725488629434777750\n",
- "2022-06-08 $469812 32 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 415.0 $780 -7733626131279875136\n",
- "2022-06-08 $469165 33 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 417.5 $646 7999747704834131184\n",
- "2022-06-08 $468637 34 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 420.0 $527 -8589634748832698771\n",
- "2022-06-08 $468447 35 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 430.0 $190 -2544243140601935070\n",
- "2022-06-08 $468316 36 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 433.0 $130 1719077151733688509\n",
- "2022-06-08 $468218 37 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 435.0 $98 -6079529879707751069\n",
- "2022-06-08 $467403 38 buy call 2022-06-27 415.69 415.0 $814 -3613613270687748906\n",
- "2022-06-08 $466282 39 buy call 2022-06-27 415.69 410.0 $1120 6851431628135015590\n",
- "2022-06-08 $465093 40 buy call 2022-06-27 415.69 409.0 $1189 -8686858650171683789\n",
- "2022-06-08 $464921 41 buy call 2022-06-27 415.69 432.0 $171 -6789629604187831038\n",
- "2022-06-08 $464786 42 buy call 2022-06-27 415.69 434.0 $134 7132268465257916567\n",
- "2022-06-08 $464669 43 buy call 2022-06-27 415.69 435.0 $117 -6718716026264339322\n",
- "2022-06-08 $464023 44 buy call 2022-06-30 415.69 420.0 $645 -2739365700618035887\n",
- "2022-06-08 $462817 45 buy call 2022-06-30 415.69 410.0 $1205 -7541770898968467875\n",
- "2022-06-08 $462301 46 buy call 2022-06-30 415.69 423.0 $516 -7945868126788987945\n",
- "2022-06-08 $461861 47 buy call 2022-06-30 415.69 425.0 $439 -6284617006772473911\n",
- "2022-06-08 $461581 48 buy call 2022-06-30 415.69 430.0 $279 -7048659911056028899\n",
- "2022-06-08 $461397 49 buy call 2022-06-30 415.69 434.0 $184 -6406626287768389274\n",
- "2022-06-08 $461231 50 buy call 2022-06-30 415.69 435.0 $165 5813091986709884479\n",
- "2022-06-08 $460357 51 buy call 2022-07-01 415.69 416.0 $873 -1021590531429761606\n",
- "2022-06-08 $459429 52 buy call 2022-07-01 415.69 415.0 $928 -4840240130649254667\n",
- "2022-06-09 $458786 53 buy call 2022-06-24 411.28 412.5 $642 -2587947849705151651\n",
- "2022-06-09 $458351 54 buy call 2022-06-24 411.28 417.0 $434 -5551847517686476111\n",
- "2022-06-09 $457993 55 buy call 2022-06-24 411.28 419.0 $358 -6948516368323125825\n",
- "2022-06-09 $457701 56 buy call 2022-06-24 411.28 421.0 $291 -5941544021855122151\n",
- "2022-06-09 $456956 57 buy call 2022-06-30 411.28 413.0 $744 -7788321756122856708\n",
- "2022-06-09 $456312 58 buy call 2022-06-30 411.28 415.0 $644 -874511212387535536\n",
- "2022-06-09 $455229 59 buy call 2022-06-30 411.28 407.0 $1082 -5031947256489135244\n",
- "2022-06-09 $454234 60 buy call 2022-07-01 411.28 409.0 $994 5761273742977163341\n",
- "2022-06-09 $453118 61 buy call 2022-07-01 411.28 407.0 $1116 -6519878365215463977\n",
- "2022-06-09 $452659 62 buy call 2022-07-01 411.28 420.0 $458 1957439915779951765\n",
- "2022-06-09 $452364 63 buy call 2022-07-01 411.28 425.0 $294 -7950780905747430174\n",
- "2022-06-09 $451607 64 buy call 2022-07-05 411.28 414.0 $757 1908355456128714371\n",
- "2022-06-09 $450900 65 buy call 2022-07-05 411.28 415.0 $706 -1922142294995052056\n",
- "2022-06-09 $450554 66 buy call 2022-07-08 411.28 426.0 $345 344283739840421844\n",
- "2022-06-09 $449439 67 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 411.0 $1115 6080002392933261476\n",
- "2022-06-09 $448381 68 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 412.0 $1057 -6305080528980958831\n",
- "2022-06-09 $447208 69 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 410.0 $1172 -4181793125458243145\n",
- "2022-06-09 $446203 70 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 413.0 $1005 -3526882529278877548\n",
- "2022-06-09 $445251 71 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 414.0 $951 5015092093949780483\n",
- "2022-06-09 $443960 72 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 408.0 $1290 -5091503721180047374\n",
- "2022-06-09 $443060 73 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 415.0 $900 -1803661974199347684\n",
- "2022-06-09 $442209 74 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 416.0 $850 572138631082721860\n",
- "2022-06-09 $440729 75 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 405.0 $1479 4747065181190673262\n",
- "2022-06-09 $440022 76 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 419.0 $707 4776896516125793506\n",
- "2022-06-09 $439356 77 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 420.0 $665 -2758014085435249595\n",
- "2022-06-09 $438884 78 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 425.0 $471 -1414039638692504858\n",
- "2022-06-10 $439639 77 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 400.0 $755 -8107915679033367782\n",
- "2022-06-10 $439911 76 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 411.0 $273 -1780870329961390084\n",
- "2022-06-10 $440154 75 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 412.0 $244 5511126478944220829\n",
- "2022-06-10 $440347 74 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 414.0 $193 558579160186776260\n",
- "2022-06-10 $440517 73 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 415.0 $171 -6154890251333268432\n",
- "2022-06-10 $440667 72 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 416.0 $151 6128382820813875661\n",
- "2022-06-10 $440694 71 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 428.0 $27 -6721577697689791064\n",
- "2022-06-10 $440708 70 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 432.0 $15 5525453674740806809\n",
- "2022-06-10 $441284 69 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 404.0 $576 2498291567311590138\n",
- "2022-06-10 $441687 68 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 408.0 $404 -7322764176887209915\n",
- "2022-06-10 $441955 67 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 412.0 $269 -3855127542599819902\n",
- "2022-06-10 $442169 66 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 414.0 $214 8191214324388696511\n",
- "2022-06-10 $442360 65 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 415.0 $192 5868639068341471205\n",
- "2022-06-10 $442528 64 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 416.0 $169 1322285684839880822\n",
- "2022-06-10 $442606 63 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 422.0 $78 5726707059448903651\n",
- "2022-06-10 $442650 62 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 426.0 $45 7791960429004342275\n",
- "2022-06-10 $442661 61 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 435.0 $12 -1725488629434777750\n",
- "2022-06-10 $443118 60 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 408.0 $457 3916386730773074701\n",
- "2022-06-10 $443498 59 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 410.0 $381 -6040172510625725367\n",
- "2022-06-10 $443844 58 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 411.0 $347 -1958277635259093305\n",
- "2022-06-10 $444159 57 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 412.0 $315 -4502830895138940406\n",
- "2022-06-10 $444458 56 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 412.5 $300 -2587947849705151651\n",
- "2022-06-10 $444742 55 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 413.0 $285 -4099070434915588231\n",
- "2022-06-10 $444999 54 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 414.0 $257 -6717085494680617708\n",
- "2022-06-10 $445229 53 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 415.0 $231 -7733626131279875136\n",
- "2022-06-10 $445436 52 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 416.0 $208 2404720984936651643\n",
- "2022-06-10 $445622 51 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 417.0 $186 -5551847517686476111\n",
- "2022-06-10 $445797 50 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 417.5 $176 7999747704834131184\n",
- "2022-06-10 $445962 49 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 418.0 $166 -4184640108543158667\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446110 48 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 419.0 $148 -6948516368323125825\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446240 47 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 420.0 $131 -8589634748832698771\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446355 46 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 421.0 $116 -5941544021855122151\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446458 45 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 422.0 $103 -7482324068790391965\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446537 44 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 424.0 $80 6997546260847447583\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446606 43 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 425.0 $70 1177028667695144476\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446653 42 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 428.0 $47 8568733121640440490\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446688 41 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 430.0 $36 -2544243140601935070\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446711 40 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 433.0 $24 1719077151733688509\n",
- "2022-06-10 $446729 39 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 435.0 $18 -6079529879707751069\n",
- "2022-06-10 $447178 38 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 409.0 $450 -8686858650171683789\n",
- "2022-06-10 $447591 37 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 410.0 $414 6851431628135015590\n",
- "2022-06-10 $447906 36 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 413.0 $315 -3530394015236866722\n",
- "2022-06-10 $448164 35 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 415.0 $259 -3613613270687748906\n",
- "2022-06-10 $448374 34 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 417.0 $211 4568752138849494113\n",
- "2022-06-10 $448408 33 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 432.0 $34 -6789629604187831038\n",
- "2022-06-10 $448433 32 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 434.0 $26 7132268465257916567\n",
- "2022-06-10 $448455 31 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 435.0 $23 -6718716026264339322\n",
- "2022-06-10 $449073 30 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 407.0 $618 -5031947256489135244\n",
- "2022-06-10 $449567 29 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 410.0 $495 -7541770898968467875\n",
- "2022-06-10 $449954 28 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 413.0 $388 -7788321756122856708\n",
- "2022-06-10 $450281 27 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 415.0 $327 -874511212387535536\n",
- "2022-06-10 $450485 26 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 420.0 $205 -2739365700618035887\n",
- "2022-06-10 $450634 25 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 423.0 $150 -7945868126788987945\n",
- "2022-06-10 $450755 24 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 425.0 $121 -6284617006772473911\n",
- "2022-06-10 $450823 23 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 430.0 $69 -7048659911056028899\n",
- "2022-06-10 $450864 22 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 434.0 $42 -6406626287768389274\n",
- "2022-06-10 $450901 21 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 435.0 $37 5813091986709884479\n",
- "2022-06-10 $451542 20 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 407.0 $642 -6519878365215463977\n",
- "2022-06-10 $452099 19 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 409.0 $557 5761273742977163341\n",
- "2022-06-10 $452443 18 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 415.0 $345 -4840240130649254667\n",
- "2022-06-10 $452758 17 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 416.0 $316 -1021590531429761606\n",
- "2022-06-10 $452976 16 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 420.0 $218 1957439915779951765\n",
- "2022-06-10 $453106 15 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 425.0 $131 -7950780905747430174\n",
- "2022-06-10 $453509 14 sell call 2022-07-05 401.48 414.0 $404 1908355456128714371\n",
- "2022-06-10 $453881 13 sell call 2022-07-05 401.48 415.0 $372 -1922142294995052056\n",
- "2022-06-10 $454044 12 sell call 2022-07-08 401.48 426.0 $164 344283739840421844\n",
- "2022-06-10 $455010 11 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 405.0 $967 4747065181190673262\n",
- "2022-06-10 $455831 10 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 408.0 $821 -5091503721180047374\n",
- "2022-06-10 $456561 9 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 410.0 $731 -4181793125458243145\n",
- "2022-06-10 $457248 8 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 411.0 $688 6080002392933261476\n",
- "2022-06-10 $457895 7 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 412.0 $647 -6305080528980958831\n",
- "2022-06-10 $458500 6 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 413.0 $606 -3526882529278877548\n",
- "2022-06-10 $459067 5 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 414.0 $568 5015092093949780483\n",
- "2022-06-10 $459598 4 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 415.0 $531 -1803661974199347684\n",
- "2022-06-10 $460093 3 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 416.0 $496 572138631082721860\n",
- "2022-06-10 $460492 2 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 419.0 $400 4776896516125793506\n",
- "2022-06-10 $460863 1 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 420.0 $371 -2758014085435249595\n",
- "2022-06-10 $461108 0 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 425.0 $246 -1414039638692504858\n",
- "2022-06-14 $460018 1 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 375.0 $1089 7907324154387262706\n",
- "2022-06-14 $458880 2 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 376.0 $1138 4768949057442515336\n",
- "2022-06-14 $457930 3 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 372.0 $949 3239951187420312951\n",
- "2022-06-14 $456581 4 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 380.0 $1348 -4426071372388193849\n",
- "2022-06-14 $455718 5 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 370.0 $863 883015117167922945\n",
- "2022-06-14 $455195 6 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 360.0 $522 2403349001915490213\n",
- "2022-06-14 $454074 7 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 375.0 $1120 -3380800585897006360\n",
- "2022-06-14 $453001 8 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 374.0 $1073 -1359767620068488989\n",
- "2022-06-14 $451831 9 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 376.0 $1169 -8976208216279429334\n",
- "2022-06-14 $450849 10 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 372.0 $981 2150399150383612457\n",
- "2022-06-14 $449578 11 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 378.0 $1271 -810315526894165119\n",
- "2022-06-14 $448680 12 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 370.0 $897 -5512367769494909368\n",
- "2022-06-14 $447299 13 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 380.0 $1380 4093898702118520834\n",
- "2022-06-14 $446482 14 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 368.0 $817 -7919143900910149302\n",
- "2022-06-14 $444985 15 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 382.0 $1496 5059709637674285483\n",
- "2022-06-14 $443430 16 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 383.0 $1554 -4965398986196187456\n",
- "2022-06-14 $442687 17 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 366.0 $743 8304548308151972737\n",
- "2022-06-14 $441046 18 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 384.0 $1640 995769624717749067\n",
- "2022-06-14 $440337 19 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 365.0 $708 2383792904051027163\n",
- "2022-06-14 $438635 20 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 385.0 $1702 -1864416651055423955\n",
- "2022-06-14 $437960 21 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 364.0 $674 8724868599121815518\n",
- "2022-06-14 $437349 22 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 362.0 $610 -7172551466663755907\n",
- "2022-06-14 $436797 23 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 360.0 $552 3990348927836258697\n",
- "2022-06-14 $434750 24 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 390.0 $2046 8175106146660252088\n",
- "2022-06-14 $433600 25 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 375.0 $1149 -8241845285383872114\n",
- "2022-06-14 $432541 26 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 373.0 $1059 515198247655349872\n",
- "2022-06-15 $433591 25 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 375.0 $1051 7907324154387262706\n",
- "2022-06-15 $434494 24 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 372.0 $904 3239951187420312951\n",
- "2022-06-15 $435600 23 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 376.0 $1106 4768949057442515336\n",
- "2022-06-15 $436413 22 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 370.0 $814 883015117167922945\n",
- "2022-06-15 $437740 21 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 380.0 $1327 -4426071372388193849\n",
- "2022-06-15 $438199 20 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 360.0 $460 2403349001915490213\n",
- "2022-06-15 $439232 19 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 374.0 $1034 -1359767620068488989\n",
- "2022-06-15 $440317 18 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 375.0 $1085 -3380800585897006360\n",
- "2022-06-15 $441252 17 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 372.0 $936 2150399150383612457\n",
- "2022-06-15 $442385 16 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 376.0 $1134 -8976208216279429334\n",
- "2022-06-15 $443229 15 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 370.0 $844 -5512367769494909368\n",
- "2022-06-15 $444474 14 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 378.0 $1246 -810315526894165119\n",
- "2022-06-15 $445237 13 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 368.0 $764 -7919143900910149302\n",
- "2022-06-15 $446587 12 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 380.0 $1350 4093898702118520834\n",
- "2022-06-15 $447272 11 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 366.0 $686 8304548308151972737\n",
- "2022-06-15 $448756 10 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 382.0 $1485 5059709637674285483\n",
- "2022-06-15 $449406 9 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 365.0 $650 2383792904051027163\n",
- "2022-06-15 $450954 8 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 383.0 $1549 -4965398986196187456\n",
- "2022-06-15 $451568 7 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 364.0 $615 8724868599121815518\n",
- "2022-06-15 $453179 6 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 384.0 $1611 995769624717749067\n",
- "2022-06-15 $454854 5 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 385.0 $1676 -1864416651055423955\n",
- "2022-06-15 $455401 4 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 362.0 $548 -7172551466663755907\n",
- "2022-06-15 $455893 3 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 360.0 $492 3990348927836258697\n",
- "2022-06-15 $457919 2 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 390.0 $2027 8175106146660252088\n",
- "2022-06-15 $458938 1 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 373.0 $1020 515198247655349872\n",
- "2022-06-15 $460056 0 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 375.0 $1118 -8241845285383872114\n",
- "2022-06-16 $459051 1 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 380.0 $1004 4093898702118520834\n",
- "2022-06-16 $458148 2 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 378.0 $902 -810315526894165119\n",
- "2022-06-16 $457336 3 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 376.0 $812 -8976208216279429334\n",
- "2022-06-16 $456569 4 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 375.0 $766 -3380800585897006360\n",
- "2022-06-16 $455282 5 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 385.0 $1286 -1864416651055423955\n",
- "2022-06-16 $454637 6 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 372.0 $645 2150399150383612457\n",
- "2022-06-16 $454064 7 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 370.0 $572 -5512367769494909368\n",
- "2022-06-16 $453559 8 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 368.0 $504 -7919143900910149302\n",
- "2022-06-16 $453115 9 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 366.0 $444 8304548308151972737\n",
- "2022-06-16 $452699 10 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 365.0 $415 2383792904051027163\n",
- "2022-06-16 $452309 11 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 364.0 $389 8724868599121815518\n",
- "2022-06-16 $451970 12 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 362.0 $339 -7172551466663755907\n",
- "2022-06-16 $450990 13 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 379.0 $979 5444963044966394186\n",
- "2022-06-16 $449958 14 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 380.0 $1031 8420916392151020820\n",
- "2022-06-16 $449027 15 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 378.0 $931 6788850796032994176\n",
- "2022-06-16 $448143 16 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 377.0 $883 2018051811377612982\n",
- "2022-06-16 $446952 17 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 383.0 $1190 -8607453187108740709\n",
- "2022-06-16 $446156 18 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 375.0 $796 -8241845285383872114\n",
- "2022-06-16 $445555 19 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 370.0 $600 4915281750196505834\n",
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- "2022-06-16 $444581 21 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 365.0 $442 -3463517487537439507\n",
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- "2022-06-16 $442939 24 buy put 2022-07-05 379.15 375.0 $836 5287740847437799160\n",
- "2022-06-16 $441841 25 buy put 2022-07-06 379.15 380.0 $1097 -2053427226565009937\n",
- "2022-06-16 $440875 26 buy put 2022-07-08 379.15 376.0 $965 9107018719729824982\n",
- "2022-06-17 $439858 27 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 367.0 $1017 3577774128851308258\n",
- "2022-06-17 $438888 28 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 366.0 $969 2834160549232044686\n",
- "2022-06-17 $438093 29 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 362.0 $795 7723336839931354705\n",
- "2022-06-17 $437373 30 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 360.0 $719 3390478401223390091\n",
- "2022-06-17 $436688 31 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 359.0 $684 -3559199017688891914\n",
- "2022-06-17 $436038 32 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 358.0 $650 -1175422155375007530\n",
- "2022-06-17 $434483 33 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 376.0 $1554 7353178436498984144\n",
- "2022-06-17 $433895 34 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 356.0 $587 -3239611556017152462\n",
- "2022-06-17 $433337 35 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 355.0 $558 5604065760396125158\n",
- "2022-06-17 $432805 36 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 354.0 $531 467964716051779420\n",
- "2022-06-17 $432300 37 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 353.0 $504 -1226935874163634026\n",
- "2022-06-17 $431821 38 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 352.0 $479 3813545386179842364\n",
- "2022-06-17 $431364 39 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 351.0 $456 -7171218899072713345\n",
- "2022-06-17 $430930 40 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 350.0 $433 -6348104704589583330\n",
- "2022-06-17 $429915 41 buy put 2022-07-05 366.89 366.0 $1015 4780844131334214017\n",
- "2022-06-17 $428945 42 buy put 2022-07-05 366.89 365.0 $969 4221236060924579027\n",
- "2022-06-17 $427726 43 buy put 2022-07-05 366.89 370.0 $1218 7181242839746086547\n",
- "2022-06-17 $426960 44 buy put 2022-07-05 366.89 360.0 $766 -7752257232351590080\n",
- "2022-06-17 $426486 45 buy put 2022-07-05 366.89 350.0 $473 9075534242938257256\n",
- "2022-06-17 $425425 46 buy put 2022-07-08 366.89 365.0 $1060 -3999218612916460618\n",
- "2022-06-17 $424121 47 buy put 2022-07-08 366.89 370.0 $1304 -8053631620718226021\n",
- "2022-06-17 $423104 48 buy put 2022-07-08 366.89 364.0 $1016 8403754998408368585\n",
- "2022-06-17 $422246 49 buy put 2022-07-08 366.89 360.0 $857 1636335326450273997\n",
- "2022-06-17 $421692 50 buy put 2022-07-08 366.89 350.0 $554 -4474123248909509093\n",
- "2022-06-17 $420441 51 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 366.0 $1250 5815427098357629586\n",
- "2022-06-17 $419100 52 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 368.0 $1340 -4260892152731080414\n",
- "2022-06-22 $419768 51 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 375.0 $668 -3380800585897006360\n",
- "2022-06-22 $420486 50 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 376.0 $719 -8976208216279429334\n",
- "2022-06-22 $421309 49 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 378.0 $824 -810315526894165119\n",
- "2022-06-22 $421842 48 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 372.0 $533 2150399150383612457\n",
- "2022-06-22 $422778 47 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 380.0 $937 4093898702118520834\n",
- "2022-06-22 $423232 46 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 370.0 $455 -5512367769494909368\n",
- "2022-06-22 $423616 45 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 368.0 $384 -7919143900910149302\n",
- "2022-06-22 $423938 44 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 366.0 $323 8304548308151972737\n",
- "2022-06-22 $425199 43 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 385.0 $1262 -1864416651055423955\n",
- "2022-06-22 $425494 42 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 365.0 $295 2383792904051027163\n",
- "2022-06-22 $425763 41 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 364.0 $270 8724868599121815518\n",
- "2022-06-22 $425986 40 sell put 2022-06-30 375.08 362.0 $224 -7172551466663755907\n",
- "2022-06-22 $426696 39 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 375.0 $710 -8241845285383872114\n",
- "2022-06-22 $427454 38 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 376.0 $759 7353178436498984144\n",
- "2022-06-22 $428263 37 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 377.0 $810 2018051811377612982\n",
- "2022-06-22 $429127 36 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 378.0 $864 6788850796032994176\n",
- "2022-06-22 $430045 35 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 379.0 $919 5444963044966394186\n",
- "2022-06-22 $431019 34 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 380.0 $975 8420916392151020820\n",
- "2022-06-22 $431515 33 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 370.0 $496 4915281750196505834\n",
- "2022-06-22 $431940 32 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 368.0 $426 9008029527586482715\n",
- "2022-06-22 $433099 31 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 383.0 $1160 -8607453187108740709\n",
- "2022-06-22 $433493 30 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 367.0 $394 3577774128851308258\n",
- "2022-06-22 $433855 29 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 366.0 $363 2834160549232044686\n",
- "2022-06-22 $434189 28 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 365.0 $335 -3463517487537439507\n",
- "2022-06-22 $434497 27 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 364.0 $308 7399508283914040983\n",
- "2022-06-22 $434780 26 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 363.0 $284 -5639490968815152245\n",
- "2022-06-22 $435040 25 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 362.0 $260 7723336839931354705\n",
- "2022-06-22 $435260 24 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 360.0 $221 3390478401223390091\n",
- "2022-06-22 $435461 23 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 359.0 $202 -3559199017688891914\n",
- "2022-06-22 $435646 22 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 358.0 $185 -1175422155375007530\n",
- "2022-06-22 $435802 21 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 356.0 $157 -3239611556017152462\n",
- "2022-06-22 $435945 20 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 355.0 $144 5604065760396125158\n",
- "2022-06-22 $436078 19 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 354.0 $133 467964716051779420\n",
- "2022-06-22 $436199 18 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 353.0 $122 -1226935874163634026\n",
- "2022-06-22 $436311 17 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 352.0 $113 3813545386179842364\n",
- "2022-06-22 $436415 16 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 351.0 $104 -7171218899072713345\n",
- "2022-06-22 $436510 15 sell put 2022-07-01 375.08 350.0 $96 -6348104704589583330\n",
- "2022-06-22 $437274 14 sell put 2022-07-05 375.08 375.0 $765 5287740847437799160\n",
- "2022-06-22 $437828 13 sell put 2022-07-05 375.08 370.0 $554 7181242839746086547\n",
- "2022-06-22 $438245 12 sell put 2022-07-05 375.08 366.0 $418 4780844131334214017\n",
- "2022-06-22 $438634 11 sell put 2022-07-05 375.08 365.0 $390 4221236060924579027\n",
- "2022-06-22 $438903 10 sell put 2022-07-05 375.08 360.0 $269 -7752257232351590080\n",
- "2022-06-22 $439030 9 sell put 2022-07-05 375.08 350.0 $128 9075534242938257256\n",
- "2022-06-22 $440087 8 sell put 2022-07-06 375.08 380.0 $1058 -2053427226565009937\n",
- "2022-06-22 $441005 7 sell put 2022-07-08 375.08 376.0 $918 9107018719729824982\n",
- "2022-06-22 $441666 6 sell put 2022-07-08 375.08 370.0 $662 -8053631620718226021\n",
- "2022-06-22 $442160 5 sell put 2022-07-08 375.08 365.0 $495 -3999218612916460618\n",
- "2022-06-22 $442627 4 sell put 2022-07-08 375.08 364.0 $467 8403754998408368585\n",
- "2022-06-22 $442992 3 sell put 2022-07-08 375.08 360.0 $366 1636335326450273997\n",
- "2022-06-22 $443189 2 sell put 2022-07-08 375.08 350.0 $198 -4474123248909509093\n",
- "2022-06-22 $443947 1 sell put 2022-07-15 375.08 368.0 $758 -4260892152731080414\n",
- "2022-06-22 $444637 0 sell put 2022-07-15 375.08 366.0 $691 5815427098357629586\n",
- "2022-07-07 $443796 1 buy call 2022-07-22 383.31 383.0 $840 -4181553323966297614\n",
- "2022-07-07 $443013 2 buy call 2022-07-22 383.31 384.0 $783 4722240697321728233\n",
- "2022-07-07 $442116 3 buy call 2022-07-22 383.31 382.0 $896 -4750618268433907867\n",
- "2022-07-07 $441099 4 buy call 2022-07-22 383.31 380.0 $1016 -3683533769787401704\n",
- "2022-07-07 $440607 5 buy call 2022-07-22 383.31 390.0 $492 7361882745453199012\n",
- "2022-07-07 $440266 6 buy call 2022-07-22 383.31 394.0 $340 -6266811976322025264\n",
- "2022-07-07 $440087 7 buy call 2022-07-22 383.31 400.0 $178 7439506029814272623\n",
- "2022-07-07 $439947 8 buy call 2022-07-22 383.31 402.0 $140 6485968101453331422\n",
- "2022-07-07 $439501 9 buy call 2022-07-27 383.31 394.0 $445 6979667039324712018\n",
- "2022-07-07 $438528 10 buy call 2022-07-29 383.31 384.0 $972 2229481928993706356\n",
- "2022-07-07 $437766 11 buy call 2022-07-29 383.31 388.0 $762 -8475231202799544027\n",
- "2022-07-07 $437097 12 buy call 2022-07-29 383.31 390.0 $668 1926471531348230156\n",
- "2022-07-07 $436636 13 buy call 2022-07-29 383.31 395.0 $460 -9154297982995129498\n",
- "2022-07-07 $436336 14 buy call 2022-07-29 383.31 400.0 $300 3807197826391271170\n",
- "2022-07-07 $436061 15 buy call 2022-07-29 383.31 401.0 $274 2905343720927652100\n",
- "2022-07-07 $435276 16 buy call 2022-08-05 383.31 390.0 $784 7835588878797477582\n",
- "2022-07-07 $434887 17 buy call 2022-08-05 383.31 400.0 $389 173779926163579080\n",
- "2022-07-07 $433596 18 buy call 2022-08-10 383.31 382.0 $1290 4920882849618992616\n",
- "2022-07-07 $432329 19 buy call 2022-08-19 383.31 385.0 $1266 -7895766913376800081\n",
- "2022-07-07 $430827 20 buy call 2022-08-19 383.31 381.0 $1502 7174486785834327775\n",
- "2022-07-07 $429262 21 buy call 2022-08-19 383.31 380.0 $1564 -5733520527395374887\n",
- "2022-07-07 $427565 22 buy call 2022-08-19 383.31 378.0 $1696 93473404881341179\n",
- "2022-07-07 $426516 23 buy call 2022-08-19 383.31 389.0 $1049 726726108231464241\n",
- "2022-07-07 $425517 24 buy call 2022-08-19 383.31 390.0 $998 -4540956238778052819\n",
- "2022-07-07 $424754 25 buy call 2022-08-19 383.31 395.0 $763 -6738038044207185389\n",
- "2022-07-07 $424189 26 buy call 2022-08-19 383.31 400.0 $564 -3751545787908102692\n",
- "2022-07-08 $423441 27 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 389.0 $747 -1548990201015067458\n",
- "2022-07-08 $422636 28 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 388.0 $805 4110255987420888451\n",
- "2022-07-08 $421996 29 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 391.0 $639 3372632878216183915\n",
- "2022-07-08 $421132 30 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 387.0 $863 -7138422711574398079\n",
- "2022-07-08 $420208 31 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 386.0 $924 5879714909284039131\n",
- "2022-07-08 $419209 32 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 385.0 $998 8683424584003027015\n",
- "2022-07-08 $418668 33 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 393.0 $540 -1457358164797979411\n",
- "2022-07-08 $418216 34 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 395.0 $452 -8263950349597444406\n",
- "2022-07-08 $417806 35 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 396.0 $409 -7055842913835467505\n",
- "2022-07-08 $417434 36 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 397.0 $371 1855965733032168029\n",
- "2022-07-08 $417099 37 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 398.0 $335 1718205838526871576\n",
- "2022-07-08 $416797 38 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 399.0 $301 -8028545578758862102\n",
- "2022-07-08 $416667 39 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 406.0 $129 8485272067152733816\n",
- "2022-07-08 $416569 40 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 408.0 $98 -7953200775962650618\n",
- "2022-07-08 $415529 41 buy call 2022-07-25 388.97 385.0 $1039 8621545854255749606\n",
- "2022-07-08 $415081 42 buy call 2022-07-25 388.97 396.0 $447 7194514402463077483\n",
- "2022-07-08 $414025 43 buy call 2022-07-27 388.97 386.0 $1056 -6403408689649108454\n",
- "2022-07-08 $413770 44 buy call 2022-07-27 388.97 404.0 $254 8057316675872246223\n",
- "2022-07-08 $412824 45 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 389.0 $945 -1235617778917396083\n",
- "2022-07-08 $411762 46 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 387.0 $1062 8754014221896198570\n",
- "2022-07-08 $410637 47 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 386.0 $1124 -6668578386486623415\n",
- "2022-07-08 $409448 48 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 385.0 $1188 -2164623804438056035\n",
- "2022-07-08 $408901 49 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 397.0 $547 -224615915744509681\n",
- "2022-07-08 $408433 50 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 399.0 $467 -2525413680366740386\n",
- "2022-07-08 $406748 51 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 378.0 $1684 5910445616302381260\n",
- "2022-07-08 $406403 52 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 402.5 $345 -2826321896722724222\n",
- "2022-07-09 $405752 53 buy call 2022-07-25 388.69 390.0 $650 8862641148777266052\n",
- "2022-07-09 $405512 54 buy call 2022-07-25 388.69 400.0 $239 6432789072263449764\n",
- "2022-07-09 $405403 55 buy call 2022-07-25 388.69 406.0 $109 7759728105789957317\n",
- "2022-07-09 $404657 56 buy call 2022-07-27 388.69 390.0 $745 6342325268201822036\n",
- "2022-07-09 $403399 57 buy call 2022-07-29 388.69 383.0 $1257 -6703025803194146797\n",
- "2022-07-09 $402074 58 buy call 2022-07-29 388.69 382.0 $1325 -1690580915418644504\n",
- "2022-07-09 $400246 59 buy call 2022-07-29 388.69 375.0 $1827 2448597253051580670\n",
- "2022-07-09 $398756 60 buy call 2022-08-01 388.69 380.0 $1489 -7690267766736996742\n",
- "2022-07-09 $397859 61 buy call 2022-08-03 388.69 390.0 $897 -4032758037083748255\n",
- "2022-07-09 $396608 62 buy call 2022-08-05 388.69 385.0 $1250 684149035173096652\n",
- "2022-07-09 $395886 63 buy call 2022-08-05 388.69 394.0 $721 -3893255534111904759\n",
- "2022-07-09 $395212 64 buy call 2022-08-05 388.69 395.0 $674 -2933957214053856156\n",
- "2022-07-09 $393849 65 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 387.0 $1362 2454838885301240700\n",
- "2022-07-09 $392722 66 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 391.0 $1126 3014089052064483105\n",
- "2022-07-09 $391720 67 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 393.0 $1002 -3557799100656134995\n",
- "2022-07-09 $390915 68 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 397.0 $804 2950779436393655960\n",
- "2022-07-09 $390424 69 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 405.0 $490 -3402336789684632596\n",
- "2022-07-09 $389636 70 buy call 2022-08-26 388.69 400.0 $788 -6321893360479700244\n",
- "2022-07-09 $387958 71 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 388.0 $1677 566390751616962727\n",
- "2022-07-09 $386399 72 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 390.0 $1558 -4313838767270435133\n",
- "2022-07-09 $384662 73 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 387.0 $1737 8768735444875592630\n",
- "2022-07-09 $382844 74 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 386.0 $1817 8220574197674263541\n",
- "2022-07-09 $381403 75 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 392.0 $1441 -5693945549534244973\n",
- "2022-07-09 $380072 76 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 394.0 $1330 -6949861066243498062\n",
- "2022-07-09 $378795 77 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 395.0 $1276 -6289963903366316125\n",
- "2022-07-09 $377572 78 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 396.0 $1223 -8162979105149062140\n",
- "2022-07-12 $376818 79 buy call 2022-07-27 384.33 385.0 $753 -6025340855440537201\n",
- "2022-07-12 $376591 80 buy call 2022-07-27 384.33 398.0 $226 4439418899896262886\n",
- "2022-07-12 $376413 81 buy call 2022-07-27 384.33 400.0 $178 6319075459328535452\n",
- "2022-07-12 $376274 82 buy call 2022-07-27 384.33 402.0 $138 -6546519901635894177\n",
- "2022-07-12 $375576 83 buy call 2022-07-29 384.33 387.5 $697 -529406491087398073\n",
- "2022-07-12 $374451 84 buy call 2022-07-29 384.33 380.0 $1125 -4965639943754799774\n",
- "2022-07-12 $373918 85 buy call 2022-07-29 384.33 391.0 $532 -2835298707332193433\n",
- "2022-07-12 $373639 86 buy call 2022-07-29 384.33 398.0 $278 2463489517421361542\n",
- "2022-07-12 $373460 87 buy call 2022-07-29 384.33 402.0 $179 4707700647617588080\n",
- "2022-07-12 $372650 88 buy call 2022-08-01 384.33 386.0 $809 5273697654240831957\n",
- "2022-07-12 $372039 89 buy call 2022-08-01 384.33 390.0 $610 -1175195596192564665\n",
- "2022-07-12 $370899 90 buy call 2022-08-05 384.33 382.0 $1140 -3258936848728725640\n",
- "2022-07-12 $370044 91 buy call 2022-08-05 384.33 387.0 $854 -4553212466644215545\n",
- "2022-07-12 $369240 92 buy call 2022-08-05 384.33 388.0 $803 9027208993121196907\n",
- "2022-07-12 $367277 93 buy call 2022-08-05 384.33 370.0 $1963 -3075798875025352526\n",
- "2022-07-12 $366185 94 buy call 2022-08-12 384.33 385.0 $1091 8152326767633340014\n",
- "2022-07-12 $365149 95 buy call 2022-08-12 384.33 386.0 $1035 -7438447636905939742\n",
- "2022-07-12 $363884 96 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 384.0 $1265 -8056491797505230619\n",
- "2022-07-12 $362558 97 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 383.0 $1325 5253994345142510236\n",
- "2022-07-12 $361408 98 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 386.0 $1149 -9143660635986813183\n",
- "2022-07-12 $360369 99 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 388.0 $1039 8307390464452467572\n",
- "2022-07-12 $359533 100 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 392.0 $835 -6772902125548298268\n",
- "2022-07-12 $358994 101 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 399.0 $538 5374990824352929492\n",
- "2022-07-12 $357655 102 buy call 2022-08-26 384.33 385.0 $1339 8514283370494175982\n",
- "2022-07-12 $356431 103 buy call 2022-08-26 384.33 387.0 $1223 -5340189069891588181\n",
- "2022-07-12 $355235 104 buy call 2022-08-26 384.33 387.5 $1195 6423517356326833274\n",
- "2022-07-13 $355927 103 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 380.0 $692 -3683533769787401704\n",
- "2022-07-13 $356509 102 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 382.0 $583 -4750618268433907867\n",
- "2022-07-13 $357041 101 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 383.0 $533 -4181553323966297614\n",
- "2022-07-13 $357526 100 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 384.0 $485 4722240697321728233\n",
- "2022-07-13 $357964 99 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 385.0 $439 8683424584003027015\n",
- "2022-07-13 $358359 98 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 386.0 $396 5879714909284039131\n",
- "2022-07-13 $358715 97 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 387.0 $356 -7138422711574398079\n",
- "2022-07-13 $359032 96 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 388.0 $318 4110255987420888451\n",
- "2022-07-13 $359314 95 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 389.0 $283 -1548990201015067458\n",
- "2022-07-13 $359564 94 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 390.0 $250 7361882745453199012\n",
- "2022-07-13 $359783 93 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 391.0 $220 3372632878216183915\n",
- "2022-07-13 $359949 92 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 393.0 $167 -1457358164797979411\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360094 91 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 394.0 $145 -6266811976322025264\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360218 90 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 395.0 $125 -8263950349597444406\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360324 89 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 396.0 $107 -7055842913835467505\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360415 88 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 397.0 $91 1855965733032168029\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360491 87 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 398.0 $77 1718205838526871576\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360555 86 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 399.0 $65 -8028545578758862102\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360610 85 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 400.0 $55 7439506029814272623\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360648 84 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 402.0 $39 6485968101453331422\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360667 83 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 406.0 $19 8485272067152733816\n",
- "2022-07-13 $360679 82 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 408.0 $13 -7953200775962650618\n",
- "2022-07-13 $361160 81 sell call 2022-07-25 380.87 385.0 $482 8621545854255749606\n",
- "2022-07-13 $361445 80 sell call 2022-07-25 380.87 390.0 $285 8862641148777266052\n",
- "2022-07-13 $361575 79 sell call 2022-07-25 380.87 396.0 $131 7194514402463077483\n",
- "2022-07-13 $361647 78 sell call 2022-07-25 380.87 400.0 $73 6432789072263449764\n",
- "2022-07-13 $361673 77 sell call 2022-07-25 380.87 406.0 $26 7759728105789957317\n",
- "2022-07-13 $362256 76 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 385.0 $584 -6025340855440537201\n",
- "2022-07-13 $362793 75 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 386.0 $538 -6403408689649108454\n",
- "2022-07-13 $363167 74 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 390.0 $374 6342325268201822036\n",
- "2022-07-13 $363412 73 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 394.0 $246 6979667039324712018\n",
- "2022-07-13 $363563 72 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 398.0 $152 4439418899896262886\n",
- "2022-07-13 $363683 71 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 400.0 $120 6319075459328535452\n",
- "2022-07-13 $363770 70 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 402.0 $88 -6546519901635894177\n",
- "2022-07-13 $363835 69 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 404.0 $66 8057316675872246223\n",
- "2022-07-13 $364757 68 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 380.0 $922 -4965639943754799774\n",
- "2022-07-13 $365568 67 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 382.0 $812 -1690580915418644504\n",
- "2022-07-13 $366325 66 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 383.0 $758 -6703025803194146797\n",
- "2022-07-13 $367031 65 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 384.0 $706 2229481928993706356\n",
- "2022-07-13 $368070 64 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 378.0 $1040 5910445616302381260\n",
- "2022-07-13 $368737 63 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 385.0 $668 -2164623804438056035\n",
- "2022-07-13 $369347 62 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 386.0 $610 -6668578386486623415\n",
- "2022-07-13 $370574 61 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 375.0 $1228 2448597253051580670\n",
- "2022-07-13 $371136 60 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 387.0 $563 8754014221896198570\n",
- "2022-07-13 $371678 59 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 387.5 $542 -529406491087398073\n",
- "2022-07-13 $372197 58 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 388.0 $520 -8475231202799544027\n",
- "2022-07-13 $372683 57 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 389.0 $487 -1235617778917396083\n",
- "2022-07-13 $373121 56 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 390.0 $438 1926471531348230156\n",
- "2022-07-13 $373521 55 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 391.0 $401 -2835298707332193433\n",
- "2022-07-13 $373791 54 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 395.0 $271 -9154297982995129498\n",
- "2022-07-13 $374009 53 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 397.0 $218 -224615915744509681\n",
- "2022-07-13 $374203 52 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 398.0 $195 2463489517421361542\n",
- "2022-07-13 $374375 51 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 399.0 $173 -2525413680366740386\n",
- "2022-07-13 $374529 50 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 400.0 $154 3807197826391271170\n",
- "2022-07-13 $374664 49 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 401.0 $136 2905343720927652100\n",
- "2022-07-13 $374783 48 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 402.0 $120 4707700647617588080\n",
- "2022-07-13 $374895 47 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 402.5 $112 -2826321896722724222\n",
- "2022-07-13 $375856 46 sell call 2022-08-01 380.87 380.0 $962 -7690267766736996742\n",
- "2022-07-13 $376500 45 sell call 2022-08-01 380.87 386.0 $645 5273697654240831957\n",
- "2022-07-13 $376970 44 sell call 2022-08-01 380.87 390.0 $470 -1175195596192564665\n",
- "2022-07-13 $377479 43 sell call 2022-08-03 380.87 390.0 $510 -4032758037083748255\n",
- "2022-07-13 $378426 42 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 382.0 $948 -3258936848728725640\n",
- "2022-07-13 $379214 41 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 385.0 $788 684149035173096652\n",
- "2022-07-13 $379903 40 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 387.0 $690 -4553212466644215545\n",
- "2022-07-13 $380544 39 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 388.0 $642 9027208993121196907\n",
- "2022-07-13 $381098 38 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 390.0 $554 7835588878797477582\n",
- "2022-07-13 $382795 37 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 370.0 $1698 -3075798875025352526\n",
- "2022-07-13 $383194 36 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 394.0 $400 -3893255534111904759\n",
- "2022-07-13 $383560 35 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 395.0 $366 -2933957214053856156\n",
- "2022-07-13 $383786 34 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 400.0 $227 173779926163579080\n",
- "2022-07-13 $384811 33 sell call 2022-08-10 380.87 382.0 $1025 4920882849618992616\n",
- "2022-07-13 $385719 32 sell call 2022-08-12 380.87 385.0 $909 8152326767633340014\n",
- "2022-07-13 $386576 31 sell call 2022-08-12 380.87 386.0 $858 -7438447636905939742\n",
- "2022-07-13 $387819 30 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 381.0 $1243 7174486785834327775\n",
- "2022-07-13 $389120 29 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 380.0 $1302 -5733520527395374887\n",
- "2022-07-13 $390249 28 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 383.0 $1130 5253994345142510236\n",
- "2022-07-13 $391673 27 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 378.0 $1424 93473404881341179\n",
- "2022-07-13 $392745 26 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 384.0 $1073 -8056491797505230619\n",
- "2022-07-13 $393764 25 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 385.0 $1020 -7895766913376800081\n",
- "2022-07-13 $394730 24 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 386.0 $966 -9143660635986813183\n",
- "2022-07-13 $395645 23 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 387.0 $916 2454838885301240700\n",
- "2022-07-13 $396510 22 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 388.0 $866 8307390464452467572\n",
- "2022-07-13 $397327 21 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 389.0 $817 726726108231464241\n",
- "2022-07-13 $398096 20 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 390.0 $770 -4540956238778052819\n",
- "2022-07-13 $398820 19 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 391.0 $725 3014089052064483105\n",
- "2022-07-13 $399499 18 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 392.0 $679 -6772902125548298268\n",
- "2022-07-13 $400136 17 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 393.0 $638 -3557799100656134995\n",
- "2022-07-13 $400693 16 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 395.0 $558 -6738038044207185389\n",
- "2022-07-13 $401177 15 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 397.0 $484 2950779436393655960\n",
- "2022-07-13 $401594 14 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 399.0 $418 5374990824352929492\n",
- "2022-07-13 $401980 13 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 400.0 $387 -3751545787908102692\n",
- "2022-07-13 $402237 12 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 405.0 $257 -3402336789684632596\n",
- "2022-07-13 $403382 11 sell call 2022-08-26 380.87 385.0 $1146 8514283370494175982\n",
- "2022-07-13 $404420 10 sell call 2022-08-26 380.87 387.0 $1039 -5340189069891588181\n",
- "2022-07-13 $405434 9 sell call 2022-08-26 380.87 387.5 $1014 6423517356326833274\n",
- "2022-07-13 $405918 8 sell call 2022-08-26 380.87 400.0 $485 -6321893360479700244\n",
- "2022-07-13 $407247 7 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 386.0 $1330 8220574197674263541\n",
- "2022-07-13 $408524 6 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 387.0 $1277 8768735444875592630\n",
- "2022-07-13 $409745 5 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 388.0 $1222 566390751616962727\n",
- "2022-07-13 $410864 4 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 390.0 $1120 -4313838767270435133\n",
- "2022-07-13 $411887 3 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 392.0 $1023 -5693945549534244973\n",
- "2022-07-13 $412814 2 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 394.0 $928 -6949861066243498062\n",
- "2022-07-13 $413702 1 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 395.0 $889 -6289963903366316125\n",
- "2022-07-13 $414550 0 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 396.0 $848 -8162979105149062140\n",
- "2022-07-15 $413747 1 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 378.0 $802 5910445616302381260\n",
- "2022-07-15 $412995 2 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 379.0 $751 -5658919393967650913\n",
- "2022-07-15 $412135 3 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 377.0 $860 8754856605750930383\n",
- "2022-07-15 $411438 4 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 380.0 $696 -4965639943754799774\n",
- "2022-07-15 $410517 5 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 376.0 $920 -2507140895937963419\n",
- "2022-07-15 $409871 6 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 381.0 $646 -4026201018499480575\n",
- "2022-07-15 $408890 7 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 375.0 $980 2448597253051580670\n",
- "2022-07-15 $407852 8 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 374.0 $1037 3590679748476466531\n",
- "2022-07-15 $407256 9 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 382.0 $596 -1690580915418644504\n",
- "2022-07-15 $406683 10 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 382.5 $572 7954806922569720230\n",
- "2022-07-15 $406134 11 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 383.0 $548 -6703025803194146797\n",
- "2022-07-15 $405028 12 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 373.0 $1106 -3777822797235709652\n",
- "2022-07-15 $404524 13 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 384.0 $503 2229481928993706356\n",
- "2022-07-15 $403353 14 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 372.0 $1170 3492902490770178244\n",
- "2022-07-15 $402117 15 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 371.0 $1236 2351378757300033087\n",
- "2022-07-15 $401654 16 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 385.0 $462 -2164623804438056035\n",
- "2022-07-15 $401233 17 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 386.0 $421 -6668578386486623415\n",
- "2022-07-15 $399926 18 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 370.0 $1306 -5106028643002986186\n",
- "2022-07-15 $399543 19 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 387.0 $382 8754014221896198570\n",
- "2022-07-15 $398169 20 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 369.0 $1374 -5504786840803951776\n",
- "2022-07-15 $397804 21 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 387.5 $364 -529406491087398073\n",
- "2022-07-15 $396357 22 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 368.0 $1446 -3526237849504650861\n",
- "2022-07-15 $396012 23 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 388.0 $345 -8475231202799544027\n",
- "2022-07-15 $395699 24 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 389.0 $312 -1235617778917396083\n",
- "2022-07-15 $395417 25 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 390.0 $281 1926471531348230156\n",
- "2022-07-15 $393825 26 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 366.0 $1592 -9116360254083891257\n",
- "2022-07-16 $394533 25 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 385.0 $709 -2164623804438056035\n",
- "2022-07-16 $395185 24 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 386.0 $653 -6668578386486623415\n",
- "2022-07-16 $395945 23 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 384.0 $760 2229481928993706356\n",
- "2022-07-16 $396542 22 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 387.0 $598 8754014221896198570\n",
- "2022-07-16 $397358 21 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 383.0 $817 -6703025803194146797\n",
- "2022-07-16 $397932 20 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 387.5 $574 -529406491087398073\n",
- "2022-07-16 $398779 19 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 382.5 $848 7954806922569720230\n",
- "2022-07-16 $399327 18 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 388.0 $549 -8475231202799544027\n",
- "2022-07-16 $400215 17 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 382.0 $888 -1690580915418644504\n",
- "2022-07-16 $400714 16 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 389.0 $500 -1235617778917396083\n",
- "2022-07-16 $401655 15 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 381.0 $942 -4026201018499480575\n",
- "2022-07-16 $402109 14 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 390.0 $454 1926471531348230156\n",
- "2022-07-16 $403126 13 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 380.0 $1018 -4965639943754799774\n",
- "2022-07-16 $404199 12 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 379.0 $1074 -5658919393967650913\n",
- "2022-07-16 $405333 11 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 378.0 $1134 5910445616302381260\n",
- "2022-07-16 $406556 10 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 377.0 $1224 8754856605750930383\n",
- "2022-07-16 $407839 9 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 376.0 $1284 -2507140895937963419\n",
- "2022-07-16 $409196 8 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 375.0 $1357 2448597253051580670\n",
- "2022-07-16 $410627 7 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 374.0 $1432 3590679748476466531\n",
- "2022-07-16 $412135 6 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 373.0 $1509 -3777822797235709652\n",
- "2022-07-16 $413710 5 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 372.0 $1575 3492902490770178244\n",
- "2022-07-16 $415363 4 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 371.0 $1654 2351378757300033087\n",
- "2022-07-16 $417095 3 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 370.0 $1733 -5106028643002986186\n",
- "2022-07-16 $418888 2 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 369.0 $1793 -5504786840803951776\n",
- "2022-07-16 $420770 1 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 368.0 $1883 -3526237849504650861\n",
- "2022-07-16 $422829 0 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 366.0 $2060 -9116360254083891257\n",
- "2022-07-19 $422158 1 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 384.0 $671 -1884284234153640436\n",
- "2022-07-19 $421540 2 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 385.0 $617 -8915765489631786498\n",
- "2022-07-19 $420972 3 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 386.0 $567 -558896701657653560\n",
- "2022-07-19 $420498 4 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 388.0 $474 -8231397171583856318\n",
- "2022-07-19 $420107 5 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 390.0 $390 -4032758037083748255\n",
- "2022-07-19 $419911 6 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 396.0 $195 -8957965078121491892\n",
- "2022-07-19 $419797 7 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 400.0 $114 -728565745589655566\n",
- "2022-07-19 $419068 8 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 384.0 $728 2964815096389542327\n",
- "2022-07-19 $418108 9 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 380.0 $959 -2401015860139278057\n",
- "2022-07-19 $417435 10 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 385.0 $673 684149035173096652\n",
- "2022-07-19 $416349 11 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 378.0 $1085 2857948822406926424\n",
- "2022-07-19 $415823 12 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 388.0 $525 9027208993121196907\n",
- "2022-07-19 $415341 13 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 389.0 $482 -2429552296283094512\n",
- "2022-07-19 $414900 14 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 390.0 $440 7835588878797477582\n",
- "2022-07-19 $414503 15 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 391.0 $397 -1033881537295100203\n",
- "2022-07-19 $413042 16 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 372.5 $1460 -4974965487583959475\n",
- "2022-07-19 $412682 17 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 392.0 $359 -4408589277823683571\n",
- "2022-07-19 $412357 18 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 393.0 $325 -7636346749005351465\n",
- "2022-07-19 $412064 19 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 394.0 $292 -3893255534111904759\n",
- "2022-07-19 $411802 20 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 395.0 $261 -2933957214053856156\n",
- "2022-07-19 $411569 21 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 396.0 $233 8995886818771362962\n",
- "2022-07-19 $411362 22 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 397.0 $206 2606008370344580827\n",
- "2022-07-19 $409470 23 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 367.0 $1891 -3448046240997370795\n",
- "2022-07-19 $409288 24 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 398.0 $182 5120561520112493777\n",
- "2022-07-19 $409127 25 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 399.0 $160 -5581394287421158493\n",
- "2022-07-19 $408985 26 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 400.0 $141 173779926163579080\n",
- "2022-07-20 $408198 27 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 392.0 $787 3844317054734830296\n",
- "2022-07-20 $407575 28 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 395.0 $622 3159117194525959626\n",
- "2022-07-20 $406110 29 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 382.0 $1464 -8478453827911987699\n",
- "2022-07-20 $405861 30 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 404.0 $249 -2377005900401069096\n",
- "2022-07-20 $404242 31 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 380.0 $1618 -3245278675824964632\n",
- "2022-07-20 $404021 32 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 405.0 $220 2767566299298749181\n",
- "2022-07-20 $402245 33 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 378.0 $1776 4359273599637302281\n",
- "2022-07-20 $402094 34 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 408.0 $150 9203413002737414644\n",
- "2022-07-20 $400863 35 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 386.0 $1230 6707571995592322709\n",
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- "2022-07-20 $399913 38 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 405.0 $262 -1224074094137648767\n",
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- "2022-07-20 $397931 40 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 406.0 $233 4900501285047627694\n",
- "2022-07-20 $396064 41 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 377.5 $1866 -5557387008775769182\n",
- "2022-07-20 $394159 42 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 377.0 $1905 -2289375013889061759\n",
- "2022-07-20 $392119 43 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 376.0 $2039 8987418920500993508\n",
- "2022-07-20 $389997 44 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 375.0 $2121 -1059729887603391879\n",
- "2022-07-20 $389854 45 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 410.0 $143 1746579402040663683\n",
- "2022-07-20 $388979 46 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 392.0 $874 422284010338298441\n",
- "2022-07-20 $387980 47 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 390.0 $998 3941615696001301306\n",
- "2022-07-20 $386856 48 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 388.0 $1124 4700650242850179526\n",
- "2022-07-20 $386299 49 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 398.0 $556 3067389079574491982\n",
- "2022-07-20 $385036 50 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 386.0 $1262 1187149810382702398\n",
- "2022-07-20 $383706 51 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 385.0 $1330 7184119971424313325\n",
- "2022-07-20 $383237 52 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 400.0 $468 -8692239430278998235\n",
- "2022-07-21 $382893 53 buy call 2022-08-05 394.76 404.0 $343 2115705848145727779\n",
- "2022-07-21 $382757 54 buy call 2022-08-05 394.76 412.0 $136 -8189063359323631252\n",
- "2022-07-21 $381966 55 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 395.0 $790 9005729478290227971\n",
- "2022-07-21 $381118 56 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 394.0 $847 488501790819104970\n",
- "2022-07-21 $380383 57 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 396.0 $735 -2399342551070665363\n",
- "2022-07-21 $380047 58 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 405.0 $335 2970566874111874578\n",
- "2022-07-21 $379892 59 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 412.0 $154 -4310559994867987198\n",
- "2022-07-21 $379771 60 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 414.0 $121 -4870383857314866055\n",
- "2022-07-21 $378859 61 buy call 2022-08-10 394.76 394.0 $911 7994920865386269663\n",
- "2022-07-21 $378061 62 buy call 2022-08-10 394.76 396.0 $797 8851115723260751088\n",
- "2022-07-21 $377825 63 buy call 2022-08-10 394.76 410.0 $236 -331422114052449107\n",
- "2022-07-21 $377654 64 buy call 2022-08-10 394.76 413.0 $170 -2361028563291433220\n",
- "2022-07-21 $376805 65 buy call 2022-08-12 394.76 396.0 $849 -4236164230602329560\n",
- "2022-07-21 $376062 66 buy call 2022-08-12 394.76 398.0 $742 8839192971959892873\n",
- "2022-07-21 $375419 67 buy call 2022-08-12 394.76 400.0 $642 -5844517989789777278\n",
- "2022-07-21 $375147 68 buy call 2022-08-12 394.76 410.0 $272 -2735206243337439227\n",
- "2022-07-21 $373052 69 buy call 2022-08-12 394.76 378.0 $2094 6599984829821370765\n",
- "2022-07-21 $372869 70 buy call 2022-08-12 394.76 414.0 $182 4745011904504914343\n",
- "2022-07-21 $371936 71 buy call 2022-08-15 394.76 395.0 $933 -7139566767516326718\n",
- "2022-07-21 $371057 72 buy call 2022-08-15 394.76 396.0 $878 -6291035482684251007\n",
- "2022-07-21 $370387 73 buy call 2022-08-15 394.76 400.0 $669 -8267938488538328495\n",
- "2022-07-21 $369764 74 buy call 2022-08-15 394.76 401.0 $623 3458342629607129533\n",
- "2022-07-21 $368734 75 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 395.0 $1029 -6738038044207185389\n",
- "2022-07-21 $367645 76 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 394.0 $1088 7926744494604651483\n",
- "2022-07-21 $366673 77 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 396.0 $972 -6309870899760448144\n",
- "2022-07-21 $365524 78 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 393.0 $1148 -3557799100656134995\n",
- "2022-07-22 $366072 77 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 400.0 $549 -728565745589655566\n",
- "2022-07-22 $366856 76 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 396.0 $784 -8957965078121491892\n",
- "2022-07-22 $367700 75 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 395.0 $845 3159117194525959626\n",
- "2022-07-22 $368063 74 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 404.0 $364 -2377005900401069096\n",
- "2022-07-22 $368387 73 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 405.0 $324 2767566299298749181\n",
- "2022-07-22 $369437 72 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 392.0 $1051 3844317054734830296\n",
- "2022-07-22 $370633 71 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 390.0 $1197 -4032758037083748255\n",
- "2022-07-22 $370857 70 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 408.0 $224 9203413002737414644\n",
- "2022-07-22 $372208 69 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 388.0 $1352 -8231397171583856318\n",
- "2022-07-22 $373721 68 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 386.0 $1514 -558896701657653560\n",
- "2022-07-22 $375295 67 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 385.0 $1574 -8915765489631786498\n",
- "2022-07-22 $376951 66 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 384.0 $1657 -1884284234153640436\n",
- "2022-07-22 $378769 65 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 382.0 $1819 -8478453827911987699\n",
- "2022-07-22 $380761 64 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 380.0 $1992 -3245278675824964632\n",
- "2022-07-22 $382933 63 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 378.0 $2173 4359273599637302281\n",
- "2022-07-22 $383598 62 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 399.0 $666 -5581394287421158493\n",
- "2022-07-22 $384320 61 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 398.0 $722 5120561520112493777\n",
- "2022-07-22 $384930 60 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 400.0 $611 173779926163579080\n",
- "2022-07-22 $385711 59 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 397.0 $782 2606008370344580827\n",
- "2022-07-22 $386554 58 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 396.0 $843 8995886818771362962\n",
- "2022-07-22 $387065 57 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 402.0 $512 9092945365531115686\n",
- "2022-07-22 $387527 56 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 403.0 $463 -8828249567473030973\n",
- "2022-07-22 $388434 55 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 395.0 $907 -2933957214053856156\n",
- "2022-07-22 $389406 54 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 394.0 $973 -3893255534111904759\n",
- "2022-07-22 $389825 53 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 404.0 $420 2115705848145727779\n",
- "2022-07-22 $390205 52 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 405.0 $380 -1224074094137648767\n",
- "2022-07-22 $391245 51 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 393.0 $1041 -7636346749005351465\n",
- "2022-07-22 $392355 50 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 392.0 $1111 -4408589277823683571\n",
- "2022-07-22 $392696 49 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 406.0 $341 4900501285047627694\n",
- "2022-07-22 $393877 48 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 391.0 $1182 -1033881537295100203\n",
- "2022-07-22 $395132 47 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 390.0 $1256 7835588878797477582\n",
- "2022-07-22 $396443 46 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 389.0 $1311 -2429552296283094512\n",
- "2022-07-22 $397850 45 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 388.0 $1408 9027208993121196907\n",
- "2022-07-22 $398063 44 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 410.0 $214 1746579402040663683\n",
- "2022-07-22 $399629 43 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 386.0 $1566 6707571995592322709\n",
- "2022-07-22 $399795 42 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 412.0 $167 -8189063359323631252\n",
- "2022-07-22 $401441 41 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 385.0 $1646 684149035173096652\n",
- "2022-07-22 $403149 40 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 384.0 $1709 2964815096389542327\n",
- "2022-07-22 $405191 39 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 380.0 $2043 -2401015860139278057\n",
- "2022-07-22 $407316 38 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 379.0 $2125 -2317914589201799258\n",
- "2022-07-22 $409527 37 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 378.0 $2212 2857948822406926424\n",
- "2022-07-22 $411787 36 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 377.5 $2261 -5557387008775769182\n",
- "2022-07-22 $414091 35 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 377.0 $2304 -2289375013889061759\n",
- "2022-07-22 $416484 34 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 376.0 $2394 8987418920500993508\n",
- "2022-07-22 $418966 33 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 375.0 $2483 -1059729887603391879\n",
- "2022-07-22 $421676 32 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 372.5 $2710 -4974965487583959475\n",
- "2022-07-22 $424894 31 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 367.0 $3219 -3448046240997370795\n",
- "2022-07-22 $425648 30 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 398.0 $755 3067389079574491982\n",
- "2022-07-22 $426292 29 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 400.0 $644 -8692239430278998235\n",
- "2022-07-22 $427166 28 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 396.0 $875 -2399342551070665363\n",
- "2022-07-22 $428105 27 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 395.0 $940 9005729478290227971\n",
- "2022-07-22 $429111 26 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 394.0 $1006 488501790819104970\n",
- "2022-07-22 $429518 25 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 405.0 $408 2970566874111874578\n",
- "2022-07-22 $430660 24 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 392.0 $1143 422284010338298441\n",
- "2022-07-22 $431947 23 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 390.0 $1287 3941615696001301306\n",
- "2022-07-22 $433384 22 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 388.0 $1438 4700650242850179526\n",
- "2022-07-22 $434977 21 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 386.0 $1594 1187149810382702398\n",
- "2022-07-22 $435166 20 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 412.0 $189 -4310559994867987198\n",
- "2022-07-22 $436839 19 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 385.0 $1674 7184119971424313325\n",
- "2022-07-22 $436985 18 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 414.0 $147 -4870383857314866055\n",
- "2022-07-22 $437923 17 sell call 2022-08-10 398.82 396.0 $938 8851115723260751088\n",
- "2022-07-22 $438988 16 sell call 2022-08-10 398.82 394.0 $1066 7994920865386269663\n",
- "2022-07-22 $439273 15 sell call 2022-08-10 398.82 410.0 $286 -331422114052449107\n",
- "2022-07-22 $439480 14 sell call 2022-08-10 398.82 413.0 $207 -2361028563291433220\n",
- "2022-07-22 $440350 13 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 398.0 $871 8839192971959892873\n",
- "2022-07-22 $441107 12 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 400.0 $758 -5844517989789777278\n",
- "2022-07-22 $442099 11 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 396.0 $992 -4236164230602329560\n",
- "2022-07-22 $442426 10 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 410.0 $328 -2735206243337439227\n",
- "2022-07-22 $442644 9 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 414.0 $219 4745011904504914343\n",
- "2022-07-22 $444961 8 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 378.0 $2317 6599984829821370765\n",
- "2022-07-22 $445744 7 sell call 2022-08-15 398.82 400.0 $784 -8267938488538328495\n",
- "2022-07-22 $446474 6 sell call 2022-08-15 398.82 401.0 $731 3458342629607129533\n",
- "2022-07-22 $447492 5 sell call 2022-08-15 398.82 396.0 $1018 -6291035482684251007\n",
- "2022-07-22 $448573 4 sell call 2022-08-15 398.82 395.0 $1082 -7139566767516326718\n",
- "2022-07-22 $449691 3 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 396.0 $1119 -6309870899760448144\n",
- "2022-07-22 $450873 2 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 395.0 $1182 -6738038044207185389\n",
- "2022-07-22 $452118 1 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 394.0 $1246 7926744494604651483\n",
- "2022-07-22 $453430 0 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 393.0 $1313 -3557799100656134995\n",
- "2022-07-27 $452679 1 buy call 2022-08-10 390.92 391.0 $751 5960211622248461775\n",
- "2022-07-27 $452272 2 buy call 2022-08-10 390.92 398.0 $406 -4183507432097533107\n",
- "2022-07-27 $451941 3 buy call 2022-08-10 390.92 400.0 $330 269853608330026123\n",
- "2022-07-27 $451678 4 buy call 2022-08-10 390.92 402.0 $263 -4348696101709189158\n",
- "2022-07-27 $451444 5 buy call 2022-08-10 390.92 403.0 $233 -7425739030880585887\n",
- "2022-07-27 $451237 6 buy call 2022-08-10 390.92 404.0 $206 -1285317654457849946\n",
- "2022-07-27 $451055 7 buy call 2022-08-10 390.92 405.0 $182 734627121895409028\n",
- "2022-07-27 $450247 8 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 391.0 $807 -8578225167604781390\n",
- "2022-07-27 $449382 9 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 390.0 $865 253271131806105595\n",
- "2022-07-27 $448359 10 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 387.5 $1022 4658305749342550460\n",
- "2022-07-27 $447765 11 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 395.0 $593 8995097755901864943\n",
- "2022-07-27 $447387 12 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 400.0 $378 -5844517989789777278\n",
- "2022-07-27 $447045 13 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 401.0 $341 -7972283901268415584\n",
- "2022-07-27 $446737 14 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 402.0 $307 2315151805763270810\n",
- "2022-07-27 $446462 15 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 403.0 $275 931271409317692115\n",
- "2022-07-27 $446214 16 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 404.0 $247 -2917058876068679241\n",
- "2022-07-27 $445993 17 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 405.0 $220 -2307822807885331763\n",
- "2022-07-27 $445821 18 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 407.0 $172 -7892785851764818380\n",
- "2022-07-27 $445668 19 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 408.0 $152 -3870255312346946067\n",
- "2022-07-27 $445550 20 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 410.0 $117 -2735206243337439227\n",
- "2022-07-27 $444713 21 buy call 2022-08-15 390.92 391.0 $837 -7828465310992738831\n",
- "2022-07-27 $443929 22 buy call 2022-08-15 390.92 392.0 $783 -4346413407543850993\n",
- "2022-07-27 $443305 23 buy call 2022-08-15 390.92 395.0 $623 -7139566767516326718\n",
- "2022-07-27 $442821 24 buy call 2022-08-15 390.92 398.0 $484 -4208922506570114464\n",
- "2022-07-27 $441878 25 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 391.0 $942 3014089052064483105\n",
- "2022-07-27 $440876 26 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 390.0 $1001 -4540956238778052819\n",
- "2022-07-28 $440036 27 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 399.0 $840 -7844664430672423262\n",
- "2022-07-28 $439133 28 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 398.0 $902 8839192971959892873\n",
- "2022-07-28 $438166 29 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 397.0 $966 -9178822649148892581\n",
- "2022-07-28 $437704 30 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 406.0 $462 -1457303762585326907\n",
- "2022-07-28 $436669 31 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 396.0 $1034 -4236164230602329560\n",
- "2022-07-28 $435494 32 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 394.0 $1174 3093603193669146221\n",
- "2022-07-28 $435154 33 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 409.0 $340 3078246769636420682\n",
- "2022-07-28 $434910 34 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 412.0 $243 -8390701523970410217\n",
- "2022-07-28 $434719 35 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 414.0 $190 4745011904504914343\n",
- "2022-07-28 $434552 36 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 415.0 $167 8741210151726762817\n",
- "2022-07-28 $434439 37 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 418.0 $112 -7640795204207851563\n",
- "2022-07-28 $432363 38 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 383.0 $2075 7880706856910046739\n",
- "2022-07-28 $432278 39 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 420.0 $85 7030753873439439155\n",
- "2022-07-28 $431525 40 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 401.0 $752 3458342629607129533\n",
- "2022-07-28 $430714 41 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 400.0 $810 -8267938488538328495\n",
- "2022-07-28 $429715 42 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 397.0 $999 -7464739516165224184\n",
- "2022-07-28 $428648 43 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 396.0 $1066 -6291035482684251007\n",
- "2022-07-28 $428315 44 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 410.0 $332 394037390830246268\n",
- "2022-07-28 $428102 45 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 414.0 $213 -4745772211608120822\n",
- "2022-07-28 $427912 46 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 415.0 $189 -5286178846036732205\n",
- "2022-07-28 $427811 47 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 420.0 $100 -3677514827255854571\n",
- "2022-07-28 $426949 48 buy call 2022-08-17 401.01 400.0 $862 -8185333358969602451\n",
- "2022-07-28 $426572 49 buy call 2022-08-17 401.01 410.0 $376 3464507327687198324\n",
- "2022-07-28 $425716 50 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 401.0 $855 -7137840376746592041\n",
- "2022-07-28 $424919 51 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 402.0 $797 -5387742269843374647\n",
- "2022-07-28 $424005 52 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 400.0 $913 -3751545787908102692\n",
- "2022-07-29 $423418 53 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 407.5 $586 -2172836767631755416\n",
- "2022-07-29 $423074 54 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 413.0 $344 6362096955383129\n",
- "2022-07-29 $422829 55 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 416.0 $244 8750130236176975276\n",
- "2022-07-29 $422658 56 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 419.0 $170 -745170939097860815\n",
- "2022-07-29 $422542 57 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 422.0 $116 5457993074408580657\n",
- "2022-07-29 $422440 58 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 423.0 $101 697919200073491018\n",
- "2022-07-29 $422353 59 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 424.0 $87 -4913888053199575056\n",
- "2022-07-29 $421652 60 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 406.0 $700 -2048728400509142784\n",
- "2022-07-29 $420897 61 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 405.0 $754 7820606478686518876\n",
- "2022-07-29 $420017 62 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 403.0 $880 8283458675887468863\n",
- "2022-07-29 $418866 63 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 399.0 $1150 7716692881160626644\n",
- "2022-07-29 $418649 64 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 418.0 $216 -7138881632435171418\n",
- "2022-07-29 $418458 65 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 419.0 $191 -2571724736933276907\n",
- "2022-07-29 $418324 66 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 422.0 $133 -6203296807163346226\n",
- "2022-07-29 $417513 67 buy call 2022-08-17 406.04 405.0 $810 4265254317617981645\n",
- "2022-07-29 $417011 68 buy call 2022-08-17 406.04 411.0 $502 -77539346212227952\n",
- "2022-07-29 $416804 69 buy call 2022-08-17 406.04 420.0 $206 6297674539561365346\n",
- "2022-07-29 $416639 70 buy call 2022-08-17 406.04 422.0 $164 -3838939930281643692\n",
- "2022-07-29 $416525 71 buy call 2022-08-17 406.04 425.0 $114 -2607747114311906147\n",
- "2022-07-29 $415718 72 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 406.0 $806 -5566884046420206414\n",
- "2022-07-29 $414967 73 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 407.0 $750 2912462283318062276\n",
- "2022-07-29 $414103 74 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 405.0 $864 -3402336789684632596\n",
- "2022-07-29 $413378 75 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 407.5 $724 2788121203971547808\n",
- "2022-07-29 $412450 76 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 404.0 $927 6002864494541556543\n",
- "2022-07-29 $411754 77 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 408.0 $696 -4095089004593339420\n",
- "2022-07-29 $410764 78 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 403.0 $989 -2734089165383903517\n",
- "2022-07-30 $411759 77 sell call 2022-08-10 412.05 405.0 $996 734627121895409028\n",
- "2022-07-30 $412828 76 sell call 2022-08-10 412.05 404.0 $1069 -1285317654457849946\n",
- "2022-07-30 $413968 75 sell call 2022-08-10 412.05 403.0 $1141 -7425739030880585887\n",
- "2022-07-30 $415193 74 sell call 2022-08-10 412.05 402.0 $1226 -4348696101709189158\n",
- "2022-07-30 $416554 73 sell call 2022-08-10 412.05 400.0 $1361 269853608330026123\n",
- "2022-07-30 $418082 72 sell call 2022-08-10 412.05 398.0 $1529 -4183507432097533107\n",
- "2022-07-30 $420236 71 sell call 2022-08-10 412.05 391.0 $2155 5960211622248461775\n",
- "2022-07-30 $420842 70 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 412.0 $606 -8390701523970410217\n",
- "2022-07-30 $421394 69 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 413.0 $553 6362096955383129\n",
- "2022-07-30 $421896 68 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 414.0 $503 4745011904504914343\n",
- "2022-07-30 $422617 67 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 410.0 $721 -2735206243337439227\n",
- "2022-07-30 $423399 66 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 409.0 $783 3078246769636420682\n",
- "2022-07-30 $423854 65 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 415.0 $456 8741210151726762817\n",
- "2022-07-30 $424701 64 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 408.0 $847 -3870255312346946067\n",
- "2022-07-30 $425110 63 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 416.0 $410 8750130236176975276\n",
- "2022-07-30 $425989 62 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 407.5 $880 -2172836767631755416\n",
- "2022-07-30 $426902 61 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 407.0 $913 -7892785851764818380\n",
- "2022-07-30 $427232 60 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 418.0 $331 -7640795204207851563\n",
- "2022-07-30 $428213 59 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 406.0 $982 -1457303762585326907\n",
- "2022-07-30 $429266 58 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 405.0 $1053 -2307822807885331763\n",
- "2022-07-30 $429560 57 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 419.0 $295 -745170939097860815\n",
- "2022-07-30 $429822 56 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 420.0 $263 7030753873439439155\n",
- "2022-07-30 $430946 55 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 404.0 $1124 -2917058876068679241\n",
- "2022-07-30 $432143 54 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 403.0 $1198 931271409317692115\n",
- "2022-07-30 $433420 53 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 402.0 $1278 2315151805763270810\n",
- "2022-07-30 $433626 52 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 422.0 $206 5457993074408580657\n",
- "2022-07-30 $433806 51 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 423.0 $181 697919200073491018\n",
- "2022-07-30 $435159 50 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 401.0 $1354 -7972283901268415584\n",
- "2022-07-30 $436582 49 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 400.0 $1423 -5844517989789777278\n",
- "2022-07-30 $436739 48 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 424.0 $158 -4913888053199575056\n",
- "2022-07-30 $438241 47 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 399.0 $1502 -7844664430672423262\n",
- "2022-07-30 $439828 46 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 398.0 $1588 8839192971959892873\n",
- "2022-07-30 $441478 45 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 397.0 $1651 -9178822649148892581\n",
- "2022-07-30 $443236 44 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 396.0 $1758 -4236164230602329560\n",
- "2022-07-30 $445077 43 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 395.0 $1842 8995097755901864943\n",
- "2022-07-30 $447000 42 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 394.0 $1924 3093603193669146221\n",
- "2022-07-30 $449194 41 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 391.0 $2194 -8578225167604781390\n",
- "2022-07-30 $451479 40 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 390.0 $2286 253271131806105595\n",
- "2022-07-30 $454007 39 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 387.5 $2529 4658305749342550460\n",
- "2022-07-30 $456951 38 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 383.0 $2944 7880706856910046739\n",
- "2022-07-30 $457485 37 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 414.0 $535 -4745772211608120822\n",
- "2022-07-30 $458239 36 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 410.0 $755 394037390830246268\n",
- "2022-07-30 $458726 35 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 415.0 $487 -5286178846036732205\n",
- "2022-07-30 $459085 34 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 418.0 $360 -7138881632435171418\n",
- "2022-07-30 $460099 33 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 406.0 $1015 -2048728400509142784\n",
- "2022-07-30 $460423 32 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 419.0 $324 -2571724736933276907\n",
- "2022-07-30 $461508 31 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 405.0 $1086 7820606478686518876\n",
- "2022-07-30 $461797 30 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 420.0 $290 -3677514827255854571\n",
- "2022-07-30 $463030 29 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 403.0 $1233 8283458675887468863\n",
- "2022-07-30 $463259 28 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 422.0 $230 -6203296807163346226\n",
- "2022-07-30 $464644 27 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 401.0 $1386 3458342629607129533\n",
- "2022-07-30 $466085 26 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 400.0 $1441 -8267938488538328495\n",
- "2022-07-30 $467614 25 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 399.0 $1530 7716692881160626644\n",
- "2022-07-30 $469228 24 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 398.0 $1615 -4208922506570114464\n",
- "2022-07-30 $470926 23 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 397.0 $1698 -7464739516165224184\n",
- "2022-07-30 $472708 22 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 396.0 $1783 -6291035482684251007\n",
- "2022-07-30 $474575 21 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 395.0 $1868 -7139566767516326718\n",
- "2022-07-30 $476707 20 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 392.0 $2132 -4346413407543850993\n",
- "2022-07-30 $478928 19 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 391.0 $2222 -7828465310992738831\n",
- "2022-07-30 $479680 18 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 411.0 $753 -77539346212227952\n",
- "2022-07-30 $480492 17 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 410.0 $812 3464507327687198324\n",
- "2022-07-30 $481633 16 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 405.0 $1142 4265254317617981645\n",
- "2022-07-30 $481969 15 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 420.0 $337 6297674539561365346\n",
- "2022-07-30 $482242 14 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 422.0 $273 -3838939930281643692\n",
- "2022-07-30 $483759 13 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 400.0 $1518 -8185333358969602451\n",
- "2022-07-30 $483952 12 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 425.0 $194 -2607747114311906147\n",
- "2022-07-30 $484946 11 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 408.0 $994 -4095089004593339420\n",
- "2022-07-30 $485971 10 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 407.5 $1026 2788121203971547808\n",
- "2022-07-30 $487030 9 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 407.0 $1060 2912462283318062276\n",
- "2022-07-30 $488156 8 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 406.0 $1126 -5566884046420206414\n",
- "2022-07-30 $489353 7 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 405.0 $1198 -3402336789684632596\n",
- "2022-07-30 $490621 6 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 404.0 $1269 6002864494541556543\n",
- "2022-07-30 $491960 5 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 403.0 $1339 -2734089165383903517\n",
- "2022-07-30 $493376 4 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 402.0 $1417 -5387742269843374647\n",
- "2022-07-30 $494868 3 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 401.0 $1493 -7137840376746592041\n",
- "2022-07-30 $496439 2 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 400.0 $1571 -3751545787908102692\n",
- "2022-07-30 $498729 1 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 391.0 $2291 3014089052064483105\n",
- "2022-07-30 $501107 0 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 390.0 $2379 -4540956238778052819\n",
- "2022-08-02 $500366 1 buy call 2022-08-17 410.72 410.0 $741 3464507327687198324\n",
- "2022-08-02 $499625 2 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 411.0 $740 8192256501315946854\n",
- "2022-08-02 $498826 3 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 410.0 $799 -3421749439587406947\n",
- "2022-08-02 $498141 4 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 412.0 $684 7956879534996187965\n",
- "2022-08-02 $497280 5 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 409.0 $860 2702240289067879779\n",
- "2022-08-02 $496649 6 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 413.0 $631 6979888374267134496\n",
- "2022-08-02 $495726 7 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 408.0 $922 -4095089004593339420\n",
- "2022-08-02 $495145 8 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 414.0 $580 -5831807520149575838\n",
- "2022-08-02 $494191 9 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 407.5 $954 2788121203971547808\n",
- "2022-08-02 $493202 10 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 407.0 $988 2912462283318062276\n",
- "2022-08-02 $492670 11 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 415.0 $531 8233877205052704523\n",
- "2022-08-02 $491616 12 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 406.0 $1054 -5566884046420206414\n",
- "2022-08-02 $491128 13 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 416.0 $487 -7566339193819851223\n",
- "2022-08-02 $490005 14 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 405.0 $1122 -3402336789684632596\n",
- "2022-08-02 $489563 15 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 417.0 $442 -6120512985120774881\n",
- "2022-08-02 $488370 16 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 404.0 $1192 6002864494541556543\n",
- "2022-08-02 $487967 17 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 418.0 $402 5764810659050786401\n",
- "2022-08-02 $486702 18 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 403.0 $1265 -2734089165383903517\n",
- "2022-08-02 $486337 19 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 419.0 $364 1136346832791894531\n",
- "2022-08-02 $485037 20 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 402.5 $1299 -4678234708217581479\n",
- "2022-08-02 $483699 21 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 402.0 $1338 -5387742269843374647\n",
- "2022-08-02 $483371 22 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 420.0 $327 7124780999192024132\n",
- "2022-08-02 $481958 23 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 401.0 $1412 -7137840376746592041\n",
- "2022-08-02 $481663 24 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 421.0 $295 -4801349469050062559\n",
- "2022-08-02 $480172 25 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 400.0 $1490 -3751545787908102692\n",
- "2022-08-02 $479906 26 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 422.0 $265 3928742477615155096\n",
- "2022-08-03 $478435 27 buy call 2022-08-17 408.13 397.0 $1471 -2672202967194521424\n",
- "2022-08-03 $478231 28 buy call 2022-08-17 408.13 420.0 $203 6297674539561365346\n",
- "2022-08-03 $476857 29 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 399.0 $1373 5374990824352929492\n",
- "2022-08-03 $476688 30 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 423.0 $169 -6230140524133013678\n",
- "2022-08-03 $476539 31 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 424.0 $148 -4435169651263819320\n",
- "2022-08-03 $476408 32 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 425.0 $130 -5769283416389736709\n",
- "2022-08-03 $474309 33 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 390.0 $2099 -4540956238778052819\n",
- "2022-08-03 $474194 34 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 426.0 $114 5820680228064284172\n",
- "2022-08-03 $474107 35 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 428.0 $86 9106627510007893532\n",
- "2022-08-03 $473416 36 buy call 2022-08-22 408.13 410.0 $691 8657129538296219707\n",
- "2022-08-03 $472967 37 buy call 2022-08-22 408.13 415.0 $448 -8151293641662042614\n",
- "2022-08-03 $472698 38 buy call 2022-08-22 408.13 420.0 $268 -1138883431698650399\n",
- "2022-08-03 $472086 39 buy call 2022-08-26 408.13 414.0 $612 -7035212145035031050\n",
- "2022-08-03 $470696 40 buy call 2022-08-26 408.13 401.0 $1389 2820127186549931781\n",
- "2022-08-03 $470129 41 buy call 2022-08-26 408.13 415.0 $566 603502640022425779\n",
- "2022-08-03 $469689 42 buy call 2022-08-26 408.13 418.0 $440 -3237673748524434832\n",
- "2022-08-03 $469322 43 buy call 2022-08-26 408.13 420.0 $366 237861608064719420\n",
- "2022-08-03 $469047 44 buy call 2022-08-26 408.13 423.0 $274 4416726537377493662\n",
- "2022-08-03 $468887 45 buy call 2022-08-26 408.13 428.0 $160 -6711997406144346593\n",
- "2022-08-03 $468493 46 buy call 2022-08-29 408.13 420.0 $393 5824254087784038669\n",
- "2022-08-03 $467591 47 buy call 2022-08-31 408.13 410.0 $901 -2001042380758264386\n",
- "2022-08-03 $466800 48 buy call 2022-08-31 408.13 412.0 $791 8502539789808611375\n",
- "2022-08-03 $466157 49 buy call 2022-08-31 408.13 415.0 $642 4322744164985608667\n",
- "2022-08-03 $465722 50 buy call 2022-08-31 408.13 420.0 $434 -4799698306382234966\n",
- "2022-08-03 $465445 51 buy call 2022-08-31 408.13 425.0 $277 1812107552024720657\n",
- "2022-08-03 $464490 52 buy call 2022-09-02 408.13 410.0 $954 -25871253648616422\n",
- "2022-08-04 $464311 53 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 427.0 $179 -4044564075198266164\n",
- "2022-08-04 $464173 54 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 429.0 $137 -764001850402900761\n",
- "2022-08-04 $464053 55 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 430.0 $119 7650666468908065978\n",
- "2022-08-04 $463950 56 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 431.0 $103 -7534426380354334592\n",
- "2022-08-04 $463860 57 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 432.0 $89 -1794768086527731059\n",
- "2022-08-04 $461693 58 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 395.0 $2166 -6738038044207185389\n",
- "2022-08-04 $461626 59 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 434.0 $67 3925377696282511759\n",
- "2022-08-04 $460889 60 buy call 2022-08-22 414.41 414.0 $736 3706077746645561049\n",
- "2022-08-04 $460534 61 buy call 2022-08-22 414.41 422.0 $354 5922951926986271196\n",
- "2022-08-04 $460252 62 buy call 2022-08-22 414.41 424.0 $282 -21535215283653881\n",
- "2022-08-04 $460115 63 buy call 2022-08-22 414.41 430.0 $136 4963195454325490519\n",
- "2022-08-04 $460011 64 buy call 2022-08-22 414.41 432.0 $103 -5426157246339617734\n",
- "2022-08-04 $459334 65 buy call 2022-08-24 414.41 416.0 $677 -5934759168525434679\n",
- "2022-08-04 $458856 66 buy call 2022-08-24 414.41 420.0 $477 -4056331112713429288\n",
- "2022-08-04 $458156 67 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 417.0 $699 -3285303185197958968\n",
- "2022-08-04 $457558 68 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 419.0 $598 4021506723619912819\n",
- "2022-08-04 $456438 69 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 410.0 $1119 -8004287116013612537\n",
- "2022-08-04 $455111 70 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 407.0 $1326 -2817312634573988230\n",
- "2022-08-04 $454726 71 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 424.0 $385 -669057937865179322\n",
- "2022-08-04 $453183 72 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 404.0 $1542 -4976467931438853844\n",
- "2022-08-04 $452831 73 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 425.0 $351 -5822806873149051643\n",
- "2022-08-04 $450973 74 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 400.0 $1858 -6321893360479700244\n",
- "2022-08-04 $450805 75 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 432.0 $167 -7183984229622730122\n",
- "2022-08-04 $449857 76 buy call 2022-08-31 414.41 414.0 $947 8633221493690369150\n",
- "2022-08-04 $448724 77 buy call 2022-08-31 414.41 411.0 $1133 -7109113406255872533\n",
- "2022-08-04 $447324 78 buy call 2022-08-31 414.41 407.0 $1399 3035394077321098453\n",
- "2022-08-05 $447263 79 buy call 2022-08-19 414.2 433.0 $60 -2648613802944820204\n",
- "2022-08-05 $446574 80 buy call 2022-08-26 414.2 416.0 $689 2033841807832762010\n",
- "2022-08-05 $445635 81 buy call 2022-08-31 414.2 413.0 $938 2332680392083314311\n",
- "2022-08-05 $445228 82 buy call 2022-08-31 414.2 424.0 $406 -4938763086606513351\n",
- "2022-08-05 $444346 83 buy call 2022-09-02 414.2 415.0 $882 4535849213587827406\n",
- "2022-08-05 $443673 84 buy call 2022-09-02 414.2 419.0 $672 8652550187661780973\n",
- "2022-08-05 $443093 85 buy call 2022-09-02 414.2 421.0 $579 -529965785211229916\n",
- "2022-08-05 $442674 86 buy call 2022-09-02 414.2 425.0 $419 -1760770887598298964\n",
- "2022-08-05 $440523 87 buy call 2022-09-02 414.2 397.0 $2150 1778276762689233040\n",
- "2022-08-05 $440345 88 buy call 2022-09-02 414.2 434.0 $177 3549915024152548541\n",
- "2022-08-05 $439431 89 buy call 2022-09-06 414.2 415.0 $914 -6608123478797802050\n",
- "2022-08-05 $438924 90 buy call 2022-09-09 414.2 425.0 $506 -143886120149050637\n",
- "2022-08-05 $438585 91 buy call 2022-09-09 414.2 430.0 $338 4545323770572167132\n",
- "2022-08-05 $437437 92 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 414.0 $1148 -4444831500867161572\n",
- "2022-08-05 $436346 93 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 415.0 $1090 -8841674552912279171\n",
- "2022-08-05 $435137 94 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 413.0 $1208 5840319354096556109\n",
- "2022-08-05 $434104 95 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 416.0 $1033 5213975798079309677\n",
- "2022-08-05 $432834 96 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 412.0 $1269 -7905074602872768890\n",
- "2022-08-05 $431855 97 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 417.0 $978 -5558431059152632751\n",
- "2022-08-05 $430523 98 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 411.0 $1332 2242296475750413510\n",
- "2022-08-05 $429597 99 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 418.0 $925 4200405263061730934\n",
- "2022-08-05 $428200 100 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 410.0 $1396 -6454719235251010500\n",
- "2022-08-05 $427326 101 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 419.0 $874 -8983016882228004696\n",
- "2022-08-05 $425864 102 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 409.0 $1461 6735336459443840008\n",
- "2022-08-05 $425041 103 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 420.0 $823 5244166453433013012\n",
- "2022-08-05 $423512 104 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 408.0 $1528 -2620761700380420726\n",
- "2022-08-06 $424245 103 sell call 2022-08-17 413.44 410.0 $734 3464507327687198324\n",
- "2022-08-06 $424474 102 sell call 2022-08-17 413.44 420.0 $229 6297674539561365346\n",
- "2022-08-06 $426234 101 sell call 2022-08-17 413.44 397.0 $1761 -2672202967194521424\n",
- "2022-08-06 $426784 100 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 414.0 $551 -5831807520149575838\n",
- "2022-08-06 $427392 99 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 413.0 $608 6979888374267134496\n",
- "2022-08-06 $428058 98 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 412.0 $667 7956879534996187965\n",
- "2022-08-06 $428555 97 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 415.0 $498 8233877205052704523\n",
- "2022-08-06 $429002 96 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 416.0 $447 -7566339193819851223\n",
- "2022-08-06 $429730 95 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 411.0 $729 8192256501315946854\n",
- "2022-08-06 $430524 94 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 410.0 $795 -3421749439587406947\n",
- "2022-08-06 $430924 93 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 417.0 $400 -6120512985120774881\n",
- "2022-08-06 $431278 92 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 418.0 $355 5764810659050786401\n",
- "2022-08-06 $432141 91 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 409.0 $864 2702240289067879779\n",
- "2022-08-06 $432456 90 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 419.0 $315 1136346832791894531\n",
- "2022-08-06 $433389 89 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 408.0 $934 -4095089004593339420\n",
- "2022-08-06 $434353 88 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 407.5 $965 2788121203971547808\n",
- "2022-08-06 $434630 87 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 420.0 $277 7124780999192024132\n",
- "2022-08-06 $435630 86 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 407.0 $1001 2912462283318062276\n",
- "2022-08-06 $435872 85 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 421.0 $243 -4801349469050062559\n",
- "2022-08-06 $436947 84 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 406.0 $1075 -5566884046420206414\n",
- "2022-08-06 $438097 83 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 405.0 $1151 -3402336789684632596\n",
- "2022-08-06 $438307 82 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 422.0 $211 3928742477615155096\n",
- "2022-08-06 $438490 81 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 423.0 $183 -6230140524133013678\n",
- "2022-08-06 $439716 80 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 404.0 $1227 6002864494541556543\n",
- "2022-08-06 $441020 79 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 403.0 $1305 -2734089165383903517\n",
- "2022-08-06 $441178 78 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 424.0 $158 -4435169651263819320\n",
- "2022-08-06 $442522 77 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 402.5 $1345 -4678234708217581479\n",
- "2022-08-06 $442656 76 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 425.0 $135 -5769283416389736709\n",
- "2022-08-06 $444044 75 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 402.0 $1388 -5387742269843374647\n",
- "2022-08-06 $444158 74 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 426.0 $115 5820680228064284172\n",
- "2022-08-06 $445624 73 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 401.0 $1467 -7137840376746592041\n",
- "2022-08-06 $445722 72 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 427.0 $98 -4044564075198266164\n",
- "2022-08-06 $447274 71 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 400.0 $1553 -3751545787908102692\n",
- "2022-08-06 $447355 70 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 428.0 $82 9106627510007893532\n",
- "2022-08-06 $448990 69 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 399.0 $1635 5374990824352929492\n",
- "2022-08-06 $449058 68 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 429.0 $69 -764001850402900761\n",
- "2022-08-06 $449114 67 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 430.0 $57 7650666468908065978\n",
- "2022-08-06 $449162 66 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 431.0 $48 -7534426380354334592\n",
- "2022-08-06 $449201 65 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 432.0 $40 -1794768086527731059\n",
- "2022-08-06 $451187 64 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 395.0 $1987 -6738038044207185389\n",
- "2022-08-06 $451220 63 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 433.0 $33 -2648613802944820204\n",
- "2022-08-06 $451246 62 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 434.0 $27 3925377696282511759\n",
- "2022-08-06 $453688 61 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 390.0 $2443 -4540956238778052819\n",
- "2022-08-06 $454271 60 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 414.0 $583 3706077746645561049\n",
- "2022-08-06 $454799 59 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 415.0 $529 -8151293641662042614\n",
- "2022-08-06 $455627 58 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 410.0 $829 8657129538296219707\n",
- "2022-08-06 $455932 57 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 420.0 $305 -1138883431698650399\n",
- "2022-08-06 $456168 56 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 422.0 $237 5922951926986271196\n",
- "2022-08-06 $456348 55 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 424.0 $180 -21535215283653881\n",
- "2022-08-06 $456417 54 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 430.0 $70 4963195454325490519\n",
- "2022-08-06 $456466 53 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 432.0 $50 -5426157246339617734\n",
- "2022-08-06 $456995 52 sell call 2022-08-24 413.44 416.0 $529 -5934759168525434679\n",
- "2022-08-06 $457343 51 sell call 2022-08-24 413.44 420.0 $349 -4056331112713429288\n",
- "2022-08-06 $458057 50 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 414.0 $715 -7035212145035031050\n",
- "2022-08-06 $458717 49 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 415.0 $660 603502640022425779\n",
- "2022-08-06 $459323 48 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 416.0 $607 2033841807832762010\n",
- "2022-08-06 $460283 47 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 410.0 $961 -8004287116013612537\n",
- "2022-08-06 $460839 46 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 417.0 $556 -3285303185197958968\n",
- "2022-08-06 $461346 45 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 418.0 $508 -3237673748524434832\n",
- "2022-08-06 $461808 44 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 419.0 $463 4021506723619912819\n",
- "2022-08-06 $462967 43 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 407.0 $1159 -2817312634573988230\n",
- "2022-08-06 $463386 42 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 420.0 $420 237861608064719420\n",
- "2022-08-06 $464766 41 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 404.0 $1381 -4976467931438853844\n",
- "2022-08-06 $465073 40 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 423.0 $307 4416726537377493662\n",
- "2022-08-06 $465346 39 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 424.0 $274 -669057937865179322\n",
- "2022-08-06 $465590 38 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 425.0 $245 -5822806873149051643\n",
- "2022-08-06 $467201 37 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 401.0 $1611 2820127186549931781\n",
- "2022-08-06 $468893 36 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 400.0 $1693 -6321893360479700244\n",
- "2022-08-06 $469061 35 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 428.0 $169 -6711997406144346593\n",
- "2022-08-06 $469160 34 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 432.0 $99 -7183984229622730122\n",
- "2022-08-06 $469607 33 sell call 2022-08-29 413.44 420.0 $448 5824254087784038669\n",
- "2022-08-06 $470403 32 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 414.0 $797 8633221493690369150\n",
- "2022-08-06 $471257 31 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 413.0 $854 2332680392083314311\n",
- "2022-08-06 $472171 30 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 412.0 $915 8502539789808611375\n",
- "2022-08-06 $472910 29 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 415.0 $740 4322744164985608667\n",
- "2022-08-06 $473887 28 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 411.0 $977 -7109113406255872533\n",
- "2022-08-06 $474928 27 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 410.0 $1042 -2001042380758264386\n",
- "2022-08-06 $475419 26 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 420.0 $492 -4799698306382234966\n",
- "2022-08-06 $476664 25 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 407.0 $1245 3035394077321098453\n",
- "2022-08-06 $477000 24 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 424.0 $337 -4938763086606513351\n",
- "2022-08-06 $477304 23 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 425.0 $305 1812107552024720657\n",
- "2022-08-06 $478099 22 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 415.0 $795 4535849213587827406\n",
- "2022-08-06 $479198 21 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 410.0 $1100 -25871253648616422\n",
- "2022-08-06 $479786 20 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 419.0 $589 8652550187661780973\n",
- "2022-08-06 $480287 19 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 421.0 $501 -529965785211229916\n",
- "2022-08-06 $480634 18 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 425.0 $348 -1760770887598298964\n",
- "2022-08-06 $482692 17 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 397.0 $2059 1778276762689233040\n",
- "2022-08-06 $482823 16 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 434.0 $131 3549915024152548541\n",
- "2022-08-06 $483648 15 sell call 2022-09-06 413.44 415.0 $826 -6608123478797802050\n",
- "2022-08-06 $484078 14 sell call 2022-09-09 413.44 425.0 $431 -143886120149050637\n",
- "2022-08-06 $484354 13 sell call 2022-09-09 413.44 430.0 $276 4545323770572167132\n",
- "2022-08-06 $485473 12 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 413.0 $1120 5840319354096556109\n",
- "2022-08-06 $486535 11 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 414.0 $1063 -4444831500867161572\n",
- "2022-08-06 $487718 10 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 412.0 $1183 -7905074602872768890\n",
- "2022-08-06 $488722 9 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 415.0 $1005 -8841674552912279171\n",
- "2022-08-06 $489965 8 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 411.0 $1244 2242296475750413510\n",
- "2022-08-06 $490914 7 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 416.0 $949 5213975798079309677\n",
- "2022-08-06 $492221 6 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 410.0 $1308 -6454719235251010500\n",
- "2022-08-06 $493115 5 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 417.0 $894 -5558431059152632751\n",
- "2022-08-06 $494482 4 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 409.0 $1368 6735336459443840008\n",
- "2022-08-06 $495324 3 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 418.0 $843 4200405263061730934\n",
- "2022-08-06 $496758 2 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 408.0 $1434 -2620761700380420726\n",
- "2022-08-06 $497547 1 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 419.0 $790 -8983016882228004696\n",
- "2022-08-06 $498288 0 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 420.0 $742 5244166453433013012\n",
- "2022-08-09 $497644 1 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 413.0 $644 -2159240518905891952\n",
- "2022-08-09 $497055 2 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 414.0 $588 -4208967954292662308\n",
- "2022-08-09 $496350 3 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 412.0 $704 4555990333647113060\n",
- "2022-08-09 $495815 4 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 415.0 $535 -7014511768227638017\n",
- "2022-08-09 $495330 5 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 416.0 $484 -5934759168525434679\n",
- "2022-08-09 $494938 6 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 418.0 $391 -684812806002856864\n",
- "2022-08-09 $494695 7 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 422.0 $243 4039588496518937547\n",
- "2022-08-09 $493269 8 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 402.0 $1425 -2890896403976575609\n",
- "2022-08-09 $492540 9 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 413.0 $728 8442554277160710042\n",
- "2022-08-09 $491868 10 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 414.0 $672 -7035212145035031050\n",
- "2022-08-09 $491080 11 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 412.0 $787 -3133409405777188731\n",
- "2022-08-09 $490463 12 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 415.0 $616 603502640022425779\n",
- "2022-08-09 $489899 13 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 416.0 $564 2033841807832762010\n",
- "2022-08-09 $489384 14 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 417.0 $514 -3285303185197958968\n",
- "2022-08-09 $488915 15 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 418.0 $468 -3237673748524434832\n",
- "2022-08-09 $488533 16 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 420.0 $382 237861608064719420\n",
- "2022-08-09 $487337 17 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 406.0 $1195 -1681520487499125025\n",
- "2022-08-09 $487029 18 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 422.0 $307 -6427456333430054847\n",
- "2022-08-09 $486786 19 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 424.0 $243 -669057937865179322\n",
- "2022-08-09 $486570 20 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 425.0 $215 -5822806873149051643\n",
- "2022-08-09 $486378 21 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 426.0 $191 -7460538246139754913\n",
- "2022-08-09 $486210 22 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 427.0 $168 9211388820882338356\n",
- "2022-08-09 $486063 23 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 428.0 $146 -6711997406144346593\n",
- "2022-08-09 $485951 24 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 430.0 $111 6923893029819339694\n",
- "2022-08-09 $485867 25 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 432.0 $84 -7183984229622730122\n",
- "2022-08-09 $485043 26 buy call 2022-08-29 413.01 412.0 $823 6170935929420356667\n",
- "2022-08-10 $484387 27 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 411.0 $655 -49925051674058345\n",
- "2022-08-10 $483672 28 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 410.0 $715 -7688892321556977453\n",
- "2022-08-10 $482830 29 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 408.0 $841 -1538166053856728110\n",
- "2022-08-10 $481850 30 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 406.0 $979 -7710094445853646525\n",
- "2022-08-10 $481601 31 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 420.0 $249 -4056331112713429288\n",
- "2022-08-10 $480247 32 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 401.0 $1353 8583478076908120700\n",
- "2022-08-10 $478811 33 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 400.0 $1435 -8806867566090287359\n",
- "2022-08-10 $478070 34 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 411.0 $741 -8129897970334260776\n",
- "2022-08-10 $477268 35 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 410.0 $801 -8004287116013612537\n",
- "2022-08-10 $476404 36 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 409.0 $863 -7788199212789050312\n",
- "2022-08-10 $475477 37 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 408.0 $927 -3214364340390973242\n",
- "2022-08-10 $475123 38 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 419.0 $353 4021506723619912819\n",
- "2022-08-10 $475047 39 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 431.0 $75 -6198648149168979331\n",
- "2022-08-10 $474150 40 buy call 2022-08-29 411.35 409.0 $897 4132573969808000630\n",
- "2022-08-10 $473123 41 buy call 2022-08-29 411.35 407.0 $1026 5999872630323812991\n",
- "2022-08-10 $472903 42 buy call 2022-08-29 411.35 424.0 $219 -6810438023843311040\n",
- "2022-08-10 $472802 43 buy call 2022-08-29 411.35 430.0 $101 -6139201558230083344\n",
- "2022-08-10 $471974 44 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 411.0 $827 -7109113406255872533\n",
- "2022-08-10 $471205 45 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 412.0 $769 8502539789808611375\n",
- "2022-08-10 $470317 46 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 410.0 $887 -2001042380758264386\n",
- "2022-08-10 $469367 47 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 409.0 $949 -1686466367703257502\n",
- "2022-08-10 $468759 48 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 415.0 $608 4322744164985608667\n",
- "2022-08-10 $468198 49 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 416.0 $560 3144034701421438690\n",
- "2022-08-10 $467728 50 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 418.0 $469 -3306387570384824491\n",
- "2022-08-10 $467340 51 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 420.0 $388 -4799698306382234966\n",
- "2022-08-10 $467023 52 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 422.0 $316 -3789662216897665157\n",
- "2022-08-11 $466457 53 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 421.0 $565 7376408494629870337\n",
- "2022-08-11 $465994 54 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 423.0 $463 4416726537377493662\n",
- "2022-08-11 $465854 55 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 433.0 $139 -2553114424488316728\n",
- "2022-08-11 $465732 56 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 434.0 $121 -3522462763261880326\n",
- "2022-08-11 $465627 57 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 435.0 $105 -559830375302930683\n",
- "2022-08-11 $465557 58 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 438.0 $69 4992301829817985171\n",
- "2022-08-11 $464842 59 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 419.0 $714 -8087589542473433968\n",
- "2022-08-11 $464059 60 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 418.0 $783 7973683293779801992\n",
- "2022-08-11 $463511 61 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 422.0 $547 -8016078765231823376\n",
- "2022-08-11 $462531 62 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 415.0 $979 3966449870793993112\n",
- "2022-08-11 $462124 63 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 425.0 $407 4118411164052869978\n",
- "2022-08-11 $461830 64 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 428.0 $293 8954343937258532433\n",
- "2022-08-11 $461648 65 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 432.0 $181 3929997259365490638\n",
- "2022-08-11 $459451 66 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 400.0 $2197 4680231601970636878\n",
- "2022-08-11 $458953 67 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 424.0 $497 -4938763086606513351\n",
- "2022-08-11 $458500 68 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 425.0 $452 1812107552024720657\n",
- "2022-08-11 $458090 69 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 426.0 $410 -2253878233974887940\n",
- "2022-08-11 $457755 70 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 428.0 $334 4661163028421289264\n",
- "2022-08-11 $457485 71 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 430.0 $269 6902842582926816786\n",
- "2022-08-11 $457271 72 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 432.0 $214 2421447560396795890\n",
- "2022-08-11 $457101 73 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 434.0 $169 -4932221579733473783\n",
- "2022-08-11 $456951 74 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 435.0 $149 2806844853593582289\n",
- "2022-08-11 $456872 75 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 440.0 $79 -3025635396688885322\n",
- "2022-08-11 $456094 76 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 420.0 $777 -7137546645555314332\n",
- "2022-08-11 $455267 77 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 419.0 $826 8652550187661780973\n",
- "2022-08-11 $454555 78 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 421.0 $712 -529965785211229916\n",
- "2022-08-12 $454334 79 buy call 2022-08-26 420.0 429.0 $220 -5325151736236724252\n",
- "2022-08-12 $454289 80 buy call 2022-08-26 420.0 440.0 $44 1836301122408949419\n",
- "2022-08-12 $453655 81 buy call 2022-08-29 420.0 420.0 $634 5824254087784038669\n",
- "2022-08-12 $453072 82 buy call 2022-08-29 420.0 421.0 $582 2229244263179770203\n",
- "2022-08-12 $452592 83 buy call 2022-08-29 420.0 423.0 $479 -2285063864745697425\n",
- "2022-08-12 $452518 84 buy call 2022-08-29 420.0 438.0 $74 -8963048839421703836\n",
- "2022-08-12 $452462 85 buy call 2022-08-29 420.0 440.0 $55 -3530933815462395401\n",
- "2022-08-12 $452366 86 buy call 2022-08-31 420.0 438.0 $95 -3390666469130917167\n",
- "2022-08-12 $451726 87 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 422.0 $640 -989783119187166192\n",
- "2022-08-12 $451136 88 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 423.0 $589 5684079630561494431\n",
- "2022-08-12 $450594 89 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 424.0 $541 -155918990871342625\n",
- "2022-08-12 $450099 90 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 425.0 $495 -1760770887598298964\n",
- "2022-08-12 $449687 91 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 427.0 $411 5644299965533756332\n",
- "2022-08-12 $449313 92 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 428.0 $373 -2306256967053010265\n",
- "2022-08-12 $448976 93 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 429.0 $337 -5512912835333991429\n",
- "2022-08-12 $448671 94 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 430.0 $304 -5046624089580687248\n",
- "2022-08-12 $447245 95 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 410.0 $1426 -25871253648616422\n",
- "2022-08-12 $446999 96 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 432.0 $245 -4011676662167465226\n",
- "2022-08-12 $446824 97 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 435.0 $174 8555351825388101828\n",
- "2022-08-12 $446731 98 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 440.0 $93 9040718995280551385\n",
- "2022-08-12 $445949 99 buy call 2022-09-06 420.0 420.0 $781 -4861577129401021114\n",
- "2022-08-12 $445328 100 buy call 2022-09-06 420.0 423.0 $620 4080006867446186442\n",
- "2022-08-12 $444804 101 buy call 2022-09-06 420.0 425.0 $524 -6820842236027422216\n",
- "2022-08-12 $444474 102 buy call 2022-09-06 420.0 430.0 $329 -2135530980974721459\n",
- "2022-08-12 $444367 103 buy call 2022-09-06 420.0 440.0 $106 8009132633668810178\n",
- "2022-08-12 $443775 104 buy call 2022-09-07 420.0 424.0 $592 5406969384189974851\n",
- "2022-08-13 $444548 103 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 422.0 $774 4039588496518937547\n",
- "2022-08-13 $445464 102 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 420.0 $917 -4056331112713429288\n",
- "2022-08-13 $446544 101 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 418.0 $1080 -684812806002856864\n",
- "2022-08-13 $447781 100 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 416.0 $1238 -5934759168525434679\n",
- "2022-08-13 $449104 99 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 415.0 $1324 -7014511768227638017\n",
- "2022-08-13 $450518 98 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 414.0 $1414 -4208967954292662308\n",
- "2022-08-13 $452019 97 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 413.0 $1502 -2159240518905891952\n",
- "2022-08-13 $453611 96 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 412.0 $1593 4555990333647113060\n",
- "2022-08-13 $455293 95 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 411.0 $1682 -49925051674058345\n",
- "2022-08-13 $457066 94 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 410.0 $1774 -7688892321556977453\n",
- "2022-08-13 $459024 93 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 408.0 $1959 -1538166053856728110\n",
- "2022-08-13 $461171 92 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 406.0 $2147 -7710094445853646525\n",
- "2022-08-13 $463700 91 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 402.0 $2530 -2890896403976575609\n",
- "2022-08-13 $466298 90 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 401.0 $2599 8583478076908120700\n",
- "2022-08-13 $469025 89 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 400.0 $2727 -8806867566090287359\n",
- "2022-08-13 $469586 88 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 427.0 $562 9211388820882338356\n",
- "2022-08-13 $470093 87 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 428.0 $508 -6711997406144346593\n",
- "2022-08-13 $470711 86 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 426.0 $618 -7460538246139754913\n",
- "2022-08-13 $471387 85 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 425.0 $677 -5822806873149051643\n",
- "2022-08-13 $471844 84 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 429.0 $458 -5325151736236724252\n",
- "2022-08-13 $472583 83 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 424.0 $739 -669057937865179322\n",
- "2022-08-13 $472993 82 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 430.0 $411 6923893029819339694\n",
- "2022-08-13 $473359 81 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 431.0 $367 -6198648149168979331\n",
- "2022-08-13 $474163 80 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 423.0 $804 4416726537377493662\n",
- "2022-08-13 $475033 79 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 422.0 $871 -6427456333430054847\n",
- "2022-08-13 $475358 78 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 432.0 $326 -7183984229622730122\n",
- "2022-08-13 $476295 77 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 421.0 $937 7376408494629870337\n",
- "2022-08-13 $476583 76 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 433.0 $289 -2553114424488316728\n",
- "2022-08-13 $476836 75 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 434.0 $254 -3522462763261880326\n",
- "2022-08-13 $477844 74 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 420.0 $1008 237861608064719420\n",
- "2022-08-13 $478926 73 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 419.0 $1083 4021506723619912819\n",
- "2022-08-13 $479147 72 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 435.0 $222 -559830375302930683\n",
- "2022-08-13 $480305 71 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 418.0 $1158 -3237673748524434832\n",
- "2022-08-13 $481542 70 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 417.0 $1238 -3285303185197958968\n",
- "2022-08-13 $482859 69 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 416.0 $1318 2033841807832762010\n",
- "2022-08-13 $483004 68 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 438.0 $145 4992301829817985171\n",
- "2022-08-13 $484397 67 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 415.0 $1394 603502640022425779\n",
- "2022-08-13 $484502 66 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 440.0 $106 1836301122408949419\n",
- "2022-08-13 $485980 65 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 414.0 $1478 -7035212145035031050\n",
- "2022-08-13 $487550 64 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 413.0 $1571 8442554277160710042\n",
- "2022-08-13 $489207 63 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 412.0 $1657 -3133409405777188731\n",
- "2022-08-13 $490943 62 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 411.0 $1737 -8129897970334260776\n",
- "2022-08-13 $492772 61 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 410.0 $1830 -8004287116013612537\n",
- "2022-08-13 $494690 60 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 409.0 $1918 -7788199212789050312\n",
- "2022-08-13 $496691 59 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 408.0 $2002 -3214364340390973242\n",
- "2022-08-13 $498848 58 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 406.0 $2158 -1681520487499125025\n",
- "2022-08-13 $499395 57 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 428.0 $547 8954343937258532433\n",
- "2022-08-13 $500111 56 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 425.0 $717 4118411164052869978\n",
- "2022-08-13 $500888 55 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 424.0 $778 -6810438023843311040\n",
- "2022-08-13 $501336 54 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 430.0 $448 -6139201558230083344\n",
- "2022-08-13 $502178 53 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 423.0 $843 -2285063864745697425\n",
- "2022-08-13 $502539 52 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 432.0 $362 3929997259365490638\n",
- "2022-08-13 $503449 51 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 422.0 $910 -8016078765231823376\n",
- "2022-08-13 $504419 50 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 421.0 $971 2229244263179770203\n",
- "2022-08-13 $505457 49 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 420.0 $1039 5824254087784038669\n",
- "2022-08-13 $506576 48 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 419.0 $1119 -8087589542473433968\n",
- "2022-08-13 $507764 47 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 418.0 $1189 7973683293779801992\n",
- "2022-08-13 $507934 46 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 438.0 $171 -8963048839421703836\n",
- "2022-08-13 $509365 45 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 415.0 $1431 3966449870793993112\n",
- "2022-08-13 $509492 44 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 440.0 $128 -3530933815462395401\n",
- "2022-08-13 $511173 43 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 412.0 $1682 6170935929420356667\n",
- "2022-08-13 $513117 42 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 409.0 $1944 4132573969808000630\n",
- "2022-08-13 $515240 41 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 407.0 $2124 5999872630323812991\n",
- "2022-08-13 $518013 40 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 400.0 $2774 4680231601970636878\n",
- "2022-08-13 $518617 39 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 428.0 $604 4661163028421289264\n",
- "2022-08-13 $519331 38 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 426.0 $715 -2253878233974887940\n",
- "2022-08-13 $520105 37 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 425.0 $775 1812107552024720657\n",
- "2022-08-13 $520941 36 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 424.0 $836 -4938763086606513351\n",
- "2022-08-13 $521444 35 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 430.0 $504 6902842582926816786\n",
- "2022-08-13 $522410 34 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 422.0 $967 -3789662216897665157\n",
- "2022-08-13 $522824 33 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 432.0 $414 2421447560396795890\n",
- "2022-08-13 $523158 32 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 434.0 $335 -4932221579733473783\n",
- "2022-08-13 $524254 31 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 420.0 $1097 -4799698306382234966\n",
- "2022-08-13 $524554 30 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 435.0 $300 2806844853593582289\n",
- "2022-08-13 $525805 29 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 418.0 $1252 -3306387570384824491\n",
- "2022-08-13 $527201 28 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 416.0 $1397 3144034701421438690\n",
- "2022-08-13 $527411 27 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 438.0 $210 -3390666469130917167\n",
- "2022-08-13 $528898 26 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 415.0 $1488 4322744164985608667\n",
- "2022-08-13 $529060 25 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 440.0 $163 -3025635396688885322\n",
- "2022-08-13 $530782 24 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 412.0 $1722 8502539789808611375\n",
- "2022-08-13 $532586 23 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 411.0 $1805 -7109113406255872533\n",
- "2022-08-13 $534483 22 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 410.0 $1898 -2001042380758264386\n",
- "2022-08-13 $536468 21 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 409.0 $1985 -1686466367703257502\n",
- "2022-08-13 $537185 20 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 427.0 $718 5644299965533756332\n",
- "2022-08-13 $537847 19 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 428.0 $663 -2306256967053010265\n",
- "2022-08-13 $538457 18 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 429.0 $610 -5512912835333991429\n",
- "2022-08-13 $539290 17 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 425.0 $834 -1760770887598298964\n",
- "2022-08-13 $540186 16 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 424.0 $897 -155918990871342625\n",
- "2022-08-13 $540746 15 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 430.0 $560 -5046624089580687248\n",
- "2022-08-13 $541706 14 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 423.0 $961 5684079630561494431\n",
- "2022-08-13 $542737 13 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 422.0 $1031 -989783119187166192\n",
- "2022-08-13 $543207 12 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 432.0 $471 -4011676662167465226\n",
- "2022-08-13 $544296 11 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 421.0 $1090 -529965785211229916\n",
- "2022-08-13 $545462 10 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 420.0 $1166 -7137546645555314332\n",
- "2022-08-13 $546695 9 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 419.0 $1234 8652550187661780973\n",
- "2022-08-13 $547043 8 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 435.0 $349 8555351825388101828\n",
- "2022-08-13 $547243 7 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 440.0 $200 9040718995280551385\n",
- "2022-08-13 $549189 6 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 410.0 $1947 -25871253648616422\n",
- "2022-08-13 $550058 5 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 425.0 $870 -6820842236027422216\n",
- "2022-08-13 $550652 4 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 430.0 $594 -2135530980974721459\n",
- "2022-08-13 $551647 3 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 423.0 $996 4080006867446186442\n",
- "2022-08-13 $552831 2 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 420.0 $1185 -4861577129401021114\n",
- "2022-08-13 $553053 1 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 440.0 $222 8009132633668810178\n",
- "2022-08-13 $554006 0 sell call 2022-09-07 427.06 424.0 $954 5406969384189974851\n",
- "2022-08-16 $553335 1 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 428.0 $670 4661163028421289264\n",
- "2022-08-16 $552774 2 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 430.0 $561 6902842582926816786\n",
- "2022-08-16 $551981 3 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 426.0 $792 -2253878233974887940\n",
- "2022-08-16 $551517 4 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 432.0 $463 2421447560396795890\n",
- "2022-08-16 $550661 5 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 425.0 $856 1812107552024720657\n",
- "2022-08-16 $549738 6 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 424.0 $922 -4938763086606513351\n",
- "2022-08-16 $549400 7 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 435.0 $337 2806844853593582289\n",
- "2022-08-16 $548338 8 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 422.0 $1062 -3789662216897665157\n",
- "2022-08-16 $548036 9 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 436.0 $301 3034705365838975661\n",
- "2022-08-16 $546827 10 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 420.0 $1208 -4799698306382234966\n",
- "2022-08-16 $546590 11 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 438.0 $237 -3390666469130917167\n",
- "2022-08-16 $546405 12 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 440.0 $184 -3025635396688885322\n",
- "2022-08-16 $546264 13 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 442.0 $140 7852766360118653357\n",
- "2022-08-16 $546159 14 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 444.0 $105 -8252727977862753017\n",
- "2022-08-16 $546067 15 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 445.0 $91 6798874697448153717\n",
- "2022-08-16 $545988 16 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 446.0 $78 4943244705181893607\n",
- "2022-08-16 $545931 17 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 448.0 $57 920357669993344075\n",
- "2022-08-16 $545888 18 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 450.0 $42 5601884872172421298\n",
- "2022-08-16 $545210 19 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 429.0 $677 -5512912835333991429\n",
- "2022-08-16 $544476 20 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 428.0 $734 -2306256967053010265\n",
- "2022-08-16 $543849 21 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 430.0 $626 -5046624089580687248\n",
- "2022-08-16 $543056 22 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 427.0 $792 5644299965533756332\n",
- "2022-08-16 $542484 23 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 431.0 $572 4300780488805419966\n",
- "2022-08-16 $541629 24 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 426.0 $854 -2937773874431163463\n",
- "2022-08-16 $541104 25 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 432.0 $524 -4011676662167465226\n",
- "2022-08-16 $540175 26 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 425.0 $929 -1760770887598298964\n",
- "2022-08-17 $539781 27 buy call 2022-08-31 429.69 434.0 $393 -4932221579733473783\n",
- "2022-08-17 $539280 28 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 433.0 $500 1648173999498229462\n",
- "2022-08-17 $538827 29 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 434.0 $453 3549915024152548541\n",
- "2022-08-17 $538416 30 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 435.0 $410 8555351825388101828\n",
- "2022-08-17 $538046 31 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 436.0 $369 -1106370347351664502\n",
- "2022-08-17 $536938 32 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 423.0 $1108 5684079630561494431\n",
- "2022-08-17 $536606 33 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 437.0 $331 -4565551272873863996\n",
- "2022-08-17 $535425 34 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 422.0 $1180 -989783119187166192\n",
- "2022-08-17 $535129 35 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 438.0 $296 -872697768598675507\n",
- "2022-08-17 $534865 36 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 439.0 $263 3936773211785625905\n",
- "2022-08-17 $533533 37 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 420.0 $1332 -7137546645555314332\n",
- "2022-08-17 $533298 38 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 440.0 $234 9040718995280551385\n",
- "2022-08-17 $533091 39 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 441.0 $206 -5928497091082050149\n",
- "2022-08-17 $532909 40 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 442.0 $182 8861637461620370771\n",
- "2022-08-17 $532749 41 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 443.0 $159 7702209985659059720\n",
- "2022-08-17 $532626 42 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 445.0 $122 -2060937206777667067\n",
- "2022-08-17 $532568 43 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 450.0 $58 -3807673905176649922\n",
- "2022-08-17 $531877 44 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 430.0 $690 -2135530980974721459\n",
- "2022-08-17 $531128 45 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 429.0 $748 7573366396609519438\n",
- "2022-08-17 $530320 46 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 428.0 $808 -2171909849660053435\n",
- "2022-08-17 $529737 47 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 432.0 $582 6457810207332381402\n",
- "2022-08-17 $529251 48 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 434.0 $485 -1198874070929055742\n",
- "2022-08-17 $528810 49 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 435.0 $441 7901234035106851616\n",
- "2022-08-17 $528485 50 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 438.0 $324 -7027779166265022288\n",
- "2022-08-17 $528280 51 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 442.0 $204 -7620195807058699703\n",
- "2022-08-17 $527567 52 buy call 2022-09-07 429.69 430.0 $713 -6442098340049759956\n",
- "2022-08-18 $526743 53 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 424.0 $823 -155918990871342625\n",
- "2022-08-18 $525720 54 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 421.0 $1022 -529965785211229916\n",
- "2022-08-18 $524556 55 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 419.0 $1164 8652550187661780973\n",
- "2022-08-18 $523080 56 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 415.0 $1475 4535849213587827406\n",
- "2022-08-18 $522992 57 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 444.0 $87 1840428726725084381\n",
- "2022-08-18 $522928 58 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 446.0 $64 3075383591749630669\n",
- "2022-08-18 $522245 59 buy call 2022-09-06 426.67 427.0 $682 6134304911322817946\n",
- "2022-08-18 $521446 60 buy call 2022-09-06 426.67 425.0 $798 -6820842236027422216\n",
- "2022-08-18 $520458 61 buy call 2022-09-06 426.67 422.0 $988 -2830135260252389197\n",
- "2022-08-18 $520173 62 buy call 2022-09-06 426.67 436.0 $284 4739501479869130040\n",
- "2022-08-18 $520084 63 buy call 2022-09-06 426.67 445.0 $88 8223487147598134810\n",
- "2022-08-18 $519320 64 buy call 2022-09-07 426.67 426.0 $764 -5292620419660137747\n",
- "2022-08-18 $518495 65 buy call 2022-09-07 426.67 425.0 $824 -1040200947053448025\n",
- "2022-08-18 $518119 66 buy call 2022-09-07 426.67 434.0 $375 -325711982973055561\n",
- "2022-08-18 $517298 67 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 426.0 $821 2564252392716189964\n",
- "2022-08-18 $516416 68 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 425.0 $881 -143886120149050637\n",
- "2022-08-18 $515761 69 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 429.0 $654 -7467535526205351651\n",
- "2022-08-18 $515158 70 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 430.0 $603 4545323770572167132\n",
- "2022-08-18 $513948 71 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 420.0 $1209 -6893266809903903278\n",
- "2022-08-18 $513525 72 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 434.0 $422 -1385390556648835118\n",
- "2022-08-18 $513141 73 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 435.0 $384 2589301746527316651\n",
- "2022-08-18 $512792 74 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 436.0 $348 -5202551059754900042\n",
- "2022-08-18 $511265 75 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 416.0 $1526 -7015882694957246868\n",
- "2022-08-18 $511144 76 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 445.0 $121 -7696134788410226060\n",
- "2022-08-18 $510173 77 buy call 2022-09-12 426.67 424.0 $970 -6187483965127152411\n",
- "2022-08-18 $510019 78 buy call 2022-09-12 426.67 444.0 $153 6116494067354598115\n",
- "2022-08-19 $510532 77 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 428.0 $513 4661163028421289264\n",
- "2022-08-19 $511158 76 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 426.0 $627 -2253878233974887940\n",
- "2022-08-19 $511569 75 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 430.0 $412 6902842582926816786\n",
- "2022-08-19 $512258 74 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 425.0 $689 1812107552024720657\n",
- "2022-08-19 $513003 73 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 424.0 $746 -4938763086606513351\n",
- "2022-08-19 $513327 72 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 432.0 $325 2421447560396795890\n",
- "2022-08-19 $513578 71 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 434.0 $251 -4932221579733473783\n",
- "2022-08-19 $514459 70 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 422.0 $882 -3789662216897665157\n",
- "2022-08-19 $514677 69 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 435.0 $218 2806844853593582289\n",
- "2022-08-19 $515705 68 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 420.0 $1029 -4799698306382234966\n",
- "2022-08-19 $515894 67 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 436.0 $190 3034705365838975661\n",
- "2022-08-19 $516034 66 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 438.0 $140 -3390666469130917167\n",
- "2022-08-19 $516135 65 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 440.0 $102 -3025635396688885322\n",
- "2022-08-19 $516206 64 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 442.0 $72 7852766360118653357\n",
- "2022-08-19 $516256 63 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 444.0 $50 -8252727977862753017\n",
- "2022-08-19 $516296 62 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 445.0 $41 6798874697448153717\n",
- "2022-08-19 $516329 61 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 446.0 $34 4943244705181893607\n",
- "2022-08-19 $516352 60 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 448.0 $23 920357669993344075\n",
- "2022-08-19 $516366 59 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 450.0 $15 5601884872172421298\n",
- "2022-08-19 $516947 58 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 428.0 $582 -2306256967053010265\n",
- "2022-08-19 $517586 57 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 427.0 $639 5644299965533756332\n",
- "2022-08-19 $518114 56 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 429.0 $529 -5512912835333991429\n",
- "2022-08-19 $518811 55 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 426.0 $698 -2937773874431163463\n",
- "2022-08-19 $519289 54 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 430.0 $478 -5046624089580687248\n",
- "2022-08-19 $519719 53 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 431.0 $431 4300780488805419966\n",
- "2022-08-19 $520477 52 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 425.0 $759 -1760770887598298964\n",
- "2022-08-19 $521301 51 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 424.0 $824 -155918990871342625\n",
- "2022-08-19 $521686 50 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 432.0 $386 -4011676662167465226\n",
- "2022-08-19 $522576 49 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 423.0 $891 5684079630561494431\n",
- "2022-08-19 $522921 48 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 433.0 $345 1648173999498229462\n",
- "2022-08-19 $523227 47 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 434.0 $307 3549915024152548541\n",
- "2022-08-19 $524186 46 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 422.0 $960 -989783119187166192\n",
- "2022-08-19 $525216 45 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 421.0 $1030 -529965785211229916\n",
- "2022-08-19 $525486 44 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 435.0 $271 8555351825388101828\n",
- "2022-08-19 $526589 43 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 420.0 $1104 -7137546645555314332\n",
- "2022-08-19 $526828 42 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 436.0 $239 -1106370347351664502\n",
- "2022-08-19 $527036 41 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 437.0 $209 -4565551272873863996\n",
- "2022-08-19 $528215 40 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 419.0 $1180 8652550187661780973\n",
- "2022-08-19 $528398 39 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 438.0 $183 -872697768598675507\n",
- "2022-08-19 $528556 38 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 439.0 $159 3936773211785625905\n",
- "2022-08-19 $528692 37 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 440.0 $137 9040718995280551385\n",
- "2022-08-19 $530182 36 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 415.0 $1490 4535849213587827406\n",
- "2022-08-19 $530299 35 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 441.0 $118 -5928497091082050149\n",
- "2022-08-19 $530399 34 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 442.0 $101 8861637461620370771\n",
- "2022-08-19 $530485 33 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 443.0 $86 7702209985659059720\n",
- "2022-08-19 $530557 32 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 444.0 $73 1840428726725084381\n",
- "2022-08-19 $530618 31 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 445.0 $62 -2060937206777667067\n",
- "2022-08-19 $530670 30 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 446.0 $52 3075383591749630669\n",
- "2022-08-19 $530694 29 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 450.0 $25 -3807673905176649922\n",
- "2022-08-19 $531313 28 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 428.0 $620 -2171909849660053435\n",
- "2022-08-19 $531990 27 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 427.0 $677 6134304911322817946\n",
- "2022-08-19 $532555 26 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 429.0 $566 7573366396609519438\n",
- "2022-08-19 $533069 25 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 430.0 $515 -2135530980974721459\n",
- "2022-08-19 $533868 24 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 425.0 $799 -6820842236027422216\n",
- "2022-08-19 $534288 23 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 432.0 $421 6457810207332381402\n",
- "2022-08-19 $535285 22 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 422.0 $998 -2830135260252389197\n",
- "2022-08-19 $535623 21 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 434.0 $338 -1198874070929055742\n",
- "2022-08-19 $535924 20 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 435.0 $302 7901234035106851616\n",
- "2022-08-19 $536192 19 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 436.0 $268 4739501479869130040\n",
- "2022-08-19 $536399 18 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 438.0 $208 -7027779166265022288\n",
- "2022-08-19 $536518 17 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 442.0 $120 -7620195807058699703\n",
- "2022-08-19 $536593 16 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 445.0 $75 8223487147598134810\n",
- "2022-08-19 $537354 15 sell call 2022-09-07 427.84 426.0 $762 -5292620419660137747\n",
- "2022-08-19 $537892 14 sell call 2022-09-07 427.84 430.0 $539 -6442098340049759956\n",
- "2022-08-19 $538716 13 sell call 2022-09-07 427.84 425.0 $824 -1040200947053448025\n",
- "2022-08-19 $539075 12 sell call 2022-09-07 427.84 434.0 $360 -325711982973055561\n",
- "2022-08-19 $539723 11 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 429.0 $649 -7467535526205351651\n",
- "2022-08-19 $540545 10 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 426.0 $822 2564252392716189964\n",
- "2022-08-19 $541140 9 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 430.0 $596 4545323770572167132\n",
- "2022-08-19 $542023 8 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 425.0 $884 -143886120149050637\n",
- "2022-08-19 $542433 7 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 434.0 $410 -1385390556648835118\n",
- "2022-08-19 $542802 6 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 435.0 $370 2589301746527316651\n",
- "2022-08-19 $544025 5 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 420.0 $1224 -6893266809903903278\n",
- "2022-08-19 $544358 4 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 436.0 $333 -5202551059754900042\n",
- "2022-08-19 $545885 3 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 416.0 $1528 -7015882694957246868\n",
- "2022-08-19 $545993 2 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 445.0 $109 -7696134788410226060\n",
- "2022-08-19 $546968 1 sell call 2022-09-12 427.84 424.0 $975 -6187483965127152411\n",
- "2022-08-19 $547106 0 sell call 2022-09-12 427.84 444.0 $139 6116494067354598115\n",
- "2022-08-20 $546522 1 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 422.0 $583 -2830135260252389197\n",
- "2022-08-20 $545896 2 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 423.0 $626 4080006867446186442\n",
- "2022-08-20 $545353 3 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 421.0 $542 1397478151030163107\n",
- "2022-08-20 $544681 4 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 424.0 $671 -6097897938497118447\n",
- "2022-08-20 $544177 5 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 420.0 $504 -4861577129401021114\n",
- "2022-08-20 $543456 6 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 425.0 $720 -6820842236027422216\n",
- "2022-08-20 $542685 7 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 426.0 $770 -702463968381528125\n",
- "2022-08-20 $541853 8 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 427.0 $832 6134304911322817946\n",
- "2022-08-20 $540901 9 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 429.0 $951 7573366396609519438\n",
- "2022-08-20 $540554 10 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 415.0 $346 -6608123478797802050\n",
- "2022-08-20 $539550 11 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 430.0 $1004 -2135530980974721459\n",
- "2022-08-20 $538400 12 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 432.0 $1149 6457810207332381402\n",
- "2022-08-20 $538165 13 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 410.0 $234 -1597156021831308430\n",
- "2022-08-20 $538008 14 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 405.0 $157 -8190630636563245850\n",
- "2022-08-20 $537883 15 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 402.0 $124 -5343964954589428026\n",
- "2022-08-20 $537276 16 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 422.0 $606 6425375192620004193\n",
- "2022-08-20 $536581 17 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 424.0 $695 5406969384189974851\n",
- "2022-08-20 $536052 18 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 420.0 $528 4104652157392423106\n",
- "2022-08-20 $535308 19 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 425.0 $743 -1040200947053448025\n",
- "2022-08-20 $534849 20 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 418.0 $459 5976960371769432462\n",
- "2022-08-20 $533939 21 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 428.0 $909 -915609251807209672\n",
- "2022-08-20 $532782 22 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 432.0 $1156 -3736108616797422856\n",
- "2022-08-20 $531471 23 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 434.0 $1311 -325711982973055561\n",
- "2022-08-20 $531295 24 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 405.0 $175 -3002311284159622978\n",
- "2022-08-20 $530636 25 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 422.0 $658 3711367709291128517\n",
- "2022-08-20 $529936 26 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 423.0 $700 -5726628532475557118\n",
- "2022-08-23 $530652 25 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 415.0 $717 -6608123478797802050\n",
- "2022-08-23 $531159 24 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 410.0 $508 -1597156021831308430\n",
- "2022-08-23 $532111 23 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 420.0 $952 -4861577129401021114\n",
- "2022-08-23 $533150 22 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 421.0 $1040 1397478151030163107\n",
- "2022-08-23 $533502 21 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 405.0 $352 -8190630636563245850\n",
- "2022-08-23 $534587 20 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 422.0 $1086 -2830135260252389197\n",
- "2022-08-23 $535737 19 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 423.0 $1151 4080006867446186442\n",
- "2022-08-23 $536975 18 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 424.0 $1238 -6097897938497118447\n",
- "2022-08-23 $537255 17 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 402.0 $281 -5343964954589428026\n",
- "2022-08-23 $538562 16 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 425.0 $1308 -6820842236027422216\n",
- "2022-08-23 $539951 15 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 426.0 $1389 -702463968381528125\n",
- "2022-08-23 $541411 14 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 427.0 $1461 6134304911322817946\n",
- "2022-08-23 $543020 13 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 429.0 $1610 7573366396609519438\n",
- "2022-08-23 $544721 12 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 430.0 $1701 -2135530980974721459\n",
- "2022-08-23 $546587 11 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 432.0 $1867 6457810207332381402\n",
- "2022-08-23 $547472 10 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 418.0 $886 5976960371769432462\n",
- "2022-08-23 $548475 9 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 420.0 $1003 4104652157392423106\n",
- "2022-08-23 $548855 8 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 405.0 $381 -3002311284159622978\n",
- "2022-08-23 $549962 7 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 422.0 $1108 6425375192620004193\n",
- "2022-08-23 $551200 6 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 424.0 $1238 5406969384189974851\n",
- "2022-08-23 $552522 5 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 425.0 $1323 -1040200947053448025\n",
- "2022-08-23 $554075 4 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 428.0 $1554 -915609251807209672\n",
- "2022-08-23 $555937 3 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 432.0 $1862 -3736108616797422856\n",
- "2022-08-23 $557989 2 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 434.0 $2053 -325711982973055561\n",
- "2022-08-23 $559159 1 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 422.0 $1171 3711367709291128517\n",
- "2022-08-23 $560372 0 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 423.0 $1213 -5726628532475557118\n",
- "2022-08-27 $559677 1 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 405.0 $694 8292495459072209248\n",
- "2022-08-27 $558939 2 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 406.0 $737 -3746079454152673228\n",
- "2022-08-27 $558286 3 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 404.0 $653 7863436324303043956\n",
- "2022-08-27 $557503 4 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 407.0 $782 -6575240331705024722\n",
- "2022-08-27 $556672 5 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 408.0 $830 -8842795639871105455\n",
- "2022-08-27 $556095 6 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 402.0 $577 -6462467189902982201\n",
- "2022-08-27 $555214 7 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 409.0 $880 -2052847651437627490\n",
- "2022-08-27 $554281 8 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 410.0 $932 -256661457006567264\n",
- "2022-08-27 $553772 9 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 400.0 $509 -5638374158570188694\n",
- "2022-08-27 $552783 10 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 411.0 $988 7767874199522919258\n",
- "2022-08-27 $551738 11 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 412.0 $1044 -3075921158158224364\n",
- "2022-08-27 $551290 12 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 398.0 $448 2245215760648652508\n",
- "2022-08-27 $550185 13 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 413.0 $1104 9176923343890082699\n",
- "2022-08-27 $549790 14 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 396.0 $394 -4693211177447018946\n",
- "2022-08-27 $549421 15 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 395.0 $369 2152518454577016351\n",
- "2022-08-27 $548054 16 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 417.0 $1366 8537394803663018013\n",
- "2022-08-27 $547751 17 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 392.0 $302 4755080256664697480\n",
- "2022-08-27 $547485 18 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 390.0 $266 -4622875074818115857\n",
- "2022-08-27 $546708 19 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 405.0 $776 -4523692285046087806\n",
- "2022-08-27 $545796 20 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 408.0 $911 1456577867461746291\n",
- "2022-08-27 $545137 21 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 402.0 $659 2693636209089528809\n",
- "2022-08-27 $544123 22 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 410.0 $1013 3380274597171236986\n",
- "2022-08-27 $543533 23 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 400.0 $589 -4695197358050365484\n",
- "2022-08-27 $542413 24 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 412.0 $1120 -5000049569588365399\n",
- "2022-08-27 $541174 25 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 414.0 $1238 8702660033048071504\n",
- "2022-08-27 $540730 26 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 395.0 $443 -2242528578745129914\n",
- "2022-08-30 $541365 25 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 402.0 $635 -6462467189902982201\n",
- "2022-08-30 $542088 24 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 404.0 $724 7863436324303043956\n",
- "2022-08-30 $542860 23 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 405.0 $772 8292495459072209248\n",
- "2022-08-30 $543414 22 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 400.0 $555 -5638374158570188694\n",
- "2022-08-30 $544235 21 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 406.0 $822 -3746079454152673228\n",
- "2022-08-30 $545110 20 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 407.0 $875 -6575240331705024722\n",
- "2022-08-30 $545594 19 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 398.0 $485 2245215760648652508\n",
- "2022-08-30 $546522 18 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 408.0 $929 -8842795639871105455\n",
- "2022-08-30 $547509 17 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 409.0 $987 -2052847651437627490\n",
- "2022-08-30 $547930 16 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 396.0 $422 -4693211177447018946\n",
- "2022-08-30 $548977 15 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 410.0 $1048 -256661457006567264\n",
- "2022-08-30 $549370 14 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 395.0 $393 2152518454577016351\n",
- "2022-08-30 $550480 13 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 411.0 $1111 7767874199522919258\n",
- "2022-08-30 $551655 12 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 412.0 $1176 -3075921158158224364\n",
- "2022-08-30 $552899 11 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 413.0 $1244 9176923343890082699\n",
- "2022-08-30 $553214 10 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 392.0 $316 4755080256664697480\n",
- "2022-08-30 $553486 9 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 390.0 $273 -4622875074818115857\n",
- "2022-08-30 $555014 8 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 417.0 $1528 8537394803663018013\n",
- "2022-08-30 $555741 7 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 402.0 $728 2693636209089528809\n",
- "2022-08-30 $556602 6 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 405.0 $862 -4523692285046087806\n",
- "2022-08-30 $557250 5 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 400.0 $648 -4695197358050365484\n",
- "2022-08-30 $558265 4 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 408.0 $1016 1456577867461746291\n",
- "2022-08-30 $559394 3 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 410.0 $1130 3380274597171236986\n",
- "2022-08-30 $559875 2 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 395.0 $481 -2242528578745129914\n",
- "2022-08-30 $561126 1 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 412.0 $1252 -5000049569588365399\n",
- "2022-08-30 $562509 0 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 414.0 $1384 8702660033048071504\n",
- "2022-09-02 $561738 1 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 396.0 $771 -8162979105149062140\n",
- "2022-09-02 $560920 2 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 397.0 $817 5234781193193754794\n",
- "2022-09-02 $560193 3 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 395.0 $726 -6289963903366316125\n",
- "2022-09-02 $559325 4 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 398.0 $868 7744156640558814322\n",
- "2022-09-02 $558639 5 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 394.0 $685 -6949861066243498062\n",
- "2022-09-02 $557717 6 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 399.0 $921 -1094375486743030320\n",
- "2022-09-02 $557072 7 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 393.0 $645 -436352038226973934\n",
- "2022-09-02 $556093 8 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 400.0 $978 8843698516437554142\n",
- "2022-09-02 $555485 9 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 392.0 $607 -5693945549534244973\n",
- "2022-09-02 $554450 10 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 401.0 $1035 -4254580638109949468\n",
- "2022-09-02 $553878 11 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 391.0 $571 8013165741864502032\n",
- "2022-09-02 $553341 12 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 390.0 $536 -4313838767270435133\n",
- "2022-09-02 $552183 13 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 403.0 $1158 -7192442375349321744\n",
- "2022-09-02 $551678 14 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 389.0 $504 -7107515725502210447\n",
- "2022-09-02 $550451 15 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 404.0 $1226 243332816004771669\n",
- "2022-09-02 $549977 16 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 388.0 $474 566390751616962727\n",
- "2022-09-02 $548683 17 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 405.0 $1293 4036983301826886279\n",
- "2022-09-02 $548238 18 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 387.0 $444 8768735444875592630\n",
- "2022-09-02 $547822 19 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 386.0 $416 8220574197674263541\n",
- "2022-09-02 $547430 20 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 385.0 $391 -3800347814389194470\n",
- "2022-09-02 $545918 21 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 408.0 $1511 -2620761700380420726\n",
- "2022-09-02 $545553 22 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 384.0 $365 9021310368935969170\n",
- "2022-09-02 $545210 23 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 383.0 $342 2704612312229896800\n",
- "2022-09-02 $543542 24 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 410.0 $1667 -6454719235251010500\n",
- "2022-09-02 $543222 25 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 382.0 $320 -2152675050823297721\n",
- "2022-09-02 $541472 26 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 411.0 $1749 2242296475750413510\n",
- "2022-09-06 $540610 27 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 392.0 $862 5347499435487733257\n",
- "2022-09-06 $539652 28 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 394.0 $957 -747236537802378941\n",
- "2022-09-06 $538876 29 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 390.0 $775 -2706400915183301370\n",
- "2022-09-06 $537869 30 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 395.0 $1007 2907320864671869945\n",
- "2022-09-06 $536800 31 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 396.0 $1068 -7745354439477863895\n",
- "2022-09-06 $535622 32 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 398.0 $1177 7366438202907413671\n",
- "2022-09-06 $535000 33 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 386.0 $622 8528613425736003866\n",
- "2022-09-06 $534411 34 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 385.0 $588 7198856023663022734\n",
- "2022-09-06 $533093 35 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 400.0 $1317 -5437564336783688478\n",
- "2022-09-06 $532538 36 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 384.0 $555 -2264805915715635948\n",
- "2022-09-06 $531089 37 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 402.0 $1448 -7377714352802022074\n",
- "2022-09-06 $530593 38 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 382.0 $495 5460728317394780075\n",
- "2022-09-06 $529004 39 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 404.0 $1589 -9113791487730081342\n",
- "2022-09-06 $528563 40 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 380.0 $440 -8646926571678695698\n",
- "2022-09-06 $528237 41 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 375.0 $325 5467181872398854626\n",
- "2022-09-06 $527931 42 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 374.0 $306 -5229889743818361335\n",
- "2022-09-06 $527016 43 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 392.0 $914 460406091864411784\n",
- "2022-09-06 $526041 44 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 393.0 $974 1606824296147715085\n",
- "2022-09-06 $525171 45 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 391.0 $870 8441192389393764604\n",
- "2022-09-06 $524148 46 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 394.0 $1022 -6637863296396893275\n",
- "2022-09-06 $523319 47 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 390.0 $828 -3523974681497452268\n",
- "2022-09-06 $522249 48 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 395.0 $1070 6823406653413014487\n",
- "2022-09-06 $521461 49 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 389.0 $787 7775859633382001788\n",
- "2022-09-06 $520276 50 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 397.0 $1184 803422645052490432\n",
- "2022-09-06 $519600 51 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 386.0 $676 -7830622838295190480\n",
- "2022-09-06 $518958 52 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 385.0 $641 1332804327211516863\n",
- "2022-09-07 $518221 53 buy put 2022-09-21 390.79 388.0 $736 6873708554839793022\n",
- "2022-09-07 $517817 54 buy put 2022-09-21 390.79 378.0 $404 -4019414411308844295\n",
- "2022-09-07 $517021 55 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 388.0 $795 -5983475723687346330\n",
- "2022-09-07 $516266 56 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 387.0 $754 315943462905895271\n",
- "2022-09-07 $515046 57 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 396.0 $1220 -6594710228959776530\n",
- "2022-09-07 $514403 58 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 384.0 $642 -1763546492818120923\n",
- "2022-09-07 $513794 59 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 383.0 $608 -3199605621354272384\n",
- "2022-09-07 $512316 60 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 400.0 $1478 -5745796483517362774\n",
- "2022-09-07 $511771 61 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 381.0 $544 236728750035733018\n",
- "2022-09-07 $511256 62 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 380.0 $514 -5622672885305386641\n",
- "2022-09-07 $510770 63 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 379.0 $486 3276424498209589411\n",
- "2022-09-07 $510311 64 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 378.0 $458 6204532106429637725\n",
- "2022-09-07 $509878 65 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 377.0 $432 -1684915729082337233\n",
- "2022-09-07 $507952 66 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 406.0 $1926 -7154069862296166441\n",
- "2022-09-07 $507565 67 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 375.0 $386 -4317276685086307461\n",
- "2022-09-07 $507242 68 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 372.0 $322 -5868551055636680371\n",
- "2022-09-07 $506328 69 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 390.0 $914 7792740652823531093\n",
- "2022-09-07 $505318 70 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 392.0 $1009 5249479740151558114\n",
- "2022-09-07 $504119 71 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 395.0 $1198 -6544328311496171995\n",
- "2022-09-07 $503373 72 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 386.0 $746 -960220208184485748\n",
- "2022-09-07 $502664 73 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 385.0 $708 -3978697079614006274\n",
- "2022-09-07 $502119 74 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 380.0 $544 780095283929665649\n",
- "2022-09-07 $501707 75 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 375.0 $412 -6620489539527488242\n",
- "2022-09-07 $500718 76 buy put 2022-09-28 390.79 390.0 $988 -2252347721970957263\n",
- "2022-09-07 $499843 77 buy put 2022-09-28 390.79 388.0 $875 -5007443422093372646\n",
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- "2022-09-08 $498203 79 buy put 2022-09-23 397.79 398.0 $842 5171895450022984745\n",
- "2022-09-08 $497310 80 buy put 2022-09-23 397.79 399.0 $893 3990078954354258521\n",
- "2022-09-08 $496311 81 buy put 2022-09-23 397.79 401.0 $998 8505693651303222302\n",
- "2022-09-08 $495989 82 buy put 2022-09-23 397.79 382.0 $321 445847554630897506\n",
- "2022-09-08 $495207 83 buy put 2022-09-26 397.79 396.0 $782 3281225716648396568\n",
- "2022-09-08 $494503 84 buy put 2022-09-26 397.79 394.0 $703 1005132044531575568\n",
- "2022-09-08 $493472 85 buy put 2022-09-28 397.79 400.0 $1030 2828601538969874512\n",
- "2022-09-08 $492799 86 buy put 2022-09-28 397.79 392.0 $673 6301097802164314757\n",
- "2022-09-08 $492160 87 buy put 2022-09-28 397.79 391.0 $638 -7045681033583510026\n",
- "2022-09-08 $491194 88 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 398.0 $965 7109984415887071649\n",
- "2022-09-08 $490274 89 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 397.0 $920 -2190006130144989668\n",
- "2022-09-08 $489260 90 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 399.0 $1013 -7104081526114046396\n",
- "2022-09-08 $488382 91 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 396.0 $877 -7986991649587148379\n",
- "2022-09-08 $487318 92 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 400.0 $1064 -5669629955978568653\n",
- "2022-09-08 $486482 93 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 395.0 $835 5853935482021199226\n",
- "2022-09-08 $485686 94 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 394.0 $795 5988892107047234762\n",
- "2022-09-08 $484930 95 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 393.0 $756 -8454965730473918732\n",
- "2022-09-08 $483704 96 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 403.0 $1225 2042789132266676873\n",
- "2022-09-08 $482982 97 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 392.0 $721 1832917414795275147\n",
- "2022-09-08 $482296 98 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 391.0 $686 8785177089193397164\n",
- "2022-09-08 $481642 99 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 390.0 $653 -1072886594650804375\n",
- "2022-09-08 $481020 100 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 389.0 $621 -7146935704498100695\n",
- "2022-09-08 $480429 101 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 388.0 $591 159365825595276708\n",
- "2022-09-08 $479866 102 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 387.0 $562 1808222057648818607\n",
- "2022-09-08 $479330 103 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 386.0 $535 6038993411710987268\n",
- "2022-09-08 $478822 104 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 385.0 $508 -2253500909959821236\n",
- "2022-09-09 $479376 103 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 400.0 $555 8843698516437554142\n",
- "2022-09-09 $479980 102 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 401.0 $605 -4254580638109949468\n",
- "2022-09-09 $480487 101 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 399.0 $507 -1094375486743030320\n",
- "2022-09-09 $480949 100 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 398.0 $463 7744156640558814322\n",
- "2022-09-09 $481663 99 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 403.0 $715 -7192442375349321744\n",
- "2022-09-09 $482085 98 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 397.0 $422 5234781193193754794\n",
- "2022-09-09 $482860 97 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 404.0 $776 243332816004771669\n",
- "2022-09-09 $483243 96 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 396.0 $384 -8162979105149062140\n",
- "2022-09-09 $484079 95 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 405.0 $836 4036983301826886279\n",
- "2022-09-09 $484427 94 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 395.0 $349 -6289963903366316125\n",
- "2022-09-09 $484743 93 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 394.0 $317 -6949861066243498062\n",
- "2022-09-09 $485031 92 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 393.0 $288 -436352038226973934\n",
- "2022-09-09 $486081 91 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 408.0 $1051 -2620761700380420726\n",
- "2022-09-09 $486340 90 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 392.0 $260 -5693945549534244973\n",
- "2022-09-09 $486576 89 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 391.0 $236 8013165741864502032\n",
- "2022-09-09 $487783 88 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 410.0 $1208 -6454719235251010500\n",
- "2022-09-09 $487996 87 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 390.0 $214 -4313838767270435133\n",
- "2022-09-09 $489281 86 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 411.0 $1285 2242296475750413510\n",
- "2022-09-09 $489473 85 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 389.0 $193 -7107515725502210447\n",
- "2022-09-09 $489646 84 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 388.0 $174 566390751616962727\n",
- "2022-09-09 $489803 83 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 387.0 $157 8768735444875592630\n",
- "2022-09-09 $489944 82 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 386.0 $142 8220574197674263541\n",
- "2022-09-09 $490072 81 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 385.0 $128 -3800347814389194470\n",
- "2022-09-09 $490186 80 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 384.0 $115 9021310368935969170\n",
- "2022-09-09 $490289 79 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 383.0 $104 2704612312229896800\n",
- "2022-09-09 $490383 78 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 382.0 $94 -2152675050823297721\n",
- "2022-09-09 $491071 77 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 400.0 $689 -5437564336783688478\n",
- "2022-09-09 $491861 76 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 402.0 $791 -7377714352802022074\n",
- "2022-09-09 $492461 75 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 398.0 $600 7366438202907413671\n",
- "2022-09-09 $493355 74 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 404.0 $895 -9113791487730081342\n",
- "2022-09-09 $493873 73 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 396.0 $519 -7745354439477863895\n",
- "2022-09-09 $494355 72 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 395.0 $482 2907320864671869945\n",
- "2022-09-09 $494802 71 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 394.0 $448 -747236537802378941\n",
- "2022-09-09 $495187 70 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 392.0 $386 5347499435487733257\n",
- "2022-09-09 $495518 69 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 390.0 $331 -2706400915183301370\n",
- "2022-09-09 $495800 68 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 388.0 $283 6873708554839793022\n",
- "2022-09-09 $496041 67 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 386.0 $242 8528613425736003866\n",
- "2022-09-09 $496265 66 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 385.0 $224 7198856023663022734\n",
- "2022-09-09 $496471 65 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 384.0 $207 -2264805915715635948\n",
- "2022-09-09 $496646 64 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 382.0 $176 5460728317394780075\n",
- "2022-09-09 $496796 63 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 380.0 $150 -8646926571678695698\n",
- "2022-09-09 $496922 62 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 378.0 $127 -4019414411308844295\n",
- "2022-09-09 $497020 61 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 375.0 $99 5467181872398854626\n",
- "2022-09-09 $497112 60 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 374.0 $92 -5229889743818361335\n",
- "2022-09-09 $497857 59 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 400.0 $746 -5745796483517362774\n",
- "2022-09-09 $498651 58 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 401.0 $795 8505693651303222302\n",
- "2022-09-09 $499350 57 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 399.0 $699 3990078954354258521\n",
- "2022-09-09 $500004 56 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 398.0 $655 5171895450022984745\n",
- "2022-09-09 $500619 55 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 397.0 $616 803422645052490432\n",
- "2022-09-09 $501195 54 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 396.0 $576 -6594710228959776530\n",
- "2022-09-09 $501734 53 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 395.0 $540 6823406653413014487\n",
- "2022-09-09 $502807 52 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 406.0 $1074 -7154069862296166441\n",
- "2022-09-09 $503312 51 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 394.0 $505 -6637863296396893275\n",
- "2022-09-09 $503783 50 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 393.0 $472 1606824296147715085\n",
- "2022-09-09 $504224 49 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 392.0 $442 460406091864411784\n",
- "2022-09-09 $504637 48 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 391.0 $413 8441192389393764604\n",
- "2022-09-09 $505022 47 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 390.0 $386 -3523974681497452268\n",
- "2022-09-09 $505381 46 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 389.0 $360 7775859633382001788\n",
- "2022-09-09 $505716 45 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 388.0 $335 -5983475723687346330\n",
- "2022-09-09 $506028 44 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 387.0 $313 315943462905895271\n",
- "2022-09-09 $506318 43 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 386.0 $291 -7830622838295190480\n",
- "2022-09-09 $506589 42 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 385.0 $271 1332804327211516863\n",
- "2022-09-09 $506840 41 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 384.0 $252 -1763546492818120923\n",
- "2022-09-09 $507074 40 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 383.0 $235 -3199605621354272384\n",
- "2022-09-09 $507293 39 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 382.0 $219 445847554630897506\n",
- "2022-09-09 $507495 38 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 381.0 $203 236728750035733018\n",
- "2022-09-09 $507683 37 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 380.0 $189 -5622672885305386641\n",
- "2022-09-09 $507859 36 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 379.0 $176 3276424498209589411\n",
- "2022-09-09 $508021 35 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 378.0 $163 6204532106429637725\n",
- "2022-09-09 $508172 34 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 377.0 $152 -1684915729082337233\n",
- "2022-09-09 $508303 33 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 375.0 $131 -4317276685086307461\n",
- "2022-09-09 $508408 32 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 372.0 $106 -5868551055636680371\n",
- "2022-09-09 $509015 31 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 396.0 $607 3281225716648396568\n",
- "2022-09-09 $509584 30 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 395.0 $570 -6544328311496171995\n",
- "2022-09-09 $510118 29 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 394.0 $535 1005132044531575568\n",
- "2022-09-09 $510589 28 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 392.0 $471 5249479740151558114\n",
- "2022-09-09 $511001 27 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 390.0 $413 7792740652823531093\n",
- "2022-09-09 $511317 26 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 386.0 $317 -960220208184485748\n",
- "2022-09-09 $511613 25 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 385.0 $296 -3978697079614006274\n",
- "2022-09-09 $511823 24 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 380.0 $211 780095283929665649\n",
- "2022-09-09 $511971 23 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 375.0 $149 -6620489539527488242\n",
- "2022-09-09 $512792 22 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 400.0 $821 2828601538969874512\n",
- "2022-09-09 $513310 21 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 392.0 $519 6301097802164314757\n",
- "2022-09-09 $513798 20 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 391.0 $489 -7045681033583510026\n",
- "2022-09-09 $514258 19 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 390.0 $460 -2252347721970957263\n",
- "2022-09-09 $514665 18 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 388.0 $408 -5007443422093372646\n",
- "2022-09-09 $515025 17 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 386.0 $361 -6326858711634315382\n",
- "2022-09-09 $515896 16 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 400.0 $871 -5669629955978568653\n",
- "2022-09-09 $516720 15 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 399.0 $825 -7104081526114046396\n",
- "2022-09-09 $517503 14 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 398.0 $784 7109984415887071649\n",
- "2022-09-09 $518519 13 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 403.0 $1016 2042789132266676873\n",
- "2022-09-09 $519262 12 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 397.0 $744 -2190006130144989668\n",
- "2022-09-09 $519966 11 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 396.0 $705 -7986991649587148379\n",
- "2022-09-09 $520636 10 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 395.0 $670 5853935482021199226\n",
- "2022-09-09 $521268 9 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 394.0 $633 5988892107047234762\n",
- "2022-09-09 $521867 8 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 393.0 $600 -8454965730473918732\n",
- "2022-09-09 $522435 7 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 392.0 $568 1832917414795275147\n",
- "2022-09-09 $522972 6 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 391.0 $538 8785177089193397164\n",
- "2022-09-09 $523480 5 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 390.0 $509 -1072886594650804375\n",
- "2022-09-09 $523963 4 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 389.0 $483 -7146935704498100695\n",
- "2022-09-09 $524417 3 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 388.0 $455 159365825595276708\n",
- "2022-09-09 $524847 2 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 387.0 $431 1808222057648818607\n",
- "2022-09-09 $525254 1 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 386.0 $407 6038993411710987268\n",
- "2022-09-09 $525637 0 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 385.0 $384 -2253500909959821236\n",
- "2022-09-13 $524847 1 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 410.0 $789 7827878095086298863\n",
- "2022-09-13 $524150 2 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 408.0 $697 -7250435393299340832\n",
- "2022-09-13 $523498 3 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 407.0 $651 -6353405165599266180\n",
- "2022-09-13 $522923 4 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 405.0 $574 -2535611352251941443\n",
- "2022-09-13 $522509 5 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 400.0 $414 2828601538969874512\n",
- "2022-09-13 $522121 6 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 399.0 $387 -8894956285516338165\n",
- "2022-09-13 $521758 7 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 398.0 $362 -7386494749558186002\n",
- "2022-09-13 $521463 8 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 395.0 $295 1062305365876639594\n",
- "2022-09-13 $520577 9 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 411.0 $885 -8149694515385648021\n",
- "2022-09-13 $519740 10 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 410.0 $836 7931562461696714505\n",
- "2022-09-13 $518804 11 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 412.0 $936 -4505819735961176943\n",
- "2022-09-13 $517813 12 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 413.0 $990 4114045182508727669\n",
- "2022-09-13 $517022 13 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 409.0 $790 3214310632524157148\n",
- "2022-09-13 $516276 14 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 408.0 $746 3422926228028757190\n",
- "2022-09-13 $515231 15 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 414.0 $1044 -3497188154279756641\n",
- "2022-09-13 $514529 16 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 407.0 $701 -4271366378592820815\n",
- "2022-09-13 $513429 17 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 415.0 $1100 5605797919701712966\n",
- "2022-09-13 $512767 18 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 406.0 $661 -7860701715251863096\n",
- "2022-09-13 $512144 19 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 405.0 $623 580909462854268433\n",
- "2022-09-13 $511555 20 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 404.0 $588 -5396582400763316109\n",
- "2022-09-13 $511001 21 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 403.0 $553 2042789132266676873\n",
- "2022-09-13 $510480 22 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 402.0 $521 2645609642152425830\n",
- "2022-09-13 $509055 23 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 420.0 $1424 455260720837626959\n",
- "2022-09-13 $508564 24 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 401.0 $490 -4966684796026741702\n",
- "2022-09-13 $508103 25 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 400.0 $461 -5669629955978568653\n",
- "2022-09-13 $507668 26 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 399.0 $434 -7104081526114046396\n",
- "2022-09-14 $508577 25 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 395.0 $910 1062305365876639594\n",
- "2022-09-14 $509631 24 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 398.0 $1054 -7386494749558186002\n",
- "2022-09-14 $510753 23 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 399.0 $1123 -8894956285516338165\n",
- "2022-09-14 $511936 22 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 400.0 $1184 2828601538969874512\n",
- "2022-09-14 $513461 21 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 405.0 $1525 -2535611352251941443\n",
- "2022-09-14 $515087 20 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 407.0 $1627 -6353405165599266180\n",
- "2022-09-14 $516792 19 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 408.0 $1706 -7250435393299340832\n",
- "2022-09-14 $518662 18 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 410.0 $1870 7827878095086298863\n",
- "2022-09-14 $519853 17 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 399.0 $1192 -7104081526114046396\n",
- "2022-09-14 $521109 16 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 400.0 $1257 -5669629955978568653\n",
- "2022-09-14 $522410 15 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 401.0 $1301 -4966684796026741702\n",
- "2022-09-14 $523782 14 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 402.0 $1373 2645609642152425830\n",
- "2022-09-14 $525191 13 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 403.0 $1410 2042789132266676873\n",
- "2022-09-14 $526682 12 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 404.0 $1491 -5396582400763316109\n",
- "2022-09-14 $528241 11 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 405.0 $1560 580909462854268433\n",
- "2022-09-14 $529892 10 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 406.0 $1652 -7860701715251863096\n",
- "2022-09-14 $531597 9 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 407.0 $1705 -4271366378592820815\n",
- "2022-09-14 $533394 8 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 408.0 $1798 3422926228028757190\n",
- "2022-09-14 $535269 7 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 409.0 $1876 3214310632524157148\n",
- "2022-09-14 $537190 6 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 410.0 $1921 7931562461696714505\n",
- "2022-09-14 $539227 5 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 411.0 $2038 -8149694515385648021\n",
- "2022-09-14 $541360 4 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 412.0 $2134 -4505819735961176943\n",
- "2022-09-14 $543566 3 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 413.0 $2206 4114045182508727669\n",
- "2022-09-14 $545872 2 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 414.0 $2307 -3497188154279756641\n",
- "2022-09-14 $548214 1 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 415.0 $2343 5605797919701712966\n",
- "2022-09-14 $551032 0 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 420.0 $2818 455260720837626959\n",
- "2022-09-16 $550198 1 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 390.0 $833 -1072886594650804375\n",
- "2022-09-16 $549322 2 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 391.0 $875 8785177089193397164\n",
- "2022-09-16 $548532 3 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 389.0 $790 -7146935704498100695\n",
- "2022-09-16 $547599 4 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 392.0 $932 1832917414795275147\n",
- "2022-09-16 $546852 5 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 388.0 $746 159365825595276708\n",
- "2022-09-16 $545869 6 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 393.0 $983 -8454965730473918732\n",
- "2022-09-16 $545164 7 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 387.0 $704 1808222057648818607\n",
- "2022-09-16 $544121 8 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 394.0 $1042 5988892107047234762\n",
- "2022-09-16 $543462 9 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 386.0 $659 6038993411710987268\n",
- "2022-09-16 $542371 10 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 395.0 $1090 5853935482021199226\n",
- "2022-09-16 $541749 11 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 385.0 $621 -2253500909959821236\n",
- "2022-09-16 $540596 12 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 396.0 $1153 -7986991649587148379\n",
- "2022-09-16 $540005 13 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 384.0 $590 -8313197586833680672\n",
- "2022-09-16 $539454 14 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 383.0 $550 -4304831566475870499\n",
- "2022-09-16 $538235 15 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 397.0 $1219 -2190006130144989668\n",
- "2022-09-16 $536951 16 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 398.0 $1283 7109984415887071649\n",
- "2022-09-16 $536434 17 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 382.0 $517 -1273461596000450667\n",
- "2022-09-16 $535947 18 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 381.0 $486 -4517230598962522111\n",
- "2022-09-16 $534529 19 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 400.0 $1417 -5669629955978568653\n",
- "2022-09-16 $534069 20 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 380.0 $460 -8177121398647710213\n",
- "2022-09-16 $532580 21 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 401.0 $1488 -4966684796026741702\n",
- "2022-09-16 $532148 22 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 379.0 $431 3116553497410489628\n",
- "2022-09-16 $531744 23 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 378.0 $404 -4443642760123865878\n",
- "2022-09-16 $531367 24 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 377.0 $376 8705899348628635071\n",
- "2022-09-16 $531012 25 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 376.0 $354 7654512727219447831\n",
- "2022-09-16 $529217 26 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 405.0 $1795 580909462854268433\n",
- "2022-09-20 $528449 27 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 388.0 $767 9125538445795729597\n",
- "2022-09-20 $527591 28 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 390.0 $857 -5712500033946351341\n",
- "2022-09-20 $526906 29 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 386.0 $685 8519909436087980984\n",
- "2022-09-20 $526260 30 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 385.0 $645 -7853562025875239931\n",
- "2022-09-20 $525305 31 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 392.0 $954 -2618405638402732230\n",
- "2022-09-20 $524696 32 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 384.0 $609 -7422858900325066243\n",
- "2022-09-20 $523635 33 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 394.0 $1060 649291806162360656\n",
- "2022-09-20 $523096 34 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 382.0 $538 -8839597321195921610\n",
- "2022-09-20 $521980 35 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 395.0 $1116 -5258144878140497241\n",
- "2022-09-20 $520804 36 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 396.0 $1175 7531562012937227257\n",
- "2022-09-20 $520328 37 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 380.0 $475 -8023100794769366920\n",
- "2022-09-20 $519911 38 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 378.0 $417 3724693281935350913\n",
- "2022-09-20 $519545 39 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 376.0 $365 3308414448611236033\n",
- "2022-09-20 $519203 40 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 375.0 $341 -1788724655861629964\n",
- "2022-09-20 $518926 41 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 372.0 $277 -663694098885251442\n",
- "2022-09-20 $518686 42 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 370.0 $239 -7381841022944868772\n",
- "2022-09-20 $517864 43 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 388.0 $821 -6708240694467227766\n",
- "2022-09-20 $517000 44 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 389.0 $864 -2897311648303059004\n",
- "2022-09-20 $516221 45 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 387.0 $778 -7660628843771651149\n",
- "2022-09-20 $515310 46 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 390.0 $910 4945824378782328664\n",
- "2022-09-20 $514572 47 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 386.0 $738 -5879240037416874340\n",
- "2022-09-20 $513873 48 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 385.0 $698 -4192687830470914219\n",
- "2022-09-20 $513212 49 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 384.0 $660 -6363878519445352709\n",
- "2022-09-20 $512587 50 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 383.0 $625 3373962297362409739\n",
- "2022-09-20 $511477 51 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 394.0 $1109 -3345850764725686047\n",
- "2022-09-20 $510312 52 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 395.0 $1164 7986023094332139466\n",
- "2022-09-21 $509849 53 buy put 2022-10-05 384.16 374.0 $463 4156829377911734026\n",
- "2022-09-21 $509534 54 buy put 2022-10-05 384.16 368.0 $314 8082466874285361351\n",
- "2022-09-21 $509257 55 buy put 2022-10-05 384.16 366.0 $276 -341453768463684543\n",
- "2022-09-21 $508464 56 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 382.0 $793 -1373869448607549846\n",
- "2022-09-21 $507711 57 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 381.0 $752 4938134679288939951\n",
- "2022-09-21 $506996 58 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 380.0 $714 -5394560138650993366\n",
- "2022-09-21 $506320 59 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 379.0 $676 457793359649783528\n",
- "2022-09-21 $505678 60 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 378.0 $641 -6396233313562797206\n",
- "2022-09-21 $504444 61 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 391.0 $1233 -1047037646367115494\n",
- "2022-09-21 $503837 62 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 377.0 $607 2608432218621350817\n",
- "2022-09-21 $502552 63 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 392.0 $1284 -5853924864966847611\n",
- "2022-09-21 $501977 64 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 376.0 $574 -1947746624140756387\n",
- "2022-09-21 $500629 65 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 393.0 $1348 2950765735453087316\n",
- "2022-09-21 $500086 66 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 375.0 $542 -779449925735112006\n",
- "2022-09-21 $498548 67 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 396.0 $1538 -1231956265383262235\n",
- "2022-09-21 $496946 68 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 397.0 $1601 4523630656583106983\n",
- "2022-09-21 $495250 69 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 398.0 $1695 5319798810056626770\n",
- "2022-09-21 $494846 70 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 370.0 $404 -8099825477013286324\n",
- "2022-09-21 $494464 71 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 369.0 $381 -47450900588073527\n",
- "2022-09-21 $494105 72 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 368.0 $358 -2436813411669397643\n",
- "2022-09-21 $493768 73 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 367.0 $337 269090674528685325\n",
- "2022-09-21 $493450 74 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 366.0 $317 -330404043839616454\n",
- "2022-09-21 $492542 75 buy put 2022-10-10 384.16 384.0 $907 3248465965628132695\n",
- "2022-09-21 $491589 76 buy put 2022-10-10 384.16 385.0 $953 -1463848567730690849\n",
- "2022-09-21 $490587 77 buy put 2022-10-10 384.16 386.0 $1001 -1332407342070803424\n",
- "2022-09-21 $489764 78 buy put 2022-10-10 384.16 382.0 $822 -2296156747540091632\n",
- "2022-09-22 $489065 79 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 374.0 $699 7556350122385787384\n",
- "2022-09-22 $488441 80 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 372.0 $623 -8185232459575162154\n",
- "2022-09-22 $487853 81 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 371.0 $587 -6274991666047502546\n",
- "2022-09-22 $487445 82 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 365.0 $408 8684241290296541056\n",
- "2022-09-22 $487062 83 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 364.0 $382 4983559870728037223\n",
- "2022-09-22 $486725 84 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 362.0 $336 -1264772020449516420\n",
- "2022-09-22 $486410 85 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 361.0 $315 -8103781454511050987\n",
- "2022-09-22 $486114 86 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 360.0 $295 -2125464582031657049\n",
- "2022-09-22 $485213 87 buy put 2022-10-10 377.4 378.0 $900 4815080678599790016\n",
- "2022-09-22 $484218 88 buy put 2022-10-10 377.4 380.0 $995 3994739183501020355\n",
- "2022-09-22 $483632 89 buy put 2022-10-10 377.4 370.0 $585 -478628339679874633\n",
- "2022-09-22 $483110 90 buy put 2022-10-10 377.4 368.0 $521 -3282941538329310950\n",
- "2022-09-22 $481664 91 buy put 2022-10-10 377.4 388.0 $1446 3147566306331017094\n",
- "2022-09-22 $481228 92 buy put 2022-10-10 377.4 365.0 $435 3596329643385442725\n",
- "2022-09-22 $479651 93 buy put 2022-10-10 377.4 390.0 $1576 7268963176801933500\n",
- "2022-09-22 $479331 94 buy put 2022-10-10 377.4 360.0 $320 -6954624909165041595\n",
- "2022-09-22 $478378 95 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 378.0 $952 1526679133235469940\n",
- "2022-09-22 $477555 96 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 375.0 $822 -3199959139699656724\n",
- "2022-09-22 $476511 97 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 380.0 $1044 6566230001535006945\n",
- "2022-09-22 $475728 98 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 374.0 $782 -7989590335038781215\n",
- "2022-09-22 $474581 99 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 382.0 $1146 8509946277181163539\n",
- "2022-09-22 $473875 100 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 372.0 $706 3117273916135236295\n",
- "2022-09-22 $472564 101 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 385.0 $1310 6314050362413357109\n",
- "2022-09-22 $471193 102 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 386.0 $1370 3418400795260909062\n",
- "2022-09-22 $469702 103 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 388.0 $1491 -1690243240880868914\n",
- "2022-09-22 $469218 104 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 365.0 $483 6248810187822793754\n",
- "2022-09-23 $468511 105 buy put 2022-10-07 374.22 373.0 $706 -5247374458601592343\n",
- "2022-09-23 $468142 106 buy put 2022-10-07 374.22 363.0 $369 8815264052500056273\n",
- "2022-09-23 $467918 107 buy put 2022-10-07 374.22 356.0 $223 -5431366270013433908\n",
- "2022-09-23 $467132 108 buy put 2022-10-10 374.22 374.0 $785 -6666987486096008803\n",
- "2022-09-23 $466301 109 buy put 2022-10-10 374.22 375.0 $831 6123436708405810088\n",
- "2022-09-23 $466052 110 buy put 2022-10-10 374.22 356.0 $248 491539818931248944\n",
- "2022-09-23 $465374 111 buy put 2022-10-12 374.22 370.0 $677 -6903502171847723075\n",
- "2022-09-23 $464770 112 buy put 2022-10-12 374.22 368.0 $604 -4528497953036880966\n",
- "2022-09-23 $464231 113 buy put 2022-10-12 374.22 366.0 $538 -72724577135099801\n",
- "2022-09-23 $463857 114 buy put 2022-10-12 374.22 360.0 $373 -1916858506631741660\n",
- "2022-09-23 $463567 115 buy put 2022-10-12 374.22 356.0 $290 -2184296776276282977\n",
- "2022-09-23 $462606 116 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 375.0 $960 2625097009034359137\n",
- "2022-09-23 $461735 117 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 373.0 $871 8064000965605654217\n",
- "2022-09-23 $460727 118 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 376.0 $1007 -1863057490023049166\n",
- "2022-09-23 $459897 119 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 372.0 $829 1970755937359997705\n",
- "2022-09-23 $458793 120 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 378.0 $1104 8298796890292324814\n",
- "2022-09-23 $458043 121 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 370.0 $749 4871399340353403642\n",
- "2022-09-23 $456832 122 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 380.0 $1210 -743649710164817198\n",
- "2022-09-23 $456156 123 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 368.0 $676 -4643096295409599833\n",
- "2022-09-23 $454890 124 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 381.0 $1265 4676760719702533194\n",
- "2022-09-23 $453567 125 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 382.0 $1322 -5419875390378953495\n",
- "2022-09-23 $452186 126 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 383.0 $1381 2608454172549938798\n",
- "2022-09-23 $451609 127 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 365.0 $576 -4667040337580405233\n",
- "2022-09-23 $450167 128 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 384.0 $1441 6206433572813687301\n",
- "2022-09-23 $449622 129 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 364.0 $545 2469126593114131511\n",
- "2022-09-23 $448118 130 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 385.0 $1503 -5466962783276501700\n",
- "2022-09-27 $449404 129 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 376.0 $1287 7654512727219447831\n",
- "2022-09-27 $450769 128 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 377.0 $1365 8705899348628635071\n",
- "2022-09-27 $452214 127 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 378.0 $1446 -4443642760123865878\n",
- "2022-09-27 $453742 126 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 379.0 $1529 3116553497410489628\n",
- "2022-09-27 $455357 125 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 380.0 $1615 -8177121398647710213\n",
- "2022-09-27 $457058 124 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 381.0 $1702 -4517230598962522111\n",
- "2022-09-27 $458848 123 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 382.0 $1791 -1273461596000450667\n",
- "2022-09-27 $460722 122 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 383.0 $1874 -4304831566475870499\n",
- "2022-09-27 $462688 121 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 384.0 $1967 -8313197586833680672\n",
- "2022-09-27 $464756 120 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 385.0 $2069 -2253500909959821236\n",
- "2022-09-27 $466920 119 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 386.0 $2164 6038993411710987268\n",
- "2022-09-27 $469179 118 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 387.0 $2260 1808222057648818607\n",
- "2022-09-27 $471535 117 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 388.0 $2357 159365825595276708\n",
- "2022-09-27 $473990 116 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 389.0 $2455 -7146935704498100695\n",
- "2022-09-27 $476534 115 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 390.0 $2545 -1072886594650804375\n",
- "2022-09-27 $479178 114 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 391.0 $2645 8785177089193397164\n",
- "2022-09-27 $481903 113 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 392.0 $2725 1832917414795275147\n",
- "2022-09-27 $484759 112 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 393.0 $2857 -8454965730473918732\n",
- "2022-09-27 $487674 111 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 394.0 $2916 5988892107047234762\n",
- "2022-09-27 $490690 110 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 395.0 $3016 5853935482021199226\n",
- "2022-09-27 $493806 109 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 396.0 $3117 -7986991649587148379\n",
- "2022-09-27 $497022 108 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 397.0 $3217 -2190006130144989668\n",
- "2022-09-27 $500338 107 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 398.0 $3316 7109984415887071649\n",
- "2022-09-27 $503854 106 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 400.0 $3517 -5669629955978568653\n",
- "2022-09-27 $507470 105 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 401.0 $3617 -4966684796026741702\n",
- "2022-09-27 $511527 104 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 405.0 $4057 580909462854268433\n",
- "2022-09-27 $510635 105 buy put 2022-10-12 364.32 364.0 $891 4678799864023582544\n",
- "2022-09-27 $509828 106 buy put 2022-10-12 364.32 362.0 $806 -2620264572406578653\n",
- "2022-09-27 $509274 107 buy put 2022-10-12 364.32 355.0 $554 8640613754015995665\n",
- "2022-09-27 $508857 108 buy put 2022-10-12 364.32 350.0 $416 -7743719630039770926\n",
- "2022-09-27 $507795 109 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 366.0 $1061 8751178478460267539\n",
- "2022-09-27 $506912 110 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 362.0 $883 8004475273196741959\n",
- "2022-09-27 $506107 111 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 360.0 $804 8916943352299979141\n",
- "2022-09-27 $505338 112 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 359.0 $768 7163967549431315439\n",
- "2022-09-27 $504610 113 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 358.0 $728 -4017373128393063842\n",
- "2022-09-27 $503288 114 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 371.0 $1321 6846411073007702386\n",
- "2022-09-27 $502624 115 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 356.0 $664 3412422533289218408\n",
- "2022-09-27 $501992 116 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 355.0 $631 -1034542423960182444\n",
- "2022-09-27 $501394 117 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 354.0 $597 -4374328786190650442\n",
- "2022-09-27 $500906 118 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 350.0 $488 -828768631271022828\n",
- "2022-09-27 $499088 119 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 379.0 $1817 5809991621203749833\n",
- "2022-09-27 $498648 120 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 348.0 $439 -4261252710365660926\n",
- "2022-09-27 $497601 121 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 365.0 $1047 -8898676227722298520\n",
- "2022-09-27 $496684 122 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 362.0 $916 4981157632117464068\n",
- "2022-09-27 $495494 123 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 368.0 $1189 -4745113751276979293\n",
- "2022-09-27 $494657 124 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 360.0 $837 -8471985042786473766\n",
- "2022-09-27 $493363 125 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 370.0 $1293 7881093322532362113\n",
- "2022-09-27 $492671 126 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 356.0 $691 7077369031480257913\n",
- "2022-09-27 $491621 127 buy put 2022-10-19 364.32 364.0 $1050 7106238975695412727\n",
- "2022-09-27 $490525 128 buy put 2022-10-19 364.32 365.0 $1095 -1703699455594145707\n",
- "2022-09-27 $489383 129 buy put 2022-10-19 364.32 366.0 $1141 8167767288517891218\n",
- "2022-09-27 $488042 130 buy put 2022-10-19 364.32 370.0 $1341 528188897220952798\n",
- "2022-09-28 $489067 129 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 370.0 $1026 -7381841022944868772\n",
- "2022-09-28 $490220 128 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 372.0 $1154 -663694098885251442\n",
- "2022-09-28 $491572 127 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 375.0 $1352 -1788724655861629964\n",
- "2022-09-28 $492997 126 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 376.0 $1426 3308414448611236033\n",
- "2022-09-28 $494577 125 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 378.0 $1581 3724693281935350913\n",
- "2022-09-28 $496322 124 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 380.0 $1745 -8023100794769366920\n",
- "2022-09-28 $498238 123 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 382.0 $1917 -8839597321195921610\n",
- "2022-09-28 $500332 122 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 384.0 $2095 -7422858900325066243\n",
- "2022-09-28 $502519 121 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 385.0 $2187 -7853562025875239931\n",
- "2022-09-28 $504797 120 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 386.0 $2279 8519909436087980984\n",
- "2022-09-28 $507264 119 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 388.0 $2468 9125538445795729597\n",
- "2022-09-28 $509924 118 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 390.0 $2660 -5712500033946351341\n",
- "2022-09-28 $512778 117 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 392.0 $2855 -2618405638402732230\n",
- "2022-09-28 $515830 116 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 394.0 $3053 649291806162360656\n",
- "2022-09-28 $518986 115 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 395.0 $3156 -5258144878140497241\n",
- "2022-09-28 $522239 114 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 396.0 $3254 7531562012937227257\n",
- "2022-09-28 $524275 113 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 383.0 $2037 3373962297362409739\n",
- "2022-09-28 $526399 112 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 384.0 $2124 -6363878519445352709\n",
- "2022-09-28 $528610 111 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 385.0 $2212 -4192687830470914219\n",
- "2022-09-28 $530910 110 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 386.0 $2301 -5879240037416874340\n",
- "2022-09-28 $533301 109 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 387.0 $2391 -7660628843771651149\n",
- "2022-09-28 $535782 108 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 388.0 $2482 -6708240694467227766\n",
- "2022-09-28 $538357 107 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 389.0 $2576 -2897311648303059004\n",
- "2022-09-28 $541027 106 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 390.0 $2670 4945824378782328664\n",
- "2022-09-28 $544080 105 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 394.0 $3054 -3345850764725686047\n",
- "2022-09-28 $547230 104 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 395.0 $3151 7986023094332139466\n",
- "2022-09-28 $546559 105 buy put 2022-10-12 363.39 358.0 $671 -7723486017960058585\n",
- "2022-09-28 $545607 106 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 363.0 $951 -8260408571204758101\n",
- "2022-09-28 $544739 107 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 361.0 $867 -8485264667846521306\n",
- "2022-09-28 $543601 108 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 367.0 $1138 -7877912478654728976\n",
- "2022-09-28 $542359 109 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 369.0 $1241 -5255922829814261453\n",
- "2022-09-28 $541641 110 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 357.0 $717 3130490984759623336\n",
- "2022-09-28 $541053 111 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 353.0 $588 -2924833460577191616\n",
- "2022-09-28 $539521 112 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 374.0 $1531 -6470771210674414178\n",
- "2022-09-28 $538962 113 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 352.0 $559 5814856507813072766\n",
- "2022-09-28 $538430 114 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 351.0 $531 -4704051951248653633\n",
- "2022-09-28 $537951 115 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 349.0 $478 -5466995218011161394\n",
- "2022-09-28 $536829 116 buy put 2022-10-17 363.39 366.0 $1122 4399440338521683564\n",
- "2022-09-28 $536144 117 buy put 2022-10-17 363.39 355.0 $684 -7180813677035037132\n",
- "2022-09-28 $535490 118 buy put 2022-10-17 363.39 354.0 $653 8543583513878896025\n",
- "2022-09-28 $534953 119 buy put 2022-10-17 363.39 350.0 $537 1104877420139967392\n",
- "2022-09-28 $533679 120 buy put 2022-10-19 363.39 368.0 $1273 -5152703223595443027\n",
- "2022-09-28 $533033 121 buy put 2022-10-19 363.39 352.0 $645 2072394840686563801\n",
- "2022-09-28 $532445 122 buy put 2022-10-19 363.39 350.0 $588 -8896550176825586390\n",
- "2022-09-28 $531355 123 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 363.0 $1089 -8490270841844491173\n",
- "2022-09-28 $530222 124 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 364.0 $1132 -3252305095172637568\n",
- "2022-09-28 $529045 125 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 365.0 $1177 -8786733658532561977\n",
- "2022-09-28 $527998 126 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 362.0 $1046 2599039118694830106\n",
- "2022-09-28 $526773 127 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 366.0 $1224 -6711433102643245457\n",
- "2022-09-28 $525768 128 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 361.0 $1005 15032381161367763\n",
- "2022-09-28 $524801 129 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 360.0 $966 8771300966176253563\n",
- "2022-09-28 $523528 130 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 367.0 $1272 -6262414501032079941\n",
- "2022-09-29 $524004 129 sell put 2022-10-05 370.49 368.0 $476 8082466874285361351\n",
- "2022-09-29 $524760 128 sell put 2022-10-05 370.49 374.0 $757 4156829377911734026\n",
- "2022-09-29 $525164 127 sell put 2022-10-05 370.49 366.0 $405 -341453768463684543\n",
- "2022-09-29 $525832 126 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 370.0 $668 -8099825477013286324\n",
- "2022-09-29 $526455 125 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 369.0 $624 -47450900588073527\n",
- "2022-09-29 $527032 124 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 368.0 $578 -2436813411669397643\n",
- "2022-09-29 $527571 123 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 367.0 $539 269090674528685325\n",
- "2022-09-29 $528073 122 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 366.0 $503 -330404043839616454\n",
- "2022-09-29 $528978 121 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 375.0 $906 -779449925735112006\n",
- "2022-09-29 $529952 120 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 376.0 $974 -1947746624140756387\n",
- "2022-09-29 $530962 119 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 377.0 $1011 2608432218621350817\n",
- "2022-09-29 $532055 118 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 378.0 $1094 -6396233313562797206\n",
- "2022-09-29 $533213 117 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 379.0 $1158 457793359649783528\n",
- "2022-09-29 $534437 116 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 380.0 $1225 -5394560138650993366\n",
- "2022-09-29 $535703 115 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 381.0 $1267 4938134679288939951\n",
- "2022-09-29 $537043 114 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 382.0 $1340 -1373869448607549846\n",
- "2022-09-29 $539115 113 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 391.0 $2073 -1047037646367115494\n",
- "2022-09-29 $541278 112 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 392.0 $2164 -5853924864966847611\n",
- "2022-09-29 $543535 111 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 393.0 $2257 2950765735453087316\n",
- "2022-09-29 $546076 110 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 396.0 $2542 -1231956265383262235\n",
- "2022-09-29 $548714 109 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 397.0 $2639 4523630656583106983\n",
- "2022-09-29 $551450 108 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 398.0 $2736 5319798810056626770\n",
- "2022-09-29 $552823 107 sell put 2022-10-10 370.49 382.0 $1374 -2296156747540091632\n",
- "2022-09-29 $554343 106 sell put 2022-10-10 370.49 384.0 $1521 3248465965628132695\n",
- "2022-09-29 $555940 105 sell put 2022-10-10 370.49 385.0 $1597 -1463848567730690849\n",
- "2022-09-29 $557613 104 sell put 2022-10-10 370.49 386.0 $1674 -1332407342070803424\n",
- "2022-09-29 $555637 105 buy put 2022-10-14 370.49 388.0 $1975 -7932858922194340609\n",
- "2022-09-29 $554978 106 buy put 2022-10-19 370.49 362.0 $659 -6239381689746556700\n",
- "2022-09-29 $554383 107 buy put 2022-10-19 370.49 360.0 $594 -2009490739243749772\n",
- "2022-09-29 $552584 108 buy put 2022-10-19 370.49 385.0 $1798 -8876257464965529794\n",
- "2022-09-29 $552122 109 buy put 2022-10-19 370.49 355.0 $462 -4871936794987506828\n",
- "2022-09-29 $551117 110 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 370.0 $1004 -8533630700267658778\n",
- "2022-09-29 $550069 111 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 371.0 $1048 -8568668790582388423\n",
- "2022-09-29 $549106 112 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 369.0 $962 2937731199074411632\n",
- "2022-09-29 $548012 113 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 372.0 $1093 2163998303085909991\n",
- "2022-09-29 $547090 114 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 368.0 $922 -3568039703773825609\n",
- "2022-09-29 $545949 115 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 373.0 $1140 8598658967041257252\n",
- "2022-09-29 $544766 116 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 374.0 $1182 1217884441560146121\n",
- "2022-09-29 $543527 117 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 375.0 $1239 -4852410711985415603\n",
- "2022-09-29 $542243 118 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 376.0 $1283 -8503656169897894211\n",
- "2022-09-29 $540899 119 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 377.0 $1343 -1367314474380704333\n",
- "2022-09-29 $539504 120 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 378.0 $1395 -138873312639434824\n",
- "2022-09-29 $538049 121 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 379.0 $1454 2521108249333316592\n",
- "2022-09-29 $536532 122 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 380.0 $1516 -5847001394620268234\n",
- "2022-09-29 $534959 123 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 381.0 $1573 -1323694314096004728\n",
- "2022-09-29 $533320 124 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 382.0 $1638 -2742314410469827988\n",
- "2022-09-29 $532704 125 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 359.0 $615 2763327611450864553\n",
- "2022-09-29 $531002 126 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 383.0 $1702 -6299348919420343343\n",
- "2022-09-29 $530418 127 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 358.0 $583 2256963406788489174\n",
- "2022-09-29 $528651 128 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 384.0 $1766 2065008084693624356\n",
- "2022-09-29 $528091 129 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 357.0 $560 -1653106145704821451\n",
- "2022-09-29 $526257 130 buy put 2022-10-21 370.49 385.0 $1833 2846824188705686882\n",
- "2022-09-30 $526883 129 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 362.0 $627 -1264772020449516420\n",
- "2022-09-30 $527602 128 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 364.0 $719 4983559870728037223\n",
- "2022-09-30 $528185 127 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 361.0 $584 -8103781454511050987\n",
- "2022-09-30 $528950 126 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 365.0 $766 8684241290296541056\n",
- "2022-09-30 $529492 125 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 360.0 $542 -2125464582031657049\n",
- "2022-09-30 $530604 124 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 371.0 $1113 -6274991666047502546\n",
- "2022-09-30 $531782 123 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 372.0 $1179 -8185232459575162154\n",
- "2022-09-30 $533099 122 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 374.0 $1317 7556350122385787384\n",
- "2022-09-30 $533917 121 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 365.0 $819 3596329643385442725\n",
- "2022-09-30 $534515 120 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 360.0 $599 -6954624909165041595\n",
- "2022-09-30 $535494 119 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 368.0 $979 -3282941538329310950\n",
- "2022-09-30 $536588 118 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 370.0 $1095 -478628339679874633\n",
- "2022-09-30 $538235 117 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 378.0 $1648 4815080678599790016\n",
- "2022-09-30 $540039 116 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 380.0 $1804 3994739183501020355\n",
- "2022-09-30 $542551 115 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 388.0 $2513 3147566306331017094\n",
- "2022-09-30 $545253 114 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 390.0 $2703 7268963176801933500\n",
- "2022-09-30 $546147 113 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 365.0 $894 6248810187822793754\n",
- "2022-09-30 $547431 112 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 372.0 $1285 3117273916135236295\n",
- "2022-09-30 $548845 111 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 374.0 $1415 -7989590335038781215\n",
- "2022-09-30 $550331 110 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 375.0 $1486 -3199959139699656724\n",
- "2022-09-30 $552032 109 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 378.0 $1702 1526679133235469940\n",
- "2022-09-30 $553891 108 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 380.0 $1860 6566230001535006945\n",
- "2022-09-30 $555897 107 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 382.0 $2006 8509946277181163539\n",
- "2022-09-30 $558157 106 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 385.0 $2261 6314050362413357109\n",
- "2022-09-30 $560505 105 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 386.0 $2349 3418400795260909062\n",
- "2022-09-30 $563035 104 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 388.0 $2530 -1690243240880868914\n",
- "2022-09-30 $562660 105 buy put 2022-10-14 362.84 347.0 $374 5172708304234702249\n",
- "2022-09-30 $562307 106 buy put 2022-10-14 362.84 346.0 $352 2366307106607010606\n",
- "2022-09-30 $561975 107 buy put 2022-10-14 362.84 345.0 $332 -7714704979588583559\n",
- "2022-09-30 $561003 108 buy put 2022-10-17 362.84 364.0 $971 8830033797286191826\n",
- "2022-09-30 $560576 109 buy put 2022-10-17 362.84 348.0 $427 4189333470985622419\n",
- "2022-09-30 $560193 110 buy put 2022-10-17 362.84 346.0 $382 3696608361679370530\n",
- "2022-09-30 $559831 111 buy put 2022-10-17 362.84 345.0 $361 -8767727777603533631\n",
- "2022-09-30 $559050 112 buy put 2022-10-19 362.84 358.0 $781 -6155034442351338394\n",
- "2022-09-30 $558405 113 buy put 2022-10-19 362.84 354.0 $644 -432284999284662673\n",
- "2022-09-30 $557646 114 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 356.0 $758 2548986451254114555\n",
- "2022-09-30 $556920 115 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 355.0 $726 -8587023757713187709\n",
- "2022-09-30 $556226 116 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 354.0 $693 1318126912343739446\n",
- "2022-09-30 $555563 117 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 353.0 $662 -5654610745583922364\n",
- "2022-09-30 $554931 118 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 352.0 $632 5846062072921340576\n",
- "2022-09-30 $554327 119 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 351.0 $603 581415574104031716\n",
- "2022-09-30 $553752 120 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 350.0 $574 -8757650921608063946\n",
- "2022-09-30 $553204 121 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 349.0 $548 707283726444822496\n",
- "2022-09-30 $552681 122 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 348.0 $522 4506943184773576936\n",
- "2022-09-30 $552182 123 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 347.0 $498 6274263523319115715\n",
- "2022-09-30 $551707 124 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 346.0 $475 -10839529207486014\n",
- "2022-09-30 $551254 125 buy put 2022-10-21 362.84 345.0 $452 4666383927821276639\n",
- "2022-09-30 $550396 126 buy put 2022-10-24 362.84 358.0 $857 -8191585368152631699\n",
- "2022-09-30 $549794 127 buy put 2022-10-24 362.84 350.0 $602 5544750724772964273\n",
- "2022-09-30 $547974 128 buy put 2022-10-24 362.84 377.0 $1819 8959386462309697651\n",
- "2022-09-30 $546995 129 buy put 2022-10-26 362.84 360.0 $978 5097619149393413394\n",
- "2022-09-30 $546350 130 buy put 2022-10-26 362.84 350.0 $645 -664131168098338044\n",
- "2022-10-04 $546671 129 sell put 2022-10-07 366.62 363.0 $322 8815264052500056273\n",
- "2022-10-04 $547494 128 sell put 2022-10-07 366.62 373.0 $824 -5247374458601592343\n",
- "2022-10-04 $547630 127 sell put 2022-10-07 366.62 356.0 $136 -5431366270013433908\n",
- "2022-10-04 $548575 126 sell put 2022-10-10 366.62 374.0 $946 -6666987486096008803\n",
- "2022-10-04 $549590 125 sell put 2022-10-10 366.62 375.0 $1016 6123436708405810088\n",
- "2022-10-04 $549768 124 sell put 2022-10-10 366.62 356.0 $178 491539818931248944\n",
- "2022-10-04 $550357 123 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 366.0 $590 -72724577135099801\n",
- "2022-10-04 $551041 122 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 368.0 $685 -4528497953036880966\n",
- "2022-10-04 $551548 121 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 364.0 $507 4678799864023582544\n",
- "2022-10-04 $552335 120 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 370.0 $788 -6903502171847723075\n",
- "2022-10-04 $552766 119 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 362.0 $432 -2620264572406578653\n",
- "2022-10-04 $553132 118 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 360.0 $366 -1916858506631741660\n",
- "2022-10-04 $553440 117 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 358.0 $309 -7723486017960058585\n",
- "2022-10-04 $553697 116 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 356.0 $258 -2184296776276282977\n",
- "2022-10-04 $553933 115 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 355.0 $236 8640613754015995665\n",
- "2022-10-04 $554077 114 sell put 2022-10-12 366.62 350.0 $145 -7743719630039770926\n",
- "2022-10-04 $554820 113 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 367.0 $744 -7877912478654728976\n",
- "2022-10-04 $555522 112 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 366.0 $702 8751178478460267539\n",
- "2022-10-04 $556181 111 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 365.0 $660 -4667040337580405233\n",
- "2022-10-04 $556971 110 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 368.0 $791 -4643096295409599833\n",
- "2022-10-04 $557815 109 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 369.0 $844 -5255922829814261453\n",
- "2022-10-04 $558433 108 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 364.0 $619 2469126593114131511\n",
- "2022-10-04 $559325 107 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 370.0 $893 4871399340353403642\n",
- "2022-10-04 $559905 106 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 363.0 $580 -8260408571204758101\n",
- "2022-10-04 $560853 105 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 371.0 $949 6846411073007702386\n",
- "2022-10-04 $561392 104 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 362.0 $540 8004475273196741959\n",
- "2022-10-04 $561900 103 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 361.0 $508 -8485264667846521306\n",
- "2022-10-04 $562863 102 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 372.0 $964 1970755937359997705\n",
- "2022-10-04 $563921 101 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 373.0 $1058 8064000965605654217\n",
- "2022-10-04 $564392 100 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 360.0 $472 8916943352299979141\n",
- "2022-10-04 $565509 99 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 374.0 $1118 -6470771210674414178\n",
- "2022-10-04 $565950 98 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 359.0 $441 7163967549431315439\n",
- "2022-10-04 $567089 97 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 375.0 $1140 2625097009034359137\n",
- "2022-10-04 $567501 96 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 358.0 $413 -4017373128393063842\n",
- "2022-10-04 $567884 95 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 357.0 $383 3130490984759623336\n",
- "2022-10-04 $569103 94 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 376.0 $1220 -1863057490023049166\n",
- "2022-10-04 $569458 93 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 356.0 $356 3412422533289218408\n",
- "2022-10-04 $570838 92 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 378.0 $1380 8298796890292324814\n",
- "2022-10-04 $571168 91 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 355.0 $331 -1034542423960182444\n",
- "2022-10-04 $571476 90 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 354.0 $309 -4374328786190650442\n",
- "2022-10-04 $572901 89 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 379.0 $1425 5809991621203749833\n",
- "2022-10-04 $574397 88 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 380.0 $1497 -743649710164817198\n",
- "2022-10-04 $574683 87 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 353.0 $287 -2924833460577191616\n",
- "2022-10-04 $576244 86 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 381.0 $1561 4676760719702533194\n",
- "2022-10-04 $576509 85 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 352.0 $266 5814856507813072766\n",
- "2022-10-04 $578157 84 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 382.0 $1649 -5419875390378953495\n",
- "2022-10-04 $578403 83 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 351.0 $246 -4704051951248653633\n",
- "2022-10-04 $578629 82 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 350.0 $227 -828768631271022828\n",
- "2022-10-04 $580355 81 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 383.0 $1727 2608454172549938798\n",
- "2022-10-04 $582163 80 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 384.0 $1808 6206433572813687301\n",
- "2022-10-04 $582373 79 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 349.0 $211 -5466995218011161394\n",
- "2022-10-04 $584298 78 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 385.0 $1926 -5466962783276501700\n",
- "2022-10-04 $584491 77 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 348.0 $193 -4261252710365660926\n",
- "2022-10-04 $584669 76 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 347.0 $179 5172708304234702249\n",
- "2022-10-04 $584833 75 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 346.0 $165 2366307106607010606\n",
- "2022-10-04 $587021 74 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 388.0 $2188 -7932858922194340609\n",
- "2022-10-04 $587173 73 sell put 2022-10-14 366.62 345.0 $153 -7714704979588583559\n",
- "2022-10-04 $587915 72 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 366.0 $743 4399440338521683564\n",
- "2022-10-04 $588616 71 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 365.0 $701 -8898676227722298520\n",
- "2022-10-04 $589450 70 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 368.0 $835 -4745113751276979293\n",
- "2022-10-04 $590105 69 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 364.0 $656 8830033797286191826\n",
- "2022-10-04 $591039 68 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 370.0 $934 7881093322532362113\n",
- "2022-10-04 $591622 67 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 362.0 $584 4981157632117464068\n",
- "2022-10-04 $592133 66 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 360.0 $512 -8471985042786473766\n",
- "2022-10-04 $592530 65 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 356.0 $397 7077369031480257913\n",
- "2022-10-04 $592900 64 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 355.0 $371 -7180813677035037132\n",
- "2022-10-04 $593243 63 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 354.0 $344 8543583513878896025\n",
- "2022-10-04 $593504 62 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 350.0 $261 1104877420139967392\n",
- "2022-10-04 $593728 61 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 348.0 $225 4189333470985622419\n",
- "2022-10-04 $593923 60 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 346.0 $196 3696608361679370530\n",
- "2022-10-04 $594104 59 sell put 2022-10-17 366.62 345.0 $181 -8767727777603533631\n",
- "2022-10-04 $594909 58 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 366.0 $806 8167767288517891218\n",
- "2022-10-04 $595668 57 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 365.0 $760 -1703699455594145707\n",
- "2022-10-04 $596565 56 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 368.0 $897 -5152703223595443027\n",
- "2022-10-04 $597287 55 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 364.0 $723 7106238975695412727\n",
- "2022-10-04 $598281 54 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 370.0 $995 528188897220952798\n",
- "2022-10-04 $598927 53 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 362.0 $646 -6239381689746556700\n",
- "2022-10-04 $599504 52 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 360.0 $578 -2009490739243749772\n",
- "2022-10-04 $600018 51 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 358.0 $514 -6155034442351338394\n",
- "2022-10-04 $600446 50 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 355.0 $429 -4871936794987506828\n",
- "2022-10-04 $600849 49 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 354.0 $404 -432284999284662673\n",
- "2022-10-04 $601204 48 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 352.0 $355 2072394840686563801\n",
- "2022-10-04 $601518 47 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 350.0 $315 -8896550176825586390\n",
- "2022-10-04 $603451 46 sell put 2022-10-19 366.62 385.0 $1934 -8876257464965529794\n",
- "2022-10-04 $604360 45 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 367.0 $909 -6262414501032079941\n",
- "2022-10-04 $605223 44 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 366.0 $864 -6711433102643245457\n",
- "2022-10-04 $606173 43 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 368.0 $951 -3568039703773825609\n",
- "2022-10-04 $606993 42 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 365.0 $820 -8786733658532561977\n",
- "2022-10-04 $607994 41 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 369.0 $1002 2937731199074411632\n",
- "2022-10-04 $608771 40 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 364.0 $778 -3252305095172637568\n",
- "2022-10-04 $609822 39 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 370.0 $1051 -8533630700267658778\n",
- "2022-10-04 $610560 38 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 363.0 $739 -8490270841844491173\n",
- "2022-10-04 $611660 37 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 371.0 $1101 -8568668790582388423\n",
- "2022-10-04 $612365 36 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 362.0 $705 2599039118694830106\n",
- "2022-10-04 $613520 35 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 372.0 $1156 2163998303085909991\n",
- "2022-10-04 $614185 34 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 361.0 $666 15032381161367763\n",
- "2022-10-04 $615386 33 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 373.0 $1201 8598658967041257252\n",
- "2022-10-04 $616016 32 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 360.0 $631 8771300966176253563\n",
- "2022-10-04 $617277 31 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 374.0 $1262 1217884441560146121\n",
- "2022-10-04 $617879 30 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 359.0 $602 2763327611450864553\n",
- "2022-10-04 $619194 29 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 375.0 $1316 -4852410711985415603\n",
- "2022-10-04 $619763 28 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 358.0 $570 2256963406788489174\n",
- "2022-10-04 $621136 27 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 376.0 $1373 -8503656169897894211\n",
- "2022-10-04 $621673 26 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 357.0 $538 -1653106145704821451\n",
- "2022-10-04 $623107 25 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 377.0 $1435 -1367314474380704333\n",
- "2022-10-04 $623616 24 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 356.0 $509 2548986451254114555\n",
- "2022-10-04 $625115 23 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 378.0 $1500 -138873312639434824\n",
- "2022-10-04 $625598 22 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 355.0 $484 -8587023757713187709\n",
- "2022-10-04 $627171 21 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 379.0 $1573 2521108249333316592\n",
- "2022-10-04 $627627 20 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 354.0 $457 1318126912343739446\n",
- "2022-10-04 $629267 19 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 380.0 $1641 -5847001394620268234\n",
- "2022-10-04 $629699 18 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 353.0 $432 -5654610745583922364\n",
- "2022-10-04 $631364 17 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 381.0 $1666 -1323694314096004728\n",
- "2022-10-04 $631771 16 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 352.0 $408 5846062072921340576\n",
- "2022-10-04 $633507 15 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 382.0 $1736 -2742314410469827988\n",
- "2022-10-04 $633889 14 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 351.0 $383 581415574104031716\n",
- "2022-10-04 $635696 13 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 383.0 $1808 -6299348919420343343\n",
- "2022-10-04 $636058 12 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 350.0 $362 -8757650921608063946\n",
- "2022-10-04 $637938 11 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 384.0 $1881 2065008084693624356\n",
- "2022-10-04 $638278 10 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 349.0 $341 707283726444822496\n",
- "2022-10-04 $640235 9 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 385.0 $1957 2846824188705686882\n",
- "2022-10-04 $640558 8 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 348.0 $324 4506943184773576936\n",
- "2022-10-04 $640862 7 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 347.0 $305 6274263523319115715\n",
- "2022-10-04 $641148 6 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 346.0 $286 -10839529207486014\n",
- "2022-10-04 $641418 5 sell put 2022-10-21 366.62 345.0 $271 4666383927821276639\n",
- "2022-10-04 $642013 4 sell put 2022-10-24 366.62 358.0 $596 -8191585368152631699\n",
- "2022-10-04 $643476 3 sell put 2022-10-24 366.62 377.0 $1463 8959386462309697651\n",
- "2022-10-04 $643864 2 sell put 2022-10-24 366.62 350.0 $389 5544750724772964273\n",
- "2022-10-04 $644573 1 sell put 2022-10-26 366.62 360.0 $709 5097619149393413394\n",
- "2022-10-04 $645002 0 sell put 2022-10-26 366.62 350.0 $430 -664131168098338044\n",
- "2022-10-12 $644121 1 buy put 2022-10-26 357.76 358.0 $880 -7810563208558492616\n",
- "2022-10-12 $643322 2 buy put 2022-10-26 357.76 356.0 $799 -1631369837610311704\n",
- "2022-10-12 $642335 3 buy put 2022-10-26 357.76 360.0 $986 5097619149393413394\n",
- "2022-10-12 $641585 4 buy put 2022-10-26 357.76 355.0 $749 -1805902587750682099\n",
- "2022-10-12 $640495 5 buy put 2022-10-26 357.76 362.0 $1090 -6702635576280627138\n",
- "2022-10-12 $639925 6 buy put 2022-10-26 357.76 350.0 $569 -664131168098338044\n",
- "2022-10-12 $638200 7 buy put 2022-10-26 357.76 372.0 $1724 -1329425150580556308\n",
- "2022-10-12 $636316 8 buy put 2022-10-26 357.76 374.0 $1884 -5202013887957849483\n",
- "2022-10-12 $635373 9 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 358.0 $942 -4372617634373447120\n",
- "2022-10-12 $634477 10 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 357.0 $895 -5854284541001118176\n",
- "2022-10-12 $633489 11 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 359.0 $988 8479383345076151887\n",
- "2022-10-12 $632636 12 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 356.0 $852 6209298920961540009\n",
- "2022-10-12 $631590 13 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 360.0 $1045 8451341681433465199\n",
- "2022-10-12 $630780 14 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 355.0 $810 -6456730726543091467\n",
- "2022-10-12 $629692 15 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 361.0 $1087 -30483924127634401\n",
- "2022-10-12 $628922 16 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 354.0 $769 -5190741156196501201\n",
- "2022-10-12 $627784 17 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 362.0 $1138 4932762941185128562\n",
- "2022-10-12 $626590 18 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 363.0 $1193 -4794445343132828547\n",
- "2022-10-12 $625896 19 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 352.0 $693 -3859718448643409418\n",
- "2022-10-12 $624640 20 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 364.0 $1256 3693810989777192195\n",
- "2022-10-12 $623325 21 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 365.0 $1314 -2264078566247460253\n",
- "2022-10-12 $622696 22 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 350.0 $628 -6312903106133152469\n",
- "2022-10-12 $621262 23 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 367.0 $1434 5537536644560060467\n",
- "2022-10-12 $620704 24 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 348.0 $557 -4178902559534648231\n",
- "2022-10-12 $619206 25 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 368.0 $1497 -8923986562270767341\n",
- "2022-10-12 $618708 26 buy put 2022-10-28 357.76 346.0 $498 -5461673263728735134\n",
- "2022-10-13 $619525 25 sell put 2022-10-26 356.58 356.0 $818 -1631369837610311704\n",
- "2022-10-13 $620299 24 sell put 2022-10-26 356.58 355.0 $775 -1805902587750682099\n",
- "2022-10-13 $621211 23 sell put 2022-10-26 356.58 358.0 $912 -7810563208558492616\n",
- "2022-10-13 $622222 22 sell put 2022-10-26 356.58 360.0 $1012 5097619149393413394\n",
- "2022-10-13 $623341 21 sell put 2022-10-26 356.58 362.0 $1120 -6702635576280627138\n",
- "2022-10-13 $623918 20 sell put 2022-10-26 356.58 350.0 $577 -664131168098338044\n",
- "2022-10-13 $625677 19 sell put 2022-10-26 356.58 372.0 $1760 -1329425150580556308\n",
- "2022-10-13 $627583 18 sell put 2022-10-26 356.58 374.0 $1907 -5202013887957849483\n",
- "2022-10-13 $628508 17 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 357.0 $925 -5854284541001118176\n",
- "2022-10-13 $629386 16 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 356.0 $879 6209298920961540009\n",
- "2022-10-13 $630219 15 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 355.0 $834 -6456730726543091467\n",
- "2022-10-13 $631191 14 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 358.0 $972 -4372617634373447120\n",
- "2022-10-13 $631982 13 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 354.0 $792 -5190741156196501201\n",
- "2022-10-13 $633002 12 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 359.0 $1021 8479383345076151887\n",
- "2022-10-13 $634074 11 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 360.0 $1072 8451341681433465199\n",
- "2022-10-13 $635196 10 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 361.0 $1123 -30483924127634401\n",
- "2022-10-13 $635906 9 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 352.0 $711 -3859718448643409418\n",
- "2022-10-13 $637085 8 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 362.0 $1179 4932762941185128562\n",
- "2022-10-13 $637720 7 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 350.0 $636 -6312903106133152469\n",
- "2022-10-13 $638952 6 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 363.0 $1233 -4794445343132828547\n",
- "2022-10-13 $640235 5 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 364.0 $1283 3693810989777192195\n",
- "2022-10-13 $640803 4 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 348.0 $569 -4178902559534648231\n",
- "2022-10-13 $642147 3 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 365.0 $1344 -2264078566247460253\n",
- "2022-10-13 $643613 2 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 367.0 $1467 5537536644560060467\n",
- "2022-10-13 $644117 1 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 346.0 $505 -5461673263728735134\n",
- "2022-10-13 $645645 0 sell put 2022-10-28 356.58 368.0 $1528 -8923986562270767341\n",
- "2022-10-14 $644778 1 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 366.0 $866 -841523734631471116\n",
- "2022-10-14 $643863 2 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 367.0 $914 5537536644560060467\n",
- "2022-10-14 $643043 3 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 365.0 $820 -2264078566247460253\n",
- "2022-10-14 $642266 4 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 364.0 $776 3693810989777192195\n",
- "2022-10-14 $641301 5 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 368.0 $964 -8923986562270767341\n",
- "2022-10-14 $640568 6 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 363.0 $733 -4794445343132828547\n",
- "2022-10-14 $639497 7 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 370.0 $1070 8099720821983732399\n",
- "2022-10-14 $638803 8 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 362.0 $693 4932762941185128562\n",
- "2022-10-14 $638149 9 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 361.0 $654 -30483924127634401\n",
- "2022-10-14 $637532 10 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 360.0 $616 8451341681433465199\n",
- "2022-10-14 $636950 11 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 359.0 $581 8479383345076151887\n",
- "2022-10-14 $635632 12 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 374.0 $1318 93209589214786806\n",
- "2022-10-14 $635084 13 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 358.0 $547 -4372617634373447120\n",
- "2022-10-14 $634569 14 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 357.0 $514 -5854284541001118176\n",
- "2022-10-14 $633187 15 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 375.0 $1382 -2646168975883529583\n",
- "2022-10-14 $631742 16 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 376.0 $1444 5726057051740057342\n",
- "2022-10-14 $631258 17 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 356.0 $483 6209298920961540009\n",
- "2022-10-14 $630804 18 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 355.0 $454 -6456730726543091467\n",
- "2022-10-14 $629222 19 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 378.0 $1581 -2259290013056761725\n",
- "2022-10-14 $628796 20 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 354.0 $425 -5190741156196501201\n",
- "2022-10-14 $628398 21 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 353.0 $398 5998277399484174360\n",
- "2022-10-14 $628024 22 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 352.0 $373 -3859718448643409418\n",
- "2022-10-14 $627674 23 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 351.0 $349 -6529739223355886661\n",
- "2022-10-14 $627348 24 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 350.0 $326 -6312903106133152469\n",
- "2022-10-14 $627042 25 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 349.0 $305 -3242767980728277244\n",
- "2022-10-14 $626757 26 buy put 2022-10-28 365.96 348.0 $284 -4178902559534648231\n",
- "2022-10-18 $627477 25 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 367.0 $720 5537536644560060467\n",
- "2022-10-18 $628151 24 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 366.0 $675 -841523734631471116\n",
- "2022-10-18 $628919 23 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 368.0 $769 -8923986562270767341\n",
- "2022-10-18 $629551 22 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 365.0 $632 -2264078566247460253\n",
- "2022-10-18 $630141 21 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 364.0 $591 3693810989777192195\n",
- "2022-10-18 $631013 20 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 370.0 $873 8099720821983732399\n",
- "2022-10-18 $631564 19 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 363.0 $551 -4794445343132828547\n",
- "2022-10-18 $632075 18 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 362.0 $512 4932762941185128562\n",
- "2022-10-18 $632552 17 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 361.0 $478 -30483924127634401\n",
- "2022-10-18 $632997 16 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 360.0 $445 8451341681433465199\n",
- "2022-10-18 $634085 15 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 374.0 $1089 93209589214786806\n",
- "2022-10-18 $634497 14 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 359.0 $413 8479383345076151887\n",
- "2022-10-18 $635649 13 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 375.0 $1152 -2646168975883529583\n",
- "2022-10-18 $636030 12 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 358.0 $382 -4372617634373447120\n",
- "2022-10-18 $637246 11 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 376.0 $1217 5726057051740057342\n",
- "2022-10-18 $637601 10 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 357.0 $355 -5854284541001118176\n",
- "2022-10-18 $637928 9 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 356.0 $328 6209298920961540009\n",
- "2022-10-18 $639274 8 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 378.0 $1347 -2259290013056761725\n",
- "2022-10-18 $639576 7 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 355.0 $302 -6456730726543091467\n",
- "2022-10-18 $639855 6 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 354.0 $280 -5190741156196501201\n",
- "2022-10-18 $640112 5 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 353.0 $257 5998277399484174360\n",
- "2022-10-18 $640347 4 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 352.0 $236 -3859718448643409418\n",
- "2022-10-18 $640563 3 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 351.0 $217 -6529739223355886661\n",
- "2022-10-18 $640763 2 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 350.0 $200 -6312903106133152469\n",
- "2022-10-18 $640946 1 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 349.0 $184 -3242767980728277244\n",
- "2022-10-18 $641113 0 sell put 2022-10-28 366.79 348.0 $168 -4178902559534648231\n",
- "2022-10-18 $640221 1 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 367.0 $892 -590744908442998154\n",
- "2022-10-18 $639277 2 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 366.0 $943 4171637042778074174\n",
- "2022-10-18 $638436 3 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 368.0 $840 -5951538065959426574\n",
- "2022-10-18 $637437 4 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 365.0 $999 2416582024424734412\n",
- "2022-10-18 $636647 5 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 369.0 $789 -7708902606715079900\n",
- "2022-10-18 $635586 6 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 364.0 $1060 6090680450448291335\n",
- "2022-10-18 $634846 7 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 370.0 $740 1575642026566054376\n",
- "2022-10-18 $634320 8 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 375.0 $525 4431308361484188860\n",
- "2022-10-18 $633963 9 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 380.0 $356 394061754466685050\n",
- "2022-10-18 $633635 10 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 381.0 $328 2790080673187592152\n",
- "2022-10-18 $632653 11 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 367.0 $981 2051764707720265770\n",
- "2022-10-18 $631617 12 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 366.0 $1035 385162966338519966\n",
- "2022-10-18 $630689 13 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 368.0 $928 -4886444354856075971\n",
- "2022-10-18 $629597 14 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 365.0 $1091 -7482702660477761967\n",
- "2022-10-18 $628719 15 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 369.0 $877 8889082896499200633\n",
- "2022-10-18 $627891 16 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 370.0 $828 -2470159850116260545\n",
- "2022-10-18 $626682 17 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 363.0 $1208 4283396146983127320\n",
- "2022-10-18 $625991 18 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 373.0 $690 -2686629671972781765\n",
- "2022-10-18 $624583 19 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 360.0 $1408 -8340855304216161348\n",
- "2022-10-18 $623935 20 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 374.0 $647 8483834202325539571\n",
- "2022-10-18 $623328 21 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 375.0 $606 6545033578454116998\n",
- "2022-10-18 $622868 22 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 379.0 $460 -5106224832692370842\n",
- "2022-10-18 $622440 23 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 380.0 $427 -8358243982566842012\n",
- "2022-10-18 $621420 24 buy call 2022-11-07 366.79 367.0 $1019 8719414517767019079\n",
- "2022-10-18 $620346 25 buy call 2022-11-07 366.79 366.0 $1074 210226502862675695\n",
- "2022-10-18 $619379 26 buy call 2022-11-07 366.79 368.0 $966 2102359289658946450\n",
- "2022-10-19 $618495 27 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 371.0 $883 4862205283550122845\n",
- "2022-10-19 $617665 28 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 372.0 $830 -6599845962689222889\n",
- "2022-10-19 $616887 29 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 373.0 $777 -710682924506375866\n",
- "2022-10-19 $616159 30 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 374.0 $727 -402789385164310628\n",
- "2022-10-19 $615523 31 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 376.0 $636 -7914055368194729761\n",
- "2022-10-19 $614931 32 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 377.0 $591 -2231597039953799940\n",
- "2022-10-19 $614420 33 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 379.0 $510 -2407649807211712034\n",
- "2022-10-19 $614109 34 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 385.0 $311 -1529937301789065259\n",
- "2022-10-19 $613136 35 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 371.0 $972 7815309788679552618\n",
- "2022-10-19 $612215 36 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 372.0 $920 8215858141079759677\n",
- "2022-10-19 $611538 37 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 377.0 $677 -3930500106376744960\n",
- "2022-10-19 $611057 38 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 382.0 $480 -6303882584153480123\n",
- "2022-10-19 $610674 39 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 385.0 $382 -6428703136713683036\n",
- "2022-10-19 $610398 40 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 389.0 $276 -4565313399810919836\n",
- "2022-10-19 $609441 41 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 372.0 $956 1052566008189916567\n",
- "2022-10-19 $608373 42 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 370.0 $1067 -8416917352415453331\n",
- "2022-10-19 $607517 43 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 374.0 $856 -1039296199471824661\n",
- "2022-10-19 $606707 44 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 375.0 $809 5905089197517995504\n",
- "2022-10-19 $606034 45 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 378.0 $673 1884921245314667048\n",
- "2022-10-19 $605442 46 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 380.0 $591 -5947543743701747393\n",
- "2022-10-19 $604994 47 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 384.0 $447 -6241064708899673317\n",
- "2022-10-19 $604579 48 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 385.0 $415 -5677329379505971102\n",
- "2022-10-19 $603315 49 buy call 2022-11-09 371.15 368.0 $1263 -2844924099818926679\n",
- "2022-10-19 $602425 50 buy call 2022-11-09 371.15 375.0 $889 -8029685458673705255\n",
- "2022-10-19 $601307 51 buy call 2022-11-11 371.15 372.0 $1118 2449291485516766428\n",
- "2022-10-19 $600079 52 buy call 2022-11-11 371.15 370.0 $1227 -8627132705745044614\n",
- "2022-10-20 $598872 53 buy call 2022-11-04 368.51 364.0 $1206 -5924142845231358235\n",
- "2022-10-20 $598361 54 buy call 2022-11-04 368.51 378.0 $511 -3094484247204260980\n",
- "2022-10-20 $597951 55 buy call 2022-11-04 368.51 381.0 $409 -672860824365445558\n",
- "2022-10-20 $597601 56 buy call 2022-11-04 368.51 383.0 $349 -6754075998160160729\n",
- "2022-10-20 $597190 57 buy call 2022-11-07 368.51 382.0 $411 -2170339746201440884\n",
- "2022-10-20 $596059 58 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 369.0 $1130 3893960378865485179\n",
- "2022-10-20 $594762 59 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 366.0 $1296 1678687130746648745\n",
- "2022-10-20 $593739 60 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 371.0 $1023 -8686105805683677569\n",
- "2022-10-20 $592383 61 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 365.0 $1355 7188316876695845959\n",
- "2022-10-20 $591506 62 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 374.0 $876 -7243782736538208760\n",
- "2022-10-20 $590676 63 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 375.0 $830 -6607289878073782680\n",
- "2022-10-20 $589932 64 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 377.0 $743 -1448997903063143535\n",
- "2022-10-20 $589308 65 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 380.0 $623 6336392924093930464\n",
- "2022-10-20 $588852 66 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 385.0 $456 6628672926851671364\n",
- "2022-10-20 $588425 67 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 386.0 $426 8863009179703643972\n",
- "2022-10-20 $587170 68 buy call 2022-11-16 368.51 368.0 $1254 2564290108469502203\n",
- "2022-10-20 $585922 69 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 369.0 $1248 4363070361377085684\n",
- "2022-10-20 $584619 70 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 368.0 $1302 1267416337868015034\n",
- "2022-10-20 $583425 71 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 370.0 $1193 5358671631574333642\n",
- "2022-10-20 $582066 72 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 367.0 $1359 8344099357430504873\n",
- "2022-10-20 $580924 73 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 371.0 $1141 2463008157493818558\n",
- "2022-10-20 $579506 74 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 366.0 $1417 -6276075935228610443\n",
- "2022-10-20 $578416 75 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 372.0 $1090 5809315384720900929\n",
- "2022-10-20 $576940 76 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 365.0 $1475 8776251837034378601\n",
- "2022-10-20 $575899 77 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 373.0 $1040 4278422978881920566\n",
- "2022-10-20 $574907 78 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 374.0 $992 1916363904273541709\n",
- "2022-10-21 $574478 79 buy call 2022-11-04 365.52 376.0 $428 -8781234393892992845\n",
- "2022-10-21 $573514 80 buy call 2022-11-07 365.52 365.0 $963 -5108805621227338785\n",
- "2022-10-21 $572934 81 buy call 2022-11-07 365.52 373.0 $580 -589855611226644499\n",
- "2022-10-21 $571878 82 buy call 2022-11-09 365.52 365.0 $1055 5289266687926237148\n",
- "2022-10-21 $571030 83 buy call 2022-11-09 365.52 369.0 $847 9088660671749982273\n",
- "2022-10-21 $570168 84 buy call 2022-11-14 365.52 371.0 $862 7808245599682228705\n",
- "2022-10-21 $569214 85 buy call 2022-11-16 365.52 370.0 $953 7481601984152386792\n",
- "2022-10-21 $568672 86 buy call 2022-11-16 365.52 380.0 $541 6095475548873174119\n",
- "2022-10-21 $567355 87 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 364.0 $1317 6983330102119362981\n",
- "2022-10-21 $565789 88 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 360.0 $1565 -2510378263209379004\n",
- "2022-10-21 $565015 89 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 375.0 $773 -8119699175509444032\n",
- "2022-10-21 $564284 90 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 376.0 $731 4341307094940817092\n",
- "2022-10-21 $563591 91 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 377.0 $692 2747704999523747413\n",
- "2022-10-21 $562937 92 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 378.0 $653 8298001791003930715\n",
- "2022-10-21 $562320 93 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 379.0 $617 -8264248827486511300\n",
- "2022-10-21 $561737 94 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 380.0 $582 3749740141915329564\n",
- "2022-10-21 $561189 95 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 381.0 $548 -7748598043347538366\n",
- "2022-10-21 $558937 96 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 350.0 $2251 6845071737635559461\n",
- "2022-10-21 $558421 97 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 382.0 $515 60655434567624453\n",
- "2022-10-21 $557936 98 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 383.0 $485 -4308333972038077260\n",
- "2022-10-21 $556702 99 buy call 2022-11-21 365.52 366.0 $1233 -7701449121490604627\n",
- "2022-10-21 $555360 100 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 365.0 $1341 5757770315697118626\n",
- "2022-10-21 $554074 101 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 366.0 $1286 1315544098637407766\n",
- "2022-10-21 $552894 102 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 368.0 $1179 -8650407956004581620\n",
- "2022-10-21 $551816 103 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 370.0 $1077 -8284088018646716116\n",
- "2022-10-21 $550836 104 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 372.0 $980 -4012549566319688022\n",
- "2022-10-25 $549974 105 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 379.0 $861 3199895419060511392\n",
- "2022-10-25 $549005 106 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 377.0 $968 -2777321916830463562\n",
- "2022-10-25 $547981 107 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 376.0 $1024 8396498646163415779\n",
- "2022-10-25 $547435 108 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 386.0 $545 -8149632548085731224\n",
- "2022-10-25 $546964 109 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 388.0 $470 8648746987904892239\n",
- "2022-10-25 $546560 110 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 390.0 $404 8685276581037314122\n",
- "2022-10-25 $546214 111 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 392.0 $345 -3996161049899139369\n",
- "2022-10-25 $545921 112 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 394.0 $292 8023285101456002882\n",
- "2022-10-25 $545653 113 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 395.0 $268 7377040323771371253\n",
- "2022-10-25 $545405 114 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 396.0 $247 6505897473439162729\n",
- "2022-10-25 $544445 115 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 379.0 $959 5022821759922318903\n",
- "2022-10-25 $543433 116 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 378.0 $1012 -4757607890152389542\n",
- "2022-10-25 $542525 117 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 380.0 $907 -4498337772797303014\n",
- "2022-10-25 $541458 118 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 377.0 $1066 -8389014555104851330\n",
- "2022-10-25 $540740 119 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 384.0 $718 6042454873264010191\n",
- "2022-10-25 $540063 120 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 385.0 $676 -7185853954254075048\n",
- "2022-10-25 $539427 121 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 386.0 $635 7108078899197005900\n",
- "2022-10-25 $538870 122 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 388.0 $557 5021326954980596911\n",
- "2022-10-25 $538382 123 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 390.0 $487 -8030826156368413933\n",
- "2022-10-25 $537958 124 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 392.0 $423 5308402607679921745\n",
- "2022-10-25 $536906 125 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 379.0 $1052 -6237539843552177684\n",
- "2022-10-25 $535799 126 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 378.0 $1106 7315773470948807734\n",
- "2022-10-25 $534847 127 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 381.0 $951 -2543007141971339505\n",
- "2022-10-25 $533631 128 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 376.0 $1216 -6476802487794681333\n",
- "2022-10-25 $532728 129 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 382.0 $902 -6016388820056967639\n",
- "2022-10-25 $531871 130 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 383.0 $856 -5517788450073771446\n",
- "2022-10-26 $532729 129 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 381.0 $858 2790080673187592152\n",
- "2022-10-26 $533648 128 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 380.0 $920 394061754466685050\n",
- "2022-10-26 $534903 127 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 375.0 $1256 4431308361484188860\n",
- "2022-10-26 $536547 126 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 370.0 $1644 1575642026566054376\n",
- "2022-10-26 $538272 125 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 369.0 $1726 -7708902606715079900\n",
- "2022-10-26 $540081 124 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 368.0 $1810 -5951538065959426574\n",
- "2022-10-26 $541980 123 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 367.0 $1899 -590744908442998154\n",
- "2022-10-26 $543965 122 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 366.0 $1986 4171637042778074174\n",
- "2022-10-26 $546035 121 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 365.0 $2071 2416582024424734412\n",
- "2022-10-26 $548198 120 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 364.0 $2163 6090680450448291335\n",
- "2022-10-26 $549232 119 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 380.0 $1035 -8358243982566842012\n",
- "2022-10-26 $550331 118 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 379.0 $1100 -5106224832692370842\n",
- "2022-10-26 $551700 117 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 375.0 $1369 6545033578454116998\n",
- "2022-10-26 $553133 116 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 374.0 $1434 8483834202325539571\n",
- "2022-10-26 $554640 115 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 373.0 $1507 -2686629671972781765\n",
- "2022-10-26 $556381 114 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 370.0 $1742 -2470159850116260545\n",
- "2022-10-26 $558195 113 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 369.0 $1815 8889082896499200633\n",
- "2022-10-26 $560085 112 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 368.0 $1890 -4886444354856075971\n",
- "2022-10-26 $562056 111 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 367.0 $1972 2051764707720265770\n",
- "2022-10-26 $564111 110 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 366.0 $2056 385162966338519966\n",
- "2022-10-26 $566257 109 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 365.0 $2146 -7482702660477761967\n",
- "2022-10-26 $568577 108 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 363.0 $2321 4283396146983127320\n",
- "2022-10-26 $571162 107 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 360.0 $2586 -8340855304216161348\n",
- "2022-10-26 $573085 106 sell call 2022-11-07 384.81 368.0 $1923 2102359289658946450\n",
- "2022-10-26 $575101 105 sell call 2022-11-07 384.81 367.0 $2017 8719414517767019079\n",
- "2022-10-26 $577186 104 sell call 2022-11-07 384.81 366.0 $2086 210226502862675695\n",
- "2022-10-26 $576113 105 buy call 2022-11-09 384.81 382.0 $1073 93681893131950474\n",
- "2022-10-26 $575792 106 buy call 2022-11-09 384.81 400.0 $320 -2370547317777671016\n",
- "2022-10-26 $575520 107 buy call 2022-11-09 384.81 402.0 $271 7847843600180012797\n",
- "2022-10-26 $574467 108 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 384.0 $1053 7551313730417838487\n",
- "2022-10-26 $573616 109 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 388.0 $850 -3871365625245279596\n",
- "2022-10-26 $572857 110 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 390.0 $758 985968678942800752\n",
- "2022-10-26 $572142 111 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 391.0 $715 -8208415840849307314\n",
- "2022-10-26 $571469 112 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 392.0 $672 5717607833681902869\n",
- "2022-10-26 $570911 113 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 395.0 $557 -6899773905678164548\n",
- "2022-10-26 $570390 114 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 396.0 $521 450147434006639154\n",
- "2022-10-26 $568641 115 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 373.0 $1748 8682886976682863746\n",
- "2022-10-26 $568186 116 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 398.0 $454 1092770939408620220\n",
- "2022-10-26 $567761 117 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 399.0 $425 7266133378077554101\n",
- "2022-10-26 $567365 118 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 400.0 $395 5763568106920752125\n",
- "2022-10-26 $565246 119 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 368.0 $2118 -7895008924076640420\n",
- "2022-10-26 $564906 120 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 402.0 $340 8726738167087331366\n",
- "2022-10-26 $563819 121 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 384.0 $1086 -1854230222814451745\n",
- "2022-10-26 $562838 122 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 386.0 $980 3700633595349785205\n",
- "2022-10-26 $561910 123 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 387.0 $928 -2563648653549767009\n",
- "2022-10-26 $560712 124 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 382.0 $1197 8391277975917554566\n",
- "2022-10-26 $559832 125 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 388.0 $879 6884594850055079127\n",
- "2022-10-26 $558999 126 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 389.0 $833 6646884168068581662\n",
- "2022-10-26 $558211 127 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 390.0 $787 1559831926455860814\n",
- "2022-10-26 $557508 128 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 392.0 $702 -28573029431033025\n",
- "2022-10-26 $556885 129 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 394.0 $623 -5801382948290409221\n",
- "2022-10-26 $556298 130 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 395.0 $586 426453467040773529\n",
- "2022-10-27 $557050 129 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 379.0 $753 -2407649807211712034\n",
- "2022-10-27 $557497 128 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 385.0 $447 -1529937301789065259\n",
- "2022-10-27 $558369 127 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 377.0 $873 -2231597039953799940\n",
- "2022-10-27 $559306 126 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 376.0 $938 -7914055368194729761\n",
- "2022-10-27 $560380 125 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 374.0 $1074 -402789385164310628\n",
- "2022-10-27 $561525 124 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 373.0 $1146 -710682924506375866\n",
- "2022-10-27 $562744 123 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 372.0 $1220 -6599845962689222889\n",
- "2022-10-27 $564040 122 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 371.0 $1296 4862205283550122845\n",
- "2022-10-27 $564744 121 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 382.0 $705 -6303882584153480123\n",
- "2022-10-27 $565302 120 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 385.0 $559 -6428703136713683036\n",
- "2022-10-27 $566290 119 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 377.0 $988 -3930500106376744960\n",
- "2022-10-27 $566686 118 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 389.0 $397 -4565313399810919836\n",
- "2022-10-27 $568012 117 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 372.0 $1326 8215858141079759677\n",
- "2022-10-27 $569410 116 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 371.0 $1399 7815309788679552618\n",
- "2022-10-27 $570057 115 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 384.0 $648 -6241064708899673317\n",
- "2022-10-27 $570913 114 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 380.0 $856 -5947543743701747393\n",
- "2022-10-27 $571513 113 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 385.0 $601 -5677329379505971102\n",
- "2022-10-27 $572483 112 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 378.0 $971 1884921245314667048\n",
- "2022-10-27 $573642 111 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 375.0 $1159 5905089197517995504\n",
- "2022-10-27 $574867 110 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 374.0 $1226 -1039296199471824661\n",
- "2022-10-27 $576231 109 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 372.0 $1365 1052566008189916567\n",
- "2022-10-27 $577742 108 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 370.0 $1511 -8416917352415453331\n",
- "2022-10-27 $578997 107 sell call 2022-11-09 382.12 375.0 $1256 -8029685458673705255\n",
- "2022-10-27 $578671 108 buy call 2022-11-09 382.12 395.0 $325 7733828458979708130\n",
- "2022-10-27 $578374 109 buy call 2022-11-09 382.12 396.0 $297 3101152409528271940\n",
- "2022-10-27 $580122 108 sell call 2022-11-09 382.12 368.0 $1749 -2844924099818926679\n",
- "2022-10-27 $579873 109 buy call 2022-11-09 382.12 398.0 $248 4828669657849484476\n",
- "2022-10-27 $579165 110 buy call 2022-11-11 382.12 387.0 $708 -2671248277883844201\n",
- "2022-10-27 $578542 111 buy call 2022-11-11 382.12 389.0 $622 -6132271123288105840\n",
- "2022-10-27 $580092 110 sell call 2022-11-11 382.12 372.0 $1551 2449291485516766428\n",
- "2022-10-27 $578517 111 buy call 2022-11-11 382.12 372.0 $1575 2449291485516766428\n",
- "2022-10-27 $580206 110 sell call 2022-11-11 382.12 370.0 $1690 -8627132705745044614\n",
- "2022-10-27 $579858 111 buy call 2022-11-11 382.12 397.0 $347 8803344870291615237\n",
- "2022-10-27 $578927 112 buy call 2022-11-14 382.12 383.0 $931 41639533499878847\n",
- "2022-10-27 $578094 113 buy call 2022-11-14 382.12 385.0 $832 8576360556565849206\n",
- "2022-10-27 $577798 114 buy call 2022-11-14 382.12 400.0 $295 -5450548662841403593\n",
- "2022-10-27 $577142 115 buy call 2022-11-16 382.12 390.0 $656 3240753723172031700\n",
- "2022-10-27 $576811 116 buy call 2022-11-16 382.12 400.0 $330 -2966970003397260038\n",
- "2022-10-27 $575832 117 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 384.0 $978 -6772432333763766552\n",
- "2022-10-27 $574903 118 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 385.0 $929 2830505353359012138\n",
- "2022-10-27 $574022 119 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 386.0 $880 -4320907548435807360\n",
- "2022-10-27 $573187 120 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 387.0 $834 -3851753283383220826\n",
- "2022-10-27 $572398 121 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 388.0 $789 -5042953051708165997\n",
- "2022-10-27 $571652 122 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 389.0 $745 -448283756929546010\n",
- "2022-10-27 $570948 123 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 390.0 $703 -7060156598237526419\n",
- "2022-10-27 $570286 124 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 391.0 $662 5790971225567438744\n",
- "2022-10-27 $569661 125 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 392.0 $624 663091279176759570\n",
- "2022-10-27 $569073 126 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 393.0 $587 7744819654571098530\n",
- "2022-10-27 $568522 127 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 394.0 $551 2094058639614605192\n",
- "2022-10-27 $568005 128 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 395.0 $516 6843817004835594809\n",
- "2022-10-27 $567520 129 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 396.0 $484 -1883347457937499896\n",
- "2022-10-27 $567068 130 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 397.0 $452 9014877331243420036\n",
- "2022-10-28 $567670 129 sell call 2022-11-04 380.17 381.0 $603 -672860824365445558\n",
- "2022-10-28 $568429 128 sell call 2022-11-04 380.17 378.0 $760 -3094484247204260980\n",
- "2022-10-28 $568938 127 sell call 2022-11-04 380.17 383.0 $509 -6754075998160160729\n",
- "2022-10-28 $570673 126 sell call 2022-11-04 380.17 364.0 $1736 -5924142845231358235\n",
- "2022-10-28 $571269 125 sell call 2022-11-07 380.17 382.0 $597 -2170339746201440884\n",
- "2022-10-28 $572175 124 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 380.0 $906 6336392924093930464\n",
- "2022-10-28 $571266 125 buy call 2022-11-11 380.17 380.0 $908 6336392924093930464\n",
- "2022-10-28 $572334 124 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 377.0 $1069 -1448997903063143535\n",
- "2022-10-28 $572999 123 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 385.0 $665 6628672926851671364\n",
- "2022-10-28 $572330 124 buy call 2022-11-11 380.17 385.0 $668 6628672926851671364\n",
- "2022-10-28 $573511 123 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 375.0 $1181 -6607289878073782680\n",
- "2022-10-28 $574133 122 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 386.0 $623 8863009179703643972\n",
- "2022-10-28 $575375 121 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 374.0 $1243 -7243782736538208760\n",
- "2022-10-28 $576809 120 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 371.0 $1434 -8686105805683677569\n",
- "2022-10-28 $578376 119 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 369.0 $1568 3893960378865485179\n",
- "2022-10-28 $578001 120 buy call 2022-11-11 380.17 393.0 $374 -7076450766361203604\n",
- "2022-10-28 $577656 121 buy call 2022-11-11 380.17 394.0 $345 -8488236157974006003\n",
- "2022-10-28 $579443 120 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 366.0 $1788 1678687130746648745\n",
- "2022-10-28 $581304 119 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 365.0 $1862 7188316876695845959\n",
- "2022-10-28 $580363 120 buy call 2022-11-14 380.17 380.0 $941 2819178023397320956\n",
- "2022-10-28 $579473 121 buy call 2022-11-14 380.17 381.0 $889 78891769339777865\n",
- "2022-10-28 $578724 122 buy call 2022-11-16 380.17 385.0 $748 6723474959759821642\n",
- "2022-10-28 $580440 121 sell call 2022-11-16 380.17 368.0 $1716 2564290108469502203\n",
- "2022-10-28 $581817 120 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 374.0 $1378 1916363904273541709\n",
- "2022-10-28 $583257 119 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 373.0 $1441 4278422978881920566\n",
- "2022-10-28 $584762 118 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 372.0 $1505 5809315384720900929\n",
- "2022-10-28 $583236 119 buy call 2022-11-18 380.17 372.0 $1525 5809315384720900929\n",
- "2022-10-28 $584805 118 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 371.0 $1570 2463008157493818558\n",
- "2022-10-28 $586441 117 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 370.0 $1636 5358671631574333642\n",
- "2022-10-28 $584783 118 buy call 2022-11-18 380.17 370.0 $1657 5358671631574333642\n",
- "2022-10-28 $586486 117 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 369.0 $1704 4363070361377085684\n",
- "2022-10-28 $588257 116 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 368.0 $1771 1267416337868015034\n",
- "2022-10-28 $590099 115 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 367.0 $1843 8344099357430504873\n",
- "2022-10-28 $592012 114 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 366.0 $1914 -6276075935228610443\n",
- "2022-10-28 $593999 113 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 365.0 $1987 8776251837034378601\n",
- "2022-10-28 $593657 114 buy call 2022-11-18 380.17 398.0 $341 7703204223962957075\n",
- "2022-10-28 $592583 115 buy call 2022-11-21 380.17 380.0 $1073 3440526077969428088\n",
- "2022-10-28 $591757 116 buy call 2022-11-21 380.17 385.0 $826 -7595168962633543023\n",
- "2022-10-28 $590632 117 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 380.0 $1124 3374217101020345324\n",
- "2022-10-28 $589613 118 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 382.0 $1018 -7100584856535614075\n",
- "2022-10-28 $588693 119 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 384.0 $920 9012967177349144978\n",
- "2022-10-28 $587819 120 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 385.0 $873 5110152738625641922\n",
- "2022-10-28 $586990 121 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 386.0 $828 -2649495709968449981\n",
- "2022-10-28 $586249 122 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 388.0 $741 83451464579109854\n",
- "2022-10-28 $585587 123 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 390.0 $661 255216682427352802\n",
- "2022-10-28 $585000 124 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 392.0 $586 -6120782792501226986\n",
- "2022-10-28 $584515 125 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 395.0 $485 -24598646483368597\n",
- "2022-10-28 $583373 126 buy call 2022-11-25 380.17 380.0 $1141 8570190611859862767\n",
- "2022-10-28 $582284 127 buy call 2022-11-25 380.17 381.0 $1088 390643021054563376\n",
- "2022-10-28 $581089 128 buy call 2022-11-25 380.17 379.0 $1195 1259042204434464358\n",
- "2022-10-28 $580052 129 buy call 2022-11-25 380.17 382.0 $1036 3600958901997511806\n",
- "2022-10-28 $578728 130 buy call 2022-11-25 380.17 377.0 $1323 -8395327324920016424\n",
- "2022-10-29 $580205 129 sell call 2022-11-04 388.97 376.0 $1477 -8781234393892992845\n",
- "2022-10-29 $581965 128 sell call 2022-11-07 388.97 373.0 $1761 -589855611226644499\n",
- "2022-10-29 $584435 127 sell call 2022-11-07 388.97 365.0 $2471 -5108805621227338785\n",
- "2022-10-29 $586545 126 sell call 2022-11-09 388.97 369.0 $2110 9088660671749982273\n",
- "2022-10-29 $589071 125 sell call 2022-11-09 388.97 365.0 $2527 5289266687926237148\n",
- "2022-10-29 $588023 126 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 386.0 $1047 8863009179703643972\n",
- "2022-10-29 $586361 127 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 377.0 $1662 -1448997903063143535\n",
- "2022-10-29 $586072 128 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 404.0 $288 4933950364047540953\n",
- "2022-10-29 $585809 129 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 405.0 $263 4625487103073138290\n",
- "2022-10-29 $585568 130 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 406.0 $240 -1507690669025799427\n",
- "2022-10-29 $585369 131 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 408.0 $198 7102127630772175818\n",
- "2022-10-29 $584784 132 buy call 2022-11-14 388.97 396.0 $585 -6093116585024685424\n",
- "2022-10-29 $584411 133 buy call 2022-11-14 388.97 402.0 $372 -8764304915739455600\n",
- "2022-10-29 $584120 134 buy call 2022-11-14 388.97 405.0 $290 1869405920542751292\n",
- "2022-10-29 $586195 133 sell call 2022-11-14 388.97 371.0 $2075 7808245599682228705\n",
- "2022-10-29 $585974 134 buy call 2022-11-14 388.97 408.0 $220 -5023238297002947453\n",
- "2022-10-29 $584949 135 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 388.0 $1024 -6445497219588122212\n",
- "2022-10-29 $584133 136 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 392.0 $816 4763291272779547619\n",
- "2022-10-29 $582995 137 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 386.0 $1137 8903491578266070358\n",
- "2022-10-29 $582271 138 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 394.0 $723 1530190858991555371\n",
- "2022-10-29 $581592 139 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 395.0 $679 5677019134231785289\n",
- "2022-10-29 $580955 140 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 396.0 $636 7344591985405635139\n",
- "2022-10-29 $579558 141 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 382.0 $1396 5702621090329897650\n",
- "2022-10-29 $579000 142 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 398.0 $558 -4599603092212338772\n",
- "2022-10-29 $580499 141 sell call 2022-11-16 388.97 380.0 $1500 6095475548873174119\n",
- "2022-10-29 $580167 142 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 405.0 $331 3745184137814152839\n",
- "2022-10-29 $582410 141 sell call 2022-11-16 388.97 370.0 $2243 7481601984152386792\n",
- "2022-10-29 $583773 140 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 383.0 $1364 -4308333972038077260\n",
- "2022-10-29 $582387 141 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 383.0 $1385 -4308333972038077260\n",
- "2022-10-29 $583822 140 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 382.0 $1435 60655434567624453\n",
- "2022-10-29 $582334 141 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 382.0 $1487 60655434567624453\n",
- "2022-10-29 $583827 140 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 381.0 $1494 -7748598043347538366\n",
- "2022-10-29 $582312 141 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 381.0 $1515 -7748598043347538366\n",
- "2022-10-29 $583870 140 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 380.0 $1559 3749740141915329564\n",
- "2022-10-29 $582287 141 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 380.0 $1582 3749740141915329564\n",
- "2022-10-29 $583913 140 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 379.0 $1626 -8264248827486511300\n",
- "2022-10-29 $582262 141 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 379.0 $1650 -8264248827486511300\n",
- "2022-10-29 $581691 142 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 399.0 $570 -4985344021211562073\n",
- "2022-10-29 $583386 141 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 378.0 $1695 8298001791003930715\n",
- "2022-10-29 $581665 142 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 378.0 $1720 8298001791003930715\n",
- "2022-10-29 $583429 141 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 377.0 $1765 2747704999523747413\n",
- "2022-10-29 $585266 140 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 376.0 $1837 4341307094940817092\n",
- "2022-10-29 $587175 139 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 375.0 $1910 -8119699175509444032\n",
- "2022-10-29 $589954 138 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 364.0 $2780 6983330102119362981\n",
- "2022-10-29 $593092 137 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 360.0 $3138 -2510378263209379004\n",
- "2022-10-29 $597134 136 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 350.0 $4043 6845071737635559461\n",
- "2022-10-29 $599761 135 sell call 2022-11-21 388.97 366.0 $2628 -7701449121490604627\n",
- "2022-10-29 $601895 134 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 372.0 $2134 -4012549566319688022\n",
- "2022-10-29 $604255 133 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 370.0 $2361 -8284088018646716116\n",
- "2022-10-29 $606697 132 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 368.0 $2443 -8650407956004581620\n",
- "2022-10-29 $609301 131 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 366.0 $2604 1315544098637407766\n",
- "2022-10-29 $612056 130 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 365.0 $2756 5757770315697118626\n",
- "2022-11-01 $611705 131 buy call 2022-11-14 386.15 398.0 $350 -4851202789937918947\n",
- "2022-11-01 $610688 132 buy call 2022-11-16 386.15 384.0 $1017 -7152396805926403842\n",
- "2022-11-01 $610451 133 buy call 2022-11-16 386.15 404.0 $236 -3404012819646530507\n",
- "2022-11-01 $608855 134 buy call 2022-11-18 386.15 376.0 $1595 4341307094940817092\n",
- "2022-11-01 $607182 135 buy call 2022-11-18 386.15 375.0 $1673 -8119699175509444032\n",
- "2022-11-01 $606800 136 buy call 2022-11-18 386.15 400.0 $381 2310124144878701815\n",
- "2022-11-01 $606448 137 buy call 2022-11-18 386.15 401.0 $352 4102477332695526842\n",
- "2022-11-01 $606123 138 buy call 2022-11-18 386.15 402.0 $324 910876169227775188\n",
- "2022-11-01 $605824 139 buy call 2022-11-18 386.15 403.0 $298 -6502471323634891740\n",
- "2022-11-01 $605573 140 buy call 2022-11-18 386.15 405.0 $251 3946860463701048311\n",
- "2022-11-01 $604680 141 buy call 2022-11-21 386.15 388.0 $892 -873547640021870613\n",
- "2022-11-01 $603885 142 buy call 2022-11-21 386.15 390.0 $794 -5892671646980809933\n",
- "2022-11-01 $603306 143 buy call 2022-11-21 386.15 395.0 $579 2822715870277692457\n",
- "2022-11-01 $602900 144 buy call 2022-11-21 386.15 400.0 $405 -3485570248607794036\n",
- "2022-11-01 $602451 145 buy call 2022-11-23 386.15 400.0 $448 -9201877198835867897\n",
- "2022-11-01 $602064 146 buy call 2022-11-23 386.15 402.0 $387 4806385292410219742\n",
- "2022-11-01 $601731 147 buy call 2022-11-23 386.15 404.0 $332 1480623392233020283\n",
- "2022-11-01 $600662 148 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 386.0 $1068 -4358250658913533718\n",
- "2022-11-01 $599647 149 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 387.0 $1015 7265494847868030910\n",
- "2022-11-01 $598523 150 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 385.0 $1123 -5646841838163914347\n",
- "2022-11-01 $597559 151 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 388.0 $963 1633783817753112869\n",
- "2022-11-01 $596379 152 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 384.0 $1180 300300368706941965\n",
- "2022-11-01 $595466 153 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 389.0 $912 -8573657532990699722\n",
- "2022-11-01 $594602 154 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 390.0 $863 -7329386181437074974\n",
- "2022-11-01 $593786 155 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 391.0 $816 1108029001331141706\n",
- "2022-11-01 $593015 156 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 392.0 $770 8924273752691941337\n",
- "2022-11-02 $593494 155 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 386.0 $480 -8149632548085731224\n",
- "2022-11-02 $593884 154 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 388.0 $390 8648746987904892239\n",
- "2022-11-02 $594194 153 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 390.0 $311 8685276581037314122\n",
- "2022-11-02 $595076 152 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 379.0 $883 3199895419060511392\n",
- "2022-11-02 $595320 151 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 392.0 $244 -3996161049899139369\n",
- "2022-11-02 $596334 150 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 377.0 $1015 -2777321916830463562\n",
- "2022-11-02 $597420 149 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 376.0 $1087 8396498646163415779\n",
- "2022-11-02 $597608 148 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 394.0 $188 8023285101456002882\n",
- "2022-11-02 $597771 147 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 395.0 $164 7377040323771371253\n",
- "2022-11-02 $597912 146 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 396.0 $142 6505897473439162729\n",
- "2022-11-02 $598547 145 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 385.0 $635 -7185853954254075048\n",
- "2022-11-02 $599233 144 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 384.0 $687 6042454873264010191\n",
- "2022-11-02 $599816 143 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 386.0 $584 7108078899197005900\n",
- "2022-11-02 $600614 142 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 382.0 $798 93681893131950474\n",
- "2022-11-02 $601104 141 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 388.0 $491 5021326954980596911\n",
- "2022-11-02 $602022 140 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 380.0 $919 -4498337772797303014\n",
- "2022-11-02 $602429 139 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 390.0 $407 -8030826156368413933\n",
- "2022-11-02 $603409 138 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 379.0 $981 5022821759922318903\n",
- "2022-11-02 $604456 137 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 378.0 $1048 -4757607890152389542\n",
- "2022-11-02 $604790 136 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 392.0 $334 5308402607679921745\n",
- "2022-11-02 $605905 135 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 377.0 $1116 -8389014555104851330\n",
- "2022-11-02 $606145 134 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 395.0 $241 7733828458979708130\n",
- "2022-11-02 $606359 133 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 396.0 $214 3101152409528271940\n",
- "2022-11-02 $606526 132 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 398.0 $168 4828669657849484476\n",
- "2022-11-02 $606656 131 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 400.0 $131 -2370547317777671016\n",
- "2022-11-02 $606756 130 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 402.0 $100 7847843600180012797\n",
- "2022-11-02 $607519 129 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 385.0 $764 6628672926851671364\n",
- "2022-11-02 $608335 128 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 384.0 $817 7551313730417838487\n",
- "2022-11-02 $609048 127 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 386.0 $713 8863009179703643972\n",
- "2022-11-02 $609919 126 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 383.0 $872 -5517788450073771446\n",
- "2022-11-02 $610584 125 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 387.0 $665 -2671248277883844201\n",
- "2022-11-02 $611512 124 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 382.0 $929 -6016388820056967639\n",
- "2022-11-02 $612129 123 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 388.0 $618 -3871365625245279596\n",
- "2022-11-02 $613115 122 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 381.0 $986 -2543007141971339505\n",
- "2022-11-02 $613687 121 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 389.0 $573 -6132271123288105840\n",
- "2022-11-02 $614729 120 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 380.0 $1043 6336392924093930464\n",
- "2022-11-02 $615259 119 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 390.0 $530 985968678942800752\n",
- "2022-11-02 $616364 118 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 379.0 $1106 -6237539843552177684\n",
- "2022-11-02 $616852 117 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 391.0 $489 -8208415840849307314\n",
- "2022-11-02 $618022 116 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 378.0 $1170 7315773470948807734\n",
- "2022-11-02 $618472 115 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 392.0 $451 5717607833681902869\n",
- "2022-11-02 $619707 114 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 377.0 $1236 -1448997903063143535\n",
- "2022-11-02 $620121 113 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 393.0 $414 -7076450766361203604\n",
- "2022-11-02 $621423 112 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 376.0 $1303 -6476802487794681333\n",
- "2022-11-02 $621801 111 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 394.0 $379 -8488236157974006003\n",
- "2022-11-02 $622148 110 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 395.0 $347 -6899773905678164548\n",
- "2022-11-02 $622463 109 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 396.0 $316 450147434006639154\n",
- "2022-11-02 $623976 108 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 373.0 $1514 8682886976682863746\n",
- "2022-11-02 $624264 107 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 397.0 $288 8803344870291615237\n",
- "2022-11-02 $625852 106 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 372.0 $1589 2449291485516766428\n",
- "2022-11-02 $626112 105 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 398.0 $261 1092770939408620220\n",
- "2022-11-02 $626348 104 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 399.0 $236 7266133378077554101\n",
- "2022-11-02 $626560 103 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 400.0 $213 5763568106920752125\n",
- "2022-11-02 $628463 102 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 368.0 $1904 -7895008924076640420\n",
- "2022-11-02 $628635 101 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 402.0 $172 8726738167087331366\n",
- "2022-11-02 $628771 100 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 404.0 $137 4933950364047540953\n",
- "2022-11-02 $628892 99 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 405.0 $122 4625487103073138290\n",
- "2022-11-02 $629001 98 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 406.0 $109 -1507690669025799427\n",
- "2022-11-02 $629086 97 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 408.0 $86 7102127630772175818\n",
- "2022-11-02 $629887 96 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 385.0 $802 8576360556565849206\n",
- "2022-11-02 $630742 95 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 384.0 $855 -1854230222814451745\n",
- "2022-11-02 $631651 94 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 383.0 $910 41639533499878847\n",
- "2022-11-02 $632401 93 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 386.0 $751 3700633595349785205\n",
- "2022-11-02 $633102 92 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 387.0 $701 -2563648653549767009\n",
- "2022-11-02 $634068 91 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 382.0 $967 8391277975917554566\n",
- "2022-11-02 $635092 90 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 381.0 $1025 78891769339777865\n",
- "2022-11-02 $635747 89 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 388.0 $655 6884594850055079127\n",
- "2022-11-02 $636355 88 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 389.0 $609 6646884168068581662\n",
- "2022-11-02 $637434 87 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 380.0 $1080 2819178023397320956\n",
- "2022-11-02 $638000 86 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 390.0 $566 1559831926455860814\n",
- "2022-11-02 $638484 85 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 392.0 $485 -28573029431033025\n",
- "2022-11-02 $638895 84 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 394.0 $412 -5801382948290409221\n",
- "2022-11-02 $639273 83 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 395.0 $378 426453467040773529\n",
- "2022-11-02 $639619 82 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 396.0 $347 -6093116585024685424\n",
- "2022-11-02 $639907 81 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 398.0 $289 -4851202789937918947\n",
- "2022-11-02 $640145 80 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 400.0 $238 -5450548662841403593\n",
- "2022-11-02 $640339 79 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 402.0 $195 -8764304915739455600\n",
- "2022-11-02 $640480 78 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 405.0 $142 1869405920542751292\n",
- "2022-11-02 $640581 77 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 408.0 $101 -5023238297002947453\n",
- "2022-11-02 $641441 76 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 385.0 $861 6723474959759821642\n",
- "2022-11-02 $642355 75 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 384.0 $914 -7152396805926403842\n",
- "2022-11-02 $643163 74 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 386.0 $809 8903491578266070358\n",
- "2022-11-02 $644188 73 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 382.0 $1026 5702621090329897650\n",
- "2022-11-02 $644900 72 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 388.0 $712 -6445497219588122212\n",
- "2022-11-02 $645521 71 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 390.0 $622 3240753723172031700\n",
- "2022-11-02 $646059 70 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 392.0 $539 4763291272779547619\n",
- "2022-11-02 $646522 69 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 394.0 $463 1530190858991555371\n",
- "2022-11-02 $646949 68 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 395.0 $428 5677019134231785289\n",
- "2022-11-02 $647343 67 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 396.0 $395 7344591985405635139\n",
- "2022-11-02 $647677 66 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 398.0 $334 -4599603092212338772\n",
- "2022-11-02 $647956 65 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 400.0 $280 -2966970003397260038\n",
- "2022-11-02 $648147 64 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 404.0 $192 -3404012819646530507\n",
- "2022-11-02 $648320 63 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 405.0 $173 3745184137814152839\n",
- "2022-11-02 $649240 62 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 385.0 $921 2830505353359012138\n",
- "2022-11-02 $650213 61 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 384.0 $974 -6772432333763766552\n",
- "2022-11-02 $651242 60 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 383.0 $1029 -4308333972038077260\n",
- "2022-11-02 $652109 59 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 386.0 $868 -4320907548435807360\n",
- "2022-11-02 $652926 58 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 387.0 $818 -3851753283383220826\n",
- "2022-11-02 $654012 57 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 382.0 $1086 60655434567624453\n",
- "2022-11-02 $655153 56 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 381.0 $1142 -7748598043347538366\n",
- "2022-11-02 $655921 55 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 388.0 $769 -5042953051708165997\n",
- "2022-11-02 $656644 54 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 389.0 $723 -448283756929546010\n",
- "2022-11-02 $657845 53 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 380.0 $1202 3749740141915329564\n",
- "2022-11-02 $658522 52 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 390.0 $678 -7060156598237526419\n",
- "2022-11-02 $659783 51 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 379.0 $1261 -8264248827486511300\n",
- "2022-11-02 $661106 50 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 378.0 $1324 8298001791003930715\n",
- "2022-11-02 $661739 49 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 391.0 $634 5790971225567438744\n",
- "2022-11-02 $662332 48 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 392.0 $593 663091279176759570\n",
- "2022-11-02 $663787 47 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 376.0 $1456 4341307094940817092\n",
- "2022-11-02 $664339 46 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 393.0 $553 7744819654571098530\n",
- "2022-11-02 $664854 45 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 394.0 $515 2094058639614605192\n",
- "2022-11-02 $666376 44 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 375.0 $1523 -8119699175509444032\n",
- "2022-11-02 $666854 43 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 395.0 $479 6843817004835594809\n",
- "2022-11-02 $667298 42 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 396.0 $444 -1883347457937499896\n",
- "2022-11-02 $667708 41 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 397.0 $411 9014877331243420036\n",
- "2022-11-02 $669440 40 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 372.0 $1733 5809315384720900929\n",
- "2022-11-02 $669820 39 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 398.0 $380 7703204223962957075\n",
- "2022-11-02 $670169 38 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 399.0 $350 -4985344021211562073\n",
- "2022-11-02 $672050 37 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 370.0 $1882 5358671631574333642\n",
- "2022-11-02 $672372 36 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 400.0 $322 2310124144878701815\n",
- "2022-11-02 $672667 35 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 401.0 $296 4102477332695526842\n",
- "2022-11-02 $672937 34 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 402.0 $271 910876169227775188\n",
- "2022-11-02 $673185 33 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 403.0 $248 -6502471323634891740\n",
- "2022-11-02 $673390 32 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 405.0 $206 3946860463701048311\n",
- "2022-11-02 $674338 31 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 385.0 $949 -7595168962633543023\n",
- "2022-11-02 $675135 30 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 388.0 $797 -873547640021870613\n",
- "2022-11-02 $676366 29 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 380.0 $1232 3440526077969428088\n",
- "2022-11-02 $677070 28 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 390.0 $705 -5892671646980809933\n",
- "2022-11-02 $677574 27 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 395.0 $504 2822715870277692457\n",
- "2022-11-02 $677917 26 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 400.0 $344 -3485570248607794036\n",
- "2022-11-02 $678921 25 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 385.0 $1004 5110152738625641922\n",
- "2022-11-02 $679978 24 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 384.0 $1058 9012967177349144978\n",
- "2022-11-02 $680928 23 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 386.0 $951 -2649495709968449981\n",
- "2022-11-02 $682087 22 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 382.0 $1159 -7100584856535614075\n",
- "2022-11-02 $682937 21 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 388.0 $851 83451464579109854\n",
- "2022-11-02 $684216 20 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 380.0 $1280 3374217101020345324\n",
- "2022-11-02 $684973 19 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 390.0 $757 255216682427352802\n",
- "2022-11-02 $685642 18 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 392.0 $670 -6120782792501226986\n",
- "2022-11-02 $686192 17 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 395.0 $551 -24598646483368597\n",
- "2022-11-02 $686576 16 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 400.0 $384 -9201877198835867897\n",
- "2022-11-02 $686904 15 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 402.0 $329 4806385292410219742\n",
- "2022-11-02 $687182 14 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 404.0 $279 1480623392233020283\n",
- "2022-11-02 $688204 13 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 385.0 $1022 -5646841838163914347\n",
- "2022-11-02 $689279 12 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 384.0 $1076 300300368706941965\n",
- "2022-11-02 $690247 11 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 386.0 $969 -4358250658913533718\n",
- "2022-11-02 $691165 10 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 387.0 $918 7265494847868030910\n",
- "2022-11-02 $692344 9 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 382.0 $1180 3600958901997511806\n",
- "2022-11-02 $693583 8 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 381.0 $1240 390643021054563376\n",
- "2022-11-02 $694451 7 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 388.0 $868 1633783817753112869\n",
- "2022-11-02 $695270 6 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 389.0 $820 -8573657532990699722\n",
- "2022-11-02 $696565 5 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 380.0 $1296 8570190611859862767\n",
- "2022-11-02 $697339 4 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 390.0 $774 -7329386181437074974\n",
- "2022-11-02 $698697 3 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 379.0 $1359 1259042204434464358\n",
- "2022-11-02 $699425 2 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 391.0 $729 1108029001331141706\n",
- "2022-11-02 $700111 1 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 392.0 $686 8924273752691941337\n",
- "2022-11-02 $701595 0 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 377.0 $1485 -8395327324920016424\n",
- "2022-11-05 $700816 1 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 376.0 $778 4341307094940817092\n",
- "2022-11-05 $700089 2 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 377.0 $727 2747704999523747413\n",
- "2022-11-05 $699256 3 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 375.0 $832 -8119699175509444032\n",
- "2022-11-05 $698577 4 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 378.0 $678 8298001791003930715\n",
- "2022-11-05 $697691 5 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 374.0 $886 1916363904273541709\n",
- "2022-11-05 $697060 6 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 379.0 $630 -8264248827486511300\n",
- "2022-11-05 $696116 7 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 373.0 $943 4278422978881920566\n",
- "2022-11-05 $695532 8 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 380.0 $584 3749740141915329564\n",
- "2022-11-05 $694526 9 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 372.0 $1005 5809315384720900929\n",
- "2022-11-05 $693983 10 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 381.0 $542 -7748598043347538366\n",
- "2022-11-05 $692917 11 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 371.0 $1066 2463008157493818558\n",
- "2022-11-05 $692415 12 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 382.0 $501 60655434567624453\n",
- "2022-11-05 $691284 13 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 370.0 $1130 5358671631574333642\n",
- "2022-11-05 $690822 14 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 383.0 $462 -4308333972038077260\n",
- "2022-11-05 $689625 15 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 369.0 $1196 4363070361377085684\n",
- "2022-11-05 $689199 16 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 384.0 $425 -6772432333763766552\n",
- "2022-11-05 $688809 17 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 385.0 $390 2830505353359012138\n",
- "2022-11-05 $688451 18 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 386.0 $357 -4320907548435807360\n",
- "2022-11-05 $688124 19 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 387.0 $326 -3851753283383220826\n",
- "2022-11-05 $686641 20 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 365.0 $1483 8776251837034378601\n",
- "2022-11-05 $686343 21 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 388.0 $297 -5042953051708165997\n",
- "2022-11-05 $686072 22 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 389.0 $270 -448283756929546010\n",
- "2022-11-05 $685828 23 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 390.0 $244 -7060156598237526419\n",
- "2022-11-05 $685606 24 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 391.0 $221 5790971225567438744\n",
- "2022-11-05 $685407 25 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 392.0 $199 663091279176759570\n",
- "2022-11-05 $683533 26 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 360.0 $1873 -2510378263209379004\n",
- "2022-11-08 $684241 25 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 380.0 $709 3749740141915329564\n",
- "2022-11-08 $685003 24 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 379.0 $762 -8264248827486511300\n",
- "2022-11-08 $685659 23 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 381.0 $657 -7748598043347538366\n",
- "2022-11-08 $686474 22 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 378.0 $816 8298001791003930715\n",
- "2022-11-08 $687083 21 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 382.0 $609 60655434567624453\n",
- "2022-11-08 $687958 20 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 377.0 $876 2747704999523747413\n",
- "2022-11-08 $688520 19 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 383.0 $563 -4308333972038077260\n",
- "2022-11-08 $689038 18 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 384.0 $518 -6772432333763766552\n",
- "2022-11-08 $689968 17 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 376.0 $931 4341307094940817092\n",
- "2022-11-08 $690443 16 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 385.0 $476 2830505353359012138\n",
- "2022-11-08 $691436 15 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 375.0 $993 -8119699175509444032\n",
- "2022-11-08 $691870 14 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 386.0 $435 -4320907548435807360\n",
- "2022-11-08 $692926 13 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 374.0 $1057 1916363904273541709\n",
- "2022-11-08 $693324 12 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 387.0 $398 -3851753283383220826\n",
- "2022-11-08 $694446 11 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 373.0 $1123 4278422978881920566\n",
- "2022-11-08 $694807 10 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 388.0 $362 -5042953051708165997\n",
- "2022-11-08 $695998 9 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 372.0 $1191 5809315384720900929\n",
- "2022-11-08 $696326 8 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 389.0 $329 -448283756929546010\n",
- "2022-11-08 $697586 7 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 371.0 $1261 2463008157493818558\n",
- "2022-11-08 $697884 6 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 390.0 $298 -7060156598237526419\n",
- "2022-11-08 $699215 5 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 370.0 $1332 5358671631574333642\n",
- "2022-11-08 $699483 4 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 391.0 $269 5790971225567438744\n",
- "2022-11-08 $700889 3 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 369.0 $1406 4363070361377085684\n",
- "2022-11-08 $701131 2 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 392.0 $243 663091279176759570\n",
- "2022-11-08 $702843 1 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 365.0 $1713 8776251837034378601\n",
- "2022-11-08 $704982 0 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 360.0 $2139 -2510378263209379004\n",
- "2022-11-12 $704275 1 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 398.0 $706 -400466274334591151\n",
- "2022-11-12 $703676 2 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 400.0 $598 -5296317706861566631\n",
- "2022-11-12 $702853 3 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 396.0 $823 2413173803590887263\n",
- "2022-11-12 $701952 4 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 395.0 $900 7062480339512829059\n",
- "2022-11-12 $701453 5 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 402.0 $498 -3357848822012964454\n",
- "2022-11-12 $700492 6 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 394.0 $961 4820790129291902852\n",
- "2022-11-12 $700155 7 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 406.0 $336 1734028175631336798\n",
- "2022-11-12 $699884 8 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 408.0 $270 -6743906759795788430\n",
- "2022-11-12 $699672 9 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 410.0 $212 630634259032207404\n",
- "2022-11-12 $699505 10 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 412.0 $166 -6503186325163360789\n",
- "2022-11-12 $699374 11 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 414.0 $130 2485803299569523223\n",
- "2022-11-12 $699261 12 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 415.0 $113 -8256298368326714940\n",
- "2022-11-12 $699161 13 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 416.0 $99 8630791641295879509\n",
- "2022-11-12 $697005 14 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 379.0 $2155 1976193868431611509\n",
- "2022-11-12 $696238 15 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 398.0 $767 7531662137643345897\n",
- "2022-11-12 $695582 16 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 400.0 $655 -2726335594039259359\n",
- "2022-11-12 $694696 17 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 396.0 $885 4990110164710608784\n",
- "2022-11-12 $693746 18 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 395.0 $950 4156919272971767657\n",
- "2022-11-12 $693189 19 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 402.0 $556 -2596421853738899191\n",
- "2022-11-12 $692168 20 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 394.0 $1020 3284878686203040044\n",
- "2022-11-12 $691700 21 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 404.0 $468 -6258107022777506698\n",
- "2022-11-12 $691273 22 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 405.0 $426 4412472780126199018\n",
- "2022-11-12 $690885 23 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 406.0 $388 -5412840264076251520\n",
- "2022-11-12 $690564 24 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 408.0 $320 4207256806765620531\n",
- "2022-11-12 $690305 25 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 410.0 $258 -7901986476332311944\n",
- "2022-11-12 $690143 26 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 414.0 $162 -1916760007863978155\n",
- "2022-11-15 $689484 27 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 395.0 $658 3775846484739472792\n",
- "2022-11-15 $688930 28 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 397.0 $553 7190628066442417092\n",
- "2022-11-15 $688425 29 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 398.0 $505 7604737018240876288\n",
- "2022-11-15 $687965 30 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 399.0 $459 6111909348604079107\n",
- "2022-11-15 $687548 31 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 400.0 $416 -3582041158101776127\n",
- "2022-11-15 $687173 32 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 401.0 $375 3524194916712491056\n",
- "2022-11-15 $686835 33 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 402.0 $337 -7717440461497292374\n",
- "2022-11-15 $686533 34 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 403.0 $301 -2384168450986002921\n",
- "2022-11-15 $686347 35 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 407.0 $186 -2961639619137423481\n",
- "2022-11-15 $686221 36 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 410.0 $125 4440968907968521553\n",
- "2022-11-15 $686149 37 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 414.0 $71 -6141509156740216617\n",
- "2022-11-15 $685006 38 buy call 2022-11-30 395.16 388.0 $1143 7347280476454656784\n",
- "2022-11-15 $683242 39 buy call 2022-11-30 395.16 380.0 $1763 -4691640484371019321\n",
- "2022-11-15 $683131 40 buy call 2022-11-30 395.16 412.0 $110 -1877217966566440592\n",
- "2022-11-15 $682387 41 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 396.0 $744 4376041238053708077\n",
- "2022-11-15 $681693 42 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 397.0 $693 5633908651341810498\n",
- "2022-11-15 $681050 43 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 398.0 $642 -6036950417662636374\n",
- "2022-11-15 $680458 44 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 399.0 $592 -4798033222609382598\n",
- "2022-11-15 $679910 45 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 400.0 $547 -1969545956659295001\n",
- "2022-11-15 $678792 46 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 390.0 $1117 6777488531995406274\n",
- "2022-11-15 $678290 47 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 401.0 $502 2549622308624254986\n",
- "2022-11-15 $677828 48 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 402.0 $461 507653209775362610\n",
- "2022-11-15 $677406 49 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 403.0 $421 6740532545888503585\n",
- "2022-11-15 $677024 50 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 404.0 $382 -6551686172692106212\n",
- "2022-11-15 $676674 51 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 405.0 $349 8283788280660314406\n",
- "2022-11-15 $676358 52 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 406.0 $315 -7074888996727219912\n",
- "2022-11-16 $676257 53 buy call 2022-11-30 398.52 415.0 $101 8159448141716766807\n",
- "2022-11-16 $676169 54 buy call 2022-11-30 398.52 416.0 $87 -1169749257390182825\n",
- "2022-11-16 $676103 55 buy call 2022-11-30 398.52 418.0 $65 -1863097383231443903\n",
- "2022-11-16 $675138 56 buy call 2022-12-02 398.52 395.0 $965 -5513763716296611611\n",
- "2022-11-16 $674781 57 buy call 2022-12-02 398.52 407.0 $356 8495752742703464127\n",
- "2022-11-16 $674458 58 buy call 2022-12-02 398.52 408.0 $322 -1098781108641344978\n",
- "2022-11-16 $674198 59 buy call 2022-12-02 398.52 410.0 $260 7078049405324688876\n",
- "2022-11-16 $673964 60 buy call 2022-12-02 398.52 411.0 $233 -6997000470072764452\n",
- "2022-11-16 $673755 61 buy call 2022-12-02 398.52 412.0 $208 -8266676520237627390\n",
- "2022-11-16 $673570 62 buy call 2022-12-02 398.52 413.0 $185 8041397656819581984\n",
- "2022-11-16 $673423 63 buy call 2022-12-02 398.52 415.0 $146 -1900788064399315396\n",
- "2022-11-16 $672822 64 buy call 2022-12-05 398.52 402.0 $600 -8106297707568073650\n",
- "2022-11-16 $672535 65 buy call 2022-12-05 398.52 410.0 $287 7258760871966990547\n",
- "2022-11-16 $672368 66 buy call 2022-12-05 398.52 415.0 $166 6374651330296718052\n",
- "2022-11-16 $672251 67 buy call 2022-12-05 398.52 418.0 $116 -2881133159306570199\n",
- "2022-11-16 $671497 68 buy call 2022-12-07 398.52 400.0 $754 8458382214481387593\n",
- "2022-11-16 $670844 69 buy call 2022-12-07 398.52 402.0 $652 2926248645702694730\n",
- "2022-11-16 $670328 70 buy call 2022-12-07 398.52 405.0 $515 2953637394113445647\n",
- "2022-11-16 $669458 71 buy call 2022-12-09 398.52 399.0 $870 -6576793691395906151\n",
- "2022-11-16 $668642 72 buy call 2022-12-09 398.52 400.0 $815 8965635147660030570\n",
- "2022-11-16 $667878 73 buy call 2022-12-09 398.52 401.0 $764 5867170359144412514\n",
- "2022-11-16 $666754 74 buy call 2022-12-09 398.52 395.0 $1123 751634631605124140\n",
- "2022-11-16 $666040 75 buy call 2022-12-09 398.52 402.0 $713 -7483524997647869702\n",
- "2022-11-16 $665376 76 buy call 2022-12-09 398.52 403.0 $664 -7494178256330234223\n",
- "2022-11-16 $664758 77 buy call 2022-12-09 398.52 404.0 $617 6187938501403912036\n",
- "2022-11-16 $664184 78 buy call 2022-12-09 398.52 405.0 $573 9084851245040128255\n",
- "2022-11-17 $664697 77 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 396.0 $513 2413173803590887263\n",
- "2022-11-17 $665262 76 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 395.0 $566 7062480339512829059\n",
- "2022-11-17 $665886 75 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 394.0 $625 4820790129291902852\n",
- "2022-11-17 $666296 74 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 398.0 $410 -400466274334591151\n",
- "2022-11-17 $666618 73 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 400.0 $323 -5296317706861566631\n",
- "2022-11-17 $666865 72 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 402.0 $248 -3357848822012964454\n",
- "2022-11-17 $667002 71 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 406.0 $137 1734028175631336798\n",
- "2022-11-17 $667099 70 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 408.0 $98 -6743906759795788430\n",
- "2022-11-17 $667167 69 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 410.0 $69 630634259032207404\n",
- "2022-11-17 $667216 68 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 412.0 $49 -6503186325163360789\n",
- "2022-11-17 $668976 67 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 379.0 $1761 1976193868431611509\n",
- "2022-11-17 $669009 66 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 414.0 $34 2485803299569523223\n",
- "2022-11-17 $669037 65 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 415.0 $28 -8256298368326714940\n",
- "2022-11-17 $669060 64 sell call 2022-11-28 395.49 416.0 $24 8630791641295879509\n",
- "2022-11-17 $669661 63 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 395.0 $602 3775846484739472792\n",
- "2022-11-17 $670156 62 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 397.0 $495 7190628066442417092\n",
- "2022-11-17 $670600 61 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 398.0 $445 7604737018240876288\n",
- "2022-11-17 $670998 60 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 399.0 $399 6111909348604079107\n",
- "2022-11-17 $671354 59 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 400.0 $356 -3582041158101776127\n",
- "2022-11-17 $671669 58 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 401.0 $316 3524194916712491056\n",
- "2022-11-17 $671946 57 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 402.0 $278 -7717440461497292374\n",
- "2022-11-17 $672190 56 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 403.0 $244 -2384168450986002921\n",
- "2022-11-17 $672327 55 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 407.0 $138 -2961639619137423481\n",
- "2022-11-17 $672412 54 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 410.0 $86 4440968907968521553\n",
- "2022-11-17 $672456 53 sell call 2022-11-29 395.49 414.0 $44 -6141509156740216617\n",
- "2022-11-17 $673044 52 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 396.0 $589 4990110164710608784\n",
- "2022-11-17 $673687 51 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 395.0 $644 4156919272971767657\n",
- "2022-11-17 $674389 50 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 394.0 $702 3284878686203040044\n",
- "2022-11-17 $674873 49 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 398.0 $485 7531662137643345897\n",
- "2022-11-17 $675266 48 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 400.0 $394 -2726335594039259359\n",
- "2022-11-17 $675580 47 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 402.0 $314 -2596421853738899191\n",
- "2022-11-17 $676641 46 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 388.0 $1062 7347280476454656784\n",
- "2022-11-17 $676885 45 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 404.0 $245 -6258107022777506698\n",
- "2022-11-17 $677100 44 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 405.0 $215 4412472780126199018\n",
- "2022-11-17 $677287 43 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 406.0 $188 -5412840264076251520\n",
- "2022-11-17 $677428 42 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 408.0 $142 4207256806765620531\n",
- "2022-11-17 $677533 41 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 410.0 $105 -7901986476332311944\n",
- "2022-11-17 $679262 40 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 380.0 $1730 -4691640484371019321\n",
- "2022-11-17 $679338 39 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 412.0 $77 -1877217966566440592\n",
- "2022-11-17 $679394 38 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 414.0 $56 -1916760007863978155\n",
- "2022-11-17 $679440 37 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 415.0 $47 8159448141716766807\n",
- "2022-11-17 $679479 36 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 416.0 $40 -1169749257390182825\n",
- "2022-11-17 $679508 35 sell call 2022-11-30 395.49 418.0 $29 -1863097383231443903\n",
- "2022-11-17 $680190 34 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 396.0 $683 4376041238053708077\n",
- "2022-11-17 $680928 33 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 395.0 $738 -5513763716296611611\n",
- "2022-11-17 $681556 32 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 397.0 $629 5633908651341810498\n",
- "2022-11-17 $682133 31 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 398.0 $578 -6036950417662636374\n",
- "2022-11-17 $682662 30 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 399.0 $529 -4798033222609382598\n",
- "2022-11-17 $683143 29 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 400.0 $482 -1969545956659295001\n",
- "2022-11-17 $683582 28 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 401.0 $440 2549622308624254986\n",
- "2022-11-17 $684619 27 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 390.0 $1037 6777488531995406274\n",
- "2022-11-17 $685016 26 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 402.0 $398 507653209775362610\n",
- "2022-11-17 $685375 25 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 403.0 $360 6740532545888503585\n",
- "2022-11-17 $685699 24 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 404.0 $324 -6551686172692106212\n",
- "2022-11-17 $685988 23 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 405.0 $290 8283788280660314406\n",
- "2022-11-17 $686246 22 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 406.0 $259 -7074888996727219912\n",
- "2022-11-17 $686477 21 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 407.0 $231 8495752742703464127\n",
- "2022-11-17 $686680 20 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 408.0 $204 -1098781108641344978\n",
- "2022-11-17 $686838 19 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 410.0 $159 7078049405324688876\n",
- "2022-11-17 $686977 18 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 411.0 $139 -6997000470072764452\n",
- "2022-11-17 $687098 17 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 412.0 $122 -8266676520237627390\n",
- "2022-11-17 $687203 16 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 413.0 $106 8041397656819581984\n",
- "2022-11-17 $687283 15 sell call 2022-12-02 395.49 415.0 $80 -1900788064399315396\n",
- "2022-11-17 $687713 14 sell call 2022-12-05 395.49 402.0 $431 -8106297707568073650\n",
- "2022-11-17 $687894 13 sell call 2022-12-05 395.49 410.0 $182 7258760871966990547\n",
- "2022-11-17 $687990 12 sell call 2022-12-05 395.49 415.0 $96 6374651330296718052\n",
- "2022-11-17 $688053 11 sell call 2022-12-05 395.49 418.0 $64 -2881133159306570199\n",
- "2022-11-17 $688621 10 sell call 2022-12-07 395.49 400.0 $569 8458382214481387593\n",
- "2022-11-17 $689101 9 sell call 2022-12-07 395.49 402.0 $480 2926248645702694730\n",
- "2022-11-17 $689466 8 sell call 2022-12-07 395.49 405.0 $366 2953637394113445647\n",
- "2022-11-17 $690361 7 sell call 2022-12-09 395.49 395.0 $896 751634631605124140\n",
- "2022-11-17 $691041 6 sell call 2022-12-09 395.49 399.0 $680 -6576793691395906151\n",
- "2022-11-17 $691673 5 sell call 2022-12-09 395.49 400.0 $633 8965635147660030570\n",
- "2022-11-17 $692258 4 sell call 2022-12-09 395.49 401.0 $586 5867170359144412514\n",
- "2022-11-17 $692800 3 sell call 2022-12-09 395.49 402.0 $542 -7483524997647869702\n",
- "2022-11-17 $693299 2 sell call 2022-12-09 395.49 403.0 $500 -7494178256330234223\n",
- "2022-11-17 $693758 1 sell call 2022-12-09 395.49 404.0 $460 6187938501403912036\n",
- "2022-11-17 $694179 0 sell call 2022-12-09 395.49 405.0 $421 9084851245040128255\n",
- "2022-11-26 $693585 1 buy call 2022-12-12 402.33 402.0 $593 -9054771320889572493\n",
- "2022-11-26 $693099 2 buy call 2022-12-12 402.33 404.0 $485 -3035333702333953912\n",
- "2022-11-26 $692383 3 buy call 2022-12-12 402.33 400.0 $716 8280378570004488363\n",
- "2022-11-26 $691951 4 buy call 2022-12-12 402.33 405.0 $431 -3509836002628227882\n",
- "2022-11-26 $691653 5 buy call 2022-12-12 402.33 408.0 $297 6566832068249310604\n",
- "2022-11-26 $691426 6 buy call 2022-12-12 402.33 410.0 $227 8411696525349724386\n",
- "2022-11-26 $691260 7 buy call 2022-12-12 402.33 412.0 $165 -4009080580221154820\n",
- "2022-11-26 $691158 8 buy call 2022-12-12 402.33 415.0 $101 -5582222924110778376\n",
- "2022-11-26 $691074 9 buy call 2022-12-12 402.33 416.0 $84 -8719825900174235602\n",
- "2022-11-26 $690305 10 buy call 2022-12-14 402.33 402.0 $768 1428951312138851949\n",
- "2022-11-26 $689648 11 buy call 2022-12-14 402.33 404.0 $656 -6495474670136190323\n",
- "2022-11-26 $688754 12 buy call 2022-12-14 402.33 400.0 $894 5762270169754984284\n",
- "2022-11-26 $688376 13 buy call 2022-12-14 402.33 410.0 $377 -3174399378786323674\n",
- "2022-11-26 $688070 14 buy call 2022-12-14 402.33 412.0 $305 -4778141659419924137\n",
- "2022-11-26 $687828 15 buy call 2022-12-14 402.33 414.0 $242 -1192810872125524471\n",
- "2022-11-26 $687716 16 buy call 2022-12-14 402.33 420.0 $111 -8794037987271108443\n",
- "2022-11-26 $687633 17 buy call 2022-12-14 402.33 422.0 $83 -5213849066325658993\n",
- "2022-11-26 $686829 18 buy call 2022-12-16 402.33 402.0 $803 -1206310938884542324\n",
- "2022-11-26 $686088 19 buy call 2022-12-16 402.33 403.0 $740 3574450202200224490\n",
- "2022-11-26 $685222 20 buy call 2022-12-16 402.33 401.0 $866 5394752092893530939\n",
- "2022-11-26 $684535 21 buy call 2022-12-16 402.33 404.0 $686 6202126236724957959\n",
- "2022-11-26 $683605 22 buy call 2022-12-16 402.33 400.0 $929 -5005307264038087960\n",
- "2022-11-26 $682969 23 buy call 2022-12-16 402.33 405.0 $636 9064424945781717386\n",
- "2022-11-26 $682384 24 buy call 2022-12-16 402.33 406.0 $584 -4026767324597652836\n",
- "2022-11-26 $681283 25 buy call 2022-12-16 402.33 398.0 $1100 4101153842253955092\n",
- "2022-11-26 $680749 26 buy call 2022-12-16 402.33 407.0 $534 -2707766040896523209\n",
- "2022-11-29 $681126 25 sell call 2022-12-12 395.93 400.0 $378 8280378570004488363\n",
- "2022-11-29 $681418 24 sell call 2022-12-12 395.93 402.0 $293 -9054771320889572493\n",
- "2022-11-29 $681644 23 sell call 2022-12-12 395.93 404.0 $226 -3035333702333953912\n",
- "2022-11-29 $681837 22 sell call 2022-12-12 395.93 405.0 $194 -3509836002628227882\n",
- "2022-11-29 $681956 21 sell call 2022-12-12 395.93 408.0 $120 6566832068249310604\n",
- "2022-11-29 $682040 20 sell call 2022-12-12 395.93 410.0 $84 8411696525349724386\n",
- "2022-11-29 $682097 19 sell call 2022-12-12 395.93 412.0 $58 -4009080580221154820\n",
- "2022-11-29 $682128 18 sell call 2022-12-12 395.93 415.0 $32 -5582222924110778376\n",
- "2022-11-29 $682154 17 sell call 2022-12-12 395.93 416.0 $26 -8719825900174235602\n",
- "2022-11-29 $681454 18 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 396.0 $699 -8056104832572038827\n",
- "2022-11-29 $680793 19 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 395.0 $660 -4129734978523430571\n",
- "2022-11-29 $680178 20 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 394.0 $615 -9154504993297030464\n",
- "2022-11-29 $679386 21 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 398.0 $791 3248666048420117972\n",
- "2022-11-29 $678846 22 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 392.0 $539 7899390752766478574\n",
- "2022-11-29 $679414 21 sell call 2022-12-14 395.93 400.0 $568 5762270169754984284\n",
- "2022-11-29 $678522 22 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 400.0 $891 5762270169754984284\n",
- "2022-11-29 $678017 23 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 391.0 $504 -2372719171665592106\n",
- "2022-11-29 $678492 22 sell call 2022-12-14 395.93 402.0 $475 1428951312138851949\n",
- "2022-11-29 $678020 23 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 390.0 $471 6558885782578038175\n",
- "2022-11-29 $677612 24 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 388.0 $407 6938350366656704814\n",
- "2022-11-29 $678005 23 sell call 2022-12-14 395.93 404.0 $393 -6495474670136190323\n",
- "2022-11-29 $676870 24 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 404.0 $1134 -6495474670136190323\n",
- "2022-11-29 $676488 25 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 387.0 $381 -9149271019139033908\n",
- "2022-11-29 $676163 26 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 385.0 $325 1386225379865496278\n",
- "2022-11-29 $675862 27 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 384.0 $300 -2492312296890468541\n",
- "2022-11-29 $675604 28 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 382.0 $257 6642954350257039132\n",
- "2022-11-29 $675807 27 sell call 2022-12-14 395.93 410.0 $203 -3174399378786323674\n",
- "2022-11-29 $675569 28 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 381.0 $237 -8166541036556218639\n",
- "2022-11-29 $675350 29 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 380.0 $218 -3141354331075282939\n",
- "2022-11-29 $675508 28 sell call 2022-12-14 395.93 412.0 $158 -4778141659419924137\n",
- "2022-11-29 $675306 29 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 379.0 $201 -6616312561930534405\n",
- "2022-11-29 $675426 28 sell call 2022-12-14 395.93 414.0 $121 -1192810872125524471\n",
- "2022-11-29 $673453 29 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 415.0 $1973 -7396021069083061683\n",
- "2022-11-29 $673502 28 sell call 2022-12-14 395.93 420.0 $50 -8794037987271108443\n",
- "2022-11-29 $673538 27 sell call 2022-12-14 395.93 422.0 $37 -5213849066325658993\n",
- "2022-11-29 $672717 28 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 396.0 $821 8324718066872740513\n",
- "2022-11-29 $671940 29 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 395.0 $776 -2023078166311790786\n",
- "2022-11-29 $671071 30 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 397.0 $868 403809493762516189\n",
- "2022-11-29 $670339 31 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 394.0 $732 -5876161994973625279\n",
- "2022-11-29 $671038 30 sell call 2022-12-16 395.93 398.0 $700 4101153842253955092\n",
- "2022-11-29 $670116 31 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 398.0 $922 4101153842253955092\n",
- "2022-11-29 $669425 32 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 393.0 $690 -6868545879798905019\n",
- "2022-11-29 $668451 33 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 399.0 $973 1557202878473119783\n",
- "2022-11-29 $667801 34 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 392.0 $650 -8048090612032395792\n",
- "2022-11-29 $668395 33 sell call 2022-12-16 395.93 400.0 $595 -5005307264038087960\n",
- "2022-11-29 $668942 32 sell call 2022-12-16 395.93 401.0 $548 5394752092893530939\n",
- "2022-11-29 $669445 31 sell call 2022-12-16 395.93 402.0 $503 -1206310938884542324\n",
- "2022-11-29 $669907 30 sell call 2022-12-16 395.93 403.0 $463 3574450202200224490\n",
- "2022-11-29 $670325 29 sell call 2022-12-16 395.93 404.0 $419 6202126236724957959\n",
- "2022-11-29 $670705 28 sell call 2022-12-16 395.93 405.0 $380 9064424945781717386\n",
- "2022-11-29 $671051 27 sell call 2022-12-16 395.93 406.0 $347 -4026767324597652836\n",
- "2022-11-29 $671360 26 sell call 2022-12-16 395.93 407.0 $310 -2707766040896523209\n",
- "2022-11-30 $672039 25 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 395.0 $679 -4129734978523430571\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671246 26 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 395.0 $792 -4129734978523430571\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671969 25 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 396.0 $724 -8056104832572038827\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671232 26 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 396.0 $737 -8056104832572038827\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671867 25 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 394.0 $636 -9154504993297030464\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671017 26 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 394.0 $849 -9154504993297030464\n",
- "2022-11-30 $670109 27 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 393.0 $908 -3477474630443172196\n",
- "2022-11-30 $670928 26 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 398.0 $820 3248666048420117972\n",
- "2022-11-30 $670296 27 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 398.0 $631 3248666048420117972\n",
- "2022-11-30 $670852 26 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 392.0 $556 7899390752766478574\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671370 25 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 391.0 $519 -2372719171665592106\n",
- "2022-11-30 $672291 24 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 400.0 $922 5762270169754984284\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671757 25 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 400.0 $534 5762270169754984284\n",
- "2022-11-30 $672240 24 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 390.0 $484 6558885782578038175\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671138 25 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 390.0 $1101 6558885782578038175\n",
- "2022-11-30 $669970 26 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 389.0 $1168 -6608597098293737298\n",
- "2022-11-30 $670387 25 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 388.0 $418 6938350366656704814\n",
- "2022-11-30 $670773 24 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 387.0 $387 -9149271019139033908\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671922 23 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 404.0 $1149 -6495474670136190323\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671553 24 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 404.0 $368 -6495474670136190323\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671220 25 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 405.0 $332 -275300024152788987\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671552 24 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 385.0 $332 1386225379865496278\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671255 25 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 406.0 $296 -2356003671749098972\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671560 24 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 384.0 $306 -2492312296890468541\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671320 25 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 408.0 $240 -7611256898493207728\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671578 24 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 382.0 $259 6642954350257039132\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671814 23 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 381.0 $237 -8166541036556218639\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671626 24 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 410.0 $188 -3174399378786323674\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671843 23 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 380.0 $218 -3141354331075282939\n",
- "2022-11-30 $672042 22 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 379.0 $200 -6616312561930534405\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671932 23 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 414.0 $110 -1192810872125524471\n",
- "2022-11-30 $673905 22 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 415.0 $1974 -7396021069083061683\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674703 21 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 395.0 $799 -2023078166311790786\n",
- "2022-11-30 $673881 22 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 395.0 $822 -2023078166311790786\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674726 21 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 396.0 $846 8324718066872740513\n",
- "2022-11-30 $673959 22 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 396.0 $766 8324718066872740513\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674713 21 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 394.0 $754 -5876161994973625279\n",
- "2022-11-30 $673832 22 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 394.0 $880 -5876161994973625279\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674725 21 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 397.0 $893 403809493762516189\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674017 22 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 397.0 $707 403809493762516189\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674726 21 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 393.0 $710 -6868545879798905019\n",
- "2022-11-30 $673785 22 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 393.0 $941 -6868545879798905019\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674729 21 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 398.0 $945 4101153842253955092\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674073 22 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 398.0 $655 4101153842253955092\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674741 21 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 392.0 $668 -8048090612032395792\n",
- "2022-11-30 $673741 22 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 392.0 $999 -8048090612032395792\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674739 21 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 399.0 $999 1557202878473119783\n",
- "2022-11-30 $674130 22 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 399.0 $609 1557202878473119783\n",
- "2022-11-30 $673567 23 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 400.0 $562 -5005307264038087960\n",
- "2022-11-30 $672434 24 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 390.0 $1132 -3890624429855792044\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671918 25 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 401.0 $516 5394752092893530939\n",
- "2022-11-30 $671445 26 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 402.0 $472 -1206310938884542324\n",
- "2022-12-01 $670787 27 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 410.0 $657 -3451463060189912706\n",
- "2022-12-01 $669646 28 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 402.0 $1141 -5392923234692866393\n",
- "2022-12-01 $668436 29 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 401.0 $1209 -4435831544177051639\n",
- "2022-12-01 $667156 30 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 400.0 $1279 -1879851449832540280\n",
- "2022-12-01 $665534 31 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 396.0 $1622 2797045562418939514\n",
- "2022-12-01 $663759 32 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 395.0 $1774 -145473248015102355\n",
- "2022-12-01 $663482 33 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 420.0 $276 4299447956683228723\n",
- "2022-12-01 $661439 34 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 391.0 $2043 -5668826287598085853\n",
- "2022-12-01 $660664 35 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 407.0 $774 -2707766040896523209\n",
- "2022-12-01 $659944 36 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 408.0 $719 5296050092313370469\n",
- "2022-12-01 $659054 37 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 406.0 $890 -4026767324597652836\n",
- "2022-12-01 $658386 38 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 409.0 $667 2701836359242267415\n",
- "2022-12-01 $657484 39 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 405.0 $901 9064424945781717386\n",
- "2022-12-01 $656868 40 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 410.0 $616 -5465964238041888602\n",
- "2022-12-01 $656299 41 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 411.0 $568 -8676203618965293852\n",
- "2022-12-01 $655333 42 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 404.0 $965 6202126236724957959\n",
- "2022-12-01 $654304 43 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 403.0 $1029 3574450202200224490\n",
- "2022-12-01 $653780 44 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 412.0 $523 3095118358968876216\n",
- "2022-12-01 $653299 45 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 413.0 $480 -3756836112162502973\n",
- "2022-12-01 $652859 46 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 414.0 $440 1262081849795883179\n",
- "2022-12-01 $652457 47 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 415.0 $401 -1707474883511994722\n",
- "2022-12-01 $652092 48 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 416.0 $364 6720107516778046730\n",
- "2022-12-01 $651762 49 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 417.0 $330 5942610795308525891\n",
- "2022-12-01 $651463 50 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 418.0 $298 -6126951324767056257\n",
- "2022-12-01 $651194 51 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 419.0 $268 -2294089804340211766\n",
- "2022-12-01 $650954 52 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 420.0 $240 -902299697370408347\n",
- "2022-12-02 $651599 51 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 408.0 $646 -7611256898493207728\n",
- "2022-12-02 $652360 50 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 406.0 $762 -2356003671749098972\n",
- "2022-12-02 $653175 49 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 405.0 $815 -275300024152788987\n",
- "2022-12-02 $653716 48 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 410.0 $542 -3174399378786323674\n",
- "2022-12-02 $654582 47 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 404.0 $867 -6495474670136190323\n",
- "2022-12-02 $654959 46 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 414.0 $377 -1192810872125524471\n",
- "2022-12-02 $656093 45 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 400.0 $1135 5762270169754984284\n",
- "2022-12-02 $657372 44 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 398.0 $1280 3248666048420117972\n",
- "2022-12-02 $658803 43 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 396.0 $1431 -8056104832572038827\n",
- "2022-12-02 $660312 42 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 395.0 $1510 -4129734978523430571\n",
- "2022-12-02 $661895 41 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 394.0 $1584 -9154504993297030464\n",
- "2022-12-02 $663560 40 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 393.0 $1665 -3477474630443172196\n",
- "2022-12-02 $665476 39 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 390.0 $1917 6558885782578038175\n",
- "2022-12-02 $667480 38 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 389.0 $2004 -6608597098293737298\n",
- "2022-12-02 $668061 37 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 410.0 $582 -3451463060189912706\n",
- "2022-12-02 $669094 36 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 402.0 $1034 -5392923234692866393\n",
- "2022-12-02 $670189 35 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 401.0 $1095 -4435831544177051639\n",
- "2022-12-02 $671347 34 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 400.0 $1159 -1879851449832540280\n",
- "2022-12-02 $672810 33 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 396.0 $1464 2797045562418939514\n",
- "2022-12-02 $674304 32 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 395.0 $1494 -145473248015102355\n",
- "2022-12-02 $674515 31 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 420.0 $212 4299447956683228723\n",
- "2022-12-02 $676328 30 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 391.0 $1814 -5668826287598085853\n",
- "2022-12-02 $677069 29 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 407.0 $741 -2707766040896523209\n",
- "2022-12-02 $677756 28 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 408.0 $688 5296050092313370469\n",
- "2022-12-02 $678553 27 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 406.0 $798 -4026767324597652836\n",
- "2022-12-02 $679189 26 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 409.0 $636 2701836359242267415\n",
- "2022-12-02 $680042 25 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 405.0 $854 9064424945781717386\n",
- "2022-12-02 $680624 24 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 410.0 $583 -5465964238041888602\n",
- "2022-12-02 $681539 23 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 404.0 $915 6202126236724957959\n",
- "2022-12-02 $682077 22 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 411.0 $539 -8676203618965293852\n",
- "2022-12-02 $683052 21 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 403.0 $976 3574450202200224490\n",
- "2022-12-02 $683547 20 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 412.0 $495 3095118358968876216\n",
- "2022-12-02 $684587 19 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 402.0 $1041 -1206310938884542324\n",
- "2022-12-02 $685037 18 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 413.0 $451 -3756836112162502973\n",
- "2022-12-02 $686145 17 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 401.0 $1108 5394752092893530939\n",
- "2022-12-02 $686555 16 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 414.0 $411 1262081849795883179\n",
- "2022-12-02 $687731 15 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 400.0 $1177 -5005307264038087960\n",
- "2022-12-02 $688104 14 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 415.0 $373 -1707474883511994722\n",
- "2022-12-02 $688441 13 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 416.0 $338 6720107516778046730\n",
- "2022-12-02 $689688 12 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 399.0 $1248 1557202878473119783\n",
- "2022-12-02 $691006 11 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 398.0 $1318 4101153842253955092\n",
- "2022-12-02 $691309 10 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 417.0 $304 5942610795308525891\n",
- "2022-12-02 $691582 9 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 418.0 $274 -6126951324767056257\n",
- "2022-12-02 $692974 8 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 397.0 $1392 403809493762516189\n",
- "2022-12-02 $693218 7 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 419.0 $245 -2294089804340211766\n",
- "2022-12-02 $694689 6 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 396.0 $1472 8324718066872740513\n",
- "2022-12-02 $696239 5 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 395.0 $1550 -2023078166311790786\n",
- "2022-12-02 $696457 4 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 420.0 $219 -902299697370408347\n",
- "2022-12-02 $698072 3 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 394.0 $1616 -5876161994973625279\n",
- "2022-12-02 $699780 2 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 393.0 $1708 -6868545879798905019\n",
- "2022-12-02 $701566 1 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 392.0 $1787 -8048090612032395792\n",
- "2022-12-02 $703520 0 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 390.0 $1955 -3890624429855792044\n",
- "2022-12-07 $702687 1 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 394.0 $833 -8090760447283663798\n",
- "2022-12-07 $701899 2 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 393.0 $787 -3953942126284871846\n",
- "2022-12-07 $701135 3 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 392.5 $763 2902887301640815605\n",
- "2022-12-07 $700252 4 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 395.0 $883 -2657305855211275375\n",
- "2022-12-07 $699510 5 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 392.0 $741 5687567909994721340\n",
- "2022-12-07 $698573 6 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 396.0 $936 -5429571071441920998\n",
- "2022-12-07 $697875 7 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 391.0 $698 3160141936125137756\n",
- "2022-12-07 $696881 8 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 397.0 $993 5193754517819412855\n",
- "2022-12-07 $695859 9 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 397.5 $1021 560845770503253066\n",
- "2022-12-07 $695202 10 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 390.0 $657 -2077161209037987855\n",
- "2022-12-07 $694150 11 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 398.0 $1051 6681555603513299067\n",
- "2022-12-07 $693533 12 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 389.0 $617 817948255577178206\n",
- "2022-12-07 $692426 13 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 399.0 $1106 8796899774999714501\n",
- "2022-12-07 $691846 14 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 388.0 $579 -3960543402190659634\n",
- "2022-12-07 $690680 15 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 400.0 $1166 4107897153714208900\n",
- "2022-12-07 $690171 16 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 386.0 $508 2912089563215587638\n",
- "2022-12-07 $688878 17 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 402.0 $1292 -8548111485745955232\n",
- "2022-12-07 $688403 18 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 385.0 $475 -2245580529370830427\n",
- "2022-12-07 $687044 19 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 403.0 $1358 -4158788947760833587\n",
- "2022-12-07 $686600 20 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 384.0 $443 3763819517264216904\n",
- "2022-12-07 $685173 21 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 404.0 $1427 -496859190877564648\n",
- "2022-12-07 $683674 22 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 405.0 $1498 8363234061066592582\n",
- "2022-12-07 $683289 23 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 382.0 $384 3877623483608996339\n",
- "2022-12-07 $681718 24 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 406.0 $1571 7400278885164855879\n",
- "2022-12-07 $681361 25 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 381.0 $356 -3816081224637856162\n",
- "2022-12-07 $679713 26 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 407.0 $1647 7940307270900871464\n",
- "2022-12-08 $678445 27 buy put 2022-12-23 393.11 401.0 $1268 67442322200372533\n",
- "2022-12-08 $678104 28 buy put 2022-12-23 393.11 380.0 $340 -5357051989850484928\n",
- "2022-12-08 $677874 29 buy put 2022-12-23 393.11 375.0 $229 4414085408130962263\n",
- "2022-12-08 $677663 30 buy put 2022-12-23 393.11 374.0 $211 3350328643906235905\n",
- "2022-12-08 $676780 31 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 393.0 $882 3066256072167620309\n",
- "2022-12-08 $675851 32 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 394.0 $928 8498410209247054093\n",
- "2022-12-08 $675015 33 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 392.0 $836 4466881333237131722\n",
- "2022-12-08 $674037 34 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 395.0 $977 850726959659441931\n",
- "2022-12-08 $673006 35 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 396.0 $1030 -6182973055561291727\n",
- "2022-12-08 $672258 36 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 390.0 $748 5367200960637780420\n",
- "2022-12-08 $671175 37 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 397.0 $1082 -3996033219710537731\n",
- "2022-12-08 $670504 38 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 388.0 $670 3657579847938947932\n",
- "2022-12-08 $669248 39 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 400.0 $1256 5429051860454124828\n",
- "2022-12-08 $668686 40 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 385.0 $561 -924856383524731692\n",
- "2022-12-08 $668157 41 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 384.0 $528 6273129507994987071\n",
- "2022-12-08 $667661 42 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 383.0 $496 -8176320480095249703\n",
- "2022-12-08 $666143 43 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 404.0 $1517 7446860698949455445\n",
- "2022-12-08 $664556 44 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 405.0 $1586 -3355973881327034072\n",
- "2022-12-08 $664147 45 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 380.0 $409 -6708303330651423738\n",
- "2022-12-08 $662420 46 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 407.0 $1726 -6704702790415665513\n",
- "2022-12-08 $662035 47 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 379.0 $384 -3699147356747736069\n",
- "2022-12-08 $660223 48 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 408.0 $1812 7429352046853718149\n",
- "2022-12-08 $658252 49 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 410.0 $1970 -1956644571610589079\n",
- "2022-12-08 $657958 50 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 375.0 $293 -198132944443962721\n",
- "2022-12-08 $655822 51 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 412.0 $2136 -3601411956327167142\n",
- "2022-12-08 $655551 52 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 374.0 $270 5637588448472596142\n",
- "2022-12-09 $654605 53 buy put 2022-12-30 396.26 398.0 $945 8874274043521113257\n",
- "2022-12-09 $653607 54 buy put 2022-12-30 396.26 399.0 $998 3238759703913106921\n",
- "2022-12-09 $653248 55 buy put 2022-12-30 396.26 382.0 $358 2910700133015510717\n",
- "2022-12-09 $652353 56 buy put 2023-01-06 396.26 395.0 $894 -4261301322601833765\n",
- "2022-12-09 $651544 57 buy put 2023-01-06 396.26 393.0 $809 -4218381945275517875\n",
- "2022-12-09 $650849 58 buy put 2023-01-06 396.26 390.0 $694 7463092797365774900\n",
- "2022-12-09 $650285 59 buy put 2023-01-06 396.26 386.0 $563 1898801282562042778\n",
- "2022-12-09 $649837 60 buy put 2023-01-06 396.26 382.0 $448 6620170069767763591\n",
- "2022-12-09 $648752 61 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 396.0 $1084 380439554274463646\n",
- "2022-12-09 $647694 62 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 395.0 $1058 2657958708369660736\n",
- "2022-12-09 $646471 63 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 399.0 $1222 5206633794515791209\n",
- "2022-12-09 $645199 64 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 400.0 $1271 -3309596418952869572\n",
- "2022-12-09 $644359 65 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 390.0 $840 3877613310556884154\n",
- "2022-12-09 $643215 66 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 396.0 $1143 7114696192673321531\n",
- "2022-12-09 $642027 67 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 397.0 $1187 9159035509716951666\n",
- "2022-12-09 $640927 68 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 395.0 $1100 -530140696190040389\n",
- "2022-12-09 $639691 69 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 398.0 $1235 -8140432837073921380\n",
- "2022-12-09 $638630 70 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 394.0 $1060 8758607741481020421\n",
- "2022-12-09 $637348 71 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 399.0 $1282 -1956618773472457441\n",
- "2022-12-09 $636329 72 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 393.0 $1018 -2414143222384654420\n",
- "2022-12-09 $634997 73 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 400.0 $1331 -2379087226017172577\n",
- "2022-12-09 $634018 74 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 392.0 $979 -2339550335323319098\n",
- "2022-12-09 $632574 75 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 402.0 $1443 -4395630776627123756\n",
- "2022-12-09 $631667 76 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 390.0 $906 2603256477059036011\n",
- "2022-12-09 $630173 77 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 403.0 $1494 -6586712897524724673\n",
- "2022-12-09 $629302 78 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 389.0 $870 -1091916896329524285\n",
- "2022-12-10 $630048 77 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 393.0 $747 -3953942126284871846\n",
- "2022-12-10 $630844 76 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 394.0 $796 -8090760447283663798\n",
- "2022-12-10 $631569 75 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 392.5 $726 2902887301640815605\n",
- "2022-12-10 $632270 74 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 392.0 $702 5687567909994721340\n",
- "2022-12-10 $633121 73 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 395.0 $851 -2657305855211275375\n",
- "2022-12-10 $633774 72 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 391.0 $654 3160141936125137756\n",
- "2022-12-10 $634674 71 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 396.0 $901 -5429571071441920998\n",
- "2022-12-10 $635284 70 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 390.0 $610 -2077161209037987855\n",
- "2022-12-10 $636240 69 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 397.0 $957 5193754517819412855\n",
- "2022-12-10 $637217 68 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 397.5 $978 560845770503253066\n",
- "2022-12-10 $637786 67 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 389.0 $569 817948255577178206\n",
- "2022-12-10 $638789 66 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 398.0 $1004 6681555603513299067\n",
- "2022-12-10 $639317 65 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 388.0 $529 -3960543402190659634\n",
- "2022-12-10 $640394 64 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 399.0 $1077 8796899774999714501\n",
- "2022-12-10 $641531 63 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 400.0 $1138 4107897153714208900\n",
- "2022-12-10 $641989 62 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 386.0 $459 2912089563215587638\n",
- "2022-12-10 $643195 61 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 401.0 $1206 67442322200372533\n",
- "2022-12-10 $643620 60 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 385.0 $426 -2245580529370830427\n",
- "2022-12-10 $644883 59 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 402.0 $1264 -8548111485745955232\n",
- "2022-12-10 $645274 58 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 384.0 $391 3763819517264216904\n",
- "2022-12-10 $646616 57 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 403.0 $1343 -4158788947760833587\n",
- "2022-12-10 $648029 56 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 404.0 $1414 -496859190877564648\n",
- "2022-12-10 $648364 55 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 382.0 $335 3877623483608996339\n",
- "2022-12-10 $649837 54 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 405.0 $1474 8363234061066592582\n",
- "2022-12-10 $650142 53 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 381.0 $306 -3816081224637856162\n",
- "2022-12-10 $651688 52 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 406.0 $1546 7400278885164855879\n",
- "2022-12-10 $651970 51 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 380.0 $283 -5357051989850484928\n",
- "2022-12-10 $653616 50 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 407.0 $1647 7940307270900871464\n",
- "2022-12-10 $653798 49 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 375.0 $182 4414085408130962263\n",
- "2022-12-10 $653963 48 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 374.0 $166 3350328643906235905\n",
- "2022-12-10 $654787 47 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 393.0 $825 3066256072167620309\n",
- "2022-12-10 $655657 46 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 394.0 $870 8498410209247054093\n",
- "2022-12-10 $656435 45 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 392.0 $779 4466881333237131722\n",
- "2022-12-10 $657359 44 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 395.0 $924 850726959659441931\n",
- "2022-12-10 $658330 43 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 396.0 $972 -6182973055561291727\n",
- "2022-12-10 $659020 42 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 390.0 $691 5367200960637780420\n",
- "2022-12-10 $660047 41 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 397.0 $1027 -3996033219710537731\n",
- "2022-12-10 $661130 40 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 398.0 $1084 8874274043521113257\n",
- "2022-12-10 $661740 39 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 388.0 $611 3657579847938947932\n",
- "2022-12-10 $662878 38 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 399.0 $1138 3238759703913106921\n",
- "2022-12-10 $664078 37 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 400.0 $1201 5429051860454124828\n",
- "2022-12-10 $664580 36 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 385.0 $503 -924856383524731692\n",
- "2022-12-10 $665051 35 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 384.0 $471 6273129507994987071\n",
- "2022-12-10 $665487 34 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 383.0 $437 -8176320480095249703\n",
- "2022-12-10 $666957 33 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 404.0 $1471 7446860698949455445\n",
- "2022-12-10 $667368 32 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 382.0 $411 2910700133015510717\n",
- "2022-12-10 $668903 31 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 405.0 $1536 -3355973881327034072\n",
- "2022-12-10 $669256 30 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 380.0 $354 -6708303330651423738\n",
- "2022-12-10 $670941 29 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 407.0 $1685 -6704702790415665513\n",
- "2022-12-10 $671273 28 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 379.0 $333 -3699147356747736069\n",
- "2022-12-10 $673027 27 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 408.0 $1755 7429352046853718149\n",
- "2022-12-10 $674942 26 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 410.0 $1915 -1956644571610589079\n",
- "2022-12-10 $675187 25 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 375.0 $246 -198132944443962721\n",
- "2022-12-10 $677270 24 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 412.0 $2084 -3601411956327167142\n",
- "2022-12-10 $677499 23 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 374.0 $229 5637588448472596142\n",
- "2022-12-10 $678422 22 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 393.0 $924 -4218381945275517875\n",
- "2022-12-10 $679440 21 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 395.0 $1019 -4261301322601833765\n",
- "2022-12-10 $680233 20 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 390.0 $793 7463092797365774900\n",
- "2022-12-10 $680872 19 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 386.0 $640 1898801282562042778\n",
- "2022-12-10 $681382 18 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 382.0 $511 6620170069767763591\n",
- "2022-12-10 $682549 17 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 395.0 $1167 2657958708369660736\n",
- "2022-12-10 $683762 16 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 396.0 $1214 380439554274463646\n",
- "2022-12-10 $684707 15 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 390.0 $946 3877613310556884154\n",
- "2022-12-10 $686078 14 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 399.0 $1371 5206633794515791209\n",
- "2022-12-10 $687484 13 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 400.0 $1407 -3309596418952869572\n",
- "2022-12-10 $688623 12 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 393.0 $1140 -2414143222384654420\n",
- "2022-12-10 $689808 11 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 394.0 $1185 8758607741481020421\n",
- "2022-12-10 $690905 10 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 392.0 $1098 -2339550335323319098\n",
- "2022-12-10 $692135 9 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 395.0 $1231 -530140696190040389\n",
- "2022-12-10 $693416 8 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 396.0 $1281 7114696192673321531\n",
- "2022-12-10 $694429 7 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 390.0 $1014 2603256477059036011\n",
- "2022-12-10 $695754 6 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 397.0 $1326 9159035509716951666\n",
- "2022-12-10 $696729 5 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 389.0 $975 -1091916896329524285\n",
- "2022-12-10 $698105 4 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 398.0 $1377 -8140432837073921380\n",
- "2022-12-10 $699533 3 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 399.0 $1429 -1956618773472457441\n",
- "2022-12-10 $701016 2 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 400.0 $1483 -2379087226017172577\n",
- "2022-12-10 $702599 1 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 402.0 $1584 -4395630776627123756\n",
- "2022-12-10 $704245 0 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 403.0 $1647 -6586712897524724673\n",
- "2022-12-16 $703575 1 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 390.0 $670 5367200960637780420\n",
- "2022-12-16 $702953 2 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 389.0 $621 -8851390521986876646\n",
- "2022-12-16 $702228 3 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 391.0 $724 3919579541908748908\n",
- "2022-12-16 $701655 4 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 388.0 $573 3657579847938947932\n",
- "2022-12-16 $700868 5 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 392.0 $786 4466881333237131722\n",
- "2022-12-16 $700341 6 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 387.0 $527 -3501980565499884872\n",
- "2022-12-16 $699494 7 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 393.0 $846 3066256072167620309\n",
- "2022-12-16 $699008 8 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 386.0 $485 6590279100313933505\n",
- "2022-12-16 $698100 9 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 394.0 $908 8498410209247054093\n",
- "2022-12-16 $697653 10 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 385.0 $446 -924856383524731692\n",
- "2022-12-16 $696678 11 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 395.0 $974 850726959659441931\n",
- "2022-12-16 $696269 12 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 384.0 $409 6273129507994987071\n",
- "2022-12-16 $695215 13 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 396.0 $1053 -6182973055561291727\n",
- "2022-12-16 $694840 14 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 383.0 $374 -8176320480095249703\n",
- "2022-12-16 $693726 15 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 397.0 $1114 -3996033219710537731\n",
- "2022-12-16 $693382 16 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 382.0 $343 2910700133015510717\n",
- "2022-12-16 $692194 17 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 398.0 $1187 8874274043521113257\n",
- "2022-12-16 $691881 18 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 381.0 $313 -7291640260948590942\n",
- "2022-12-16 $690615 19 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 399.0 $1265 3238759703913106921\n",
- "2022-12-16 $690330 20 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 380.0 $284 -6708303330651423738\n",
- "2022-12-16 $688982 21 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 400.0 $1348 5429051860454124828\n",
- "2022-12-16 $688720 22 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 379.0 $261 -3699147356747736069\n",
- "2022-12-16 $688482 23 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 378.0 $237 40558249715930643\n",
- "2022-12-16 $688265 24 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 377.0 $217 -7416825750450088680\n",
- "2022-12-16 $688067 25 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 376.0 $197 -2040956771944357769\n",
- "2022-12-16 $687886 26 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 375.0 $180 -198132944443962721\n",
- "2022-12-20 $687281 27 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 380.0 $605 -7472497366239880686\n",
- "2022-12-20 $686718 28 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 379.0 $562 4035772735685503535\n",
- "2022-12-20 $686067 29 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 381.0 $650 3406379331221594602\n",
- "2022-12-20 $685546 30 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 378.0 $521 593242382279571407\n",
- "2022-12-20 $684847 31 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 382.0 $698 6620170069767763591\n",
- "2022-12-20 $684362 32 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 377.0 $484 9121723808129033161\n",
- "2022-12-20 $683613 33 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 383.0 $749 8923038190645881967\n",
- "2022-12-20 $682807 34 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 384.0 $805 2719761786473985427\n",
- "2022-12-20 $682357 35 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 376.0 $449 -2899271547375800798\n",
- "2022-12-20 $681942 36 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 375.0 $415 -2653974753816314978\n",
- "2022-12-20 $681081 37 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 385.0 $860 -8064228776324127484\n",
- "2022-12-20 $680699 38 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 374.0 $381 -5087321441629081916\n",
- "2022-12-20 $680346 39 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 373.0 $353 6456516735589846459\n",
- "2022-12-20 $680019 40 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 372.0 $326 4137422062796464996\n",
- "2022-12-20 $679717 41 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 371.0 $301 9115169881506479968\n",
- "2022-12-20 $679439 42 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 370.0 $278 1036003144216121957\n",
- "2022-12-20 $678257 43 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 390.0 $1181 7463092797365774900\n",
- "2022-12-20 $678001 44 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 369.0 $255 -2879019803928608145\n",
- "2022-12-20 $677768 45 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 368.0 $233 2637094051296527687\n",
- "2022-12-20 $677552 46 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 367.0 $215 5470397695557878846\n",
- "2022-12-20 $677355 47 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 366.0 $196 3777911853610304279\n",
- "2022-12-20 $675777 48 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 395.0 $1578 -4261301322601833765\n",
- "2022-12-20 $675595 49 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 365.0 $181 -4647213690702562052\n",
- "2022-12-20 $675429 50 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 364.0 $165 -1440186366995690828\n",
- "2022-12-20 $675290 51 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 362.0 $139 -3671816389925611381\n",
- "2022-12-20 $674509 52 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 380.0 $780 -6858717588541494560\n",
- "2022-12-21 $673630 53 buy put 2023-01-06 380.49 386.0 $878 1898801282562042778\n",
- "2022-12-21 $672843 54 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 381.0 $787 8150681071492084763\n",
- "2022-12-21 $672142 55 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 379.0 $700 -520422806946874762\n",
- "2022-12-21 $671158 56 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 385.0 $984 7135681286972431150\n",
- "2022-12-21 $670608 57 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 375.0 $549 -4434708290303847459\n",
- "2022-12-21 $669568 58 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 386.0 $1039 -8975170560648069021\n",
- "2022-12-21 $669085 59 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 373.0 $483 5669416441417722509\n",
- "2022-12-21 $668631 60 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 372.0 $453 -2436014242609061085\n",
- "2022-12-21 $668205 61 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 371.0 $425 -6174103306494145346\n",
- "2022-12-21 $666926 62 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 390.0 $1279 3877613310556884154\n",
- "2022-12-21 $666529 63 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 370.0 $396 -8539511309086385442\n",
- "2022-12-21 $665114 64 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 392.0 $1414 7227157837488997685\n",
- "2022-12-21 $664831 65 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 365.0 $283 -3224990465292018613\n",
- "2022-12-21 $663114 66 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 396.0 $1716 380439554274463646\n",
- "2022-12-21 $662850 67 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 364.0 $263 -2554192949335617674\n",
- "2022-12-21 $662622 68 buy put 2023-01-13 380.49 362.0 $228 -6238810670918343140\n",
- "2022-12-21 $661806 69 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 380.0 $815 8715616342510796578\n",
- "2022-12-21 $660946 70 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 381.0 $859 -4690525055036976752\n",
- "2022-12-21 $660173 71 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 379.0 $773 -2389819206376472730\n",
- "2022-12-21 $659269 72 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 382.0 $903 -2802750218317044608\n",
- "2022-12-21 $658535 73 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 378.0 $733 5150989431052777734\n",
- "2022-12-21 $657583 74 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 383.0 $952 -7148736305289077245\n",
- "2022-12-21 $656888 75 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 377.0 $694 -2130323114330543818\n",
- "2022-12-21 $655886 76 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 384.0 $1001 -5823352226661155146\n",
- "2022-12-21 $655229 77 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 376.0 $657 3861982250373872980\n",
- "2022-12-21 $654177 78 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 385.0 $1051 -8997575977786285739\n",
- "2022-12-22 $653594 79 buy put 2023-01-06 386.21 387.0 $582 -8430566642353690925\n",
- "2022-12-22 $652986 80 buy put 2023-01-06 386.21 387.5 $608 -690848254885153648\n",
- "2022-12-22 $652352 81 buy put 2023-01-06 386.21 388.0 $633 2392168232990957292\n",
- "2022-12-22 $651659 82 buy put 2023-01-06 386.21 389.0 $692 -5046734144835355119\n",
- "2022-12-22 $650890 83 buy put 2023-01-13 386.21 387.0 $769 2510266847860286884\n",
- "2022-12-22 $650250 84 buy put 2023-01-13 386.21 384.0 $639 -113044839522718042\n",
- "2022-12-22 $649688 85 buy put 2023-01-13 386.21 382.0 $561 8131474930688151104\n",
- "2022-12-22 $649260 86 buy put 2023-01-13 386.21 378.0 $428 -206329944103275385\n",
- "2022-12-22 $648938 87 buy put 2023-01-13 386.21 374.0 $321 1837504517368764621\n",
- "2022-12-22 $647370 88 buy put 2023-01-13 386.21 400.0 $1567 -3309596418952869572\n",
- "2022-12-22 $646576 89 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 386.0 $794 4834033012895697333\n",
- "2022-12-22 $645737 90 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 387.0 $838 4051123817621172542\n",
- "2022-12-22 $644851 91 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 388.0 $885 -1469293802113408275\n",
- "2022-12-22 $643918 92 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 389.0 $933 -1091916896329524285\n",
- "2022-12-22 $642932 93 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 390.0 $985 2603256477059036011\n",
- "2022-12-22 $641895 94 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 391.0 $1036 7759557414659515872\n",
- "2022-12-22 $640629 95 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 395.0 $1266 -530140696190040389\n",
- "2022-12-22 $640215 96 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 375.0 $413 -5600232905227605425\n",
- "2022-12-22 $639827 97 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 374.0 $387 -3976137957130632579\n",
- "2022-12-22 $638295 98 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 399.0 $1532 -1956618773472457441\n",
- "2022-12-22 $637931 99 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 373.0 $363 -8857711883160794405\n",
- "2022-12-22 $636330 100 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 400.0 $1600 -2379087226017172577\n",
- "2022-12-22 $635990 101 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 372.0 $340 -5638012182926718566\n",
- "2022-12-22 $635671 102 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 371.0 $318 -4508081287934765296\n",
- "2022-12-22 $635372 103 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 370.0 $298 6616179269347815171\n",
- "2022-12-22 $635094 104 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 369.0 $278 5015629049052353371\n",
- "2022-12-23 $633897 105 buy put 2023-01-06 380.72 391.0 $1196 4391468224155728225\n",
- "2022-12-23 $633783 106 buy put 2023-01-06 380.72 363.0 $114 7264742588999536152\n",
- "2022-12-23 $632912 107 buy put 2023-01-13 380.72 383.0 $870 -8238731834047675722\n",
- "2022-12-23 $632299 108 buy put 2023-01-13 380.72 377.0 $612 1546279764618689846\n",
- "2022-12-23 $631723 109 buy put 2023-01-13 380.72 376.0 $576 2526685360348547898\n",
- "2022-12-23 $631355 110 buy put 2023-01-13 380.72 369.0 $367 -2579429190160826500\n",
- "2022-12-23 $631011 111 buy put 2023-01-13 380.72 368.0 $343 -6444713214303841502\n",
- "2022-12-23 $630691 112 buy put 2023-01-13 380.72 367.0 $320 1496415733924157343\n",
- "2022-12-23 $630392 113 buy put 2023-01-13 380.72 366.0 $298 30889354848725295\n",
- "2022-12-23 $628861 114 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 393.0 $1530 -2414143222384654420\n",
- "2022-12-23 $628451 115 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 368.0 $410 6809872903190008081\n",
- "2022-12-23 $628065 116 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 367.0 $385 -2961356225752708100\n",
- "2022-12-23 $627702 117 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 366.0 $362 -2848391057314645591\n",
- "2022-12-23 $625956 118 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 396.0 $1746 7114696192673321531\n",
- "2022-12-23 $625614 119 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 365.0 $341 -3061651188306618976\n",
- "2022-12-23 $623795 120 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 397.0 $1818 9159035509716951666\n",
- "2022-12-23 $623475 121 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 364.0 $320 -4682665245418524323\n",
- "2022-12-23 $621577 122 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 398.0 $1897 -8140432837073921380\n",
- "2022-12-23 $621276 123 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 363.0 $300 -5262246290242215135\n",
- "2022-12-23 $620994 124 buy put 2023-01-20 380.72 362.0 $282 -7018797250900671159\n",
- "2022-12-23 $620057 125 buy put 2023-01-27 380.72 381.0 $936 4258279853191391936\n",
- "2022-12-23 $619163 126 buy put 2023-01-27 380.72 380.0 $893 -3065722760393078737\n",
- "2022-12-23 $618182 127 buy put 2023-01-27 380.72 382.0 $981 -4644747066695898735\n",
- "2022-12-23 $617177 128 buy put 2023-01-27 380.72 382.5 $1004 7465393684989248620\n",
- "2022-12-23 $616324 129 buy put 2023-01-27 380.72 379.0 $852 3444189517131913515\n",
- "2022-12-23 $615297 130 buy put 2023-01-27 380.72 383.0 $1027 8899706568868230845\n",
- "2022-12-24 $615625 129 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 383.0 $329 -8176320480095249703\n",
- "2022-12-24 $615912 128 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 382.0 $288 2910700133015510717\n",
- "2022-12-24 $616294 127 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 384.0 $382 6273129507994987071\n",
- "2022-12-24 $616542 126 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 381.0 $249 -7291640260948590942\n",
- "2022-12-24 $616973 125 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 385.0 $432 -924856383524731692\n",
- "2022-12-24 $617463 124 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 386.0 $490 6590279100313933505\n",
- "2022-12-24 $617675 123 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 380.0 $213 -6708303330651423738\n",
- "2022-12-24 $617860 122 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 379.0 $186 -3699147356747736069\n",
- "2022-12-24 $618419 121 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 387.0 $559 -3501980565499884872\n",
- "2022-12-24 $619034 120 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 388.0 $616 3657579847938947932\n",
- "2022-12-24 $619195 119 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 378.0 $162 40558249715930643\n",
- "2022-12-24 $619332 118 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 377.0 $137 -7416825750450088680\n",
- "2022-12-24 $620025 117 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 389.0 $694 -8851390521986876646\n",
- "2022-12-24 $620144 116 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 376.0 $120 -2040956771944357769\n",
- "2022-12-24 $620918 115 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 390.0 $774 5367200960637780420\n",
- "2022-12-24 $621766 114 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 391.0 $849 3919579541908748908\n",
- "2022-12-24 $621867 113 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 375.0 $102 -198132944443962721\n",
- "2022-12-24 $622802 112 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 392.0 $935 4466881333237131722\n",
- "2022-12-24 $623825 111 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 393.0 $1024 3066256072167620309\n",
- "2022-12-24 $624949 110 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 394.0 $1125 8498410209247054093\n",
- "2022-12-24 $626169 109 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 395.0 $1220 850726959659441931\n",
- "2022-12-24 $627486 108 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 396.0 $1318 -6182973055561291727\n",
- "2022-12-24 $628909 107 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 397.0 $1424 -3996033219710537731\n",
- "2022-12-24 $630435 106 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 398.0 $1526 8874274043521113257\n",
- "2022-12-24 $632060 105 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 399.0 $1626 3238759703913106921\n",
- "2022-12-24 $633778 104 sell put 2022-12-30 382.88 400.0 $1718 5429051860454124828\n",
- "2022-12-24 $632842 105 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 384.0 $935 4305949705088414094\n",
- "2022-12-24 $631860 106 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 385.0 $981 1145511878690798401\n",
- "2022-12-24 $631263 107 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 375.0 $597 -4442625801621192688\n",
- "2022-12-24 $629713 108 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 395.0 $1549 920055919304318400\n",
- "2022-12-24 $629257 109 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 370.0 $455 1774512911793148640\n",
- "2022-12-24 $628350 110 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 380.0 $907 7522343676801165522\n",
- "2022-12-24 $627137 111 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 387.0 $1212 -4227903650093240349\n",
- "2022-12-24 $625904 112 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 387.5 $1232 3719917399418850322\n",
- "2022-12-24 $624647 113 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 388.0 $1257 4820017006238037496\n",
- "2022-12-24 $623820 114 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 378.0 $826 -4208032881996233241\n",
- "2022-12-24 $623096 115 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 375.0 $723 -4465332345461838718\n",
- "2022-12-24 $622434 116 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 373.0 $662 1637010153309498262\n",
- "2022-12-24 $621803 117 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 372.0 $630 -3144254848809830266\n",
- "2022-12-24 $621229 118 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 370.0 $573 -6429966181538147333\n",
- "2022-12-24 $620781 119 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 365.0 $448 -1419879102535416856\n",
- "2022-12-24 $620352 120 buy put 2023-02-03 382.88 364.0 $428 7958138529133419708\n",
- "2022-12-24 $619164 121 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 383.0 $1187 -3625992225528464973\n",
- "2022-12-24 $618019 122 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 382.0 $1145 -7986460219667080935\n",
- "2022-12-24 $616793 123 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 384.0 $1225 6364409109367218469\n",
- "2022-12-24 $615688 124 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 381.0 $1104 -7744430841824091726\n",
- "2022-12-24 $614418 125 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 385.0 $1270 -5140060075013277828\n",
- "2022-12-24 $613356 126 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 380.0 $1061 7393282007160713938\n",
- "2022-12-24 $612040 127 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 386.0 $1315 5863181579708035183\n",
- "2022-12-24 $611013 128 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 379.0 $1027 5289475143440580944\n",
- "2022-12-24 $610022 129 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 378.0 $990 -8627002509791743393\n",
- "2022-12-24 $609068 130 buy put 2023-02-17 382.88 377.0 $953 -4525946794262167091\n",
- "2022-12-27 $607630 131 buy put 2023-01-13 382.91 395.0 $1438 2657958708369660736\n",
- "2022-12-27 $606166 132 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 389.0 $1463 -3805655226633310048\n",
- "2022-12-27 $605246 133 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 376.0 $919 -468617610046268820\n",
- "2022-12-27 $603720 134 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 390.0 $1526 9054107275223124722\n",
- "2022-12-27 $602834 135 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 375.0 $885 -8988219624746321086\n",
- "2022-12-27 $601981 136 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 374.0 $852 -713267518996216952\n",
- "2022-12-27 $600349 137 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 392.0 $1632 2608420257519095137\n",
- "2022-12-27 $599529 138 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 373.0 $819 6928823279125835148\n",
- "2022-12-27 $598740 139 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 372.0 $788 -3196206736933219729\n",
- "2022-12-27 $597982 140 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 371.0 $758 6938169038809568932\n",
- "2022-12-27 $597253 141 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 370.0 $728 1765154334138471999\n",
- "2022-12-27 $596581 142 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 368.0 $671 -8539638496129254752\n",
- "2022-12-27 $595936 143 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 367.0 $645 -2188598155622095828\n",
- "2022-12-27 $595316 144 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 366.0 $619 -4378303268057111154\n",
- "2022-12-27 $593197 145 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 400.0 $2118 1097173859884121868\n",
- "2022-12-27 $592604 146 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 365.0 $593 -3128653348611004031\n",
- "2022-12-27 $592034 147 buy put 2023-02-17 382.91 364.0 $569 -6283029006334675422\n",
- "2022-12-27 $590578 148 buy put 2023-03-17 382.91 382.0 $1455 8798000724500452867\n",
- "2022-12-27 $589163 149 buy put 2023-03-17 382.91 381.0 $1415 -6340183897695636024\n",
- "2022-12-27 $587583 150 buy put 2023-03-17 382.91 385.0 $1579 -5207814123267052560\n",
- "2022-12-27 $586206 151 buy put 2023-03-17 382.91 380.0 $1376 -3596853373190475247\n",
- "2022-12-27 $584584 152 buy put 2023-03-17 382.91 386.0 $1622 9042428204783619423\n",
- "2022-12-27 $582863 153 buy put 2023-03-17 382.91 388.0 $1720 -7979057490388582569\n",
- "2022-12-27 $581042 154 buy put 2023-03-17 382.91 390.0 $1821 -5650390331174171848\n",
- "2022-12-27 $579846 155 buy put 2023-03-17 382.91 375.0 $1195 6769978036156688294\n",
- "2022-12-27 $578718 156 buy put 2023-03-17 382.91 373.0 $1127 -4336604604640389181\n",
- "2022-12-28 $579162 155 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 381.0 $444 3406379331221594602\n",
- "2022-12-28 $579652 154 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 382.0 $491 6620170069767763591\n",
- "2022-12-28 $580052 153 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 380.0 $401 -7472497366239880686\n",
- "2022-12-28 $580593 152 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 383.0 $541 8923038190645881967\n",
- "2022-12-28 $580953 151 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 379.0 $361 4035772735685503535\n",
- "2022-12-28 $581549 150 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 384.0 $597 2719761786473985427\n",
- "2022-12-28 $581873 149 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 378.0 $324 593242382279571407\n",
- "2022-12-28 $582522 148 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 385.0 $650 -8064228776324127484\n",
- "2022-12-28 $582811 147 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 377.0 $290 9121723808129033161\n",
- "2022-12-28 $583069 146 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 376.0 $258 -2899271547375800798\n",
- "2022-12-28 $583299 145 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 375.0 $231 -2653974753816314978\n",
- "2022-12-28 $583502 144 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 374.0 $204 -5087321441629081916\n",
- "2022-12-28 $583682 143 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 373.0 $180 6456516735589846459\n",
- "2022-12-28 $584660 142 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 390.0 $979 7463092797365774900\n",
- "2022-12-28 $584818 141 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 372.0 $159 4137422062796464996\n",
- "2022-12-28 $584957 140 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 371.0 $139 9115169881506479968\n",
- "2022-12-28 $585079 139 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 370.0 $123 1036003144216121957\n",
- "2022-12-28 $585185 138 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 369.0 $107 -2879019803928608145\n",
- "2022-12-28 $585278 137 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 368.0 $93 2637094051296527687\n",
- "2022-12-28 $586668 136 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 395.0 $1391 -4261301322601833765\n",
- "2022-12-28 $586748 135 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 367.0 $81 5470397695557878846\n",
- "2022-12-28 $586819 134 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 366.0 $71 3777911853610304279\n",
- "2022-12-28 $586879 133 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 365.0 $61 -4647213690702562052\n",
- "2022-12-28 $586931 132 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 364.0 $53 -1440186366995690828\n",
- "2022-12-28 $586971 131 sell put 2023-01-06 381.38 362.0 $40 -3671816389925611381\n",
- "2022-12-28 $587597 130 sell put 2023-01-13 381.38 380.0 $627 -6858717588541494560\n",
- "2022-12-28 $586966 131 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 380.0 $630 -6858717588541494560\n",
- "2022-12-28 $586798 132 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 363.0 $168 4451462088679771680\n",
- "2022-12-28 $585427 133 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 392.0 $1370 -2339550335323319098\n",
- "2022-12-28 $584290 134 buy put 2023-01-27 381.38 387.0 $1136 -8804361715431882840\n",
- "2022-12-28 $583946 135 buy put 2023-01-27 381.38 365.0 $344 -51483084734123294\n",
- "2022-12-28 $582966 136 buy put 2023-02-03 381.38 381.0 $979 -6858496342651855838\n",
- "2022-12-28 $581943 137 buy put 2023-02-03 381.38 382.0 $1022 -6240225525869512224\n",
- "2022-12-28 $580876 138 buy put 2023-02-03 381.38 383.0 $1067 466955302949727349\n",
- "2022-12-28 $579714 139 buy put 2023-02-03 381.38 385.0 $1161 788433154886331254\n",
- "2022-12-28 $578894 140 buy put 2023-02-03 381.38 377.0 $819 -7410393515461114931\n",
- "2022-12-28 $577683 141 buy put 2023-02-03 381.38 386.0 $1211 327744356995818320\n",
- "2022-12-28 $576900 142 buy put 2023-02-03 381.38 376.0 $782 -8424307678363090827\n",
- "2022-12-28 $575431 143 buy put 2023-02-17 381.38 388.0 $1468 5922170762417060310\n",
- "2022-12-28 $574715 144 buy put 2023-02-17 381.38 369.0 $716 -2744329375624819231\n",
- "2022-12-28 $574160 145 buy put 2023-02-17 381.38 363.0 $554 1538037293348990307\n",
- "2022-12-28 $572619 146 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 383.0 $1540 -3766098336634439398\n",
- "2022-12-28 $571034 147 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 384.0 $1585 7858547873126720928\n",
- "2022-12-28 $569732 148 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 377.0 $1301 1736240327585033411\n",
- "2022-12-28 $568469 149 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 376.0 $1262 3749093901211352337\n",
- "2022-12-28 $566751 150 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 387.0 $1718 4750285994009979316\n",
- "2022-12-28 $565559 151 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 374.0 $1191 9164017268002547743\n",
- "2022-12-28 $563531 152 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 393.0 $2028 8215478562776423834\n",
- "2022-12-28 $562472 153 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 370.0 $1058 -8815069731777862225\n",
- "2022-12-28 $561446 154 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 369.0 $1025 -8709732225177592374\n",
- "2022-12-28 $560451 155 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 368.0 $995 -8264248955078515700\n",
- "2022-12-28 $559486 156 buy put 2023-03-17 381.38 367.0 $964 4578121101252104725\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560489 155 sell put 2023-01-06 376.71 386.0 $1004 1898801282562042778\n",
- "2022-12-29 $561098 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 375.0 $609 -4434708290303847459\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560485 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 375.0 $612 -4434708290303847459\n",
- "2022-12-29 $561274 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 379.0 $790 -520422806946874762\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560480 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 379.0 $794 -520422806946874762\n",
- "2022-12-29 $561001 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 373.0 $522 5669416441417722509\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560476 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 373.0 $524 5669416441417722509\n",
- "2022-12-29 $561370 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 381.0 $894 8150681071492084763\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560472 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 381.0 $897 8150681071492084763\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560957 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 372.0 $486 -2436014242609061085\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560469 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 372.0 $488 -2436014242609061085\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560924 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 371.0 $456 -6174103306494145346\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560464 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 371.0 $459 -6174103306494145346\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560883 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 370.0 $419 -8539511309086385442\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560461 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 370.0 $421 -8539511309086385442\n",
- "2022-12-29 $561584 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 385.0 $1124 7135681286972431150\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560441 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 385.0 $1143 7135681286972431150\n",
- "2022-12-29 $561628 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 386.0 $1188 -8975170560648069021\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560416 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 386.0 $1211 -8975170560648069021\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560697 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 365.0 $281 -3224990465292018613\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560413 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 365.0 $283 -3224990465292018613\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560673 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 364.0 $261 -2554192949335617674\n",
- "2022-12-29 $560410 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 364.0 $263 -2554192949335617674\n",
- "2022-12-29 $561879 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 390.0 $1470 3877613310556884154\n",
- "2022-12-29 $562095 153 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 362.0 $217 -6238810670918343140\n",
- "2022-12-29 $561876 154 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 362.0 $219 -6238810670918343140\n",
- "2022-12-29 $563500 153 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 392.0 $1625 7227157837488997685\n",
- "2022-12-29 $563299 154 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 361.0 $200 -4012472052307055968\n",
- "2022-12-29 $563113 155 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 360.0 $186 3095850024795637889\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565067 154 sell put 2023-01-13 376.71 396.0 $1955 380439554274463646\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565840 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 377.0 $774 -2130323114330543818\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565064 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 377.0 $776 -2130323114330543818\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565801 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 376.0 $738 3861982250373872980\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565059 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 376.0 $741 3861982250373872980\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565879 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 378.0 $820 5150989431052777734\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565056 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 378.0 $822 5150989431052777734\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565932 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 379.0 $877 -2389819206376472730\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565052 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 379.0 $880 -2389819206376472730\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565978 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 380.0 $927 8715616342510796578\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565047 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 380.0 $930 8715616342510796578\n",
- "2022-12-29 $566022 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 381.0 $975 -4690525055036976752\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565043 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 381.0 $978 -4690525055036976752\n",
- "2022-12-29 $566074 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 382.0 $1032 -2802750218317044608\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565039 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 382.0 $1035 -2802750218317044608\n",
- "2022-12-29 $566115 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 383.0 $1077 -7148736305289077245\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565036 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 383.0 $1079 -7148736305289077245\n",
- "2022-12-29 $566175 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 384.0 $1140 -5823352226661155146\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565024 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 384.0 $1150 -5823352226661155146\n",
- "2022-12-29 $566223 153 sell put 2023-01-20 376.71 385.0 $1199 -8997575977786285739\n",
- "2022-12-29 $565012 154 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 385.0 $1210 -8997575977786285739\n",
- "2022-12-29 $564743 155 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 361.0 $268 -2631437156511088988\n",
- "2022-12-29 $564491 156 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 360.0 $252 6613276210014029840\n",
- "2022-12-30 $565099 155 sell put 2023-01-06 383.33 387.0 $609 -8430566642353690925\n",
- "2022-12-30 $565737 154 sell put 2023-01-06 383.33 387.5 $639 -690848254885153648\n",
- "2022-12-30 $566405 153 sell put 2023-01-06 383.33 388.0 $668 2392168232990957292\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567138 152 sell put 2023-01-06 383.33 389.0 $734 -5046734144835355119\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567816 151 sell put 2023-01-13 383.33 384.0 $679 -113044839522718042\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567134 152 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 384.0 $682 -113044839522718042\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567723 151 sell put 2023-01-13 383.33 382.0 $590 8131474930688151104\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567130 152 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 382.0 $592 8131474930688151104\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567960 151 sell put 2023-01-13 383.33 387.0 $830 2510266847860286884\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567125 152 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 387.0 $834 2510266847860286884\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567561 151 sell put 2023-01-13 383.33 378.0 $437 -206329944103275385\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567121 152 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 378.0 $440 -206329944103275385\n",
- "2022-12-30 $566108 153 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 390.0 $1012 3877613310556884154\n",
- "2022-12-30 $566424 152 sell put 2023-01-13 383.33 374.0 $317 1837504517368764621\n",
- "2022-12-30 $566106 153 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 374.0 $318 1837504517368764621\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567816 152 sell put 2023-01-13 383.33 400.0 $1711 -3309596418952869572\n",
- "2022-12-30 $568682 151 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 386.0 $867 4834033012895697333\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567813 152 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 386.0 $869 4834033012895697333\n",
- "2022-12-30 $568730 151 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 387.0 $918 4051123817621172542\n",
- "2022-12-30 $569698 150 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 388.0 $969 -1469293802113408275\n",
- "2022-12-30 $570722 149 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 389.0 $1024 -1091916896329524285\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571797 148 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 390.0 $1076 2603256477059036011\n",
- "2022-12-30 $570705 149 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 390.0 $1091 2603256477059036011\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571839 148 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 391.0 $1134 7759557414659515872\n",
- "2022-12-30 $572271 147 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 375.0 $433 -5600232905227605425\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571836 148 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 375.0 $434 -5600232905227605425\n",
- "2022-12-30 $572239 147 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 374.0 $403 -3976137957130632579\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571833 148 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 374.0 $405 -3976137957130632579\n",
- "2022-12-30 $572207 147 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 373.0 $375 -8857711883160794405\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571829 148 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 373.0 $378 -8857711883160794405\n",
- "2022-12-30 $573220 147 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 395.0 $1392 -530140696190040389\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571806 148 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 395.0 $1413 -530140696190040389\n",
- "2022-12-30 $572156 147 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 372.0 $350 -5638012182926718566\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571804 148 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 372.0 $351 -5638012182926718566\n",
- "2022-12-30 $572128 147 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 371.0 $325 -4508081287934765296\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571802 148 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 371.0 $326 -4508081287934765296\n",
- "2022-12-30 $572102 147 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 370.0 $301 6616179269347815171\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571798 148 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 370.0 $303 6616179269347815171\n",
- "2022-12-30 $572077 147 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 369.0 $279 5015629049052353371\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571795 148 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 369.0 $281 5015629049052353371\n",
- "2022-12-30 $573475 147 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 399.0 $1681 -1956618773472457441\n",
- "2022-12-30 $575235 146 sell put 2023-01-20 383.33 400.0 $1760 -2379087226017172577\n",
- "2022-12-30 $573443 147 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 400.0 $1791 -2379087226017172577\n",
- "2022-12-30 $571570 148 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 401.0 $1873 -3330531607438656516\n",
- "2022-12-30 $570538 149 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 387.5 $1031 -9033981833684326358\n",
- "2022-12-30 $569479 150 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 388.0 $1058 -6845127751186131193\n",
- "2022-12-30 $568856 151 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 378.0 $623 5455061440083175438\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567741 152 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 389.0 $1114 -2448172830850460894\n",
- "2022-12-30 $567151 153 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 377.0 $589 -6029852338587923618\n",
- "2022-12-30 $566595 154 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 376.0 $556 -3458574919221566717\n",
- "2022-12-30 $565368 155 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 391.0 $1226 -5716331343589980786\n",
- "2022-12-30 $564020 156 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 393.0 $1347 -5465676008200890380\n",
- "2022-12-31 $564953 155 sell put 2023-01-06 382.44 391.0 $933 4391468224155728225\n",
- "2022-12-31 $564970 154 sell put 2023-01-06 382.44 363.0 $18 7264742588999536152\n",
- "2022-12-31 $565592 153 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 382.0 $623 8131474930688151104\n",
- "2022-12-31 $566259 152 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 383.0 $667 -8238731834047675722\n",
- "2022-12-31 $566836 151 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 381.0 $578 8150681071492084763\n",
- "2022-12-31 $567552 150 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 384.0 $717 -113044839522718042\n",
- "2022-12-31 $568088 149 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 380.0 $536 -6858717588541494560\n",
- "2022-12-31 $568855 148 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 385.0 $768 7135681286972431150\n",
- "2022-12-31 $569661 147 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 386.0 $807 -8975170560648069021\n",
- "2022-12-31 $570158 146 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 379.0 $497 -520422806946874762\n",
- "2022-12-31 $571017 145 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 387.0 $860 2510266847860286884\n",
- "2022-12-31 $571477 144 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 378.0 $461 -206329944103275385\n",
- "2022-12-31 $571901 143 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 377.0 $424 1546279764618689846\n",
- "2022-12-31 $572292 142 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 376.0 $392 2526685360348547898\n",
- "2022-12-31 $572652 141 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 375.0 $361 -4434708290303847459\n",
- "2022-12-31 $573694 140 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 390.0 $1042 3877613310556884154\n",
- "2022-12-31 $574024 139 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 374.0 $331 1837504517368764621\n",
- "2022-12-31 $574326 138 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 373.0 $303 5669416441417722509\n",
- "2022-12-31 $574603 137 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 372.0 $277 -2436014242609061085\n",
- "2022-12-31 $574856 136 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 371.0 $254 -6174103306494145346\n",
- "2022-12-31 $576242 135 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 395.0 $1387 2657958708369660736\n",
- "2022-12-31 $576473 134 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 370.0 $231 -8539511309086385442\n",
- "2022-12-31 $576682 133 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 369.0 $210 -2579429190160826500\n",
- "2022-12-31 $576872 132 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 368.0 $191 -6444713214303841502\n",
- "2022-12-31 $577045 131 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 367.0 $173 1496415733924157343\n",
- "2022-12-31 $577201 130 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 366.0 $157 30889354848725295\n",
- "2022-12-31 $577341 129 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 365.0 $141 -3224990465292018613\n",
- "2022-12-31 $577469 128 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 364.0 $128 -2554192949335617674\n",
- "2022-12-31 $577584 127 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 363.0 $116 4451462088679771680\n",
- "2022-12-31 $577687 126 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 362.0 $104 -6238810670918343140\n",
- "2022-12-31 $577781 125 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 361.0 $94 -4012472052307055968\n",
- "2022-12-31 $577865 124 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 360.0 $85 3095850024795637889\n",
- "2022-12-31 $578624 123 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 383.0 $760 -7148736305289077245\n",
- "2022-12-31 $579340 122 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 382.0 $716 -2802750218317044608\n",
- "2022-12-31 $580148 121 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 384.0 $809 -5823352226661155146\n",
- "2022-12-31 $580821 120 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 381.0 $674 -4690525055036976752\n",
- "2022-12-31 $581452 119 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 380.0 $631 8715616342510796578\n",
- "2022-12-31 $582309 118 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 385.0 $858 -8997575977786285739\n",
- "2022-12-31 $583215 117 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 386.0 $907 4834033012895697333\n",
- "2022-12-31 $583808 116 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 379.0 $593 -2389819206376472730\n",
- "2022-12-31 $584363 115 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 378.0 $556 5150989431052777734\n",
- "2022-12-31 $584883 114 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 377.0 $520 -2130323114330543818\n",
- "2022-12-31 $585368 113 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 376.0 $486 3861982250373872980\n",
- "2022-12-31 $585820 112 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 375.0 $453 -5600232905227605425\n",
- "2022-12-31 $586948 111 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 390.0 $1128 2603256477059036011\n",
- "2022-12-31 $587369 110 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 374.0 $422 -3976137957130632579\n",
- "2022-12-31 $588619 109 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 392.0 $1251 -2339550335323319098\n",
- "2022-12-31 $589012 108 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 373.0 $393 -8857711883160794405\n",
- "2022-12-31 $589377 107 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 372.0 $366 -5638012182926718566\n",
- "2022-12-31 $590695 106 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 393.0 $1319 -2414143222384654420\n",
- "2022-12-31 $591034 105 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 371.0 $339 -4508081287934765296\n",
- "2022-12-31 $592485 104 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 395.0 $1452 -530140696190040389\n",
- "2022-12-31 $592798 103 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 370.0 $314 6616179269347815171\n",
- "2022-12-31 $594322 102 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 396.0 $1524 7114696192673321531\n",
- "2022-12-31 $594612 101 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 369.0 $291 5015629049052353371\n",
- "2022-12-31 $596210 100 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 397.0 $1599 9159035509716951666\n",
- "2022-12-31 $596479 99 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 368.0 $269 6809872903190008081\n",
- "2022-12-31 $596727 98 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 367.0 $249 -2961356225752708100\n",
- "2022-12-31 $598405 97 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 398.0 $1679 -8140432837073921380\n",
- "2022-12-31 $598635 96 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 366.0 $230 -2848391057314645591\n",
- "2022-12-31 $600484 95 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 400.0 $1850 -2379087226017172577\n",
- "2022-12-31 $600696 94 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 365.0 $213 -3061651188306618976\n",
- "2022-12-31 $600892 93 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 364.0 $196 -4682665245418524323\n",
- "2022-12-31 $602814 92 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 401.0 $1923 -3330531607438656516\n",
- "2022-12-31 $602994 91 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 363.0 $181 -5262246290242215135\n",
- "2022-12-31 $603161 90 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 362.0 $167 -7018797250900671159\n",
- "2022-12-31 $603313 89 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 361.0 $153 -2631437156511088988\n",
- "2022-12-31 $603454 88 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 360.0 $142 6613276210014029840\n",
- "2022-12-31 $604281 87 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 382.5 $827 7465393684989248620\n",
- "2022-12-31 $605086 86 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 382.0 $806 -4644747066695898735\n",
- "2022-12-31 $605936 85 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 383.0 $851 8899706568868230845\n",
- "2022-12-31 $606699 84 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 381.0 $763 4258279853191391936\n",
- "2022-12-31 $607595 83 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 384.0 $897 4305949705088414094\n",
- "2022-12-31 $608317 82 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 380.0 $723 -3065722760393078737\n",
- "2022-12-31 $609262 81 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 385.0 $945 1145511878690798401\n",
- "2022-12-31 $609944 80 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 379.0 $683 3444189517131913515\n",
- "2022-12-31 $610588 79 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 378.0 $645 5455061440083175438\n",
- "2022-12-31 $611622 78 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 387.0 $1034 -8804361715431882840\n",
- "2022-12-31 $612681 77 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 387.5 $1060 -9033981833684326358\n",
- "2022-12-31 $613290 76 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 377.0 $610 -6029852338587923618\n",
- "2022-12-31 $614376 75 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 388.0 $1086 -6845127751186131193\n",
- "2022-12-31 $614950 74 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 376.0 $575 -3458574919221566717\n",
- "2022-12-31 $616093 73 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 389.0 $1144 -2448172830850460894\n",
- "2022-12-31 $616635 72 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 375.0 $542 -4442625801621192688\n",
- "2022-12-31 $617893 71 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 391.0 $1259 -5716331343589980786\n",
- "2022-12-31 $619278 70 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 393.0 $1386 -5465676008200890380\n",
- "2022-12-31 $620794 69 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 395.0 $1516 920055919304318400\n",
- "2022-12-31 $621192 68 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 370.0 $399 1774512911793148640\n",
- "2022-12-31 $621476 67 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 365.0 $285 -51483084734123294\n",
- "2022-12-31 $622411 66 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 382.0 $935 -6240225525869512224\n",
- "2022-12-31 $623387 65 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 383.0 $977 466955302949727349\n",
- "2022-12-31 $624279 64 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 381.0 $892 -6858496342651855838\n",
- "2022-12-31 $625130 63 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 380.0 $852 7522343676801165522\n",
- "2022-12-31 $626199 62 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 385.0 $1070 788433154886331254\n",
- "2022-12-31 $627319 61 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 386.0 $1120 327744356995818320\n",
- "2022-12-31 $628092 60 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 378.0 $774 -4208032881996233241\n",
- "2022-12-31 $629261 59 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 387.0 $1170 -4227903650093240349\n",
- "2022-12-31 $630438 58 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 387.5 $1177 3719917399418850322\n",
- "2022-12-31 $631175 57 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 377.0 $738 -7410393515461114931\n",
- "2022-12-31 $632392 56 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 388.0 $1218 4820017006238037496\n",
- "2022-12-31 $633094 55 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 376.0 $702 -8424307678363090827\n",
- "2022-12-31 $633763 54 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 375.0 $670 -4465332345461838718\n",
- "2022-12-31 $634368 53 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 373.0 $606 1637010153309498262\n",
- "2022-12-31 $634942 52 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 372.0 $574 -3144254848809830266\n",
- "2022-12-31 $635459 51 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 370.0 $518 -6429966181538147333\n",
- "2022-12-31 $635850 50 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 365.0 $392 -1419879102535416856\n",
- "2022-12-31 $636219 49 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 364.0 $369 7958138529133419708\n",
- "2022-12-31 $637322 48 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 382.0 $1104 -7986460219667080935\n",
- "2022-12-31 $638470 47 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 383.0 $1149 -3625992225528464973\n",
- "2022-12-31 $639534 46 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 381.0 $1064 -7744430841824091726\n",
- "2022-12-31 $640724 45 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 384.0 $1191 6364409109367218469\n",
- "2022-12-31 $641745 44 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 380.0 $1022 7393282007160713938\n",
- "2022-12-31 $642982 43 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 385.0 $1237 -5140060075013277828\n",
- "2022-12-31 $644265 42 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 386.0 $1284 5863181579708035183\n",
- "2022-12-31 $645247 41 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 379.0 $983 5289475143440580944\n",
- "2022-12-31 $646192 40 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 378.0 $945 -8627002509791743393\n",
- "2022-12-31 $647099 39 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 377.0 $908 -4525946794262167091\n",
- "2022-12-31 $648481 38 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 388.0 $1383 5922170762417060310\n",
- "2022-12-31 $649903 37 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 389.0 $1422 -3805655226633310048\n",
- "2022-12-31 $650775 36 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 376.0 $873 -468617610046268820\n",
- "2022-12-31 $651610 35 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 375.0 $836 -8988219624746321086\n",
- "2022-12-31 $653082 34 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 390.0 $1472 9054107275223124722\n",
- "2022-12-31 $653884 33 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 374.0 $803 -713267518996216952\n",
- "2022-12-31 $655464 32 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 392.0 $1581 2608420257519095137\n",
- "2022-12-31 $656234 31 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 373.0 $770 6928823279125835148\n",
- "2022-12-31 $656970 30 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 372.0 $737 -3196206736933219729\n",
- "2022-12-31 $657676 29 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 371.0 $707 6938169038809568932\n",
- "2022-12-31 $658352 28 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 370.0 $676 1765154334138471999\n",
- "2022-12-31 $659000 27 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 369.0 $649 -2744329375624819231\n",
- "2022-12-31 $659619 26 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 368.0 $620 -8539638496129254752\n",
- "2022-12-31 $660212 25 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 367.0 $593 -2188598155622095828\n",
- "2022-12-31 $660777 24 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 366.0 $566 -4378303268057111154\n",
- "2022-12-31 $662846 23 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 400.0 $2070 1097173859884121868\n",
- "2022-12-31 $663387 22 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 365.0 $541 -3128653348611004031\n",
- "2022-12-31 $663902 21 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 364.0 $516 -6283029006334675422\n",
- "2022-12-31 $664394 20 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 363.0 $493 1538037293348990307\n",
- "2022-12-31 $665821 19 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 382.0 $1427 8798000724500452867\n",
- "2022-12-31 $667288 18 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 383.0 $1468 -3766098336634439398\n",
- "2022-12-31 $668672 17 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 381.0 $1385 -6340183897695636024\n",
- "2022-12-31 $670184 16 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 384.0 $1512 7858547873126720928\n",
- "2022-12-31 $671529 15 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 380.0 $1346 -3596853373190475247\n",
- "2022-12-31 $673083 14 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 385.0 $1554 -5207814123267052560\n",
- "2022-12-31 $674681 13 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 386.0 $1599 9042428204783619423\n",
- "2022-12-31 $676325 12 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 387.0 $1645 4750285994009979316\n",
- "2022-12-31 $677555 11 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 377.0 $1230 1736240327585033411\n",
- "2022-12-31 $679237 10 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 388.0 $1683 -7979057490388582569\n",
- "2022-12-31 $680431 9 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 376.0 $1195 3749093901211352337\n",
- "2022-12-31 $681591 8 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 375.0 $1160 6769978036156688294\n",
- "2022-12-31 $683370 7 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 390.0 $1780 -5650390331174171848\n",
- "2022-12-31 $684494 6 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 374.0 $1125 9164017268002547743\n",
- "2022-12-31 $685583 5 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 373.0 $1089 -4336604604640389181\n",
- "2022-12-31 $687511 4 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 393.0 $1929 8215478562776423834\n",
- "2022-12-31 $688503 3 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 370.0 $993 -8815069731777862225\n",
- "2022-12-31 $689464 2 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 369.0 $961 -8709732225177592374\n",
- "2022-12-31 $690395 1 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 368.0 $932 -8264248955078515700\n",
- "2022-12-31 $691295 0 sell put 2023-03-17 382.44 367.0 $901 4578121101252104725\n",
+ "2021-06-10 $1816 1 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 426.0 $183 6558755911774121632\n",
+ "2021-06-10 $1666 2 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 427.0 $150 -184816048074837770\n",
+ "2021-06-10 $1530 3 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 427.5 $135 -8488818632830536124\n",
+ "2021-06-10 $1407 4 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 428.0 $122 -2036515133334208012\n",
+ "2021-06-10 $1308 5 buy call 2021-06-25 421.65 429.0 $99 969003425289108581\n",
+ "2021-06-11 $1235 6 buy call 2021-06-25 423.61 430.0 $72 902693105885732337\n",
+ "2021-06-11 $1176 7 buy call 2021-06-25 423.61 431.0 $58 -1946638912333127886\n",
+ "2021-06-11 $1090 8 buy call 2021-06-28 423.61 430.0 $86 2809300320857482665\n",
+ "2021-06-11 $982 9 buy call 2021-06-30 423.61 430.0 $107 -5225059104542897195\n",
+ "2021-06-11 $894 10 buy call 2021-06-30 423.61 431.0 $87 -6968366291762237156\n",
+ "2021-06-15 $821 11 buy call 2021-06-30 425.33 432.0 $73 4540227143127084046\n",
+ "2021-06-15 $763 12 buy call 2021-06-30 425.33 433.0 $57 944116514782012158\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $950 11 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 426.0 $188 6558755911774121632\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1093 10 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 427.0 $143 -184816048074837770\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1216 9 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 427.5 $124 -8488818632830536124\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1329 8 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 428.0 $114 -2036515133334208012\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1415 7 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 429.0 $86 969003425289108581\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1478 6 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 430.0 $64 902693105885732337\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1526 5 sell call 2021-06-25 424.51 431.0 $49 -1946638912333127886\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1603 4 sell call 2021-06-28 424.51 430.0 $77 2809300320857482665\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1701 3 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 430.0 $99 -5225059104542897195\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1780 2 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 431.0 $80 -6968366291762237156\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1841 1 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 432.0 $61 4540227143127084046\n",
+ "2021-06-16 $1887 0 sell call 2021-06-30 424.51 433.0 $47 944116514782012158\n",
+ "2021-06-23 $1715 1 buy put 2021-07-07 423.09 415.0 $171 1150608647506137099\n",
+ "2021-06-24 $1873 0 sell put 2021-07-07 422.64 415.0 $158 1150608647506137099\n",
+ "2021-07-07 $1696 1 buy put 2021-07-21 432.88 425.0 $176 -946556768676271879\n",
+ "2021-07-09 $1957 0 sell put 2021-07-21 430.87 425.0 $261 -946556768676271879\n",
+ "2021-07-29 $1775 1 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 444.0 $181 -2998444806392767118\n",
+ "2021-07-29 $1630 2 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 445.0 $144 -1258958024949590229\n",
+ "2021-07-29 $1517 3 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 446.0 $113 -5929579781371692095\n",
+ "2021-07-29 $1427 4 buy call 2021-08-13 438.86 447.0 $89 -3067308154691593778\n",
+ "2021-07-29 $1293 5 buy call 2021-08-16 438.86 446.0 $133 -3618799467166716243\n",
+ "2021-07-29 $1187 6 buy call 2021-08-16 438.86 447.0 $106 6354268252523125267\n",
+ "2021-07-30 $1402 5 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 444.0 $216 -2998444806392767118\n",
+ "2021-07-30 $1576 4 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 445.0 $175 -1258958024949590229\n",
+ "2021-07-30 $1715 3 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 446.0 $139 -5929579781371692095\n",
+ "2021-07-30 $1823 2 sell call 2021-08-13 440.67 447.0 $109 -3067308154691593778\n",
+ "2021-07-30 $1984 1 sell call 2021-08-16 440.67 446.0 $162 -3618799467166716243\n",
+ "2021-07-30 $2114 0 sell call 2021-08-16 440.67 447.0 $130 6354268252523125267\n",
+ "2021-08-03 $1957 1 buy call 2021-08-18 437.6 444.0 $156 7878647081567829473\n",
+ "2021-08-03 $1766 2 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 444.0 $190 -135218280021348527\n",
+ "2021-08-03 $1610 3 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 445.0 $156 2642382376286374084\n",
+ "2021-08-03 $1483 4 buy call 2021-08-20 437.6 446.0 $126 4410284318290976270\n",
+ "2021-08-04 $1710 3 sell call 2021-08-18 441.17 444.0 $228 7878647081567829473\n",
+ "2021-08-04 $1981 2 sell call 2021-08-20 441.17 444.0 $271 -135218280021348527\n",
+ "2021-08-04 $2205 1 sell call 2021-08-20 441.17 445.0 $225 2642382376286374084\n",
+ "2021-08-04 $2386 0 sell call 2021-08-20 441.17 446.0 $182 4410284318290976270\n",
+ "2021-08-05 $2161 1 buy call 2021-08-20 439.02 443.0 $225 -6277214131309066565\n",
+ "2021-08-05 $1977 2 buy call 2021-08-20 439.02 444.0 $183 -135218280021348527\n",
+ "2021-08-05 $1827 3 buy call 2021-08-20 439.02 445.0 $149 2642382376286374084\n",
+ "2021-08-05 $1709 4 buy call 2021-08-20 439.02 446.0 $118 4410284318290976270\n",
+ "2021-08-05 $1615 5 buy call 2021-08-20 439.02 447.0 $93 -5116305358708687401\n",
+ "2021-08-06 $1500 6 buy call 2021-08-20 441.73 448.0 $114 8275270892214888954\n",
+ "2021-08-06 $1411 7 buy call 2021-08-20 441.73 449.0 $89 -4137433478005723106\n",
+ "2021-08-06 $1341 8 buy call 2021-08-20 441.73 450.0 $69 -1395676210410010973\n",
+ "2021-08-06 $1206 9 buy call 2021-08-25 441.73 449.0 $134 3823536710395470358\n",
+ "2021-08-06 $1099 10 buy call 2021-08-25 441.73 450.0 $107 -5930278715512601249\n",
+ "2021-08-10 $993 11 buy call 2021-08-27 442.14 450.0 $105 2352685281557122814\n",
+ "2021-08-11 $911 12 buy call 2021-08-27 442.67 451.0 $81 -2063396253797470104\n",
+ "2021-08-12 $848 13 buy call 2021-08-27 443.73 452.0 $63 -5653507601191278355\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1069 12 sell call 2021-08-20 445.06 445.0 $222 2642382376286374084\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1355 11 sell call 2021-08-20 445.06 444.0 $287 -135218280021348527\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1523 10 sell call 2021-08-20 445.06 446.0 $168 4410284318290976270\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1645 9 sell call 2021-08-20 445.06 447.0 $123 -5116305358708687401\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1998 8 sell call 2021-08-20 445.06 443.0 $354 -6277214131309066565\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1802 9 buy call 2021-08-27 445.06 448.0 $196 -8396919629909767261\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1645 10 buy call 2021-08-27 445.06 449.0 $156 4975555444461257777\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1589 11 buy call 2021-08-27 445.06 453.0 $55 1623342983070110765\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1441 12 buy call 2021-08-30 445.06 450.0 $148 -7367566168012245397\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1322 13 buy call 2021-08-30 445.06 451.0 $118 8791627117918479398\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1230 14 buy call 2021-08-30 445.06 452.0 $91 -9174809469116294462\n",
+ "2021-08-13 $1134 15 buy call 2021-09-01 445.06 453.0 $96 -344423355267121202\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $1240 14 sell call 2021-08-20 447.06 448.0 $107 8275270892214888954\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $1306 13 sell call 2021-08-20 447.06 449.0 $67 -4137433478005723106\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $1347 12 sell call 2021-08-20 447.06 450.0 $41 -1395676210410010973\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $1468 11 sell call 2021-08-25 447.06 449.0 $122 3823536710395470358\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $1555 10 sell call 2021-08-25 447.06 450.0 $87 -5930278715512601249\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $1782 9 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 448.0 $228 -8396919629909767261\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $1958 8 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 449.0 $177 4975555444461257777\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $2092 7 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 450.0 $134 2352685281557122814\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $2192 6 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 451.0 $101 -2063396253797470104\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $2265 5 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 452.0 $74 -5653507601191278355\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $2319 4 sell call 2021-08-27 447.06 453.0 $54 1623342983070110765\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $2484 3 sell call 2021-08-30 447.06 450.0 $166 -7367566168012245397\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $2611 2 sell call 2021-08-30 447.06 451.0 $128 8791627117918479398\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $2709 1 sell call 2021-08-30 447.06 452.0 $98 -9174809469116294462\n",
+ "2021-08-17 $2812 0 sell call 2021-09-01 447.06 453.0 $104 -344423355267121202\n",
+ "2021-08-18 $2555 1 buy put 2021-09-01 443.95 437.0 $256 6676281406051607910\n",
+ "2021-08-20 $2985 0 sell put 2021-09-01 439.87 437.0 $430 6676281406051607910\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $2695 1 buy call 2021-09-08 447.96 449.0 $289 7691136935669360436\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $2459 2 buy call 2021-09-08 447.96 450.0 $235 5709928770173365523\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $2274 3 buy call 2021-09-08 447.96 451.0 $185 -3958823802238961777\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $2129 4 buy call 2021-09-08 447.96 452.0 $144 7046788086035906649\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $1946 5 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 452.0 $182 -4928053363416738070\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $1784 6 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 452.5 $162 -9053800921217069501\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $1639 7 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 453.0 $144 -4491345594968404927\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $1528 8 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 454.0 $110 -7648589155753141461\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $1443 9 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 455.0 $85 3324781421100065229\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $1378 10 buy call 2021-09-10 447.96 456.0 $64 -4224878311043274402\n",
+ "2021-08-25 $1257 11 buy call 2021-09-17 447.96 456.0 $120 -7915098355210494121\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $1571 10 sell call 2021-09-08 448.88 449.0 $314 7691136935669360436\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $1826 9 sell call 2021-09-08 448.88 450.0 $256 5709928770173365523\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $2028 8 sell call 2021-09-08 448.88 451.0 $203 -3958823802238961777\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $2184 7 sell call 2021-09-08 448.88 452.0 $156 7046788086035906649\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $2379 6 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 452.0 $196 -4928053363416738070\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $2552 5 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 452.5 $174 -9053800921217069501\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $2706 4 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 453.0 $154 -4491345594968404927\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $2823 3 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 454.0 $118 -7648589155753141461\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $2911 2 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 455.0 $89 3324781421100065229\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $2977 1 sell call 2021-09-10 448.88 456.0 $66 -4224878311043274402\n",
+ "2021-08-26 $3101 0 sell call 2021-09-17 448.88 456.0 $125 -7915098355210494121\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $2822 1 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 449.0 $278 3300114925322299550\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $2594 2 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 450.0 $228 -7341299085255377274\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $2412 3 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 451.0 $181 -6373035695672888021\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $2268 4 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 452.0 $143 -4928053363416738070\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $2142 5 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 452.5 $126 -9053800921217069501\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $2031 6 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 453.0 $110 -4491345594968404927\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $1947 7 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 454.0 $83 -7648589155753141461\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $1885 8 buy call 2021-09-10 446.33 455.0 $62 3324781421100065229\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $1719 9 buy call 2021-09-13 446.33 452.0 $165 3281192754760120114\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $1642 10 buy call 2021-09-13 446.33 455.0 $76 138303633583325583\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $1502 11 buy call 2021-09-17 446.33 454.0 $140 -1380062314571653787\n",
+ "2021-08-27 $1388 12 buy call 2021-09-17 446.33 455.0 $113 -7771768290207263988\n",
+ "2021-08-31 $1293 13 buy call 2021-09-15 452.18 458.0 $94 -1213488844410855174\n",
+ "2021-08-31 $1238 14 buy call 2021-09-15 452.18 460.0 $55 3058167163974916918\n",
+ "2021-08-31 $1124 15 buy call 2021-09-17 452.18 458.0 $113 6719451050541960588\n",
+ "2021-08-31 $1036 16 buy call 2021-09-17 452.18 459.0 $88 -8225860197561413502\n",
+ "2021-08-31 $967 17 buy call 2021-09-17 452.18 460.0 $68 -7749938224949247419\n",
+ "2021-08-31 $870 18 buy call 2021-09-20 452.18 459.0 $96 -6262394841483770964\n",
+ "2021-08-31 $794 19 buy call 2021-09-20 452.18 460.0 $76 486268593699232158\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $1044 18 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 452.0 $251 -4928053363416738070\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $1355 17 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 451.0 $312 -6373035695672888021\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $1578 16 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 452.5 $223 -9053800921217069501\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $1774 15 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 453.0 $197 -4491345594968404927\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $2153 14 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 450.0 $380 -7341299085255377274\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $2304 13 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 454.0 $151 -7648589155753141461\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $2749 12 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 449.0 $446 3300114925322299550\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $2860 11 sell call 2021-09-10 451.6 455.0 $112 3324781421100065229\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $3142 10 sell call 2021-09-13 451.6 452.0 $282 3281192754760120114\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $3277 9 sell call 2021-09-13 451.6 455.0 $136 138303633583325583\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $3357 8 sell call 2021-09-15 451.6 458.0 $81 -1213488844410855174\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $3402 7 sell call 2021-09-15 451.6 460.0 $45 3058167163974916918\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $3640 6 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 454.0 $239 -1380062314571653787\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $3833 5 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 455.0 $194 -7771768290207263988\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $3928 4 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 458.0 $95 6719451050541960588\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $4001 3 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 459.0 $74 -8225860197561413502\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $4057 2 sell call 2021-09-17 451.6 460.0 $57 -7749938224949247419\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $4137 1 sell call 2021-09-20 451.6 459.0 $80 -6262394841483770964\n",
+ "2021-09-01 $4198 0 sell call 2021-09-20 451.6 460.0 $62 486268593699232158\n",
+ "2021-09-10 $3789 1 buy put 2021-09-24 448.89 445.0 $408 801275113093820057\n",
+ "2021-09-10 $3431 2 buy put 2021-09-24 448.89 443.0 $358 4697733474940440162\n",
+ "2021-09-10 $3094 3 buy put 2021-09-24 448.89 442.0 $336 -3519496651695632405\n",
+ "2021-09-14 $3535 2 sell put 2021-09-24 446.56 445.0 $442 801275113093820057\n",
+ "2021-09-14 $3919 1 sell put 2021-09-24 446.56 443.0 $384 4697733474940440162\n",
+ "2021-09-14 $4275 0 sell put 2021-09-24 446.56 442.0 $357 -3519496651695632405\n",
+ "2021-09-17 $3863 1 buy put 2021-10-01 447.15 444.0 $411 4095561127805499318\n",
+ "2021-09-17 $3479 2 buy put 2021-10-01 447.15 443.0 $384 -1493696354619204467\n",
+ "2021-09-17 $3144 3 buy put 2021-10-01 447.15 441.0 $334 7492219149346926618\n",
+ "2021-09-17 $2832 4 buy put 2021-10-01 447.15 440.0 $311 4202412958640106384\n",
+ "2021-09-22 $3697 3 sell put 2021-10-01 433.74 440.0 $865 4202412958640106384\n",
+ "2021-09-22 $4611 2 sell put 2021-10-01 433.74 441.0 $915 7492219149346926618\n",
+ "2021-09-22 $5670 1 sell put 2021-10-01 433.74 443.0 $1060 -1493696354619204467\n",
+ "2021-09-22 $6802 0 sell put 2021-10-01 433.74 444.0 $1132 4095561127805499318\n",
+ "2021-09-28 $6303 1 buy put 2021-10-13 442.67 443.0 $498 4341553004441050218\n",
+ "2021-09-28 $5838 2 buy put 2021-10-13 442.67 442.0 $464 -9215503331024301351\n",
+ "2021-09-28 $5507 3 buy put 2021-10-13 442.67 437.0 $331 8523218499959213244\n",
+ "2021-09-28 $5195 4 buy put 2021-10-13 442.67 436.0 $311 3905622133997146546\n",
+ "2021-09-28 $4686 5 buy put 2021-10-15 442.67 442.0 $508 4272845611756670940\n",
+ "2021-09-28 $4236 6 buy put 2021-10-15 442.67 440.0 $450 -8161059010549506370\n",
+ "2021-09-28 $3835 7 buy put 2021-10-15 442.67 438.0 $400 1178788904188600964\n",
+ "2021-09-28 $3459 8 buy put 2021-10-15 442.67 437.0 $375 -4864275042823011083\n",
+ "2021-09-28 $3123 9 buy put 2021-10-15 442.67 435.0 $336 2521986284035130686\n",
+ "2021-10-01 $4066 8 sell put 2021-10-13 429.0 436.0 $944 3905622133997146546\n",
+ "2021-10-01 $5066 7 sell put 2021-10-13 429.0 437.0 $1000 8523218499959213244\n",
+ "2021-10-01 $6358 6 sell put 2021-10-13 429.0 442.0 $1293 -9215503331024301351\n",
+ "2021-10-01 $7730 5 sell put 2021-10-13 429.0 443.0 $1373 4341553004441050218\n",
+ "2021-10-01 $8667 4 sell put 2021-10-15 429.0 435.0 $937 2521986284035130686\n",
+ "2021-10-01 $9685 3 sell put 2021-10-15 429.0 437.0 $1019 -4864275042823011083\n",
+ "2021-10-01 $10795 2 sell put 2021-10-15 429.0 438.0 $1111 1178788904188600964\n",
+ "2021-10-01 $12037 1 sell put 2021-10-15 429.0 440.0 $1242 -8161059010549506370\n",
+ "2021-10-01 $13420 0 sell put 2021-10-15 429.0 442.0 $1384 4272845611756670940\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $12954 1 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 437.0 $465 -8127729405755027101\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $12171 2 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 432.0 $783 5141679136539584016\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $11758 3 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 438.0 $412 -710594629924181975\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $11449 4 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 440.0 $308 6431537467632049464\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $11186 5 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 441.0 $263 894136447405468608\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $10962 6 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 442.0 $223 -3835948341057508564\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $10775 7 buy call 2021-10-27 434.69 443.0 $186 -2846258637519612767\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $10137 8 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 435.0 $638 -5006133146867123893\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $9434 9 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 434.0 $702 7091818659250753865\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $8861 10 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 436.0 $572 -5383863754028407367\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $8346 11 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 437.0 $515 -6860495319433858009\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $7858 12 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 437.5 $487 -4224447203841274089\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $7399 13 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 438.0 $458 1189107337897483049\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $6997 14 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 439.0 $402 -4552582399339706103\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $6642 15 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 440.0 $354 -6366835273113306603\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $6334 16 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 441.0 $307 3581684148395930050\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $6071 17 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 442.0 $263 -7477128728772117707\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $5847 18 buy call 2021-10-29 434.69 443.0 $223 -122988159282083048\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $5304 19 buy call 2021-11-01 434.69 437.0 $542 -7171875359235310610\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $4818 20 buy call 2021-11-01 434.69 438.0 $486 1421923033012372505\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $4386 21 buy call 2021-11-01 434.69 439.0 $431 7658412732679267191\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $4005 22 buy call 2021-11-01 434.69 440.0 $380 750067435298386060\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $3719 23 buy call 2021-11-01 434.69 442.0 $286 6477598247515526670\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $3389 24 buy call 2021-11-03 434.69 442.0 $329 1986858299421459819\n",
+ "2021-10-12 $3065 25 buy call 2021-11-05 434.69 443.0 $323 -8572364252836312513\n",
+ "2021-10-13 $2789 26 buy call 2021-10-27 433.64 439.0 $276 356599316128990818\n",
+ "2021-10-13 $2533 27 buy call 2021-11-01 433.64 441.0 $255 3999632366975589518\n",
+ "2021-10-15 $2284 28 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 446.0 $248 8712180631779114577\n",
+ "2021-10-15 $2079 29 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 447.0 $205 2978736403519345508\n",
+ "2021-10-15 $1894 30 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 447.5 $184 1665928881165987821\n",
+ "2021-10-15 $1728 31 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 448.0 $165 -913534713950973812\n",
+ "2021-10-15 $1593 32 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 449.0 $135 -7347978856590342391\n",
+ "2021-10-15 $1483 33 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 450.0 $109 -7610055159351662296\n",
+ "2021-10-15 $1396 34 buy call 2021-10-29 442.47 451.0 $86 -2042848318360489527\n",
+ "2021-10-15 $1270 35 buy call 2021-11-01 442.47 450.0 $126 -2415094713466297824\n",
+ "2021-10-15 $1167 36 buy call 2021-11-01 442.47 451.0 $102 -3214189771815914336\n",
+ "2021-10-19 $1060 37 buy call 2021-11-03 447.25 455.0 $106 -5677292139472379045\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $1888 36 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 443.0 $828 -2846258637519612767\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $2818 35 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 442.0 $931 -3835948341057508564\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $3840 34 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 441.0 $1023 894136447405468608\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $4940 33 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 440.0 $1100 6431537467632049464\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $6242 32 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 438.0 $1303 -710594629924181975\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $7640 31 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 437.0 $1398 -8127729405755027101\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $9501 30 sell call 2021-10-27 450.7 432.0 $1862 5141679136539584016\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $10382 29 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 443.0 $882 -122988159282083048\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $11341 28 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 442.0 $959 -7477128728772117707\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $12387 27 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 441.0 $1047 3581684148395930050\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $13527 26 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 440.0 $1141 -6366835273113306603\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $14758 25 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 439.0 $1231 -4552582399339706103\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $16082 24 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 438.0 $1325 1189107337897483049\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $17451 23 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 437.5 $1370 -4224447203841274089\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $18869 22 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 437.0 $1418 -6860495319433858009\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $20380 21 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 436.0 $1512 -5383863754028407367\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $21979 20 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 435.0 $1600 -5006133146867123893\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $23679 19 sell call 2021-10-29 450.7 434.0 $1700 7091818659250753865\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $24674 18 sell call 2021-11-01 450.7 442.0 $996 6477598247515526670\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $25848 17 sell call 2021-11-01 450.7 440.0 $1175 750067435298386060\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $27112 16 sell call 2021-11-01 450.7 439.0 $1264 7658412732679267191\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $28468 15 sell call 2021-11-01 450.7 438.0 $1357 1421923033012372505\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $29914 14 sell call 2021-11-01 450.7 437.0 $1447 -7171875359235310610\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $29541 15 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 451.0 $373 6806701890589136557\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $29108 16 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 450.0 $432 7489470813715885265\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $28790 17 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 452.0 $317 6160007608771879092\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $28287 18 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 449.0 $503 -9204373212139139002\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $28019 19 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 453.0 $267 -8343172988904780338\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $27446 20 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 448.0 $572 -4426921880986926791\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $27224 21 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 454.0 $222 -5342425933394467849\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $26499 22 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 446.0 $724 -3942311595215260245\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $26378 23 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 457.0 $120 7643346093347844198\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $25490 24 buy call 2021-11-03 450.7 444.0 $888 -3157130207389441847\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $26531 23 sell call 2021-11-03 450.7 442.0 $1042 1986858299421459819\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $26111 24 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 451.0 $419 4292950593991161283\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $25631 25 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 450.0 $480 -4554375054525428152\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $25270 26 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 452.0 $360 -4226629461951683858\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $24934 27 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 452.5 $335 -6317566168238477880\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $24386 28 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 449.0 $548 8235491897010269723\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $24076 29 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 453.0 $309 -2506116552761822399\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $23457 30 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 448.0 $618 -3945782498944575166\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $23195 31 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 454.0 $262 3248225125387367118\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $22503 32 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 447.0 $691 3904727314515217865\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $22282 33 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 455.0 $220 -2742000916074205538\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $22098 34 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 456.0 $184 -8796756429735261986\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $21250 35 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 445.0 $847 6472071254845377726\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $21112 36 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 457.5 $137 -7733668269538465420\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $20184 37 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 444.0 $928 3124698791874406220\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $20059 38 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 458.0 $124 -8866952313405656251\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $21052 37 sell call 2021-11-05 450.7 443.0 $994 -8572364252836312513\n",
+ "2021-10-20 $20951 38 buy call 2021-11-05 450.7 459.0 $101 2688068677317726796\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $22303 37 sell call 2021-10-27 452.39 439.0 $1353 356599316128990818\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $23458 36 sell call 2021-11-01 452.39 441.0 $1156 3999632366975589518\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $23262 37 buy call 2021-11-05 452.39 457.0 $196 7248829715621983242\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $22388 38 buy call 2021-11-05 452.39 446.0 $873 -3067905703403750010\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $22280 39 buy call 2021-11-05 452.39 460.0 $108 4697191375720364009\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $22192 40 buy call 2021-11-05 452.39 461.0 $87 -9152293680107270584\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $21727 41 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 452.0 $464 8614044826561392211\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $21323 42 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 453.0 $404 -8398441692608822592\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $20794 43 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 451.0 $528 -6213749321307766775\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $20443 44 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 454.0 $350 -3465035447673789597\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $19846 45 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 450.0 $597 -6593251324089384488\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $19590 46 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 456.0 $255 -5233035064499608466\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $19409 47 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 458.0 $180 6749348879881109662\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $19260 48 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 459.0 $149 1945080604067474755\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $19136 49 buy call 2021-11-08 452.39 460.0 $123 -694037304219651378\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $18631 50 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 452.0 $504 -8962596325203567110\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $18187 51 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 453.0 $444 -7271926282827668137\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $17618 52 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 451.0 $568 3813417439445952141\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $17229 53 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 454.0 $388 -6293452791078278733\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $16892 54 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 455.0 $337 -4235097321545882435\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $16601 55 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 456.0 $290 7685134976075589027\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $16452 56 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 460.0 $148 7582825777227230474\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $16330 57 buy call 2021-11-10 452.39 461.0 $122 -1407307801489358642\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $15849 58 buy call 2021-11-12 452.39 453.0 $480 4581195761786937238\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $15304 59 buy call 2021-11-12 452.39 452.0 $544 -5130572783668929890\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $14697 60 buy call 2021-11-12 452.39 451.0 $607 8387806419784677658\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $14272 61 buy call 2021-11-12 452.39 454.0 $424 -4985523821905616772\n",
+ "2021-10-21 $13561 62 buy call 2021-11-12 452.39 450.0 $710 8557139043554548123\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $13319 63 buy call 2021-11-08 453.63 457.0 $242 -752188453925026619\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $13234 64 buy call 2021-11-08 453.63 462.0 $84 -1978330511671745465\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $13125 65 buy call 2021-11-10 453.63 462.0 $108 -6142083606767110177\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $12707 66 buy call 2021-11-12 453.63 455.0 $418 -4736733078346185610\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $12343 67 buy call 2021-11-12 453.63 456.0 $363 -6175252964015021938\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $12029 68 buy call 2021-11-12 453.63 457.0 $313 -1586280507160033320\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $11760 69 buy call 2021-11-12 453.63 458.0 $269 3460620602692440649\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $11568 70 buy call 2021-11-12 453.63 460.0 $191 -7983441386625398319\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $11436 71 buy call 2021-11-12 453.63 462.0 $131 7933680916450630095\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $10935 72 buy call 2021-11-15 453.63 454.0 $501 -981610761346887873\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $10369 73 buy call 2021-11-15 453.63 453.0 $565 6462261159101300819\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $9930 74 buy call 2021-11-15 453.63 455.0 $438 1971905286886547942\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $9298 75 buy call 2021-11-15 453.63 452.0 $632 2703176635913199623\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $8597 76 buy call 2021-11-15 453.63 451.0 $700 -295825077776812527\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $8386 77 buy call 2021-11-15 453.63 460.0 $210 8936701311591362645\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $7716 78 buy call 2021-11-17 453.63 452.0 $670 1058696531788974398\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $6976 79 buy call 2021-11-17 453.63 451.0 $739 -2101246767398150717\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $6603 80 buy call 2021-11-17 453.63 457.0 $372 447631221648411692\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $6027 81 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 454.0 $576 2745120029802970119\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $5510 82 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 455.0 $516 1224526378108528131\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $5049 83 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 456.0 $460 -8091014799626398791\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $4641 84 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 457.0 $408 155692053264183656\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $4258 85 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 457.5 $382 -6053018902031339143\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $3898 86 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 458.0 $359 -1658879549821882129\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $3585 87 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 459.0 $313 111229806439714089\n",
+ "2021-10-22 $3312 88 buy call 2021-11-19 453.63 460.0 $272 -565629514356225798\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $3818 87 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 451.0 $506 -2042848318360489527\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $4406 86 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 450.0 $589 -7610055159351662296\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $5085 85 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 449.0 $680 -7347978856590342391\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $5856 84 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 448.0 $771 -913534713950973812\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $6674 83 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 447.5 $819 1665928881165987821\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $7535 82 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 447.0 $862 2978736403519345508\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $8480 81 sell call 2021-10-29 455.48 446.0 $945 8712180631779114577\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $8947 80 sell call 2021-11-01 455.48 451.0 $468 -3214189771815914336\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $9497 79 sell call 2021-11-01 455.48 450.0 $551 -2415094713466297824\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $9102 80 buy call 2021-11-08 455.48 455.0 $395 2064736325656875387\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $8980 81 buy call 2021-11-08 455.48 461.0 $121 830636454936157990\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $8907 82 buy call 2021-11-08 455.48 463.0 $72 -4312510957161611175\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $8583 83 buy call 2021-11-10 455.48 457.0 $324 -4280707182172986553\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $8305 84 buy call 2021-11-10 455.48 458.0 $277 4737217966650935280\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $8076 85 buy call 2021-11-10 455.48 459.0 $228 2948226756587464672\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $7958 86 buy call 2021-11-12 455.48 463.0 $118 -7124998827280551254\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $7861 87 buy call 2021-11-12 455.48 464.0 $96 -8493208068206968722\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $7415 88 buy call 2021-11-15 455.48 456.0 $445 104119125176653746\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $7081 89 buy call 2021-11-15 455.48 458.0 $334 -3664583473408983113\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $6794 90 buy call 2021-11-15 455.48 459.0 $286 664674473503351181\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $6683 91 buy call 2021-11-15 455.48 464.0 $110 -8067420005221023501\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $6139 92 buy call 2021-11-17 455.48 455.0 $544 -1338579845340507304\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $5863 93 buy call 2021-11-17 455.48 460.0 $275 -5910590548236605632\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $5594 94 buy call 2021-11-19 455.48 461.0 $268 -7548582460836194050\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $5366 95 buy call 2021-11-19 455.48 462.0 $228 6518183465892349634\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $5155 96 buy call 2021-11-19 455.48 462.5 $210 -7047239013189505537\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $4963 97 buy call 2021-11-19 455.48 463.0 $191 371988544792014546\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $4803 98 buy call 2021-11-19 455.48 464.0 $160 -2769838702832131357\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $4422 99 buy call 2021-11-22 455.48 459.0 $380 5866989496728255775\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $4100 100 buy call 2021-11-24 455.48 461.0 $321 -6823389138029472561\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $3718 101 buy call 2021-11-26 455.48 460.0 $382 -894057782346143691\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $3384 102 buy call 2021-11-26 455.48 461.0 $333 -3150757080825518306\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $3091 103 buy call 2021-11-26 455.48 462.0 $292 7554589840163323359\n",
+ "2021-10-26 $2873 104 buy call 2021-11-26 455.48 464.0 $218 2500580650041671211\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $3118 103 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 457.0 $246 7643346093347844198\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $3478 102 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 455.0 $361 -5677292139472379045\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $3900 101 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 454.0 $422 -5342425933394467849\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $4390 100 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 453.0 $491 -8343172988904780338\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $4956 99 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 452.0 $567 6160007608771879092\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $5603 98 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 451.0 $647 6806701890589136557\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $6303 97 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 450.0 $701 7489470813715885265\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $7114 96 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 449.0 $812 -9204373212139139002\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $8012 95 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 448.0 $898 -4426921880986926791\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $9083 94 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 446.0 $1072 -3942311595215260245\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $10336 93 sell call 2021-11-03 455.96 444.0 $1254 -3157130207389441847\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $10693 92 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 456.0 $357 -8796756429735261986\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $10993 91 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 457.0 $301 7248829715621983242\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $11410 90 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 455.0 $418 -2742000916074205538\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $11685 89 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 457.5 $275 -7733668269538465420\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $11932 88 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 458.0 $248 -8866952313405656251\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $12415 87 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 454.0 $483 3248225125387367118\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $12965 86 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 453.0 $551 -2506116552761822399\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $13169 85 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 459.0 $205 2688068677317726796\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $13714 84 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 452.5 $545 -6317566168238477880\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $14334 83 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 452.0 $621 -4226629461951683858\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $14494 82 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 460.0 $161 4697191375720364009\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $15197 81 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 451.0 $703 4292950593991161283\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $15324 80 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 461.0 $128 -9152293680107270584\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $16103 79 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 450.0 $780 -4554375054525428152\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $16961 78 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 449.0 $858 8235491897010269723\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $17909 77 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 448.0 $949 -3945782498944575166\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $18937 76 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 447.0 $1029 3904727314515217865\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $20054 75 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 446.0 $1117 -3067905703403750010\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $21261 74 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 445.0 $1208 6472071254845377726\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $22556 73 sell call 2021-11-05 455.96 444.0 $1296 3124698791874406220\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $22942 72 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 456.0 $386 -5233035064499608466\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $23266 71 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 457.0 $325 -752188453925026619\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $23713 70 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 455.0 $448 2064736325656875387\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $23987 69 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 458.0 $274 6749348879881109662\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $24499 68 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 454.0 $513 -3465035447673789597\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $25076 67 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 453.0 $578 -8398441692608822592\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $25301 66 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 459.0 $225 1945080604067474755\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $25484 65 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 460.0 $184 -694037304219651378\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $26135 64 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 452.0 $652 8614044826561392211\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $26286 63 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 461.0 $151 830636454936157990\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $26961 62 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 451.0 $676 -6213749321307766775\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $27764 61 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 450.0 $804 -6593251324089384488\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $27883 60 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 462.0 $119 -1978330511671745465\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $27974 59 sell call 2021-11-08 455.96 463.0 $92 -4312510957161611175\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $28404 58 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 456.0 $431 7685134976075589027\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $28892 57 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 455.0 $488 -4235097321545882435\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $29265 56 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 457.0 $374 -4280707182172986553\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $29822 55 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 454.0 $558 -6293452791078278733\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $30140 54 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 458.0 $318 4737217966650935280\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $30761 53 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 453.0 $622 -7271926282827668137\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $31028 52 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 459.0 $268 2948226756587464672\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $31724 51 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 452.0 $696 -8962596325203567110\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $31947 50 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 460.0 $224 7582825777227230474\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $32686 49 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 451.0 $740 3813417439445952141\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $32871 48 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 461.0 $185 -1407307801489358642\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $33019 47 sell call 2021-11-10 455.96 462.0 $149 -6142083606767110177\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $33486 46 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 456.0 $468 -6175252964015021938\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $34016 45 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 455.0 $530 -4736733078346185610\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $34427 44 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 457.0 $412 -1586280507160033320\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $34983 43 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 454.0 $557 -4985523821905616772\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $35336 42 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 458.0 $353 3460620602692440649\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $36004 41 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 453.0 $669 4581195761786937238\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $36737 40 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 452.0 $734 -5130572783668929890\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $36992 39 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 460.0 $255 -7983441386625398319\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $37799 38 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 451.0 $808 8387806419784677658\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $38683 37 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 450.0 $885 8557139043554548123\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $38863 36 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 462.0 $180 7933680916450630095\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $39006 35 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 463.0 $144 -7124998827280551254\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $39123 34 sell call 2021-11-12 455.96 464.0 $117 -8493208068206968722\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $39618 33 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 456.0 $496 104119125176653746\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $40177 32 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 455.0 $560 1971905286886547942\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $40557 31 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 458.0 $380 -3664583473408983113\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $41180 30 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 454.0 $624 -981610761346887873\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $41873 29 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 453.0 $694 6462261159101300819\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $42202 28 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 459.0 $329 664674473503351181\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $42484 27 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 460.0 $283 8936701311591362645\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $43192 26 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 452.0 $709 2703176635913199623\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $43997 25 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 451.0 $805 -295825077776812527\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $44130 24 sell call 2021-11-15 455.96 464.0 $134 -8067420005221023501\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $44606 23 sell call 2021-11-17 455.96 457.0 $477 447631221648411692\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $45209 22 sell call 2021-11-17 455.96 455.0 $603 -1338579845340507304\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $45525 21 sell call 2021-11-17 455.96 460.0 $317 -5910590548236605632\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $46320 20 sell call 2021-11-17 455.96 452.0 $796 1058696531788974398\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $47190 19 sell call 2021-11-17 455.96 451.0 $870 -2101246767398150717\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $47761 18 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 456.0 $572 -8091014799626398791\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $48397 17 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 455.0 $637 1224526378108528131\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $48911 16 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 457.0 $514 155692053264183656\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $49396 15 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 457.5 $486 -6053018902031339143\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $50097 14 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 454.0 $702 2745120029802970119\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $50553 13 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 458.0 $456 -1658879549821882129\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $50952 12 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 459.0 $400 111229806439714089\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $51304 11 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 460.0 $353 -565629514356225798\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $51610 10 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 461.0 $306 -7548582460836194050\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $51870 9 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 462.0 $261 6518183465892349634\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $52111 8 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 462.5 $242 -7047239013189505537\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $52335 7 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 463.0 $224 371988544792014546\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $52524 6 sell call 2021-11-19 455.96 464.0 $190 -2769838702832131357\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $52947 5 sell call 2021-11-22 455.96 459.0 $424 5866989496728255775\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $53306 4 sell call 2021-11-24 455.96 461.0 $359 -6823389138029472561\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $53725 3 sell call 2021-11-26 455.96 460.0 $420 -894057782346143691\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $54096 2 sell call 2021-11-26 455.96 461.0 $372 -3150757080825518306\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $54424 1 sell call 2021-11-26 455.96 462.0 $328 7554589840163323359\n",
+ "2021-10-27 $54671 0 sell call 2021-11-26 455.96 464.0 $248 2500580650041671211\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $54213 1 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 454.0 $457 -6293452791078278733\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $53814 2 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 455.0 $399 -4235097321545882435\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $53470 3 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 456.0 $343 7685134976075589027\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $53179 4 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 457.0 $290 -4280707182172986553\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $52443 5 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 450.0 $736 5866802541600692471\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $52197 6 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 458.0 $245 4737217966650935280\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $51993 7 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 459.0 $203 2948226756587464672\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $51827 8 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 460.0 $166 7582825777227230474\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $51722 9 buy call 2021-11-10 453.92 462.0 $104 -6142083606767110177\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $51218 10 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 454.0 $503 -4985523821905616772\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $50651 11 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 453.0 $567 4581195761786937238\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $50207 12 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 455.0 $443 -4736733078346185610\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $49575 13 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 452.0 $631 -5130572783668929890\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $49191 14 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 456.0 $384 -6175252964015021938\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $48486 15 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 451.0 $704 8387806419784677658\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $48153 16 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 457.0 $333 -1586280507160033320\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $47379 17 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 450.0 $773 8557139043554548123\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $47095 18 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 458.0 $283 3460620602692440649\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $46855 19 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 459.0 $240 -8859989518459814985\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $46656 20 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 460.0 $198 -7983441386625398319\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $46492 21 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 461.0 $163 -2609453620090338800\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $46359 22 buy call 2021-11-12 453.92 462.0 $133 7933680916450630095\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $45830 23 buy call 2021-11-15 453.92 454.0 $528 -981610761346887873\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $45361 24 buy call 2021-11-15 453.92 455.0 $468 1971905286886547942\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $44700 25 buy call 2021-11-15 453.92 452.0 $661 2703176635913199623\n",
+ "2021-10-28 $44288 26 buy call 2021-11-15 453.92 456.0 $411 104119125176653746\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $44089 27 buy call 2021-11-12 458.27 463.0 $198 -7124998827280551254\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $43924 28 buy call 2021-11-12 458.27 464.0 $165 -8493208068206968722\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $43791 29 buy call 2021-11-12 458.27 465.0 $132 2741984643229913653\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $43685 30 buy call 2021-11-12 458.27 466.0 $105 7823549295359854988\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $43604 31 buy call 2021-11-12 458.27 467.0 $81 7902988100112098052\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $43112 32 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 458.0 $491 -3664583473408983113\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $42681 33 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 459.0 $430 664674473503351181\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $42123 34 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 457.0 $558 -5878035703421112139\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $41749 35 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 460.0 $373 8936701311591362645\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $41594 36 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 465.0 $154 4457706088274208666\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $41470 37 buy call 2021-11-15 458.27 466.0 $124 6440373226789316014\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $40870 38 buy call 2021-11-17 458.27 457.0 $599 447631221648411692\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $40198 39 buy call 2021-11-17 458.27 456.0 $671 6675674402615494566\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $40016 40 buy call 2021-11-17 458.27 465.0 $182 6159240920100069104\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $39440 41 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 458.0 $575 -1658879549821882129\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $38925 42 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 459.0 $514 111229806439714089\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $38317 43 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 457.5 $608 -6053018902031339143\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $37675 44 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 457.0 $641 155692053264183656\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $37219 45 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 460.0 $455 -565629514356225798\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $36506 46 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 456.0 $713 -8091014799626398791\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $36107 47 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 461.0 $398 -7548582460836194050\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $35325 48 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 455.0 $781 1224526378108528131\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $34977 49 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 462.0 $348 6518183465892349634\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $34652 50 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 462.5 $324 -7047239013189505537\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $33793 51 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 454.0 $858 2745120029802970119\n",
+ "2021-10-29 $33491 52 buy call 2021-11-19 458.27 463.0 $302 371988544792014546\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $33125 53 buy call 2021-11-15 460.07 461.0 $365 6228409976507778975\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $32819 54 buy call 2021-11-15 460.07 462.0 $305 6704966694527286991\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $32564 55 buy call 2021-11-15 460.07 463.0 $255 3868610781755848463\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $32350 56 buy call 2021-11-15 460.07 464.0 $213 -8067420005221023501\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $32267 57 buy call 2021-11-15 460.07 468.0 $82 7054599832009259736\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $31795 58 buy call 2021-11-17 460.07 460.0 $472 -5910590548236605632\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $31383 59 buy call 2021-11-17 460.07 461.0 $411 -3635465505151391461\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $30851 60 buy call 2021-11-17 460.07 459.0 $531 -115477655874648596\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $30253 61 buy call 2021-11-17 460.07 458.0 $598 -5319345632675404870\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $29955 62 buy call 2021-11-17 460.07 463.0 $297 -408717890085226992\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $28965 63 buy call 2021-11-17 460.07 453.0 $989 -4464620439239356161\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $27897 64 buy call 2021-11-17 460.07 452.0 $1068 1058696531788974398\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $27602 65 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 464.0 $294 -2769838702832131357\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $27357 66 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 465.0 $245 6019593574698328288\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $27149 67 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 466.0 $207 -8119493235421666544\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $26116 68 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 453.0 $1032 -1095786219111254943\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $25944 69 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 467.0 $172 -5068250916407109009\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $25787 70 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 467.5 $156 2050464596988467585\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $25648 71 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 468.0 $138 -7028455552149267546\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $24538 72 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 452.0 $1110 6201802954374972931\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $24426 73 buy call 2021-11-19 460.07 469.0 $111 2687606867590325748\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $23883 74 buy call 2021-11-22 460.07 460.0 $542 -6229620393416627207\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $23407 75 buy call 2021-11-22 460.07 461.0 $476 5132835158977865945\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $22513 76 buy call 2021-11-22 460.07 455.0 $893 -4650800052962101443\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $21936 77 buy call 2021-11-24 460.07 460.0 $576 -7572689803584527168\n",
+ "2021-11-02 $21342 78 buy call 2021-11-26 460.07 460.0 $594 -894057782346143691\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $20911 79 buy call 2021-11-17 461.87 462.0 $430 -5702197157487014188\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $20595 80 buy call 2021-11-17 461.87 464.0 $315 -3993833976761760542\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $20374 81 buy call 2021-11-17 461.87 466.0 $221 -6820740577172452355\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $20228 82 buy call 2021-11-17 461.87 468.0 $145 5597918012958377123\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $20111 83 buy call 2021-11-17 461.87 469.0 $116 -3411931083417465110\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $20019 84 buy call 2021-11-17 461.87 470.0 $92 3313785659575560038\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $19900 85 buy call 2021-11-19 461.87 470.0 $118 6268490893973453174\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $19399 86 buy call 2021-11-22 461.87 462.0 $500 8358999485804513253\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $18961 87 buy call 2021-11-22 461.87 463.0 $438 8743798663196527028\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $18578 88 buy call 2021-11-22 461.87 464.0 $382 2957890352625355611\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $17872 89 buy call 2021-11-22 461.87 459.0 $705 5866989496728255775\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $17673 90 buy call 2021-11-22 461.87 468.0 $199 -7853865000764493032\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $17538 91 buy call 2021-11-22 461.87 470.0 $134 -461329012379961036\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $16997 92 buy call 2021-11-24 461.87 462.0 $540 4273204501347039260\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $16521 93 buy call 2021-11-24 461.87 463.0 $476 -6787844901792497906\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $15915 94 buy call 2021-11-24 461.87 461.0 $605 -6823389138029472561\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $15495 95 buy call 2021-11-24 461.87 464.0 $419 -14328468720633354\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $15338 96 buy call 2021-11-24 461.87 470.0 $157 7763002572458809232\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $14785 97 buy call 2021-11-26 461.87 462.0 $552 7554589840163323359\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $14169 98 buy call 2021-11-26 461.87 461.0 $615 -3150757080825518306\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $13679 99 buy call 2021-11-26 461.87 463.0 $490 -7606247941915441545\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $13246 100 buy call 2021-11-26 461.87 464.0 $432 2500580650041671211\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $12869 101 buy call 2021-11-26 461.87 465.0 $376 6148683321765568084\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $12543 102 buy call 2021-11-26 461.87 466.0 $326 6920200241496518017\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $12261 103 buy call 2021-11-26 461.87 467.0 $281 4831381597555856627\n",
+ "2021-11-03 $11280 104 buy call 2021-11-26 461.87 456.0 $980 1987192311784832911\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $11006 105 buy call 2021-11-17 464.73 467.0 $274 2075273125157697401\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $10851 106 buy call 2021-11-19 464.73 471.0 $154 -6743125785335477545\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $10725 107 buy call 2021-11-19 464.73 472.0 $125 8718795342872907140\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $10625 108 buy call 2021-11-19 464.73 473.0 $100 6302934923924550723\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $10173 109 buy call 2021-11-22 464.73 465.0 $451 -3844004841398512030\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $9779 110 buy call 2021-11-22 464.73 466.0 $393 997067438501222457\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $9438 111 buy call 2021-11-22 464.73 467.0 $341 1137588230332804005\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $9323 112 buy call 2021-11-22 464.73 473.0 $114 -967343680500767628\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $8833 113 buy call 2021-11-24 464.73 465.0 $489 -3545080052073500088\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $8404 114 buy call 2021-11-24 464.73 466.0 $429 -2180022545485425827\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $8068 115 buy call 2021-11-26 464.73 468.0 $335 2969637731031523808\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $7822 116 buy call 2021-11-26 464.73 470.0 $246 8934060870746056267\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $7614 117 buy call 2021-11-26 464.73 471.0 $207 2112601350229411624\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $7082 118 buy call 2021-11-29 464.73 465.0 $531 -1019600622610385360\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $6490 119 buy call 2021-11-29 464.73 464.0 $592 5885470536664638822\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $6075 120 buy call 2021-11-29 464.73 467.0 $414 8680848776367621625\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $5712 121 buy call 2021-11-29 464.73 468.0 $362 3740263703424275941\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $5443 122 buy call 2021-11-29 464.73 470.0 $269 -7258204773746426938\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $5279 123 buy call 2021-11-29 464.73 473.0 $163 7431533681236778133\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $4771 124 buy call 2021-12-01 464.73 466.0 $507 -3302733434014451003\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $4321 125 buy call 2021-12-01 464.73 467.0 $450 -8980495357505947365\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $4018 126 buy call 2021-12-01 464.73 470.0 $302 -8707685711676281844\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $3795 127 buy call 2021-12-01 464.73 472.0 $222 6357503107864117548\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $3607 128 buy call 2021-12-01 464.73 473.0 $188 -7034435974601784062\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $3270 129 buy call 2021-12-03 464.73 470.0 $336 3271601763206067765\n",
+ "2021-11-04 $2977 130 buy call 2021-12-03 464.73 471.0 $292 -7956325261618329433\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $3546 129 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 462.0 $569 -6142083606767110177\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $4290 128 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 460.0 $745 7582825777227230474\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $5124 127 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 459.0 $835 2948226756587464672\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $6052 126 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 458.0 $928 4737217966650935280\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $7071 125 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 457.0 $1020 -4280707182172986553\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $8187 124 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 456.0 $1117 7685134976075589027\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $9394 123 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 455.0 $1207 -4235097321545882435\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $10700 122 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 454.0 $1307 -6293452791078278733\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $12392 121 sell call 2021-11-10 466.86 450.0 $1693 5866802541600692471\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $13013 120 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 462.0 $621 7933680916450630095\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $13711 119 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 461.0 $699 -2609453620090338800\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $14498 118 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 460.0 $788 -7983441386625398319\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $15371 117 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 459.0 $873 -8859989518459814985\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $16330 116 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 458.0 $960 3460620602692440649\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $17383 115 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 457.0 $1054 -1586280507160033320\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $18511 114 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 456.0 $1128 -6175252964015021938\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $19749 113 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 455.0 $1239 -4736733078346185610\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $21081 112 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 454.0 $1333 -4985523821905616772\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $22510 111 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 453.0 $1429 4581195761786937238\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $24029 110 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 452.0 $1520 -5130572783668929890\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $25648 109 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 451.0 $1620 8387806419784677658\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $27365 108 sell call 2021-11-12 466.86 450.0 $1717 8557139043554548123\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $28534 107 sell call 2021-11-15 466.86 456.0 $1170 104119125176653746\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $29793 106 sell call 2021-11-15 466.86 455.0 $1260 1971905286886547942\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $31143 105 sell call 2021-11-15 466.86 454.0 $1350 -981610761346887873\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $32683 104 sell call 2021-11-15 466.86 452.0 $1541 2703176635913199623\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $32561 105 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 474.0 $121 -6013749697614122015\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $32465 106 buy call 2021-11-19 466.86 475.0 $96 3618102507290707369\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $32136 107 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 469.0 $328 3106293589473262536\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $31898 108 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 471.0 $237 -5455500654408669318\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $31698 109 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 472.0 $200 -6707797087183815840\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $31562 110 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 474.0 $135 1202233237023986680\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $31451 111 buy call 2021-11-22 466.86 475.0 $110 -7532776098968804233\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $30976 112 buy call 2021-11-24 466.86 467.0 $475 5347675291723426760\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $30558 113 buy call 2021-11-24 466.86 468.0 $417 8936488252648159987\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $30196 114 buy call 2021-11-24 466.86 469.0 $362 8401636923774981043\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $29927 115 buy call 2021-11-24 466.86 471.0 $268 593132265604100316\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $29735 116 buy call 2021-11-24 466.86 473.0 $191 -1238752898216506399\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $29603 117 buy call 2021-11-24 466.86 475.0 $132 -1347379591847339126\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $29227 118 buy call 2021-11-26 466.86 469.0 $375 -5233716207430996261\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $28988 119 buy call 2021-11-26 466.86 472.0 $238 -4182191790675028737\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $28787 120 buy call 2021-11-26 466.86 473.0 $201 -4666038862438822574\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $28618 121 buy call 2021-11-26 466.86 474.0 $168 -6997941294590028585\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $28476 122 buy call 2021-11-26 466.86 475.0 $141 3698082736096416919\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $27894 123 buy call 2021-11-29 466.86 466.0 $582 999908661193053631\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $27734 124 buy call 2021-11-29 466.86 475.0 $159 -1092838317519588341\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $27237 125 buy call 2021-12-01 466.86 468.0 $496 1070080516267157391\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $26551 126 buy call 2021-12-01 466.86 465.0 $686 3637927120667366225\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $25787 127 buy call 2021-12-01 466.86 464.0 $763 -5579410802439946650\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $25603 128 buy call 2021-12-01 466.86 475.0 $183 -875915220803624797\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $25009 129 buy call 2021-12-03 466.86 467.0 $594 4707351786878011046\n",
+ "2021-11-05 $24473 130 buy call 2021-12-03 466.86 468.0 $535 -7310369873139209904\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $24802 129 sell call 2021-11-12 468.99 467.0 $330 7902988100112098052\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $25208 128 sell call 2021-11-12 468.99 466.0 $406 7823549295359854988\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $25690 127 sell call 2021-11-12 468.99 465.0 $483 2741984643229913653\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $26260 126 sell call 2021-11-12 468.99 464.0 $571 -8493208068206968722\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $26914 125 sell call 2021-11-12 468.99 463.0 $654 -7124998827280551254\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $27183 124 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 468.0 $270 7054599832009259736\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $27627 123 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 466.0 $445 6440373226789316014\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $28146 122 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 465.0 $519 4457706088274208666\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $28744 121 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 464.0 $599 -8067420005221023501\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $29431 120 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 463.0 $688 3868610781755848463\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $30202 119 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 462.0 $771 6704966694527286991\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $31063 118 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 461.0 $862 6228409976507778975\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $32012 117 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 460.0 $950 8936701311591362645\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $33055 116 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 459.0 $1043 664674473503351181\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $34192 115 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 458.0 $1138 -3664583473408983113\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $35427 114 sell call 2021-11-15 468.99 457.0 $1236 -5878035703421112139\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $35963 113 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 465.0 $536 6159240920100069104\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $36704 112 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 463.0 $742 -408717890085226992\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $37610 111 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 461.0 $907 -3635465505151391461\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $38606 110 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 460.0 $996 -5910590548236605632\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $39692 109 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 459.0 $1087 -115477655874648596\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $40865 108 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 458.0 $1174 -5319345632675404870\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $42132 107 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 457.0 $1267 447631221648411692\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $43489 106 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 456.0 $1358 6675674402615494566\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $45106 105 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 453.0 $1618 -4464620439239356161\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $46824 104 sell call 2021-11-17 468.99 452.0 $1718 1058696531788974398\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $47196 103 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 469.0 $373 2687606867590325748\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $47624 102 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 468.0 $429 -7028455552149267546\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $48087 101 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 467.5 $463 2050464596988467585\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $48582 100 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 467.0 $496 -5068250916407109009\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $49145 99 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 466.0 $564 -8119493235421666544\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $49781 98 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 465.0 $636 6019593574698328288\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $50493 97 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 464.0 $713 -2769838702832131357\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $51286 96 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 463.0 $793 371988544792014546\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $52122 95 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 462.5 $837 -7047239013189505537\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $52995 94 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 462.0 $874 6518183465892349634\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $53956 93 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 461.0 $961 -7548582460836194050\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $54998 92 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 460.0 $1043 -565629514356225798\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $56131 91 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 459.0 $1134 111229806439714089\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $57353 90 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 458.0 $1222 -1658879549821882129\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $58616 89 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 457.5 $1264 -6053018902031339143\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $59927 88 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 457.0 $1312 155692053264183656\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $61330 87 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 456.0 $1403 -8091014799626398791\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $62768 86 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 455.0 $1439 1224526378108528131\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $64298 85 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 454.0 $1531 2745120029802970119\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $65976 84 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 453.0 $1678 -1095786219111254943\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $67692 83 sell call 2021-11-19 468.99 452.0 $1717 6201802954374972931\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $68677 82 sell call 2021-11-22 468.99 461.0 $986 5132835158977865945\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $69752 81 sell call 2021-11-22 468.99 460.0 $1075 -6229620393416627207\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $71265 80 sell call 2021-11-22 468.99 455.0 $1514 -4650800052962101443\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $70974 81 buy call 2021-11-24 468.99 472.0 $290 2581684896370880003\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $72037 80 sell call 2021-11-24 468.99 460.0 $1063 -7572689803584527168\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $73174 79 sell call 2021-11-26 468.99 460.0 $1138 -894057782346143691\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $73062 80 buy call 2021-11-26 468.99 478.0 $111 -3423075377337703896\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $72559 81 buy call 2021-11-29 468.99 469.0 $503 -4536105174934563042\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $72169 82 buy call 2021-11-29 468.99 471.0 $389 -2849745188573534369\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $71830 83 buy call 2021-11-29 468.99 472.0 $338 4495845497907823029\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $71580 84 buy call 2021-11-29 468.99 474.0 $250 -2676313957899183454\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $71426 85 buy call 2021-11-29 468.99 477.0 $153 2025329997852828472\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $71297 86 buy call 2021-11-29 468.99 478.0 $128 5320024095715345959\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $70749 87 buy call 2021-12-01 468.99 469.0 $548 -7768692806216069204\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $70320 88 buy call 2021-12-01 468.99 471.0 $428 5820724847960053089\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $70032 89 buy call 2021-12-01 468.99 474.0 $287 -7953465690298096776\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $69853 90 buy call 2021-12-01 468.99 477.0 $179 5152611654315017569\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $69261 91 buy call 2021-12-03 468.99 469.0 $591 5786376347421238938\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $68575 92 buy call 2021-12-03 468.99 467.5 $685 -6580696236157796646\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $68156 93 buy call 2021-12-03 468.99 472.0 $419 -8799206051674993972\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $67286 94 buy call 2021-12-03 468.99 465.0 $869 -2943273447234035096\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $66915 95 buy call 2021-12-03 468.99 473.0 $370 -2531253824782652259\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $66634 96 buy call 2021-12-03 468.99 475.0 $281 -2122982404338129823\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $66388 97 buy call 2021-12-03 468.99 476.0 $245 -2691363798976426632\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $66177 98 buy call 2021-12-03 468.99 477.0 $210 -6689864686926328972\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $65997 99 buy call 2021-12-03 468.99 478.0 $180 7066721643900639704\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $65376 100 buy call 2021-12-06 468.99 469.0 $620 -1725114425449005867\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $64821 101 buy call 2021-12-06 468.99 470.0 $554 -6540389274052999289\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $64589 102 buy call 2021-12-06 468.99 477.0 $232 -5443240833976711253\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $63925 103 buy call 2021-12-08 468.99 469.0 $663 3247007222239043322\n",
+ "2021-11-09 $63322 104 buy call 2021-12-08 468.99 470.0 $602 -5243391730704451370\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $63612 103 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 468.0 $290 5597918012958377123\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $63958 102 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 467.0 $347 2075273125157697401\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $64199 101 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 469.0 $242 -3411931083417465110\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $64615 100 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 466.0 $416 -6820740577172452355\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $64810 99 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 470.0 $196 3313785659575560038\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $65359 98 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 464.0 $549 -3993833976761760542\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $66064 97 sell call 2021-11-17 467.38 462.0 $706 -5702197157487014188\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $66314 96 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 470.0 $251 6268490893973453174\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $66521 95 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 471.0 $207 -6743125785335477545\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $66689 94 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 472.0 $169 8718795342872907140\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $66823 93 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 473.0 $135 6302934923924550723\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $66930 92 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 474.0 $107 -6013749697614122015\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $67012 91 sell call 2021-11-19 467.38 475.0 $83 3618102507290707369\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $67396 90 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 468.0 $385 -7853865000764493032\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $67845 89 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 467.0 $449 1137588230332804005\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $68174 88 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 469.0 $330 3106293589473262536\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $68687 87 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 466.0 $514 997067438501222457\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $69264 86 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 465.0 $577 -3844004841398512030\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $69542 85 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 470.0 $279 -461329012379961036\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $70190 84 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 464.0 $649 2957890352625355611\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $70423 83 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 471.0 $233 -5455500654408669318\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $71141 82 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 463.0 $719 8743798663196527028\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $71336 81 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 472.0 $196 -6707797087183815840\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $71494 80 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 473.0 $158 -967343680500767628\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $72294 79 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 462.0 $801 8358999485804513253\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $72421 78 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 474.0 $128 1202233237023986680\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $72525 77 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 475.0 $104 -7532776098968804233\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $73562 76 sell call 2021-11-22 467.38 459.0 $1038 5866989496728255775\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $73998 75 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 468.0 $437 8936488252648159987\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $74491 74 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 467.0 $493 5347675291723426760\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $75049 73 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 466.0 $559 -2180022545485425827\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $75423 72 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 469.0 $375 8401636923774981043\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $76049 71 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 465.0 $626 -3545080052073500088\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $76370 70 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 470.0 $322 7763002572458809232\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $77063 69 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 464.0 $694 -14328468720633354\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $77338 68 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 471.0 $275 593132265604100316\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $78104 67 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 463.0 $767 -6787844901792497906\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $78338 66 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 472.0 $235 2581684896370880003\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $79183 65 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 462.0 $845 4273204501347039260\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $79378 64 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 473.0 $196 -1238752898216506399\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $80304 63 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 461.0 $927 -6823389138029472561\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $80437 62 sell call 2021-11-24 467.38 475.0 $133 -1347379591847339126\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $80893 61 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 468.0 $457 2969637731031523808\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $81410 60 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 467.0 $518 4831381597555856627\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $81994 59 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 466.0 $584 6920200241496518017\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $82388 58 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 469.0 $395 -5233716207430996261\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $83038 57 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 465.0 $651 6148683321765568084\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $83380 56 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 470.0 $342 8934060870746056267\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $84099 55 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 464.0 $720 2500580650041671211\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $84394 54 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 471.0 $296 2112601350229411624\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $85189 53 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 463.0 $795 -7606247941915441545\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $85437 52 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 472.0 $249 -4182191790675028737\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $86307 51 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 462.0 $871 7554589840163323359\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $86519 50 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 473.0 $212 -4666038862438822574\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $87461 49 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 461.0 $943 -3150757080825518306\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $87635 48 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 474.0 $174 -6997941294590028585\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $87779 47 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 475.0 $145 3698082736096416919\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $87858 46 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 478.0 $80 -3423075377337703896\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $89219 45 sell call 2021-11-26 467.38 456.0 $1361 1987192311784832911\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $89707 44 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 468.0 $489 3740263703424275941\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $90257 43 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 467.0 $551 8680848776367621625\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $90682 42 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 469.0 $425 -4536105174934563042\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $91292 41 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 466.0 $611 999908661193053631\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $91976 40 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 465.0 $685 -1019600622610385360\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $92352 39 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 470.0 $376 -7258204773746426938\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $93102 38 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 464.0 $751 5885470536664638822\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $93428 37 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 471.0 $327 -2849745188573534369\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $93705 36 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 472.0 $277 4495845497907823029\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $93939 35 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 473.0 $235 7431533681236778133\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $94137 34 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 474.0 $199 -2676313957899183454\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $94306 33 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 475.0 $169 -1092838317519588341\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $94421 32 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 477.0 $116 2025329997852828472\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $94516 31 sell call 2021-11-29 467.38 478.0 $96 5320024095715345959\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $95047 30 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 468.0 $531 1070080516267157391\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $95640 29 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 467.0 $594 -8980495357505947365\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $96111 28 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 469.0 $472 -7768692806216069204\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $96770 27 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 466.0 $659 -3302733434014451003\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $97496 26 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 465.0 $727 3637927120667366225\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $97910 25 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 470.0 $415 -8707685711676281844\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $98705 24 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 464.0 $795 -5579410802439946650\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $99065 23 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 471.0 $361 5820724847960053089\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $99381 22 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 472.0 $317 6357503107864117548\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $99652 21 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 473.0 $271 -7034435974601784062\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $99885 20 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 474.0 $234 -7953465690298096776\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $100083 19 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 475.0 $199 -875915220803624797\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $100224 18 sell call 2021-12-01 467.38 477.0 $141 5152611654315017569\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $100830 17 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 467.5 $607 -6580696236157796646\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $101404 16 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 468.0 $575 -7310369873139209904\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $102043 15 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 467.0 $639 4707351786878011046\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $102557 14 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 469.0 $515 5786376347421238938\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $103323 13 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 465.0 $767 -2943273447234035096\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $103781 12 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 470.0 $458 3271601763206067765\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $104186 11 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 471.0 $406 -7956325261618329433\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $104541 10 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 472.0 $356 -8799206051674993972\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $104850 9 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 473.0 $309 -2531253824782652259\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $105081 8 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 475.0 $232 -2122982404338129823\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $105278 7 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 476.0 $198 -2691363798976426632\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $105446 6 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 477.0 $168 -6689864686926328972\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $105587 5 sell call 2021-12-03 467.38 478.0 $142 7066721643900639704\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $106127 4 sell call 2021-12-06 467.38 469.0 $541 -1725114425449005867\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $106611 3 sell call 2021-12-06 467.38 470.0 $484 -6540389274052999289\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $106795 2 sell call 2021-12-06 467.38 477.0 $185 -5443240833976711253\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $107375 1 sell call 2021-12-08 467.38 469.0 $581 3247007222239043322\n",
+ "2021-11-10 $107901 0 sell call 2021-12-08 467.38 470.0 $526 -5243391730704451370\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $107463 1 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 470.0 $437 3271601763206067765\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $107064 2 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 469.0 $399 5786376347421238938\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $106583 3 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 471.0 $480 -7956325261618329433\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $106217 4 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 468.0 $365 -7310369873139209904\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $105871 5 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 467.5 $346 -6580696236157796646\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $105538 6 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 467.0 $332 4707351786878011046\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $105231 7 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 466.0 $306 -6335497216080395786\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $104950 8 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 465.0 $281 -2943273447234035096\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $104245 9 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 475.0 $704 -2122982404338129823\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $103984 10 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 464.0 $260 8113377381960949207\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $103744 11 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 463.0 $240 258225926951011773\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $103514 12 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 462.5 $229 4195812259407533272\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $103290 13 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 462.0 $223 4354076539411135414\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $103085 14 buy put 2021-12-03 469.72 461.0 $205 -540347205793903909\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $102613 15 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 470.0 $471 -6540389274052999289\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $102180 16 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 469.0 $432 -1725114425449005867\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $101666 17 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 471.0 $514 -6902497588756834227\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $101265 18 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 468.0 $400 -7341273893484897512\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $100897 19 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 467.0 $367 5431499240911428160\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $100556 20 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 466.0 $341 -8797228504253832026\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $100239 21 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 465.0 $316 -5143455652479831009\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $99946 22 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 464.0 $292 -1392383233268824989\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $99674 23 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 463.0 $272 -9036471181509325289\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $99436 24 buy put 2021-12-06 469.72 461.0 $237 1566606495338182484\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $98913 25 buy put 2021-12-08 469.72 470.0 $522 -5243391730704451370\n",
+ "2021-11-19 $98428 26 buy put 2021-12-08 469.72 469.0 $485 3247007222239043322\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $97884 27 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 468.0 $543 -1361958598511004158\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $97380 28 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 467.0 $503 603437975403074310\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $96909 29 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 466.0 $471 -4993302283391942131\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $96470 30 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 465.0 $438 -5865762929599729869\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $96060 31 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 464.0 $409 -5196143233151488307\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $95378 32 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 471.0 $682 1982258475899153249\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $94995 33 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 463.0 $382 3157388666278046417\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $94248 34 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 472.0 $746 -2261504944061032768\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $93450 35 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 473.0 $798 6180668295101582531\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $93091 36 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 462.0 $358 6342829984834929485\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $92232 37 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 474.0 $858 -5598571273370190988\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $91304 38 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 475.0 $928 1486146923813798205\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $90988 39 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 460.0 $315 3133472975488193860\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $90692 40 buy put 2021-12-08 467.41 459.0 $295 5506276531908698971\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $90093 41 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 468.0 $599 6528496989164648313\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $89529 42 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 467.0 $563 -5979916731223746859\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $88889 43 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 469.0 $639 -390680005218432371\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $88362 44 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 466.0 $527 -6742444821102020789\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $87864 45 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 465.0 $497 -5036808665160518923\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $87176 46 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 470.0 $687 -7204036108359644537\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $86708 47 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 464.0 $468 -8670358933489944334\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $85972 48 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 471.0 $735 9054577071027500037\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $85530 49 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 463.0 $441 1648905518513696649\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $84742 50 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 472.0 $788 3620026182456764070\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $84326 51 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 462.0 $415 -4294128133142338317\n",
+ "2021-11-23 $83479 52 buy put 2021-12-10 467.41 473.0 $847 220974007363392234\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $83142 53 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 461.0 $336 -4459996501674090733\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $82824 54 buy put 2021-12-10 468.29 460.0 $317 8846305528774513977\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $82266 55 buy put 2021-12-13 468.29 468.0 $558 -7254060929112906048\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $81772 56 buy put 2021-12-13 468.29 466.0 $493 -1546719274989846078\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $81309 57 buy put 2021-12-13 468.29 465.0 $462 5771784171673369036\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $80872 58 buy put 2021-12-13 468.29 464.0 $437 -5940916675721416251\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $80482 59 buy put 2021-12-13 468.29 462.0 $389 -4561767510790683473\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $80133 60 buy put 2021-12-13 468.29 460.0 $348 143462669754051162\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $79437 61 buy put 2021-12-15 468.29 470.0 $696 189447423936879710\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $78882 62 buy put 2021-12-15 468.29 466.0 $554 854818855687107159\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $78355 63 buy put 2021-12-15 468.29 465.0 $526 -5341011295361601038\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $77859 64 buy put 2021-12-15 468.29 464.0 $496 7320341792772525273\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $77386 65 buy put 2021-12-15 468.29 463.0 $472 -7809901976000071088\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $76936 66 buy put 2021-12-15 468.29 462.0 $449 5174005750273411644\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $76530 67 buy put 2021-12-15 468.29 460.0 $406 -6527293846424657716\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $75800 68 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 468.0 $729 5793203889416439446\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $75028 69 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 469.0 $771 1998421325893221362\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $74337 70 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 467.0 $691 -7490882946319772163\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $73516 71 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 470.0 $820 -9174292999601070883\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $72859 72 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 466.0 $656 8449577785673788488\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $71997 73 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 471.0 $862 6997561720853690445\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $71375 74 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 465.0 $621 -1277563095671347178\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $70783 75 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 464.0 $591 -4262012574400023092\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $70220 76 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 463.0 $563 98567966560730089\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $69683 77 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 462.0 $536 -1352896197656733273\n",
+ "2021-11-24 $68585 78 buy put 2021-12-17 468.29 475.0 $1097 6158864791385692491\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $68944 77 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 465.0 $359 -2943273447234035096\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $69260 76 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 464.0 $317 8113377381960949207\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $69543 75 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 463.0 $284 258225926951011773\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $69937 74 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 466.0 $394 -6335497216080395786\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $70196 73 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 462.5 $260 4195812259407533272\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $70637 72 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 467.0 $442 4707351786878011046\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $70896 71 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 462.0 $259 4354076539411135414\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $71364 70 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 467.5 $469 -6580696236157796646\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $71859 69 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 468.0 $496 -7310369873139209904\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $72086 68 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 461.0 $227 -540347205793903909\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $72657 67 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 469.0 $572 5786376347421238938\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $73288 66 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 470.0 $632 3271601763206067765\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $73997 65 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 471.0 $709 -7956325261618329433\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $75037 64 sell put 2021-12-03 464.54 475.0 $1041 -2122982404338129823\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $75446 63 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 465.0 $410 -5143455652479831009\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $75819 62 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 464.0 $373 -1392383233268824989\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $76261 61 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 466.0 $443 -8797228504253832026\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $76590 60 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 463.0 $330 -9036471181509325289\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $77078 59 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 467.0 $488 5431499240911428160\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $77625 58 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 468.0 $548 -7341273893484897512\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $77906 57 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 461.0 $282 1566606495338182484\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $78502 56 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 469.0 $596 -1725114425449005867\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $79160 55 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 470.0 $659 -6540389274052999289\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $79872 54 sell put 2021-12-06 464.54 471.0 $712 -6902497588756834227\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $80542 53 sell put 2021-12-08 464.54 469.0 $671 3247007222239043322\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $81254 52 sell put 2021-12-08 464.54 470.0 $713 -5243391730704451370\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $80578 53 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 461.0 $676 1283615817027158292\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $79937 54 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 460.0 $640 -3868118886037075690\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $79325 55 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 459.0 $611 -7743850490313387353\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $78689 56 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 458.0 $636 3515441205846310766\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $78077 57 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 457.0 $611 -1138291968784324953\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $77540 58 buy put 2021-12-17 464.54 456.0 $536 5961074878412785403\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $76752 59 buy put 2021-12-20 464.54 463.0 $788 -2910860530477244814\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $76029 60 buy put 2021-12-20 464.54 461.0 $722 3930886442449181811\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $75355 61 buy put 2021-12-20 464.54 460.0 $673 1832788679675048108\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $74642 62 buy put 2021-12-20 464.54 459.0 $713 6350185956566647662\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $73956 63 buy put 2021-12-20 464.54 458.0 $685 -2725217288149777521\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $73036 64 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 465.0 $919 -7405558792897539446\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $72077 65 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 466.0 $959 -8118738259505771489\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $71216 66 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 463.0 $860 -7449821056447908807\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $70337 67 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 462.0 $878 -9203784423501533820\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $69295 68 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 468.0 $1042 -8769528563669434727\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $68520 69 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 461.0 $774 7069827821017771417\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $67777 70 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 460.0 $742 3510631793390829326\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $67062 71 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 459.0 $715 -3852556494135377519\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $66375 72 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 458.0 $686 -4001977543479969082\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $65710 73 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 457.0 $664 1765710368619691428\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $65041 74 buy put 2021-12-23 464.54 456.0 $669 2294526060914866271\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $64060 75 buy put 2021-12-27 464.54 465.0 $980 -322963444076052763\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $63149 76 buy put 2021-12-27 464.54 464.0 $910 4130783751772043343\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $62297 77 buy put 2021-12-27 464.54 462.0 $852 -2577102426503245245\n",
+ "2021-11-30 $61533 78 buy put 2021-12-27 464.54 460.0 $763 -8875480695190157883\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $62245 77 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 459.0 $713 5506276531908698971\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $63000 76 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 460.0 $755 3133472975488193860\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $63852 75 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 462.0 $853 6342829984834929485\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $64763 74 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 463.0 $912 3157388666278046417\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $65692 73 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 464.0 $929 -5196143233151488307\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $66726 72 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 465.0 $1035 -5865762929599729869\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $67788 71 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 466.0 $1063 -4993302283391942131\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $68953 70 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 467.0 $1165 603437975403074310\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $70192 69 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 468.0 $1240 -1361958598511004158\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $71674 68 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 471.0 $1483 1982258475899153249\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $73240 67 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 472.0 $1566 -2261504944061032768\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $74908 66 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 473.0 $1669 6180668295101582531\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $76633 65 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 474.0 $1726 -5598571273370190988\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $78481 64 sell put 2021-12-08 456.06 475.0 $1848 1486146923813798205\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $79420 63 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 462.0 $940 -4294128133142338317\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $80406 62 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 463.0 $987 1648905518513696649\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $81404 61 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 464.0 $998 -8670358933489944334\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $82462 60 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 465.0 $1059 -5036808665160518923\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $83590 59 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 466.0 $1129 -6742444821102020789\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $84812 58 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 467.0 $1222 -5979916731223746859\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $86110 57 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 468.0 $1299 6528496989164648313\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $87474 56 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 469.0 $1364 -390680005218432371\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $88916 55 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 470.0 $1443 -7204036108359644537\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $90442 54 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 471.0 $1527 9054577071027500037\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $92039 53 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 472.0 $1597 3620026182456764070\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $93692 52 sell put 2021-12-10 456.06 473.0 $1654 220974007363392234\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $92846 53 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 456.0 $845 6392659830081802248\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $92067 54 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 455.0 $779 -5718392384111149257\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $91183 55 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 458.0 $883 -2297103158857526622\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $90435 56 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 454.0 $747 8402447487405608068\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $89756 57 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 452.0 $679 -7893758315888301306\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $89127 58 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 450.0 $628 -5110061910625573835\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $88550 59 buy put 2021-12-15 456.06 448.0 $576 5899322265922390473\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $87657 60 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 455.0 $893 3660806419496778986\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $86793 61 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 454.0 $863 -5597664941134950773\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $85962 62 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 453.0 $830 2136641187329960961\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $85166 63 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 452.0 $796 1569436825288027723\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $84399 64 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 451.0 $766 1366217664241425840\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $83669 65 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 450.0 $729 5035670291218313948\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $82963 66 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 449.0 $706 -8448928805925576080\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $82287 67 buy put 2021-12-17 456.06 448.0 $675 4581738380199643198\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $81298 68 buy put 2021-12-20 456.06 456.0 $988 9561906658777404\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $80350 69 buy put 2021-12-20 456.06 455.0 $948 -2755337529219834470\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $79440 70 buy put 2021-12-20 456.06 454.0 $909 7699316710084677956\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $78610 71 buy put 2021-12-20 456.06 452.0 $829 -499281746221538108\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $77847 72 buy put 2021-12-20 456.06 450.0 $763 340752128819783380\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $77137 73 buy put 2021-12-20 456.06 448.0 $709 -2721803017101925327\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $76117 74 buy put 2021-12-23 456.06 455.0 $1019 -816412020883225332\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $75134 75 buy put 2021-12-23 456.06 454.0 $983 -8738527126841817668\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $74199 76 buy put 2021-12-23 456.06 453.0 $934 -2598002552785167711\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $73302 77 buy put 2021-12-23 456.06 452.0 $896 -8833824161230577865\n",
+ "2021-12-01 $72432 78 buy put 2021-12-23 456.06 451.0 $870 8729101058412546864\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $73646 77 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 460.0 $1215 8846305528774513977\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $74950 76 sell put 2021-12-10 450.44 461.0 $1305 -4459996501674090733\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $76242 75 sell put 2021-12-13 450.44 460.0 $1292 143462669754051162\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $77638 74 sell put 2021-12-13 450.44 462.0 $1397 -4561767510790683473\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $79150 73 sell put 2021-12-13 450.44 464.0 $1513 -5940916675721416251\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $80718 72 sell put 2021-12-13 450.44 465.0 $1568 5771784171673369036\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $82371 71 sell put 2021-12-13 450.44 466.0 $1654 -1546719274989846078\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $84177 70 sell put 2021-12-13 450.44 468.0 $1807 -7254060929112906048\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $85528 69 sell put 2021-12-15 450.44 460.0 $1351 -6527293846424657716\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $86958 68 sell put 2021-12-15 450.44 462.0 $1431 5174005750273411644\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $88465 67 sell put 2021-12-15 450.44 463.0 $1508 -7809901976000071088\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $90036 66 sell put 2021-12-15 450.44 464.0 $1571 7320341792772525273\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $91671 65 sell put 2021-12-15 450.44 465.0 $1636 -5341011295361601038\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $93345 64 sell put 2021-12-15 450.44 466.0 $1675 854818855687107159\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $95342 63 sell put 2021-12-15 450.44 470.0 $1997 189447423936879710\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $94394 64 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 447.0 $947 -9039088911669287079\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $93475 65 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 446.0 $918 3333912044216108108\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $92592 66 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 445.0 $883 5325242418825376969\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $91740 67 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 444.0 $851 3898149774957663537\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $90919 68 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 443.0 $821 8529951051154171077\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $90127 69 buy put 2021-12-17 450.44 442.0 $791 1226519807544257892\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $91725 68 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 462.0 $1599 -1352896197656733273\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $93375 67 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 463.0 $1650 98567966560730089\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $95099 66 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 464.0 $1725 -4262012574400023092\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $96891 65 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 465.0 $1793 -1277563095671347178\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $98743 64 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 466.0 $1852 8449577785673788488\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $100670 63 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 467.0 $1928 -7490882946319772163\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $102674 62 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 468.0 $2005 5793203889416439446\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $104754 61 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 469.0 $2080 1998421325893221362\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $106920 60 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 470.0 $2167 -9174292999601070883\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $109168 59 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 471.0 $2249 6997561720853690445\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $111775 58 sell put 2021-12-17 450.44 475.0 $2607 6158864791385692491\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $110575 59 buy put 2021-12-22 450.44 450.0 $1199 -755210448198669801\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $109422 60 buy put 2021-12-22 450.44 448.0 $1152 6382407245111373063\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $108212 61 buy put 2021-12-23 450.44 450.0 $1210 -216353241280547742\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $107057 62 buy put 2021-12-23 450.44 448.0 $1154 -6760644703057887649\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $106021 63 buy put 2021-12-23 450.44 446.0 $1035 7491844585520708215\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $105014 64 buy put 2021-12-23 450.44 445.0 $1007 -7797342485234043669\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $103756 65 buy put 2021-12-27 450.44 450.0 $1257 5567486638095605124\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $102310 66 buy put 2021-12-29 450.44 454.0 $1445 -799760912075000813\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $100823 67 buy put 2021-12-29 450.44 455.0 $1487 -8546568962376572773\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $99271 68 buy put 2021-12-29 450.44 456.0 $1551 4980916077407568899\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $97695 69 buy put 2021-12-29 450.44 457.0 $1575 -1751418940764688345\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $96073 70 buy put 2021-12-29 450.44 458.0 $1622 2108184282068343144\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $94673 71 buy put 2021-12-31 450.44 451.0 $1399 6778425107987172128\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $93312 72 buy put 2021-12-31 450.44 450.0 $1360 -1561342973638309574\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $91987 73 buy put 2021-12-31 450.44 449.0 $1325 2100692712813770278\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $90586 74 buy put 2021-12-31 450.44 452.0 $1400 6477528544838711161\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $89302 75 buy put 2021-12-31 450.44 448.0 $1283 -1317074725835143619\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $88098 76 buy put 2021-12-31 450.44 447.0 $1204 -713152871687238449\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $86596 77 buy put 2021-12-31 450.44 454.0 $1501 -6549456935686407886\n",
+ "2021-12-02 $85040 78 buy put 2021-12-31 450.44 455.0 $1555 1951552063231783574\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $83895 79 buy put 2021-12-17 457.53 462.0 $1145 -1352896197656733273\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $82726 80 buy put 2021-12-17 457.53 463.0 $1168 98567966560730089\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $81409 81 buy put 2021-12-17 457.53 465.0 $1316 -1277563095671347178\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $80465 82 buy put 2021-12-22 457.53 456.0 $944 3312753208502802994\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $79579 83 buy put 2021-12-27 457.53 452.0 $885 -3406654371873792843\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $78618 84 buy put 2021-12-29 457.53 453.0 $960 7221945669340499647\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $77698 85 buy put 2021-12-29 457.53 452.0 $920 6168984287323096726\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $76833 86 buy put 2021-12-29 457.53 450.0 $864 3331564345971919053\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $75531 87 buy put 2021-12-31 457.53 459.0 $1301 -6153803448253552300\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $74270 88 buy put 2021-12-31 457.53 460.0 $1261 4298973949849289634\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $73263 89 buy put 2021-12-31 457.53 453.0 $1006 6575848831536771616\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $72063 90 buy put 2022-01-03 457.53 457.0 $1199 4207286737722628986\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $70815 91 buy put 2022-01-03 457.53 455.0 $1248 -8740475221832349568\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $69481 92 buy put 2022-01-07 457.53 459.0 $1333 -3560611689116663233\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $68304 93 buy put 2022-01-07 457.53 455.0 $1176 5252650408869390255\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $67181 94 buy put 2022-01-07 457.53 453.0 $1123 -4196475857164928450\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $66152 95 buy put 2022-01-07 457.53 450.0 $1028 3798636952584417375\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $65152 96 buy put 2022-01-07 457.53 449.0 $1000 1005913592530639690\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $63563 97 buy put 2022-01-21 457.53 458.0 $1588 7379401275142883571\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $62133 98 buy put 2022-01-21 457.53 457.0 $1429 6762534529843798313\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $60543 99 buy put 2022-01-21 457.53 459.0 $1590 5915727167760262531\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $59144 100 buy put 2022-01-21 457.53 456.0 $1398 -7305302953924509739\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $57518 101 buy put 2022-01-21 457.53 460.0 $1625 8515773340283491374\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $56136 102 buy put 2022-01-21 457.53 455.0 $1382 -7581337627785351304\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $54765 103 buy put 2022-01-21 457.53 454.0 $1370 -1118025318049481826\n",
+ "2021-12-03 $53008 104 buy put 2022-01-21 457.53 462.0 $1756 -7515526193952194533\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $53609 103 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 458.0 $601 -2297103158857526622\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $54139 102 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 456.0 $531 6392659830081802248\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $54639 101 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 455.0 $501 -5718392384111149257\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $55114 100 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 454.0 $475 8402447487405608068\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $55537 99 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 452.0 $424 -7893758315888301306\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $55909 98 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 450.0 $373 -5110061910625573835\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $56246 97 sell put 2021-12-15 458.82 448.0 $337 5899322265922390473\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $57026 96 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 459.0 $781 -7743850490313387353\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $57767 95 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 458.0 $742 3515441205846310766\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $58567 94 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 460.0 $800 -3868118886037075690\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $59268 93 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 457.0 $702 -1138291968784324953\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $60104 92 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 461.0 $837 1283615817027158292\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $60774 91 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 456.0 $670 5961074878412785403\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $61664 90 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 462.0 $891 -1352896197656733273\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $62299 89 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 455.0 $636 3660806419496778986\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $63240 88 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 463.0 $941 98567966560730089\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $63841 87 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 454.0 $602 -5597664941134950773\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $64412 86 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 453.0 $572 2136641187329960961\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $65406 85 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 465.0 $994 -1277563095671347178\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $65949 84 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 452.0 $544 1569436825288027723\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $66468 83 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 451.0 $520 1366217664241425840\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $66962 82 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 450.0 $494 5035670291218313948\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $67432 81 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 449.0 $471 -8448928805925576080\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $67876 80 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 448.0 $445 4581738380199643198\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $68303 79 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 447.0 $427 -9039088911669287079\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $68706 78 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 446.0 $404 3333912044216108108\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $69089 77 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 445.0 $384 5325242418825376969\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $69454 76 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 444.0 $365 3898149774957663537\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $69801 75 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 443.0 $348 8529951051154171077\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $70131 74 sell put 2021-12-17 458.82 442.0 $331 1226519807544257892\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $70935 73 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 459.0 $804 6350185956566647662\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $71697 72 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 458.0 $763 -2725217288149777521\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $72539 71 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 460.0 $843 1832788679675048108\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $73427 70 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 461.0 $888 3930886442449181811\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $74128 69 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 456.0 $702 9561906658777404\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $74800 68 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 455.0 $673 -2755337529219834470\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $75780 67 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 463.0 $980 -2910860530477244814\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $76421 66 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 454.0 $642 7699316710084677956\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $77004 65 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 452.0 $584 -499281746221538108\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $77535 64 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 450.0 $531 340752128819783380\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $78018 63 sell put 2021-12-20 458.82 448.0 $484 -2721803017101925327\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $78785 62 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 456.0 $767 3312753208502802994\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $79378 61 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 450.0 $594 -755210448198669801\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $79921 60 sell put 2021-12-22 458.82 448.0 $544 6382407245111373063\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $80805 59 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 459.0 $884 -3852556494135377519\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $81656 58 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 458.0 $852 -4001977543479969082\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $82583 57 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 460.0 $928 3510631793390829326\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $83410 56 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 457.0 $827 1765710368619691428\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $84376 55 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 461.0 $967 7069827821017771417\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $85170 54 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 456.0 $795 2294526060914866271\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $86181 53 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 462.0 $1011 -9203784423501533820\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $86941 52 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 455.0 $761 -816412020883225332\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $88001 51 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 463.0 $1061 -7449821056447908807\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $88734 50 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 454.0 $733 -8738527126841817668\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $89434 49 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 453.0 $701 -2598002552785167711\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $90587 48 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 465.0 $1154 -7405558792897539446\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $91261 47 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 452.0 $674 -8833824161230577865\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $92469 46 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 466.0 $1209 -8118738259505771489\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $93116 45 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 451.0 $648 8729101058412546864\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $93735 44 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 450.0 $619 -216353241280547742\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $94991 43 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 468.0 $1257 -8769528563669434727\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $95560 42 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 448.0 $570 -6760644703057887649\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $96089 41 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 446.0 $529 7491844585520708215\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $96594 40 sell put 2021-12-23 458.82 445.0 $506 -7797342485234043669\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $97507 39 sell put 2021-12-27 458.82 460.0 $914 -8875480695190157883\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $98548 38 sell put 2021-12-27 458.82 462.0 $1041 -2577102426503245245\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $99681 37 sell put 2021-12-27 458.82 464.0 $1134 4130783751772043343\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $100865 36 sell put 2021-12-27 458.82 465.0 $1185 -322963444076052763\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $101574 35 sell put 2021-12-27 458.82 452.0 $709 -3406654371873792843\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $102230 34 sell put 2021-12-27 458.82 450.0 $657 5567486638095605124\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $103164 33 sell put 2021-12-29 458.82 458.0 $935 2108184282068343144\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $104030 32 sell put 2021-12-29 458.82 457.0 $866 -1751418940764688345\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $104831 31 sell put 2021-12-29 458.82 456.0 $802 4980916077407568899\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $105664 30 sell put 2021-12-29 458.82 455.0 $834 -8546568962376572773\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $106485 29 sell put 2021-12-29 458.82 454.0 $821 -799760912075000813\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $107275 28 sell put 2021-12-29 458.82 453.0 $791 7221945669340499647\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $108034 27 sell put 2021-12-29 458.82 452.0 $760 6168984287323096726\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $108741 26 sell put 2021-12-29 458.82 450.0 $707 3331564345971919053\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $109765 25 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 459.0 $1025 -6153803448253552300\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $110821 24 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 460.0 $1057 4298973949849289634\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $111723 23 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 455.0 $902 1951552063231783574\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $112592 22 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 454.0 $870 -6549456935686407886\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $113429 21 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 453.0 $838 6575848831536771616\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $114238 20 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 452.0 $809 6477528544838711161\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $115023 19 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 451.0 $786 6778425107987172128\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $115780 18 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 450.0 $758 -1561342973638309574\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $116510 17 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 449.0 $730 2100692712813770278\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $117218 16 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 448.0 $709 -1317074725835143619\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $117895 15 sell put 2021-12-31 458.82 447.0 $678 -713152871687238449\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $118869 14 sell put 2022-01-03 458.82 457.0 $974 4207286737722628986\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $119776 13 sell put 2022-01-03 458.82 455.0 $908 -8740475221832349568\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $120915 12 sell put 2022-01-07 458.82 459.0 $1139 -3560611689116663233\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $121938 11 sell put 2022-01-07 458.82 455.0 $1024 5252650408869390255\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $122899 10 sell put 2022-01-07 458.82 453.0 $962 -4196475857164928450\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $123775 9 sell put 2022-01-07 458.82 450.0 $876 3798636952584417375\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $124624 8 sell put 2022-01-07 458.82 449.0 $850 1005913592530639690\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $125963 7 sell put 2022-01-21 458.82 459.0 $1340 5915727167760262531\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $127269 6 sell put 2022-01-21 458.82 458.0 $1306 7379401275142883571\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $128644 5 sell put 2022-01-21 458.82 460.0 $1376 8515773340283491374\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $129935 4 sell put 2022-01-21 458.82 457.0 $1292 6762534529843798313\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $131197 3 sell put 2022-01-21 458.82 456.0 $1262 -7305302953924509739\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $132656 2 sell put 2022-01-21 458.82 462.0 $1460 -7515526193952194533\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $133882 1 sell put 2022-01-21 458.82 455.0 $1227 -7581337627785351304\n",
+ "2021-12-07 $135080 0 sell put 2022-01-21 458.82 454.0 $1198 -1118025318049481826\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $134446 1 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 463.0 $633 6085596787635867518\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $133748 2 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 462.0 $697 -1529766362815631798\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $133174 3 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 464.0 $574 -8359795616279768063\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $132399 4 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 461.0 $774 -8086767283132376711\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $131882 5 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 465.0 $516 -2774744334227220466\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $131041 6 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 460.0 $841 -5573254346379038176\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $130580 7 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 466.0 $460 -1513437906515276269\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $129675 8 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 459.0 $904 -1646659864475031174\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $128692 9 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 458.0 $983 -3782881161102178917\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $127537 10 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 457.0 $1154 5496332922805389546\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $127221 11 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 469.0 $315 5227861756299135816\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $126090 12 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 456.0 $1131 -2994886057341702210\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $125817 13 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 470.0 $272 685592570325708605\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $124607 14 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 455.0 $1209 -6527358322134244323\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $124373 15 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 471.0 $234 -2424671599015462233\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $122997 16 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 454.0 $1375 2825987746877552294\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $122795 17 buy call 2022-01-05 463.01 472.0 $201 6191979811256123992\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $122095 18 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 463.0 $700 7391272953003002109\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $121333 19 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 462.0 $761 1192441109932821025\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $120695 20 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 464.0 $637 -4248171039808490567\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $119860 21 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 461.0 $835 -11775252849113194\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $119280 22 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 465.0 $579 2606955187851140142\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $118381 23 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 460.0 $898 -6337816626854988656\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $117861 24 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 466.0 $520 -6164554388148840150\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $116893 25 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 459.0 $967 -3560611689116663233\n",
+ "2021-12-22 $116425 26 buy call 2022-01-07 463.01 467.0 $467 8618616944420781523\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $115887 27 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 468.0 $538 857126896092616321\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $115407 28 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 469.0 $479 -118240054917611747\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $114985 29 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 470.0 $421 7272386155448648243\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $114618 30 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 471.0 $367 -4390647749114599829\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $114297 31 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 472.0 $320 -7512699203756345038\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $114023 32 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 473.0 $273 -2122333940816039446\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $113790 33 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 474.0 $233 -4477534450925258756\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $113592 34 buy call 2022-01-07 467.71 475.0 $197 1550357723517467607\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $113018 35 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 468.0 $573 1561785072691954423\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $112307 36 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 466.0 $711 3721180355205708670\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $111852 37 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 470.0 $454 3646424962723302137\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $111074 38 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 465.0 $778 2242538332446353330\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $110724 39 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 472.0 $349 -4827650531530421373\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $110462 40 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 474.0 $261 7639573932367432870\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $110239 41 buy call 2022-01-10 467.71 475.0 $223 -8478909729104437154\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $109611 42 buy call 2022-01-12 467.71 468.0 $627 -4550509428950729391\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $108848 43 buy call 2022-01-12 467.71 466.0 $762 -1486927420653216333\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $108337 44 buy call 2022-01-12 467.71 470.0 $511 -6600978552550759576\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $107505 45 buy call 2022-01-12 467.71 465.0 $831 8898054735609355495\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $106829 46 buy call 2022-01-14 467.71 468.0 $675 1825787779488998660\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $106090 47 buy call 2022-01-14 467.71 467.0 $739 -5545148654716825613\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $105279 48 buy call 2022-01-14 467.71 466.0 $810 5840580916726911925\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $104724 49 buy call 2022-01-14 467.71 470.0 $554 283197049242452889\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $103842 50 buy call 2022-01-14 467.71 465.0 $882 -4237000797117713439\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $102890 51 buy call 2022-01-14 467.71 464.0 $951 737483805023421146\n",
+ "2021-12-23 $101862 52 buy call 2022-01-14 467.71 463.0 $1027 -4808941635853116830\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $101425 53 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 478.0 $437 -7153903674137683233\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $100863 54 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 476.0 $561 8680304773034448777\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $100227 55 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 475.0 $635 -9160603037870728179\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $99898 56 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 480.0 $329 -3709221760717020486\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $99189 57 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 474.0 $708 1907085488229430490\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $98948 58 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 482.0 $240 5035880563457044502\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $98778 59 buy call 2022-01-12 477.26 484.0 $170 5763632951713809824\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $98227 60 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 477.0 $550 -4444206306754568988\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $97737 61 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 478.0 $489 1872154547103628258\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $97123 62 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 476.0 $614 6561098421510516921\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $96690 63 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 479.0 $432 -6019117227651106909\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $96002 64 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 475.0 $687 -4279562036317788575\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $95623 65 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 480.0 $379 -5821315151619837084\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $94860 66 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 474.0 $762 -4319799818502800620\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $94529 67 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 481.0 $330 4242316993805182877\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $93693 68 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 473.0 $836 -2920238188819038594\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $93406 69 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 482.0 $286 1406840956571094664\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $93139 70 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 482.5 $266 -1755821238557243152\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $92228 71 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 472.0 $911 -1937921471766267425\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $91981 72 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 483.0 $246 -668962645151812798\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $90991 73 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 471.0 $989 -7288859051270187686\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $90780 74 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 484.0 $211 8919550171579726728\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $90600 75 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 485.0 $179 4732576380164287918\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $90447 76 buy call 2022-01-14 477.26 486.0 $152 -8105166411688065219\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $89864 77 buy call 2022-01-18 477.26 477.0 $583 264699888073801228\n",
+ "2021-12-28 $89398 78 buy call 2022-01-18 477.26 479.0 $465 8389858522216174381\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $89271 79 buy call 2022-01-12 476.92 485.0 $126 8696814506842369927\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $88786 80 buy call 2022-01-14 476.92 477.5 $485 -8336821522181557592\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $88296 81 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 478.0 $489 -518510640424417886\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $87684 82 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 476.0 $611 -3554416274670084450\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $87007 83 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 475.0 $677 -2842322683628677375\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $86629 84 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 480.0 $377 863195523341755998\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $86298 85 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 481.0 $330 4965317204594582690\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $85406 86 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 472.0 $892 2421571546100061594\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $84359 87 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 470.0 $1046 4920487342974144183\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $84175 88 buy call 2022-01-18 476.92 485.0 $184 -4747634769342754600\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $83544 89 buy call 2022-01-19 476.92 476.0 $630 -6712956014468052906\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $83308 90 buy call 2022-01-19 476.92 484.0 $235 5135928135257539825\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $82694 91 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 477.0 $614 -2716687653584021454\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $82134 92 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 478.0 $559 5246290994062311922\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $81456 93 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 476.0 $677 -5310832721482798451\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $80955 94 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 479.0 $501 7324607424321761748\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $80210 95 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 475.0 $744 6961581551867604882\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $79762 96 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 480.0 $447 -8457897369544870573\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $78946 97 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 474.0 $816 5096849716022792426\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $78058 98 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 473.0 $887 -4153386344010190677\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $77659 99 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 481.0 $398 -6869808692981490452\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $76696 100 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 472.0 $963 -4934055052360627289\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $76346 101 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 482.0 $349 2860986874145148863\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $75308 102 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 471.0 $1037 -6650627253175434847\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $75001 103 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 483.0 $307 2296927695447057366\n",
+ "2021-12-29 $73886 104 buy call 2022-01-21 476.92 470.0 $1114 5637007637873957868\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $74527 103 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 472.0 $642 6191979811256123992\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $75251 102 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 471.0 $724 -2424671599015462233\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $76069 101 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 470.0 $819 685592570325708605\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $76953 100 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 469.0 $885 5227861756299135816\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $78134 99 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 466.0 $1181 -1513437906515276269\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $79391 98 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 465.0 $1258 -2774744334227220466\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $80744 97 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 464.0 $1354 -8359795616279768063\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $82215 96 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 463.0 $1471 6085596787635867518\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $83779 95 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 462.0 $1565 -1529766362815631798\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $85441 94 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 461.0 $1663 -8086767283132376711\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $87201 93 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 460.0 $1760 -5573254346379038176\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $89059 92 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 459.0 $1859 -1646659864475031174\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $91015 91 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 458.0 $1957 -3782881161102178917\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $93071 90 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 457.0 $2056 5496332922805389546\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $95233 89 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 456.0 $2163 -2994886057341702210\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $97490 88 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 455.0 $2258 -6527358322134244323\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $99834 87 sell call 2022-01-05 477.48 454.0 $2344 2825987746877552294\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $100958 86 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 467.0 $1125 8618616944420781523\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $102175 85 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 466.0 $1218 -6164554388148840150\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $103485 84 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 465.0 $1310 2606955187851140142\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $104887 83 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 464.0 $1403 -4248171039808490567\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $106367 82 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 463.0 $1481 7391272953003002109\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $107958 81 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 462.0 $1591 1192441109932821025\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $109630 80 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 461.0 $1673 -11775252849113194\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $111418 79 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 460.0 $1789 -6337816626854988656\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $113298 78 sell call 2022-01-07 477.48 459.0 $1880 -3560611689116663233\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $112548 79 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 474.0 $749 -8945228637383464082\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $112345 80 buy call 2022-01-18 477.48 484.0 $202 -9053735536040851965\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $111955 81 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 480.0 $390 8214401654013666768\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $111181 82 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 474.0 $773 -647434421760748471\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $110989 83 buy call 2022-01-19 477.48 485.0 $191 -940659075175676770\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $110728 84 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 484.0 $261 3621798933373461888\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $110503 85 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 485.0 $224 7186025271697276453\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $109304 86 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 469.0 $1199 3161753998476750759\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $109108 87 buy call 2022-01-21 477.48 486.0 $195 -6686663901790986313\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $108475 88 buy call 2022-01-26 477.48 478.0 $632 2746039377478419281\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $107711 89 buy call 2022-01-26 477.48 476.0 $764 4308606968094829482\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $107421 90 buy call 2022-01-26 477.48 485.0 $289 -5181683327336206997\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $107167 91 buy call 2022-01-26 477.48 486.0 $253 5155956867586885744\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $106488 92 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 478.0 $679 4077711185484083197\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $105747 93 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 477.0 $740 2870243234038726691\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $104945 94 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 476.0 $801 7739792787171249705\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $104063 95 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 475.0 $882 -3308187594395644087\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $103507 96 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 480.0 $555 -7367042208673763038\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $102412 97 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 472.0 $1094 448879942656449672\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $102007 98 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 483.0 $405 -8918054594515735138\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $101646 99 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 484.0 $360 5020447597425086449\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $101324 100 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 485.0 $321 6920116670276337453\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $101038 101 buy call 2022-01-28 477.48 486.0 $286 5795528482028028244\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $100335 102 buy call 2022-01-31 477.48 478.0 $702 4170909312500856924\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $99504 103 buy call 2022-01-31 477.48 476.0 $830 7428091287809771776\n",
+ "2021-12-30 $98921 104 buy call 2022-01-31 477.48 480.0 $583 -6103799855711821919\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $99306 103 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 475.0 $386 1550357723517467607\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $99754 102 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 474.0 $449 -4477534450925258756\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $100273 101 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 473.0 $519 -2122333940816039446\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $100860 100 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 472.0 $588 -7512699203756345038\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $101530 99 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 471.0 $671 -4390647749114599829\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $102278 98 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 470.0 $748 7272386155448648243\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $103108 97 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 469.0 $831 -118240054917611747\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $103974 96 sell call 2022-01-07 476.14 468.0 $867 857126896092616321\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $104396 95 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 475.0 $422 -8478909729104437154\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $104843 94 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 474.0 $448 7639573932367432870\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $105467 93 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 472.0 $625 -4827650531530421373\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $106254 92 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 470.0 $787 3646424962723302137\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $107202 91 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 468.0 $949 1561785072691954423\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $108325 90 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 466.0 $1124 3721180355205708670\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $109512 89 sell call 2022-01-10 476.14 465.0 $1187 2242538332446353330\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $110306 88 sell call 2022-01-12 476.14 470.0 $795 -6600978552550759576\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $111309 87 sell call 2022-01-12 476.14 468.0 $1004 -4550509428950729391\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $112482 86 sell call 2022-01-12 476.14 466.0 $1173 -1486927420653216333\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $113689 85 sell call 2022-01-12 476.14 465.0 $1208 8898054735609355495\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $114587 84 sell call 2022-01-14 476.14 470.0 $899 283197049242452889\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $115597 83 sell call 2022-01-14 476.14 468.0 $1010 1825787779488998660\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $116742 82 sell call 2022-01-14 476.14 467.0 $1146 -5545148654716825613\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $117970 81 sell call 2022-01-14 476.14 466.0 $1229 5840580916726911925\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $119271 80 sell call 2022-01-14 476.14 465.0 $1301 -4237000797117713439\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $120661 79 sell call 2022-01-14 476.14 464.0 $1391 737483805023421146\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $122144 78 sell call 2022-01-14 476.14 463.0 $1484 -4808941635853116830\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $121920 79 buy call 2022-01-18 476.14 482.0 $224 1496254311568535385\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $121673 80 buy call 2022-01-19 476.14 482.0 $246 5236447170776224818\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $121274 81 buy call 2022-01-24 476.14 480.0 $398 6633333384671828984\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $120880 82 buy call 2022-01-28 476.14 482.0 $394 5485429983858917891\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $120586 83 buy call 2022-01-31 476.14 485.0 $293 -8175450652642480728\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $119823 84 buy call 2022-02-04 476.14 477.0 $763 -2253776958402579101\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $119119 85 buy call 2022-02-04 476.14 478.0 $703 3908485815296660924\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $118156 86 buy call 2022-02-04 476.14 474.0 $962 4158587313347091975\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $117511 87 buy call 2022-02-04 476.14 479.0 $645 6549270690700964794\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $116475 88 buy call 2022-02-04 476.14 473.0 $1035 4884598942255504846\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $115883 89 buy call 2022-02-04 476.14 480.0 $591 -5509499597686099261\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $114852 90 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 476.0 $1031 -6329239763725531938\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $113884 91 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 477.0 $967 -721802432099789263\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $112789 92 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 475.0 $1094 -4569084528318332225\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $111885 93 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 478.0 $904 6551866465271485014\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $111043 94 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 479.0 $841 7074218422698138460\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $110260 95 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 480.0 $782 -8456747656176431157\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $109534 96 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 481.0 $726 -1170330479141297467\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $108861 97 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 482.0 $672 163722025986849198\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $107406 98 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 470.0 $1454 9175643694213248453\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $106786 99 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 483.0 $620 -7755184117228956809\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $106214 100 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 484.0 $571 -2810309855709914520\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $105690 101 buy call 2022-02-18 476.14 485.0 $523 6248102861256010458\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $104316 102 buy call 2022-03-18 476.14 476.0 $1374 7802673967193604558\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $103007 103 buy call 2022-03-18 476.14 477.0 $1308 -1545935798905150536\n",
+ "2021-12-31 $101565 104 buy call 2022-03-18 476.14 475.0 $1441 4058906159896711564\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $101402 105 buy call 2022-01-18 477.77 483.0 $163 3421695031989616078\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $100978 106 buy call 2022-01-19 477.77 478.0 $423 6806848776348818189\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $100873 107 buy call 2022-01-21 477.77 487.0 $104 2787440053216016534\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $100370 108 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 478.0 $503 4521252074474736632\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $99744 109 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 476.0 $625 5537687817748947041\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $99035 110 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 475.0 $708 4605252343979054812\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $98260 111 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 474.0 $775 -7503523145586815540\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $97971 112 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 482.0 $288 -7608205686490882680\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $97759 113 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 484.0 $211 -3482596353958352578\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $97586 114 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 485.0 $173 8103801166226327899\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $96491 115 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 470.0 $1094 5228526750564852168\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $96343 116 buy call 2022-01-24 477.77 486.0 $147 -4708771896032869467\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $95906 117 buy call 2022-01-26 477.77 480.0 $437 -2133679767614547464\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $95566 118 buy call 2022-01-26 477.77 482.0 $339 3486330609559094635\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $95023 119 buy call 2022-01-28 477.77 479.0 $542 -4079381268049651681\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $94151 120 buy call 2022-01-28 477.77 474.0 $872 -2857068503232151828\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $93324 121 buy call 2022-01-31 477.77 475.0 $826 -8894805191421593442\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $92924 122 buy call 2022-01-31 477.77 482.0 $399 -1104648843908737353\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $92258 123 buy call 2022-02-02 477.77 478.0 $666 -4325862495211088218\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $91421 124 buy call 2022-02-04 477.77 476.0 $836 -6029393438504516788\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $90511 125 buy call 2022-02-04 477.77 475.0 $909 5553846438656597634\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $90036 126 buy call 2022-02-04 477.77 482.0 $475 6354448994208688945\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $89699 127 buy call 2022-02-04 477.77 485.0 $336 -664612307396386250\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $89403 128 buy call 2022-02-04 477.77 486.0 $295 -8250134789722772654\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $88040 129 buy call 2022-02-04 477.77 469.0 $1363 -6296070779462401248\n",
+ "2022-01-04 $87166 130 buy call 2022-02-11 477.77 477.0 $873 2752971006578556671\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $87440 129 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 478.0 $275 -7153903674137683233\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $87831 128 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 476.0 $391 8680304773034448777\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $88007 127 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 480.0 $177 -3709221760717020486\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $88474 126 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 475.0 $467 -9160603037870728179\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $89002 125 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 474.0 $529 1907085488229430490\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $89104 124 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 482.0 $103 5035880563457044502\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $89162 123 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 484.0 $58 5763632951713809824\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $89203 122 sell call 2022-01-12 477.56 485.0 $42 8696814506842369927\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $89564 121 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 477.5 $362 -8336821522181557592\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $89896 120 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 478.0 $332 1872154547103628258\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $90287 119 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 477.0 $392 -4444206306754568988\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $90564 118 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 479.0 $278 -6019117227651106909\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $91013 117 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 476.0 $449 6561098421510516921\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $91241 116 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 480.0 $229 -5821315151619837084\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $91757 115 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 475.0 $517 -4279562036317788575\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $91943 114 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 481.0 $186 4242316993805182877\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $92529 113 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 474.0 $587 -4319799818502800620\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $92677 112 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 482.0 $149 1406840956571094664\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $93346 111 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 473.0 $669 -2920238188819038594\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $93475 110 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 482.5 $130 -1755821238557243152\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $93589 109 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 483.0 $115 -668962645151812798\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $94323 108 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 472.0 $734 -1937921471766267425\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $94413 107 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 484.0 $91 8919550171579726728\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $95235 106 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 471.0 $823 -7288859051270187686\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $95303 105 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 485.0 $68 4732576380164287918\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $95353 104 sell call 2022-01-14 477.56 486.0 $51 -8105166411688065219\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $95721 103 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 478.0 $369 -518510640424417886\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $96151 102 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 477.0 $430 264699888073801228\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $96463 101 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 479.0 $313 8389858522216174381\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $96949 100 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 476.0 $487 -3554416274670084450\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $97511 99 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 475.0 $562 -2842322683628677375\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $97770 98 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 480.0 $260 863195523341755998\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $97986 97 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 481.0 $217 4965317204594582690\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $98621 96 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 474.0 $635 -8945228637383464082\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $98795 95 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 482.0 $175 1496254311568535385\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $98938 94 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 483.0 $144 3421695031989616078\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $99726 93 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 472.0 $788 2421571546100061594\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $99837 92 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 484.0 $112 -9053735536040851965\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $99926 91 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 485.0 $90 -4747634769342754600\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $100867 90 sell call 2022-01-18 477.56 470.0 $941 4920487342974144183\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $101261 89 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 478.0 $395 6806848776348818189\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $101780 88 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 476.0 $520 -6712956014468052906\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $102067 87 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 480.0 $287 8214401654013666768\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $102728 86 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 474.0 $662 -647434421760748471\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $102923 85 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 482.0 $196 5236447170776224818\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $103055 84 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 484.0 $132 5135928135257539825\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $103158 83 sell call 2022-01-19 477.56 485.0 $104 -940659075175676770\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $103603 82 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 478.0 $446 5246290994062311922\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $104105 81 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 477.0 $502 -2716687653584021454\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $104492 80 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 479.0 $388 7324607424321761748\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $105063 79 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 476.0 $572 -5310832721482798451\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $105398 78 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 480.0 $335 -8457897369544870573\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $106038 77 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 475.0 $641 6961581551867604882\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $106322 76 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 481.0 $284 -6869808692981490452\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $107034 75 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 474.0 $713 5096849716022792426\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $107275 74 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 482.0 $242 2860986874145148863\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $108056 73 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 473.0 $781 -4153386344010190677\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $108258 72 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 483.0 $203 2296927695447057366\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $109116 71 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 472.0 $859 -4934055052360627289\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $109282 70 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 484.0 $166 3621798933373461888\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $110220 69 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 471.0 $939 -6650627253175434847\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $110357 68 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 485.0 $138 7186025271697276453\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $111372 67 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 470.0 $1015 5637007637873957868\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $111484 66 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 486.0 $113 -6686663901790986313\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $112584 65 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 469.0 $1101 3161753998476750759\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $112676 64 sell call 2022-01-21 477.56 487.0 $92 2787440053216016534\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $113149 63 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 478.0 $474 4521252074474736632\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $113746 62 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 476.0 $598 5537687817748947041\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $114410 61 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 475.0 $664 4605252343979054812\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $114772 60 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 480.0 $363 6633333384671828984\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $115511 59 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 474.0 $740 -7503523145586815540\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $115777 58 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 482.0 $266 -7608205686490882680\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $115965 57 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 484.0 $189 -3482596353958352578\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $117008 56 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 470.0 $1044 5228526750564852168\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $117167 55 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 485.0 $159 8103801166226327899\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $117297 54 sell call 2022-01-24 477.56 486.0 $131 -4708771896032869467\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $117823 53 sell call 2022-01-26 477.56 478.0 $527 2746039377478419281\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $118481 52 sell call 2022-01-26 477.56 476.0 $658 4308606968094829482\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $118898 51 sell call 2022-01-26 477.56 480.0 $418 -2133679767614547464\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $119216 50 sell call 2022-01-26 477.56 482.0 $319 3486330609559094635\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $119415 49 sell call 2022-01-26 477.56 485.0 $199 -5181683327336206997\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $119582 48 sell call 2022-01-26 477.56 486.0 $168 5155956867586885744\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $120159 47 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 478.0 $578 4077711185484083197\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $120800 46 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 477.0 $641 2870243234038726691\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $121317 45 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 479.0 $518 -4079381268049651681\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $122017 44 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 476.0 $701 7739792787171249705\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $122476 43 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 480.0 $459 -7367042208673763038\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $123245 42 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 475.0 $770 -3308187594395644087\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $124083 41 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 474.0 $839 -2857068503232151828\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $124442 40 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 482.0 $359 5485429983858917891\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $124753 39 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 483.0 $312 -8918054594515735138\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $125745 38 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 472.0 $993 448879942656449672\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $126014 37 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 484.0 $269 5020447597425086449\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $126246 36 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 485.0 $233 6920116670276337453\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $126444 35 sell call 2022-01-28 477.56 486.0 $199 5795528482028028244\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $127047 34 sell call 2022-01-31 477.56 478.0 $603 4170909312500856924\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $127777 33 sell call 2022-01-31 477.56 476.0 $731 7428091287809771776\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $128570 32 sell call 2022-01-31 477.56 475.0 $794 -8894805191421593442\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $129057 31 sell call 2022-01-31 477.56 480.0 $487 -6103799855711821919\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $129438 30 sell call 2022-01-31 477.56 482.0 $382 -1104648843908737353\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $129692 29 sell call 2022-01-31 477.56 485.0 $255 -8175450652642480728\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $130332 28 sell call 2022-02-02 477.56 478.0 $640 -4325862495211088218\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $131076 27 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 477.0 $745 -2253776958402579101\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $131758 26 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 478.0 $682 3908485815296660924\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $132378 25 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 479.0 $621 6549270690700964794\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $133186 24 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 476.0 $809 -6029393438504516788\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $133749 23 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 480.0 $563 -5509499597686099261\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $134627 22 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 475.0 $879 5553846438656597634\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $135574 21 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 474.0 $948 4158587313347091975\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $136031 20 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 482.0 $457 6354448994208688945\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $137051 19 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 473.0 $1021 4884598942255504846\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $137370 18 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 485.0 $320 -664612307396386250\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $138695 17 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 469.0 $1325 -6296070779462401248\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $138975 16 sell call 2022-02-04 477.56 486.0 $281 -8250134789722772654\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $139823 15 sell call 2022-02-11 477.56 477.0 $849 2752971006578556671\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $140773 14 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 477.0 $950 -721802432099789263\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $141658 13 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 478.0 $886 6551866465271485014\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $142481 12 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 479.0 $824 7074218422698138460\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $143503 11 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 476.0 $1022 -6329239763725531938\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $144266 10 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 480.0 $764 -8456747656176431157\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $145348 9 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 475.0 $1083 -4569084528318332225\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $146055 8 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 481.0 $707 -1170330479141297467\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $146704 7 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 482.0 $650 163722025986849198\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $147300 6 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 483.0 $597 -7755184117228956809\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $147847 5 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 484.0 $547 -2810309855709914520\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $148345 4 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 485.0 $499 6248102861256010458\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $149785 3 sell call 2022-02-18 477.56 470.0 $1441 9175643694213248453\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $151089 2 sell call 2022-03-18 477.56 477.0 $1304 -1545935798905150536\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $152461 1 sell call 2022-03-18 477.56 476.0 $1373 7802673967193604558\n",
+ "2022-01-05 $153893 0 sell call 2022-03-18 477.56 475.0 $1433 4058906159896711564\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $153143 1 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 456.0 $750 -7343364682128508439\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $152307 2 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 458.0 $835 -9143317320940626883\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $151598 3 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 455.0 $708 -8264332169040859776\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $150927 4 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 454.0 $671 4075859458747994861\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $149994 5 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 460.0 $932 2451724981417818813\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $149385 6 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 452.0 $608 -5232112183060022543\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $148842 7 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 450.0 $543 5718607229284320948\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $148351 8 buy put 2022-02-02 456.59 448.0 $490 -7014528772785352808\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $147545 9 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 456.0 $805 754257087615519989\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $146700 10 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 457.0 $845 9007537056442525483\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $145932 11 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 455.0 $767 3844169486472622525\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $145045 12 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 458.0 $886 -5200848568603860478\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $144111 13 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 459.0 $934 6858490221917682433\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $143383 14 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 454.0 $727 7109314835089309789\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $142392 15 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 460.0 $990 5202856746268733316\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $141695 16 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 453.0 $697 -8527221655932452653\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $141033 17 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 452.0 $661 3161004798085975629\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $139997 18 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 461.0 $1035 -4279095172907429832\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $138911 19 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 462.0 $1086 1450875782197697740\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $138311 20 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 450.0 $599 -7408536852882439763\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $137120 21 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 464.0 $1190 2711519883193915644\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $136552 22 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 449.0 $568 4034737137134653912\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $135306 23 buy put 2022-02-04 456.59 465.0 $1245 4437381356837571331\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $134674 24 buy put 2022-02-07 456.59 450.0 $632 6725667211369825791\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $133736 25 buy put 2022-02-09 456.59 456.0 $937 2666525970985790587\n",
+ "2022-01-19 $132775 26 buy put 2022-02-09 456.59 458.0 $960 2473723894484005035\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $131997 27 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 451.0 $778 8792506378732085673\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $131328 28 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 448.0 $668 -2415692428225069166\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $130692 29 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 447.0 $635 1701160706203792104\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $130091 30 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 446.0 $601 -2375789625712380472\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $129519 31 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 445.0 $571 -151028607687945530\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $129004 32 buy put 2022-02-04 451.81 443.0 $514 -9110820677524956534\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $128151 33 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 452.0 $853 2532363953974613173\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $127256 34 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 453.0 $894 -7010382744787484056\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $126318 35 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 454.0 $937 5377381583076065502\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $125331 36 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 455.0 $987 -7874585632687217399\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $124294 37 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 456.0 $1036 -6629681780863601786\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $123205 38 buy put 2022-02-07 451.81 457.0 $1088 5194986647221227714\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $122246 39 buy put 2022-02-11 451.81 452.0 $959 -1617799077799618150\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $121325 40 buy put 2022-02-11 451.81 451.0 $920 -3181523680853913877\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $120324 41 buy put 2022-02-11 451.81 453.0 $1000 -2850765633787533622\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $119442 42 buy put 2022-02-11 451.81 450.0 $882 7130458872293275810\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $118354 43 buy put 2022-02-11 451.81 455.0 $1087 8644284531139494519\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $117210 44 buy put 2022-02-11 451.81 456.0 $1143 -319029846896552591\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $116432 45 buy put 2022-02-11 451.81 447.0 $778 -1214852765810523412\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $115242 46 buy put 2022-02-11 451.81 457.0 $1189 -7394522741038652621\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $114527 47 buy put 2022-02-11 451.81 445.0 $714 -8366350064465180803\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $113615 48 buy put 2022-02-14 451.81 450.0 $912 -9135499242869465824\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $112456 49 buy put 2022-02-14 451.81 455.0 $1158 88631162072288543\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $111500 50 buy put 2022-02-16 451.81 450.0 $955 -6660700923786430401\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $110298 51 buy put 2022-02-16 451.81 455.0 $1202 1972048484789020314\n",
+ "2022-01-20 $109050 52 buy put 2022-02-16 451.81 456.0 $1247 -1545331835416831783\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $108325 53 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 444.0 $724 4901998463147344025\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $107670 54 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 442.0 $655 194965319796303848\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $107055 55 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 441.0 $614 -5023172837058515090\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $106463 56 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 440.0 $591 5180675883087346738\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $105903 57 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 439.0 $560 -791300347883816134\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $105370 58 buy put 2022-02-04 446.65 438.0 $532 -7288739953937517730\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $104572 59 buy put 2022-02-07 446.65 445.0 $797 3130407148733465596\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $103672 60 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 446.0 $900 600266732352738011\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $102571 61 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 450.0 $1100 5274726999520684011\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $101287 62 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 454.0 $1283 3182102769581445056\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $99950 63 buy put 2022-02-09 446.65 455.0 $1337 4319011702135125227\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $98909 64 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 448.0 $1040 -5056791107614804295\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $98130 65 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 441.0 $778 2383614980547723289\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $97384 66 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 440.0 $746 -7704753992457251502\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $96045 67 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 454.0 $1338 -3558743505205370515\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $95358 68 buy put 2022-02-11 446.65 438.0 $686 -2329375526050031520\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $94246 69 buy put 2022-02-16 446.65 448.0 $1112 -2626162966391796886\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $93251 70 buy put 2022-02-16 446.65 445.0 $994 -1525993767871226304\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $92138 71 buy put 2022-02-18 446.65 447.0 $1112 -9177481994416467929\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $91070 72 buy put 2022-02-18 446.65 446.0 $1068 1447144155082711734\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $89917 73 buy put 2022-02-18 446.65 448.0 $1152 2228694732575394640\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $88883 74 buy put 2022-02-18 446.65 445.0 $1034 1905775655221755615\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $87688 75 buy put 2022-02-18 446.65 449.0 $1194 -2456923191119086391\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $86689 76 buy put 2022-02-18 446.65 444.0 $998 7086410423558515411\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $85457 77 buy put 2022-02-18 446.65 450.0 $1232 -4893257953133682454\n",
+ "2022-01-21 $84490 78 buy put 2022-02-18 446.65 443.0 $966 -939898201281194447\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $83577 79 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 435.0 $912 -6612846251079923786\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $82696 80 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 434.0 $881 6316816558747805712\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $81311 81 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 446.0 $1384 -1691965300285965331\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $80465 82 buy put 2022-02-11 439.88 433.0 $845 -4012512675636335498\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $79346 83 buy put 2022-02-14 439.88 440.0 $1119 1569048399127317258\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $78370 84 buy put 2022-02-16 439.88 435.0 $975 -110558560413755426\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $77169 85 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 440.0 $1200 4564508272804898299\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $76003 86 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 439.0 $1166 -2059939180257796116\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $74751 87 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 441.0 $1251 7577167365022170837\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $73626 88 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 438.0 $1124 6418973698903935018\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $72332 89 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 442.0 $1294 2320426650198630450\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $71241 90 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 437.0 $1090 4750263325161039477\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $70174 91 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 436.0 $1066 3186097267951939359\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $69153 92 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 435.0 $1021 -6084408655282194567\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $68166 93 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 434.0 $986 2846892476809706960\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $67209 94 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 433.0 $956 6566206919548868628\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $66286 95 buy put 2022-02-18 439.88 432.0 $923 -5540681159463945382\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $65011 96 buy put 2022-02-23 439.88 440.0 $1274 -2116195445604588328\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $63701 97 buy put 2022-02-25 439.88 440.0 $1309 -8049963196525308750\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $62573 98 buy put 2022-02-25 439.88 435.0 $1128 1638208010545673567\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $61051 99 buy put 2022-02-25 439.88 445.0 $1521 3664432677910816955\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $59722 100 buy put 2022-02-28 439.88 440.0 $1328 -8652999604861136164\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $58063 101 buy put 2022-03-18 439.88 440.0 $1659 -8382990665980308865\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $56370 102 buy put 2022-03-18 439.88 441.0 $1692 5834877351337991483\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $54787 103 buy put 2022-03-18 439.88 438.0 $1582 -8050549170700073462\n",
+ "2022-01-25 $53055 104 buy put 2022-03-18 439.88 442.0 $1732 3986365598523631032\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $51977 105 buy put 2022-02-09 434.51 435.0 $1077 -4147809310755505034\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $50851 106 buy put 2022-02-09 434.51 436.0 $1125 6860337443440785466\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $49892 107 buy put 2022-02-09 434.51 432.0 $959 -3106762208021957125\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $49009 108 buy put 2022-02-09 434.51 430.0 $882 -7447310783090308406\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $47685 109 buy put 2022-02-09 434.51 440.0 $1323 1904090574971798548\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $46858 110 buy put 2022-02-09 434.51 428.0 $827 3359558710417970161\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $45841 111 buy put 2022-02-11 434.51 432.0 $1016 7950723648537195235\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $44859 112 buy put 2022-02-11 434.51 431.0 $981 -4567967319958954811\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $43916 113 buy put 2022-02-11 434.51 430.0 $943 -7681580115449245078\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $43015 114 buy put 2022-02-11 434.51 429.0 $900 5982847205094372015\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $42162 115 buy put 2022-02-11 434.51 427.0 $852 -6645510949537265851\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $41185 116 buy put 2022-02-14 434.51 430.0 $977 2422137670173152231\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $40075 117 buy put 2022-02-18 434.51 431.0 $1109 6340316137929574361\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $39009 118 buy put 2022-02-18 434.51 430.0 $1065 -2651912316245356425\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $37974 119 buy put 2022-02-18 434.51 429.0 $1035 2353626829837793927\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $36967 120 buy put 2022-02-18 434.51 428.0 $1006 -6336896114224258612\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $35997 121 buy put 2022-02-18 434.51 427.0 $969 -5751754937371817521\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $34895 122 buy put 2022-02-22 434.51 430.0 $1102 -3774888565278415289\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $33758 123 buy put 2022-02-23 434.51 430.0 $1136 1728470641313069458\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $32364 124 buy put 2022-02-25 434.51 436.0 $1394 -7268331223697178398\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $31196 125 buy put 2022-02-25 434.51 430.0 $1167 4150844105906468874\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $29904 126 buy put 2022-02-28 434.51 433.0 $1291 350004133258939994\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $28357 127 buy put 2022-03-04 434.51 435.0 $1547 -3517130553987044613\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $27074 128 buy put 2022-03-04 434.51 430.0 $1282 -4811744869264530789\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $25361 129 buy put 2022-03-18 434.51 435.0 $1712 5543938045816709255\n",
+ "2022-01-26 $23678 130 buy put 2022-03-18 434.51 434.0 $1683 -2369802862104604593\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $25228 129 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 448.0 $1551 -7014528772785352808\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $26919 128 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 450.0 $1692 5718607229284320948\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $28787 127 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 452.0 $1868 -5232112183060022543\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $30826 126 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 454.0 $2040 4075859458747994861\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $32955 125 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 455.0 $2130 -8264332169040859776\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $35176 124 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 456.0 $2221 -7343364682128508439\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $37584 123 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 458.0 $2409 -9143317320940626883\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $40183 122 sell put 2022-02-02 433.21 460.0 $2600 2451724981417818813\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $41873 121 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 449.0 $1690 4034737137134653912\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $43634 120 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 450.0 $1762 -7408536852882439763\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $45548 119 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 452.0 $1915 3161004798085975629\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $47543 118 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 453.0 $1995 -8527221655932452653\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $49620 117 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 454.0 $2078 7109314835089309789\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $51782 116 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 455.0 $2163 3844169486472622525\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $54032 115 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 456.0 $2250 754257087615519989\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $56370 114 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 457.0 $2339 9007537056442525483\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $58799 113 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 458.0 $2430 -5200848568603860478\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $61303 112 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 459.0 $2504 6858490221917682433\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $63975 111 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 460.0 $2673 5202856746268733316\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $66684 110 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 461.0 $2710 -4279095172907429832\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $69471 109 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 462.0 $2787 1450875782197697740\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $72468 108 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 464.0 $2998 2711519883193915644\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $75563 107 sell put 2022-02-04 433.21 465.0 $3096 4437381356837571331\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $77340 106 sell put 2022-02-07 433.21 450.0 $1777 6725667211369825791\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $79620 105 sell put 2022-02-09 433.21 456.0 $2281 2666525970985790587\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $82070 104 sell put 2022-02-09 433.21 458.0 $2451 2473723894484005035\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $80869 105 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 436.0 $1201 -3388681564466941112\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $79519 106 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 439.0 $1349 -8611900551904329464\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $78719 107 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 426.0 $799 -7893414553844869955\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $77948 108 buy put 2022-02-11 433.21 425.0 $771 7040096271092544191\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $76754 109 buy put 2022-02-14 433.21 435.0 $1193 -2602450489150725366\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $75796 110 buy put 2022-02-16 433.21 428.0 $957 1905522327337926598\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $74327 111 buy put 2022-02-16 433.21 440.0 $1469 -2177743364595936299\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $73468 112 buy put 2022-02-16 433.21 425.0 $858 -635663757641848002\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $72533 113 buy put 2022-02-18 433.21 426.0 $934 7908788297514664030\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $71627 114 buy put 2022-02-18 433.21 425.0 $906 1634341187395932602\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $70667 115 buy put 2022-02-22 433.21 425.0 $959 -4126925249491593417\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $69351 116 buy put 2022-02-23 433.21 435.0 $1315 6977232308727354558\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $67797 117 buy put 2022-02-25 433.21 438.0 $1554 8067539012752782731\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $66789 118 buy put 2022-02-25 433.21 425.0 $1007 -1088839370204583843\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $65400 119 buy put 2022-02-28 433.21 435.0 $1388 3612410892466068222\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $64200 120 buy put 2022-02-28 433.21 430.0 $1200 6210260049877391849\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $63163 121 buy put 2022-02-28 433.21 425.0 $1036 4139462843120947124\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $61775 122 buy put 2022-03-04 433.21 433.0 $1388 -397008175905548539\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $60586 123 buy put 2022-03-04 433.21 427.0 $1188 -7831694845609487478\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $58851 124 buy put 2022-03-04 433.21 440.0 $1734 3091623617253273252\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $57199 125 buy put 2022-03-18 433.21 433.0 $1652 -4330207739124130211\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $55585 126 buy put 2022-03-18 433.21 432.0 $1613 -3753684935207368355\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $54010 127 buy put 2022-03-18 433.21 431.0 $1574 -1427728200197234532\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $52240 128 buy put 2022-03-18 433.21 436.0 $1770 1391443613458449208\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $50701 129 buy put 2022-03-18 433.21 430.0 $1538 5722931846242682502\n",
+ "2022-01-27 $48887 130 buy put 2022-03-18 433.21 437.0 $1813 681849200291522113\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $50010 129 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 438.0 $1123 -7288739953937517730\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $51198 128 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 439.0 $1189 -791300347883816134\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $52407 127 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 440.0 $1210 5180675883087346738\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $53720 126 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 441.0 $1313 -5023172837058515090\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $55096 125 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 442.0 $1377 194965319796303848\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $56541 124 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 443.0 $1446 -9110820677524956534\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $58007 123 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 444.0 $1466 4901998463147344025\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $59585 122 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 445.0 $1579 -151028607687945530\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $61192 121 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 446.0 $1608 -2375789625712380472\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $62914 120 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 447.0 $1722 1701160706203792104\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $64713 119 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 448.0 $1800 -2415692428225069166\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $66716 118 sell put 2022-02-04 431.16 451.0 $2004 8792506378732085673\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $68332 117 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 445.0 $1616 3130407148733465596\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $70461 116 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 452.0 $2130 2532363953974613173\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $72704 115 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 453.0 $2244 -7010382744787484056\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $75036 114 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 454.0 $2332 5377381583076065502\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $77456 113 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 455.0 $2421 -7874585632687217399\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $79958 112 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 456.0 $2503 -6629681780863601786\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $82561 111 sell put 2022-02-07 431.16 457.0 $2603 5194986647221227714\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $83548 110 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 432.0 $988 -3106762208021957125\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $84455 109 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 430.0 $908 -7447310783090308406\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $85289 108 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 428.0 $834 3359558710417970161\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $86396 107 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 435.0 $1108 -4147809310755505034\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $87555 106 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 436.0 $1160 6860337443440785466\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $88916 105 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 440.0 $1361 1904090574971798548\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $90613 104 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 446.0 $1698 600266732352738011\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $92651 103 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 450.0 $2039 5274726999520684011\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $94964 102 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 454.0 $2313 3182102769581445056\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $97381 101 sell put 2022-02-09 431.16 455.0 $2418 4319011702135125227\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $98394 100 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 431.0 $1014 -4567967319958954811\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $99448 99 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 432.0 $1054 7950723648537195235\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $100422 98 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 430.0 $975 -7681580115449245078\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $101505 97 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 433.0 $1084 -4012512675636335498\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $102441 96 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 429.0 $936 5982847205094372015\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $103567 95 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 434.0 $1127 6316816558747805712\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $104729 94 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 435.0 $1163 -6612846251079923786\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $105595 93 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 427.0 $866 -6645510949537265851\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $106816 92 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 436.0 $1222 -3388681564466941112\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $107647 91 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 426.0 $832 -7893414553844869955\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $108443 90 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 425.0 $796 7040096271092544191\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $109763 89 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 438.0 $1321 -2329375526050031520\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $111133 88 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 439.0 $1370 -8611900551904329464\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $112555 87 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 440.0 $1423 -7704753992457251502\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $114035 86 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 441.0 $1481 2383614980547723289\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $115729 85 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 445.0 $1694 -8366350064465180803\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $117473 84 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 446.0 $1745 -1691965300285965331\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $119300 83 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 447.0 $1828 -1214852765810523412\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $121220 82 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 448.0 $1920 -5056791107614804295\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $123287 81 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 450.0 $2068 7130458872293275810\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $125405 80 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 451.0 $2119 -3181523680853913877\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $127602 79 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 452.0 $2197 -1617799077799618150\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $129878 78 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 453.0 $2277 -2850765633787533622\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $132236 77 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 454.0 $2359 -3558743505205370515\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $134679 76 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 455.0 $2443 8644284531139494519\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $137188 75 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 456.0 $2510 -319029846896552591\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $139784 74 sell put 2022-02-11 431.16 457.0 $2597 -7394522741038652621\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $140801 73 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 430.0 $1017 2422137670173152231\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $142014 72 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 435.0 $1214 -2602450489150725366\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $143469 71 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 440.0 $1456 1569048399127317258\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $145566 70 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 450.0 $2097 -9135499242869465824\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $148004 69 sell put 2022-02-14 431.16 455.0 $2439 88631162072288543\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $149001 68 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 428.0 $998 1905522327337926598\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $150236 67 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 435.0 $1235 -110558560413755426\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $151129 66 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 425.0 $894 -635663757641848002\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $152631 65 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 440.0 $1503 -2177743364595936299\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $154393 64 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 445.0 $1762 -1525993767871226304\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $156381 63 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 448.0 $1989 -2626162966391796886\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $158509 62 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 450.0 $2129 -6660700923786430401\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $160989 61 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 455.0 $2480 1972048484789020314\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $163587 60 sell put 2022-02-16 431.16 456.0 $2599 -1545331835416831783\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $164748 59 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 431.0 $1162 6340316137929574361\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $165952 58 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 432.0 $1204 -5540681159463945382\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $167077 57 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 430.0 $1126 -2651912316245356425\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $168308 56 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 433.0 $1232 6566206919548868628\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $169398 55 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 429.0 $1090 2353626829837793927\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $170672 54 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 434.0 $1275 2846892476809706960\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $171725 53 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 428.0 $1054 -6336896114224258612\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $173040 52 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 435.0 $1315 -6084408655282194567\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $174053 51 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 427.0 $1014 -5751754937371817521\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $175415 50 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 436.0 $1363 3186097267951939359\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $176395 49 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 426.0 $980 7908788297514664030\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $177343 48 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 425.0 $949 1634341187395932602\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $178747 47 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 437.0 $1405 4750263325161039477\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $180199 46 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 438.0 $1452 6418973698903935018\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $181698 45 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 439.0 $1500 -2059939180257796116\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $183250 44 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 440.0 $1553 4564508272804898299\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $184855 43 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 441.0 $1605 7577167365022170837\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $186501 42 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 442.0 $1647 2320426650198630450\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $188217 41 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 443.0 $1717 -939898201281194447\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $189985 40 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 444.0 $1768 7086410423558515411\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $191811 39 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 445.0 $1827 1905775655221755615\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $193709 38 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 446.0 $1898 1447144155082711734\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $195663 37 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 447.0 $1955 -9177481994416467929\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $197680 36 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 448.0 $2018 2228694732575394640\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $199767 35 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 449.0 $2087 -2456923191119086391\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $201922 34 sell put 2022-02-18 431.16 450.0 $2156 -4893257953133682454\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $203081 33 sell put 2022-02-22 431.16 430.0 $1160 -3774888565278415289\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $204065 32 sell put 2022-02-22 431.16 425.0 $984 -4126925249491593417\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $205244 31 sell put 2022-02-23 431.16 430.0 $1180 1728470641313069458\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $206611 30 sell put 2022-02-23 431.16 435.0 $1368 6977232308727354558\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $208182 29 sell put 2022-02-23 431.16 440.0 $1571 -2116195445604588328\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $209414 28 sell put 2022-02-25 431.16 430.0 $1233 4150844105906468874\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $210799 27 sell put 2022-02-25 431.16 435.0 $1386 1638208010545673567\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $212229 26 sell put 2022-02-25 431.16 436.0 $1430 -7268331223697178398\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $213286 25 sell put 2022-02-25 431.16 425.0 $1058 -1088839370204583843\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $214806 24 sell put 2022-02-25 431.16 438.0 $1521 8067539012752782731\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $216424 23 sell put 2022-02-25 431.16 440.0 $1618 -8049963196525308750\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $218321 22 sell put 2022-02-25 431.16 445.0 $1898 3664432677910816955\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $219580 21 sell put 2022-02-28 431.16 430.0 $1260 6210260049877391849\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $220881 20 sell put 2022-02-28 431.16 433.0 $1301 350004133258939994\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $222264 19 sell put 2022-02-28 431.16 435.0 $1384 3612410892466068222\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $223345 18 sell put 2022-02-28 431.16 425.0 $1082 4139462843120947124\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $224961 17 sell put 2022-02-28 431.16 440.0 $1616 -8652999604861136164\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $226305 16 sell put 2022-03-04 431.16 430.0 $1345 -4811744869264530789\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $227767 15 sell put 2022-03-04 431.16 433.0 $1463 -397008175905548539\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $229225 14 sell put 2022-03-04 431.16 435.0 $1458 -3517130553987044613\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $230465 13 sell put 2022-03-04 431.16 427.0 $1241 -7831694845609487478\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $232191 12 sell put 2022-03-04 431.16 440.0 $1727 3091623617253273252\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $233841 11 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 431.0 $1650 -1427728200197234532\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $235518 10 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 432.0 $1678 -3753684935207368355\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $237120 9 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 430.0 $1603 5722931846242682502\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $238840 8 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 433.0 $1720 -4330207739124130211\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $240601 7 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 434.0 $1762 -2369802862104604593\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $242404 6 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 435.0 $1804 5543938045816709255\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $244251 5 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 436.0 $1847 1391443613458449208\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $246087 4 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 437.0 $1837 681849200291522113\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $247989 3 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 438.0 $1903 -8050549170700073462\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $249989 2 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 440.0 $2000 -8382990665980308865\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $252028 1 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 441.0 $2040 5834877351337991483\n",
+ "2022-01-28 $254097 0 sell put 2022-03-18 431.16 442.0 $2070 3986365598523631032\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $253359 1 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 446.0 $738 8171411620066059596\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $252678 2 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 447.0 $680 -4610824805271094898\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $251876 3 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 445.0 $801 -8642403051416970928\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $251011 4 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 444.0 $865 4230230982684532518\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $250389 5 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 448.0 $621 696484131407485577\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $249823 6 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 449.0 $565 -8439192350483407421\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $249311 7 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 450.0 $512 -7070463696339305590\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $248308 8 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 442.0 $1002 654426040285455579\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $247158 9 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 440.0 $1149 4174222024787203259\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $246742 10 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 452.0 $416 -101250470182552282\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $246369 11 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 453.0 $372 2197772285965945093\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $246040 12 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 454.0 $329 -95309791798139671\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $244739 13 buy call 2022-03-02 445.94 438.0 $1300 6984899631271637687\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $243929 14 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 446.0 $809 8979215771299706992\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $243179 15 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 447.0 $750 5567378745221472801\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $242309 16 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 445.0 $869 5892092623425788075\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $241374 17 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 444.0 $934 3079407359278309302\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $240370 18 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 443.0 $1004 8227663665468438092\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $239790 19 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 450.0 $579 -7586070973397068613\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $238716 20 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 442.0 $1073 5770908381075404606\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $237577 21 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 441.0 $1139 -7183928483877742606\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $236356 22 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 440.0 $1220 3091623617253273252\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $235063 23 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 439.0 $1292 -4290471989705490650\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $234677 24 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 454.0 $386 217849793705915338\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $233310 25 buy call 2022-03-04 445.94 438.0 $1366 -7823279355055547333\n",
+ "2022-02-16 $232201 26 buy call 2022-03-07 445.94 442.0 $1108 3659597526950599995\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $231554 27 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 448.0 $647 2590854345287189116\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $230965 28 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 449.0 $588 3337427433179033061\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $230484 29 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 451.0 $480 -2626072240945157936\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $230096 30 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 453.0 $388 3921542246652800148\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $229792 31 buy call 2022-03-04 446.65 455.0 $303 -3202717090165813418\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $228983 32 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 446.0 $808 7852516924325827294\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $228413 33 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 450.0 $570 -3307818938931483537\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $227944 34 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 452.0 $468 1167753827303681425\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $227608 35 buy call 2022-03-07 446.65 455.0 $335 -7901343121926354577\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $226867 36 buy call 2022-03-09 446.65 448.0 $741 6534775818565248002\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $226394 37 buy call 2022-03-09 446.65 453.0 $472 -148400578162721585\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $225108 38 buy call 2022-03-09 446.65 440.0 $1285 -1297144121007535391\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $224121 39 buy call 2022-03-11 446.65 445.0 $987 5350383396433428077\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $223064 40 buy call 2022-03-11 446.65 444.0 $1056 7647192558785374320\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $221946 41 buy call 2022-03-11 446.65 443.0 $1117 -1348858559068688620\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $220755 42 buy call 2022-03-11 446.65 442.0 $1191 2883780861879953189\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $220322 43 buy call 2022-03-11 446.65 455.0 $432 -7100992749495374887\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $219155 44 buy call 2022-03-16 446.65 444.0 $1166 6389528598726658122\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $218621 45 buy call 2022-03-16 446.65 455.0 $534 2935925199255979919\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $217627 46 buy call 2022-03-18 446.65 447.0 $993 -231097638314194231\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $216572 47 buy call 2022-03-18 446.65 446.0 $1054 2984279013645208482\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $215641 48 buy call 2022-03-18 446.65 448.0 $931 1280112211746329960\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $214520 49 buy call 2022-03-18 446.65 445.0 $1120 -7023810038757440568\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $213648 50 buy call 2022-03-18 446.65 449.0 $871 746941662457322312\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $212461 51 buy call 2022-03-18 446.65 444.0 $1187 2963302295578930001\n",
+ "2022-02-17 $211647 52 buy call 2022-03-18 446.65 450.0 $813 -4684577749944438577\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $212383 51 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 438.0 $737 6984899631271637687\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $213005 50 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 440.0 $622 4174222024787203259\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $213523 49 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 442.0 $519 654426040285455579\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $213946 48 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 444.0 $424 4230230982684532518\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $214325 47 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 445.0 $379 -8642403051416970928\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $214661 46 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 446.0 $337 8171411620066059596\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $214959 45 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 447.0 $299 -4610824805271094898\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $215221 44 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 448.0 $262 696484131407485577\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $215448 43 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 449.0 $228 -8439192350483407421\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $215646 42 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 450.0 $198 -7070463696339305590\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $215790 41 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 452.0 $145 -101250470182552282\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $215912 40 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 453.0 $123 2197772285965945093\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $216016 39 sell call 2022-03-02 437.17 454.0 $104 -95309791798139671\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $216821 38 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 438.0 $806 -7823279355055547333\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $217570 37 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 439.0 $750 -4290471989705490650\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $218264 36 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 440.0 $694 3091623617253273252\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $218903 35 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 441.0 $640 -7183928483877742606\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $219489 34 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 442.0 $587 5770908381075404606\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $220026 33 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 443.0 $537 8227663665468438092\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $220513 32 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 444.0 $488 3079407359278309302\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $220954 31 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 445.0 $442 5892092623425788075\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $221352 30 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 446.0 $398 8979215771299706992\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $221707 29 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 447.0 $356 5567378745221472801\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $222023 28 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 448.0 $317 2590854345287189116\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $222303 27 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 449.0 $280 3337427433179033061\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $222548 26 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 450.0 $246 -7586070973397068613\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $222762 25 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 451.0 $215 -2626072240945157936\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $222922 24 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 453.0 $160 3921542246652800148\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $223058 23 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 454.0 $137 217849793705915338\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $223174 22 sell call 2022-03-04 437.17 455.0 $117 -3202717090165813418\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $223795 21 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 442.0 $621 3659597526950599995\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $224222 20 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 446.0 $428 7852516924325827294\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $224494 19 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 450.0 $273 -3307818938931483537\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $224704 18 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 452.0 $210 1167753827303681425\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $224837 17 sell call 2022-03-07 437.17 455.0 $134 -7901343121926354577\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $225624 16 sell call 2022-03-09 437.17 440.0 $788 -1297144121007535391\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $226019 15 sell call 2022-03-09 437.17 448.0 $395 6534775818565248002\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $226236 14 sell call 2022-03-09 437.17 453.0 $218 -148400578162721585\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $226969 13 sell call 2022-03-11 437.17 442.0 $734 2883780861879953189\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $227647 12 sell call 2022-03-11 437.17 443.0 $678 -1348858559068688620\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $228275 11 sell call 2022-03-11 437.17 444.0 $629 7647192558785374320\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $228853 10 sell call 2022-03-11 437.17 445.0 $579 5350383396433428077\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $229053 9 sell call 2022-03-11 437.17 455.0 $200 -7100992749495374887\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $229788 8 sell call 2022-03-16 437.17 444.0 $736 6389528598726658122\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $230063 7 sell call 2022-03-16 437.17 455.0 $276 2935925199255979919\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $230821 6 sell call 2022-03-18 437.17 444.0 $758 2963302295578930001\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $231527 5 sell call 2022-03-18 437.17 445.0 $707 -7023810038757440568\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $232184 4 sell call 2022-03-18 437.17 446.0 $658 2984279013645208482\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $232793 3 sell call 2022-03-18 437.17 447.0 $609 -231097638314194231\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $233356 2 sell call 2022-03-18 437.17 448.0 $564 1280112211746329960\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $233874 1 sell call 2022-03-18 437.17 449.0 $519 746941662457322312\n",
+ "2022-02-18 $234351 0 sell call 2022-03-18 437.17 450.0 $477 -4684577749944438577\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $233437 1 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 430.0 $913 1780750702160016188\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $232480 2 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 431.0 $956 8421234544099941176\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $231650 3 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 428.0 $830 -4873052136044735381\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $230643 4 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 432.0 $1006 -2118287248199482242\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $229880 5 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 426.0 $762 7248899965335339851\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $229160 6 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 425.0 $720 691325292385099235\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $227940 7 buy put 2022-03-09 429.65 436.0 $1219 6657621469769707430\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $226950 8 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 430.0 $990 -4538052465579915603\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $226005 9 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 429.0 $944 6410544639736370551\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $224980 10 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 431.0 $1024 3838830928382662960\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $224076 11 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 428.0 $904 -5395484669555428053\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $223004 12 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 432.0 $1071 -5524819121592995296\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $222138 13 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 427.0 $865 -9221089965025693073\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $221020 14 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 433.0 $1118 8412309429932545256\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $220193 15 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 426.0 $826 2328868592203098039\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $219027 16 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 434.0 $1165 3351961789169687522\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $218234 17 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 425.0 $793 2422848132619996681\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $217019 18 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 435.0 $1214 -5904818035975608098\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $216258 19 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 424.0 $760 3332739876731045217\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $215532 20 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 423.0 $726 7326893774616716996\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $214202 21 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 437.0 $1329 5324108865164377484\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $212809 22 buy put 2022-03-11 429.65 438.0 $1392 -6152315476676160965\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $211869 23 buy put 2022-03-14 429.65 428.0 $940 -5479241873999624664\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $211000 24 buy put 2022-03-14 429.65 426.0 $868 -6699231518171352303\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $210163 25 buy put 2022-03-14 429.65 425.0 $836 3221696092501895724\n",
+ "2022-02-23 $208695 26 buy put 2022-03-14 429.65 438.0 $1468 5305282911476123484\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $207712 27 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 422.0 $982 -4046408945450596145\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $206810 28 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 420.0 $901 -5453604336599483546\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $205985 29 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 418.0 $825 -6358866376923467591\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $205266 30 buy put 2022-03-11 421.97 415.0 $718 6785121772041142702\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $204245 31 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 422.0 $1020 -7354095046394153810\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $203301 32 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 420.0 $944 367552684367022320\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $201863 33 buy put 2022-03-14 421.97 430.0 $1437 -6855185744470577672\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $200738 34 buy put 2022-03-16 421.97 422.0 $1124 -4555114363403637210\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $199674 35 buy put 2022-03-16 421.97 420.0 $1064 -8290188408751737700\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $198423 36 buy put 2022-03-16 421.97 425.0 $1250 6898162335266221180\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $197590 37 buy put 2022-03-16 421.97 414.0 $832 1983714530920125575\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $196065 38 buy put 2022-03-16 421.97 430.0 $1525 4447204438547311018\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $194832 39 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 422.0 $1232 5165242249846089101\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $193555 40 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 423.0 $1276 -8078936577515680576\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $192365 41 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 421.0 $1190 -8965739600836178753\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $191210 42 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 420.0 $1154 1526459242342295796\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $189882 43 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 424.0 $1327 7332649039348305528\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $188512 44 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 425.0 $1370 4664985144931456445\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $187397 45 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 419.0 $1114 5877164891019507622\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $186319 46 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 418.0 $1077 -1243644097190548370\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $184903 47 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 426.0 $1416 1113855347667674599\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $183424 48 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 427.0 $1478 -8921421946081855351\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $182386 49 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 417.0 $1037 5360844267855473071\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $180865 50 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 428.0 $1521 2818190925862102135\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $179865 51 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 416.0 $999 99844489575613402\n",
+ "2022-02-24 $178260 52 buy put 2022-03-18 421.97 429.0 $1604 -94212161068375952\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $179062 51 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 428.0 $802 -4873052136044735381\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $179793 50 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 426.0 $732 7248899965335339851\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $180686 49 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 430.0 $894 1780750702160016188\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $181377 48 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 425.0 $691 691325292385099235\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $182312 47 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 431.0 $936 8421234544099941176\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $183306 46 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 432.0 $994 -2118287248199482242\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $184499 45 sell put 2022-03-09 428.06 436.0 $1194 6657621469769707430\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $185381 44 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 428.0 $883 -5395484669555428053\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $186312 43 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 429.0 $931 6410544639736370551\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $187151 42 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 427.0 $840 -9221089965025693073\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $188115 41 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 430.0 $965 -4538052465579915603\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $188929 40 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 426.0 $814 2328868592203098039\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $189952 39 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 431.0 $1024 3838830928382662960\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $190717 38 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 425.0 $766 2422848132619996681\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $191789 37 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 432.0 $1072 -5524819121592995296\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $192524 36 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 424.0 $736 3332739876731045217\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $193645 35 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 433.0 $1122 8412309429932545256\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $194346 34 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 423.0 $701 7326893774616716996\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $195484 33 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 434.0 $1139 3351961789169687522\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $196153 32 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 422.0 $670 -4046408945450596145\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $197349 31 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 435.0 $1196 -5904818035975608098\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $197959 30 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 420.0 $611 -5453604336599483546\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $199258 29 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 437.0 $1300 5324108865164377484\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $200625 28 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 438.0 $1367 -6152315476676160965\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $201181 27 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 418.0 $557 -6358866376923467591\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $201664 26 sell put 2022-03-11 428.06 415.0 $484 6785121772041142702\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $202590 25 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 428.0 $926 -5479241873999624664\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $203440 24 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 426.0 $851 -6699231518171352303\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $204453 23 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 430.0 $1014 -6855185744470577672\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $205265 22 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 425.0 $812 3221696092501895724\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $205980 21 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 422.0 $716 -7354095046394153810\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $206636 20 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 420.0 $657 367552684367022320\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $208038 19 sell put 2022-03-14 428.06 438.0 $1402 5305282911476123484\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $209147 18 sell put 2022-03-16 428.06 430.0 $1110 4447204438547311018\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $210066 17 sell put 2022-03-16 428.06 425.0 $920 6898162335266221180\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $210884 16 sell put 2022-03-16 428.06 422.0 $818 -4555114363403637210\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $211635 15 sell put 2022-03-16 428.06 420.0 $752 -8290188408751737700\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $212227 14 sell put 2022-03-16 428.06 414.0 $593 1983714530920125575\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $213374 13 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 428.0 $1147 2818190925862102135\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $214567 12 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 429.0 $1194 -94212161068375952\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $215679 11 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 427.0 $1113 -8921421946081855351\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $216749 10 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 426.0 $1070 1113855347667674599\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $217783 9 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 425.0 $1035 4664985144931456445\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $218779 8 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 424.0 $997 7332649039348305528\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $219734 7 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 423.0 $955 -8078936577515680576\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $220656 6 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 422.0 $923 5165242249846089101\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $221540 5 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 421.0 $885 -8965739600836178753\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $222394 4 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 420.0 $854 1526459242342295796\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $223212 3 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 419.0 $819 5877164891019507622\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $224007 2 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 418.0 $796 -1243644097190548370\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $224771 1 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 417.0 $764 5360844267855473071\n",
+ "2022-02-25 $225512 0 sell put 2022-03-18 428.06 416.0 $742 99844489575613402\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $224436 1 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 430.0 $1075 4447204438547311018\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $223323 2 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 431.0 $1113 631140076617503101\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $222160 3 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 432.0 $1162 6816276467748862480\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $220949 4 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 433.0 $1211 -5446772028504440466\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $219698 5 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 434.0 $1250 5638964871562975973\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $218400 6 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 435.0 $1297 9201014503872578662\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $217479 7 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 425.0 $921 6898162335266221180\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $216675 8 buy put 2022-03-16 429.99 422.0 $803 -4555114363403637210\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $215473 9 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 430.0 $1201 5722931846242682502\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $214311 10 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 429.0 $1162 -94212161068375952\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $213052 11 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 431.0 $1258 -1427728200197234532\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $211911 12 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 428.0 $1140 2818190925862102135\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $210618 13 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 432.0 $1293 -3753684935207368355\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $209513 14 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 427.0 $1104 -8921421946081855351\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $208181 15 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 433.0 $1331 -4330207739124130211\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $207125 16 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 426.0 $1056 1113855347667674599\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $205740 17 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 434.0 $1384 -2369802862104604593\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $204711 18 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 425.0 $1028 4664985144931456445\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $203283 19 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 435.0 $1428 5543938045816709255\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $202299 20 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 424.0 $983 7332649039348305528\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $200810 21 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 436.0 $1488 1391443613458449208\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $199860 22 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 423.0 $950 -8078936577515680576\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $198304 23 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 437.0 $1555 681849200291522113\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $197389 24 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 422.0 $914 5165242249846089101\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $195793 25 buy put 2022-03-18 429.99 438.0 $1596 -8050549170700073462\n",
+ "2022-03-02 $194502 26 buy put 2022-03-21 429.99 430.0 $1290 5756766463181613318\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $195300 25 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 435.0 $799 9201014503872578662\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $196063 24 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 434.0 $763 5638964871562975973\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $196790 23 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 433.0 $728 -5446772028504440466\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $197489 22 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 432.0 $700 6816276467748862480\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $198161 21 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 431.0 $672 631140076617503101\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $198799 20 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 430.0 $639 4447204438547311018\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $199313 19 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 425.0 $515 6898162335266221180\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $199765 18 sell put 2022-03-16 437.79 422.0 $452 -4555114363403637210\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $200802 17 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 438.0 $1038 -8050549170700073462\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $201796 16 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 437.0 $995 681849200291522113\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $202756 15 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 436.0 $960 1391443613458449208\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $203676 14 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 435.0 $921 5543938045816709255\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $204563 13 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 434.0 $888 -2369802862104604593\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $205414 12 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 433.0 $851 -4330207739124130211\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $206229 11 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 432.0 $816 -3753684935207368355\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $207018 10 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 431.0 $790 -1427728200197234532\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $207776 9 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 430.0 $758 5722931846242682502\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $208502 8 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 429.0 $727 -94212161068375952\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $209199 7 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 428.0 $698 2818190925862102135\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $209867 6 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 427.0 $668 -8921421946081855351\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $210510 5 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 426.0 $644 1113855347667674599\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $211128 4 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 425.0 $619 4664985144931456445\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $211721 3 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 424.0 $593 7332649039348305528\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $212291 2 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 423.0 $571 -8078936577515680576\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $212837 1 sell put 2022-03-18 437.79 422.0 $547 5165242249846089101\n",
+ "2022-03-03 $213627 0 sell put 2022-03-21 437.79 430.0 $790 5756766463181613318\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $212591 1 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 436.0 $1035 1391443613458449208\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $211595 2 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 435.0 $996 5543938045816709255\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $210518 3 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 437.0 $1076 681849200291522113\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $209561 4 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 434.0 $956 -2369802862104604593\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $208443 5 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 438.0 $1118 -8050549170700073462\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $207523 6 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 433.0 $919 -4330207739124130211\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $206639 7 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 432.0 $883 -3753684935207368355\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $205471 8 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 439.0 $1168 -2065949325277020277\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $204256 9 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 440.0 $1214 -8382990665980308865\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $203409 10 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 431.0 $846 -1427728200197234532\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $202122 11 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 441.0 $1287 5834877351337991483\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $201308 12 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 430.0 $813 5722931846242682502\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $200522 13 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 429.0 $785 -94212161068375952\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $199177 14 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 442.0 $1345 3986365598523631032\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $198422 15 buy put 2022-03-18 435.67 428.0 $754 2818190925862102135\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $197343 16 buy put 2022-03-21 435.67 436.0 $1078 6883658932981793651\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $196307 17 buy put 2022-03-21 435.67 435.0 $1036 -4869415143937023115\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $195240 18 buy put 2022-03-23 435.67 434.0 $1066 3472923312537345828\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $194245 19 buy put 2022-03-23 435.67 432.0 $994 -2680106571919137099\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $193074 20 buy put 2022-03-25 435.67 435.0 $1171 -824960406433605778\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $192019 21 buy put 2022-03-25 435.67 432.0 $1054 7360327729360747695\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $191029 22 buy put 2022-03-25 435.67 430.0 $989 -3107123669806661497\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $189769 23 buy put 2022-03-30 435.67 435.0 $1260 -6382499734753325937\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $188614 24 buy put 2022-03-30 435.67 432.0 $1154 -3759790252026878754\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $187319 25 buy put 2022-03-31 435.67 435.0 $1294 1950595372569829643\n",
+ "2022-03-04 $185949 26 buy put 2022-03-31 435.67 437.0 $1370 6536782069742528949\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $184744 27 buy put 2022-03-23 419.55 420.0 $1204 1331583225569889643\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $183443 28 buy put 2022-03-23 419.55 422.0 $1300 9165916164792513911\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $182050 29 buy put 2022-03-23 419.55 424.0 $1393 -436004910921642395\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $180773 30 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 420.0 $1276 -3714626408621351015\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $179452 31 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 421.0 $1320 1417049773307575345\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $178301 32 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 417.0 $1151 -7050446661947671492\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $176883 33 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 423.0 $1417 -2023594196749276075\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $175809 34 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 415.0 $1073 7167111747191268137\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $174297 35 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 425.0 $1512 8737426381787513065\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $173295 36 buy put 2022-03-25 419.55 413.0 $1001 8460010051072099018\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $172215 37 buy put 2022-03-28 419.55 414.0 $1079 -8957817319674507588\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $170832 38 buy put 2022-03-30 419.55 420.0 $1383 -3755035738430918033\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $169417 39 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 420.0 $1414 1738546472935390845\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $168044 40 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 419.0 $1372 2203187267495761356\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $166715 41 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 418.0 $1329 7893007106616852496\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $165467 42 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 416.0 $1247 -3151018920427897209\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $163916 43 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 423.0 $1550 -3042456982371676118\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $162704 44 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 415.0 $1212 7787395725698707685\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $161061 45 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 425.0 $1642 834364746496975596\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $159955 46 buy put 2022-03-31 419.55 412.0 $1105 9051072792636040667\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $158512 47 buy put 2022-04-01 419.55 420.0 $1443 -1642801519649109143\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $156934 48 buy put 2022-04-01 419.55 423.0 $1577 317328730502908383\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $155689 49 buy put 2022-04-01 419.55 415.0 $1244 5514177854280433095\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $154017 50 buy put 2022-04-01 419.55 425.0 $1672 -6139528093895648648\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $152432 51 buy put 2022-04-08 419.55 420.0 $1584 -4633526009163988912\n",
+ "2022-03-08 $151044 52 buy put 2022-04-08 419.55 415.0 $1388 -5197453057699698347\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $149975 53 buy put 2022-03-23 416.38 415.0 $1068 4152715426012123380\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $148765 54 buy put 2022-03-23 416.38 418.0 $1209 -1976548291709848223\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $147890 55 buy put 2022-03-23 416.38 410.0 $875 -2808786030553709500\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $146696 56 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 416.0 $1193 2594763332093669116\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $145398 57 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 418.0 $1297 -6594960172711437217\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $144082 58 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 419.0 $1316 4844630929297730793\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $143048 59 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 412.0 $1033 -3089362093521459557\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $141585 60 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 422.0 $1462 7145593812700376993\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $140630 61 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 410.0 $955 -1220749937769638881\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $139054 62 buy put 2022-03-25 416.38 424.0 $1575 -2465002400494775696\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $137863 63 buy put 2022-03-28 416.38 415.0 $1190 780071065166526194\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $136543 64 buy put 2022-03-28 416.38 418.0 $1320 128300382051520541\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $135238 65 buy put 2022-03-30 416.38 415.0 $1304 8036748829126658113\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $133791 66 buy put 2022-03-30 416.38 418.0 $1446 -394587683248014186\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $132742 67 buy put 2022-03-30 416.38 410.0 $1049 -7878685268342874248\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $131050 68 buy put 2022-03-30 416.38 424.0 $1691 8095350915477842328\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $129674 69 buy put 2022-03-31 416.38 417.0 $1375 -7629742631878377772\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $128465 70 buy put 2022-03-31 416.38 413.0 $1209 -6658424814589680721\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $127373 71 buy put 2022-03-31 416.38 410.0 $1091 417493192819270108\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $126316 72 buy put 2022-03-31 416.38 409.0 $1056 -29178179877751660\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $124962 73 buy put 2022-04-01 416.38 416.0 $1354 639599718848331690\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $123563 74 buy put 2022-04-01 416.38 417.0 $1398 -1786344772871313156\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $122292 75 buy put 2022-04-01 416.38 414.0 $1270 5837938387984175763\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $120713 76 buy put 2022-04-01 416.38 419.0 $1579 2082778965270893035\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $119518 77 buy put 2022-04-01 416.38 412.0 $1194 -8369398031537728635\n",
+ "2022-03-09 $117845 78 buy put 2022-04-01 416.38 421.0 $1672 3099347226774101486\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $116767 79 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 427.0 $1078 8515735490319670803\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $115645 80 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 428.0 $1121 -2632374198963160783\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $114608 81 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 426.0 $1036 -7394299207575630556\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $113443 82 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 429.0 $1165 -6099095504024391940\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $112170 83 buy put 2022-03-25 427.36 431.0 $1272 -4189572770384143700\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $111127 84 buy put 2022-03-28 427.36 425.0 $1042 -611839301023762940\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $110027 85 buy put 2022-03-30 427.36 425.0 $1100 7846219869219520154\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $108805 86 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 427.0 $1221 6167484186841694767\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $107541 87 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 428.0 $1263 -1033148873108845878\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $106362 88 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 426.0 $1179 -5274783555082614887\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $105054 89 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 429.0 $1307 4000984337438563672\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $103692 90 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 430.0 $1361 9208853667372032270\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $102598 91 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 424.0 $1094 -7979950610549753826\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $101185 92 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 431.0 $1412 4046557039351261050\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $100164 93 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 422.0 $1020 3627771992733930220\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $99173 94 buy put 2022-03-31 427.36 421.0 $991 -4567554762236507974\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $97925 95 buy put 2022-04-01 427.36 427.0 $1247 9063202042589583446\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $96638 96 buy put 2022-04-01 427.36 428.0 $1286 6240766411156178151\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $95434 97 buy put 2022-04-01 427.36 426.0 $1204 9154213275730497518\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $94060 98 buy put 2022-04-01 427.36 430.0 $1373 -5321316782371248107\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $92934 99 buy put 2022-04-01 427.36 424.0 $1125 -6776976479100575218\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $91881 100 buy put 2022-04-01 427.36 422.0 $1053 432530617967416631\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $90493 101 buy put 2022-04-08 427.36 427.0 $1387 2007894929414681725\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $89065 102 buy put 2022-04-08 427.36 428.0 $1428 -345574133171234430\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $87599 103 buy put 2022-04-11 427.36 428.0 $1465 4876437273670741814\n",
+ "2022-03-10 $86252 104 buy put 2022-04-11 427.36 425.0 $1346 317292742432061620\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $87146 103 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 428.0 $894 2818190925862102135\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $88106 102 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 429.0 $961 -94212161068375952\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $89122 101 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 430.0 $1017 5722931846242682502\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $90176 100 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 431.0 $1054 -1427728200197234532\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $91307 99 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 432.0 $1132 -3753684935207368355\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $92504 98 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 433.0 $1198 -4330207739124130211\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $93745 97 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 434.0 $1241 -2369802862104604593\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $95070 96 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 435.0 $1326 5543938045816709255\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $96437 95 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 436.0 $1368 1391443613458449208\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $97889 94 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 437.0 $1452 681849200291522113\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $99417 93 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 438.0 $1529 -8050549170700073462\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $101022 92 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 439.0 $1606 -2065949325277020277\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $102710 91 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 440.0 $1688 -8382990665980308865\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $104479 90 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 441.0 $1770 5834877351337991483\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $106331 89 sell put 2022-03-18 425.49 442.0 $1853 3986365598523631032\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $105039 90 buy put 2022-03-28 425.49 430.0 $1292 5457843939800624539\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $104192 91 buy put 2022-03-28 425.49 420.0 $846 -5883534122307324098\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $103171 92 buy put 2022-04-04 425.49 420.0 $1020 6229672348063798065\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $102163 93 buy put 2022-04-06 425.49 418.0 $1008 7338349921961270582\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $100869 94 buy put 2022-04-08 425.49 424.0 $1293 5588073806908099718\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $99462 95 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 425.0 $1406 5774450477220022336\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $98015 96 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 426.0 $1447 7697762842765049156\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $96648 97 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 424.0 $1366 -8815486338396702298\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $95317 98 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 423.0 $1330 7434212371617092752\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $93772 99 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 428.0 $1545 2953128073123867105\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $92479 100 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 422.0 $1292 2036901010512624043\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $91223 101 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 421.0 $1255 -3065033471753966841\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $89570 102 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 430.0 $1653 -9160868650257891133\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $88350 103 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 420.0 $1219 -3430801804870842321\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $87166 104 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 419.0 $1183 7974732367811492053\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $86009 105 buy put 2022-04-14 425.49 418.0 $1157 -8565201357682323779\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $84396 106 buy put 2022-04-22 425.49 425.0 $1612 -7102690396584907462\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $83044 107 buy put 2022-04-22 425.49 420.0 $1351 1154121442903499028\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $81381 108 buy put 2022-04-29 425.49 425.0 $1663 6603252142468965445\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $79917 109 buy put 2022-04-29 425.49 420.0 $1463 3423956236785025500\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $77985 110 buy put 2022-05-20 425.49 425.0 $1931 6510010726039714684\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $76000 111 buy put 2022-05-20 425.49 426.0 $1985 -6989230876643915946\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $74094 112 buy put 2022-05-20 425.49 424.0 $1905 2727260351589864874\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $72239 113 buy put 2022-05-20 425.49 423.0 $1854 -4386490162286473290\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $70416 114 buy put 2022-05-20 425.49 422.0 $1823 1541334013568859415\n",
+ "2022-03-11 $68257 115 buy put 2022-05-20 425.49 430.0 $2158 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $70246 114 sell put 2022-03-21 416.98 435.0 $1990 -4869415143937023115\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $72305 113 sell put 2022-03-21 416.98 436.0 $2059 6883658932981793651\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $73213 112 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 418.0 $909 -1976548291709848223\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $74001 111 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 415.0 $789 4152715426012123380\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $75009 110 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 420.0 $1008 1331583225569889643\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $76126 109 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 422.0 $1118 9165916164792513911\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $77361 108 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 424.0 $1235 -436004910921642395\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $77953 107 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 410.0 $593 -2808786030553709500\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $79743 106 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 432.0 $1791 -2680106571919137099\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $81632 105 sell put 2022-03-23 416.98 434.0 $1889 3472923312537345828\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $82590 104 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 417.0 $959 -7050446661947671492\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $83505 103 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 416.0 $916 2594763332093669116\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $84514 102 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 418.0 $1009 -6594960172711437217\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $85387 101 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 415.0 $874 7167111747191268137\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $86431 100 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 419.0 $1045 4844630929297730793\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $87536 99 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 420.0 $1105 -3714626408621351015\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $88327 98 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 413.0 $792 8460010051072099018\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $89469 97 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 421.0 $1143 1417049773307575345\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $90222 96 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 412.0 $753 -3089362093521459557\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $91430 95 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 422.0 $1209 7145593812700376993\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $92691 94 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 423.0 $1262 -2023594196749276075\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $93373 93 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 410.0 $682 -1220749937769638881\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $94694 92 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 424.0 $1322 -2465002400494775696\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $96063 91 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 425.0 $1370 8737426381787513065\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $97491 90 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 426.0 $1428 -7394299207575630556\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $98983 89 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 427.0 $1493 8515735490319670803\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $100540 88 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 428.0 $1558 -2632374198963160783\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $102164 87 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 429.0 $1624 -6099095504024391940\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $103848 86 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 430.0 $1685 -3107123669806661497\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $105609 85 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 431.0 $1762 -4189572770384143700\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $107441 84 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 432.0 $1832 7360327729360747695\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $109452 83 sell put 2022-03-25 416.98 435.0 $2012 -824960406433605778\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $110504 82 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 418.0 $1053 128300382051520541\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $111427 81 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 415.0 $923 780071065166526194\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $112304 80 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 414.0 $878 -8957817319674507588\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $113445 79 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 420.0 $1142 -5883534122307324098\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $114857 78 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 425.0 $1412 -611839301023762940\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $116578 77 sell put 2022-03-28 416.98 430.0 $1722 5457843939800624539\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $117703 76 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 418.0 $1126 -394587683248014186\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $118700 75 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 415.0 $997 8036748829126658113\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $119913 74 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 420.0 $1214 -3755035738430918033\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $120720 73 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 410.0 $808 -7878685268342874248\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $122139 72 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 424.0 $1419 8095350915477842328\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $123614 71 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 425.0 $1476 7846219869219520154\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $125527 70 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 432.0 $1914 -3759790252026878754\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $127597 69 sell put 2022-03-30 416.98 435.0 $2070 -6382499734753325937\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $128723 68 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 417.0 $1127 -7629742631878377772\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $129803 67 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 416.0 $1081 -3151018920427897209\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $130972 66 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 418.0 $1169 7893007106616852496\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $132010 65 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 415.0 $1039 7787395725698707685\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $133208 64 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 419.0 $1199 2203187267495761356\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $134449 63 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 420.0 $1241 1738546472935390845\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $135406 62 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 413.0 $958 -6658424814589680721\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $136700 61 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 421.0 $1295 -4567554762236507974\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $137623 60 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 412.0 $923 9051072792636040667\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $138968 59 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 422.0 $1346 3627771992733930220\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $140357 58 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 423.0 $1389 -3042456982371676118\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $141203 57 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 410.0 $847 417493192819270108\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $142654 56 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 424.0 $1452 -7979950610549753826\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $143466 55 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 409.0 $812 -29178179877751660\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $144970 54 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 425.0 $1505 834364746496975596\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $146534 53 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 426.0 $1565 -5274783555082614887\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $148151 52 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 427.0 $1617 6167484186841694767\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $149828 51 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 428.0 $1678 -1033148873108845878\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $151567 50 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 429.0 $1740 4000984337438563672\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $153371 49 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 430.0 $1804 9208853667372032270\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $155253 48 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 431.0 $1883 4046557039351261050\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $157406 47 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 435.0 $2154 1950595372569829643\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $159672 46 sell put 2022-03-31 416.98 437.0 $2266 6536782069742528949\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $160831 45 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 417.0 $1160 -1786344772871313156\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $161947 44 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 416.0 $1117 639599718848331690\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $163183 43 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 419.0 $1236 2082778965270893035\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $164256 42 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 415.0 $1074 5514177854280433095\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $165532 41 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 420.0 $1277 -1642801519649109143\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $166567 40 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 414.0 $1035 5837938387984175763\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $167889 39 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 421.0 $1323 3099347226774101486\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $169260 38 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 422.0 $1372 432530617967416631\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $170216 37 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 412.0 $956 -8369398031537728635\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $171642 36 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 423.0 $1427 317328730502908383\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $173118 35 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 424.0 $1477 -6776976479100575218\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $174657 34 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 425.0 $1539 -6139528093895648648\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $176258 33 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 426.0 $1602 9154213275730497518\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $177917 32 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 427.0 $1660 9063202042589583446\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $179601 31 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 428.0 $1684 6240766411156178151\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $181411 30 sell put 2022-04-01 416.98 430.0 $1811 -5321316782371248107\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $182718 29 sell put 2022-04-04 416.98 420.0 $1308 6229672348063798065\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $184004 28 sell put 2022-04-06 416.98 418.0 $1286 7338349921961270582\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $185222 27 sell put 2022-04-08 416.98 415.0 $1219 -5197453057699698347\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $186654 26 sell put 2022-04-08 416.98 420.0 $1433 -4633526009163988912\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $188264 25 sell put 2022-04-08 416.98 424.0 $1610 5588073806908099718\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $190046 24 sell put 2022-04-08 416.98 427.0 $1783 2007894929414681725\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $191882 23 sell put 2022-04-08 416.98 428.0 $1837 -345574133171234430\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $193503 22 sell put 2022-04-11 416.98 425.0 $1621 317292742432061620\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $195251 21 sell put 2022-04-11 416.98 428.0 $1749 4876437273670741814\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $196712 20 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 418.0 $1462 -8565201357682323779\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $198215 19 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 419.0 $1503 7974732367811492053\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $199743 18 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 420.0 $1529 -3430801804870842321\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $201323 17 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 421.0 $1581 -3065033471753966841\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $202954 16 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 422.0 $1631 2036901010512624043\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $204621 15 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 423.0 $1668 7434212371617092752\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $206341 14 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 424.0 $1721 -8815486338396702298\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $208113 13 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 425.0 $1772 5774450477220022336\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $209924 12 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 426.0 $1812 7697762842765049156\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $211844 11 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 428.0 $1921 2953128073123867105\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $213862 10 sell put 2022-04-14 416.98 430.0 $2018 -9160868650257891133\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $215518 9 sell put 2022-04-22 416.98 420.0 $1657 1154121442903499028\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $217401 8 sell put 2022-04-22 416.98 425.0 $1883 -7102690396584907462\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $219174 7 sell put 2022-04-29 416.98 420.0 $1774 3423956236785025500\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $221166 6 sell put 2022-04-29 416.98 425.0 $1993 6603252142468965445\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $223345 5 sell put 2022-05-20 416.98 422.0 $2179 1541334013568859415\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $225523 4 sell put 2022-05-20 416.98 423.0 $2179 -4386490162286473290\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $227746 3 sell put 2022-05-20 416.98 424.0 $2224 2727260351589864874\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $230030 2 sell put 2022-05-20 416.98 425.0 $2284 6510010726039714684\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $232327 1 sell put 2022-05-20 416.98 426.0 $2298 -6989230876643915946\n",
+ "2022-03-15 $234831 0 sell put 2022-05-20 416.98 430.0 $2505 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $234120 1 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 436.0 $711 -3140568405207347382\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $233352 2 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 435.0 $767 1950595372569829643\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $232693 3 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 437.0 $658 6536782069742528949\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $231867 4 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 434.0 $826 -7833888123640095927\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $231258 5 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 438.0 $608 7566318343442931995\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $230368 6 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 433.0 $889 -2260829633236964023\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $229812 7 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 439.0 $556 -5088759738605205272\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $228862 8 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 432.0 $949 6325066543937840482\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $228351 9 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 440.0 $510 -4712598269299960784\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $227337 10 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 431.0 $1014 4046557039351261050\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $226870 11 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 441.0 $466 -5071467462811394953\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $225785 12 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 430.0 $1084 9208853667372032270\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $224634 13 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 429.0 $1151 4000984337438563672\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $224208 14 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 442.0 $425 2234634997092878625\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $223822 15 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 443.0 $385 6690786446082579581\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $223472 16 buy call 2022-03-31 435.65 444.0 $350 3889242431921871031\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $222729 17 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 436.0 $742 4091471201745965579\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $221929 18 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 435.0 $799 -4418539010614960638\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $221239 19 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 437.0 $690 8879898195019271117\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $220377 20 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 434.0 $861 -3358674428164924526\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $219457 21 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 433.0 $919 -9152339772043423952\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $218472 22 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 432.0 $985 3289048839469294804\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $217929 23 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 440.0 $542 5198284189469536963\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $216870 24 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 431.0 $1058 -626659277342462075\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $216378 25 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 441.0 $492 6325304370008686900\n",
+ "2022-03-17 $215232 26 buy call 2022-04-01 435.65 430.0 $1145 -5321316782371248107\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $214617 27 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 442.0 $614 6061829701489381165\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $213835 28 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 439.0 $782 -3269171447140367687\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $213271 29 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 443.0 $563 1706881735009516533\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $212421 30 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 438.0 $849 3604027930948730957\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $211905 31 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 444.0 $516 -4327569646662064950\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $211434 32 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 445.0 $470 6047237687083321707\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $211007 33 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 446.0 $426 6484910510846113817\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $210621 34 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 447.0 $386 -2050205983820488259\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $210268 35 buy call 2022-04-01 440.76 448.0 $352 1683055585375441617\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $209506 36 buy call 2022-04-04 440.76 440.0 $761 -3998590322512535787\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $208598 37 buy call 2022-04-04 440.76 438.0 $908 -195584179896698967\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $208046 38 buy call 2022-04-04 440.76 444.0 $551 8203629161246677584\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $207539 39 buy call 2022-04-04 440.76 445.0 $506 -1676394108251632545\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $206717 40 buy call 2022-04-06 440.76 440.0 $822 -8507413877020750702\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $206006 41 buy call 2022-04-06 440.76 442.0 $710 -177272403162118943\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $205059 42 buy call 2022-04-06 440.76 438.0 $947 6853398753857656283\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $204495 43 buy call 2022-04-06 440.76 445.0 $563 5493961528855823084\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $203411 44 buy call 2022-04-06 440.76 436.0 $1083 4283892999777108764\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $202257 45 buy call 2022-04-06 440.76 435.0 $1154 1044512357588861532\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $201434 46 buy call 2022-04-08 440.76 441.0 $822 1637846421030256451\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $200550 47 buy call 2022-04-08 440.76 440.0 $883 5007658194820493360\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $199612 48 buy call 2022-04-08 440.76 439.0 $938 2880397452801848168\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $198611 49 buy call 2022-04-08 440.76 438.0 $1000 3255339662017256321\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $197547 50 buy call 2022-04-08 440.76 437.0 $1063 2020785768110085722\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $196402 51 buy call 2022-04-08 440.76 436.0 $1145 -3721412404118026432\n",
+ "2022-03-18 $195190 52 buy call 2022-04-08 440.76 435.0 $1211 -683567473870661529\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $194738 53 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 450.0 $451 -110744589153667957\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $194371 54 buy call 2022-04-06 444.38 452.0 $367 7461942242042959503\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $193548 55 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 444.0 $822 -6394284720792219470\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $192785 56 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 445.0 $762 -1209190813728401738\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $191899 57 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 443.0 $886 5516741623878358596\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $191192 58 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 446.0 $706 -224261106782773760\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $190242 59 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 442.0 $949 -2049834666650369216\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $189590 60 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 447.0 $652 -7869522802536746668\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $188990 61 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 448.0 $599 -6252679585792336011\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $188487 62 buy call 2022-04-08 444.38 450.0 $502 5795395419548449364\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $187688 63 buy call 2022-04-11 444.38 445.0 $799 2175791051233391059\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $186836 64 buy call 2022-04-13 444.38 445.0 $851 5606832978351610586\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $186042 65 buy call 2022-04-13 444.38 446.0 $793 2782968893861393135\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $185460 66 buy call 2022-04-13 444.38 450.0 $582 -4095447191626462367\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $184525 67 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 444.0 $934 2458136969043785719\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $183651 68 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 445.0 $873 -822586340957416530\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $182656 69 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 443.0 $995 -5802512585763360768\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $181837 70 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 446.0 $818 -9067975285712330655\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $180772 71 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 442.0 $1064 2597560697717362818\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $180011 72 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 447.0 $761 2377416422275031759\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $178878 73 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 441.0 $1132 -2675800810595612746\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $178170 74 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 448.0 $707 -7831108372894693008\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $176971 75 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 440.0 $1199 -459245564154519722\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $176317 76 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 449.0 $653 2675999184059288758\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $175038 77 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 439.0 $1278 -2826979126432177157\n",
+ "2022-03-22 $174434 78 buy call 2022-04-14 444.38 450.0 $604 3143953018611298570\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $173649 79 buy call 2022-04-06 449.59 448.0 $784 -7990815927660097241\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $172734 80 buy call 2022-04-06 449.59 446.0 $914 5354082426653216477\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $172336 81 buy call 2022-04-06 449.59 455.0 $398 2800939792303733333\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $171560 82 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 449.0 $775 -2698890545727316486\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $171058 83 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 454.0 $501 7474755862862138347\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $170605 84 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 455.0 $453 -5595405951539686225\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $170275 85 buy call 2022-04-08 449.59 458.0 $329 4483501131783579480\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $169526 86 buy call 2022-04-11 449.59 450.0 $748 3089637933710446608\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $168890 87 buy call 2022-04-11 449.59 452.0 $636 3588991219969406060\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $168455 88 buy call 2022-04-11 449.59 456.0 $434 8796295268280558342\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $167693 89 buy call 2022-04-14 449.59 451.0 $761 7927535666333455628\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $166981 90 buy call 2022-04-14 449.59 452.0 $712 -3929905195975527665\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $166322 91 buy call 2022-04-14 449.59 453.0 $658 6466375982611256854\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $165714 92 buy call 2022-04-14 449.59 454.0 $608 6906694024677108856\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $165155 93 buy call 2022-04-14 449.59 455.0 $558 6035907020698743543\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $164643 94 buy call 2022-04-14 449.59 456.0 $511 -2050121407743886944\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $164178 95 buy call 2022-04-14 449.59 457.0 $465 8638771265040212530\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $163756 96 buy call 2022-04-14 449.59 458.0 $421 -5896692048908346184\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $162800 97 buy call 2022-04-20 449.59 450.0 $955 4357479751875213567\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $161714 98 buy call 2022-04-20 449.59 448.0 $1086 -2500273080688312917\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $160408 99 buy call 2022-04-20 449.59 444.0 $1305 -7392915555447666148\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $159389 100 buy call 2022-04-22 449.59 449.0 $1018 -5612903001590361690\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $158429 101 buy call 2022-04-22 449.59 450.0 $960 -7015287128913317468\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $157348 102 buy call 2022-04-22 449.59 448.0 $1080 -3012806614890958480\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $156568 103 buy call 2022-04-22 449.59 453.0 $779 5479331153967476773\n",
+ "2022-03-23 $155894 104 buy call 2022-04-22 449.59 455.0 $674 2578944138998947279\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $155504 105 buy call 2022-04-08 443.84 451.0 $389 5450321147416401216\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $155155 106 buy call 2022-04-08 443.84 452.0 $348 3324881812360850447\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $154492 107 buy call 2022-04-11 443.84 446.0 $663 8417303296281958686\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $153930 108 buy call 2022-04-11 443.84 448.0 $561 6194199459452405598\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $152656 109 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 438.0 $1273 -3420399193004644068\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $151307 110 buy call 2022-04-14 443.84 437.0 $1349 766190753833990923\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $150741 111 buy call 2022-04-18 443.84 450.0 $565 -8373671265581694857\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $149870 112 buy call 2022-04-22 443.84 446.0 $870 -3773906641660816542\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $149318 113 buy call 2022-04-22 443.84 452.0 $552 85643107464724192\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $148275 114 buy call 2022-04-29 443.84 445.0 $1042 -2491921492934255766\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $147292 115 buy call 2022-04-29 443.84 446.0 $982 -2285420695537379331\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $146366 116 buy call 2022-04-29 443.84 447.0 $926 -728901926577753658\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $145604 117 buy call 2022-04-29 443.84 450.0 $761 -5846751847142441024\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $144176 118 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 444.0 $1427 3491933453033502917\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $142689 119 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 443.0 $1487 -632697253121853438\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $141327 120 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 445.0 $1361 9076544241709553626\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $139769 121 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 442.0 $1557 -8974946782963659668\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $138470 122 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 446.0 $1299 5013391644687358247\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $137230 123 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 447.0 $1239 -5481799873905531040\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $135541 124 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 440.0 $1688 -1634225839951797094\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $134361 125 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 448.0 $1180 -2604960603009233195\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $132603 126 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 439.0 $1757 3235098996706068422\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $131480 127 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 449.0 $1122 -1091661618020323543\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $129654 128 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 438.0 $1826 -2002023569489549824\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $128584 129 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 450.0 $1069 -8010224036494640041\n",
+ "2022-03-24 $127572 130 buy call 2022-05-20 443.84 451.0 $1011 6702210034980088110\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $128436 129 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 444.0 $864 3889242431921871031\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $129375 128 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 443.0 $940 6690786446082579581\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $130394 127 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 442.0 $1020 2234634997092878625\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $131495 126 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 441.0 $1101 -5071467462811394953\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $132676 125 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 440.0 $1182 -4712598269299960784\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $133928 124 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 439.0 $1253 -5088759738605205272\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $135267 123 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 438.0 $1339 7566318343442931995\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $136692 122 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 437.0 $1426 6536782069742528949\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $138206 121 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 436.0 $1515 -3140568405207347382\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $139810 120 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 435.0 $1604 1950595372569829643\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $141504 119 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 434.0 $1695 -7833888123640095927\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $143291 118 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 433.0 $1787 -2260829633236964023\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $145137 117 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 432.0 $1847 6325066543937840482\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $147105 116 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 431.0 $1969 4046557039351261050\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $149142 115 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 430.0 $2037 9208853667372032270\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $151273 114 sell call 2022-03-31 450.42 429.0 $2132 4000984337438563672\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $152408 113 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 441.0 $1136 6325304370008686900\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $153626 112 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 440.0 $1218 5198284189469536963\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $155085 111 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 437.0 $1460 8879898195019271117\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $156644 110 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 436.0 $1560 4091471201745965579\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $158293 109 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 435.0 $1649 -4418539010614960638\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $160030 108 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 434.0 $1738 -3358674428164924526\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $161858 107 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 433.0 $1829 -9152339772043423952\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $163727 106 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 432.0 $1869 3289048839469294804\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $165717 105 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 431.0 $1991 -626659277342462075\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $167798 104 sell call 2022-04-01 450.42 430.0 $2082 -5321316782371248107\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $167294 105 buy call 2022-04-08 450.42 453.0 $504 1898771230139884223\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $166932 106 buy call 2022-04-08 450.42 456.0 $361 4248564214603931451\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $166609 107 buy call 2022-04-08 450.42 457.0 $322 -9187337778699071526\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $166171 108 buy call 2022-04-11 450.42 455.0 $438 -3644269907699033575\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $165462 109 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 451.0 $708 -3617736112777045371\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $164627 110 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 449.0 $834 -5492990624429655986\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $163977 111 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 452.0 $650 8652235372440226537\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $163074 112 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 448.0 $902 6274741439486364481\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $162478 113 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 453.0 $595 5765988258593963560\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $161508 114 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 447.0 $970 6829609161069977250\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $161059 115 buy call 2022-04-13 450.42 456.0 $448 5691687683137582382\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $160716 116 buy call 2022-04-14 450.42 459.0 $342 -4025184591097975409\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $159944 117 buy call 2022-04-18 450.42 451.0 $772 6155845414919171568\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $158977 118 buy call 2022-04-18 450.42 448.0 $966 7487697351782822539\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $158524 119 buy call 2022-04-18 450.42 457.0 $452 9028233022875662852\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $158115 120 buy call 2022-04-18 450.42 458.0 $409 -8181123913147947733\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $157746 121 buy call 2022-04-18 450.42 459.0 $368 5804073364917071757\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $156988 122 buy call 2022-04-20 450.42 452.0 $757 -8682945333967220953\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $156298 123 buy call 2022-04-22 450.42 454.0 $690 8669992839636162034\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $155167 124 buy call 2022-04-22 450.42 447.0 $1130 3024997622867167621\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $154584 125 buy call 2022-04-22 450.42 456.0 $582 -5251614823370648188\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $153309 126 buy call 2022-04-22 450.42 445.0 $1275 8252668968574038133\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $152771 127 buy call 2022-04-22 450.42 457.0 $537 -7797714803437297268\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $151669 128 buy call 2022-04-29 450.42 449.0 $1101 1193014667579873062\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $150495 129 buy call 2022-04-29 450.42 448.0 $1174 2617881095545651785\n",
+ "2022-03-25 $149748 130 buy call 2022-04-29 450.42 455.0 $746 5430810470278961722\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $150599 129 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 448.0 $852 1683055585375441617\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $151534 128 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 447.0 $935 -2050205983820488259\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $152556 127 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 446.0 $1023 6484910510846113817\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $153662 126 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 445.0 $1107 6047237687083321707\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $154858 125 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 444.0 $1196 -4327569646662064950\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $156144 124 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 443.0 $1287 1706881735009516533\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $157522 123 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 442.0 $1379 6061829701489381165\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $159184 122 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 439.0 $1662 -3269171447140367687\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $160940 121 sell call 2022-04-01 455.85 438.0 $1757 3604027930948730957\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $162080 120 sell call 2022-04-04 455.85 445.0 $1140 -1676394108251632545\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $163303 119 sell call 2022-04-04 455.85 444.0 $1224 8203629161246677584\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $164888 118 sell call 2022-04-04 455.85 440.0 $1586 -3998590322512535787\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $166661 117 sell call 2022-04-04 455.85 438.0 $1773 -195584179896698967\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $167856 116 sell call 2022-04-06 455.85 445.0 $1196 5493961528855823084\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $169307 115 sell call 2022-04-06 455.85 442.0 $1452 -177272403162118943\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $170938 114 sell call 2022-04-06 455.85 440.0 $1631 -8507413877020750702\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $172750 113 sell call 2022-04-06 455.85 438.0 $1813 6853398753857656283\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $174750 112 sell call 2022-04-06 455.85 436.0 $2001 4283892999777108764\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $176842 111 sell call 2022-04-06 455.85 435.0 $2092 1044512357588861532\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $178430 110 sell call 2022-04-08 455.85 441.0 $1589 1637846421030256451\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $180106 109 sell call 2022-04-08 455.85 440.0 $1677 5007658194820493360\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $181873 108 sell call 2022-04-08 455.85 439.0 $1767 2880397452801848168\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $183729 107 sell call 2022-04-08 455.85 438.0 $1857 3255339662017256321\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $185673 106 sell call 2022-04-08 455.85 437.0 $1945 2020785768110085722\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $187712 105 sell call 2022-04-08 455.85 436.0 $2039 -3721412404118026432\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $189840 104 sell call 2022-04-08 455.85 435.0 $2129 -683567473870661529\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $189206 105 buy call 2022-04-13 455.85 455.0 $633 -908351927275758158\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $188820 106 buy call 2022-04-14 455.85 460.0 $386 7278919449176722166\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $188478 107 buy call 2022-04-14 455.85 461.0 $341 -77443780837606971\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $188178 108 buy call 2022-04-14 455.85 462.0 $299 -2816193071768482785\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $187919 109 buy call 2022-04-14 455.85 463.0 $259 -6408938468652539457\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $187694 110 buy call 2022-04-14 455.85 464.0 $224 -8280625015237003010\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $186999 111 buy call 2022-04-18 455.85 455.0 $694 -6932071348150634443\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $186167 112 buy call 2022-04-18 455.85 453.0 $832 -2713743172279936876\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $185266 113 buy call 2022-04-18 455.85 452.0 $900 3200317241840030596\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $184523 114 buy call 2022-04-20 455.85 455.0 $742 3746870350461010826\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $184019 115 buy call 2022-04-22 455.85 460.0 $504 7765194426830273942\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $182952 116 buy call 2022-04-22 455.85 451.0 $1066 2507216249455746522\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $181876 117 buy call 2022-04-27 455.85 452.0 $1075 -7161253717594516954\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $181259 118 buy call 2022-04-29 455.85 460.0 $617 8332442126537301343\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $180693 119 buy call 2022-04-29 455.85 461.0 $565 -2817249703166888749\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $179505 120 buy call 2022-04-29 455.85 451.0 $1187 5375573486092331756\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $178317 121 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 456.0 $1188 7512875432047992313\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $177066 122 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 455.0 $1250 6748780512777043666\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $175940 123 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 457.0 $1125 -3182025896244839471\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $174623 124 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 454.0 $1317 4946816435368049288\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $173558 125 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 458.0 $1064 5379034172926830142\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $172173 126 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 453.0 $1384 8393074354007069660\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $171169 127 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 459.0 $1004 17413177749083986\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $169710 128 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 452.0 $1458 9074742160049571901\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $168763 129 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 460.0 $946 -8963350633746250498\n",
+ "2022-03-29 $167873 130 buy call 2022-05-20 455.85 461.0 $890 -1075741944000434741\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $168925 129 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 452.0 $1053 7461942242042959503\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $170143 128 sell call 2022-04-06 461.51 450.0 $1219 -110744589153667957\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $171414 127 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 450.0 $1271 5795395419548449364\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $172853 126 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 448.0 $1440 -6252679585792336011\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $174383 125 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 447.0 $1531 -7869522802536746668\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $175999 124 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 446.0 $1616 -224261106782773760\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $177708 123 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 445.0 $1710 -1209190813728401738\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $179509 122 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 444.0 $1801 -6394284720792219470\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $181401 121 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 443.0 $1893 5516741623878358596\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $183378 120 sell call 2022-04-08 461.51 442.0 $1978 -2049834666650369216\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $185111 119 sell call 2022-04-11 461.51 445.0 $1733 2175791051233391059\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $184534 120 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 461.0 $576 -1290434967606690291\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $184014 121 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 462.0 $519 7162683489045592314\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $183549 122 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 463.0 $465 -5448588147489331423\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $182913 123 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 460.0 $635 -4879893942105712960\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $182210 124 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 459.0 $702 1678677814581921248\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $181843 125 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 465.0 $367 4903199255983444674\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $181073 126 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 458.0 $769 124369732090784651\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $180788 127 buy call 2022-04-13 461.51 467.0 $284 -3381412611151627319\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $182140 126 sell call 2022-04-13 461.51 450.0 $1352 -4095447191626462367\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $183827 125 sell call 2022-04-13 461.51 446.0 $1688 2782968893861393135\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $185600 124 sell call 2022-04-13 461.51 445.0 $1774 5606832978351610586\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $185210 125 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 465.0 $390 3936213061177110246\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $184863 126 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 466.0 $346 -1015498808354875832\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $184557 127 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 467.0 $305 -1352744584871191016\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $184289 128 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 468.0 $268 -6430020980643911061\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $184054 129 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 469.0 $234 9042120738263484968\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $183849 130 buy call 2022-04-14 461.51 470.0 $204 7123556040399947039\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $185219 129 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 450.0 $1370 3143953018611298570\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $186673 128 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 449.0 $1455 2675999184059288758\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $188208 127 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 448.0 $1536 -7831108372894693008\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $189833 126 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 447.0 $1625 2377416422275031759\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $191538 125 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 446.0 $1706 -9067975285712330655\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $193340 124 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 445.0 $1803 -822586340957416530\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $195228 123 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 444.0 $1888 2458136969043785719\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $197210 122 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 443.0 $1983 -5802512585763360768\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $199271 121 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 442.0 $2062 2597560697717362818\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $201414 120 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 441.0 $2143 -2675800810595612746\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $203643 119 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 440.0 $2230 -459245564154519722\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $205965 118 sell call 2022-04-14 461.51 439.0 $2323 -2826979126432177157\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $205330 119 buy call 2022-04-18 461.51 461.0 $635 -7820978051481406946\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $204635 120 buy call 2022-04-18 461.51 460.0 $694 -3679791746048079376\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $204213 121 buy call 2022-04-18 461.51 465.0 $421 -5659375219746052027\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $203986 122 buy call 2022-04-18 461.51 470.0 $227 -1379946500156901287\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $203304 123 buy call 2022-04-20 461.51 461.0 $681 7171596660082900618\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $202558 124 buy call 2022-04-20 461.51 460.0 $745 365044174194693198\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $201677 125 buy call 2022-04-20 461.51 458.0 $881 4821028065458683545\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $200947 126 buy call 2022-04-22 461.51 461.0 $729 -1758442195113189711\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $200278 127 buy call 2022-04-22 461.51 462.0 $668 -4303526893062191392\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $199721 128 buy call 2022-04-22 461.51 464.0 $557 -6601880622160699325\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $198866 129 buy call 2022-04-22 461.51 459.0 $854 1618744501466543850\n",
+ "2022-03-30 $198358 130 buy call 2022-04-22 461.51 465.0 $507 932035459641057321\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $198948 129 sell call 2022-04-06 458.41 455.0 $590 2800939792303733333\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $200070 128 sell call 2022-04-06 458.41 448.0 $1123 -7990815927660097241\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $201363 127 sell call 2022-04-06 458.41 446.0 $1294 5354082426653216477\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $201837 126 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 458.0 $474 4483501131783579480\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $202493 125 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 455.0 $657 -5595405951539686225\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $203218 124 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 454.0 $725 7474755862862138347\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $204322 123 sell call 2022-04-08 458.41 449.0 $1105 -2698890545727316486\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $204954 122 sell call 2022-04-11 458.41 456.0 $633 8796295268280558342\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $205865 121 sell call 2022-04-11 458.41 452.0 $911 3588991219969406060\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $206929 120 sell call 2022-04-11 458.41 450.0 $1065 3089637933710446608\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207540 119 sell call 2022-04-14 458.41 458.0 $612 -5896692048908346184\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $206924 120 buy call 2022-04-14 458.41 458.0 $616 -5896692048908346184\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207597 119 sell call 2022-04-14 458.41 457.0 $674 8638771265040212530\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $206919 120 buy call 2022-04-14 458.41 457.0 $677 8638771265040212530\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207657 119 sell call 2022-04-14 458.41 456.0 $738 -2050121407743886944\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $206912 120 buy call 2022-04-14 458.41 456.0 $744 -2050121407743886944\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207711 119 sell call 2022-04-14 458.41 455.0 $800 6035907020698743543\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $206899 120 buy call 2022-04-14 458.41 455.0 $812 6035907020698743543\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207764 119 sell call 2022-04-14 458.41 454.0 $866 6906694024677108856\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $208699 118 sell call 2022-04-14 458.41 453.0 $936 6466375982611256854\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207747 119 buy call 2022-04-14 458.41 453.0 $952 6466375982611256854\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $208749 118 sell call 2022-04-14 458.41 452.0 $1003 -3929905195975527665\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $209824 117 sell call 2022-04-14 458.41 451.0 $1076 7927535666333455628\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $208718 118 buy call 2022-04-14 458.41 451.0 $1106 7927535666333455628\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207537 119 buy call 2022-04-14 458.41 450.0 $1180 3143953018611298570\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207103 120 buy call 2022-04-18 458.41 462.0 $433 3081369758884890719\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $206459 121 buy call 2022-04-20 458.41 459.0 $644 -280822457370702434\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $205978 122 buy call 2022-04-20 458.41 462.0 $480 7455262667469111417\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207213 121 sell call 2022-04-20 458.41 450.0 $1236 4357479751875213567\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $208598 120 sell call 2022-04-20 458.41 448.0 $1385 -2500273080688312917\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $210303 119 sell call 2022-04-20 458.41 444.0 $1706 -7392915555447666148\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $209550 120 buy call 2022-04-22 458.41 458.0 $752 2737577151093901548\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $210491 119 sell call 2022-04-22 458.41 455.0 $941 2578944138998947279\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $211565 118 sell call 2022-04-22 458.41 453.0 $1075 5479331153967476773\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $212857 117 sell call 2022-04-22 458.41 450.0 $1293 -7015287128913317468\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $214224 116 sell call 2022-04-22 458.41 449.0 $1367 -5612903001590361690\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $215667 115 sell call 2022-04-22 458.41 448.0 $1444 -3012806614890958480\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $214957 116 buy call 2022-04-27 458.41 460.0 $709 1499257380002677590\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $214507 117 buy call 2022-04-27 458.41 465.0 $450 -8638444612456390560\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $214100 118 buy call 2022-04-27 458.41 466.0 $406 -6724043609668187573\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $213279 119 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 459.0 $820 5124587485726272297\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $212397 120 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 458.0 $882 7306247435487485488\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $211450 121 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 457.0 $946 -4060722862134313448\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $210954 122 buy call 2022-04-29 458.41 465.0 $495 -213071722241114895\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $210170 123 buy call 2022-05-02 458.41 460.0 $784 1405953039274109939\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $209438 124 buy call 2022-05-04 458.41 462.0 $731 -9031656819499901066\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $208457 125 buy call 2022-05-20 458.41 462.0 $980 -5588238973239621522\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $207534 126 buy call 2022-05-20 458.41 463.0 $923 -5638939206139753622\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $206666 127 buy call 2022-05-20 458.41 464.0 $867 6457694595213403182\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $205852 128 buy call 2022-05-20 458.41 465.0 $813 -5040895618355138820\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $205090 129 buy call 2022-05-20 458.41 466.0 $762 7713250726066848935\n",
+ "2022-03-31 $203646 130 buy call 2022-06-17 458.41 460.0 $1443 -3644547805148013693\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $204132 129 sell call 2022-04-08 451.77 452.0 $487 3324881812360850447\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $204677 128 sell call 2022-04-08 451.77 451.0 $545 5450321147416401216\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $205453 127 sell call 2022-04-11 451.77 448.0 $777 6194199459452405598\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $206364 126 sell call 2022-04-11 451.77 446.0 $911 8417303296281958686\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $208021 125 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 438.0 $1658 -3420399193004644068\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $209762 124 sell call 2022-04-14 451.77 437.0 $1742 766190753833990923\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $210555 123 sell call 2022-04-18 451.77 450.0 $793 -8373671265581694857\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $209922 124 buy call 2022-04-20 451.77 454.0 $632 218837182895857368\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $209395 125 buy call 2022-04-20 451.77 456.0 $526 -3429938760152251389\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $208918 126 buy call 2022-04-20 451.77 457.0 $477 6905576617263585183\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $209714 125 sell call 2022-04-22 451.77 452.0 $797 85643107464724192\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $208909 126 buy call 2022-04-22 451.77 452.0 $804 85643107464724192\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $210084 125 sell call 2022-04-22 451.77 446.0 $1175 -3773906641660816542\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $209420 126 buy call 2022-04-25 451.77 455.0 $663 1036068261607005143\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $208862 127 buy call 2022-04-25 451.77 457.0 $557 8091362876286795724\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $208309 128 buy call 2022-04-27 451.77 458.0 $553 -1669204281994100910\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $207803 129 buy call 2022-04-27 451.77 459.0 $505 -4102904473989021833\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $206918 130 buy call 2022-04-29 451.77 453.0 $884 7603899568650684912\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $207959 129 sell call 2022-04-29 451.77 450.0 $1041 -5846751847142441024\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $207248 130 buy call 2022-04-29 451.77 456.0 $710 -6123342717149380582\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $208488 129 sell call 2022-04-29 451.77 447.0 $1241 -728901926577753658\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $209776 128 sell call 2022-04-29 451.77 446.0 $1288 -2285420695537379331\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $211156 127 sell call 2022-04-29 451.77 445.0 $1381 -2491921492934255766\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $210248 128 buy call 2022-05-13 451.77 457.0 $907 -3553302447940781386\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $211618 127 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 451.0 $1370 6702210034980088110\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $210240 128 buy call 2022-05-20 451.77 451.0 $1377 6702210034980088110\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $211671 127 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 450.0 $1432 -8010224036494640041\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $210231 128 buy call 2022-05-20 451.77 450.0 $1440 -8010224036494640041\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $211729 127 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 449.0 $1499 -1091661618020323543\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $213279 126 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 448.0 $1551 -2604960603009233195\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $214888 125 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 447.0 $1609 -5481799873905531040\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $216552 124 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 446.0 $1665 5013391644687358247\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $218290 123 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 445.0 $1739 9076544241709553626\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $220115 122 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 444.0 $1825 3491933453033502917\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $222010 121 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 443.0 $1896 -632697253121853438\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $223950 120 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 442.0 $1941 -8974946782963659668\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $226067 119 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 440.0 $2117 -1634225839951797094\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $228242 118 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 439.0 $2176 3235098996706068422\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $230492 117 sell call 2022-05-20 451.77 438.0 $2251 -2002023569489549824\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $229032 118 buy call 2022-06-17 451.77 455.0 $1460 4016624722463894986\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $227808 119 buy call 2022-06-17 451.77 459.0 $1223 5613952991760094039\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $225776 120 buy call 2022-07-15 451.77 453.0 $2031 6473198150492878187\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $224333 121 buy call 2022-07-15 451.77 460.0 $1443 -933602872631517598\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $221753 122 buy call 2022-08-19 451.77 450.0 $2579 -5893145718339916413\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $219938 123 buy call 2022-08-19 451.77 460.0 $1814 4215639319332723691\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $217395 124 buy call 2022-09-16 451.77 455.0 $2543 -1727116202344074559\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $214991 125 buy call 2022-09-30 451.77 458.0 $2403 7707732185073009607\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $209161 126 buy call 2024-01-19 451.77 450.0 $5829 4516178184905750667\n",
+ "2022-04-01 $202161 127 buy call 2024-12-20 451.77 460.0 $7000 -448609951037020688\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $202410 126 sell call 2022-04-08 456.7 457.0 $250 -9187337778699071526\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $202713 125 sell call 2022-04-08 456.7 456.0 $304 4248564214603931451\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $203207 124 sell call 2022-04-08 456.7 453.0 $494 1898771230139884223\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $203611 123 sell call 2022-04-11 456.7 455.0 $405 -3644269907699033575\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $204035 122 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 456.0 $424 5691687683137582382\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $204349 121 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 458.0 $315 124369732090784651\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $204827 120 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 455.0 $479 -908351927275758158\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $205095 119 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 459.0 $268 1678677814581921248\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $205320 118 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 460.0 $226 -4879893942105712960\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $205930 117 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 453.0 $611 5765988258593963560\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $206117 116 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 461.0 $187 -1290434967606690291\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $206792 115 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 452.0 $676 8652235372440226537\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $207535 114 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 451.0 $744 -3617736112777045371\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $207689 113 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 462.0 $154 7162683489045592314\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $207814 112 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 463.0 $126 -5448588147489331423\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $208720 111 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 449.0 $907 -5492990624429655986\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $208801 110 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 465.0 $81 4903199255983444674\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $209789 109 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 448.0 $989 6274741439486364481\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $210854 108 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 447.0 $1066 6829609161069977250\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $210904 107 sell call 2022-04-13 456.7 467.0 $50 -3381412611151627319\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $211299 106 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 457.0 $396 8638771265040212530\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $211750 105 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 456.0 $452 -2050121407743886944\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $212092 104 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 458.0 $342 -5896692048908346184\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $212603 103 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 455.0 $512 6035907020698743543\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $212896 102 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 459.0 $294 -4025184591097975409\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $213146 101 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 460.0 $250 7278919449176722166\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $213785 100 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 453.0 $640 6466375982611256854\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $213994 99 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 461.0 $210 -77443780837606971\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $214169 98 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 462.0 $175 -2816193071768482785\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $214952 97 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 451.0 $784 7927535666333455628\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $215096 96 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 463.0 $145 -6408938468652539457\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $215954 95 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 450.0 $858 3143953018611298570\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $216073 94 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 464.0 $120 -8280625015237003010\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $216169 93 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 465.0 $97 3936213061177110246\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $216246 92 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 466.0 $77 -1015498808354875832\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $216307 91 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 467.0 $62 -1352744584871191016\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $216355 90 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 468.0 $49 -6430020980643911061\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $216393 89 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 469.0 $38 9042120738263484968\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $216421 88 sell call 2022-04-14 456.7 470.0 $29 7123556040399947039\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $216853 87 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 457.0 $433 9028233022875662852\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $217232 86 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 458.0 $379 -8181123913147947733\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $217778 85 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 455.0 $547 -6932071348150634443\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $218105 84 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 459.0 $328 5804073364917071757\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $218388 83 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 460.0 $283 -3679791746048079376\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $219066 82 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 453.0 $679 -2713743172279936876\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $219306 81 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 461.0 $241 -7820978051481406946\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $220047 80 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 452.0 $741 3200317241840030596\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $220250 79 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 462.0 $204 3081369758884890719\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $221063 78 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 451.0 $814 6155845414919171568\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $221181 77 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 465.0 $118 -5659375219746052027\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $222230 76 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 448.0 $1050 7487697351782822539\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $222269 75 sell call 2022-04-18 456.7 470.0 $40 -1379946500156901287\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $222753 74 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 457.0 $484 6905576617263585183\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $223296 73 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 456.0 $544 -3429938760152251389\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $223726 72 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 458.0 $430 4821028065458683545\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $224331 71 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 455.0 $606 3746870350461010826\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $224708 70 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 459.0 $378 -280822457370702434\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $225372 69 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 454.0 $664 218837182895857368\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $225701 68 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 460.0 $330 365044174194693198\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $225986 67 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 461.0 $286 7171596660082900618\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $226788 66 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 452.0 $802 -8682945333967220953\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $227033 65 sell call 2022-04-20 456.7 462.0 $246 7455262667469111417\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $227567 64 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 457.0 $535 -7797714803437297268\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $228162 63 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 456.0 $595 -5251614823370648188\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $228639 62 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 458.0 $478 2737577151093901548\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $229063 61 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 459.0 $425 1618744501466543850\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $229779 60 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 454.0 $716 8669992839636162034\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $230154 59 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 460.0 $376 7765194426830273942\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $230483 58 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 461.0 $330 -1758442195113189711\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $231337 57 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 452.0 $854 85643107464724192\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $231623 56 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 462.0 $287 -4303526893062191392\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $232549 55 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 451.0 $927 2507216249455746522\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $232763 54 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 464.0 $214 -6601880622160699325\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $232944 53 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 465.0 $182 932035459641057321\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $234167 52 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 447.0 $1224 3024997622867167621\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $235560 51 sell call 2022-04-22 456.7 445.0 $1393 8252668968574038133\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $236123 50 sell call 2022-04-25 456.7 457.0 $564 8091362876286795724\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $236809 49 sell call 2022-04-25 456.7 455.0 $687 1036068261607005143\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $237361 48 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 458.0 $552 -1669204281994100910\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $237858 47 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 459.0 $498 -4102904473989021833\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $238304 46 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 460.0 $447 1499257380002677590\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $239227 45 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 452.0 $923 -7161253717594516954\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $239463 44 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 465.0 $237 -8638444612456390560\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $239668 43 sell call 2022-04-27 456.7 466.0 $206 -6724043609668187573\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $240334 42 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 457.0 $666 -4060722862134313448\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $241060 41 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 456.0 $727 -6123342717149380582\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $241666 40 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 458.0 $607 7306247435487485488\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $242456 39 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 455.0 $790 5430810470278961722\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $243006 38 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 459.0 $551 5124587485726272297\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $243502 37 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 460.0 $497 8332442126537301343\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $244418 36 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 453.0 $916 7603899568650684912\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $244864 35 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 461.0 $447 -2817249703166888749\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $245921 34 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 451.0 $1058 5375573486092331756\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $247127 33 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 449.0 $1206 1193014667579873062\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $247405 32 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 465.0 $279 -213071722241114895\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $248677 31 sell call 2022-04-29 456.7 448.0 $1273 2617881095545651785\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $249201 30 sell call 2022-05-02 456.7 460.0 $524 1405953039274109939\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $249686 29 sell call 2022-05-04 456.7 462.0 $486 -9031656819499901066\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $250602 28 sell call 2022-05-13 456.7 457.0 $917 -3553302447940781386\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $251626 27 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 457.0 $1024 -3182025896244839471\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $252713 26 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 456.0 $1088 7512875432047992313\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $253675 25 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 458.0 $963 5379034172926830142\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $254826 24 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 455.0 $1151 6748780512777043666\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $255729 23 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 459.0 $904 17413177749083986\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $256947 22 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 454.0 $1218 4946816435368049288\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $257792 21 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 460.0 $846 -8963350633746250498\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $259060 20 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 453.0 $1269 8393074354007069660\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $259848 19 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 461.0 $788 -1075741944000434741\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $261180 18 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 452.0 $1333 9074742160049571901\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $261915 17 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 462.0 $736 -5588238973239621522\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $263318 16 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 451.0 $1403 6702210034980088110\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $263999 15 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 463.0 $682 -5638939206139753622\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $265473 14 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 450.0 $1475 -8010224036494640041\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $266105 13 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 464.0 $632 6457694595213403182\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $266690 12 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 465.0 $586 -5040895618355138820\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $267229 11 sell call 2022-05-20 456.7 466.0 $540 7713250726066848935\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $268736 10 sell call 2022-06-17 456.7 455.0 $1507 4016624722463894986\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $269990 9 sell call 2022-06-17 456.7 459.0 $1255 5613952991760094039\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $271187 8 sell call 2022-06-17 456.7 460.0 $1198 -3644547805148013693\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $272664 7 sell call 2022-07-15 456.7 460.0 $1477 -933602872631517598\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $274523 6 sell call 2022-07-15 456.7 453.0 $1860 6473198150492878187\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $276406 5 sell call 2022-08-19 456.7 460.0 $1884 4215639319332723691\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $278896 4 sell call 2022-08-19 456.7 450.0 $2490 -5893145718339916413\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $281340 3 sell call 2022-09-16 456.7 455.0 $2445 -1727116202344074559\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $283695 2 sell call 2022-09-30 456.7 458.0 $2356 7707732185073009607\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $289577 1 sell call 2024-01-19 456.7 450.0 $5882 4516178184905750667\n",
+ "2022-04-05 $296305 0 sell call 2024-12-20 456.7 460.0 $6729 -448609951037020688\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $295626 1 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 438.0 $678 -6331003374777923854\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $294869 2 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 440.0 $757 6674674701420188552\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $294011 3 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 442.0 $857 3735157035943916322\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $293104 4 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 443.0 $906 5721412854651377684\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $292147 5 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 444.0 $957 -4115190839583042597\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $291690 6 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 431.0 $456 -4660198801173546902\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $290622 7 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 446.0 $1067 8316281259522494776\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $290192 8 buy put 2022-04-27 438.29 430.0 $430 1402700228831700137\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $289444 9 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 438.0 $747 -6563104815904552966\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $288658 10 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 439.0 $785 -2257347040495901554\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $287945 11 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 437.0 $713 -4763480450454846309\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $287116 12 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 440.0 $828 2736446000156273869\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $286438 13 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 436.0 $677 925256744577406348\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $285570 14 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 441.0 $868 -82873434985478853\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $284926 15 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 435.0 $643 -3819942201825618853\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $284001 16 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 442.0 $924 6587796526368879250\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $283390 17 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 434.0 $611 154984312689124360\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $282419 18 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 443.0 $970 -2176086817959472119\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $281837 19 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 433.0 $581 3378963902461467931\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $280817 20 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 444.0 $1020 -3863984595738195253\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $280262 21 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 432.0 $554 -6804855857516690053\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $279187 22 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 445.0 $1074 -2491921492934255766\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $278688 23 buy put 2022-04-29 438.29 430.0 $499 7096379840689859942\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $277823 24 buy put 2022-05-02 438.29 440.0 $864 4107063883231727899\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $277108 25 buy put 2022-05-02 438.29 436.0 $714 -1312966866183028985\n",
+ "2022-04-13 $276415 26 buy put 2022-05-04 438.29 433.0 $693 2769958404691078978\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $275534 27 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 448.0 $880 2617881095545651785\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $274600 28 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 449.0 $934 1193014667579873062\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $273609 29 buy put 2022-04-29 443.37 450.0 $990 -5846751847142441024\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $273094 30 buy put 2022-05-02 443.37 438.0 $514 -6745915609865526063\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $272661 31 buy put 2022-05-02 443.37 435.0 $433 -2855181603395461096\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $272009 32 buy put 2022-05-04 443.37 440.0 $651 -8649539266974157524\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $271199 33 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 443.0 $809 1759107397801712453\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $270310 34 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 445.0 $889 -3509662858609952841\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $269607 35 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 440.0 $702 -1653150830812398944\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $268622 36 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 447.0 $984 3326049398561639756\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $267585 37 buy put 2022-05-06 443.37 448.0 $1037 -8080077088502675431\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $266834 38 buy put 2022-05-13 443.37 438.0 $750 1114518455356209659\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $265923 39 buy put 2022-05-16 443.37 442.0 $910 -2326366645586461670\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $264898 40 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 443.0 $1025 -632697253121853438\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $263833 41 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 444.0 $1064 3491933453033502917\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $262844 42 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 442.0 $988 -8974946782963659668\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $261741 43 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 445.0 $1103 9076544241709553626\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $260787 44 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 441.0 $953 4806013507157730729\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $259644 45 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 446.0 $1142 5013391644687358247\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $258725 46 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 440.0 $919 -1634225839951797094\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $257838 47 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 439.0 $886 3235098996706068422\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $256982 48 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 438.0 $855 -2002023569489549824\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $256156 49 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 437.0 $826 4259268686417366005\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $254823 50 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 450.0 $1332 -8010224036494640041\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $254027 51 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 436.0 $795 8619563241619570285\n",
+ "2022-04-14 $253259 52 buy put 2022-05-20 443.37 435.0 $768 7926625580783715183\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $252517 53 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 438.0 $741 6416966542524372281\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $251853 54 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 436.0 $663 2984898678464018129\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $251229 55 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 435.0 $624 3669043306899558577\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $250300 56 buy put 2022-05-04 437.95 442.0 $928 7992891687671757509\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $249497 57 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 438.0 $802 -4036555029850129070\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $248737 58 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 437.0 $760 -4462597690785378298\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $247894 59 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 439.0 $842 3479337939804863831\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $247170 60 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 436.0 $723 -8821704095381263795\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $246484 61 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 435.0 $686 2587081978190972036\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $245958 62 buy put 2022-05-06 437.95 430.0 $525 8477417215346983819\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $245156 63 buy put 2022-05-11 437.95 436.0 $801 -6730123792199589802\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $244274 64 buy put 2022-05-13 437.95 437.0 $882 -5897169421690792782\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $243465 65 buy put 2022-05-13 437.95 435.0 $808 -680510675576227917\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $242318 66 buy put 2022-05-13 437.95 443.0 $1146 5950513380942028697\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $241058 67 buy put 2022-05-13 437.95 445.0 $1260 -5345894839618153292\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $240171 68 buy put 2022-05-20 437.95 434.0 $886 6061588062684853707\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $239318 69 buy put 2022-05-20 437.95 433.0 $852 7040061258716981663\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $238498 70 buy put 2022-05-20 437.95 432.0 $820 -2025544688519040153\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $237709 71 buy put 2022-05-20 437.95 431.0 $788 1388886064690737748\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $236950 72 buy put 2022-05-20 437.95 430.0 $758 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $235474 73 buy put 2022-06-17 437.95 438.0 $1476 -7070494902242737401\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $234034 74 buy put 2022-06-17 437.95 437.0 $1439 -55233606145494418\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $232517 75 buy put 2022-06-17 437.95 439.0 $1516 -6859939834462210859\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $231115 76 buy put 2022-06-17 437.95 436.0 $1402 -6103128090509399020\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $229558 77 buy put 2022-06-17 437.95 440.0 $1556 -786192863702597030\n",
+ "2022-04-19 $228192 78 buy put 2022-06-17 437.95 435.0 $1366 2096981638191455575\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $228603 77 sell put 2022-04-27 444.89 444.0 $412 -4115190839583042597\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $229098 76 sell put 2022-04-27 444.89 446.0 $496 8316281259522494776\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $229471 75 sell put 2022-04-27 444.89 443.0 $373 5721412854651377684\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $229811 74 sell put 2022-04-27 444.89 442.0 $341 3735157035943916322\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $230090 73 sell put 2022-04-27 444.89 440.0 $280 6674674701420188552\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $230318 72 sell put 2022-04-27 444.89 438.0 $228 -6331003374777923854\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $230426 71 sell put 2022-04-27 444.89 431.0 $109 -4660198801173546902\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $230524 70 sell put 2022-04-27 444.89 430.0 $99 1402700228831700137\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $231048 69 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 445.0 $524 -2491921492934255766\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $231531 68 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 444.0 $484 -3863984595738195253\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $231977 67 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 443.0 $447 -2176086817959472119\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $232390 66 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 442.0 $413 6587796526368879250\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $233050 65 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 448.0 $661 2617881095545651785\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $233429 64 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 441.0 $380 -82873434985478853\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $234135 63 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 449.0 $706 1193014667579873062\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $234486 62 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 440.0 $352 2736446000156273869\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $235246 61 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 450.0 $761 -5846751847142441024\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $235570 60 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 439.0 $324 -2257347040495901554\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $235868 59 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 438.0 $299 -6563104815904552966\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $236143 58 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 437.0 $276 -4763480450454846309\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $236395 57 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 436.0 $252 925256744577406348\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $236627 56 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 435.0 $233 -3819942201825618853\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $236840 55 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 434.0 $214 154984312689124360\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $237038 54 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 433.0 $198 3378963902461467931\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $237218 53 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 432.0 $181 -6804855857516690053\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $237369 52 sell put 2022-04-29 444.89 430.0 $152 7096379840689859942\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $237754 51 sell put 2022-05-02 444.89 440.0 $385 4107063883231727899\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $238084 50 sell put 2022-05-02 444.89 438.0 $331 -6745915609865526063\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $238368 49 sell put 2022-05-02 444.89 436.0 $285 -1312966866183028985\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $238632 48 sell put 2022-05-02 444.89 435.0 $264 -2855181603395461096\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $239165 47 sell put 2022-05-04 444.89 442.0 $534 7992891687671757509\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $239633 46 sell put 2022-05-04 444.89 440.0 $469 -8649539266974157524\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $240047 45 sell put 2022-05-04 444.89 438.0 $414 6416966542524372281\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $240410 44 sell put 2022-05-04 444.89 436.0 $364 2984898678464018129\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $240750 43 sell put 2022-05-04 444.89 435.0 $341 3669043306899558577\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $241047 42 sell put 2022-05-04 444.89 433.0 $297 2769958404691078978\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $241744 41 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 445.0 $698 -3509662858609952841\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $242366 40 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 443.0 $623 1759107397801712453\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $243148 39 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 447.0 $782 3326049398561639756\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $243972 38 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 448.0 $825 -8080077088502675431\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $244496 37 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 440.0 $525 -1653150830812398944\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $244991 36 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 439.0 $495 3479337939804863831\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $245457 35 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 438.0 $467 -4036555029850129070\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $245897 34 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 437.0 $441 -4462597690785378298\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $246313 33 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 436.0 $416 -8821704095381263795\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $246704 32 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 435.0 $392 2587081978190972036\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $246993 31 sell put 2022-05-06 444.89 430.0 $290 8477417215346983819\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $247479 30 sell put 2022-05-11 444.89 436.0 $486 -6730123792199589802\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $248292 29 sell put 2022-05-13 444.89 445.0 $814 -5345894839618153292\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $249032 28 sell put 2022-05-13 444.89 443.0 $740 5950513380942028697\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $249611 27 sell put 2022-05-13 444.89 438.0 $580 1114518455356209659\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $250164 26 sell put 2022-05-13 444.89 437.0 $554 -5897169421690792782\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $250668 25 sell put 2022-05-13 444.89 435.0 $504 -680510675576227917\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $251394 24 sell put 2022-05-16 444.89 442.0 $727 -2326366645586461670\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $252312 23 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 445.0 $919 9076544241709553626\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $253194 22 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 444.0 $882 3491933453033502917\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $254152 21 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 446.0 $959 5013391644687358247\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $254998 20 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 443.0 $847 -632697253121853438\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $255810 19 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 442.0 $812 -8974946782963659668\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $256588 18 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 441.0 $779 4806013507157730729\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $257706 17 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 450.0 $1119 -8010224036494640041\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $258454 16 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 440.0 $748 -1634225839951797094\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $259170 15 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 439.0 $717 3235098996706068422\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $259857 14 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 438.0 $688 -2002023569489549824\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $260517 13 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 437.0 $660 4259268686417366005\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $261150 12 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 436.0 $634 8619563241619570285\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $261757 11 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 435.0 $608 7926625580783715183\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $262340 10 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 434.0 $583 6061588062684853707\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $262898 9 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 433.0 $559 7040061258716981663\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $263433 8 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 432.0 $536 -2025544688519040153\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $263946 7 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 431.0 $513 1388886064690737748\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $264437 6 sell put 2022-05-20 444.89 430.0 $492 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $265629 5 sell put 2022-06-17 444.89 440.0 $1193 -786192863702597030\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $266790 4 sell put 2022-06-17 444.89 439.0 $1161 -6859939834462210859\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $267919 3 sell put 2022-06-17 444.89 438.0 $1130 -7070494902242737401\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $269018 2 sell put 2022-06-17 444.89 437.0 $1100 -55233606145494418\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $270087 1 sell put 2022-06-17 444.89 436.0 $1069 -6103128090509399020\n",
+ "2022-04-20 $271127 0 sell put 2022-06-17 444.89 435.0 $1041 2096981638191455575\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $270466 1 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 444.0 $660 110712746984956410\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $269764 2 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 445.0 $702 -3509662858609952841\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $269021 3 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 446.0 $742 -5517428643667042343\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $268396 4 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 443.0 $624 1759107397801712453\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $267609 5 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 447.0 $787 3326049398561639756\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $267086 6 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 440.0 $522 -1653150830812398944\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $266140 7 buy put 2022-05-06 444.6 450.0 $945 -2971720525278952331\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $265589 8 buy put 2022-05-09 444.6 440.0 $551 4184661805369708718\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $264772 9 buy put 2022-05-11 444.6 446.0 $816 8660062829662880415\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $264174 10 buy put 2022-05-11 444.6 440.0 $597 -773525230495638631\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $263318 11 buy put 2022-05-13 444.6 446.0 $856 -7446614972127700921\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $262417 12 buy put 2022-05-13 444.6 447.0 $900 3491277533813332176\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $261464 13 buy put 2022-05-13 444.6 448.0 $952 2247579365993906036\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $260826 14 buy put 2022-05-13 444.6 440.0 $638 -1037847232094384544\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $259941 15 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 444.0 $884 3491933453033502917\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $259018 16 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 445.0 $922 9076544241709553626\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $258057 17 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 446.0 $961 5013391644687358247\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $257208 18 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 443.0 $848 -632697253121853438\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $256204 19 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 447.0 $1003 -5481799873905531040\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $255390 20 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 442.0 $814 -8974946782963659668\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $254343 21 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 448.0 $1046 -2604960603009233195\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $253564 22 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 441.0 $779 4806013507157730729\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $252815 23 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 440.0 $748 -1634225839951797094\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $251720 24 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 449.0 $1094 -1091661618020323543\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $250580 25 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 450.0 $1140 -8010224036494640041\n",
+ "2022-04-21 $249862 26 buy put 2022-05-20 444.6 439.0 $717 3235098996706068422\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $249167 27 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 437.0 $694 -4462597690785378298\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $248393 28 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 439.0 $774 3479337939804863831\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $247736 29 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 436.0 $656 -8821704095381263795\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $247116 30 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 435.0 $619 2587081978190972036\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $246253 31 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 441.0 $863 -206056229323717192\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $245341 32 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 442.0 $911 7754357498793376854\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $244784 33 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 433.0 $556 -7792120707838249730\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $244317 34 buy put 2022-05-06 438.05 430.0 $467 8477417215346983819\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $243501 35 buy put 2022-05-11 438.05 438.0 $815 7485663990896909705\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $242796 36 buy put 2022-05-11 438.05 435.0 $704 2245521641171107516\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $241702 37 buy put 2022-05-11 438.05 444.0 $1094 -3359079536003979032\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $240841 38 buy put 2022-05-13 438.05 438.0 $860 1114518455356209659\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $240054 39 buy put 2022-05-13 438.05 436.0 $786 -7276099009721197080\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $239304 40 buy put 2022-05-13 438.05 435.0 $750 -680510675576227917\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $238710 41 buy put 2022-05-13 438.05 430.0 $593 -4413026931305562398\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $237737 42 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 438.0 $972 -2002023569489549824\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $236802 43 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 437.0 $935 4259268686417366005\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $235903 44 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 436.0 $898 8619563241619570285\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $235040 45 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 435.0 $862 7926625580783715183\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $234213 46 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 434.0 $827 6061588062684853707\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $233416 47 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 433.0 $796 7040061258716981663\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $232650 48 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 432.0 $765 -2025544688519040153\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $231916 49 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 431.0 $734 1388886064690737748\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $231210 50 buy put 2022-05-20 438.05 430.0 $705 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $230126 51 buy put 2022-05-27 438.05 438.0 $1083 -8037858529212711244\n",
+ "2022-04-22 $229002 52 buy put 2022-05-27 438.05 439.0 $1124 9146568033662245958\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $228216 53 buy put 2022-05-13 428.5 424.0 $785 5386043787034251106\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $227526 54 buy put 2022-05-13 428.5 421.0 $689 7781695433273279078\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $226696 55 buy put 2022-05-18 428.5 423.0 $830 4928484906750934820\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $225897 56 buy put 2022-05-18 428.5 422.0 $798 -7803709893102130488\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $224841 57 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 428.0 $1055 4841292318888264252\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $223827 58 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 427.0 $1014 -1733007348176655912\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $222850 59 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 426.0 $976 -6989230876643915946\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $221907 60 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 425.0 $942 6510010726039714684\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $220996 61 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 424.0 $911 2727260351589864874\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $220123 62 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 423.0 $872 -4386490162286473290\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $219277 63 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 422.0 $845 1541334013568859415\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $218463 64 buy put 2022-05-20 428.5 421.0 $814 -6653714205044601465\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $217590 65 buy put 2022-05-23 428.5 422.0 $872 -5687121672808669167\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $216525 66 buy put 2022-05-27 428.5 425.0 $1064 3729582498873298467\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $215044 67 buy put 2022-05-27 428.5 434.0 $1481 4795659079320060062\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $213949 68 buy put 2022-05-31 428.5 425.0 $1094 -2867560560257465334\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $212413 69 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 428.0 $1535 9086258682399388370\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $210917 70 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 427.0 $1496 -5390554410085247530\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $209276 71 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 430.0 $1640 -8130461349258543778\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $207817 72 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 426.0 $1459 645641614879345349\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $206394 73 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 425.0 $1422 5495074931692280343\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $205009 74 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 424.0 $1384 172901004544448571\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $203659 75 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 423.0 $1350 -7617298087453687576\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $202343 76 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 422.0 $1315 8293842418757089483\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $200476 77 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 435.0 $1866 2096981638191455575\n",
+ "2022-04-26 $199195 78 buy put 2022-06-17 428.5 421.0 $1281 3942405872945372844\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $198034 79 buy put 2022-05-11 416.17 420.0 $1160 -5359155177157228892\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $196767 80 buy put 2022-05-11 416.17 422.0 $1266 -1721018916027284420\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $195992 81 buy put 2022-05-11 416.17 410.0 $775 4812131874406043926\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $194887 82 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 417.0 $1104 2770469688071247465\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $193877 83 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 415.0 $1009 4309971100416427304\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $192703 84 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 419.0 $1174 874008793417979760\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $191768 85 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 413.0 $934 8480589364155588138\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $190547 86 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 420.0 $1220 1502693809115514665\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $189206 87 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 422.0 $1341 1294718765668222186\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $188377 88 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 410.0 $828 7045696457199363356\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $187008 89 buy put 2022-05-13 416.17 423.0 $1368 -7985011761691765376\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $185700 90 buy put 2022-05-18 416.17 420.0 $1308 2767642240331958296\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $184509 91 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 416.0 $1190 604139083699140350\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $183276 92 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 417.0 $1232 3363540035861442204\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $182127 93 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 415.0 $1149 -4546274141834560480\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $180855 94 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 418.0 $1271 7518887625999039480\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $179742 95 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 414.0 $1112 -370824775656794669\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $178428 96 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 419.0 $1314 -4244914987117704562\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $177353 97 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 413.0 $1074 -5695393672891571530\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $175993 98 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 420.0 $1359 4391494596107486661\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $174953 99 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 412.0 $1040 -542771725704442240\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $173936 100 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 411.0 $1016 8901140023005929360\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $172966 101 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 410.0 $969 5964432521521176293\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $172027 102 buy put 2022-05-20 416.17 409.0 $939 4411058476739906026\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $170977 103 buy put 2022-05-25 416.17 410.0 $1049 2417598891321473977\n",
+ "2022-04-27 $169702 104 buy put 2022-05-27 416.17 415.0 $1274 -8922426460578969107\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $171165 103 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 430.0 $1463 8477417215346983819\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $172863 102 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 433.0 $1699 -7792120707838249730\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $174687 101 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 435.0 $1825 2587081978190972036\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $176596 100 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 436.0 $1909 -8821704095381263795\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $178587 99 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 437.0 $1992 -4462597690785378298\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $180747 98 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 439.0 $2161 3479337939804863831\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $183000 97 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 440.0 $2253 -1653150830812398944\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $185342 96 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 441.0 $2343 -206056229323717192\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $187774 95 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 442.0 $2433 7754357498793376854\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $190302 94 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 443.0 $2528 1759107397801712453\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $192950 93 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 444.0 $2649 110712746984956410\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $195666 92 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 445.0 $2717 -3509662858609952841\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $198512 91 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 446.0 $2846 -5517428643667042343\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $201454 90 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 447.0 $2943 3326049398561639756\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $204656 89 sell put 2022-05-06 417.21 450.0 $3203 -2971720525278952331\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $206923 88 sell put 2022-05-09 417.21 440.0 $2267 4184661805369708718\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $207959 87 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 420.0 $1037 -5359155177157228892\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $209087 86 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 422.0 $1128 -1721018916027284420\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $209748 85 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 410.0 $662 4812131874406043926\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $211666 84 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 435.0 $1919 2245521641171107516\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $213821 83 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 438.0 $2155 7485663990896909705\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $216133 82 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 440.0 $2313 -773525230495638631\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $218793 81 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 444.0 $2661 -3359079536003979032\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $221628 80 sell put 2022-05-11 417.21 446.0 $2835 8660062829662880415\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $222602 79 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 417.0 $975 2770469688071247465\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $223659 78 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 419.0 $1058 874008793417979760\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $224557 77 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 415.0 $898 4309971100416427304\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $225657 76 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 420.0 $1101 1502693809115514665\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $226804 75 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 421.0 $1148 7781695433273279078\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $227630 74 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 413.0 $826 8480589364155588138\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $228822 73 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 422.0 $1193 1294718765668222186\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $230062 72 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 423.0 $1241 -7985011761691765376\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $231322 71 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 424.0 $1260 5386043787034251106\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $232049 70 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 410.0 $728 7045696457199363356\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $233650 69 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 430.0 $1602 -4413026931305562398\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $235600 68 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 435.0 $1950 -680510675576227917\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $237623 67 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 436.0 $2024 -7276099009721197080\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $239800 66 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 438.0 $2178 1114518455356209659\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $242115 65 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 440.0 $2315 -1037847232094384544\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $244991 64 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 446.0 $2877 -7446614972127700921\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $247955 63 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 447.0 $2965 3491277533813332176\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $251009 62 sell put 2022-05-13 417.21 448.0 $3054 2247579365993906036\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $252198 61 sell put 2022-05-18 417.21 420.0 $1190 2767642240331958296\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $253450 60 sell put 2022-05-18 417.21 422.0 $1253 -7803709893102130488\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $254743 59 sell put 2022-05-18 417.21 423.0 $1293 4928484906750934820\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $255864 58 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 417.0 $1122 3363540035861442204\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $257025 57 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 418.0 $1162 7518887625999039480\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $258108 56 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 416.0 $1083 604139083699140350\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $259309 55 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 419.0 $1202 -4244914987117704562\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $260354 54 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 415.0 $1046 -4546274141834560480\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $261599 53 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 420.0 $1245 4391494596107486661\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $262607 52 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 414.0 $1009 -370824775656794669\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $263894 51 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 421.0 $1288 -6653714205044601465\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $264869 50 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 413.0 $975 -5695393672891571530\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $266195 49 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 422.0 $1327 1541334013568859415\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $267136 48 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 412.0 $942 -542771725704442240\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $268505 47 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 423.0 $1369 -4386490162286473290\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $269413 46 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 411.0 $909 8901140023005929360\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $270830 45 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 424.0 $1418 2727260351589864874\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $271706 44 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 410.0 $876 5964432521521176293\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $273164 43 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 425.0 $1459 6510010726039714684\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $274008 42 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 409.0 $845 4411058476739906026\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $275523 41 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 426.0 $1515 -6989230876643915946\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $277089 40 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 427.0 $1567 -1733007348176655912\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $278709 39 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 428.0 $1621 4841292318888264252\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $280442 38 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 430.0 $1733 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $282211 37 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 431.0 $1770 1388886064690737748\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $284064 36 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 432.0 $1853 -2025544688519040153\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $285955 35 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 433.0 $1892 7040061258716981663\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $287910 34 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 434.0 $1956 6061588062684853707\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $289956 33 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 435.0 $2046 7926625580783715183\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $292045 32 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 436.0 $2090 8619563241619570285\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $294230 31 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 437.0 $2186 4259268686417366005\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $296463 30 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 438.0 $2233 -2002023569489549824\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $298796 29 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 439.0 $2334 3235098996706068422\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $301178 28 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 440.0 $2383 -1634225839951797094\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $303642 27 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 441.0 $2464 4806013507157730729\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $306211 26 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 442.0 $2570 -8974946782963659668\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $308857 25 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 443.0 $2647 -632697253121853438\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $311593 24 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 444.0 $2736 3491933453033502917\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $314414 23 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 445.0 $2822 9076544241709553626\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $317295 22 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 446.0 $2882 5013391644687358247\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $320293 21 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 447.0 $2998 -5481799873905531040\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $323348 20 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 448.0 $3056 -2604960603009233195\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $326498 19 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 449.0 $3151 -1091661618020323543\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $329769 18 sell put 2022-05-20 417.21 450.0 $3271 -8010224036494640041\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $331091 17 sell put 2022-05-23 417.21 422.0 $1323 -5687121672808669167\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $332044 16 sell put 2022-05-25 417.21 410.0 $954 2417598891321473977\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $333218 15 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 415.0 $1174 -8922426460578969107\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $334794 14 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 425.0 $1577 3729582498873298467\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $336841 13 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 434.0 $2048 4795659079320060062\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $339153 12 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 438.0 $2312 -8037858529212711244\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $341538 11 sell put 2022-05-27 417.21 439.0 $2386 9146568033662245958\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $343130 10 sell put 2022-05-31 417.21 425.0 $1593 -2867560560257465334\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $344923 9 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 421.0 $1793 3942405872945372844\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $346757 8 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 422.0 $1835 8293842418757089483\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $348632 7 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 423.0 $1876 -7617298087453687576\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $350563 6 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 424.0 $1931 172901004544448571\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $352541 5 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 425.0 $1979 5495074931692280343\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $354572 4 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 426.0 $2032 645641614879345349\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $356655 3 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 427.0 $2083 -5390554410085247530\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $358786 2 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 428.0 $2132 9086258682399388370\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $361021 1 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 430.0 $2236 -8130461349258543778\n",
+ "2022-04-28 $363520 0 sell put 2022-06-17 417.21 435.0 $2499 2096981638191455575\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $362611 1 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 428.0 $908 -3593381058324832822\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $361739 2 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 427.0 $871 2928121380867286351\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $360910 3 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 426.0 $829 -482656966496108128\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $359913 4 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 430.0 $996 -4413026931305562398\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $359152 5 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 424.0 $760 5386043787034251106\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $358459 6 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 422.0 $693 1294718765668222186\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $357796 7 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 421.0 $662 7781695433273279078\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $357163 8 buy put 2022-05-13 427.86 420.0 $632 1502693809115514665\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $356132 9 buy put 2022-05-16 427.86 430.0 $1031 7565259431400875058\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $355046 10 buy put 2022-05-18 427.86 430.0 $1085 8170500908050582108\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $353990 11 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 428.0 $1055 4841292318888264252\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $352973 12 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 427.0 $1017 -1733007348176655912\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $351874 13 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 429.0 $1098 -5858631698978797509\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $350898 14 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 426.0 $976 -6989230876643915946\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $349761 15 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 430.0 $1136 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $348820 16 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 425.0 $940 6510010726039714684\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $347640 17 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 431.0 $1180 1388886064690737748\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $346733 18 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 424.0 $906 2727260351589864874\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $345858 19 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 423.0 $874 -4386490162286473290\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $344567 20 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 433.0 $1291 7040061258716981663\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $343726 21 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 422.0 $840 1541334013568859415\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $342918 22 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 421.0 $807 -6653714205044601465\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $341517 23 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 435.0 $1401 7926625580783715183\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $340738 24 buy put 2022-05-20 427.86 420.0 $778 4391494596107486661\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $339609 25 buy put 2022-05-23 427.86 429.0 $1128 6186219789609651943\n",
+ "2022-04-29 $338619 26 buy put 2022-05-25 427.86 424.0 $990 -8080087202227770274\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $339756 25 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 420.0 $1138 1502693809115514665\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $340947 24 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 421.0 $1192 7781695433273279078\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $342194 23 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 422.0 $1247 1294718765668222186\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $343559 22 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 424.0 $1366 5386043787034251106\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $345050 21 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 426.0 $1492 -482656966496108128\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $346609 20 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 427.0 $1559 2928121380867286351\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $348235 19 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 428.0 $1627 -3593381058324832822\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $350004 18 sell put 2022-05-13 414.55 430.0 $1770 -4413026931305562398\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $351790 17 sell put 2022-05-16 414.55 430.0 $1786 7565259431400875058\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $353620 16 sell put 2022-05-18 414.55 430.0 $1831 8170500908050582108\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $354931 15 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 420.0 $1312 4391494596107486661\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $356292 14 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 421.0 $1361 -6653714205044601465\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $357697 13 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 422.0 $1406 1541334013568859415\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $359155 12 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 423.0 $1459 -4386490162286473290\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $360670 11 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 424.0 $1515 2727260351589864874\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $362241 10 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 425.0 $1572 6510010726039714684\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $363871 9 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 426.0 $1631 -6989230876643915946\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $365561 8 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 427.0 $1690 -1733007348176655912\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $367313 7 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 428.0 $1753 4841292318888264252\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $369130 6 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 429.0 $1818 -5858631698978797509\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $371014 5 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 430.0 $1884 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $372966 4 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 431.0 $1953 1388886064690737748\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $375059 3 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 433.0 $2094 7040061258716981663\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $377305 2 sell put 2022-05-20 414.55 435.0 $2246 7926625580783715183\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $379138 1 sell put 2022-05-23 414.55 429.0 $1834 6186219789609651943\n",
+ "2022-05-03 $380721 0 sell put 2022-05-25 414.55 424.0 $1584 -8080087202227770274\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $379846 1 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 430.0 $875 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $379094 2 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 427.0 $751 -1733007348176655912\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $378173 3 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 431.0 $920 1388886064690737748\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $377459 4 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 426.0 $714 -6989230876643915946\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $376780 5 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 425.0 $678 6510010726039714684\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $376134 6 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 424.0 $645 2727260351589864874\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $375013 7 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 435.0 $1121 7926625580783715183\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $374431 8 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 422.0 $581 1541334013568859415\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $373878 9 buy put 2022-05-20 428.97 421.0 $552 -6653714205044601465\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $373106 10 buy put 2022-05-25 428.97 425.0 $772 -5954740394696572598\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $372343 11 buy put 2022-05-31 428.97 422.0 $762 -679362323454958432\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $371001 12 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 428.0 $1342 9086258682399388370\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $369575 13 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 430.0 $1425 -8130461349258543778\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $368106 14 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 431.0 $1468 5667012605499571717\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $366842 15 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 426.0 $1264 645641614879345349\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $365283 16 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 433.0 $1558 -5799135231720571613\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $364055 17 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 425.0 $1227 5495074931692280343\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $362865 18 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 424.0 $1190 172901004544448571\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $361709 19 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 423.0 $1155 -7617298087453687576\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $360054 20 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 435.0 $1654 2096981638191455575\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $358934 21 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 422.0 $1120 8293842418757089483\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $357846 22 buy put 2022-06-17 428.97 421.0 $1087 3942405872945372844\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $356443 23 buy put 2022-06-30 428.97 425.0 $1402 -3520940926647542063\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $354510 24 buy put 2022-08-19 428.97 425.0 $1933 3343541741042161221\n",
+ "2022-05-05 $350636 25 buy put 2023-06-16 428.97 425.0 $3873 4742000771089908177\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $349588 26 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 414.0 $1047 -370824775656794669\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $348492 27 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 415.0 $1096 -4546274141834560480\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $347487 28 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 413.0 $1004 -5695393672891571530\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $346348 29 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 416.0 $1138 604139083699140350\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $345382 30 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 412.0 $966 -542771725704442240\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $344195 31 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 417.0 $1186 3363540035861442204\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $343265 32 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 411.0 $929 8901140023005929360\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $342015 33 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 418.0 $1250 7518887625999039480\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $341130 34 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 410.0 $884 5964432521521176293\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $339826 35 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 419.0 $1303 -4244914987117704562\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $338974 36 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 409.0 $852 4411058476739906026\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $337618 37 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 420.0 $1355 4391494596107486661\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $336802 38 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 408.0 $815 6572064112339502474\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $336026 39 buy put 2022-05-20 414.15 407.0 $776 242087768129309051\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $335098 40 buy put 2022-05-23 414.15 410.0 $927 1238922059401508848\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $333700 41 buy put 2022-05-23 414.15 420.0 $1397 790375727959921010\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $332711 42 buy put 2022-05-25 414.15 410.0 $989 2417598891321473977\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $331498 43 buy put 2022-05-27 414.15 414.0 $1212 200636036865336885\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $330244 44 buy put 2022-05-27 414.15 415.0 $1253 -8922426460578969107\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $329198 45 buy put 2022-05-27 414.15 410.0 $1046 -1017562885070412469\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $327690 46 buy put 2022-05-27 414.15 420.0 $1507 -7021960564468648639\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $326441 47 buy put 2022-05-31 414.15 414.0 $1248 6028369522687468813\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $325356 48 buy put 2022-05-31 414.15 410.0 $1085 5286005959604799392\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $323809 49 buy put 2022-05-31 414.15 420.0 $1546 2677940292671057058\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $322464 50 buy put 2022-06-03 414.15 415.0 $1344 5947120460083243637\n",
+ "2022-05-06 $321328 51 buy put 2022-06-03 414.15 410.0 $1136 -2795539268663320170\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $320149 52 buy put 2022-05-25 398.33 400.0 $1178 1912226847880276278\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $318714 53 buy put 2022-05-25 398.33 405.0 $1434 -5084660670810706205\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $317470 54 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 400.0 $1244 6352983309924967608\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $316404 55 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 396.0 $1065 -7838513539293934367\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $315377 56 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 395.0 $1026 2469211483316477848\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $314037 57 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 402.0 $1340 5050899376941068206\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $313050 58 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 394.0 $986 -1795717159269592491\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $311607 59 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 404.0 $1442 -3869851538161916050\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $310113 60 buy put 2022-05-27 398.33 405.0 $1494 6867837181545889792\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $308823 61 buy put 2022-05-31 398.33 400.0 $1289 -7483967069688473060\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $307751 62 buy put 2022-05-31 398.33 395.0 $1072 8709669417152315979\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $306212 63 buy put 2022-05-31 398.33 405.0 $1538 -4954381348784851748\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $304797 64 buy put 2022-06-01 398.33 402.0 $1414 1262176430684916366\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $303419 65 buy put 2022-06-03 398.33 400.0 $1378 36015852001072701\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $302006 66 buy put 2022-06-06 398.33 400.0 $1412 3261062951387294230\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $300488 67 buy put 2022-06-10 398.33 400.0 $1517 8793640099053544330\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $298730 68 buy put 2022-06-10 398.33 405.0 $1758 -6175222189434618078\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $297101 69 buy put 2022-06-17 398.33 398.0 $1628 7626072607154507802\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $295428 70 buy put 2022-06-17 398.33 399.0 $1672 -7999055175144344692\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $293847 71 buy put 2022-06-17 398.33 397.0 $1581 8201538157746220807\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $292128 72 buy put 2022-06-17 398.33 400.0 $1718 -5418611666365843548\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $290586 73 buy put 2022-06-17 398.33 396.0 $1541 -3930786146819692978\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $288822 74 buy put 2022-06-17 398.33 401.0 $1764 587371423617712618\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $287325 75 buy put 2022-06-17 398.33 395.0 $1496 -6300132305572717540\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $285510 76 buy put 2022-06-17 398.33 402.0 $1814 -2384847857672603424\n",
+ "2022-05-10 $283651 77 buy put 2022-06-17 398.33 403.0 $1859 -6188616327508406583\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $282780 78 buy put 2022-05-25 399.18 396.0 $870 8128372020288011671\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $281948 79 buy put 2022-05-25 399.18 395.0 $831 4209603755433075354\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $280598 80 buy put 2022-05-25 399.18 406.0 $1350 6126439143316425895\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $279875 81 buy put 2022-05-25 399.18 392.0 $722 -4522146045730420486\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $278854 82 buy put 2022-05-27 399.18 398.0 $1020 -9203795093013763591\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $277444 83 buy put 2022-05-27 399.18 406.0 $1410 1988495182775708949\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $276374 84 buy put 2022-05-31 399.18 398.0 $1069 3196392063356677898\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $275466 85 buy put 2022-05-31 399.18 394.0 $907 -402665448687562637\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $274274 86 buy put 2022-06-01 399.18 400.0 $1192 -2721013099075567283\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $273191 87 buy put 2022-06-03 399.18 396.0 $1082 -1962072017598780915\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $271850 88 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 394.0 $1340 3304142129826426650\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $270020 89 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 405.0 $1830 -1221556215010886821\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $268720 90 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 393.0 $1299 939424867551324885\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $266839 91 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 406.0 $1880 -7508894884668337446\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $265576 92 buy put 2022-06-17 399.18 392.0 $1263 5474798807791382465\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $263796 93 buy put 2022-06-24 399.18 402.0 $1779 -3583351961620627413\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $262020 94 buy put 2022-06-30 399.18 400.0 $1775 -5867947817041428983\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $260058 95 buy put 2022-07-15 399.18 400.0 $1962 8868326483954149727\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $258181 96 buy put 2022-07-15 399.18 398.0 $1876 1326414701139685042\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $256128 97 buy put 2022-07-15 399.18 402.0 $2052 1707606642020853362\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $254376 98 buy put 2022-07-15 399.18 395.0 $1752 1182328039035934550\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $252183 99 buy put 2022-07-15 399.18 405.0 $2192 5211064854256545228\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $249857 100 buy put 2022-08-19 399.18 400.0 $2325 581212207586898624\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $247736 101 buy put 2022-08-19 399.18 395.0 $2121 -226632924273867070\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $245184 102 buy put 2022-08-19 399.18 405.0 $2551 -8788225471380337485\n",
+ "2022-05-11 $242541 103 buy put 2022-09-16 399.18 400.0 $2642 -1132218355243670650\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $244197 102 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 407.0 $1656 242087768129309051\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $245926 101 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 408.0 $1730 6572064112339502474\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $247733 100 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 409.0 $1808 4411058476739906026\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $249621 99 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 410.0 $1888 5964432521521176293\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $251590 98 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 411.0 $1970 8901140023005929360\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $253642 97 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 412.0 $2053 -542771725704442240\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $255779 96 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 413.0 $2137 -5695393672891571530\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $257994 95 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 414.0 $2216 -370824775656794669\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $260308 94 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 415.0 $2314 -4546274141834560480\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $262707 93 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 416.0 $2400 604139083699140350\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $265232 92 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 417.0 $2526 3363540035861442204\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $267817 91 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 418.0 $2585 7518887625999039480\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $270489 90 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 419.0 $2673 -4244914987117704562\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $273260 89 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 420.0 $2772 4391494596107486661\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $276120 88 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 421.0 $2860 -6653714205044601465\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $279074 87 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 422.0 $2955 1541334013568859415\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $282213 86 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 424.0 $3140 2727260351589864874\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $285457 85 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 425.0 $3244 6510010726039714684\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $288791 84 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 426.0 $3335 -6989230876643915946\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $292228 83 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 427.0 $3438 -1733007348176655912\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $295968 82 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 430.0 $3740 8200687185794847457\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $299799 81 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 431.0 $3832 1388886064690737748\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $304023 80 sell put 2022-05-20 392.37 435.0 $4225 7926625580783715183\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $305941 79 sell put 2022-05-23 392.37 410.0 $1918 1238922059401508848\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $308712 78 sell put 2022-05-23 392.37 420.0 $2772 790375727959921010\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $309611 77 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 392.0 $900 -4522146045730420486\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $310655 76 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 395.0 $1044 4209603755433075354\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $311745 75 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 396.0 $1091 8128372020288011671\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $313058 74 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 400.0 $1314 1912226847880276278\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $314669 73 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 405.0 $1611 -5084660670810706205\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $316352 72 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 406.0 $1684 6126439143316425895\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $318322 71 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 410.0 $1971 2417598891321473977\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $321581 70 sell put 2022-05-25 392.37 425.0 $3259 -5954740394696572598\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $322646 69 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 394.0 $1066 -1795717159269592491\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $323760 68 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 395.0 $1115 2469211483316477848\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $324925 67 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 396.0 $1165 -7838513539293934367\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $326195 66 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 398.0 $1271 -9203795093013763591\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $327570 65 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 400.0 $1376 6352983309924967608\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $329064 64 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 402.0 $1494 5050899376941068206\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $330668 63 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 404.0 $1605 -3869851538161916050\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $332342 62 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 405.0 $1675 6867837181545889792\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $334084 61 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 406.0 $1742 1988495182775708949\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $336098 60 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 410.0 $2015 -1017562885070412469\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $338418 59 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 414.0 $2321 200636036865336885\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $340819 58 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 415.0 $2401 -8922426460578969107\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $343642 57 sell put 2022-05-27 392.37 420.0 $2824 -7021960564468648639\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $344758 56 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 394.0 $1117 -402665448687562637\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $345923 55 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 395.0 $1165 8709669417152315979\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $347240 54 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 398.0 $1318 3196392063356677898\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $348660 53 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 400.0 $1421 -7483967069688473060\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $350370 52 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 405.0 $1710 -4954381348784851748\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $352420 51 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 410.0 $2051 5286005959604799392\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $354771 50 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 414.0 $2352 6028369522687468813\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $357618 49 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 420.0 $2847 2677940292671057058\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $360639 48 sell put 2022-05-31 392.37 422.0 $3022 -679362323454958432\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $362094 47 sell put 2022-06-01 392.37 400.0 $1456 -2721013099075567283\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $363649 46 sell put 2022-06-01 392.37 402.0 $1555 1262176430684916366\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $364965 45 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 396.0 $1317 -1962072017598780915\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $366476 44 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 400.0 $1511 36015852001072701\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $368598 43 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 410.0 $2123 -2795539268663320170\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $371086 42 sell put 2022-06-03 392.37 415.0 $2489 5947120460083243637\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $372627 41 sell put 2022-06-06 392.37 400.0 $1541 3261062951387294230\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $374270 40 sell put 2022-06-10 392.37 400.0 $1644 8793640099053544330\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $376181 39 sell put 2022-06-10 392.37 405.0 $1912 -6175222189434618078\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $377641 38 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 392.0 $1460 5474798807791382465\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $379146 37 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 393.0 $1506 939424867551324885\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $380695 36 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 394.0 $1550 3304142129826426650\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $382297 35 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 395.0 $1602 -6300132305572717540\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $383942 34 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 396.0 $1646 -3930786146819692978\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $385642 33 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 397.0 $1701 8201538157746220807\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $387390 32 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 398.0 $1748 7626072607154507802\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $389192 31 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 399.0 $1803 -7999055175144344692\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $391045 30 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 400.0 $1854 -5418611666365843548\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $392955 29 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 401.0 $1910 587371423617712618\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $394917 28 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 402.0 $1963 -2384847857672603424\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $396938 27 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 403.0 $2022 -6188616327508406583\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $399076 26 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 405.0 $2138 -1221556215010886821\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $401247 25 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 406.0 $2172 -7508894884668337446\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $404460 24 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 421.0 $3214 3942405872945372844\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $407753 23 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 422.0 $3293 8293842418757089483\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $411126 22 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 423.0 $3374 -7617298087453687576\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $414580 21 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 424.0 $3455 172901004544448571\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $418130 20 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 425.0 $3550 5495074931692280343\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $421751 19 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 426.0 $3622 645641614879345349\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $425549 18 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 428.0 $3799 9086258682399388370\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $429526 17 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 430.0 $3977 -8130461349258543778\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $433575 16 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 431.0 $4050 5667012605499571717\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $437807 15 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 433.0 $4233 -5799135231720571613\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $442222 14 sell put 2022-06-17 392.37 435.0 $4415 2096981638191455575\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $444234 13 sell put 2022-06-24 392.37 402.0 $2013 -3583351961620627413\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $446227 12 sell put 2022-06-30 392.37 400.0 $1994 -5867947817041428983\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $449903 11 sell put 2022-06-30 392.37 425.0 $3676 -3520940926647542063\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $451869 10 sell put 2022-07-15 392.37 395.0 $1967 1182328039035934550\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $453977 9 sell put 2022-07-15 392.37 398.0 $2109 1326414701139685042\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $456184 8 sell put 2022-07-15 392.37 400.0 $2207 8868326483954149727\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $458467 7 sell put 2022-07-15 392.37 402.0 $2284 1707606642020853362\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $460911 6 sell put 2022-07-15 392.37 405.0 $2445 5211064854256545228\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $463241 5 sell put 2022-08-19 392.37 395.0 $2330 -226632924273867070\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $465800 4 sell put 2022-08-19 392.37 400.0 $2560 581212207586898624\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $468567 3 sell put 2022-08-19 392.37 405.0 $2768 -8788225471380337485\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $472563 2 sell put 2022-08-19 392.37 425.0 $3996 3343541741042161221\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $475373 1 sell put 2022-09-16 392.37 400.0 $2811 -1132218355243670650\n",
+ "2022-05-13 $480622 0 sell put 2023-06-16 392.37 425.0 $5250 4742000771089908177\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $479726 1 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 397.0 $896 6332139287468623022\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $478937 2 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 399.0 $788 -6201214049028020355\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $478199 3 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 400.0 $738 8793640099053544330\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $477685 4 buy call 2022-06-10 397.36 405.0 $513 -6175222189434618078\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $476631 5 buy call 2022-06-13 397.36 395.0 $1053 -4960300985133772481\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $475516 6 buy call 2022-06-13 397.36 394.0 $1115 -5282698194977499347\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $474275 7 buy call 2022-06-13 397.36 392.0 $1240 -7031499948879184253\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $473242 8 buy call 2022-06-15 397.36 397.0 $1032 -9143633400142749595\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $472154 9 buy call 2022-06-15 397.36 396.0 $1088 -1261374814051844304\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $471280 10 buy call 2022-06-15 397.36 400.0 $873 3959186715597131035\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $470551 11 buy call 2022-06-15 397.36 403.0 $728 6236955665342609335\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $469480 12 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 397.0 $1071 8201538157746220807\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $468462 13 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 398.0 $1017 7626072607154507802\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $467333 14 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 396.0 $1128 -3930786146819692978\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $466370 15 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 399.0 $963 -7999055175144344692\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $465182 16 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 395.0 $1187 -6300132305572717540\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $464268 17 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 400.0 $913 -5418611666365843548\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $463022 18 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 394.0 $1246 3304142129826426650\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $462160 19 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 401.0 $861 587371423617712618\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $460853 20 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 393.0 $1306 939424867551324885\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $460040 21 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 402.0 $813 -2384847857672603424\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $459273 22 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 403.0 $766 -6188616327508406583\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $458552 23 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 404.0 $720 3786079100051956799\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $457873 24 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 405.0 $679 -1221556215010886821\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $456374 25 buy call 2022-06-17 397.36 390.0 $1498 8338483660862786008\n",
+ "2022-05-26 $455214 26 buy call 2022-06-21 397.36 396.0 $1159 -4044800253036188199\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $454447 27 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 406.0 $767 4715150050779070940\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $453570 28 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 404.0 $876 -7455478046549912589\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $452854 29 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 407.0 $715 2020211168152050302\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $451920 30 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 403.0 $934 -5261282989035249924\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $451229 31 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 407.5 $690 1484922411462671279\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $450563 32 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 408.0 $665 5856599944012418771\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $449946 33 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 409.0 $617 846408178688912497\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $448888 34 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 401.0 $1057 3147650974241216465\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $448316 35 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 410.0 $571 -380673636413306933\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $447789 36 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 411.0 $527 -3053906423558609390\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $447302 37 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 412.0 $486 1857841366827520103\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $446037 38 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 398.0 $1264 -3861649006904656393\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $445571 39 buy call 2022-06-10 405.2 412.5 $466 5164764282513761716\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $444756 40 buy call 2022-06-13 405.2 406.0 $814 205116854990347616\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $443773 41 buy call 2022-06-13 405.2 403.0 $982 -3713527345570725299\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $443064 42 buy call 2022-06-15 405.2 410.0 $709 4617442279518313109\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $442443 43 buy call 2022-06-15 405.2 412.0 $620 6252992419260038061\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $441491 44 buy call 2022-06-17 405.2 406.0 $951 -7508894884668337446\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $440591 45 buy call 2022-06-17 405.2 407.0 $900 -113289343410334743\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $439744 46 buy call 2022-06-17 405.2 408.0 $846 1461894136082251172\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $438944 47 buy call 2022-06-17 405.2 409.0 $799 5559571270758834956\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $438194 48 buy call 2022-06-17 405.2 410.0 $750 -8987320490721445990\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $437488 49 buy call 2022-06-17 405.2 411.0 $705 -4316032463034405050\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $436827 50 buy call 2022-06-17 405.2 412.0 $660 -5864718466722849183\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $436209 51 buy call 2022-06-17 405.2 413.0 $618 -8419293282646820498\n",
+ "2022-05-27 $435172 52 buy call 2022-06-21 405.2 405.0 $1036 -3744156574607319950\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $436048 51 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 412.5 $876 5164764282513761716\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $436952 50 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 412.0 $905 1857841366827520103\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $437920 49 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 411.0 $969 -3053906423558609390\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $438955 48 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 410.0 $1035 -380673636413306933\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $440057 47 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 409.0 $1103 846408178688912497\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $441212 46 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 408.0 $1156 5856599944012418771\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $442405 45 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 407.5 $1193 1484922411462671279\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $443631 44 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 407.0 $1227 2020211168152050302\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $444929 43 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 406.0 $1299 4715150050779070940\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $446302 42 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 405.0 $1373 -6175222189434618078\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $447750 41 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 404.0 $1449 -7455478046549912589\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $449277 40 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 403.0 $1528 -5261282989035249924\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $450961 39 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 401.0 $1684 3147650974241216465\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $452726 38 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 400.0 $1766 8793640099053544330\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $454572 37 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 399.0 $1847 -6201214049028020355\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $456503 36 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 398.0 $1931 -3861649006904656393\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $458516 35 sell call 2022-06-10 415.31 397.0 $2014 6332139287468623022\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $459856 34 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 406.0 $1341 205116854990347616\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $461420 33 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 403.0 $1564 -3713527345570725299\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $463637 32 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 395.0 $2218 -4960300985133772481\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $465940 31 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 394.0 $2304 -5282698194977499347\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $468417 30 sell call 2022-06-13 415.31 392.0 $2477 -7031499948879184253\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $469468 29 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 412.0 $1052 6252992419260038061\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $470644 28 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 410.0 $1177 4617442279518313109\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $472295 27 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 403.0 $1651 6236955665342609335\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $474175 26 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 400.0 $1881 3959186715597131035\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $476296 25 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 397.0 $2122 -9143633400142749595\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $478500 24 sell call 2022-06-15 415.31 396.0 $2204 -1261374814051844304\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $479533 23 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 413.0 $1034 -8419293282646820498\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $480626 22 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 412.0 $1094 -5864718466722849183\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $481783 21 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 411.0 $1157 -4316032463034405050\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $483002 20 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 410.0 $1220 -8987320490721445990\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $484286 19 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 409.0 $1285 5559571270758834956\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $485638 18 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 408.0 $1352 1461894136082251172\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $487057 17 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 407.0 $1420 -113289343410334743\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $488521 16 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 406.0 $1465 -7508894884668337446\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $490064 15 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 405.0 $1543 -1221556215010886821\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $491678 14 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 404.0 $1615 3786079100051956799\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $493363 13 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 403.0 $1686 -6188616327508406583\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $495123 12 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 402.0 $1760 -2384847857672603424\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $496957 11 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 401.0 $1835 587371423617712618\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $498868 10 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 400.0 $1912 -5418611666365843548\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $500857 9 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 399.0 $1989 -7999055175144344692\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $502924 8 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 398.0 $2068 7626072607154507802\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $505071 7 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 397.0 $2148 8201538157746220807\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $507300 6 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 396.0 $2229 -3930786146819692978\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $509607 5 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 395.0 $2308 -6300132305572717540\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $511997 4 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 394.0 $2391 3304142129826426650\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $514474 3 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 393.0 $2477 939424867551324885\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $517206 2 sell call 2022-06-17 415.31 390.0 $2733 8338483660862786008\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $518764 1 sell call 2022-06-21 415.31 405.0 $1558 -3744156574607319950\n",
+ "2022-05-28 $521003 0 sell call 2022-06-21 415.31 396.0 $2240 -4044800253036188199\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $520076 1 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 415.0 $926 1329755662836192561\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $518971 2 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 412.0 $1105 6252992419260038061\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $517736 3 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 410.0 $1234 4617442279518313109\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $516435 4 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 409.0 $1300 2068326314629151936\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $515859 5 buy call 2022-06-15 415.26 422.0 $576 -2340130853675524606\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $514889 6 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 415.0 $969 1197167698263463661\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $513975 7 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 416.0 $913 -4627276437782541358\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $512949 8 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 414.0 $1026 -2587220572973222928\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $512090 9 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 417.0 $858 -7702035956764024123\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $511003 10 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 413.0 $1086 -8419293282646820498\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $510197 11 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 418.0 $806 4292713809081220569\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $509049 12 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 412.0 $1147 -5864718466722849183\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $508292 13 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 419.0 $756 1307687537880633320\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $507082 14 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 411.0 $1210 -4316032463034405050\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $506375 15 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 420.0 $706 -4552343946541101249\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $505099 16 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 410.0 $1275 -8987320490721445990\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $504439 17 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 421.0 $660 3942405872945372844\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $503097 18 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 409.0 $1341 5559571270758834956\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $502480 19 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 422.0 $616 8293842418757089483\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $501071 20 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 408.0 $1409 1461894136082251172\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $500497 21 buy call 2022-06-17 415.26 423.0 $573 -7617298087453687576\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $499708 22 buy call 2022-06-21 415.26 419.0 $788 -5108880561792759791\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $498969 23 buy call 2022-06-21 415.26 420.0 $739 6965174021144042969\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $497662 24 buy call 2022-06-21 415.26 410.0 $1306 -6315836185636846478\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $496290 25 buy call 2022-06-21 415.26 409.0 $1371 -1211135050803147535\n",
+ "2022-05-31 $495152 26 buy call 2022-06-22 415.26 413.0 $1138 3372429025195698038\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $494335 27 buy call 2022-06-15 412.8 413.0 $816 -749049421519203310\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $493564 28 buy call 2022-06-15 412.8 414.0 $770 -372300982273144344\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $492317 29 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 407.0 $1247 -113289343410334743\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $490958 30 buy call 2022-06-17 412.8 405.0 $1358 -1221556215010886821\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $490313 31 buy call 2022-06-21 412.8 418.0 $644 6173007722113998432\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $489737 32 buy call 2022-06-22 412.8 420.0 $576 -7341835314804662726\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $488881 33 buy call 2022-06-24 412.8 415.0 $855 7215029584052385923\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $487748 34 buy call 2022-06-24 412.8 410.0 $1132 -6626575379915467915\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $487027 35 buy call 2022-06-30 412.8 420.0 $721 2738558699944851310\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $486021 36 buy call 2022-07-01 412.8 415.0 $1005 -7023277865358362123\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $485089 37 buy call 2022-07-01 412.8 416.0 $931 6715441057865717239\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $484347 38 buy call 2022-07-01 412.8 420.0 $742 7767689177557546399\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $482977 39 buy call 2022-07-15 412.8 412.0 $1369 5767630171784582366\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $481799 40 buy call 2022-07-15 412.8 415.0 $1177 3263137967564593589\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $480312 41 buy call 2022-07-15 412.8 410.0 $1487 -1000016114791076975\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $479187 42 buy call 2022-07-15 412.8 416.0 $1124 -8301322756491621940\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $478162 43 buy call 2022-07-15 412.8 418.0 $1024 -2757053494698493255\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $477214 44 buy call 2022-07-15 412.8 420.0 $948 1047799724022944780\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $475415 45 buy call 2022-07-15 412.8 405.0 $1798 5211064854256545228\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $473718 46 buy call 2022-09-16 412.8 420.0 $1696 -7109593754803923821\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $471418 47 buy call 2022-11-18 412.8 420.0 $2300 3087551605153802588\n",
+ "2022-06-01 $466750 48 buy call 2023-06-16 412.8 405.0 $4667 -7427724059520805215\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $465708 49 buy call 2022-06-17 409.64 406.0 $1042 -7508894884668337446\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $464730 50 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 408.0 $977 -32775216841510132\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $463693 51 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 407.0 $1036 -9082155504957704045\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $462595 52 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 406.0 $1098 -6815520652112124614\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $461433 53 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 405.0 $1161 -3744156574607319950\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $460828 54 buy call 2022-06-21 409.64 415.0 $604 7400666469330888035\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $460289 55 buy call 2022-06-22 409.64 417.0 $539 546318180326941336\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $459565 56 buy call 2022-06-24 409.64 414.0 $723 -8769559560592487056\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $458501 57 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 410.0 $1063 -8835962476705142128\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $457263 58 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 407.0 $1238 6513143983089572334\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $456307 59 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 412.0 $955 -5727825791172551462\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $455454 60 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 414.0 $852 -2597349931429319135\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $454029 61 buy call 2022-07-01 409.64 404.0 $1425 -7602302049558167448\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $452698 62 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 409.0 $1330 1767534312705509702\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $451308 63 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 408.0 $1389 -9123305037351349258\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $449859 64 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 407.0 $1449 -7693497636627278098\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $448750 65 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 413.0 $1108 7460860359906263535\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $447240 66 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 406.0 $1509 -3827157500472027731\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $445605 67 buy call 2022-07-15 409.64 404.0 $1635 -3239937743600575751\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $444110 68 buy call 2022-08-19 409.64 415.0 $1494 -2601242727173613203\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $442145 69 buy call 2022-09-16 409.64 412.0 $1964 -4362237471038479208\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $440350 70 buy call 2022-09-16 409.64 415.0 $1795 2567979519521404445\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $437950 71 buy call 2022-11-18 409.64 415.0 $2399 -361852330069543006\n",
+ "2022-06-02 $433791 72 buy call 2023-06-16 409.64 410.0 $4158 744895423177006478\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $434629 71 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 415.0 $838 1329755662836192561\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $435528 70 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 414.0 $900 -372300982273144344\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $436481 69 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 413.0 $954 -749049421519203310\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $436955 68 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 422.0 $474 -2340130853675524606\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $437973 67 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 412.0 $1019 6252992419260038061\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $439127 66 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 410.0 $1155 4617442279518313109\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $440353 65 sell call 2022-06-15 417.37 409.0 $1226 2068326314629151936\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $441118 64 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 417.0 $766 -7702035956764024123\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $441832 63 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 418.0 $715 4292713809081220569\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $442658 62 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 416.0 $826 -4627276437782541358\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $443319 61 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 419.0 $662 1307687537880633320\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $443929 60 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 420.0 $611 -4552343946541101249\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $444815 59 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 415.0 $886 1197167698263463661\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $445761 58 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 414.0 $947 -2587220572973222928\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $446320 57 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 421.0 $560 3942405872945372844\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $447331 56 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 413.0 $1011 -8419293282646820498\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $447846 55 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 422.0 $516 8293842418757089483\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $448316 54 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 423.0 $471 -7617298087453687576\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $449378 53 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 412.0 $1062 -5864718466722849183\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $450518 52 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 411.0 $1141 -4316032463034405050\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $451729 51 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 410.0 $1212 -8987320490721445990\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $453009 50 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 409.0 $1280 5559571270758834956\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $454362 49 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 408.0 $1354 1461894136082251172\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $455789 48 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 407.0 $1428 -113289343410334743\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $457271 47 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 406.0 $1482 -7508894884668337446\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $458828 46 sell call 2022-06-17 417.37 405.0 $1558 -1221556215010886821\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $459572 45 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 418.0 $744 6173007722113998432\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $460262 44 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 419.0 $691 -5108880561792759791\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $461177 43 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 415.0 $916 7400666469330888035\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $461818 42 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 420.0 $641 6965174021144042969\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $463057 41 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 410.0 $1240 -6315836185636846478\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $464349 40 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 409.0 $1293 -1211135050803147535\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $465713 39 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 408.0 $1364 -32775216841510132\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $467148 38 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 407.0 $1436 -9082155504957704045\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $468658 37 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 406.0 $1511 -6815520652112124614\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $470244 36 sell call 2022-06-21 417.37 405.0 $1586 -3744156574607319950\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $471066 35 sell call 2022-06-22 417.37 417.0 $823 546318180326941336\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $471726 34 sell call 2022-06-22 417.37 420.0 $661 -7341835314804662726\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $472789 33 sell call 2022-06-22 417.37 413.0 $1063 3372429025195698038\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $473762 32 sell call 2022-06-24 417.37 415.0 $974 7215029584052385923\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $474811 31 sell call 2022-06-24 417.37 414.0 $1050 -8769559560592487056\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $476119 30 sell call 2022-06-24 417.37 410.0 $1308 -6626575379915467915\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $476938 29 sell call 2022-06-30 417.37 420.0 $820 2738558699944851310\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $477999 28 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 416.0 $1062 6715441057865717239\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $479119 27 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 415.0 $1120 -7023277865358362123\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $479962 26 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 420.0 $844 7767689177557546399\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $481144 25 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 414.0 $1183 -2597349931429319135\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $482452 24 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 412.0 $1308 -5727825791172551462\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $483886 23 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 410.0 $1435 -8835962476705142128\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $485528 22 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 407.0 $1643 6513143983089572334\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $487367 21 sell call 2022-07-01 417.37 404.0 $1839 -7602302049558167448\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $488532 20 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 418.0 $1166 -2757053494698493255\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $489811 19 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 416.0 $1280 -8301322756491621940\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $490868 18 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 420.0 $1057 1047799724022944780\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $492205 17 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 415.0 $1338 3263137967564593589\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $493661 16 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 413.0 $1457 7460860359906263535\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $495183 15 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 412.0 $1522 5767630171784582366\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $496833 14 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 410.0 $1651 -1000016114791076975\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $498546 13 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 409.0 $1714 1767534312705509702\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $500326 12 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 408.0 $1780 -9123305037351349258\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $502177 11 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 407.0 $1852 -7693497636627278098\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $504097 10 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 406.0 $1921 -3827157500472027731\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $506087 9 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 405.0 $1990 5211064854256545228\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $508130 8 sell call 2022-07-15 417.37 404.0 $2044 -3239937743600575751\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $509975 7 sell call 2022-08-19 417.37 415.0 $1846 -2601242727173613203\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $511835 6 sell call 2022-09-16 417.37 420.0 $1860 -7109593754803923821\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $513988 5 sell call 2022-09-16 417.37 415.0 $2154 2567979519521404445\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $516328 4 sell call 2022-09-16 417.37 412.0 $2341 -4362237471038479208\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $519093 3 sell call 2022-11-18 417.37 415.0 $2765 -361852330069543006\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $521562 2 sell call 2022-11-18 417.37 420.0 $2470 3087551605153802588\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $525872 1 sell call 2023-06-16 417.37 410.0 $4311 744895423177006478\n",
+ "2022-06-03 $530494 0 sell call 2023-06-16 417.37 405.0 $4622 -7427724059520805215\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $529774 1 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 412.0 $719 -4240509435018914446\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $528998 2 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 411.0 $775 1968669300356879229\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $528388 3 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 414.0 $610 -4292062342302439342\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $527825 4 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 415.0 $562 7400666469330888035\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $527310 5 buy call 2022-06-21 411.76 416.0 $515 -7022916398656919063\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $526564 6 buy call 2022-06-22 411.76 412.0 $745 3149200762654284149\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $525974 7 buy call 2022-06-22 411.76 415.0 $589 -1088431576918206415\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $525172 8 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 412.0 $802 -2811400713508572467\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $524316 9 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 411.0 $855 4172451067621663190\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $523568 10 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 413.0 $747 4133373284759021886\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $522654 11 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 410.0 $914 -6626575379915467915\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $521961 12 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 414.0 $692 -8769559560592487056\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $520923 13 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 408.0 $1037 2458347228091795265\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $520327 14 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 416.0 $596 5859565176866704136\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $519821 15 buy call 2022-06-24 411.76 418.0 $505 -3279612540660785276\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $519040 16 buy call 2022-06-27 411.76 413.0 $780 2310980037051232581\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $518457 17 buy call 2022-06-27 411.76 417.0 $583 2526577667662620056\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $517539 18 buy call 2022-06-30 411.76 412.0 $917 -2240739043066468587\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $516566 19 buy call 2022-06-30 411.76 411.0 $972 8561833376239432363\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $515704 20 buy call 2022-06-30 411.76 413.0 $862 2044154646491338548\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $514675 21 buy call 2022-06-30 411.76 410.0 $1028 -1439456304169699269\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $513915 22 buy call 2022-06-30 411.76 415.0 $759 3203142192960870538\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $512704 23 buy call 2022-06-30 411.76 407.0 $1211 5723321785154210654\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $511871 24 buy call 2022-07-01 411.76 414.0 $832 -2597349931429319135\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $511138 25 buy call 2022-07-01 411.76 416.0 $732 6715441057865717239\n",
+ "2022-06-07 $510220 26 buy call 2022-07-05 411.76 413.0 $918 2404006100498788203\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $509551 27 buy call 2022-06-22 415.69 416.0 $668 3256900770952471837\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $508772 28 buy call 2022-06-22 415.69 414.0 $778 6537694509951153303\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $508385 29 buy call 2022-06-22 415.69 422.0 $387 -3402994289074869956\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $507196 30 buy call 2022-06-22 415.69 408.0 $1188 4162180970923408514\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $506415 31 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 415.0 $780 7215029584052385923\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $505769 32 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 417.5 $646 -5222805110277133855\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $505241 33 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 420.0 $527 -5076769439239681001\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $504798 34 buy call 2022-06-24 415.69 422.0 $442 -578001473821379301\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $503984 35 buy call 2022-06-27 415.69 415.0 $814 -993787883381239990\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $502863 36 buy call 2022-06-27 415.69 410.0 $1120 4078135927032660791\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $501673 37 buy call 2022-06-27 415.69 409.0 $1189 5788862420069420410\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $501028 38 buy call 2022-06-30 415.69 420.0 $645 2738558699944851310\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $500511 39 buy call 2022-06-30 415.69 423.0 $516 96801860086799447\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $499582 40 buy call 2022-07-01 415.69 415.0 $928 -7023277865358362123\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $498814 41 buy call 2022-07-01 415.69 418.0 $768 -132980019851521004\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $497647 42 buy call 2022-07-06 415.69 412.0 $1166 -4518307497803526193\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $496921 43 buy call 2022-07-06 415.69 420.0 $725 3781780133106992289\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $496286 44 buy call 2022-07-06 415.69 422.0 $635 3001980521618663116\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $495605 45 buy call 2022-07-08 415.69 422.0 $680 -4067998215464801416\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $494504 46 buy call 2022-07-15 415.69 416.0 $1100 -8301322756491621940\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $493348 47 buy call 2022-07-15 415.69 415.0 $1156 3263137967564593589\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $492133 48 buy call 2022-07-15 415.69 414.0 $1214 1159823390371729223\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $490859 49 buy call 2022-07-15 415.69 413.0 $1273 7460860359906263535\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $489867 50 buy call 2022-07-15 415.69 418.0 $992 -2757053494698493255\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $488532 51 buy call 2022-07-15 415.69 412.0 $1334 5767630171784582366\n",
+ "2022-06-08 $487641 52 buy call 2022-07-15 415.69 420.0 $890 1047799724022944780\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $486999 53 buy call 2022-06-24 411.28 412.5 $642 7792349851493427984\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $486564 54 buy call 2022-06-24 411.28 417.0 $434 2778593060438048759\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $486206 55 buy call 2022-06-24 411.28 419.0 $358 -6872381668528252092\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $485211 56 buy call 2022-07-01 411.28 409.0 $994 1674123168661000561\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $484094 57 buy call 2022-07-01 411.28 407.0 $1116 6513143983089572334\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $483337 58 buy call 2022-07-05 411.28 414.0 $757 2725564016873923524\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $482630 59 buy call 2022-07-05 411.28 415.0 $706 -671839960166036757\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $481514 60 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 411.0 $1115 -1436836376929658570\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $480342 61 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 410.0 $1172 -1000016114791076975\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $479051 62 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 408.0 $1290 -9123305037351349258\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $477571 63 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 405.0 $1479 5211064854256545228\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $476864 64 buy call 2022-07-15 411.28 419.0 $707 -3977841520370044316\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $475505 65 buy call 2022-08-19 411.28 416.0 $1358 1310558574327568519\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $473665 66 buy call 2022-09-16 411.28 413.0 $1839 -7023178433566454701\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $471884 67 buy call 2022-09-16 411.28 414.0 $1781 -4516066509231183955\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $470159 68 buy call 2022-09-16 411.28 415.0 $1724 2567979519521404445\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $467461 69 buy call 2022-12-16 411.28 413.0 $2697 -461646648621523449\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $464821 70 buy call 2022-12-16 411.28 414.0 $2640 -6213692126725172565\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $458056 71 buy call 2024-12-20 411.28 410.0 $6764 6766501930830390976\n",
+ "2022-06-09 $451565 72 buy call 2024-12-20 411.28 415.0 $6490 -4148855081028769647\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $451838 71 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 411.0 $273 1968669300356879229\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $452081 70 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 412.0 $244 -4240509435018914446\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $452273 69 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 414.0 $193 -4292062342302439342\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $452444 68 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 415.0 $171 7400666469330888035\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $452594 67 sell call 2022-06-21 401.48 416.0 $151 -7022916398656919063\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $452997 66 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 408.0 $404 4162180970923408514\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $453266 65 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 412.0 $269 3149200762654284149\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $453479 64 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 414.0 $214 6537694509951153303\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $453670 63 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 415.0 $192 -1088431576918206415\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $453839 62 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 416.0 $169 3256900770952471837\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $453916 61 sell call 2022-06-22 401.48 422.0 $78 -3402994289074869956\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $454372 60 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 408.0 $457 2458347228091795265\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $454753 59 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 410.0 $381 -6626575379915467915\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $455099 58 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 411.0 $347 4172451067621663190\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $455413 57 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 412.0 $315 -2811400713508572467\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $455713 56 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 412.5 $300 7792349851493427984\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $455997 55 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 413.0 $285 4133373284759021886\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $456253 54 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 414.0 $257 -8769559560592487056\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $456484 53 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 415.0 $231 7215029584052385923\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $456691 52 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 416.0 $208 5859565176866704136\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $456876 51 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 417.0 $186 2778593060438048759\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $457052 50 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 417.5 $176 -5222805110277133855\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $457217 49 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 418.0 $166 -3279612540660785276\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $457364 48 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 419.0 $148 -6872381668528252092\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $457495 47 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 420.0 $131 -5076769439239681001\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $457597 46 sell call 2022-06-24 401.48 422.0 $103 -578001473821379301\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $458046 45 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 409.0 $450 5788862420069420410\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $458460 44 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 410.0 $414 4078135927032660791\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $458774 43 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 413.0 $315 2310980037051232581\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $459032 42 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 415.0 $259 -993787883381239990\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $459243 41 sell call 2022-06-27 401.48 417.0 $211 2526577667662620056\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $459860 40 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 407.0 $618 5723321785154210654\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $460355 39 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 410.0 $495 -1439456304169699269\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $460811 38 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 411.0 $457 8561833376239432363\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $461232 37 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 412.0 $422 -2240739043066468587\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $461620 36 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 413.0 $388 2044154646491338548\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $461946 35 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 415.0 $327 3203142192960870538\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $462150 34 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 420.0 $205 2738558699944851310\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $462300 33 sell call 2022-06-30 401.48 423.0 $150 96801860086799447\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $462941 32 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 407.0 $642 6513143983089572334\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $463497 31 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 409.0 $557 1674123168661000561\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $463873 30 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 414.0 $376 -2597349931429319135\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $464217 29 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 415.0 $345 -7023277865358362123\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $464532 28 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 416.0 $316 6715441057865717239\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $464796 27 sell call 2022-07-01 401.48 418.0 $264 -132980019851521004\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $465233 26 sell call 2022-07-05 401.48 413.0 $438 2404006100498788203\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $465636 25 sell call 2022-07-05 401.48 414.0 $404 2725564016873923524\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $466008 24 sell call 2022-07-05 401.48 415.0 $372 -671839960166036757\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $466487 23 sell call 2022-07-06 401.48 412.0 $480 -4518307497803526193\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $466741 22 sell call 2022-07-06 401.48 420.0 $255 3781780133106992289\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $466952 21 sell call 2022-07-06 401.48 422.0 $211 3001980521618663116\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $467191 20 sell call 2022-07-08 401.48 422.0 $240 -4067998215464801416\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $468157 19 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 405.0 $967 5211064854256545228\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $468978 18 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 408.0 $821 -9123305037351349258\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $469708 17 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 410.0 $731 -1000016114791076975\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $470395 16 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 411.0 $688 -1436836376929658570\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $471042 15 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 412.0 $647 5767630171784582366\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $471647 14 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 413.0 $606 7460860359906263535\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $472214 13 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 414.0 $568 1159823390371729223\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $472745 12 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 415.0 $531 3263137967564593589\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $473240 11 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 416.0 $496 -8301322756491621940\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $473669 10 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 418.0 $430 -2757053494698493255\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $474069 9 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 419.0 $400 -3977841520370044316\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $474439 8 sell call 2022-07-15 401.48 420.0 $371 1047799724022944780\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $475382 7 sell call 2022-08-19 401.48 416.0 $944 1310558574327568519\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $476749 6 sell call 2022-09-16 401.48 413.0 $1367 -7023178433566454701\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $478068 5 sell call 2022-09-16 401.48 414.0 $1320 -4516066509231183955\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $479338 4 sell call 2022-09-16 401.48 415.0 $1271 2567979519521404445\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $481443 3 sell call 2022-12-16 401.48 413.0 $2105 -461646648621523449\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $483496 2 sell call 2022-12-16 401.48 414.0 $2054 -6213692126725172565\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $489195 1 sell call 2024-12-20 401.48 410.0 $5700 6766501930830390976\n",
+ "2022-06-10 $494645 0 sell call 2024-12-20 401.48 415.0 $5450 -4148855081028769647\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $493555 1 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 375.0 $1089 -7290216869096678253\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $492416 2 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 376.0 $1138 777821853487243160\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $491467 3 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 372.0 $949 -5993150617474183633\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $490118 4 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 380.0 $1348 -6464126921149745448\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $489254 5 buy put 2022-06-29 375.01 370.0 $863 -5162245520861664246\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $488134 6 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 375.0 $1120 -3092507635937436037\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $487060 7 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 374.0 $1073 -1874222853794579\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $485890 8 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 376.0 $1169 6615515329339230804\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $484909 9 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 372.0 $981 -2349031022641407306\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $483637 10 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 378.0 $1271 3538194178593466074\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $482740 11 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 370.0 $897 -2602555230318141574\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $481359 12 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 380.0 $1380 9140482817830021578\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $480541 13 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 368.0 $817 4260611315092236901\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $479045 14 buy put 2022-06-30 375.01 382.0 $1496 5919747843926689798\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $477895 15 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 375.0 $1149 5195014966318348210\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $476835 16 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 373.0 $1059 -6547849335204585296\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $475533 17 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 378.0 $1302 -6261306559722777363\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $474180 18 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 379.0 $1352 412469656518645952\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $472774 19 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 380.0 $1405 -3631497613265005070\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $471847 20 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 370.0 $927 840363504770035311\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $470380 21 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 381.0 $1466 -3667073185400478175\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $469529 22 buy put 2022-07-01 375.01 368.0 $850 5509679603612537881\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $468332 23 buy put 2022-07-05 375.01 375.0 $1197 -5724649435061014176\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $466984 24 buy put 2022-07-05 375.01 378.0 $1347 7726995582757850162\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $466005 25 buy put 2022-07-05 375.01 370.0 $978 2469382052855840405\n",
+ "2022-06-14 $464553 26 buy put 2022-07-05 375.01 380.0 $1452 5329587763022485929\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $465603 25 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 375.0 $1051 -7290216869096678253\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $466506 24 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 372.0 $904 -5993150617474183633\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $467612 23 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 376.0 $1106 777821853487243160\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $468425 22 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 370.0 $814 -5162245520861664246\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $469751 21 sell put 2022-06-29 373.83 380.0 $1327 -6464126921149745448\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $470785 20 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 374.0 $1034 -1874222853794579\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $471869 19 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 375.0 $1085 -3092507635937436037\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $472804 18 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 372.0 $936 -2349031022641407306\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $473938 17 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 376.0 $1134 6615515329339230804\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $474781 16 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 370.0 $844 -2602555230318141574\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $476026 15 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 378.0 $1246 3538194178593466074\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $476790 14 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 368.0 $764 4260611315092236901\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $478139 13 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 380.0 $1350 9140482817830021578\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $479623 12 sell put 2022-06-30 373.83 382.0 $1485 5919747843926689798\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $480643 11 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 373.0 $1020 -6547849335204585296\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $481760 10 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 375.0 $1118 5195014966318348210\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $482639 9 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 370.0 $880 840363504770035311\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $483921 8 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 378.0 $1282 -6261306559722777363\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $485256 7 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 379.0 $1336 412469656518645952\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $486052 6 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 368.0 $797 5509679603612537881\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $487450 5 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 380.0 $1398 -3631497613265005070\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $488901 4 sell put 2022-07-01 373.83 381.0 $1452 -3667073185400478175\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $490057 3 sell put 2022-07-05 373.83 375.0 $1157 -5724649435061014176\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $490980 2 sell put 2022-07-05 373.83 370.0 $923 2469382052855840405\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $492297 1 sell put 2022-07-05 373.83 378.0 $1318 7726995582757850162\n",
+ "2022-06-15 $493729 0 sell put 2022-07-05 373.83 380.0 $1433 5329587763022485929\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $492725 1 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 380.0 $1004 9140482817830021578\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $491822 2 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 378.0 $902 3538194178593466074\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $491009 3 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 376.0 $812 6615515329339230804\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $490243 4 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 375.0 $766 -3092507635937436037\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $488956 5 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 385.0 $1286 9201687278018134986\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $488310 6 buy put 2022-06-30 379.15 372.0 $645 -2349031022641407306\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $487331 7 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 379.0 $979 412469656518645952\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $486299 8 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 380.0 $1031 -3631497613265005070\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $485368 9 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 378.0 $931 -6261306559722777363\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $484484 10 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 377.0 $883 -2462547785522308454\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $483293 11 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 383.0 $1190 -8961879615368425087\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $482497 12 buy put 2022-07-01 379.15 375.0 $796 5195014966318348210\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $481660 13 buy put 2022-07-05 379.15 375.0 $836 -5724649435061014176\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $480562 14 buy put 2022-07-06 379.15 380.0 $1097 5724919909775443496\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $479597 15 buy put 2022-07-08 379.15 376.0 $965 -7616103890321735302\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $478360 16 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 379.0 $1236 -4507208192212073453\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $477077 17 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 380.0 $1282 -4523182617227640625\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $475889 18 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 378.0 $1188 3866054401794956180\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $474558 19 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 381.0 $1330 2973795081165868393\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $473413 20 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 377.0 $1144 694170090494562439\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $472033 21 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 382.0 $1380 -5924589486737114487\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $470931 22 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 376.0 $1101 7978076870599546544\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $469498 23 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 383.0 $1432 -9099142410967333089\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $468440 24 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 375.0 $1058 6775135247911435216\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $467420 25 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 374.0 $1019 -2830517488070414224\n",
+ "2022-06-16 $465878 26 buy put 2022-07-15 379.15 385.0 $1541 -7052970173693427562\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $464861 27 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 367.0 $1017 7479045518383954962\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $463891 28 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 366.0 $969 6233462555044644010\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $462822 29 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 368.0 $1068 5509679603612537881\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $461899 30 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 365.0 $923 5116430833579454632\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $460724 31 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 370.0 $1174 840363504770035311\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $459928 32 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 362.0 $795 8426170979917853923\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $459209 33 buy put 2022-07-01 366.89 360.0 $719 -8435189225375093949\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $458193 34 buy put 2022-07-05 366.89 366.0 $1015 -930018611761097199\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $457223 35 buy put 2022-07-05 366.89 365.0 $969 2063318982810664050\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $456005 36 buy put 2022-07-05 366.89 370.0 $1218 2469382052855840405\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $455238 37 buy put 2022-07-05 366.89 360.0 $766 -1397090203448353537\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $454177 38 buy put 2022-07-08 366.89 365.0 $1060 4264516368310727382\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $452873 39 buy put 2022-07-08 366.89 370.0 $1304 2962301135172246172\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $451856 40 buy put 2022-07-08 366.89 364.0 $1016 -2344910621171889916\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $450998 41 buy put 2022-07-08 366.89 360.0 $857 7653064629361607628\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $449748 42 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 366.0 $1250 8770868333562828564\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $448407 43 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 368.0 $1340 1216917573249524954\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $447204 44 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 365.0 $1202 -866266559070566520\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $445766 45 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 370.0 $1438 -5273004110898074514\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $444606 46 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 364.0 $1159 2168339857249194626\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $443528 47 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 362.0 $1077 6304740681141164101\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $441986 48 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 372.0 $1542 3939546494574926055\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $440984 49 buy put 2022-07-15 366.89 360.0 $1001 8035130896215872348\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $439507 50 buy put 2022-07-18 366.89 370.0 $1476 2845505449721751216\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $438227 51 buy put 2022-07-20 366.89 365.0 $1280 9185592999460502354\n",
+ "2022-06-17 $436907 52 buy put 2022-07-22 366.89 365.0 $1319 7298953099094205780\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $437963 51 sell put 2022-06-30 365.86 372.0 $1057 -2349031022641407306\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $439204 50 sell put 2022-06-30 365.86 375.0 $1241 -3092507635937436037\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $440511 49 sell put 2022-06-30 365.86 376.0 $1308 6615515329339230804\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $441959 48 sell put 2022-06-30 365.86 378.0 $1449 3538194178593466074\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $443563 47 sell put 2022-06-30 365.86 380.0 $1604 9140482817830021578\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $445559 46 sell put 2022-06-30 365.86 385.0 $1997 9201687278018134986\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $446350 45 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 366.0 $791 6233462555044644010\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $447094 44 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 365.0 $745 5116430833579454632\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $447931 43 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 367.0 $838 7479045518383954962\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $448819 42 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 368.0 $888 5509679603612537881\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $449440 41 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 362.0 $622 8426170979917853923\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $450432 40 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 370.0 $993 840363504770035311\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $450983 39 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 360.0 $551 -8435189225375093949\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $452253 38 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 375.0 $1271 5195014966318348210\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $453656 37 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 377.0 $1404 -2462547785522308454\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $455131 36 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 378.0 $1475 -6261306559722777363\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $456675 35 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 379.0 $1545 412469656518645952\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $458293 34 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 380.0 $1619 -3631497613265005070\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $460140 33 sell put 2022-07-01 365.86 383.0 $1847 -8961879615368425087\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $460979 32 sell put 2022-07-05 365.86 366.0 $840 -930018611761097199\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $461774 31 sell put 2022-07-05 365.86 365.0 $796 2063318982810664050\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $462800 30 sell put 2022-07-05 365.86 370.0 $1026 2469382052855840405\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $463400 29 sell put 2022-07-05 365.86 360.0 $601 -1397090203448353537\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $464715 28 sell put 2022-07-05 365.86 375.0 $1316 -5724649435061014176\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $466393 27 sell put 2022-07-06 365.86 380.0 $1678 5724919909775443496\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $467291 26 sell put 2022-07-08 365.86 365.0 $899 4264516368310727382\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $468148 25 sell put 2022-07-08 365.86 364.0 $858 -2344910621171889916\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $469271 24 sell put 2022-07-08 365.86 370.0 $1123 2962301135172246172\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $469975 23 sell put 2022-07-08 365.86 360.0 $705 7653064629361607628\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $471435 22 sell put 2022-07-08 365.86 376.0 $1461 -7616103890321735302\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $472535 21 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 366.0 $1100 8770868333562828564\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $473591 20 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 365.0 $1057 -866266559070566520\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $474606 19 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 364.0 $1016 2168339857249194626\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $475798 18 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 368.0 $1192 1216917573249524954\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $477087 17 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 370.0 $1290 -5273004110898074514\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $478022 16 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 362.0 $936 6304740681141164101\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $478884 15 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 360.0 $862 8035130896215872348\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $480261 14 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 372.0 $1378 3939546494574926055\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $481743 13 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 374.0 $1483 -2830517488070414224\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $483282 12 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 375.0 $1539 6775135247911435216\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $484879 11 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 376.0 $1598 7978076870599546544\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $486535 10 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 377.0 $1657 694170090494562439\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $488254 9 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 378.0 $1719 3866054401794956180\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $490049 8 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 379.0 $1796 -4507208192212073453\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $491915 7 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 380.0 $1867 -4523182617227640625\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $493825 6 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 381.0 $1910 2973795081165868393\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $495804 5 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 382.0 $1980 -5924589486737114487\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $497853 4 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 383.0 $2050 -9099142410967333089\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $500046 3 sell put 2022-07-15 365.86 385.0 $2193 -7052970173693427562\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $501356 2 sell put 2022-07-18 365.86 370.0 $1311 2845505449721751216\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $502479 1 sell put 2022-07-20 365.86 365.0 $1124 9185592999460502354\n",
+ "2022-06-21 $503649 0 sell put 2022-07-22 365.86 365.0 $1170 7298953099094205780\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $502901 1 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 389.0 $747 -7075675214266083733\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $502095 2 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 388.0 $805 3434936745514490411\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $501404 3 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 390.0 $691 2481411215427757874\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $500764 4 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 391.0 $639 4367632474937743055\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $499901 5 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 387.0 $863 7090408635226055381\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $498976 6 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 386.0 $924 9112842168704450668\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $497977 7 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 385.0 $998 -1484173924609671166\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $497437 8 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 393.0 $540 4374698797836779609\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $496942 9 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 394.0 $494 -6389646530375251385\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $496489 10 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 395.0 $452 3574146294855626847\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $496080 11 buy call 2022-07-22 388.97 396.0 $409 5565770540389106580\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $495040 12 buy call 2022-07-25 388.97 385.0 $1039 2791067741713693077\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $494592 13 buy call 2022-07-25 388.97 396.0 $447 2056052261313177364\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $493536 14 buy call 2022-07-27 388.97 386.0 $1056 -8977853755068022567\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $492590 15 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 389.0 $945 2577886937691748789\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $491586 16 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 388.0 $1003 947247313850045319\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $490697 17 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 390.0 $889 -7375870583996201759\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $489634 18 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 387.0 $1062 -2865630263769943619\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $488509 19 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 386.0 $1124 4546301007887506986\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $487321 20 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 385.0 $1188 -5006392303685928691\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $486684 21 buy call 2022-07-29 388.97 395.0 $636 -5087943497816671529\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $485200 22 buy call 2022-08-03 388.97 382.0 $1483 8972089011321858815\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $484115 23 buy call 2022-08-05 388.97 389.0 $1085 8069409979682651339\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $483086 24 buy call 2022-08-05 388.97 390.0 $1028 -8816117016599436743\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $481979 25 buy call 2022-08-10 388.97 390.0 $1106 -1965819860549387154\n",
+ "2022-07-08 $480659 26 buy call 2022-08-19 388.97 389.0 $1320 7820375749059004675\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $480008 27 buy call 2022-07-25 388.69 390.0 $650 -5113604246811750572\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $479262 28 buy call 2022-07-27 388.69 390.0 $745 3669567961383085140\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $478005 29 buy call 2022-07-29 388.69 383.0 $1257 -5529715247863760038\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $476679 30 buy call 2022-07-29 388.69 382.0 $1325 549439577697344255\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $475781 31 buy call 2022-08-03 388.69 390.0 $897 39739611480684698\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $474531 32 buy call 2022-08-05 388.69 385.0 $1250 6466681044168149690\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $473809 33 buy call 2022-08-05 388.69 394.0 $721 5239778128644550177\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $473134 34 buy call 2022-08-05 388.69 395.0 $674 -3419218267185159900\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $471952 35 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 390.0 $1182 -2934236898599324060\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $470589 36 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 387.0 $1362 8098037572867153413\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $469462 37 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 391.0 $1126 6217819010750023906\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $467976 38 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 385.0 $1486 5143168445410336601\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $466973 39 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 393.0 $1002 -5142596509786017770\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $466059 40 buy call 2022-08-19 388.69 395.0 $913 -226632924273867070\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $464382 41 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 388.0 $1677 -6197267411013760105\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $462823 42 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 390.0 $1558 -5065035873396070166\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $461085 43 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 387.0 $1737 856272666224646832\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $459268 44 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 386.0 $1817 7367517780477768530\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $457826 45 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 392.0 $1441 -2679474449219203007\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $456495 46 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 394.0 $1330 7060451947665954883\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $455219 47 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 395.0 $1276 -5375565846160889623\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $453995 48 buy call 2022-09-16 388.69 396.0 $1223 7511023543207073631\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $452178 49 buy call 2022-10-21 388.69 392.0 $1816 562008254590845903\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $449629 50 buy call 2022-11-18 388.69 385.0 $2549 -20541499132682833\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $447103 51 buy call 2022-12-16 388.69 390.0 $2525 -7351756224620749968\n",
+ "2022-07-09 $444416 52 buy call 2022-12-16 388.69 387.0 $2686 7637874672733944621\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $443663 53 buy call 2022-07-27 384.33 385.0 $753 -5543840976606813230\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $442965 54 buy call 2022-07-29 384.33 387.5 $697 7982622273263457890\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $441840 55 buy call 2022-07-29 384.33 380.0 $1125 1601742242050945262\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $441307 56 buy call 2022-07-29 384.33 391.0 $532 -1141264973006883761\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $440497 57 buy call 2022-08-01 384.33 386.0 $809 -7614062990487505101\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $439887 58 buy call 2022-08-01 384.33 390.0 $610 1144300646582920114\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $438746 59 buy call 2022-08-05 384.33 382.0 $1140 4019490455703532566\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $437891 60 buy call 2022-08-05 384.33 387.0 $854 -752948774579115870\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $437088 61 buy call 2022-08-05 384.33 388.0 $803 7503351385728917691\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $435996 62 buy call 2022-08-12 384.33 385.0 $1091 -771914386911767858\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $434960 63 buy call 2022-08-12 384.33 386.0 $1035 -6508279395459911519\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $433695 64 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 384.0 $1265 4330650803842648097\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $432369 65 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 383.0 $1325 6038762729931665441\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $431219 66 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 386.0 $1149 -6064734118638189874\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $430180 67 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 388.0 $1039 -6280306205545759630\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $428667 68 buy call 2022-08-19 384.33 380.0 $1512 689970453915945070\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $427327 69 buy call 2022-08-26 384.33 385.0 $1339 4756785795823450022\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $426104 70 buy call 2022-08-26 384.33 387.0 $1223 -139963344142044651\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $424908 71 buy call 2022-08-26 384.33 387.5 $1195 -8309332882179505232\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $423259 72 buy call 2022-09-16 384.33 384.0 $1648 -7524030421809688162\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $421672 73 buy call 2022-09-16 384.33 385.0 $1587 9136420273019882316\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $419959 74 buy call 2022-09-16 384.33 383.0 $1712 7779410655276595498\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $418178 75 buy call 2022-09-16 384.33 382.0 $1780 2711997063998466975\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $416347 76 buy call 2022-09-16 384.33 381.0 $1831 3880369348625288305\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $414453 77 buy call 2022-09-16 384.33 380.0 $1893 6425406936959462162\n",
+ "2022-07-12 $413094 78 buy call 2022-09-16 384.33 389.0 $1358 -6221167455708986556\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $413533 77 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 385.0 $439 -1484173924609671166\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $413928 76 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 386.0 $396 9112842168704450668\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $414283 75 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 387.0 $356 7090408635226055381\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $414601 74 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 388.0 $318 3434936745514490411\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $414883 73 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 389.0 $283 -7075675214266083733\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $415132 72 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 390.0 $250 2481411215427757874\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $415352 71 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 391.0 $220 4367632474937743055\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $415518 70 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 393.0 $167 4374698797836779609\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $415662 69 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 394.0 $145 -6389646530375251385\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $415787 68 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 395.0 $125 3574146294855626847\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $415893 67 sell call 2022-07-22 380.87 396.0 $107 5565770540389106580\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $416374 66 sell call 2022-07-25 380.87 385.0 $482 2791067741713693077\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $416659 65 sell call 2022-07-25 380.87 390.0 $285 -5113604246811750572\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $416789 64 sell call 2022-07-25 380.87 396.0 $131 2056052261313177364\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $417372 63 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 385.0 $584 -5543840976606813230\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $417910 62 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 386.0 $538 -8977853755068022567\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $418283 61 sell call 2022-07-27 380.87 390.0 $374 3669567961383085140\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $419204 60 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 380.0 $922 1601742242050945262\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $420016 59 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 382.0 $812 549439577697344255\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $420773 58 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 383.0 $758 -5529715247863760038\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $421440 57 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 385.0 $668 -5006392303685928691\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $422050 56 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 386.0 $610 4546301007887506986\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $422612 55 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 387.0 $563 -2865630263769943619\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $423153 54 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 387.5 $542 7982622273263457890\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $423673 53 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 388.0 $520 947247313850045319\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $424159 52 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 389.0 $487 2577886937691748789\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $424597 51 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 390.0 $438 -7375870583996201759\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $424997 50 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 391.0 $401 -1141264973006883761\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $425267 49 sell call 2022-07-29 380.87 395.0 $271 -5087943497816671529\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $425912 48 sell call 2022-08-01 380.87 386.0 $645 -7614062990487505101\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $426381 47 sell call 2022-08-01 380.87 390.0 $470 1144300646582920114\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $427278 46 sell call 2022-08-03 380.87 382.0 $898 8972089011321858815\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $427788 45 sell call 2022-08-03 380.87 390.0 $510 39739611480684698\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $428735 44 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 382.0 $948 4019490455703532566\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $429522 43 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 385.0 $788 6466681044168149690\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $430212 42 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 387.0 $690 -752948774579115870\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $430853 41 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 388.0 $642 7503351385728917691\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $431448 40 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 389.0 $596 8069409979682651339\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $432002 39 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 390.0 $554 -8816117016599436743\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $432401 38 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 394.0 $400 5239778128644550177\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $432766 37 sell call 2022-08-05 380.87 395.0 $366 -3419218267185159900\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $433390 36 sell call 2022-08-10 380.87 390.0 $624 -1965819860549387154\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $434298 35 sell call 2022-08-12 380.87 385.0 $909 -771914386911767858\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $435155 34 sell call 2022-08-12 380.87 386.0 $858 -6508279395459911519\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $436457 33 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 380.0 $1302 689970453915945070\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $437586 32 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 383.0 $1130 6038762729931665441\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $438658 31 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 384.0 $1073 4330650803842648097\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $439678 30 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 385.0 $1020 5143168445410336601\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $440643 29 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 386.0 $966 -6064734118638189874\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $441558 28 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 387.0 $916 8098037572867153413\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $442424 27 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 388.0 $866 -6280306205545759630\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $443240 26 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 389.0 $817 7820375749059004675\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $444009 25 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 390.0 $770 -2934236898599324060\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $444734 24 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 391.0 $725 6217819010750023906\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $445371 23 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 393.0 $638 -5142596509786017770\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $445928 22 sell call 2022-08-19 380.87 395.0 $558 -226632924273867070\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $447074 21 sell call 2022-08-26 380.87 385.0 $1146 4756785795823450022\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $448112 20 sell call 2022-08-26 380.87 387.0 $1039 -139963344142044651\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $449125 19 sell call 2022-08-26 380.87 387.5 $1014 -8309332882179505232\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $450741 18 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 381.0 $1616 3880369348625288305\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $452416 17 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 380.0 $1676 6425406936959462162\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $453973 16 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 382.0 $1558 2711997063998466975\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $455470 15 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 383.0 $1497 7779410655276595498\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $456919 14 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 384.0 $1450 -7524030421809688162\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $458303 13 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 385.0 $1385 9136420273019882316\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $459633 12 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 386.0 $1330 7367517780477768530\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $460909 11 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 387.0 $1277 856272666224646832\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $462130 10 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 388.0 $1222 -6197267411013760105\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $463300 9 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 389.0 $1170 -6221167455708986556\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $464419 8 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 390.0 $1120 -5065035873396070166\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $465441 7 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 392.0 $1023 -2679474449219203007\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $466369 6 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 394.0 $928 7060451947665954883\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $467257 5 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 395.0 $889 -5375565846160889623\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $468104 4 sell call 2022-09-16 380.87 396.0 $848 7511023543207073631\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $469492 3 sell call 2022-10-21 380.87 392.0 $1388 562008254590845903\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $471560 2 sell call 2022-11-18 380.87 385.0 $2069 -20541499132682833\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $473770 1 sell call 2022-12-16 380.87 387.0 $2210 7637874672733944621\n",
+ "2022-07-13 $475814 0 sell call 2022-12-16 380.87 390.0 $2045 -7351756224620749968\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $475011 1 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 378.0 $802 7006910715247548576\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $474260 2 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 379.0 $751 -3770256771439370365\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $473399 3 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 377.0 $860 2392354876425250716\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $472702 4 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 380.0 $696 1601742242050945262\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $471782 5 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 376.0 $920 1421608434380569222\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $471135 6 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 381.0 $646 -6307724445887959118\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $470154 7 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 375.0 $980 -9146339967724277126\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $469117 8 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 374.0 $1037 -1552253547033438825\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $468520 9 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 382.0 $596 549439577697344255\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $467947 10 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 382.5 $572 2516589909721770649\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $467399 11 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 383.0 $548 -5529715247863760038\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $466292 12 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 373.0 $1106 -967135453602401184\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $465788 13 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 384.0 $503 -3142478092502605333\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $464618 14 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 372.0 $1170 -8771416811450362462\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $463381 15 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 371.0 $1236 -5554170813897859557\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $462918 16 buy call 2022-07-29 377.96 385.0 $462 -5006392303685928691\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $462079 17 buy call 2022-08-01 377.96 378.0 $839 -7181549291192110931\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $461182 18 buy call 2022-08-01 377.96 377.0 $896 -7022053280765430305\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $460226 19 buy call 2022-08-01 377.96 376.0 $955 -2584484940968855198\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $459212 20 buy call 2022-08-01 377.96 375.0 $1014 920953129257796166\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $458134 21 buy call 2022-08-01 377.96 374.0 $1077 -6330171077062952031\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $457504 22 buy call 2022-08-01 377.96 382.0 $629 613413797171045455\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $456969 23 buy call 2022-08-01 377.96 384.0 $535 7408500516751459620\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $456477 24 buy call 2022-08-01 377.96 385.0 $491 -5713569507075067161\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $455587 25 buy call 2022-08-03 377.96 378.0 $889 7154391536043885484\n",
+ "2022-07-15 $454884 26 buy call 2022-08-05 377.96 382.5 $703 5849610837942297413\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $455592 25 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 385.0 $709 -5006392303685928691\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $456351 24 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 384.0 $760 -3142478092502605333\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $457168 23 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 383.0 $817 -5529715247863760038\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $458015 22 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 382.5 $848 2516589909721770649\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $458902 21 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 382.0 $888 549439577697344255\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $459844 20 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 381.0 $942 -6307724445887959118\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $460861 19 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 380.0 $1018 1601742242050945262\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $461934 18 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 379.0 $1074 -3770256771439370365\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $463068 17 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 378.0 $1134 7006910715247548576\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $464291 16 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 377.0 $1224 2392354876425250716\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $465574 15 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 376.0 $1284 1421608434380569222\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $466931 14 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 375.0 $1357 -9146339967724277126\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $468362 13 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 374.0 $1432 -1552253547033438825\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $469870 12 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 373.0 $1509 -967135453602401184\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $471445 11 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 372.0 $1575 -8771416811450362462\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $473098 10 sell call 2022-07-29 385.09 371.0 $1654 -5554170813897859557\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $473837 9 sell call 2022-08-01 385.09 385.0 $740 -5713569507075067161\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $474636 8 sell call 2022-08-01 385.09 384.0 $799 7408500516751459620\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $475554 7 sell call 2022-08-01 385.09 382.0 $919 613413797171045455\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $476735 6 sell call 2022-08-01 385.09 378.0 $1182 -7181549291192110931\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $477987 5 sell call 2022-08-01 385.09 377.0 $1252 -7022053280765430305\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $479310 4 sell call 2022-08-01 385.09 376.0 $1324 -2584484940968855198\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $480706 3 sell call 2022-08-01 385.09 375.0 $1396 920953129257796166\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $482176 2 sell call 2022-08-01 385.09 374.0 $1471 -6330171077062952031\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $483407 1 sell call 2022-08-03 385.09 378.0 $1232 7154391536043885484\n",
+ "2022-07-16 $484402 0 sell call 2022-08-05 385.09 382.5 $995 5849610837942297413\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $483730 1 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 384.0 $671 8480749356971326087\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $483112 2 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 385.0 $617 -5378874240318166440\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $482545 3 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 386.0 $567 7491806592720504254\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $482070 4 buy call 2022-08-03 381.99 388.0 $474 4883875508341286231\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $481341 5 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 384.0 $728 8503532879470231843\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $480382 6 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 380.0 $959 -8425207053248146671\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $479708 7 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 385.0 $673 6466681044168149690\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $478622 8 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 378.0 $1085 -4879523714077539887\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $478097 9 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 388.0 $525 7503351385728917691\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $477614 10 buy call 2022-08-05 381.99 389.0 $482 8069409979682651339\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $477057 11 buy call 2022-08-08 381.99 388.0 $556 1700519777258932417\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $476132 12 buy call 2022-08-12 381.99 383.0 $925 -6377474309552533572\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $475318 13 buy call 2022-08-12 381.99 385.0 $813 -771914386911767858\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $474657 14 buy call 2022-08-12 381.99 388.0 $660 -6679321745430318330\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $474046 15 buy call 2022-08-12 381.99 389.0 $611 8814920262593809718\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $473205 16 buy call 2022-08-15 381.99 385.0 $840 7452349422397212312\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $472099 17 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 382.0 $1105 -1798869331466119288\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $471052 18 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 383.0 $1047 6038762729931665441\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $469886 19 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 381.0 $1165 -2281664048674872803\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $468658 20 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 380.0 $1227 689970453915945070\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $467667 21 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 384.0 $991 4330650803842648097\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $466376 22 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 379.0 $1290 -7888496032306136221\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $465443 23 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 385.0 $932 5143168445410336601\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $464092 24 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 378.0 $1351 1414695036628016246\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $463214 25 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 386.0 $877 -6064734118638189874\n",
+ "2022-07-19 $461797 26 buy call 2022-08-19 381.99 377.0 $1416 -7257737582386875797\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $461010 27 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 392.0 $787 -3415926125554692280\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $460099 28 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 390.0 $910 39739611480684698\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $459476 29 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 395.0 $622 -6629435953931936928\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $458904 30 buy call 2022-08-03 392.28 396.0 $572 -5448060303707512384\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $458059 31 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 392.0 $844 -4809752926501288609\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $457271 32 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 393.0 $787 -2949865031796594599\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $456542 33 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 394.0 $729 5239778128644550177\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $455573 34 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 390.0 $968 -8816117016599436743\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $454897 35 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 395.0 $675 -3419218267185159900\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $454273 36 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 396.0 $624 4818750188753049674\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $453698 37 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 397.0 $574 -1011574617753896477\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $453169 38 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 398.0 $528 5703538085598913703\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $451939 39 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 386.0 $1230 6049125951573764225\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $451456 40 buy call 2022-08-05 392.28 399.0 $482 -5168331674847030621\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $450581 41 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 392.0 $874 8540472992890660422\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $449583 42 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 390.0 $998 -8519760073409239646\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $449026 43 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 398.0 $556 5648984039880193008\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $447763 44 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 386.0 $1262 8913511853089320443\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $446433 45 buy call 2022-08-08 392.28 385.0 $1330 -8497831142969069695\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $445559 46 buy call 2022-08-10 392.28 393.0 $873 9005560413224911177\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $444797 47 buy call 2022-08-10 392.28 395.0 $762 5691074956958696478\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $444137 48 buy call 2022-08-10 392.28 397.0 $659 4900640998064297805\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $443091 49 buy call 2022-08-12 392.28 391.0 $1045 -2876209151548604826\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $442225 50 buy call 2022-08-12 392.28 394.0 $866 -367761991747148232\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $441411 51 buy call 2022-08-12 392.28 395.0 $813 7361877453492892353\n",
+ "2022-07-20 $440751 52 buy call 2022-08-12 392.28 398.0 $659 -4623760126911240362\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $439748 53 buy call 2022-08-05 394.76 391.0 $1003 -7512947525423232968\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $439244 54 buy call 2022-08-05 394.76 400.0 $503 -8818087485631567221\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $438453 55 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 395.0 $790 3367287648877639521\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $437606 56 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 394.0 $847 5519542000372952556\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $436870 57 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 396.0 $735 3531477996426009894\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $436335 58 buy call 2022-08-08 394.76 400.0 $534 1228675695854347221\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $435424 59 buy call 2022-08-10 394.76 394.0 $911 -3758388026029666856\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $434626 60 buy call 2022-08-10 394.76 396.0 $797 -6335316778868814296\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $433776 61 buy call 2022-08-12 394.76 396.0 $849 -4175527728637976929\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $433134 62 buy call 2022-08-12 394.76 400.0 $642 4913276398805790963\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $432200 63 buy call 2022-08-15 394.76 395.0 $933 -6745617944863603498\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $431321 64 buy call 2022-08-15 394.76 396.0 $878 -7908584275689802934\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $430652 65 buy call 2022-08-15 394.76 400.0 $669 3578050915765284606\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $430028 66 buy call 2022-08-15 394.76 401.0 $623 -5328993721237906668\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $428998 67 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 395.0 $1029 -226632924273867070\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $427910 68 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 394.0 $1088 -8506389945109171344\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $426937 69 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 396.0 $972 6683221607932115867\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $425788 70 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 393.0 $1148 -5142596509786017770\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $424872 71 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 397.0 $916 534927780655204556\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $423660 72 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 392.0 $1211 41697129485916057\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $422797 73 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 398.0 $862 4431090665486513582\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $421515 74 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 391.0 $1282 6217819010750023906\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $420704 75 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 399.0 $810 6339975482828727758\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $419364 76 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 390.0 $1339 -2934236898599324060\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $418603 77 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 400.0 $761 581212207586898624\n",
+ "2022-07-21 $417198 78 buy call 2022-08-19 394.76 389.0 $1404 7820375749059004675\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $417981 77 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 396.0 $784 -5448060303707512384\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $418826 76 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 395.0 $845 -6629435953931936928\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $419876 75 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 392.0 $1051 -3415926125554692280\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $421072 74 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 390.0 $1197 39739611480684698\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $422424 73 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 388.0 $1352 4883875508341286231\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $423937 72 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 386.0 $1514 7491806592720504254\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $425510 71 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 385.0 $1574 -5378874240318166440\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $427167 70 sell call 2022-08-03 398.82 384.0 $1657 8480749356971326087\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $427832 69 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 399.0 $666 -5168331674847030621\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $428553 68 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 398.0 $722 5703538085598913703\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $429164 67 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 400.0 $611 -8818087485631567221\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $429945 66 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 397.0 $782 -1011574617753896477\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $430787 65 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 396.0 $843 4818750188753049674\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $431694 64 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 395.0 $907 -3419218267185159900\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $432666 63 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 394.0 $973 5239778128644550177\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $433706 62 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 393.0 $1041 -2949865031796594599\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $434817 61 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 392.0 $1111 -4809752926501288609\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $435998 60 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 391.0 $1182 -7512947525423232968\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $437254 59 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 390.0 $1256 -8816117016599436743\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $438564 58 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 389.0 $1311 8069409979682651339\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $439971 57 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 388.0 $1408 7503351385728917691\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $441537 56 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 386.0 $1566 6049125951573764225\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $443182 55 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 385.0 $1646 6466681044168149690\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $444890 54 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 384.0 $1709 8503532879470231843\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $446933 53 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 380.0 $2043 -8425207053248146671\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $449144 52 sell call 2022-08-05 398.82 378.0 $2212 -4879523714077539887\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $449898 51 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 398.0 $755 5648984039880193008\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $450542 50 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 400.0 $644 1228675695854347221\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $451416 49 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 396.0 $875 3531477996426009894\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $452355 48 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 395.0 $940 3367287648877639521\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $453361 47 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 394.0 $1006 5519542000372952556\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $454503 46 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 392.0 $1143 8540472992890660422\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $455789 45 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 390.0 $1287 -8519760073409239646\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $457227 44 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 388.0 $1438 1700519777258932417\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $458820 43 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 386.0 $1594 8913511853089320443\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $460493 42 sell call 2022-08-08 398.82 385.0 $1674 -8497831142969069695\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $461370 41 sell call 2022-08-10 398.82 397.0 $877 4900640998064297805\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $462307 40 sell call 2022-08-10 398.82 396.0 $938 -6335316778868814296\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $463307 39 sell call 2022-08-10 398.82 395.0 $1001 5691074956958696478\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $464373 38 sell call 2022-08-10 398.82 394.0 $1066 -3758388026029666856\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $465506 37 sell call 2022-08-10 398.82 393.0 $1134 9005560413224911177\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $466376 36 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 398.0 $871 -4623760126911240362\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $467134 35 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 400.0 $758 4913276398805790963\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $468125 34 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 396.0 $992 -4175527728637976929\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $469180 33 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 395.0 $1056 7361877453492892353\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $470300 32 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 394.0 $1120 -367761991747148232\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $471625 31 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 391.0 $1326 -2876209151548604826\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $473094 30 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 389.0 $1470 8814920262593809718\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $474639 29 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 388.0 $1545 -6679321745430318330\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $476413 28 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 385.0 $1775 -771914386911767858\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $478347 27 sell call 2022-08-12 398.82 383.0 $1935 -6377474309552533572\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $479131 26 sell call 2022-08-15 398.82 400.0 $784 3578050915765284606\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $479861 25 sell call 2022-08-15 398.82 401.0 $731 -5328993721237906668\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $480878 24 sell call 2022-08-15 398.82 396.0 $1018 -7908584275689802934\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $481960 23 sell call 2022-08-15 398.82 395.0 $1082 -6745617944863603498\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $483757 22 sell call 2022-08-15 398.82 385.0 $1798 7452349422397212312\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $484695 21 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 399.0 $939 6339975482828727758\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $485692 20 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 398.0 $997 4431090665486513582\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $486573 19 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 400.0 $882 581212207586898624\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $487630 18 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 397.0 $1058 534927780655204556\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $488749 17 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 396.0 $1119 6683221607932115867\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $489930 16 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 395.0 $1182 -226632924273867070\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $491175 15 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 394.0 $1246 -8506389945109171344\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $492488 14 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 393.0 $1313 -5142596509786017770\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $493867 13 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 392.0 $1380 41697129485916057\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $495316 12 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 391.0 $1450 6217819010750023906\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $496836 11 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 390.0 $1520 -2934236898599324060\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $498427 10 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 389.0 $1592 7820375749059004675\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $500244 9 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 386.0 $1817 -6064734118638189874\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $502135 8 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 385.0 $1892 5143168445410336601\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $504104 7 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 384.0 $1970 4330650803842648097\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $506152 6 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 383.0 $2048 6038762729931665441\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $508279 5 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 382.0 $2128 -1798869331466119288\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $510488 4 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 381.0 $2210 -2281664048674872803\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $512777 3 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 380.0 $2289 689970453915945070\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $515125 2 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 379.0 $2349 -7888496032306136221\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $517554 1 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 378.0 $2430 1414695036628016246\n",
+ "2022-07-22 $520067 0 sell call 2022-08-19 398.82 377.0 $2513 -7257737582386875797\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $519315 1 buy call 2022-08-10 390.92 391.0 $751 2471241749624177078\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $518908 2 buy call 2022-08-10 390.92 398.0 $406 -2954361515141812896\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $518101 3 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 391.0 $807 -2876209151548604826\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $517235 4 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 390.0 $865 7968560068687704261\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $516212 5 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 387.5 $1022 -950350533937386467\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $515619 6 buy call 2022-08-12 390.92 395.0 $593 7361877453492892353\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $514781 7 buy call 2022-08-15 390.92 391.0 $837 -7913490851709131132\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $513997 8 buy call 2022-08-15 390.92 392.0 $783 8031199044530233320\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $513374 9 buy call 2022-08-15 390.92 395.0 $623 -6745617944863603498\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $512889 10 buy call 2022-08-15 390.92 398.0 $484 607426073995437844\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $511946 11 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 391.0 $942 6217819010750023906\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $510945 12 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 390.0 $1001 -2934236898599324060\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $510059 13 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 392.0 $885 41697129485916057\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $509229 14 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 393.0 $829 -5142596509786017770\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $508169 15 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 389.0 $1060 7820375749059004675\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $507045 16 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 388.0 $1123 -6280306205545759630\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $506268 17 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 394.0 $776 -8506389945109171344\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $505546 18 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 395.0 $722 -226632924273867070\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $504358 19 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 387.0 $1187 8098037572867153413\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $503684 20 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 396.0 $673 6683221607932115867\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $502431 21 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 386.0 $1253 -6064734118638189874\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $501108 22 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 385.0 $1322 5143168445410336601\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $500481 23 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 397.0 $626 534927780655204556\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $499901 24 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 398.0 $580 4431090665486513582\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $498512 25 buy call 2022-08-19 390.92 384.0 $1388 4330650803842648097\n",
+ "2022-07-27 $497479 26 buy call 2022-08-26 390.92 392.0 $1032 240785040830612864\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $496760 27 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 401.0 $719 4817005028790028755\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $496095 28 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 402.0 $664 -3496104847079580138\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $495316 29 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 400.0 $778 4913276398805790963\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $494707 30 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 403.0 $609 1366186798575041592\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $493866 31 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 399.0 $840 2464274574396605658\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $493307 32 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 404.0 $558 1818957656376215947\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $492405 33 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 398.0 $902 -4623760126911240362\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $491895 34 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 405.0 $509 7232799504754271561\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $490928 35 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 397.0 $966 488738058455676917\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $490466 36 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 406.0 $462 -7728843386268551423\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $489431 37 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 396.0 $1034 -4175527728637976929\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $489011 38 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 407.0 $419 7481894884441605260\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $487837 39 buy call 2022-08-12 401.01 394.0 $1174 -367761991747148232\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $487084 40 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 401.0 $752 -5328993721237906668\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $486274 41 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 400.0 $810 3578050915765284606\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $485274 42 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 397.0 $999 -2227377473529313778\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $484207 43 buy call 2022-08-15 401.01 396.0 $1066 -7908584275689802934\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $483345 44 buy call 2022-08-17 401.01 400.0 $862 -5944576517407398095\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $482489 45 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 401.0 $855 4765831840732782283\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $481691 46 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 402.0 $797 -5828151612397941065\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $480778 47 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 400.0 $913 581212207586898624\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $480035 48 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 403.0 $742 8147731267482290501\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $479056 49 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 399.0 $978 6339975482828727758\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $478366 50 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 404.0 $690 -4360930320178820507\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $477725 51 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 405.0 $640 -8788225471380337485\n",
+ "2022-07-28 $477132 52 buy call 2022-08-19 401.01 406.0 $592 3951599192291291599\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $476546 53 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 407.5 $586 4902762057689720880\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $475984 54 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 408.0 $561 -4561819834604026766\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $475474 55 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 409.0 $509 8254519882850924269\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $475011 56 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 410.0 $463 6320110887982741829\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $474666 57 buy call 2022-08-12 406.04 413.0 $344 -2844538750158596093\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $473965 58 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 406.0 $700 4898057736979469422\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $473211 59 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 405.0 $754 6865950080121438826\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $472330 60 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 403.0 $880 3580424076918009279\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $471833 61 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 410.0 $496 -7453182941896962433\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $470683 62 buy call 2022-08-15 406.04 399.0 $1150 8851210111387697650\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $469872 63 buy call 2022-08-17 406.04 405.0 $810 8145539324347980997\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $469323 64 buy call 2022-08-17 406.04 410.0 $548 3756324349732340337\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $468821 65 buy call 2022-08-17 406.04 411.0 $502 -3979631260312102983\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $468070 66 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 407.0 $750 -2955117943662182757\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $467345 67 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 407.5 $724 -8166775491500268171\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $466649 68 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 408.0 $696 -4028969403417807575\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $466000 69 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 409.0 $648 5069751376685225714\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $464978 70 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 402.5 $1021 -4741151828901299718\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $464381 71 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 410.0 $597 5789003927744646949\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $463828 72 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 411.0 $552 -8714623299543150755\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $463321 73 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 412.0 $506 -2990352253592006427\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $462854 74 buy call 2022-08-19 406.04 413.0 $467 -5121660327197517079\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $462317 75 buy call 2022-08-22 406.04 412.0 $536 824325682476435202\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $461740 76 buy call 2022-08-24 406.04 412.0 $576 7109090938867690519\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $460953 77 buy call 2022-08-26 406.04 409.0 $787 5569563689492470268\n",
+ "2022-07-29 $460214 78 buy call 2022-08-26 406.04 410.0 $738 3969334639479652945\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $461742 77 sell call 2022-08-10 412.05 398.0 $1529 -2954361515141812896\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $463897 76 sell call 2022-08-10 412.05 391.0 $2155 2471241749624177078\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $464449 75 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 413.0 $553 -2844538750158596093\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $465169 74 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 410.0 $721 6320110887982741829\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $465952 73 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 409.0 $783 8254519882850924269\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $466798 72 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 408.0 $847 -4561819834604026766\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $467677 71 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 407.5 $880 4902762057689720880\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $468590 70 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 407.0 $913 7481894884441605260\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $469571 69 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 406.0 $982 -7728843386268551423\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $470623 68 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 405.0 $1053 7232799504754271561\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $471747 67 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 404.0 $1124 1818957656376215947\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $472944 66 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 403.0 $1198 1366186798575041592\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $474222 65 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 402.0 $1278 -3496104847079580138\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $475575 64 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 401.0 $1354 4817005028790028755\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $476997 63 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 400.0 $1423 4913276398805790963\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $478499 62 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 399.0 $1502 2464274574396605658\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $480086 61 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 398.0 $1588 -4623760126911240362\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $481736 60 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 397.0 $1651 488738058455676917\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $483494 59 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 396.0 $1758 -4175527728637976929\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $485335 58 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 395.0 $1842 7361877453492892353\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $487258 57 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 394.0 $1924 -367761991747148232\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $489452 56 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 391.0 $2194 -2876209151548604826\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $491737 55 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 390.0 $2286 7968560068687704261\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $494265 54 sell call 2022-08-12 412.05 387.5 $2529 -950350533937386467\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $495020 53 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 410.0 $755 -7453182941896962433\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $496034 52 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 406.0 $1015 4898057736979469422\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $497119 51 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 405.0 $1086 6865950080121438826\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $498352 50 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 403.0 $1233 3580424076918009279\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $499737 49 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 401.0 $1386 -5328993721237906668\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $501177 48 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 400.0 $1441 3578050915765284606\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $502707 47 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 399.0 $1530 8851210111387697650\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $504321 46 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 398.0 $1615 607426073995437844\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $506018 45 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 397.0 $1698 -2227377473529313778\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $507801 44 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 396.0 $1783 -7908584275689802934\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $509668 43 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 395.0 $1868 -6745617944863603498\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $511799 42 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 392.0 $2132 8031199044530233320\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $514021 41 sell call 2022-08-15 412.05 391.0 $2222 -7913490851709131132\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $514773 40 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 411.0 $753 -3979631260312102983\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $515584 39 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 410.0 $812 3756324349732340337\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $516726 38 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 405.0 $1142 8145539324347980997\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $518243 37 sell call 2022-08-17 412.05 400.0 $1518 -5944576517407398095\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $518995 36 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 412.0 $753 -2990352253592006427\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $519693 35 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 413.0 $698 -5121660327197517079\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $520503 34 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 411.0 $811 -8714623299543150755\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $521371 33 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 410.0 $869 5789003927744646949\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $522303 32 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 409.0 $932 5069751376685225714\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $523296 31 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 408.0 $994 -4028969403417807575\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $524321 30 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 407.5 $1026 -8166775491500268171\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $525381 29 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 407.0 $1060 -2955117943662182757\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $526506 28 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 406.0 $1126 3951599192291291599\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $527703 27 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 405.0 $1198 -8788225471380337485\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $528972 26 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 404.0 $1269 -4360930320178820507\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $530310 25 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 403.0 $1339 8147731267482290501\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $531688 24 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 402.5 $1379 -4741151828901299718\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $533105 23 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 402.0 $1417 -5828151612397941065\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $534597 22 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 401.0 $1493 4765831840732782283\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $536167 21 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 400.0 $1571 581212207586898624\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $537814 20 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 399.0 $1647 6339975482828727758\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $539541 19 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 398.0 $1728 4431090665486513582\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $541335 18 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 397.0 $1795 534927780655204556\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $543200 17 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 396.0 $1865 6683221607932115867\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $545147 16 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 395.0 $1948 -226632924273867070\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $547179 15 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 394.0 $2032 -8506389945109171344\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $549296 14 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 393.0 $2118 -5142596509786017770\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $551499 13 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 392.0 $2204 41697129485916057\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $553790 12 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 391.0 $2291 6217819010750023906\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $556168 11 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 390.0 $2379 -2934236898599324060\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $558635 10 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 389.0 $2468 7820375749059004675\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $561202 9 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 388.0 $2567 -6280306205545759630\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $563852 8 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 387.0 $2651 8098037572867153413\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $566593 7 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 386.0 $2742 -6064734118638189874\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $569426 6 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 385.0 $2833 5143168445410336601\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $572320 5 sell call 2022-08-19 412.05 384.0 $2895 4330650803842648097\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $573100 4 sell call 2022-08-22 412.05 412.0 $781 824325682476435202\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $573928 3 sell call 2022-08-24 412.05 412.0 $828 7109090938867690519\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $574942 2 sell call 2022-08-26 412.05 410.0 $1015 3969334639479652945\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $576018 1 sell call 2022-08-26 412.05 409.0 $1077 5569563689492470268\n",
+ "2022-07-30 $578347 0 sell call 2022-08-26 412.05 392.0 $2329 240785040830612864\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $577605 1 buy call 2022-08-17 410.72 410.0 $741 3756324349732340337\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $576864 2 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 411.0 $740 -8714623299543150755\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $576065 3 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 410.0 $799 5789003927744646949\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $575380 4 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 412.0 $684 -2990352253592006427\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $574519 5 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 409.0 $860 5069751376685225714\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $573888 6 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 413.0 $631 -5121660327197517079\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $572965 7 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 408.0 $922 -4028969403417807575\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $572384 8 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 414.0 $580 -222212532626083972\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $571430 9 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 407.5 $954 -8166775491500268171\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $570441 10 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 407.0 $988 -2955117943662182757\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $569909 11 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 415.0 $531 -2601242727173613203\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $568855 12 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 406.0 $1054 3951599192291291599\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $568367 13 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 416.0 $487 1310558574327568519\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $567244 14 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 405.0 $1122 -8788225471380337485\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $566802 15 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 417.0 $442 7395167327896829802\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $565609 16 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 404.0 $1192 -4360930320178820507\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $565206 17 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 418.0 $402 3789292642272225343\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $563941 18 buy call 2022-08-19 410.72 403.0 $1265 8147731267482290501\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $563110 19 buy call 2022-08-22 410.72 410.0 $830 5785897547128424791\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $562023 20 buy call 2022-08-22 410.72 406.0 $1086 5341692285344299484\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $561201 21 buy call 2022-08-24 410.72 411.0 $822 170614137742229852\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $560434 22 buy call 2022-08-24 410.72 412.0 $766 7109090938867690519\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $559538 23 buy call 2022-08-26 410.72 411.0 $895 4136741103523512069\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $558522 24 buy call 2022-08-26 410.72 409.0 $1016 5569563689492470268\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $557842 25 buy call 2022-08-26 410.72 415.0 $679 -9087069184896412148\n",
+ "2022-08-02 $557257 26 buy call 2022-08-26 410.72 417.0 $584 -5799617848517481558\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $556135 27 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 402.5 $1122 -4741151828901299718\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $554978 28 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 402.0 $1156 -5828151612397941065\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $553750 29 buy call 2022-08-19 408.13 401.0 $1227 4765831840732782283\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $553302 30 buy call 2022-08-22 408.13 415.0 $448 -1361672238273212211\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $552689 31 buy call 2022-08-26 408.13 414.0 $612 -6073760513796927930\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $551299 32 buy call 2022-08-26 408.13 401.0 $1389 -6911623693218759993\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $550398 33 buy call 2022-08-31 408.13 410.0 $901 9093590913990448762\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $549606 34 buy call 2022-08-31 408.13 412.0 $791 -8427411167723538422\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $548964 35 buy call 2022-08-31 408.13 415.0 $642 4636745316310782448\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $548009 36 buy call 2022-09-02 408.13 410.0 $954 -1483704283586429933\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $547110 37 buy call 2022-09-02 408.13 411.0 $898 6803072725805572563\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $546416 38 buy call 2022-09-02 408.13 415.0 $694 6961048566180697215\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $545214 39 buy call 2022-09-09 408.13 407.5 $1201 8725911863956901537\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $543944 40 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 408.0 $1269 -1931624652708088761\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $542736 41 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 409.0 $1208 1869005612265725196\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $541407 42 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 407.0 $1328 504038064725713313\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $540256 43 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 410.0 $1150 -6104758176382686534\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $538865 44 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 406.0 $1391 -9128588538401603021\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $537771 45 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 411.0 $1093 1518963024719473680\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $536316 46 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 405.0 $1454 5834931393537419535\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $535277 47 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 412.0 $1039 -4362237471038479208\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $533756 48 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 404.0 $1520 -6166894423537742718\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $532769 49 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 413.0 $986 -7023178433566454701\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $531183 50 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 403.0 $1586 6934201327834189716\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $530249 51 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 414.0 $933 -4516066509231183955\n",
+ "2022-08-03 $528598 52 buy call 2022-09-16 408.13 402.0 $1650 -3369909136318796822\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $528150 53 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 419.0 $448 4176796214076040046\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $527745 54 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 420.0 $404 -6803111857267960834\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $527379 55 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 421.0 $365 7452928282512966468\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $527054 56 buy call 2022-08-19 414.41 422.0 $325 68730593338901829\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $526317 57 buy call 2022-08-22 414.41 414.0 $736 7362097568159272938\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $525884 58 buy call 2022-08-22 414.41 420.0 $432 -5757700779950771173\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $525530 59 buy call 2022-08-22 414.41 422.0 $354 -2199633892381907351\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $524852 60 buy call 2022-08-24 414.41 416.0 $677 3053138049834399156\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $524374 61 buy call 2022-08-24 414.41 420.0 $477 1980930491843206412\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $523727 62 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 418.0 $647 4108454349247675234\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $523128 63 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 419.0 $598 -4235532585541891529\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $522008 64 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 410.0 $1119 3969334639479652945\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $521456 65 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 420.0 $552 6162894604815219866\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $520129 66 buy call 2022-08-26 414.41 407.0 $1326 991719931618257096\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $519550 67 buy call 2022-08-29 414.41 420.0 $578 -4084127916915442915\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $518603 68 buy call 2022-08-31 414.41 414.0 $947 -6678154945018693156\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $517469 69 buy call 2022-08-31 414.41 411.0 $1133 -1320051979639897430\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $516843 70 buy call 2022-08-31 414.41 420.0 $625 2210939979769001401\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $515444 71 buy call 2022-08-31 414.41 407.0 $1399 1662947912107189822\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $514555 72 buy call 2022-09-02 414.41 416.0 $888 -4569413474862043191\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $513719 73 buy call 2022-09-02 414.41 417.0 $835 8578738524659653725\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $513037 74 buy call 2022-09-02 414.41 420.0 $682 4116505697040832588\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $512324 75 buy call 2022-09-06 414.41 420.0 $712 377909562437110695\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $511032 76 buy call 2022-09-09 414.41 411.0 $1291 -5575452638888844092\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $509679 77 buy call 2022-09-09 414.41 410.0 $1353 -3281982819050068283\n",
+ "2022-08-04 $508532 78 buy call 2022-09-16 414.41 415.0 $1146 2567979519521404445\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $507842 79 buy call 2022-08-26 414.2 416.0 $689 -5743620506014181924\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $506904 80 buy call 2022-08-31 414.2 413.0 $938 757439650287874601\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $506231 81 buy call 2022-09-02 414.2 419.0 $672 1236545315182398405\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $505651 82 buy call 2022-09-02 414.2 421.0 $579 -8921556399365820536\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $504737 83 buy call 2022-09-06 414.2 415.0 $914 -5262450128969243288\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $503703 84 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 416.0 $1033 -7300988323838193661\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $502725 85 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 417.0 $978 -6212016826407187672\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $501799 86 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 418.0 $925 8534161011081244169\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $500924 87 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 419.0 $874 -6846891277315010627\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $500101 88 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 420.0 $823 -7109593754803923821\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $499324 89 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 421.0 $776 -6613079494560447490\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $498594 90 buy call 2022-09-16 414.2 422.0 $729 -7004885866619116188\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $497158 91 buy call 2022-09-23 414.2 411.0 $1436 1494974576341433917\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $495756 92 buy call 2022-09-30 414.2 413.0 $1401 -5613180424447099445\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $493523 93 buy call 2022-11-18 414.2 410.0 $2232 -1793217359698192218\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $491872 94 buy call 2022-11-18 414.2 420.0 $1651 3087551605153802588\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $489590 95 buy call 2022-12-16 414.2 414.0 $2281 -6213692126725172565\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $487185 96 buy call 2022-12-16 414.2 412.0 $2404 998351046229502789\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $484719 97 buy call 2022-12-16 414.2 411.0 $2466 5300342898339559727\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $481980 98 buy call 2022-12-16 414.2 407.0 $2738 6615681576207602835\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $479340 99 buy call 2022-12-30 414.2 410.0 $2639 -1788111451383325146\n",
+ "2022-08-05 $477092 100 buy call 2023-01-20 414.2 420.0 $2248 -725191634422318033\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $477825 99 sell call 2022-08-17 413.44 410.0 $734 3756324349732340337\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $478375 98 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 414.0 $551 -222212532626083972\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $478983 97 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 413.0 $608 -5121660327197517079\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $479649 96 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 412.0 $667 -2990352253592006427\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $480146 95 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 415.0 $498 -2601242727173613203\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $480593 94 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 416.0 $447 1310558574327568519\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $481321 93 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 411.0 $729 -8714623299543150755\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $482115 92 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 410.0 $795 5789003927744646949\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $482515 91 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 417.0 $400 7395167327896829802\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $482869 90 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 418.0 $355 3789292642272225343\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $483732 89 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 409.0 $864 5069751376685225714\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $484047 88 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 419.0 $315 4176796214076040046\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $484980 87 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 408.0 $934 -4028969403417807575\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $485944 86 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 407.5 $965 -8166775491500268171\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $486221 85 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 420.0 $277 -6803111857267960834\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $487221 84 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 407.0 $1001 -2955117943662182757\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $487463 83 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 421.0 $243 7452928282512966468\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $488538 82 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 406.0 $1075 3951599192291291599\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $489688 81 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 405.0 $1151 -8788225471380337485\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $489898 80 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 422.0 $211 68730593338901829\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $491125 79 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 404.0 $1227 -4360930320178820507\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $492429 78 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 403.0 $1305 8147731267482290501\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $493773 77 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 402.5 $1345 -4741151828901299718\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $495161 76 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 402.0 $1388 -5828151612397941065\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $496627 75 sell call 2022-08-19 413.44 401.0 $1467 4765831840732782283\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $497209 74 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 414.0 $583 7362097568159272938\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $497738 73 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 415.0 $529 -1361672238273212211\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $498566 72 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 410.0 $829 5785897547128424791\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $498870 71 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 420.0 $305 -5757700779950771173\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $499974 70 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 406.0 $1104 5341692285344299484\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $500210 69 sell call 2022-08-22 413.44 422.0 $237 -2199633892381907351\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $500962 68 sell call 2022-08-24 413.44 412.0 $753 7109090938867690519\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $501491 67 sell call 2022-08-24 413.44 416.0 $529 3053138049834399156\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $502305 66 sell call 2022-08-24 413.44 411.0 $815 170614137742229852\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $502654 65 sell call 2022-08-24 413.44 420.0 $349 1980930491843206412\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $503368 64 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 414.0 $715 -6073760513796927930\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $504027 63 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 415.0 $660 -9087069184896412148\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $504923 62 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 411.0 $896 4136741103523512069\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $505529 61 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 416.0 $607 -5743620506014181924\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $506489 60 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 410.0 $961 3969334639479652945\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $507045 59 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 417.0 $556 -5799617848517481558\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $508071 58 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 409.0 $1027 5569563689492470268\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $508578 57 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 418.0 $508 4108454349247675234\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $509041 56 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 419.0 $463 -4235532585541891529\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $510199 55 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 407.0 $1159 991719931618257096\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $510618 54 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 420.0 $420 6162894604815219866\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $512229 53 sell call 2022-08-26 413.44 401.0 $1611 -6911623693218759993\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $512676 52 sell call 2022-08-29 413.44 420.0 $448 -4084127916915442915\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $513472 51 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 414.0 $797 -6678154945018693156\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $514326 50 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 413.0 $854 757439650287874601\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $515240 49 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 412.0 $915 -8427411167723538422\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $515979 48 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 415.0 $740 4636745316310782448\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $516956 47 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 411.0 $977 -1320051979639897430\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $517997 46 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 410.0 $1042 9093590913990448762\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $518488 45 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 420.0 $492 2210939979769001401\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $519733 44 sell call 2022-08-31 413.44 407.0 $1245 1662947912107189822\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $520527 43 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 415.0 $795 6961048566180697215\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $521266 42 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 416.0 $740 -4569413474862043191\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $522301 41 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 411.0 $1035 6803072725805572563\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $523400 40 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 410.0 $1100 -1483704283586429933\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $524087 39 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 417.0 $688 8578738524659653725\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $524676 38 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 419.0 $589 1236545315182398405\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $525220 37 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 420.0 $545 4116505697040832588\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $525720 36 sell call 2022-09-02 413.44 421.0 $501 -8921556399365820536\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $526546 35 sell call 2022-09-06 413.44 415.0 $826 -5262450128969243288\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $527117 34 sell call 2022-09-06 413.44 420.0 $572 377909562437110695\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $528253 33 sell call 2022-09-09 413.44 411.0 $1137 -5575452638888844092\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $529454 32 sell call 2022-09-09 413.44 410.0 $1201 -3281982819050068283\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $530809 31 sell call 2022-09-09 413.44 407.5 $1356 8725911863956901537\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $531928 30 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 413.0 $1120 -7023178433566454701\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $532991 29 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 414.0 $1063 -4516066509231183955\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $534173 28 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 412.0 $1183 -4362237471038479208\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $535177 27 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 415.0 $1005 2567979519521404445\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $536421 26 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 411.0 $1244 1518963024719473680\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $537369 25 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 416.0 $949 -7300988323838193661\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $538676 24 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 410.0 $1308 -6104758176382686534\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $539570 23 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 417.0 $894 -6212016826407187672\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $540937 22 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 409.0 $1368 1869005612265725196\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $541779 21 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 418.0 $843 8534161011081244169\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $543213 20 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 408.0 $1434 -1931624652708088761\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $544002 19 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 419.0 $790 -6846891277315010627\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $545503 18 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 407.0 $1502 504038064725713313\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $546245 17 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 420.0 $742 -7109593754803923821\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $547817 16 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 406.0 $1573 -9128588538401603021\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $548513 15 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 421.0 $696 -6613079494560447490\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $550152 14 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 405.0 $1640 5834931393537419535\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $550801 13 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 422.0 $650 -7004885866619116188\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $552514 12 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 404.0 $1713 -6166894423537742718\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $554300 11 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 403.0 $1787 6934201327834189716\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $556160 10 sell call 2022-09-16 413.44 402.0 $1861 -3369909136318796822\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $557512 9 sell call 2022-09-23 413.44 411.0 $1352 1494974576341433917\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $558832 8 sell call 2022-09-30 413.44 413.0 $1321 -5613180424447099445\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $560992 7 sell call 2022-11-18 413.44 410.0 $2161 -1793217359698192218\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $562574 6 sell call 2022-11-18 413.44 420.0 $1582 3087551605153802588\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $564778 5 sell call 2022-12-16 413.44 414.0 $2205 -6213692126725172565\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $567101 4 sell call 2022-12-16 413.44 412.0 $2324 998351046229502789\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $569487 3 sell call 2022-12-16 413.44 411.0 $2386 5300342898339559727\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $572121 2 sell call 2022-12-16 413.44 407.0 $2635 6615681576207602835\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $574674 1 sell call 2022-12-30 413.44 410.0 $2554 -1788111451383325146\n",
+ "2022-08-06 $576861 0 sell call 2023-01-20 413.44 420.0 $2187 -725191634422318033\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $576216 1 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 413.0 $644 -2011953346273430315\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $575627 2 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 414.0 $588 1794748490772156814\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $574923 3 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 412.0 $704 7109090938867690519\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $574387 4 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 415.0 $535 7884302778665674177\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $573902 5 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 416.0 $484 3053138049834399156\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $573511 6 buy call 2022-08-24 413.01 418.0 $391 -7314100602888498518\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $572782 7 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 413.0 $728 5414917811648488609\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $572109 8 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 414.0 $672 -6073760513796927930\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $571322 9 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 412.0 $787 -3419798642198410188\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $570705 10 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 415.0 $616 -9087069184896412148\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $570140 11 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 416.0 $564 -5743620506014181924\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $569626 12 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 417.0 $514 -5799617848517481558\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $569157 13 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 418.0 $468 4108454349247675234\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $568774 14 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 420.0 $382 6162894604815219866\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $567579 15 buy call 2022-08-26 413.01 406.0 $1195 569271736943491210\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $566755 16 buy call 2022-08-29 413.01 412.0 $823 7027650895791544053\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $566341 17 buy call 2022-08-29 413.01 420.0 $413 -4084127916915442915\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $565529 18 buy call 2022-08-31 413.01 413.0 $812 757439650287874601\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $564776 19 buy call 2022-08-31 413.01 414.0 $752 -6678154945018693156\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $563903 20 buy call 2022-08-31 413.01 412.0 $872 -8427411167723538422\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $563207 21 buy call 2022-08-31 413.01 415.0 $696 4636745316310782448\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $562275 22 buy call 2022-08-31 413.01 411.0 $931 -1320051979639897430\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $561278 23 buy call 2022-08-31 413.01 410.0 $996 9093590913990448762\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $560216 24 buy call 2022-08-31 413.01 409.0 $1062 -7329775884756434573\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $559671 25 buy call 2022-08-31 413.01 418.0 $544 695990714391782024\n",
+ "2022-08-09 $559216 26 buy call 2022-08-31 413.01 420.0 $454 2210939979769001401\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $558561 27 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 411.0 $655 170614137742229852\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $557845 28 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 410.0 $715 -5569261904222119165\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $557003 29 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 408.0 $841 5664067119393097331\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $556024 30 buy call 2022-08-24 411.35 406.0 $979 -8585008797803686095\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $555282 31 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 411.0 $741 4136741103523512069\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $554480 32 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 410.0 $801 3969334639479652945\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $553617 33 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 409.0 $863 5569563689492470268\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $552689 34 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 408.0 $927 1638154580321113747\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $552336 35 buy call 2022-08-26 411.35 419.0 $353 -4235532585541891529\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $551438 36 buy call 2022-08-29 411.35 409.0 $897 3876130841420926336\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $550411 37 buy call 2022-08-29 411.35 407.0 $1026 -1040356387130382617\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $549851 38 buy call 2022-08-31 411.35 416.0 $560 -8959660540753993579\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $548964 39 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 411.0 $886 6803072725805572563\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $548136 40 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 412.0 $827 -2204511732326905058\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $547190 41 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 410.0 $946 -1483704283586429933\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $546418 42 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 413.0 $771 5005315942876656454\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $545701 43 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 414.0 $716 -1247312906506257583\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $544693 44 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 409.0 $1008 -6803806192188623968\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $544027 45 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 415.0 $665 6961048566180697215\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $543411 46 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 416.0 $615 -4569413474862043191\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $542844 47 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 417.0 $567 8578738524659653725\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $542364 48 buy call 2022-09-02 411.35 419.0 $479 1236545315182398405\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $541445 49 buy call 2022-09-06 411.35 411.0 $918 4133695409588718178\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $540584 50 buy call 2022-09-06 411.35 412.0 $861 -3000084179267953437\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $539702 51 buy call 2022-09-07 411.35 412.0 $881 -2433460996969742063\n",
+ "2022-08-10 $538711 52 buy call 2022-09-09 411.35 411.0 $990 -5575452638888844092\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $538146 53 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 421.0 $565 -2408673478495315536\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $537633 54 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 422.0 $512 712473681838049876\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $537169 55 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 423.0 $463 -1581416702512534924\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $536752 56 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 424.0 $417 5287559623942808109\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $536376 57 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 425.0 $375 -5209254097969345050\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $536040 58 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 426.0 $335 8380683773880717409\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $535742 59 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 427.0 $298 -6143573139594050784\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $535476 60 buy call 2022-08-26 419.95 428.0 $265 -6565773281362769102\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $534761 61 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 419.0 $714 -1906013871694548502\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $533978 62 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 418.0 $783 1162272592902708570\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $533430 63 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 422.0 $547 -333029697348444141\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $532450 64 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 415.0 $979 7298396691831490743\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $532043 65 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 425.0 $407 2566905907658685364\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $531749 66 buy call 2022-08-29 419.95 428.0 $293 -6683909474279919980\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $531153 67 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 422.0 $595 -5829395808819474787\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $530656 68 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 424.0 $497 1373602262699525136\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $530203 69 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 425.0 $452 2099513853835210783\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $529792 70 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 426.0 $410 -6345460988479919258\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $529458 71 buy call 2022-08-31 419.95 428.0 $334 -79540117871319403\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $528680 72 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 420.0 $777 4116505697040832588\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $527967 73 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 421.0 $712 -8921556399365820536\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $527310 74 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 422.0 $657 7391879884222397564\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $526422 75 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 418.0 $887 -7687872373275866209\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $525815 76 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 423.0 $606 192027307186321443\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $525259 77 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 424.0 $556 7962751207400275385\n",
+ "2022-08-11 $524749 78 buy call 2022-09-02 419.95 425.0 $509 -87073692531707212\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $524166 79 buy call 2022-08-29 420.0 421.0 $582 -8416049225453682546\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $523687 80 buy call 2022-08-29 420.0 423.0 $479 -275475561065227119\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $523253 81 buy call 2022-08-29 420.0 424.0 $433 3743905173454321240\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $522841 82 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 427.0 $411 7970034634190339909\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $522468 83 buy call 2022-09-02 420.0 428.0 $373 8460697277994384369\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $521686 84 buy call 2022-09-06 420.0 420.0 $781 377909562437110695\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $521066 85 buy call 2022-09-06 420.0 423.0 $620 -8934352451746124011\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $520541 86 buy call 2022-09-06 420.0 425.0 $524 6416684759996394093\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $519948 87 buy call 2022-09-07 420.0 424.0 $592 -4250496487479792924\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $519404 88 buy call 2022-09-07 420.0 425.0 $544 7828095009450442793\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $518552 89 buy call 2022-09-09 420.0 420.0 $851 1583614644089036103\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $517756 90 buy call 2022-09-09 420.0 421.0 $795 -2919553111830277756\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $516784 91 buy call 2022-09-09 420.0 418.0 $972 -6392227804138257261\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $516043 92 buy call 2022-09-09 420.0 422.0 $740 -4482759803779029686\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $515354 93 buy call 2022-09-09 420.0 423.0 $688 3225102502426252696\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $514716 94 buy call 2022-09-09 420.0 424.0 $638 6269804882427507641\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $514125 95 buy call 2022-09-09 420.0 425.0 $590 -5380057269856649493\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $513580 96 buy call 2022-09-09 420.0 426.0 $544 7763524837177434270\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $512906 97 buy call 2022-09-14 420.0 425.0 $674 8070443008023001868\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $511943 98 buy call 2022-09-16 420.0 420.0 $962 -7109593754803923821\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $510921 99 buy call 2022-09-16 420.0 419.0 $1021 -6846891277315010627\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $510016 100 buy call 2022-09-16 420.0 421.0 $905 -6613079494560447490\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $508933 101 buy call 2022-09-16 420.0 418.0 $1082 8534161011081244169\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $508082 102 buy call 2022-09-16 420.0 422.0 $850 -7004885866619116188\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $506937 103 buy call 2022-09-16 420.0 417.0 $1145 -6212016826407187672\n",
+ "2022-08-12 $506139 104 buy call 2022-09-16 420.0 423.0 $797 -6346342352340190440\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $507218 103 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 418.0 $1080 -7314100602888498518\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $508456 102 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 416.0 $1238 3053138049834399156\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $509779 101 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 415.0 $1324 7884302778665674177\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $511192 100 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 414.0 $1414 1794748490772156814\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $512694 99 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 413.0 $1502 -2011953346273430315\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $514286 98 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 412.0 $1593 7109090938867690519\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $515967 97 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 411.0 $1682 170614137742229852\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $517741 96 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 410.0 $1774 -5569261904222119165\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $519699 95 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 408.0 $1959 5664067119393097331\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $521845 94 sell call 2022-08-24 427.06 406.0 $2147 -8585008797803686095\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $522407 93 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 427.0 $562 -6143573139594050784\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $522914 92 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 428.0 $508 -6565773281362769102\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $523531 91 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 426.0 $618 8380683773880717409\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $524208 90 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 425.0 $677 -5209254097969345050\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $524946 89 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 424.0 $739 5287559623942808109\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $525749 88 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 423.0 $804 -1581416702512534924\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $526620 87 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 422.0 $871 712473681838049876\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $527556 86 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 421.0 $937 -2408673478495315536\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $528563 85 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 420.0 $1008 6162894604815219866\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $529646 84 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 419.0 $1083 -4235532585541891529\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $530803 83 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 418.0 $1158 4108454349247675234\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $532040 82 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 417.0 $1238 -5799617848517481558\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $533358 81 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 416.0 $1318 -5743620506014181924\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $534751 80 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 415.0 $1394 -9087069184896412148\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $536228 79 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 414.0 $1478 -6073760513796927930\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $537799 78 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 413.0 $1571 5414917811648488609\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $539455 77 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 412.0 $1657 -3419798642198410188\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $541191 76 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 411.0 $1737 4136741103523512069\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $543021 75 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 410.0 $1830 3969334639479652945\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $544938 74 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 409.0 $1918 5569563689492470268\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $546940 73 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 408.0 $2002 1638154580321113747\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $549097 72 sell call 2022-08-26 427.06 406.0 $2158 569271736943491210\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $549643 71 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 428.0 $547 -6683909474279919980\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $550360 70 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 425.0 $717 2566905907658685364\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $551137 69 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 424.0 $778 3743905173454321240\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $551979 68 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 423.0 $843 -275475561065227119\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $552889 67 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 422.0 $910 -333029697348444141\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $553859 66 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 421.0 $971 -8416049225453682546\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $554897 65 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 420.0 $1039 -4084127916915442915\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $556016 64 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 419.0 $1119 -1906013871694548502\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $557204 63 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 418.0 $1189 1162272592902708570\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $558634 62 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 415.0 $1431 7298396691831490743\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $560316 61 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 412.0 $1682 7027650895791544053\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $562259 60 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 409.0 $1944 3876130841420926336\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $564382 59 sell call 2022-08-29 427.06 407.0 $2124 -1040356387130382617\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $564986 58 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 428.0 $604 -79540117871319403\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $565700 57 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 426.0 $715 -6345460988479919258\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $566474 56 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 425.0 $775 2099513853835210783\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $567310 55 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 424.0 $836 1373602262699525136\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $568276 54 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 422.0 $967 -5829395808819474787\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $569372 53 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 420.0 $1097 2210939979769001401\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $570624 52 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 418.0 $1252 695990714391782024\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $572020 51 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 416.0 $1397 -8959660540753993579\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $573507 50 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 415.0 $1488 4636745316310782448\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $575068 49 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 414.0 $1561 -6678154945018693156\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $576704 48 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 413.0 $1637 757439650287874601\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $578425 47 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 412.0 $1722 -8427411167723538422\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $580230 46 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 411.0 $1805 -1320051979639897430\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $582127 45 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 410.0 $1898 9093590913990448762\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $584111 44 sell call 2022-08-31 427.06 409.0 $1985 -7329775884756434573\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $584829 43 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 427.0 $718 7970034634190339909\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $585491 42 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 428.0 $663 8460697277994384369\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $586324 41 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 425.0 $834 -87073692531707212\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $587221 40 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 424.0 $897 7962751207400275385\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $588181 39 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 423.0 $961 192027307186321443\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $589211 38 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 422.0 $1031 7391879884222397564\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $590301 37 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 421.0 $1090 -8921556399365820536\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $591466 36 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 420.0 $1166 4116505697040832588\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $592699 35 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 419.0 $1234 1236545315182398405\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $593999 34 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 418.0 $1300 -7687872373275866209\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $595380 33 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 417.0 $1382 8578738524659653725\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $596829 32 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 416.0 $1450 -4569413474862043191\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $598367 31 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 415.0 $1538 6961048566180697215\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $599981 30 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 414.0 $1615 -1247312906506257583\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $601679 29 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 413.0 $1699 5005315942876656454\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $603457 28 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 412.0 $1778 -2204511732326905058\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $605324 27 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 411.0 $1868 6803072725805572563\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $607270 26 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 410.0 $1947 -1483704283586429933\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $609295 25 sell call 2022-09-02 427.06 409.0 $2025 -6803806192188623968\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $610164 24 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 425.0 $870 6416684759996394093\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $611160 23 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 423.0 $996 -8934352451746124011\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $612344 22 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 420.0 $1185 377909562437110695\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $614143 21 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 412.0 $1800 -3000084179267953437\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $616023 20 sell call 2022-09-06 427.06 411.0 $1880 4133695409588718178\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $616910 19 sell call 2022-09-07 427.06 425.0 $888 7828095009450442793\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $617863 18 sell call 2022-09-07 427.06 424.0 $954 -4250496487479792924\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $619678 17 sell call 2022-09-07 427.06 412.0 $1815 -2433460996969742063\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $620558 16 sell call 2022-09-09 427.06 426.0 $881 7763524837177434270\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $621499 15 sell call 2022-09-09 427.06 425.0 $942 -5380057269856649493\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $622502 14 sell call 2022-09-09 427.06 424.0 $1003 6269804882427507641\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $623569 13 sell call 2022-09-09 427.06 423.0 $1068 3225102502426252696\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $624702 12 sell call 2022-09-09 427.06 422.0 $1134 -4482759803779029686\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $625904 11 sell call 2022-09-09 427.06 421.0 $1202 -2919553111830277756\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $627163 10 sell call 2022-09-09 427.06 420.0 $1260 1583614644089036103\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $628569 9 sell call 2022-09-09 427.06 418.0 $1407 -6392227804138257261\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $630514 8 sell call 2022-09-09 427.06 411.0 $1945 -5575452638888844092\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $631543 7 sell call 2022-09-14 427.06 425.0 $1030 8070443008023001868\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $632726 6 sell call 2022-09-16 427.06 423.0 $1184 -6346342352340190440\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $633969 5 sell call 2022-09-16 427.06 422.0 $1243 -7004885866619116188\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $635273 4 sell call 2022-09-16 427.06 421.0 $1305 -6613079494560447490\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $636652 3 sell call 2022-09-16 427.06 420.0 $1380 -7109593754803923821\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $638101 2 sell call 2022-09-16 427.06 419.0 $1449 -6846891277315010627\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $639620 1 sell call 2022-09-16 427.06 418.0 $1520 8534161011081244169\n",
+ "2022-08-13 $641214 0 sell call 2022-09-16 427.06 417.0 $1595 -6212016826407187672\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $640544 1 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 428.0 $670 -79540117871319403\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $639982 2 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 430.0 $561 -3873039559405807522\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $639189 3 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 426.0 $792 -6345460988479919258\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $638726 4 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 432.0 $463 7162282078343026700\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $637869 5 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 425.0 $856 2099513853835210783\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $636946 6 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 424.0 $922 1373602262699525136\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $636609 7 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 435.0 $337 -5803896466660971974\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $635546 8 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 422.0 $1062 -5829395808819474787\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $635244 9 buy call 2022-08-31 428.86 436.0 $301 -1442943771026994133\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $634567 10 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 429.0 $677 -4263696532936437440\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $633832 11 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 428.0 $734 8460697277994384369\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $633205 12 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 430.0 $626 7533311784950500875\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $632413 13 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 427.0 $792 7970034634190339909\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $631840 14 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 431.0 $572 -2577308013997659267\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $630985 15 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 426.0 $854 1455641269437214498\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $630461 16 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 432.0 $524 682108126142723899\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $629531 17 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 425.0 $929 -87073692531707212\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $629054 18 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 433.0 $476 6143116727175774485\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $628619 19 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 434.0 $435 -8265097613168827650\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $628226 20 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 435.0 $392 8170989148248049650\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $627871 21 buy call 2022-09-02 428.86 436.0 $354 -4870806661124620435\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $627161 22 buy call 2022-09-06 428.86 429.0 $710 -326139342622218315\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $626393 23 buy call 2022-09-06 428.86 428.0 $767 484980751218386686\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $625736 24 buy call 2022-09-06 428.86 430.0 $656 -3540396175113230041\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $624910 25 buy call 2022-09-06 428.86 427.0 $826 -8084334763649671259\n",
+ "2022-08-16 $624354 26 buy call 2022-09-06 428.86 432.0 $555 -7084050638806910644\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $623961 27 buy call 2022-08-31 429.69 434.0 $393 -2353054537947212999\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $623716 28 buy call 2022-08-31 429.69 438.0 $244 -2454011896476884154\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $622607 29 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 423.0 $1108 192027307186321443\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $622276 30 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 437.0 $331 -242928356088562696\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $621095 31 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 422.0 $1180 7391879884222397564\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $620798 32 buy call 2022-09-02 429.69 438.0 $296 3953666238442663943\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $620313 33 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 434.0 $485 -4064045928008561723\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $619871 34 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 435.0 $441 3293967714573825690\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $619546 35 buy call 2022-09-06 429.69 438.0 $324 6627410759107440682\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $618833 36 buy call 2022-09-07 429.69 430.0 $713 2798123968065304945\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $618226 37 buy call 2022-09-07 429.69 432.0 $606 1652754911803084913\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $617718 38 buy call 2022-09-07 429.69 434.0 $507 8051988668808027333\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $616950 39 buy call 2022-09-09 429.69 430.0 $768 2784914254249901211\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $616123 40 buy call 2022-09-09 429.69 429.0 $826 4970900739140859079\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $615411 41 buy call 2022-09-09 429.69 431.0 $711 -3473632984125870366\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $614525 42 buy call 2022-09-09 429.69 428.0 $886 -4102735695459164923\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $613866 43 buy call 2022-09-09 429.69 432.0 $658 -5874987206000381294\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $612915 44 buy call 2022-09-09 429.69 427.0 $950 5790979314131464206\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $612404 45 buy call 2022-09-09 429.69 435.0 $511 -2711627355954847774\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $611609 46 buy call 2022-09-12 429.69 430.0 $794 -3083357758905145344\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $610756 47 buy call 2022-09-12 429.69 429.0 $852 -4633680257692061289\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $610018 48 buy call 2022-09-12 429.69 431.0 $738 2614256490478474672\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $609159 49 buy call 2022-09-14 429.69 430.0 $858 4091924721085918233\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $608273 50 buy call 2022-09-16 429.69 430.0 $885 -8806912603501383567\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $607330 51 buy call 2022-09-16 429.69 429.0 $943 -6126184434111703222\n",
+ "2022-08-17 $606501 52 buy call 2022-09-16 429.69 431.0 $828 -7224236347980713035\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $605677 53 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 424.0 $823 7962751207400275385\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $604655 54 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 421.0 $1022 -8921556399365820536\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $603564 55 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 420.0 $1090 4116505697040832588\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $602399 56 buy call 2022-09-02 426.67 419.0 $1164 1236545315182398405\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $601601 57 buy call 2022-09-06 426.67 425.0 $798 6416684759996394093\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $600612 58 buy call 2022-09-06 426.67 422.0 $988 -6149500964816477284\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $599847 59 buy call 2022-09-07 426.67 426.0 $764 -1662528859084070423\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $599023 60 buy call 2022-09-07 426.67 425.0 $824 7828095009450442793\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $598201 61 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 426.0 $821 7763524837177434270\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $597319 62 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 425.0 $881 -5380057269856649493\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $596110 63 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 420.0 $1209 1583614644089036103\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $595687 64 buy call 2022-09-09 426.67 434.0 $422 1439663622193912363\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $594716 65 buy call 2022-09-12 426.67 424.0 $970 7679280341288071424\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $593801 66 buy call 2022-09-14 426.67 426.0 $915 -2415878380961277809\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $592999 67 buy call 2022-09-14 426.67 428.0 $801 9221476699945319773\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $592023 68 buy call 2022-09-14 426.67 425.0 $975 8070443008023001868\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $591427 69 buy call 2022-09-14 426.67 432.0 $596 8280899518853861885\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $590105 70 buy call 2022-09-14 426.67 420.0 $1321 6980654240159770142\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $589222 71 buy call 2022-09-16 426.67 427.0 $882 -3945087825391430891\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $588281 72 buy call 2022-09-16 426.67 426.0 $941 4335458083947454152\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $587454 73 buy call 2022-09-16 426.67 428.0 $826 6128782945549232406\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $586453 74 buy call 2022-09-16 426.67 425.0 $1000 -7997845317916382140\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $585389 75 buy call 2022-09-16 426.67 424.0 $1064 -6926614824450229367\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $584767 76 buy call 2022-09-16 426.67 432.0 $621 -2666571948300949891\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $584192 77 buy call 2022-09-16 426.67 433.0 $575 -6155519942434777625\n",
+ "2022-08-18 $582858 78 buy call 2022-09-16 426.67 420.0 $1333 -7109593754803923821\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $583370 77 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 428.0 $513 -79540117871319403\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $583997 76 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 426.0 $627 -6345460988479919258\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $584408 75 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 430.0 $412 -3873039559405807522\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $585096 74 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 425.0 $689 2099513853835210783\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $585842 73 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 424.0 $746 1373602262699525136\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $586166 72 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 432.0 $325 7162282078343026700\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $586416 71 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 434.0 $251 -2353054537947212999\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $587298 70 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 422.0 $882 -5829395808819474787\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $587515 69 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 435.0 $218 -5803896466660971974\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $587704 68 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 436.0 $190 -1442943771026994133\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $587844 67 sell call 2022-08-31 427.84 438.0 $140 -2454011896476884154\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $588425 66 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 428.0 $582 8460697277994384369\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $589063 65 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 427.0 $639 7970034634190339909\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $589592 64 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 429.0 $529 -4263696532936437440\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $590289 63 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 426.0 $698 1455641269437214498\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $590766 62 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 430.0 $478 7533311784950500875\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $591197 61 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 431.0 $431 -2577308013997659267\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $591955 60 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 425.0 $759 -87073692531707212\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $592778 59 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 424.0 $824 7962751207400275385\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $593164 58 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 432.0 $386 682108126142723899\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $594054 57 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 423.0 $891 192027307186321443\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $594398 56 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 433.0 $345 6143116727175774485\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $594705 55 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 434.0 $307 -8265097613168827650\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $595664 54 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 422.0 $960 7391879884222397564\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $596693 53 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 421.0 $1030 -8921556399365820536\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $596964 52 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 435.0 $271 8170989148248049650\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $598067 51 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 420.0 $1104 4116505697040832588\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $598305 50 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 436.0 $239 -4870806661124620435\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $598514 49 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 437.0 $209 -242928356088562696\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $599693 48 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 419.0 $1180 1236545315182398405\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $599875 47 sell call 2022-09-02 427.84 438.0 $183 3953666238442663943\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $600495 46 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 428.0 $620 484980751218386686\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $601171 45 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 427.0 $677 -8084334763649671259\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $601736 44 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 429.0 $566 -326139342622218315\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $602251 43 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 430.0 $515 -3540396175113230041\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $603049 42 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 425.0 $799 6416684759996394093\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $603469 41 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 432.0 $421 -7084050638806910644\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $604467 40 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 422.0 $998 -6149500964816477284\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $604804 39 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 434.0 $338 -4064045928008561723\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $605105 38 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 435.0 $302 3293967714573825690\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $605313 37 sell call 2022-09-06 427.84 438.0 $208 6627410759107440682\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $606074 36 sell call 2022-09-07 427.84 426.0 $762 -1662528859084070423\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $606612 35 sell call 2022-09-07 427.84 430.0 $539 2798123968065304945\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $607436 34 sell call 2022-09-07 427.84 425.0 $824 7828095009450442793\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $607879 33 sell call 2022-09-07 427.84 432.0 $444 1652754911803084913\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $608238 32 sell call 2022-09-07 427.84 434.0 $360 8051988668808027333\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $608942 31 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 428.0 $704 -4102735695459164923\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $609703 30 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 427.0 $762 5790979314131464206\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $610352 29 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 429.0 $649 4970900739140859079\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $611173 28 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 426.0 $822 7763524837177434270\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $611768 27 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 430.0 $596 2784914254249901211\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $612652 26 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 425.0 $884 -5380057269856649493\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $613197 25 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 431.0 $546 -3473632984125870366\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $613694 24 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 432.0 $498 -5874987206000381294\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $614104 23 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 434.0 $410 1439663622193912363\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $614473 22 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 435.0 $370 -2711627355954847774\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $615696 21 sell call 2022-09-09 427.84 420.0 $1224 1583614644089036103\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $616371 20 sell call 2022-09-12 427.84 429.0 $675 -4633680257692061289\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $616992 19 sell call 2022-09-12 427.84 430.0 $622 -3083357758905145344\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $617563 18 sell call 2022-09-12 427.84 431.0 $572 2614256490478474672\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $618538 17 sell call 2022-09-12 427.84 424.0 $975 7679280341288071424\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $619336 16 sell call 2022-09-14 427.84 428.0 $799 9221476699945319773\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $620252 15 sell call 2022-09-14 427.84 426.0 $917 -2415878380961277809\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $620941 14 sell call 2022-09-14 427.84 430.0 $689 4091924721085918233\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $621919 13 sell call 2022-09-14 427.84 425.0 $979 8070443008023001868\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $622506 12 sell call 2022-09-14 427.84 432.0 $588 8280899518853861885\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $623822 11 sell call 2022-09-14 427.84 420.0 $1316 6980654240159770142\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $624648 10 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 428.0 $827 6128782945549232406\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $625533 9 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 427.0 $886 -3945087825391430891\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $626303 8 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 429.0 $770 -6126184434111703222\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $627247 7 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 426.0 $945 4335458083947454152\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $627963 6 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 430.0 $717 -8806912603501383567\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $628970 5 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 425.0 $1007 -7997845317916382140\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $629634 4 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 431.0 $665 -7224236347980713035\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $630697 3 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 424.0 $1064 -6926614824450229367\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $631312 2 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 432.0 $615 -2666571948300949891\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $631879 1 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 433.0 $568 -6155519942434777625\n",
+ "2022-08-19 $633214 0 sell call 2022-09-16 427.84 420.0 $1336 -7109593754803923821\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $632631 1 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 422.0 $583 -6149500964816477284\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $632004 2 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 423.0 $626 -8934352451746124011\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $631461 3 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 421.0 $542 8296498078800912880\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $630790 4 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 424.0 $671 -3792393710898894815\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $630285 5 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 420.0 $504 377909562437110695\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $629564 6 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 425.0 $720 6416684759996394093\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $628794 7 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 426.0 $770 8638012049872016483\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $627961 8 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 427.0 $832 -8084334763649671259\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $627009 9 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 429.0 $951 -326139342622218315\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $626663 10 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 415.0 $346 -5262450128969243288\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $625658 11 buy put 2022-09-06 422.14 430.0 $1004 -3540396175113230041\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $625051 12 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 422.0 $606 7561614465074441150\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $624356 13 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 424.0 $695 -4250496487479792924\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $623827 14 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 420.0 $528 -2979173678260597377\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $623083 15 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 425.0 $743 7828095009450442793\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $622624 16 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 418.0 $459 -8756531920946850013\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $621714 17 buy put 2022-09-07 422.14 428.0 $909 -739109767925227313\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $621055 18 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 422.0 $658 -4482759803779029686\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $620355 19 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 423.0 $700 3225102502426252696\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $619736 20 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 421.0 $618 -2919553111830277756\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $618991 21 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 424.0 $745 6269804882427507641\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $618410 22 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 420.0 $580 1583614644089036103\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $617865 23 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 419.0 $544 -2710449519790233180\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $617068 24 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 425.0 $797 -5380057269856649493\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $616227 25 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 426.0 $840 7763524837177434270\n",
+ "2022-08-20 $615716 26 buy put 2022-09-09 422.14 418.0 $510 -6392227804138257261\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $616433 25 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 415.0 $717 -5262450128969243288\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $617384 24 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 420.0 $952 377909562437110695\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $618423 23 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 421.0 $1040 8296498078800912880\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $619509 22 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 422.0 $1086 -6149500964816477284\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $620659 21 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 423.0 $1151 -8934352451746124011\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $621896 20 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 424.0 $1238 -3792393710898894815\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $623204 19 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 425.0 $1308 6416684759996394093\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $624592 18 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 426.0 $1389 8638012049872016483\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $626052 17 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 427.0 $1461 -8084334763649671259\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $627662 16 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 429.0 $1610 -326139342622218315\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $629362 15 sell put 2022-09-06 413.41 430.0 $1701 -3540396175113230041\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $630247 14 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 418.0 $886 -8756531920946850013\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $631250 13 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 420.0 $1003 -2979173678260597377\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $632357 12 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 422.0 $1108 7561614465074441150\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $633594 11 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 424.0 $1238 -4250496487479792924\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $634917 10 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 425.0 $1323 7828095009450442793\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $636470 9 sell put 2022-09-07 413.41 428.0 $1554 -739109767925227313\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $637419 8 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 418.0 $950 -6392227804138257261\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $638415 7 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 419.0 $996 -2710449519790233180\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $639467 6 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 420.0 $1053 1583614644089036103\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $640577 5 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 421.0 $1111 -2919553111830277756\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $641748 4 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 422.0 $1171 -4482759803779029686\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $642960 3 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 423.0 $1213 3225102502426252696\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $644241 2 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 424.0 $1282 6269804882427507641\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $645607 1 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 425.0 $1366 -5380057269856649493\n",
+ "2022-08-23 $647042 0 sell put 2022-09-09 413.41 426.0 $1436 7763524837177434270\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $646347 1 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 405.0 $694 3410799937276624466\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $645610 2 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 406.0 $737 -9084618597420145436\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $644956 3 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 404.0 $653 -7108449188142086860\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $644173 4 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 407.0 $782 3357061048727370203\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $643343 5 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 408.0 $830 1193933216564295828\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $642765 6 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 402.0 $577 -6711588610731311280\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $641884 7 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 409.0 $880 5982816014041359587\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $640952 8 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 410.0 $932 -8397199121440279229\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $640442 9 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 400.0 $509 -6368727375649505361\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $639453 10 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 411.0 $988 6089466843113399678\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $638409 11 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 412.0 $1044 6844971436924592223\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $637960 12 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 398.0 $448 -6858023086549268684\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $636855 13 buy put 2022-09-12 405.31 413.0 $1104 6554070190974606701\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $636079 14 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 405.0 $776 8861162319385127544\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $635167 15 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 408.0 $911 5078476104507732743\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $634507 16 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 402.0 $659 8639384695841535298\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $633494 17 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 410.0 $1013 -698534211319480790\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $632904 18 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 400.0 $589 -1843344673568804238\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $631784 19 buy put 2022-09-14 405.31 412.0 $1120 3801874454440886665\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $630884 20 buy put 2022-09-16 405.31 405.0 $899 5834931393537419535\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $629939 21 buy put 2022-09-16 405.31 406.0 $944 -9128588538401603021\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $629084 22 buy put 2022-09-16 405.31 404.0 $855 -6166894423537742718\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $628092 23 buy put 2022-09-16 405.31 407.0 $991 504038064725713313\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $627277 24 buy put 2022-09-16 405.31 403.0 $814 6934201327834189716\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $626237 25 buy put 2022-09-16 405.31 408.0 $1040 -1931624652708088761\n",
+ "2022-08-27 $625462 26 buy put 2022-09-16 405.31 402.0 $774 -3369909136318796822\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $626096 25 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 402.0 $635 -6711588610731311280\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $626820 24 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 404.0 $724 -7108449188142086860\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $627591 23 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 405.0 $772 3410799937276624466\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $628145 22 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 400.0 $555 -6368727375649505361\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $628967 21 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 406.0 $822 -9084618597420145436\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $629841 20 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 407.0 $875 3357061048727370203\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $630325 19 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 398.0 $485 -6858023086549268684\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $631254 18 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 408.0 $929 1193933216564295828\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $632240 17 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 409.0 $987 5982816014041359587\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $633287 16 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 410.0 $1048 -8397199121440279229\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $634398 15 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 411.0 $1111 6089466843113399678\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $635573 14 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 412.0 $1176 6844971436924592223\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $636816 13 sell put 2022-09-12 402.65 413.0 $1244 6554070190974606701\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $637544 12 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 402.0 $728 8639384695841535298\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $638405 11 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 405.0 $862 8861162319385127544\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $639052 10 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 400.0 $648 -1843344673568804238\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $640068 9 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 408.0 $1016 5078476104507732743\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $641197 8 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 410.0 $1130 -698534211319480790\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $642448 7 sell put 2022-09-14 402.65 412.0 $1252 3801874454440886665\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $643347 6 sell put 2022-09-16 402.65 403.0 $899 6934201327834189716\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $644200 5 sell put 2022-09-16 402.65 402.0 $854 -3369909136318796822\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $645145 4 sell put 2022-09-16 402.65 404.0 $946 -6166894423537742718\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $646141 3 sell put 2022-09-16 402.65 405.0 $996 5834931393537419535\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $647187 2 sell put 2022-09-16 402.65 406.0 $1047 -9128588538401603021\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $648286 1 sell put 2022-09-16 402.65 407.0 $1100 504038064725713313\n",
+ "2022-08-30 $649435 0 sell put 2022-09-16 402.65 408.0 $1149 -1931624652708088761\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $648663 1 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 396.0 $771 7511023543207073631\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $647845 2 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 397.0 $817 740394080807842337\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $647119 3 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 395.0 $726 -5375565846160889623\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $646250 4 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 398.0 $868 4242902179194116418\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $645564 5 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 394.0 $685 7060451947665954883\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $644643 6 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 399.0 $921 -1321371966376870774\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $643997 7 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 393.0 $645 4475081713358734795\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $643018 8 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 400.0 $978 -1132218355243670650\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $642411 9 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 392.0 $607 -2679474449219203007\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $641375 10 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 401.0 $1035 5183416519634188879\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $640803 11 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 391.0 $571 5636861223670462940\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $640267 12 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 390.0 $536 -5065035873396070166\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $639108 13 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 403.0 $1158 6934201327834189716\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $638603 14 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 389.0 $504 -6221167455708986556\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $637377 15 buy put 2022-09-16 396.39 404.0 $1226 -6166894423537742718\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $636613 16 buy put 2022-09-19 396.39 395.0 $763 -6145018573987076463\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $635972 17 buy put 2022-09-19 396.39 392.0 $641 -2525523099750582498\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $635367 18 buy put 2022-09-19 396.39 391.0 $604 -8371636739801758713\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $634797 19 buy put 2022-09-19 396.39 390.0 $569 -6375821301814941641\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $634259 20 buy put 2022-09-19 396.39 389.0 $538 -7198239444097106542\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $633374 21 buy put 2022-09-21 396.39 396.0 $884 -5044787508037448560\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $632533 22 buy put 2022-09-21 396.39 395.0 $840 2254969712986827090\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $631556 23 buy put 2022-09-21 396.39 398.0 $977 -342408133177768809\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $630758 24 buy put 2022-09-21 396.39 394.0 $797 4457283303747983201\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $629677 25 buy put 2022-09-21 396.39 400.0 $1080 -6834176435193521117\n",
+ "2022-09-02 $628959 26 buy put 2022-09-21 396.39 392.0 $718 -905186469549652172\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $628183 27 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 390.0 $775 7706907291352612797\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $627560 28 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 386.0 $622 -2640531985157741351\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $626972 29 buy put 2022-09-21 392.24 385.0 $588 4921030942634314642\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $626057 30 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 392.0 $914 -6755733804622444130\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $625082 31 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 393.0 $974 -7919015823209179131\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $624212 32 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 391.0 $870 -2366535048439830256\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $623189 33 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 394.0 $1022 -5163545037286198717\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $622360 34 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 390.0 $828 5012201582076214656\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $621290 35 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 395.0 $1070 1349937199737402810\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $620502 36 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 389.0 $787 543798994429452141\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $619317 37 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 397.0 $1184 -5370654086528093998\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $618641 38 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 386.0 $676 -4474200938435732009\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $617999 39 buy put 2022-09-23 392.24 385.0 $641 5107170818218383428\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $617141 40 buy put 2022-09-26 392.24 390.0 $857 7862906949241780896\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $616471 41 buy put 2022-09-26 392.24 385.0 $670 7475911991694829655\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $615554 42 buy put 2022-09-28 392.24 390.0 $916 3411575738014347733\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $614408 43 buy put 2022-09-28 392.24 395.0 $1145 -2980006607466938859\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $613212 44 buy put 2022-09-28 392.24 396.0 $1196 -4327789510951711675\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $611962 45 buy put 2022-09-28 392.24 397.0 $1249 -6783634191781327731\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $611247 46 buy put 2022-09-28 392.24 385.0 $714 5009795600527322499\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $610220 47 buy put 2022-09-30 392.24 392.0 $1027 7799193011430792503\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $609148 48 buy put 2022-09-30 392.24 393.0 $1071 -196488734814500929\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $608163 49 buy put 2022-09-30 392.24 391.0 $984 -3271227528665085752\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $607044 50 buy put 2022-09-30 392.24 394.0 $1119 -7409397819725620195\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $606100 51 buy put 2022-09-30 392.24 390.0 $943 -5246477917886521112\n",
+ "2022-09-06 $604922 52 buy put 2022-09-30 392.24 395.0 $1177 -1012605559174915793\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $604186 53 buy put 2022-09-21 390.79 388.0 $736 7580207081848554996\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $603390 54 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 388.0 $795 2957561995810303194\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $602635 55 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 387.0 $754 -3353761318616976144\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $601415 56 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 396.0 $1220 1845168773374407742\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $600772 57 buy put 2022-09-23 390.79 384.0 $642 -3484001322939594627\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $599762 58 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 392.0 $1009 -6065209961961657947\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $598564 59 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 395.0 $1198 -9106738509417711726\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $597817 60 buy put 2022-09-26 390.79 386.0 $746 -1348858057639334150\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $596941 61 buy put 2022-09-28 390.79 388.0 $875 5950432031219429426\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $596145 62 buy put 2022-09-28 390.79 386.0 $796 -7425131133186673722\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $595178 63 buy put 2022-09-30 390.79 389.0 $966 5337167915094039516\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $594255 64 buy put 2022-09-30 390.79 388.0 $922 -3851301703054989830\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $593373 65 buy put 2022-09-30 390.79 387.0 $882 8011369975079788925\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $592528 66 buy put 2022-09-30 390.79 386.0 $844 -3965335256953489965\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $591721 67 buy put 2022-09-30 390.79 385.0 $807 -8435465752953973816\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $590949 68 buy put 2022-09-30 390.79 384.0 $771 6120035322060248745\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $589502 69 buy put 2022-09-30 390.79 398.0 $1446 -5828630614325374122\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $588441 70 buy put 2022-10-03 390.79 390.0 $1061 -6741973115802108637\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $587487 71 buy put 2022-10-03 390.79 388.0 $953 -5889680452104130148\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $586649 72 buy put 2022-10-03 390.79 385.0 $837 -1700706061391209553\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $585546 73 buy put 2022-10-05 390.79 390.0 $1103 -749041764271636709\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $584667 74 buy put 2022-10-05 390.79 385.0 $878 6597120365159704641\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $583824 75 buy put 2022-10-05 390.79 384.0 $842 -8384560822271166103\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $582645 76 buy put 2022-10-07 390.79 391.0 $1179 6744591437768019247\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $581518 77 buy put 2022-10-07 390.79 390.0 $1126 4993200343108746147\n",
+ "2022-09-07 $580291 78 buy put 2022-10-07 390.79 392.0 $1226 -3491874298336263944\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $579449 79 buy put 2022-09-23 397.79 398.0 $842 7379066085857698648\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $578555 80 buy put 2022-09-23 397.79 399.0 $893 1797340366468411820\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $577609 81 buy put 2022-09-23 397.79 400.0 $945 -3871086308350542776\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $576611 82 buy put 2022-09-23 397.79 401.0 $998 -6134631864268848184\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $575828 83 buy put 2022-09-26 397.79 396.0 $782 -8636117587913331049\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $575124 84 buy put 2022-09-26 397.79 394.0 $703 4147878797281524174\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $574094 85 buy put 2022-09-28 397.79 400.0 $1030 2479430353888882608\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $573420 86 buy put 2022-09-28 397.79 392.0 $673 -7824253233489800866\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $572781 87 buy put 2022-09-28 397.79 391.0 $638 -1952573637717983461\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $571861 88 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 397.0 $920 5697527737091908164\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $570847 89 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 399.0 $1013 3027991211510336051\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $569969 90 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 396.0 $877 6555348399705185302\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $568905 91 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 400.0 $1064 -5892858023227062876\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $567679 92 buy put 2022-09-30 397.79 403.0 $1225 -6994796141275144098\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $566825 93 buy put 2022-10-03 397.79 395.0 $853 -6370376760555180612\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $566011 94 buy put 2022-10-03 397.79 394.0 $814 3801235625824415603\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $565304 95 buy put 2022-10-03 397.79 391.0 $706 7203040370333685440\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $564365 96 buy put 2022-10-07 397.79 395.0 $938 7253995097856191666\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $563467 97 buy put 2022-10-07 397.79 394.0 $898 -8309212201825696735\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $562615 98 buy put 2022-10-10 397.79 392.0 $851 4363559982922288697\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $561496 99 buy put 2022-10-14 397.79 396.0 $1118 3795507463263396210\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $560452 100 buy put 2022-10-14 397.79 395.0 $1044 7526502934719967689\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $559185 101 buy put 2022-10-21 397.79 398.0 $1266 -1386877288083263715\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $557962 102 buy put 2022-10-21 397.79 397.0 $1222 -5732105883214478996\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $556653 103 buy put 2022-10-21 397.79 399.0 $1309 3694501276718952831\n",
+ "2022-09-08 $555473 104 buy put 2022-10-21 397.79 396.0 $1179 5725410917297924866\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $556027 103 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 400.0 $555 -1132218355243670650\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $556632 102 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 401.0 $605 5183416519634188879\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $557138 101 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 399.0 $507 -1321371966376870774\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $557600 100 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 398.0 $463 4242902179194116418\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $558315 99 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 403.0 $715 6934201327834189716\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $558736 98 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 397.0 $422 740394080807842337\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $559511 97 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 404.0 $776 -6166894423537742718\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $559895 96 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 396.0 $384 7511023543207073631\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $560243 95 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 395.0 $349 -5375565846160889623\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $560559 94 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 394.0 $317 7060451947665954883\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $560847 93 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 393.0 $288 4475081713358734795\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $561106 92 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 392.0 $260 -2679474449219203007\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $561342 91 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 391.0 $236 5636861223670462940\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $561555 90 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 390.0 $214 -5065035873396070166\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $561747 89 sell put 2022-09-16 400.39 389.0 $193 -6221167455708986556\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $562135 88 sell put 2022-09-19 400.39 395.0 $388 -6145018573987076463\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $562431 87 sell put 2022-09-19 400.39 392.0 $297 -2525523099750582498\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $562701 86 sell put 2022-09-19 400.39 391.0 $271 -8371636739801758713\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $562948 85 sell put 2022-09-19 400.39 390.0 $247 -6375821301814941641\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $563173 84 sell put 2022-09-19 400.39 389.0 $226 -7198239444097106542\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $563861 83 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 400.0 $689 -6834176435193521117\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $564461 82 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 398.0 $600 -342408133177768809\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $564979 81 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 396.0 $519 -5044787508037448560\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $565460 80 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 395.0 $482 2254969712986827090\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $565908 79 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 394.0 $448 4457283303747983201\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $566293 78 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 392.0 $386 -905186469549652172\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $566623 77 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 390.0 $331 7706907291352612797\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $566906 76 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 388.0 $283 7580207081848554996\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $567147 75 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 386.0 $242 -2640531985157741351\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $567370 74 sell put 2022-09-21 400.39 385.0 $224 4921030942634314642\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $568116 73 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 400.0 $746 -3871086308350542776\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $568910 72 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 401.0 $795 -6134631864268848184\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $569608 71 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 399.0 $699 1797340366468411820\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $570263 70 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 398.0 $655 7379066085857698648\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $570878 69 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 397.0 $616 -5370654086528093998\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $571453 68 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 396.0 $576 1845168773374407742\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $571993 67 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 395.0 $540 1349937199737402810\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $572497 66 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 394.0 $505 -5163545037286198717\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $572968 65 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 393.0 $472 -7919015823209179131\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $573410 64 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 392.0 $442 -6755733804622444130\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $573822 63 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 391.0 $413 -2366535048439830256\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $574207 62 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 390.0 $386 5012201582076214656\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $574567 61 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 389.0 $360 543798994429452141\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $574901 60 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 388.0 $335 2957561995810303194\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $575213 59 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 387.0 $313 -3353761318616976144\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $575504 58 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 386.0 $291 -4474200938435732009\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $575774 57 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 385.0 $271 5107170818218383428\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $576025 56 sell put 2022-09-23 400.39 384.0 $252 -3484001322939594627\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $576632 55 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 396.0 $607 -8636117587913331049\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $577201 54 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 395.0 $570 -9106738509417711726\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $577735 53 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 394.0 $535 4147878797281524174\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $578206 52 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 392.0 $471 -6065209961961657947\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $578618 51 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 390.0 $413 7862906949241780896\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $578934 50 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 386.0 $317 -1348858057639334150\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $579230 49 sell put 2022-09-26 400.39 385.0 $296 7475911991694829655\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $580050 48 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 400.0 $821 2479430353888882608\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $580743 47 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 397.0 $694 -6783634191781327731\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $581398 46 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 396.0 $655 -4327789510951711675\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $582016 45 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 395.0 $619 -2980006607466938859\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $582534 44 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 392.0 $519 -7824253233489800866\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $583023 43 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 391.0 $489 -1952573637717983461\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $583482 42 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 390.0 $460 3411575738014347733\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $583890 41 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 388.0 $408 5950432031219429426\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $584250 40 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 386.0 $361 -7425131133186673722\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $584589 39 sell put 2022-09-28 400.39 385.0 $340 5009795600527322499\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $585460 38 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 400.0 $871 -5892858023227062876\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $586284 37 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 399.0 $825 3027991211510336051\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $587067 36 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 398.0 $784 -5828630614325374122\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $588083 35 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 403.0 $1016 -6994796141275144098\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $588826 34 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 397.0 $744 5697527737091908164\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $589530 33 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 396.0 $705 6555348399705185302\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $590200 32 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 395.0 $670 -1012605559174915793\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $590832 31 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 394.0 $633 -7409397819725620195\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $591431 30 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 393.0 $600 -196488734814500929\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $591999 29 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 392.0 $568 7799193011430792503\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $592536 28 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 391.0 $538 -3271227528665085752\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $593044 27 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 390.0 $509 -5246477917886521112\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $593527 26 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 389.0 $483 5337167915094039516\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $593981 25 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 388.0 $455 -3851301703054989830\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $594411 24 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 387.0 $431 8011369975079788925\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $594818 23 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 386.0 $407 -3965335256953489965\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $595201 22 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 385.0 $384 -8435465752953973816\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $595563 21 sell put 2022-09-30 400.39 384.0 $363 6120035322060248745\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $596255 20 sell put 2022-10-03 400.39 395.0 $692 -6370376760555180612\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $596911 19 sell put 2022-10-03 400.39 394.0 $657 3801235625824415603\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $597471 18 sell put 2022-10-03 400.39 391.0 $561 7203040370333685440\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $598003 17 sell put 2022-10-03 400.39 390.0 $532 -6741973115802108637\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $598479 16 sell put 2022-10-03 400.39 388.0 $477 -5889680452104130148\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $598883 15 sell put 2022-10-03 400.39 385.0 $405 -1700706061391209553\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $599456 14 sell put 2022-10-05 400.39 390.0 $573 -749041764271636709\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $599897 13 sell put 2022-10-05 400.39 385.0 $442 6597120365159704641\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $600316 12 sell put 2022-10-05 400.39 384.0 $420 -8384560822271166103\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $601093 11 sell put 2022-10-07 400.39 395.0 $777 7253995097856191666\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $601833 10 sell put 2022-10-07 400.39 394.0 $741 -8309212201825696735\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $602506 9 sell put 2022-10-07 400.39 392.0 $674 -3491874298336263944\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $603149 8 sell put 2022-10-07 400.39 391.0 $643 6744591437768019247\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $603761 7 sell put 2022-10-07 400.39 390.0 $613 4993200343108746147\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $604457 6 sell put 2022-10-10 400.39 392.0 $697 4363559982922288697\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $605379 5 sell put 2022-10-14 400.39 396.0 $922 3795507463263396210\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $606263 4 sell put 2022-10-14 400.39 395.0 $885 7526502934719967689\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $607398 3 sell put 2022-10-21 400.39 399.0 $1136 3694501276718952831\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $608493 2 sell put 2022-10-21 400.39 398.0 $1095 -1386877288083263715\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $609546 1 sell put 2022-10-21 400.39 397.0 $1054 -5732105883214478996\n",
+ "2022-09-09 $610562 0 sell put 2022-10-21 400.39 396.0 $1017 5725410917297924866\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $609773 1 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 410.0 $789 -6910790214775310344\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $609075 2 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 408.0 $697 -8156801219365445647\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $608423 3 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 407.0 $651 2561843187978682824\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $607849 4 buy put 2022-09-28 410.94 405.0 $574 -6677940357947894535\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $606963 5 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 411.0 $885 6767412611678008896\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $606126 6 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 410.0 $836 -5461887081446524066\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $605190 7 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 412.0 $936 1157097010290139680\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $604199 8 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 413.0 $990 -5613180424447099445\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $603409 9 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 409.0 $790 -6762941272323412664\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $602662 10 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 408.0 $746 986717709964543253\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $601617 11 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 414.0 $1044 -6847724753924937039\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $600916 12 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 407.0 $701 8127263683864422121\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $599815 13 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 415.0 $1100 6513599884579871858\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $599153 14 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 406.0 $661 -5504428006800065434\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $598530 15 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 405.0 $623 -1659658145828877663\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $597941 16 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 404.0 $588 6326781598619341150\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $597387 17 buy put 2022-09-30 410.94 403.0 $553 -6994796141275144098\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $596477 18 buy put 2022-10-03 410.94 411.0 $910 -8525064026723181793\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $595614 19 buy put 2022-10-03 410.94 410.0 $862 -4468486910887800623\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $594797 20 buy put 2022-10-03 410.94 409.0 $816 259908126422667000\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $593893 21 buy put 2022-10-05 410.94 410.0 $904 -8708731262096459842\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $593198 22 buy put 2022-10-05 410.94 405.0 $694 -7296379304772012322\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $592205 23 buy put 2022-10-07 410.94 411.0 $992 438394689144816772\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $591260 24 buy put 2022-10-07 410.94 410.0 $945 4559751065353188550\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $590218 25 buy put 2022-10-07 410.94 412.0 $1041 3553406808375345646\n",
+ "2022-09-13 $589316 26 buy put 2022-10-07 410.94 409.0 $901 3021002775078647824\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $590841 25 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 405.0 $1525 -6677940357947894535\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $592467 24 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 407.0 $1627 2561843187978682824\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $594172 23 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 408.0 $1706 -8156801219365445647\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $596042 22 sell put 2022-09-28 393.12 410.0 $1870 -6910790214775310344\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $597451 21 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 403.0 $1410 -6994796141275144098\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $598941 20 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 404.0 $1491 6326781598619341150\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $600501 19 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 405.0 $1560 -1659658145828877663\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $602152 18 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 406.0 $1652 -5504428006800065434\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $603856 17 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 407.0 $1705 8127263683864422121\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $605654 16 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 408.0 $1798 986717709964543253\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $607529 15 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 409.0 $1876 -6762941272323412664\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $609449 14 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 410.0 $1921 -5461887081446524066\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $611487 13 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 411.0 $2038 6767412611678008896\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $613620 12 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 412.0 $2134 1157097010290139680\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $615825 11 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 413.0 $2206 -5613180424447099445\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $618132 10 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 414.0 $2307 -6847724753924937039\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $620474 9 sell put 2022-09-30 393.12 415.0 $2343 6513599884579871858\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $622301 8 sell put 2022-10-03 393.12 409.0 $1828 259908126422667000\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $624208 7 sell put 2022-10-03 393.12 410.0 $1907 -4468486910887800623\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $626196 6 sell put 2022-10-03 393.12 411.0 $1989 -8525064026723181793\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $627771 5 sell put 2022-10-05 393.12 405.0 $1576 -7296379304772012322\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $629702 4 sell put 2022-10-05 393.12 410.0 $1931 -8708731262096459842\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $631624 3 sell put 2022-10-07 393.12 409.0 $1923 3021002775078647824\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $633617 2 sell put 2022-10-07 393.12 410.0 $1994 4559751065353188550\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $635691 1 sell put 2022-10-07 393.12 411.0 $2074 438394689144816772\n",
+ "2022-09-14 $637809 0 sell put 2022-10-07 393.12 412.0 $2119 3553406808375345646\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $636975 1 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 390.0 $833 -5246477917886521112\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $636100 2 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 391.0 $875 -3271227528665085752\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $635309 3 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 389.0 $790 5337167915094039516\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $634376 4 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 392.0 $932 7799193011430792503\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $633630 5 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 388.0 $746 -3851301703054989830\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $632646 6 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 393.0 $983 -196488734814500929\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $631942 7 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 387.0 $704 8011369975079788925\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $630899 8 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 394.0 $1042 -7409397819725620195\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $630239 9 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 386.0 $659 -3965335256953489965\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $629149 10 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 395.0 $1090 -1012605559174915793\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $628527 11 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 385.0 $621 -8435465752953973816\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $627373 12 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 396.0 $1153 6555348399705185302\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $626783 13 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 384.0 $590 6120035322060248745\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $626232 14 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 383.0 $550 6762708702201856146\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $625012 15 buy put 2022-09-30 390.15 397.0 $1219 5697527737091908164\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $624147 16 buy put 2022-10-03 390.15 390.0 $865 -6741973115802108637\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $623235 17 buy put 2022-10-03 390.15 391.0 $911 7203040370333685440\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $622272 18 buy put 2022-10-03 390.15 392.0 $962 -5476824109819448177\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $621496 19 buy put 2022-10-03 390.15 388.0 $776 -5889680452104130148\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $620483 20 buy put 2022-10-03 390.15 393.0 $1012 -4561978271001899294\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $619335 21 buy put 2022-10-03 390.15 395.0 $1147 -6370376760555180612\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $618678 22 buy put 2022-10-03 390.15 385.0 $657 -1700706061391209553\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $618057 23 buy put 2022-10-03 390.15 384.0 $620 -7039571325673648167\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $617138 24 buy put 2022-10-05 390.15 390.0 $918 -749041764271636709\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $615997 25 buy put 2022-10-05 390.15 394.0 $1141 8906739638804620983\n",
+ "2022-09-16 $615288 26 buy put 2022-10-05 390.15 385.0 $708 6597120365159704641\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $614520 27 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 388.0 $767 -6844517353207393206\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $613835 28 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 386.0 $685 -8933435220970188776\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $612880 29 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 392.0 $954 -7147513105392783771\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $612270 30 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 384.0 $609 -8384560822271166103\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $611732 31 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 382.0 $538 -233018614658026203\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $610615 32 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 395.0 $1116 -3487925214707965034\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $609439 33 buy put 2022-10-05 388.54 396.0 $1175 200408941566861421\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $608618 34 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 388.0 $821 8395850004577205795\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $607753 35 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 389.0 $864 933313275716085385\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $606974 36 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 387.0 $778 8860289605382630024\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $606064 37 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 390.0 $910 4993200343108746147\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $605325 38 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 386.0 $738 8145563440281610536\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $604626 39 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 385.0 $698 2067716485340216033\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $603966 40 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 384.0 $660 -327009595664860561\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $603340 41 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 383.0 $625 6083742345142411105\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $602230 42 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 394.0 $1109 -8309212201825696735\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $601066 43 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 395.0 $1164 7253995097856191666\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $600507 44 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 381.0 $558 4430988360318854794\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $599285 45 buy put 2022-10-07 388.54 396.0 $1221 -5393524031461674685\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $598558 46 buy put 2022-10-10 388.54 385.0 $727 -3454738490895021259\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $597868 47 buy put 2022-10-10 388.54 384.0 $689 -3532462127502373767\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $597249 48 buy put 2022-10-10 388.54 382.0 $618 4235538824942088777\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $596263 49 buy put 2022-10-12 388.54 390.0 $986 -8753479758310872302\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $595488 50 buy put 2022-10-12 388.54 385.0 $774 8685227907523098718\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $594531 51 buy put 2022-10-14 388.54 388.0 $956 -6424042599717903697\n",
+ "2022-09-20 $593532 52 buy put 2022-10-14 388.54 389.0 $999 3925576265811800592\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $592869 53 buy put 2022-10-05 384.16 380.0 $662 805647337067494284\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $592279 54 buy put 2022-10-05 384.16 378.0 $589 -8696260995474707489\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $591486 55 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 382.0 $793 -2465206063463779136\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $590771 56 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 380.0 $714 443698849474460194\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $590095 57 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 379.0 $676 -5669970247756252996\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $589453 58 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 378.0 $641 -3732977154271353781\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $588219 59 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 391.0 $1233 6744591437768019247\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $587612 60 buy put 2022-10-07 384.16 377.0 $607 3206752045864940046\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $586610 61 buy put 2022-10-10 384.16 386.0 $1001 -1060602845675528524\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $585512 62 buy put 2022-10-10 384.16 388.0 $1097 5509632606804121284\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $584771 63 buy put 2022-10-10 384.16 380.0 $741 3400968312050781643\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $584100 64 buy put 2022-10-10 384.16 378.0 $670 -2031546877000257404\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $583145 65 buy put 2022-10-12 384.16 384.0 $954 -9034999792898395329\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $582098 66 buy put 2022-10-12 384.16 386.0 $1047 -1902766547255705130\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $580952 67 buy put 2022-10-12 384.16 388.0 $1145 -7794191832935131893\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $580161 68 buy put 2022-10-12 384.16 380.0 $790 440269050448605667\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $579445 69 buy put 2022-10-12 384.16 378.0 $716 4020493234299097243\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $578427 70 buy put 2022-10-14 384.16 384.0 $1017 -2538497057668535680\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $577366 71 buy put 2022-10-14 384.16 385.0 $1060 7210404128153351040\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $576394 72 buy put 2022-10-14 384.16 383.0 $972 -3442407196208303540\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $575462 73 buy put 2022-10-14 384.16 382.0 $931 -7969078335544006395\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $574306 74 buy put 2022-10-14 384.16 387.0 $1155 -4382883943176983946\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $573456 75 buy put 2022-10-14 384.16 380.0 $850 -4119292303353206636\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $572146 76 buy put 2022-10-14 384.16 390.0 $1309 103508113506111134\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $571192 77 buy put 2022-10-17 384.16 382.0 $953 3124535893411668183\n",
+ "2022-09-21 $570319 78 buy put 2022-10-17 384.16 380.0 $873 -6485169326863471441\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $569541 79 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 376.0 $777 -8385278098771247675\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $568803 80 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 375.0 $737 5280903096421957360\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $568104 81 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 374.0 $699 -5890110637646914214\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $567480 82 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 372.0 $623 6052540519758503237\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $566892 83 buy put 2022-10-07 377.4 371.0 $587 1445013436450723165\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $566070 84 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 375.0 $822 3758555806435207687\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $565287 85 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 374.0 $782 -59903786622403212\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $564140 86 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 382.0 $1146 6631906322982260559\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $563434 87 buy put 2022-10-12 377.4 372.0 $706 3890390363947906947\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $562499 88 buy put 2022-10-14 377.4 376.0 $934 2267815314132568171\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $561607 89 buy put 2022-10-14 377.4 375.0 $891 -6830487464328570690\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $560833 90 buy put 2022-10-14 377.4 372.0 $774 -4679196778392867646\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $559916 91 buy put 2022-10-17 377.4 375.0 $916 -7269226430157283013\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $559039 92 buy put 2022-10-17 377.4 374.0 $876 -3706203448241263929\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $558080 93 buy put 2022-10-19 377.4 375.0 $959 1126078183013358252\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $556897 94 buy put 2022-10-19 377.4 380.0 $1182 3909191942601530659\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $555616 95 buy put 2022-10-19 377.4 382.0 $1280 -4183546579395397525\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $554531 96 buy put 2022-10-21 377.4 377.0 $1085 6705547455784816301\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $553401 97 buy put 2022-10-21 377.4 378.0 $1129 -3623657139755146621\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $552358 98 buy put 2022-10-21 377.4 376.0 $1042 -9056392727709978413\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $551183 99 buy put 2022-10-21 377.4 379.0 $1175 -4130815295915898722\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $550182 100 buy put 2022-10-21 377.4 375.0 $1000 3601143078324378794\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $548961 101 buy put 2022-10-21 377.4 380.0 $1220 3227932400380611496\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $548000 102 buy put 2022-10-21 377.4 374.0 $961 -3552687650092496551\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $546728 103 buy put 2022-10-21 377.4 381.0 $1271 -3591122274498092843\n",
+ "2022-09-22 $545806 104 buy put 2022-10-21 377.4 373.0 $921 -187005380359101437\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $545100 105 buy put 2022-10-07 374.22 373.0 $706 4311406221873354008\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $544512 106 buy put 2022-10-07 374.22 370.0 $587 -8082068740247354065\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $543995 107 buy put 2022-10-07 374.22 368.0 $516 -564085470773256270\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $543511 108 buy put 2022-10-07 374.22 367.0 $484 5390391375938747098\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $542725 109 buy put 2022-10-10 374.22 374.0 $785 4174013103179281962\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $541894 110 buy put 2022-10-10 374.22 375.0 $831 2401829145185800525\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $541273 111 buy put 2022-10-10 374.22 370.0 $620 -1266193793958907799\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $540722 112 buy put 2022-10-10 374.22 368.0 $550 7354799396747371631\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $540045 113 buy put 2022-10-12 374.22 370.0 $677 1108100842709339981\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $539440 114 buy put 2022-10-12 374.22 368.0 $604 8591534290392152915\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $538568 115 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 373.0 $871 628737074576113540\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $537464 116 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 378.0 $1104 7849931042999869064\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $536714 117 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 370.0 $749 6917628988788422213\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $536037 118 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 368.0 $676 -8236914994526921029\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $534772 119 buy put 2022-10-14 374.22 381.0 $1265 5813567652887538754\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $533995 120 buy put 2022-10-17 374.22 370.0 $776 2072114642832272167\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $532915 121 buy put 2022-10-19 374.22 376.0 $1079 7284791927332602275\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $532093 122 buy put 2022-10-19 374.22 370.0 $822 6547974329318139135\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $531151 123 buy put 2022-10-21 374.22 372.0 $941 -5132126355268672772\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $530248 124 buy put 2022-10-21 374.22 371.0 $902 -4564481494636012520\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $529386 125 buy put 2022-10-21 374.22 370.0 $862 6632201875850986591\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $528560 126 buy put 2022-10-21 374.22 369.0 $825 5263568441607146166\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $527771 127 buy put 2022-10-21 374.22 368.0 $788 -6880200463035580387\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $527019 128 buy put 2022-10-21 374.22 367.0 $752 7789844115786068641\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $525881 129 buy put 2022-10-26 374.22 375.0 $1137 5664398664049679475\n",
+ "2022-09-23 $524954 130 buy put 2022-10-26 374.22 370.0 $926 -3928129067587831939\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $526828 129 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 383.0 $1874 6762708702201856146\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $528794 128 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 384.0 $1967 6120035322060248745\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $530862 127 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 385.0 $2069 -8435465752953973816\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $533026 126 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 386.0 $2164 -3965335256953489965\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $535285 125 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 387.0 $2260 8011369975079788925\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $537641 124 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 388.0 $2357 -3851301703054989830\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $540096 123 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 389.0 $2455 5337167915094039516\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $542640 122 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 390.0 $2545 -5246477917886521112\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $545284 121 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 391.0 $2645 -3271227528665085752\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $548009 120 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 392.0 $2725 7799193011430792503\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $550865 119 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 393.0 $2857 -196488734814500929\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $553780 118 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 394.0 $2916 -7409397819725620195\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $556796 117 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 395.0 $3016 -1012605559174915793\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $559912 116 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 396.0 $3117 6555348399705185302\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $563128 115 sell put 2022-09-30 364.32 397.0 $3217 5697527737091908164\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $565101 114 sell put 2022-10-03 364.32 384.0 $1973 -7039571325673648167\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $567164 113 sell put 2022-10-03 364.32 385.0 $2064 -1700706061391209553\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $569528 112 sell put 2022-10-03 364.32 388.0 $2365 -5889680452104130148\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $572064 111 sell put 2022-10-03 364.32 390.0 $2536 -6741973115802108637\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $574678 110 sell put 2022-10-03 364.32 391.0 $2615 7203040370333685440\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $577389 109 sell put 2022-10-03 364.32 392.0 $2712 -5476824109819448177\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $580218 108 sell put 2022-10-03 364.32 393.0 $2829 -4561978271001899294\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $583264 107 sell put 2022-10-03 364.32 395.0 $3047 -6370376760555180612\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $585379 106 sell put 2022-10-05 364.32 385.0 $2116 6597120365159704641\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $587911 105 sell put 2022-10-05 364.32 390.0 $2532 -749041764271636709\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $590867 104 sell put 2022-10-05 364.32 394.0 $2957 8906739638804620983\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $589975 105 buy put 2022-10-12 364.32 364.0 $891 -2171521086013095427\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $589040 106 buy put 2022-10-12 364.32 365.0 $935 -2543865519289253920\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $588057 107 buy put 2022-10-12 364.32 366.0 $982 3924069331449684164\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $587251 108 buy put 2022-10-12 364.32 362.0 $806 -240716610269946945\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $586523 109 buy put 2022-10-12 364.32 360.0 $727 3945139205116113276\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $585553 110 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 364.0 $969 5052960580540083667\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $584537 111 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 365.0 $1016 -8027362834972152318\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $583475 112 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 366.0 $1061 -8117651636766125206\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $582591 113 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 362.0 $883 -8845976213564353781\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $581787 114 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 360.0 $804 -951681795496816208\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $581018 115 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 359.0 $768 -6834677727534840969\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $580289 116 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 358.0 $728 -4124970229977392806\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $578968 117 buy put 2022-10-14 364.32 371.0 $1321 6872844477840021171\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $577920 118 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 365.0 $1047 680781251680054284\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $577003 119 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 362.0 $916 -3792453353493203952\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $575814 120 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 368.0 $1189 5602478005518469286\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $574976 121 buy put 2022-10-17 364.32 360.0 $837 344459094453915696\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $573925 122 buy put 2022-10-19 364.32 364.0 $1050 -4505941957776186025\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $572830 123 buy put 2022-10-19 364.32 365.0 $1095 4466666375053400837\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $571688 124 buy put 2022-10-19 364.32 366.0 $1141 -7776652620937794334\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $570878 125 buy put 2022-10-19 364.32 358.0 $809 8489930814744347215\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $569783 126 buy put 2022-10-21 364.32 364.0 $1095 772211119106707681\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $568643 127 buy put 2022-10-21 364.32 365.0 $1139 -5620638370135905943\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $567591 128 buy put 2022-10-21 364.32 363.0 $1051 -607927534212555102\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $566406 129 buy put 2022-10-21 364.32 366.0 $1185 9065129037398634772\n",
+ "2022-09-27 $565394 130 buy put 2022-10-21 364.32 362.0 $1011 2780459981302489493\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $567310 129 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 382.0 $1917 -233018614658026203\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $569405 128 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 384.0 $2095 -8384560822271166103\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $571683 127 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 386.0 $2279 -8933435220970188776\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $574150 126 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 388.0 $2468 -6844517353207393206\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $577005 125 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 392.0 $2855 -7147513105392783771\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $580160 124 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 395.0 $3156 -3487925214707965034\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $583413 123 sell put 2022-10-05 363.39 396.0 $3254 200408941566861421\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $585283 122 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 381.0 $1870 4430988360318854794\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $587319 121 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 383.0 $2037 6083742345142411105\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $589442 120 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 384.0 $2124 -327009595664860561\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $591654 119 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 385.0 $2212 2067716485340216033\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $593954 118 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 386.0 $2301 8145563440281610536\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $596344 117 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 387.0 $2391 8860289605382630024\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $598826 116 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 388.0 $2482 8395850004577205795\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $601401 115 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 389.0 $2576 933313275716085385\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $604070 114 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 390.0 $2670 4993200343108746147\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $607124 113 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 394.0 $3054 -8309212201825696735\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $610274 112 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 395.0 $3151 7253995097856191666\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $613523 111 sell put 2022-10-07 363.39 396.0 $3250 -5393524031461674685\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $615501 110 sell put 2022-10-10 363.39 382.0 $1978 4235538824942088777\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $617645 109 sell put 2022-10-10 363.39 384.0 $2145 -3532462127502373767\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $619874 108 sell put 2022-10-10 363.39 385.0 $2230 -3454738490895021259\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $619203 109 buy put 2022-10-12 363.39 358.0 $671 -8497678127892386623\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $621462 108 sell put 2022-10-12 363.39 385.0 $2260 8685227907523098718\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $624160 107 sell put 2022-10-12 363.39 390.0 $2699 -8753479758310872302\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $623209 108 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 363.0 $951 -7883977914612195391\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $622341 109 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 361.0 $867 -7772284547568234849\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $621203 110 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 367.0 $1138 2248100226915521335\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $619961 111 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 369.0 $1241 -5263995359414835237\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $619243 112 buy put 2022-10-14 363.39 357.0 $717 6763208965340539739\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $621795 111 sell put 2022-10-14 363.39 388.0 $2552 -6424042599717903697\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $624432 110 sell put 2022-10-14 363.39 389.0 $2638 3925576265811800592\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $623309 111 buy put 2022-10-17 363.39 366.0 $1122 -8151160224760144924\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $622036 112 buy put 2022-10-19 363.39 368.0 $1273 6380021892519820128\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $621030 113 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 361.0 $1005 7020297808288473728\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $620063 114 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 360.0 $966 -9016084923936517637\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $619135 115 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 359.0 $928 -1292803563626622302\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $618243 116 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 358.0 $891 -8325569203844381032\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $617387 117 buy put 2022-10-21 363.39 357.0 $855 2187767282019139774\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $616227 118 buy put 2022-10-24 363.39 364.0 $1160 3690903625833755451\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $614977 119 buy put 2022-10-26 363.39 365.0 $1249 -3770870544309384525\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $613938 120 buy put 2022-10-26 363.39 360.0 $1038 -911842517395035470\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $612690 121 buy put 2022-10-28 363.39 364.0 $1248 899193906141953891\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $611526 122 buy put 2022-10-28 363.39 362.0 $1163 8337013114031444975\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $610232 123 buy put 2022-10-28 363.39 365.0 $1293 8194285044325748582\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $608893 124 buy put 2022-10-28 363.39 366.0 $1339 -1138390868861462040\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $607810 125 buy put 2022-10-28 363.39 360.0 $1082 -8295649680373834165\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $606374 126 buy put 2022-10-28 363.39 368.0 $1435 -6605956118294365619\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $605368 127 buy put 2022-10-28 363.39 358.0 $1006 -761470517714775915\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $603831 128 buy put 2022-10-28 363.39 370.0 $1536 -5514418908130885857\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $602601 129 buy put 2022-10-31 363.39 363.0 $1229 -8292828294847682521\n",
+ "2022-09-28 $601329 130 buy put 2022-10-31 363.39 364.0 $1272 820938247763303442\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $602338 129 sell put 2022-10-05 370.49 378.0 $1010 -8696260995474707489\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $603466 128 sell put 2022-10-05 370.49 380.0 $1129 805647337067494284\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $604477 127 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 377.0 $1011 3206752045864940046\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $605570 126 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 378.0 $1094 -3732977154271353781\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $606727 125 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 379.0 $1158 -5669970247756252996\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $607952 124 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 380.0 $1225 443698849474460194\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $609291 123 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 382.0 $1340 -2465206063463779136\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $611363 122 sell put 2022-10-07 370.49 391.0 $2073 6744591437768019247\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $612478 121 sell put 2022-10-10 370.49 378.0 $1115 -2031546877000257404\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $613716 120 sell put 2022-10-10 370.49 380.0 $1239 3400968312050781643\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $615389 119 sell put 2022-10-10 370.49 386.0 $1674 -1060602845675528524\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $617221 118 sell put 2022-10-10 370.49 388.0 $1832 5509632606804121284\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $618416 117 sell put 2022-10-12 370.49 378.0 $1196 4020493234299097243\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $619711 116 sell put 2022-10-12 370.49 380.0 $1296 440269050448605667\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $621281 115 sell put 2022-10-12 370.49 384.0 $1570 -9034999792898395329\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $622966 114 sell put 2022-10-12 370.49 386.0 $1686 -1902766547255705130\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $624840 113 sell put 2022-10-12 370.49 388.0 $1875 -7794191832935131893\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $623779 114 buy put 2022-10-14 370.49 374.0 $1061 -7074018392829198566\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $625172 113 sell put 2022-10-14 370.49 380.0 $1394 -4119292303353206636\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $626693 112 sell put 2022-10-14 370.49 382.0 $1522 -7969078335544006395\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $628281 111 sell put 2022-10-14 370.49 383.0 $1588 -3442407196208303540\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $629940 110 sell put 2022-10-14 370.49 384.0 $1660 -2538497057668535680\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $631646 109 sell put 2022-10-14 370.49 385.0 $1707 7210404128153351040\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $633466 108 sell put 2022-10-14 370.49 387.0 $1820 -4382883943176983946\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $635514 107 sell put 2022-10-14 370.49 390.0 $2049 103508113506111134\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $636928 106 sell put 2022-10-17 370.49 380.0 $1414 -6485169326863471441\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $638477 105 sell put 2022-10-17 370.49 382.0 $1550 3124535893411668183\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $637533 106 buy put 2022-10-24 370.49 368.0 $943 -8021404858499455097\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $636699 107 buy put 2022-10-24 370.49 365.0 $834 3031195175582235278\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $635787 108 buy put 2022-10-26 370.49 366.0 $911 -4382047188040986945\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $634947 109 buy put 2022-10-26 370.49 364.0 $839 -2961674425466559519\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $633740 110 buy put 2022-10-28 370.49 372.0 $1207 793212341026918772\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $632443 111 buy put 2022-10-28 370.49 374.0 $1296 4660146168709078445\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $631097 112 buy put 2022-10-28 370.49 375.0 $1345 8601884388092687390\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $629695 113 buy put 2022-10-28 370.49 376.0 $1402 -6078577214427006395\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $628550 114 buy put 2022-10-31 370.49 370.0 $1144 5523645677840267404\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $627368 115 buy put 2022-10-31 370.49 371.0 $1181 6876795719587301897\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $626266 116 buy put 2022-10-31 370.49 369.0 $1102 819907014026783170\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $625039 117 buy put 2022-10-31 370.49 372.0 $1226 -4076633833429744675\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $624020 118 buy put 2022-10-31 370.49 367.0 $1018 -717868203102610393\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $623041 119 buy put 2022-10-31 370.49 366.0 $979 8356887298322649549\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $622097 120 buy put 2022-10-31 370.49 365.0 $943 1805258321661289307\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $620866 121 buy put 2022-11-04 370.49 370.0 $1230 519038951458051813\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $619548 122 buy put 2022-11-04 370.49 372.0 $1318 304674919002908907\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $618514 123 buy put 2022-11-04 370.49 365.0 $1033 3614260127872370722\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $617516 124 buy put 2022-11-04 370.49 364.0 $997 2321411249660699087\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $616102 125 buy put 2022-11-18 370.49 370.0 $1414 3399196934831674402\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $614646 126 buy put 2022-11-18 370.49 371.0 $1455 -8200038460633692455\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $613272 127 buy put 2022-11-18 370.49 369.0 $1373 -9153579638524296327\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $611771 128 buy put 2022-11-18 370.49 372.0 $1501 1518254718849068217\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $610438 129 buy put 2022-11-18 370.49 368.0 $1332 6027627709285036022\n",
+ "2022-09-29 $608893 130 buy put 2022-11-18 370.49 373.0 $1544 -4765709522186709918\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $609766 129 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 367.0 $873 5390391375938747098\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $610692 128 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 368.0 $927 -564085470773256270\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $611741 127 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 370.0 $1050 -8082068740247354065\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $612854 126 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 371.0 $1113 1445013436450723165\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $614032 125 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 372.0 $1179 6052540519758503237\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $615276 124 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 373.0 $1245 4311406221873354008\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $616593 123 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 374.0 $1317 -5890110637646914214\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $617984 122 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 375.0 $1392 5280903096421957360\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $619448 121 sell put 2022-10-07 362.84 376.0 $1465 -8385278098771247675\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $620427 120 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 368.0 $979 7354799396747371631\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $621521 119 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 370.0 $1095 -1266193793958907799\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $622877 118 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 374.0 $1357 4174013103179281962\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $624306 117 sell put 2022-10-10 362.84 375.0 $1429 2401829145185800525\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $625062 116 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 362.0 $757 -240716610269946945\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $625905 115 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 364.0 $844 -2171521086013095427\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $626799 114 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 365.0 $894 -2543865519289253920\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $627470 113 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 360.0 $672 3945139205116113276\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $628413 112 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 366.0 $944 3924069331449684164\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $629010 111 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 358.0 $597 -8497678127892386623\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $630059 110 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 368.0 $1050 8591534290392152915\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $631220 109 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 370.0 $1162 1108100842709339981\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $632505 108 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 372.0 $1285 3890390363947906947\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $633919 107 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 374.0 $1415 -59903786622403212\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $635405 106 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 375.0 $1486 3758555806435207687\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $637410 105 sell put 2022-10-12 362.84 382.0 $2006 6631906322982260559\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $638299 104 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 363.0 $890 -7883977914612195391\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $639147 103 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 362.0 $848 -8845976213564353781\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $640080 102 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 364.0 $934 5052960580540083667\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $640885 101 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 361.0 $806 -7772284547568234849\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $641869 100 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 365.0 $984 -8027362834972152318\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $642632 99 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 360.0 $764 -951681795496816208\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $643663 98 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 366.0 $1032 -8117651636766125206\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $644390 97 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 359.0 $727 -6834677727534840969\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $645471 96 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 367.0 $1082 2248100226915521335\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $646158 95 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 358.0 $688 -4124970229977392806\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $647291 94 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 368.0 $1133 -8236914994526921029\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $647942 93 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 357.0 $652 6763208965340539739\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $649131 92 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 369.0 $1190 -5263995359414835237\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $650374 91 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 370.0 $1243 6917628988788422213\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $651675 90 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 371.0 $1302 6872844477840021171\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $653038 89 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 372.0 $1364 -4679196778392867646\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $654462 88 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 373.0 $1424 628737074576113540\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $655951 87 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 374.0 $1490 -7074018392829198566\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $657504 86 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 375.0 $1554 -6830487464328570690\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $659128 85 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 376.0 $1624 2267815314132568171\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $660890 84 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 378.0 $1763 7849931042999869064\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $662881 83 sell put 2022-10-14 362.84 381.0 $1992 5813567652887538754\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $663763 82 sell put 2022-10-17 362.84 362.0 $882 -3792453353493203952\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $664778 81 sell put 2022-10-17 362.84 365.0 $1016 680781251680054284\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $665575 80 sell put 2022-10-17 362.84 360.0 $798 344459094453915696\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $666639 79 sell put 2022-10-17 362.84 366.0 $1064 -8151160224760144924\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $667806 78 sell put 2022-10-17 362.84 368.0 $1168 5602478005518469286\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $669078 77 sell put 2022-10-17 362.84 370.0 $1273 2072114642832272167\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $670594 76 sell put 2022-10-17 362.84 374.0 $1516 -3706203448241263929\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $672175 75 sell put 2022-10-17 362.84 375.0 $1582 -7269226430157283013\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $673194 74 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 364.0 $1020 -4505941957776186025\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $674263 73 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 365.0 $1069 4466666375053400837\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $675377 72 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 366.0 $1115 -7776652620937794334\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $676153 71 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 358.0 $777 8489930814744347215\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $677371 70 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 368.0 $1218 6380021892519820128\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $678695 69 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 370.0 $1325 6547974329318139135\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $680317 68 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 375.0 $1623 1126078183013358252\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $682005 67 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 376.0 $1688 7284791927332602275\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $683975 66 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 380.0 $1971 3909191942601530659\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $686092 65 sell put 2022-10-19 362.84 382.0 $2118 -4183546579395397525\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $687120 64 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 363.0 $1028 -607927534212555102\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $688102 63 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 362.0 $983 2780459981302489493\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $689172 62 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 364.0 $1071 772211119106707681\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $690114 61 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 361.0 $942 7020297808288473728\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $691230 60 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 365.0 $1117 -5620638370135905943\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $692132 59 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 360.0 $903 -9016084923936517637\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $693296 58 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 366.0 $1164 9065129037398634772\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $694158 57 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 359.0 $863 -1292803563626622302\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $695372 56 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 367.0 $1214 7789844115786068641\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $696199 55 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 358.0 $828 -8325569203844381032\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $697462 54 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 368.0 $1264 -6880200463035580387\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $698254 53 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 357.0 $792 2187767282019139774\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $699569 52 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 369.0 $1316 5263568441607146166\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $700938 51 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 370.0 $1370 6632201875850986591\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $702361 50 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 371.0 $1423 -4564481494636012520\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $703841 49 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 372.0 $1481 -5132126355268672772\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $705380 48 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 373.0 $1540 -187005380359101437\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $706980 47 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 374.0 $1600 -3552687650092496551\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $708641 46 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 375.0 $1662 3601143078324378794\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $710369 45 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 376.0 $1729 -9056392727709978413\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $712163 44 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 377.0 $1794 6705547455784816301\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $714021 43 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 378.0 $1859 -3623657139755146621\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $715949 42 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 379.0 $1929 -4130815295915898722\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $717952 41 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 380.0 $2003 3227932400380611496\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $720025 40 sell put 2022-10-21 362.84 381.0 $2074 -3591122274498092843\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $721122 39 sell put 2022-10-24 362.84 364.0 $1098 3690903625833755451\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $722266 38 sell put 2022-10-24 362.84 365.0 $1144 3031195175582235278\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $723555 37 sell put 2022-10-24 362.84 368.0 $1290 -8021404858499455097\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $724694 36 sell put 2022-10-26 362.84 364.0 $1140 -2961674425466559519\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $725880 35 sell put 2022-10-26 362.84 365.0 $1186 -3770870544309384525\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $726853 34 sell put 2022-10-26 362.84 360.0 $974 -911842517395035470\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $728087 33 sell put 2022-10-26 362.84 366.0 $1235 -4382047188040986945\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $729525 32 sell put 2022-10-26 362.84 370.0 $1438 -3928129067587831939\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $731250 31 sell put 2022-10-26 362.84 375.0 $1726 5664398664049679475\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $732346 30 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 362.0 $1097 8337013114031444975\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $733531 29 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 364.0 $1185 899193906141953891\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $734759 28 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 365.0 $1229 8194285044325748582\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $735776 27 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 360.0 $1018 -8295649680373834165\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $737053 26 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 366.0 $1277 -1138390868861462040\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $737992 25 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 358.0 $940 -761470517714775915\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $739364 24 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 368.0 $1373 -6605956118294365619\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $740842 23 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 370.0 $1478 -5514418908130885857\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $742426 22 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 372.0 $1585 793212341026918772\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $744126 21 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 374.0 $1701 4660146168709078445\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $745889 20 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 375.0 $1763 8601884388092687390\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $747712 19 sell put 2022-10-28 362.84 376.0 $1824 -6078577214427006395\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $748876 18 sell put 2022-10-31 362.84 363.0 $1165 -8292828294847682521\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $750084 17 sell put 2022-10-31 362.84 364.0 $1208 820938247763303442\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $751337 16 sell put 2022-10-31 362.84 365.0 $1254 1805258321661289307\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $752638 15 sell put 2022-10-31 362.84 366.0 $1302 8356887298322649549\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $753985 14 sell put 2022-10-31 362.84 367.0 $1347 -717868203102610393\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $755433 13 sell put 2022-10-31 362.84 369.0 $1449 819907014026783170\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $756933 12 sell put 2022-10-31 362.84 370.0 $1501 5523645677840267404\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $758487 11 sell put 2022-10-31 362.84 371.0 $1554 6876795719587301897\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $760094 10 sell put 2022-10-31 362.84 372.0 $1608 -4076633833429744675\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $761394 9 sell put 2022-11-04 362.84 364.0 $1301 2321411249660699087\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $762740 8 sell put 2022-11-04 362.84 365.0 $1346 3614260127872370722\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $764331 7 sell put 2022-11-04 362.84 370.0 $1592 519038951458051813\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $766029 6 sell put 2022-11-04 362.84 372.0 $1698 304674919002908907\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $767697 5 sell put 2022-11-18 362.84 368.0 $1669 6027627709285036022\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $769414 4 sell put 2022-11-18 362.84 369.0 $1718 -9153579638524296327\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $771180 3 sell put 2022-11-18 362.84 370.0 $1766 3399196934831674402\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $773000 2 sell put 2022-11-18 362.84 371.0 $1821 -8200038460633692455\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $774871 1 sell put 2022-11-18 362.84 372.0 $1872 1518254718849068217\n",
+ "2022-09-30 $776797 0 sell put 2022-11-18 362.84 373.0 $1926 -4765709522186709918\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $775904 1 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 367.0 $892 3681776045848925616\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $774960 2 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 366.0 $943 2544473489358788891\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $774120 3 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 368.0 $840 4376345112210125095\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $773120 4 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 365.0 $999 -5332212567861343665\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $772330 5 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 369.0 $789 3048519192693529409\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $771270 6 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 364.0 $1060 47312386810615071\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $770529 7 buy call 2022-11-02 366.79 370.0 $740 -7966940755046850872\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $769547 8 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 367.0 $981 -2219077504288122726\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $768512 9 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 366.0 $1035 -296107618719676959\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $767583 10 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 368.0 $928 2663942565677102275\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $766491 11 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 365.0 $1091 3614260127872370722\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $765614 12 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 369.0 $877 -6971227613616929452\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $764785 13 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 370.0 $828 519038951458051813\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $763576 14 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 363.0 $1208 -5855194627816116861\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $762886 15 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 373.0 $690 -8312379087145338192\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $761477 16 buy call 2022-11-04 366.79 360.0 $1408 575420936936248894\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $760457 17 buy call 2022-11-07 366.79 367.0 $1019 -1066018294744530275\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $759383 18 buy call 2022-11-07 366.79 366.0 $1074 -5068848421009141611\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $758416 19 buy call 2022-11-07 366.79 368.0 $966 5521344693363337295\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $757549 20 buy call 2022-11-07 366.79 370.0 $866 -4506441338782958574\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $756452 21 buy call 2022-11-09 366.79 367.0 $1097 -138070437604542564\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $755296 22 buy call 2022-11-09 366.79 366.0 $1155 -9130266898457009178\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $754248 23 buy call 2022-11-09 366.79 368.0 $1047 6773829964548309375\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $753125 24 buy call 2022-11-11 366.79 368.0 $1123 6633733007518825376\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $751836 25 buy call 2022-11-11 366.79 365.0 $1288 1673174225177837073\n",
+ "2022-10-18 $750520 26 buy call 2022-11-14 366.79 365.0 $1315 8126749648318864738\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $749637 27 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 371.0 $883 4565388146738037875\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $748806 28 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 372.0 $830 -319614552311163705\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $748028 29 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 373.0 $777 5003695553660930657\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $747301 30 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 374.0 $727 1505375882663994593\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $746620 31 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 375.0 $680 6751598238507690622\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $745983 32 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 376.0 $636 -6225360216378076762\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $745392 33 buy call 2022-11-02 371.15 377.0 $591 3454720019474738487\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $744419 34 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 371.0 $972 -7374082829721727925\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $743498 35 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 372.0 $920 304674919002908907\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $742682 36 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 374.0 $816 2439795889194578170\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $741913 37 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 375.0 $768 2377098255665619798\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $741235 38 buy call 2022-11-04 371.15 377.0 $677 1993232422398480497\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $740279 39 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 372.0 $956 2432547856574557230\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $739422 40 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 374.0 $856 6814603081992039138\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $738612 41 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 375.0 $809 690733445227728492\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $737939 42 buy call 2022-11-07 371.15 378.0 $673 2482336415409211933\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $737049 43 buy call 2022-11-09 371.15 375.0 $889 4957814894379892847\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $735931 44 buy call 2022-11-11 371.15 372.0 $1118 -5301026979944778136\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $734703 45 buy call 2022-11-11 371.15 370.0 $1227 6975405351185632660\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $733689 46 buy call 2022-11-11 371.15 374.0 $1013 -2234156245630253546\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $732724 47 buy call 2022-11-11 371.15 375.0 $965 2162459608601094673\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $731437 48 buy call 2022-11-18 371.15 371.0 $1286 -8200038460633692455\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $730204 49 buy call 2022-11-18 371.15 372.0 $1232 1518254718849068217\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $728860 50 buy call 2022-11-18 371.15 370.0 $1344 3399196934831674402\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $727678 51 buy call 2022-11-18 371.15 373.0 $1181 -4765709522186709918\n",
+ "2022-10-19 $726276 52 buy call 2022-11-18 371.15 369.0 $1401 -9153579638524296327\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $725070 53 buy call 2022-11-04 368.51 364.0 $1206 2321411249660699087\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $723939 54 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 369.0 $1130 2592042198586745749\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $722642 55 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 366.0 $1296 -8913760718675732143\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $721619 56 buy call 2022-11-11 368.51 371.0 $1023 8897645297470148733\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $720364 57 buy call 2022-11-16 368.51 368.0 $1254 663850942756876119\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $719061 58 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 368.0 $1302 6027627709285036022\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $717702 59 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 367.0 $1359 2274145220470982479\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $716284 60 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 366.0 $1417 -642229625482165090\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $714808 61 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 365.0 $1475 4893356044052874118\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $713816 62 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 374.0 $992 -8845067715077871476\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $712869 63 buy call 2022-11-18 368.51 375.0 $946 2812292163200605213\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $711523 64 buy call 2022-11-25 368.51 369.0 $1345 2280104894255106553\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $710233 65 buy call 2022-11-25 368.51 370.0 $1290 -1088980497084539326\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $708995 66 buy call 2022-11-25 368.51 371.0 $1237 8093152730792740574\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $707956 67 buy call 2022-11-25 368.51 375.0 $1038 2359420563841011876\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $706797 68 buy call 2022-12-02 368.51 375.0 $1159 -225606310483221703\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $705161 69 buy call 2022-12-16 368.51 370.0 $1635 2865338089923727028\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $703357 70 buy call 2022-12-16 368.51 367.0 $1803 6975171944466954972\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $701776 71 buy call 2022-12-16 368.51 371.0 $1581 7494533316679555586\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $700248 72 buy call 2022-12-16 368.51 372.0 $1527 -3083843360114897335\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $698318 73 buy call 2022-12-16 368.51 365.0 $1929 -5540720732367464671\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $696844 74 buy call 2022-12-16 368.51 373.0 $1474 1092819921589511061\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $695419 75 buy call 2022-12-16 368.51 374.0 $1424 -9222839143678207056\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $694043 76 buy call 2022-12-16 368.51 375.0 $1375 -2481539133612266715\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $692033 77 buy call 2023-01-20 368.51 370.0 $2010 3457609187169035729\n",
+ "2022-10-20 $689736 78 buy call 2023-01-20 368.51 365.0 $2296 -8964826781627791834\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $688772 79 buy call 2022-11-07 365.52 365.0 $963 4238535024980272265\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $687717 80 buy call 2022-11-09 365.52 365.0 $1055 -1028686692911684326\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $686869 81 buy call 2022-11-09 365.52 369.0 $847 4959656047391158087\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $686006 82 buy call 2022-11-14 365.52 371.0 $862 9126747477896282598\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $685053 83 buy call 2022-11-16 365.52 370.0 $953 -8829653557833386796\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $683735 84 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 364.0 $1317 7161583429505937726\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $682169 85 buy call 2022-11-18 365.52 360.0 $1565 -1779692734572875313\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $680936 86 buy call 2022-11-21 365.52 366.0 $1233 1730212951002503507\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $679594 87 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 365.0 $1341 -7122836608851098233\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $678307 88 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 366.0 $1286 -449156669231449367\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $677128 89 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 368.0 $1179 1239914323440739958\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $676050 90 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 370.0 $1077 3996376029012706456\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $675069 91 buy call 2022-11-23 365.52 372.0 $980 1742811368470997850\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $673710 92 buy call 2022-11-25 365.52 365.0 $1359 -5667706773351990623\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $672406 93 buy call 2022-11-25 365.52 366.0 $1303 1783719371799715582\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $671156 94 buy call 2022-11-25 365.52 367.0 $1250 8131000187030442449\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $670156 95 buy call 2022-11-25 365.52 372.0 $999 1979792536618471476\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $668726 96 buy call 2022-12-02 365.52 366.0 $1429 7333950801562986526\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $667351 97 buy call 2022-12-02 365.52 367.0 $1375 2617224489178033311\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $665807 98 buy call 2022-12-02 365.52 364.0 $1543 -1603585602310559606\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $663913 99 buy call 2022-12-16 365.52 362.0 $1893 -2854211203979517114\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $662424 100 buy call 2022-12-16 365.52 369.0 $1489 -2673747288701892192\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $660954 101 buy call 2022-12-30 365.52 372.0 $1469 6196897347834578915\n",
+ "2022-10-21 $656152 102 buy call 2023-12-15 365.52 365.0 $4801 -69101184627979118\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $655291 103 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 379.0 $861 5108426682273835843\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $654481 104 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 380.0 $809 -2409420680276111445\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $653512 105 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 377.0 $968 6181579393080923698\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $652488 106 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 376.0 $1024 -3128133081091111136\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $651773 107 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 382.0 $714 -2059966128670672493\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $651146 108 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 384.0 $626 4067566184945387608\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $650562 109 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 385.0 $584 1103475975812686955\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $650016 110 buy call 2022-11-07 378.8 386.0 $545 -4089909468610239406\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $649056 111 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 379.0 $959 1823987510359041937\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $648044 112 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 378.0 $1012 4245894096563076439\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $647136 113 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 380.0 $907 1046700560766630314\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $646069 114 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 377.0 $1066 -4547797894120880145\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $645351 115 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 384.0 $718 -4827055588170152266\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $644674 116 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 385.0 $676 -3224367607041839814\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $644038 117 buy call 2022-11-09 378.8 386.0 $635 -2589600512668376807\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $642986 118 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 379.0 $1052 6872919773727991836\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $641879 119 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 378.0 $1106 -1611596792311842208\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $640877 120 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 380.0 $1001 6798390202835084201\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $639717 121 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 377.0 $1160 4012609239224696856\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $638765 122 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 381.0 $951 -1213546074893857834\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $637548 123 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 376.0 $1216 -4416470566774814999\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $636646 124 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 382.0 $902 8011709956252863369\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $635789 125 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 383.0 $856 -820699476732436884\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $634978 126 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 384.0 $810 4639713113012137455\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $633584 127 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 373.0 $1394 3530566390789972394\n",
+ "2022-10-25 $632817 128 buy call 2022-11-11 378.8 385.0 $766 7305721837172581721\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $634460 127 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 370.0 $1644 -7966940755046850872\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $636186 126 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 369.0 $1726 3048519192693529409\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $637995 125 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 368.0 $1810 4376345112210125095\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $639893 124 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 367.0 $1899 3681776045848925616\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $641879 123 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 366.0 $1986 2544473489358788891\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $643949 122 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 365.0 $2071 -5332212567861343665\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $646111 121 sell call 2022-11-02 384.81 364.0 $2163 47312386810615071\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $647618 120 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 373.0 $1507 -8312379087145338192\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $649359 119 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 370.0 $1742 519038951458051813\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $651173 118 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 369.0 $1815 -6971227613616929452\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $653063 117 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 368.0 $1890 2663942565677102275\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $655034 116 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 367.0 $1972 -2219077504288122726\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $657089 115 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 366.0 $2056 -296107618719676959\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $659235 114 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 365.0 $2146 3614260127872370722\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $661555 113 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 363.0 $2321 -5855194627816116861\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $664141 112 sell call 2022-11-04 384.81 360.0 $2586 575420936936248894\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $665918 111 sell call 2022-11-07 384.81 370.0 $1778 -4506441338782958574\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $667840 110 sell call 2022-11-07 384.81 368.0 $1923 5521344693363337295\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $669857 109 sell call 2022-11-07 384.81 367.0 $2017 -1066018294744530275\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $671942 108 sell call 2022-11-07 384.81 366.0 $2086 -5068848421009141611\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $670868 109 buy call 2022-11-09 384.81 382.0 $1073 -3833081544174898328\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $670111 110 buy call 2022-11-09 384.81 388.0 $757 9063840269405186245\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $669443 111 buy call 2022-11-09 384.81 390.0 $667 132176179229142533\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $671461 110 sell call 2022-11-09 384.81 368.0 $2019 6773829964548309375\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $673554 109 sell call 2022-11-09 384.81 367.0 $2093 -138070437604542564\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $675724 108 sell call 2022-11-09 384.81 366.0 $2171 -9130266898457009178\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $674775 109 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 386.0 $948 978972244829559036\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $673925 110 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 388.0 $850 -6932057977138510348\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $673166 111 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 390.0 $758 -13103982775949514\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $672450 112 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 391.0 $715 2892237518469411435\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $671778 113 buy call 2022-11-11 384.81 392.0 $672 1805252373817982897\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $673870 112 sell call 2022-11-11 384.81 368.0 $2093 6633733007518825376\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $676184 111 sell call 2022-11-11 384.81 365.0 $2315 1673174225177837073\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $675098 112 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 384.0 $1086 802627469059035828\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $674117 113 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 386.0 $980 -2201637298753622611\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $673188 114 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 387.0 $928 3956223526297201958\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $671991 115 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 382.0 $1197 4270854798594121264\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $671111 116 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 388.0 $879 -691209850883025940\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $670277 117 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 389.0 $833 -7707057608077638839\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $669490 118 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 390.0 $787 -5069849674586315145\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $668787 119 buy call 2022-11-14 384.81 392.0 $702 3449412246984157627\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $671130 118 sell call 2022-11-14 384.81 365.0 $2344 8126749648318864738\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $670053 119 buy call 2022-11-16 384.81 385.0 $1077 -8484310124160575850\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $668922 120 buy call 2022-11-16 384.81 384.0 $1130 -4966721207189420439\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $667679 121 buy call 2022-11-16 384.81 382.0 $1242 6407455042332213116\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $666318 122 buy call 2022-11-16 384.81 380.0 $1361 -4088623822261211050\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $665571 123 buy call 2022-11-16 384.81 392.0 $746 7936793065173879084\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $664440 124 buy call 2022-11-18 384.81 385.0 $1130 -20541499132682833\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $663259 125 buy call 2022-11-18 384.81 384.0 $1181 -7520635368436122056\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $662182 126 buy call 2022-11-18 384.81 386.0 $1076 8549111828836853794\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $660943 127 buy call 2022-11-18 384.81 383.0 $1238 2148597760892852926\n",
+ "2022-10-26 $659918 128 buy call 2022-11-18 384.81 387.0 $1025 7256430834537161570\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $660790 127 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 377.0 $873 3454720019474738487\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $661727 126 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 376.0 $938 -6225360216378076762\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $662732 125 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 375.0 $1005 6751598238507690622\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $663805 124 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 374.0 $1074 1505375882663994593\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $664950 123 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 373.0 $1146 5003695553660930657\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $666170 122 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 372.0 $1220 -319614552311163705\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $667465 121 sell call 2022-11-02 382.12 371.0 $1296 4565388146738037875\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $668452 120 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 377.0 $988 1993232422398480497\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $669570 119 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 375.0 $1118 2377098255665619798\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $670754 118 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 374.0 $1185 2439795889194578170\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $672079 117 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 372.0 $1326 304674919002908907\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $673478 116 sell call 2022-11-04 382.12 371.0 $1399 -7374082829721727925\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $674448 115 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 378.0 $971 2482336415409211933\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $675607 114 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 375.0 $1159 690733445227728492\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $676832 113 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 374.0 $1226 6814603081992039138\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $678196 112 sell call 2022-11-07 382.12 372.0 $1365 2432547856574557230\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $679452 111 sell call 2022-11-09 382.12 375.0 $1256 4957814894379892847\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $678743 112 buy call 2022-11-11 382.12 387.0 $708 -1129744943960930051\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $678120 113 buy call 2022-11-11 382.12 389.0 $622 6268297812225341885\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $679472 112 sell call 2022-11-11 382.12 375.0 $1352 2162459608601094673\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $678101 113 buy call 2022-11-11 382.12 375.0 $1370 2162459608601094673\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $679517 112 sell call 2022-11-11 382.12 374.0 $1417 -2234156245630253546\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $681068 111 sell call 2022-11-11 382.12 372.0 $1551 -5301026979944778136\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $682757 110 sell call 2022-11-11 382.12 370.0 $1690 6975405351185632660\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $681825 111 buy call 2022-11-14 382.12 383.0 $931 8528405860812310036\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $680993 112 buy call 2022-11-14 382.12 385.0 $832 -1981169396600456194\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $679910 113 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 382.0 $1082 6946185651587912242\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $678772 114 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 381.0 $1137 1673388835754422783\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $677578 115 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 380.0 $1194 -1300945544248322318\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $676261 116 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 378.0 $1316 7847473094227226806\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $675471 117 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 388.0 $789 1011895146934250311\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $674726 118 buy call 2022-11-18 382.12 389.0 $745 -2348659822986098585\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $676341 117 sell call 2022-11-18 382.12 373.0 $1616 -4765709522186709918\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $678020 116 sell call 2022-11-18 382.12 372.0 $1680 1518254718849068217\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $679768 115 sell call 2022-11-18 382.12 371.0 $1748 -8200038460633692455\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $681586 114 sell call 2022-11-18 382.12 370.0 $1819 3399196934831674402\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $683472 113 sell call 2022-11-18 382.12 369.0 $1887 -9153579638524296327\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $682516 114 buy call 2022-11-21 382.12 385.0 $956 -7045271230608840530\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $681699 115 buy call 2022-11-21 382.12 388.0 $816 -5858279443278871379\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $680739 116 buy call 2022-11-23 382.12 386.0 $959 5135768077757312576\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $679874 117 buy call 2022-11-23 382.12 388.0 $865 -5965501409665133205\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $678692 118 buy call 2022-11-25 382.12 382.0 $1181 4154283244077073355\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $677563 119 buy call 2022-11-25 382.12 383.0 $1128 6821220219156126763\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $676326 120 buy call 2022-11-25 382.12 381.0 $1237 -1462997211619595044\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $675249 121 buy call 2022-11-25 382.12 384.0 $1076 -108114285842709068\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $673954 122 buy call 2022-11-25 382.12 380.0 $1294 637040898452593427\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $672929 123 buy call 2022-11-25 382.12 385.0 $1025 1461458674578219790\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $671951 124 buy call 2022-11-25 382.12 386.0 $977 5192652755627422319\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $671021 125 buy call 2022-11-25 382.12 387.0 $929 8414279088911997341\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $670139 126 buy call 2022-11-25 382.12 388.0 $882 5821065572146511699\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $669042 127 buy call 2022-11-30 382.12 385.0 $1096 4324328190062914010\n",
+ "2022-10-27 $667885 128 buy call 2022-12-02 382.12 385.0 $1156 5797405796122040677\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $669621 127 sell call 2022-11-04 380.17 364.0 $1736 2321411249660699087\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $671054 126 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 371.0 $1434 8897645297470148733\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $672621 125 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 369.0 $1568 2592042198586745749\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $674409 124 sell call 2022-11-11 380.17 366.0 $1788 -8913760718675732143\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $673467 125 buy call 2022-11-14 380.17 380.0 $941 -6813134691354442778\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $672577 126 buy call 2022-11-14 380.17 381.0 $889 2328888831661595798\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $674293 125 sell call 2022-11-16 380.17 368.0 $1716 663850942756876119\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $673194 126 buy call 2022-11-18 380.17 379.0 $1098 4064999842915279438\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $674510 125 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 375.0 $1317 2812292163200605213\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $673176 126 buy call 2022-11-18 380.17 375.0 $1334 2812292163200605213\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $674553 125 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 374.0 $1378 -8845067715077871476\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $676324 124 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 368.0 $1771 6027627709285036022\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $678166 123 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 367.0 $1843 2274145220470982479\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $680079 122 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 366.0 $1914 -642229625482165090\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $682066 121 sell call 2022-11-18 380.17 365.0 $1987 4893356044052874118\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $680992 122 buy call 2022-11-21 380.17 380.0 $1073 5881372733843285089\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $679867 123 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 380.0 $1124 -5560201136564410092\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $678849 124 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 382.0 $1018 -4226761763849246631\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $677928 125 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 384.0 $920 -8991917305554768\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $677054 126 buy call 2022-11-23 380.17 385.0 $873 -832529326562692281\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $675859 127 buy call 2022-11-25 380.17 379.0 $1195 8312673857889153670\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $674535 128 buy call 2022-11-25 380.17 377.0 $1323 -2090513405193903338\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $675943 127 sell call 2022-11-25 380.17 375.0 $1409 2359420563841011876\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $677604 126 sell call 2022-11-25 380.17 371.0 $1661 8093152730792740574\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $679330 125 sell call 2022-11-25 380.17 370.0 $1727 -1088980497084539326\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $681126 124 sell call 2022-11-25 380.17 369.0 $1797 2280104894255106553\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $679913 125 buy call 2022-11-30 380.17 380.0 $1213 -7259638600427337567\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $678642 126 buy call 2022-12-02 380.17 380.0 $1270 8924111909725418869\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $677427 127 buy call 2022-12-02 380.17 381.0 $1214 5075958955009857978\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $676315 128 buy call 2022-12-02 380.17 383.0 $1112 -8157570305064970522\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $675252 129 buy call 2022-12-02 380.17 384.0 $1062 7855341828627642714\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $676782 128 sell call 2022-12-02 380.17 375.0 $1531 -225606310483221703\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $675816 129 buy call 2022-12-02 380.17 386.0 $966 8130012457610432138\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $674298 130 buy call 2022-12-16 380.17 380.0 $1517 -8806305638018088942\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $672834 131 buy call 2022-12-16 380.17 381.0 $1463 -8183177641346564757\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $671425 132 buy call 2022-12-16 380.17 382.0 $1409 -8287202691453470394\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $670067 133 buy call 2022-12-16 380.17 383.0 $1357 2747741847607449213\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $668765 134 buy call 2022-12-16 380.17 384.0 $1301 -7422987653922769476\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $667513 135 buy call 2022-12-16 380.17 385.0 $1252 926398742138841794\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $669299 134 sell call 2022-12-16 380.17 375.0 $1787 -2481539133612266715\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $668092 135 buy call 2022-12-16 380.17 386.0 $1206 -6350429578973561631\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $669939 134 sell call 2022-12-16 380.17 374.0 $1847 -9222839143678207056\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $668782 135 buy call 2022-12-16 380.17 387.0 $1156 7637874672733944621\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $670689 134 sell call 2022-12-16 380.17 373.0 $1908 1092819921589511061\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $672660 133 sell call 2022-12-16 380.17 372.0 $1971 -3083843360114897335\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $674694 132 sell call 2022-12-16 380.17 371.0 $2035 7494533316679555586\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $676792 131 sell call 2022-12-16 380.17 370.0 $2099 2865338089923727028\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $679091 130 sell call 2022-12-16 380.17 367.0 $2299 6975171944466954972\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $681527 129 sell call 2022-12-16 380.17 365.0 $2437 -5540720732367464671\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $680239 130 buy call 2022-12-30 380.17 387.0 $1287 -7325762946603885451\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $682701 129 sell call 2023-01-20 380.17 370.0 $2462 3457609187169035729\n",
+ "2022-10-28 $685487 128 sell call 2023-01-20 380.17 365.0 $2787 -8964826781627791834\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $687957 127 sell call 2022-11-07 388.97 365.0 $2471 4238535024980272265\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $690067 126 sell call 2022-11-09 388.97 369.0 $2110 4959656047391158087\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $692593 125 sell call 2022-11-09 388.97 365.0 $2527 -1028686692911684326\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $691912 126 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 393.0 $680 -4064365834195304179\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $691277 127 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 394.0 $635 -1715210098795293039\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $690684 128 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 395.0 $592 1990065064898874820\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $690132 129 buy call 2022-11-11 388.97 396.0 $551 4529918797775109632\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $689547 130 buy call 2022-11-14 388.97 396.0 $585 8404802863967114606\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $691621 129 sell call 2022-11-14 388.97 371.0 $2075 9126747477896282598\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $690597 130 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 388.0 $1024 6248802339773048619\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $689679 131 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 390.0 $917 -3056607027286990514\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $688541 132 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 386.0 $1137 -6821967991333154245\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $687818 133 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 394.0 $723 -2582097216541993060\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $687138 134 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 395.0 $679 7357763008318500475\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $686501 135 buy call 2022-11-16 388.97 396.0 $636 1817205840390137109\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $688744 134 sell call 2022-11-16 388.97 370.0 $2243 -8829653557833386796\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $687770 135 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 390.0 $973 -7385752046734233154\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $686847 136 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 391.0 $922 -1239017463545097259\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $685975 137 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 392.0 $872 -1688692363958837523\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $685150 138 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 393.0 $824 5599398737597099472\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $684372 139 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 394.0 $777 3330090567552349418\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $683640 140 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 395.0 $732 -7780637788645134072\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $682950 141 buy call 2022-11-18 388.97 396.0 $689 3375857141077521561\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $685729 140 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 364.0 $2780 7161583429505937726\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $688867 139 sell call 2022-11-18 388.97 360.0 $3138 -1779692734572875313\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $687861 140 buy call 2022-11-21 388.97 390.0 $1005 1992667749863543263\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $686506 141 buy call 2022-11-21 388.97 384.0 $1354 -8799851625413073297\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $689134 140 sell call 2022-11-21 388.97 366.0 $2628 1730212951002503507\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $688077 141 buy call 2022-11-23 388.97 390.0 $1056 -3643130338267875954\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $687122 142 buy call 2022-11-23 388.97 392.0 $954 7660893581266562285\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $689256 141 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 372.0 $2134 1742811368470997850\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $691616 140 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 370.0 $2361 3996376029012706456\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $694058 139 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 368.0 $2443 1239914323440739958\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $696662 138 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 366.0 $2604 -449156669231449367\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $699417 137 sell call 2022-11-23 388.97 365.0 $2756 -7122836608851098233\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $698288 138 buy call 2022-11-25 388.97 389.0 $1128 1662423389817409298\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $697212 139 buy call 2022-11-25 388.97 390.0 $1076 5097627829476863571\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $696186 140 buy call 2022-11-25 388.97 391.0 $1025 -7320691537062434703\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $695400 141 buy call 2022-11-25 388.97 396.0 $785 -8462157564241987972\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $697557 140 sell call 2022-11-25 388.97 372.0 $2157 1979792536618471476\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $700174 139 sell call 2022-11-25 388.97 367.0 $2618 8131000187030442449\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $702873 138 sell call 2022-11-25 388.97 366.0 $2700 1783719371799715582\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $705650 137 sell call 2022-11-25 388.97 365.0 $2777 -5667706773351990623\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $708376 136 sell call 2022-12-02 388.97 367.0 $2727 2617224489178033311\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $711177 135 sell call 2022-12-02 388.97 366.0 $2802 7333950801562986526\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $714142 134 sell call 2022-12-02 388.97 364.0 $2965 -1603585602310559606\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $716953 133 sell call 2022-12-16 388.97 369.0 $2812 -2673747288701892192\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $720307 132 sell call 2022-12-16 388.97 362.0 $3355 -2854211203979517114\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $723001 131 sell call 2022-12-30 388.97 372.0 $2694 6196897347834578915\n",
+ "2022-10-29 $729007 130 sell call 2023-12-15 388.97 365.0 $6007 -69101184627979118\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $728236 131 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 392.0 $770 5003358522449953620\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $727510 132 buy call 2022-11-25 386.15 393.0 $726 265806877611852361\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $726516 133 buy call 2022-11-28 386.15 388.0 $993 7045205052251790750\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $725374 134 buy call 2022-11-30 386.15 386.0 $1141 3728326930365751538\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $724339 135 buy call 2022-11-30 386.15 388.0 $1035 6323865833348547856\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $723404 136 buy call 2022-11-30 386.15 390.0 $934 3268133404361394320\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $722247 137 buy call 2022-12-02 386.15 387.0 $1156 4550608994325981489\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $721142 138 buy call 2022-12-02 386.15 388.0 $1105 -4179533593740250346\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $720088 139 buy call 2022-12-02 386.15 389.0 $1053 -2555107565432803335\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $719086 140 buy call 2022-12-02 386.15 390.0 $1002 -8322883641974969073\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $718132 141 buy call 2022-12-02 386.15 391.0 $953 109182843086549168\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $717225 142 buy call 2022-12-02 386.15 392.0 $906 1271449462419781823\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $716366 143 buy call 2022-12-02 386.15 393.0 $859 478849326164148703\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $715341 144 buy call 2022-12-09 386.15 392.0 $1024 6426405685493896681\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $714365 145 buy call 2022-12-09 386.15 393.0 $975 6245563599218535137\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $713004 146 buy call 2022-12-16 386.15 388.0 $1361 5027644948979926292\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $711695 147 buy call 2022-12-16 386.15 389.0 $1308 4327314924447796291\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $710438 148 buy call 2022-12-16 386.15 390.0 $1256 -7351756224620749968\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $709232 149 buy call 2022-12-16 386.15 391.0 $1206 2147863876983538366\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $708074 150 buy call 2022-12-16 386.15 392.0 $1157 -7156590557077661006\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $706965 151 buy call 2022-12-16 386.15 393.0 $1108 -3590707378068285807\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $705262 152 buy call 2022-12-30 386.15 385.0 $1703 -6203133870003435953\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $703337 153 buy call 2023-01-20 386.15 385.0 $1924 252368542467453464\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $701354 154 buy call 2023-01-20 386.15 384.0 $1982 3551706625146726007\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $699650 155 buy call 2023-01-20 386.15 389.0 $1704 1755139195576735931\n",
+ "2022-11-01 $697998 156 buy call 2023-01-20 386.15 390.0 $1651 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $698526 155 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 385.0 $529 1103475975812686955\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $699108 154 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 384.0 $582 4067566184945387608\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $699587 153 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 386.0 $480 -4089909468610239406\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $700280 152 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 382.0 $694 -2059966128670672493\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $701096 151 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 380.0 $816 -2409420680276111445\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $701978 150 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 379.0 $883 5108426682273835843\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $702992 149 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 377.0 $1015 6181579393080923698\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $704079 148 sell call 2022-11-07 384.59 376.0 $1087 -3128133081091111136\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $704713 147 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 385.0 $635 -3224367607041839814\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $705399 146 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 384.0 $687 -4827055588170152266\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $705983 145 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 386.0 $584 -2589600512668376807\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $706780 144 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 382.0 $798 -3833081544174898328\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $707270 143 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 388.0 $491 9063840269405186245\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $708189 142 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 380.0 $919 1046700560766630314\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $708595 141 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 390.0 $407 132176179229142533\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $709575 140 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 379.0 $981 1823987510359041937\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $710623 139 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 378.0 $1048 4245894096563076439\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $711738 138 sell call 2022-11-09 384.59 377.0 $1116 -4547797894120880145\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $712501 137 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 385.0 $764 7305721837172581721\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $713318 136 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 384.0 $817 4639713113012137455\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $714030 135 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 386.0 $713 978972244829559036\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $714901 134 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 383.0 $872 -820699476732436884\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $715566 133 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 387.0 $665 -1129744943960930051\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $716494 132 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 382.0 $929 8011709956252863369\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $717111 131 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 388.0 $618 -6932057977138510348\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $718097 130 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 381.0 $986 -1213546074893857834\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $718669 129 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 389.0 $573 6268297812225341885\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $719711 128 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 380.0 $1043 6798390202835084201\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $720241 127 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 390.0 $530 -13103982775949514\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $721346 126 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 379.0 $1106 6872919773727991836\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $721834 125 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 391.0 $489 2892237518469411435\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $723004 124 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 378.0 $1170 -1611596792311842208\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $723454 123 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 392.0 $451 1805252373817982897\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $724690 122 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 377.0 $1236 4012609239224696856\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $725103 121 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 393.0 $414 -4064365834195304179\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $726405 120 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 376.0 $1303 -4416470566774814999\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $726784 119 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 394.0 $379 -1715210098795293039\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $728154 118 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 375.0 $1371 2162459608601094673\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $728500 117 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 395.0 $347 1990065064898874820\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $728816 116 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 396.0 $316 4529918797775109632\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $730329 115 sell call 2022-11-11 384.59 373.0 $1514 3530566390789972394\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $731130 114 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 385.0 $802 -1981169396600456194\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $731985 113 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 384.0 $855 802627469059035828\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $732894 112 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 383.0 $910 8528405860812310036\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $733644 111 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 386.0 $751 -2201637298753622611\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $734345 110 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 387.0 $701 3956223526297201958\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $735311 109 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 382.0 $967 4270854798594121264\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $736335 108 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 381.0 $1025 2328888831661595798\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $736990 107 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 388.0 $655 -691209850883025940\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $737598 106 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 389.0 $609 -7707057608077638839\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $738677 105 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 380.0 $1080 -6813134691354442778\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $739243 104 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 390.0 $566 -5069849674586315145\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $739727 103 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 392.0 $485 3449412246984157627\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $740073 102 sell call 2022-11-14 384.59 396.0 $347 8404802863967114606\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $740934 101 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 385.0 $861 -8484310124160575850\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $741847 100 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 384.0 $914 -4966721207189420439\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $742655 99 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 386.0 $809 -6821967991333154245\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $743681 98 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 382.0 $1026 6407455042332213116\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $744392 97 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 388.0 $712 6248802339773048619\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $745532 96 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 380.0 $1141 -4088623822261211050\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $746154 95 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 390.0 $622 -3056607027286990514\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $746692 94 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 392.0 $539 7936793065173879084\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $747154 93 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 394.0 $463 -2582097216541993060\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $747582 92 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 395.0 $428 7357763008318500475\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $747976 91 sell call 2022-11-16 384.59 396.0 $395 1817205840390137109\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $748896 90 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 385.0 $921 -20541499132682833\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $749870 89 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 384.0 $974 -7520635368436122056\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $750898 88 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 383.0 $1029 2148597760892852926\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $751765 87 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 386.0 $868 8549111828836853794\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $752583 86 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 387.0 $818 7256430834537161570\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $753668 85 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 382.0 $1086 6946185651587912242\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $754809 84 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 381.0 $1142 1673388835754422783\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $755578 83 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 388.0 $769 1011895146934250311\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $756300 82 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 389.0 $723 -2348659822986098585\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $757501 81 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 380.0 $1202 -1300945544248322318\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $758179 80 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 390.0 $678 -7385752046734233154\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $759439 79 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 379.0 $1261 4064999842915279438\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $760762 78 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 378.0 $1324 7847473094227226806\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $761396 77 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 391.0 $634 -1239017463545097259\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $761988 76 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 392.0 $593 -1688692363958837523\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $762540 75 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 393.0 $553 5599398737597099472\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $763055 74 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 394.0 $515 3330090567552349418\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $764577 73 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 375.0 $1523 2812292163200605213\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $765056 72 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 395.0 $479 -7780637788645134072\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $765499 71 sell call 2022-11-18 384.59 396.0 $444 3375857141077521561\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $766447 70 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 385.0 $949 -7045271230608840530\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $767449 69 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 384.0 $1002 -8799851625413073297\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $768245 68 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 388.0 $797 -5858279443278871379\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $769476 67 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 380.0 $1232 5881372733843285089\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $770181 66 sell call 2022-11-21 384.59 390.0 $705 1992667749863543263\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $771184 65 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 385.0 $1004 -832529326562692281\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $772241 64 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 384.0 $1058 -8991917305554768\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $773192 63 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 386.0 $951 5135768077757312576\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $774350 62 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 382.0 $1159 -4226761763849246631\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $775200 61 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 388.0 $851 -5965501409665133205\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $776480 60 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 380.0 $1280 -5560201136564410092\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $777236 59 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 390.0 $757 -3643130338267875954\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $777905 58 sell call 2022-11-23 384.59 392.0 $670 7660893581266562285\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $778927 57 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 385.0 $1022 1461458674578219790\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $780002 56 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 384.0 $1076 -108114285842709068\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $781134 55 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 383.0 $1133 6821220219156126763\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $782103 54 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 386.0 $969 5192652755627422319\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $783020 53 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 387.0 $918 8414279088911997341\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $784199 52 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 382.0 $1180 4154283244077073355\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $785439 51 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 381.0 $1240 -1462997211619595044\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $786306 50 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 388.0 $868 5821065572146511699\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $787125 49 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 389.0 $820 1662423389817409298\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $788421 48 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 380.0 $1296 637040898452593427\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $789194 47 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 390.0 $774 5097627829476863571\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $790552 46 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 379.0 $1359 8312673857889153670\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $791281 45 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 391.0 $729 -7320691537062434703\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $791966 44 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 392.0 $686 5003358522449953620\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $793450 43 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 377.0 $1485 -2090513405193903338\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $794094 42 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 393.0 $644 265806877611852361\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $794622 41 sell call 2022-11-25 384.59 396.0 $529 -8462157564241987972\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $795518 40 sell call 2022-11-28 384.59 388.0 $897 7045205052251790750\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $796613 39 sell call 2022-11-30 384.59 385.0 $1095 4324328190062914010\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $797654 38 sell call 2022-11-30 384.59 386.0 $1042 3728326930365751538\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $798593 37 sell call 2022-11-30 384.59 388.0 $940 6323865833348547856\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $799963 36 sell call 2022-11-30 384.59 380.0 $1370 -7259638600427337567\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $800805 35 sell call 2022-11-30 384.59 390.0 $843 3268133404361394320\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $801947 34 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 385.0 $1143 5797405796122040677\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $803145 33 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 384.0 $1198 7855341828627642714\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $804234 32 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 386.0 $1090 8130012457610432138\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $805487 31 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 383.0 $1254 -8157570305064970522\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $806525 30 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 387.0 $1038 4550608994325981489\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $807511 29 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 388.0 $987 -4179533593740250346\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $808873 28 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 381.0 $1363 5075958955009857978\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $809811 27 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 389.0 $938 -2555107565432803335\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $811233 26 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 380.0 $1423 8924111909725418869\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $812122 25 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 390.0 $890 -8322883641974969073\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $812966 24 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 391.0 $844 109182843086549168\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $813765 23 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 392.0 $800 1271449462419781823\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $814522 22 sell call 2022-12-02 384.59 393.0 $757 478849326164148703\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $815435 21 sell call 2022-12-09 384.59 392.0 $914 6426405685493896681\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $816304 20 sell call 2022-12-09 384.59 393.0 $870 6245563599218535137\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $817708 19 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 385.0 $1404 926398742138841794\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $819166 18 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 384.0 $1459 -7422987653922769476\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $820677 17 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 383.0 $1512 2747741847607449213\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $822026 16 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 386.0 $1349 -6350429578973561631\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $823324 15 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 387.0 $1299 7637874672733944621\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $824893 14 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 382.0 $1570 -8287202691453470394\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $826522 13 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 381.0 $1629 -8183177641346564757\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $827767 12 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 388.0 $1246 5027644948979926292\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $828962 11 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 389.0 $1196 4327314924447796291\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $830651 10 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 380.0 $1689 -8806305638018088942\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $831798 9 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 390.0 $1148 -7351756224620749968\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $832896 8 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 391.0 $1099 2147863876983538366\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $833947 7 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 392.0 $1051 -7156590557077661006\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $834951 6 sell call 2022-12-16 384.59 393.0 $1005 -3590707378068285807\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $836481 5 sell call 2022-12-30 384.59 385.0 $1531 -6203133870003435953\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $837887 4 sell call 2022-12-30 384.59 387.0 $1406 -7325762946603885451\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $839682 3 sell call 2023-01-20 384.59 385.0 $1796 252368542467453464\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $841531 2 sell call 2023-01-20 384.59 384.0 $1850 3551706625146726007\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $843112 1 sell call 2023-01-20 384.59 389.0 $1581 1755139195576735931\n",
+ "2022-11-02 $844647 0 sell call 2023-01-20 384.59 390.0 $1536 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $843868 1 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 376.0 $778 7514690419306391155\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $843141 2 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 377.0 $727 1130885038000906756\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $842308 3 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 375.0 $832 2812292163200605213\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $841629 4 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 378.0 $678 7847473094227226806\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $840743 5 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 374.0 $886 -8845067715077871476\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $840112 6 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 379.0 $630 4064999842915279438\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $839168 7 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 373.0 $943 -4765709522186709918\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $838584 8 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 380.0 $584 -1300945544248322318\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $837578 9 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 372.0 $1005 1518254718849068217\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $837035 10 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 381.0 $542 1673388835754422783\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $835969 11 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 371.0 $1066 -8200038460633692455\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $835467 12 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 382.0 $501 6946185651587912242\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $834336 13 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 370.0 $1130 3399196934831674402\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $833874 14 buy call 2022-11-18 376.36 383.0 $462 2148597760892852926\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $833006 15 buy call 2022-11-21 376.36 375.0 $867 -5397300471162375939\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $832293 16 buy call 2022-11-21 376.36 378.0 $712 -5608686550168665957\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $831759 17 buy call 2022-11-21 376.36 382.0 $534 -3336049251122883036\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $830590 18 buy call 2022-11-21 376.36 370.0 $1168 -2401546761565632965\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $829714 19 buy call 2022-11-23 376.36 376.0 $875 -3924285068283481998\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $828786 20 buy call 2022-11-23 376.36 375.0 $928 4131473480013082610\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $828194 21 buy call 2022-11-23 376.36 382.0 $591 -4226761763849246631\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $827296 22 buy call 2022-11-25 376.36 376.0 $897 7368435152337427701\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $826451 23 buy call 2022-11-25 376.36 377.0 $845 -2090513405193903338\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $825498 24 buy call 2022-11-25 376.36 375.0 $952 2359420563841011876\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $824702 25 buy call 2022-11-25 376.36 378.0 $795 -842219719496919895\n",
+ "2022-11-05 $823695 26 buy call 2022-11-25 376.36 374.0 $1007 8148639462801772677\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $824403 25 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 380.0 $709 -1300945544248322318\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $825165 24 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 379.0 $762 4064999842915279438\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $825821 23 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 381.0 $657 1673388835754422783\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $826636 22 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 378.0 $816 7847473094227226806\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $827245 21 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 382.0 $609 6946185651587912242\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $828120 20 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 377.0 $876 1130885038000906756\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $828682 19 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 383.0 $563 2148597760892852926\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $829613 18 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 376.0 $931 7514690419306391155\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $830605 17 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 375.0 $993 2812292163200605213\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $831661 16 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 374.0 $1057 -8845067715077871476\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $832784 15 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 373.0 $1123 -4765709522186709918\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $833974 14 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 372.0 $1191 1518254718849068217\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $835234 13 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 371.0 $1261 -8200038460633692455\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $836566 12 sell call 2022-11-18 380.01 370.0 $1332 3399196934831674402\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $837416 11 sell call 2022-11-21 380.01 378.0 $851 -5608686550168665957\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $838058 10 sell call 2022-11-21 380.01 382.0 $643 -3336049251122883036\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $839084 9 sell call 2022-11-21 380.01 375.0 $1026 -5397300471162375939\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $840445 8 sell call 2022-11-21 380.01 370.0 $1362 -2401546761565632965\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $841149 7 sell call 2022-11-23 380.01 382.0 $705 -4226761763849246631\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $842172 6 sell call 2022-11-23 380.01 376.0 $1023 -3924285068283481998\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $843254 5 sell call 2022-11-23 380.01 375.0 $1083 4131473480013082610\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $844190 4 sell call 2022-11-25 380.01 378.0 $937 -842219719496919895\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $845185 3 sell call 2022-11-25 380.01 377.0 $995 -2090513405193903338\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $846227 2 sell call 2022-11-25 380.01 376.0 $1043 7368435152337427701\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $847330 1 sell call 2022-11-25 380.01 375.0 $1104 2359420563841011876\n",
+ "2022-11-08 $848495 0 sell call 2022-11-25 380.01 374.0 $1165 8148639462801772677\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $847788 1 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 398.0 $706 -6888029611585602202\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $847189 2 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 400.0 $598 1224197039623091432\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $846366 3 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 396.0 $823 -3698884181464556384\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $845465 4 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 395.0 $900 3371659248351571246\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $844966 5 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 402.0 $498 7899629979540095435\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $844005 6 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 394.0 $961 -3721978373457693251\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $843668 7 buy call 2022-11-28 398.61 406.0 $336 -379894784782126190\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $842900 8 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 398.0 $767 541548934172090250\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $842245 9 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 400.0 $655 5031882691260644162\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $841359 10 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 396.0 $885 3597958103491214512\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $840408 11 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 395.0 $950 6456534513957899605\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $839852 12 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 402.0 $556 1778708308408006267\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $838831 13 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 394.0 $1020 5349687111219635506\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $838362 14 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 404.0 $468 -5831934229421143337\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $837936 15 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 405.0 $426 -1059374671722424011\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $837547 16 buy call 2022-11-30 398.61 406.0 $388 -7397316690416069780\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $836748 17 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 399.0 $798 -6343855422835970565\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $835895 18 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 398.0 $853 -6950591078833219036\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $835150 19 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 400.0 $744 4901565880773500334\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $834238 20 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 397.0 $911 -8060253209791829715\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $833546 21 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 401.0 $692 7398210848805508201\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $832574 22 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 396.0 $971 -3901928755076582231\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $831527 23 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 395.0 $1046 4635807580042070269\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $830884 24 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 402.0 $643 5929272421601311977\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $830287 25 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 403.0 $596 4178605526167207237\n",
+ "2022-11-12 $829186 26 buy call 2022-12-02 398.61 394.0 $1101 -2846570993933438048\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $828527 27 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 395.0 $658 -9053014457579025962\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $827973 28 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 397.0 $553 -7106053263545487364\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $827468 29 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 398.0 $505 -2903600463618641573\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $827008 30 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 399.0 $459 -4509157443754452046\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $826591 31 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 400.0 $416 8708224717765397911\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $826216 32 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 401.0 $375 -4440692905529952513\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $825878 33 buy call 2022-11-29 395.16 402.0 $337 -3324594758459438419\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $824734 34 buy call 2022-11-30 395.16 388.0 $1143 6323865833348547856\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $823617 35 buy call 2022-12-02 395.16 390.0 $1117 -8322883641974969073\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $823036 36 buy call 2022-12-05 395.16 400.0 $580 7490309076571245563\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $822543 37 buy call 2022-12-05 395.16 402.0 $492 2338592623431352607\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $822003 38 buy call 2022-12-07 395.16 402.0 $540 -6114154129758460488\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $821054 39 buy call 2022-12-09 395.16 395.0 $948 -4599279161977362782\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $820161 40 buy call 2022-12-09 395.16 396.0 $892 7467863361939495621\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $819320 41 buy call 2022-12-09 395.16 397.0 $841 3277786015750503886\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $818532 42 buy call 2022-12-09 395.16 398.0 $787 -4910399574024971888\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $817795 43 buy call 2022-12-09 395.16 399.0 $736 4373710417436731995\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $817108 44 buy call 2022-12-09 395.16 400.0 $687 -1977010691597925110\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $816464 45 buy call 2022-12-09 395.16 401.0 $643 3733445884995008812\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $815867 46 buy call 2022-12-09 395.16 402.0 $596 2584473422438086345\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $815152 47 buy call 2022-12-12 395.16 400.0 $715 -2514925226156172833\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $814097 48 buy call 2022-12-14 395.16 396.0 $1054 5733200753514429520\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $813150 49 buy call 2022-12-14 395.16 398.0 $946 -8181571270980380468\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $811858 50 buy call 2022-12-14 395.16 392.0 $1292 -1477664811471753474\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $811012 51 buy call 2022-12-14 395.16 400.0 $845 -5701377625611786778\n",
+ "2022-11-15 $810261 52 buy call 2022-12-14 395.16 402.0 $750 3693573804014442469\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $810878 51 sell call 2022-11-28 398.52 398.0 $617 -6888029611585602202\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $811385 50 sell call 2022-11-28 398.52 400.0 $508 1224197039623091432\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $812112 49 sell call 2022-11-28 398.52 396.0 $728 -3698884181464556384\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $812903 48 sell call 2022-11-28 398.52 395.0 $791 3371659248351571246\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $813314 47 sell call 2022-11-28 398.52 402.0 $412 7899629979540095435\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $814169 46 sell call 2022-11-28 398.52 394.0 $856 -3721978373457693251\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $814426 45 sell call 2022-11-28 398.52 406.0 $257 -379894784782126190\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $815075 44 sell call 2022-11-29 398.52 398.0 $650 -2903600463618641573\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $815669 43 sell call 2022-11-29 398.52 399.0 $595 -4509157443754452046\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $816376 42 sell call 2022-11-29 398.52 397.0 $707 -7106053263545487364\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $816918 41 sell call 2022-11-29 398.52 400.0 $543 8708224717765397911\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $817409 40 sell call 2022-11-29 398.52 401.0 $492 -4440692905529952513\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $818231 39 sell call 2022-11-29 398.52 395.0 $822 -9053014457579025962\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $818675 38 sell call 2022-11-29 398.52 402.0 $445 -3324594758459438419\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $819361 37 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 398.0 $687 541548934172090250\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $819939 36 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 400.0 $578 5031882691260644162\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $820737 35 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 396.0 $799 3597958103491214512\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $821598 34 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 395.0 $862 6456534513957899605\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $822077 33 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 402.0 $479 1778708308408006267\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $823002 32 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 394.0 $926 5349687111219635506\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $823394 31 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 404.0 $393 -5831934229421143337\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $823746 30 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 405.0 $352 -1059374671722424011\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $824060 29 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 406.0 $315 -7397316690416069780\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $825415 28 sell call 2022-11-30 398.52 388.0 $1355 6323865833348547856\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $826185 27 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 398.0 $771 -6950591078833219036\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $826898 26 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 399.0 $714 -6343855422835970565\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $827727 25 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 397.0 $829 -8060253209791829715\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $828388 24 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 400.0 $662 4901565880773500334\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $828996 23 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 401.0 $609 7398210848805508201\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $829885 22 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 396.0 $889 -3901928755076582231\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $830825 21 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 395.0 $941 4635807580042070269\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $831384 20 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 402.0 $560 5929272421601311977\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $832384 19 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 394.0 $1000 -2846570993933438048\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $832897 18 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 403.0 $514 4178605526167207237\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $834169 17 sell call 2022-12-02 398.52 390.0 $1273 -8322883641974969073\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $834864 16 sell call 2022-12-05 398.52 400.0 $695 7490309076571245563\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $835459 15 sell call 2022-12-05 398.52 402.0 $596 2338592623431352607\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $836106 14 sell call 2022-12-07 398.52 402.0 $648 -6114154129758460488\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $837029 13 sell call 2022-12-09 398.52 398.0 $923 -4910399574024971888\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $837895 12 sell call 2022-12-09 398.52 399.0 $867 4373710417436731995\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $838875 11 sell call 2022-12-09 398.52 397.0 $981 3277786015750503886\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $839687 10 sell call 2022-12-09 398.52 400.0 $812 -1977010691597925110\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $840726 9 sell call 2022-12-09 398.52 396.0 $1040 7467863361939495621\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $841483 8 sell call 2022-12-09 398.52 401.0 $758 3733445884995008812\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $842576 7 sell call 2022-12-09 398.52 395.0 $1093 -4599279161977362782\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $843284 6 sell call 2022-12-09 398.52 402.0 $709 2584473422438086345\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $844121 5 sell call 2022-12-12 398.52 400.0 $838 -2514925226156172833\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $845208 4 sell call 2022-12-14 398.52 398.0 $1087 -8181571270980380468\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $846183 3 sell call 2022-12-14 398.52 400.0 $976 -5701377625611786778\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $847386 2 sell call 2022-12-14 398.52 396.0 $1204 5733200753514429520\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $848256 1 sell call 2022-12-14 398.52 402.0 $870 3693573804014442469\n",
+ "2022-11-16 $849691 0 sell call 2022-12-14 398.52 392.0 $1436 -1477664811471753474\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $848991 1 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 396.0 $699 5733200753514429520\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $848331 2 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 395.0 $660 -3446617625584602745\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $847715 3 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 394.0 $615 6112298159084323246\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $846923 4 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 398.0 $791 -8181571270980380468\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $846384 5 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 392.0 $539 -1477664811471753474\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $845492 6 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 400.0 $891 -5701377625611786778\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $844987 7 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 391.0 $504 -2552321482616615899\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $844516 8 buy put 2022-12-14 395.93 390.0 $471 1643205494307364056\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $843694 9 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 396.0 $821 6393129524312655739\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $842917 10 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 395.0 $776 6113449678364927771\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $842049 11 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 397.0 $868 -8526431487145464383\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $841316 12 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 394.0 $732 910743713547918210\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $840393 13 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 398.0 $922 -648935550854177495\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $839703 14 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 393.0 $690 -3590707378068285807\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $838729 15 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 399.0 $973 -4330071584902013541\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $838078 16 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 392.0 $650 -7156590557077661006\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $837048 17 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 400.0 $1030 2900228995953171583\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $836435 18 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 391.0 $612 2147863876983538366\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $835348 19 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 401.0 $1086 -5872307501556025258\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $834770 20 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 390.0 $578 -7351756224620749968\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $833627 21 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 402.0 $1142 -7584012567652992812\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $833084 22 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 389.0 $543 4327314924447796291\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $831878 23 buy put 2022-12-16 395.93 403.0 $1205 3723393512951169234\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $830974 24 buy put 2022-12-23 395.93 396.0 $903 -6785309356796845712\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $830110 25 buy put 2022-12-23 395.93 395.0 $864 -8659953666433909564\n",
+ "2022-11-29 $829158 26 buy put 2022-12-23 395.93 397.0 $951 -5168285173033865711\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829836 25 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 395.0 $679 -3446617625584602745\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829044 26 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 395.0 $792 -3446617625584602745\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829767 25 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 396.0 $724 5733200753514429520\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829029 26 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 396.0 $737 5733200753514429520\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829665 25 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 394.0 $636 6112298159084323246\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828815 26 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 394.0 $849 6112298159084323246\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827906 27 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 393.0 $908 9046805016719706208\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828726 26 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 398.0 $820 -8181571270980380468\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828094 27 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 398.0 $631 -8181571270980380468\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828649 26 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 392.0 $556 -1477664811471753474\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829168 25 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 391.0 $519 -2552321482616615899\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $830089 24 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 400.0 $922 -5701377625611786778\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829554 25 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 400.0 $534 -5701377625611786778\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $830038 24 sell put 2022-12-14 395.31 390.0 $484 1643205494307364056\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828936 25 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 390.0 $1101 1643205494307364056\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827767 26 buy call 2022-12-14 395.31 389.0 $1168 3769005839336274239\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828566 25 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 395.0 $799 6113449678364927771\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827743 26 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 395.0 $822 6113449678364927771\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828588 25 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 396.0 $846 6393129524312655739\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827822 26 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 396.0 $766 6393129524312655739\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828575 25 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 394.0 $754 910743713547918210\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827694 26 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 394.0 $880 910743713547918210\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828587 25 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 397.0 $893 -8526431487145464383\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827879 26 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 397.0 $707 -8526431487145464383\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828588 25 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 393.0 $710 -3590707378068285807\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827647 26 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 393.0 $941 -3590707378068285807\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828591 25 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 398.0 $945 -648935550854177495\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827935 26 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 398.0 $655 -648935550854177495\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828603 25 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 392.0 $668 -7156590557077661006\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827603 26 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 392.0 $999 -7156590557077661006\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828601 25 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 399.0 $999 -4330071584902013541\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $827992 26 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 399.0 $609 -4330071584902013541\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828619 25 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 391.0 $628 2147863876983538366\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829671 24 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 400.0 $1053 2900228995953171583\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829109 25 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 400.0 $562 2900228995953171583\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829698 24 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 390.0 $590 -7351756224620749968\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $828565 25 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 390.0 $1132 -7351756224620749968\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829679 24 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 401.0 $1114 -5872307501556025258\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829162 25 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 401.0 $516 -5872307501556025258\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829714 24 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 389.0 $553 4327314924447796291\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $830886 23 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 402.0 $1172 -7584012567652992812\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $830413 24 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 402.0 $472 -7584012567652992812\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $831646 23 sell put 2022-12-16 395.31 403.0 $1234 3723393512951169234\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $831215 24 buy call 2022-12-16 395.31 403.0 $431 3723393512951169234\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $832087 23 sell put 2022-12-23 395.31 395.0 $873 -8659953666433909564\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $831201 24 buy call 2022-12-23 395.31 395.0 $886 -8659953666433909564\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $832120 23 sell put 2022-12-23 395.31 396.0 $920 -6785309356796845712\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $831293 24 buy call 2022-12-23 395.31 396.0 $826 -6785309356796845712\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $830355 25 buy call 2022-12-23 395.31 394.0 $938 -1894932390227641839\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $831322 24 sell put 2022-12-23 395.31 397.0 $968 -5168285173033865711\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $830553 25 buy call 2022-12-23 395.31 397.0 $768 -5168285173033865711\n",
+ "2022-11-30 $829815 26 buy call 2022-12-23 395.31 397.5 $738 -8544321629317681757\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $829157 27 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 410.0 $657 2185056625878959676\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $828015 28 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 402.0 $1141 -8755133482268874158\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $826806 29 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 401.0 $1209 7434529860670859150\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $825526 30 buy call 2022-12-15 407.54 400.0 $1279 7740021951649556880\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $824751 31 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 407.0 $774 6615681576207602835\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $824032 32 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 408.0 $719 -1940303457550191603\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $823141 33 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 406.0 $890 2116041014086528699\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $822473 34 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 409.0 $667 -2707251377830594924\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $821572 35 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 405.0 $901 3959557352320642837\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $820955 36 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 410.0 $616 -7286430648725872081\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $820386 37 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 411.0 $568 5300342898339559727\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $819421 38 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 404.0 $965 -2441916122206791059\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $818897 39 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 412.0 $523 998351046229502789\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $818416 40 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 413.0 $480 -461646648621523449\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $817976 41 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 414.0 $440 -6213692126725172565\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $817574 42 buy call 2022-12-16 407.54 415.0 $401 -5034139349465323317\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $816725 43 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 407.0 $848 5826355524631710992\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $815938 44 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 408.0 $787 4344356260640553726\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $815215 45 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 409.0 $722 5070272430604255493\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $814255 46 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 405.0 $959 6605704075808470001\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $813585 47 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 410.0 $670 2491303415313458179\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $812556 48 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 404.0 $1028 5286245189585345126\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $811469 49 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 403.0 $1086 -5092316892024774173\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $810893 50 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 412.0 $576 4758789236622172400\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $810360 51 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 413.0 $532 -5689380144871009460\n",
+ "2022-12-01 $809202 52 buy call 2022-12-23 407.54 402.0 $1157 7606847001823504372\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $810337 51 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 400.0 $1135 -5701377625611786778\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $811616 50 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 398.0 $1280 -8181571270980380468\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $813046 49 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 396.0 $1431 5733200753514429520\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $814556 48 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 395.0 $1510 -3446617625584602745\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $816139 47 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 394.0 $1584 6112298159084323246\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $817803 46 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 393.0 $1665 9046805016719706208\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $819720 45 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 390.0 $1917 1643205494307364056\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $821723 44 sell call 2022-12-14 407.4 389.0 $2004 3769005839336274239\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $822304 43 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 410.0 $582 2185056625878959676\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $823338 42 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 402.0 $1034 -8755133482268874158\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $824432 41 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 401.0 $1095 7434529860670859150\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $825590 40 sell call 2022-12-15 407.4 400.0 $1159 7740021951649556880\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $826331 39 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 407.0 $741 6615681576207602835\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $827018 38 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 408.0 $688 -1940303457550191603\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $827815 37 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 406.0 $798 2116041014086528699\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $828451 36 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 409.0 $636 -2707251377830594924\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $829304 35 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 405.0 $854 3959557352320642837\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $829887 34 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 410.0 $583 -7286430648725872081\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $830801 33 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 404.0 $915 -2441916122206791059\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $831339 32 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 411.0 $539 5300342898339559727\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $832315 31 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 403.0 $976 3723393512951169234\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $832809 30 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 412.0 $495 998351046229502789\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $833849 29 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 402.0 $1041 -7584012567652992812\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $834300 28 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 413.0 $451 -461646648621523449\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $835407 27 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 401.0 $1108 -5872307501556025258\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $835817 26 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 414.0 $411 -6213692126725172565\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $836994 25 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 400.0 $1177 2900228995953171583\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $837366 24 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 415.0 $373 -5034139349465323317\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $838613 23 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 399.0 $1248 -4330071584902013541\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $839931 22 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 398.0 $1318 -648935550854177495\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $841322 21 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 397.0 $1392 -8526431487145464383\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $842793 20 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 396.0 $1472 6393129524312655739\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $844343 19 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 395.0 $1550 6113449678364927771\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $845958 18 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 394.0 $1616 910743713547918210\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $847665 17 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 393.0 $1708 -3590707378068285807\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $849452 16 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 392.0 $1787 -7156590557077661006\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $851406 15 sell call 2022-12-16 407.4 390.0 $1955 -7351756224620749968\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $852188 14 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 407.0 $783 5826355524631710992\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $852917 13 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 408.0 $729 4344356260640553726\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $853593 12 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 409.0 $677 5070272430604255493\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $854491 11 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 405.0 $899 6605704075808470001\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $855118 10 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 410.0 $627 2491303415313458179\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $856071 9 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 404.0 $954 5286245189585345126\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $856599 8 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 412.0 $529 4758789236622172400\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $857622 7 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 403.0 $1023 -5092316892024774173\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $858709 6 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 402.0 $1088 7606847001823504372\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $859198 5 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 413.0 $490 -5689380144871009460\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $860601 4 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 397.5 $1403 -8544321629317681757\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $862038 3 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 397.0 $1438 -5168285173033865711\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $863550 2 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 396.0 $1513 -6785309356796845712\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $865142 1 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 395.0 $1592 -8659953666433909564\n",
+ "2022-12-02 $866811 0 sell call 2022-12-23 407.4 394.0 $1670 -1894932390227641839\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $865977 1 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 394.0 $833 -1894932390227641839\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $865190 2 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 393.0 $787 -2221080957492723386\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $864426 3 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 392.5 $763 -3457946266404728271\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $863542 4 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 395.0 $883 -8659953666433909564\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $862801 5 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 392.0 $741 4086285038909428628\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $861864 6 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 396.0 $936 -6785309356796845712\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $861165 7 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 391.0 $698 9027650959223230608\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $860172 8 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 397.0 $993 -5168285173033865711\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $859150 9 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 397.5 $1021 -8544321629317681757\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $858492 10 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 390.0 $657 -445574182689533750\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $857441 11 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 398.0 $1051 8371995157775064044\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $856823 12 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 389.0 $617 3313381842923053066\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $855716 13 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 399.0 $1106 -7944473656961513970\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $855137 14 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 388.0 $579 6156064458508182753\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $853970 15 buy put 2022-12-23 393.87 400.0 $1166 964634235263194034\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $853074 16 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 394.0 $896 384672983472426319\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $852222 17 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 393.0 $851 -8148126396010335787\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $851276 18 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 395.0 $945 -6258937194475866727\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $850471 19 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 392.0 $805 -4935075115049498200\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $849475 20 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 396.0 $995 1775977771551820416\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $848712 21 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 391.0 $762 -7300221455023416288\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $847662 22 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 397.0 $1050 3079975884514246063\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $846940 23 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 390.0 $721 6812845494169690121\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $845833 24 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 398.0 $1106 3941656263826173671\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $845151 25 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 389.0 $682 -1316670597409301575\n",
+ "2022-12-07 $843987 26 buy put 2022-12-30 393.87 399.0 $1163 2140749353300214207\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $843463 27 buy put 2022-12-23 393.11 386.0 $523 1084081795003951358\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $842793 28 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 388.0 $670 8946742654990703537\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $841536 29 buy put 2022-12-30 393.11 400.0 $1256 2710680203708400830\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $840563 30 buy put 2023-01-06 393.11 393.0 $972 -5401120726800305266\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $839545 31 buy put 2023-01-06 393.11 394.0 $1018 5433440363661058162\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $838615 32 buy put 2023-01-06 393.11 392.0 $929 -5506809230413475500\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $837545 33 buy put 2023-01-06 393.11 395.0 $1069 -8429898374334625878\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $836701 34 buy put 2023-01-06 393.11 390.0 $844 -1276099846735718223\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $835531 35 buy put 2023-01-06 393.11 397.0 $1169 2718373067521593022\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $834337 36 buy put 2023-01-06 393.11 397.5 $1193 -1421486453094356188\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $833612 37 buy put 2023-01-06 393.11 387.0 $725 -1400237470182945354\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $832922 38 buy put 2023-01-06 393.11 386.0 $689 -3352713936901565028\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $831850 39 buy put 2023-01-13 393.11 392.0 $1071 -3563863194990978699\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $830545 40 buy put 2023-01-13 393.11 397.0 $1305 1956667205423225775\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $829372 41 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 393.0 $1172 -5692532603951247260\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $828154 42 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 394.0 $1217 -4855951386330826092\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $827025 43 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 392.0 $1129 -1022996666657873611\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $825933 44 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 391.0 $1091 6903056821274767437\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $824669 45 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 395.0 $1263 -5205561146212592552\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $823359 46 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 396.0 $1310 -4576700811785745882\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $822308 47 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 390.0 $1050 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $821300 48 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 389.0 $1007 1755139195576735931\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $819942 49 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 397.0 $1358 -4923999098943863353\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $819042 50 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 386.0 $899 -5227879618420795982\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $817520 51 buy put 2023-01-20 393.11 400.0 $1521 2392033439066325690\n",
+ "2022-12-08 $816031 52 buy put 2023-02-17 393.11 393.0 $1489 -717878226029682407\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $814845 53 buy put 2022-12-23 396.26 403.0 $1185 -5092316892024774173\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $813760 54 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 396.0 $1084 6897589105290976637\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $812702 55 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 395.0 $1058 -361370240311817371\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $811479 56 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 399.0 $1222 -6824529752745417467\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $810207 57 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 400.0 $1271 1342073332735645168\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $809367 58 buy put 2023-01-13 396.26 390.0 $840 8950204006790473087\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $808131 59 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 398.0 $1235 3927805166669932729\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $806848 60 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 399.0 $1282 -377706374755057893\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $805405 61 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 402.0 $1443 359268470232847529\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $803910 62 buy put 2023-01-20 396.26 403.0 $1494 -252866805860543101\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $802446 63 buy put 2023-02-17 396.26 396.0 $1463 2934351819741315074\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $800940 64 buy put 2023-02-17 396.26 397.0 $1506 4352313027426735801\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $799518 65 buy put 2023-02-17 396.26 395.0 $1421 6467471363729961494\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $797969 66 buy put 2023-02-17 396.26 398.0 $1549 2877326592662745365\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $796588 67 buy put 2023-02-17 396.26 394.0 $1380 3453032721382908643\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $794997 68 buy put 2023-02-17 396.26 399.0 $1590 -3411908733380024313\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $793348 69 buy put 2023-02-17 396.26 400.0 $1649 1448615067853174882\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $792045 70 buy put 2023-02-17 396.26 392.0 $1302 3530228069735293113\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $790813 71 buy put 2023-02-17 396.26 390.0 $1231 8951830913314216018\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $789129 72 buy put 2023-03-17 396.26 395.0 $1684 -4281021023140918\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $787279 73 buy put 2023-03-17 396.26 399.0 $1849 -3115082374063703190\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $785386 74 buy put 2023-03-17 396.26 400.0 $1892 -947150562552686888\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $783890 75 buy put 2023-03-17 396.26 390.0 $1496 6218895123139944890\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $781866 76 buy put 2023-03-31 396.26 400.0 $2023 -4044991445499686357\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $780235 77 buy put 2023-03-31 396.26 390.0 $1630 8926191003041587445\n",
+ "2022-12-09 $777893 78 buy put 2023-06-16 396.26 395.0 $2342 6090605997033862436\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $778639 77 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 393.0 $747 -2221080957492723386\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $779434 76 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 394.0 $796 -1894932390227641839\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $780160 75 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 392.5 $726 -3457946266404728271\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $780861 74 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 392.0 $702 4086285038909428628\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $781711 73 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 395.0 $851 -8659953666433909564\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $782365 72 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 391.0 $654 9027650959223230608\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $783265 71 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 396.0 $901 -6785309356796845712\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $783874 70 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 390.0 $610 -445574182689533750\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $784831 69 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 397.0 $957 -5168285173033865711\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $785808 68 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 397.5 $978 -8544321629317681757\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $786376 67 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 389.0 $569 3313381842923053066\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $787380 66 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 398.0 $1004 8371995157775064044\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $787908 65 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 388.0 $529 6156064458508182753\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $788984 64 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 399.0 $1077 -7944473656961513970\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $790122 63 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 400.0 $1138 964634235263194034\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $790580 62 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 386.0 $459 1084081795003951358\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $791922 61 sell put 2022-12-23 393.29 403.0 $1343 -5092316892024774173\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $792747 60 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 393.0 $825 -8148126396010335787\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $793616 59 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 394.0 $870 384672983472426319\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $794394 58 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 392.0 $779 -4935075115049498200\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $795318 57 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 395.0 $924 -6258937194475866727\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $796051 56 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 391.0 $734 -7300221455023416288\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $797022 55 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 396.0 $972 1775977771551820416\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $797713 54 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 390.0 $691 6812845494169690121\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $798739 53 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 397.0 $1027 3079975884514246063\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $799390 52 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 389.0 $652 -1316670597409301575\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $800474 51 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 398.0 $1084 3941656263826173671\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $801084 50 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 388.0 $611 8946742654990703537\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $802221 49 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 399.0 $1138 2140749353300214207\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $803422 48 sell put 2022-12-30 393.29 400.0 $1201 2710680203708400830\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $804345 47 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 393.0 $924 -5401120726800305266\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $805314 46 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 394.0 $970 5433440363661058162\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $806192 45 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 392.0 $878 -5506809230413475500\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $807210 44 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 395.0 $1019 -8429898374334625878\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $808002 43 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 390.0 $793 -1276099846735718223\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $809122 42 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 397.0 $1120 2718373067521593022\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $810270 41 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 397.5 $1149 -1421486453094356188\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $810946 40 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 387.0 $676 -1400237470182945354\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $811585 39 sell put 2023-01-06 393.29 386.0 $640 -3352713936901565028\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $812613 38 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 392.0 $1029 -3563863194990978699\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $813780 37 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 395.0 $1167 -361370240311817371\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $814993 36 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 396.0 $1214 6897589105290976637\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $815938 35 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 390.0 $946 8950204006790473087\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $817202 34 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 397.0 $1264 1956667205423225775\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $818572 33 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 399.0 $1371 -6824529752745417467\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $819978 32 sell put 2023-01-13 393.29 400.0 $1407 1342073332735645168\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $821118 31 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 393.0 $1140 -5692532603951247260\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $822302 30 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 394.0 $1185 -4855951386330826092\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $823399 29 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 392.0 $1098 -1022996666657873611\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $824630 28 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 395.0 $1231 -5205561146212592552\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $825685 27 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 391.0 $1056 6903056821274767437\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $826965 26 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 396.0 $1281 -4576700811785745882\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $827979 25 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 390.0 $1014 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $829304 24 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 397.0 $1326 -4923999098943863353\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $830278 23 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 389.0 $975 1755139195576735931\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $831655 22 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 398.0 $1377 3927805166669932729\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $833083 21 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 399.0 $1429 -377706374755057893\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $834565 20 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 400.0 $1483 2392033439066325690\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $835429 19 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 386.0 $864 -5227879618420795982\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $837012 18 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 402.0 $1584 359268470232847529\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $838658 17 sell put 2023-01-20 393.29 403.0 $1647 -252866805860543101\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $840123 16 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 393.0 $1465 -717878226029682407\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $841622 15 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 394.0 $1500 3453032721382908643\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $843041 14 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 392.0 $1420 3530228069735293113\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $844590 13 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 395.0 $1549 6467471363729961494\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $846177 12 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 396.0 $1588 2934351819741315074\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $847517 11 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 390.0 $1341 8951830913314216018\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $849150 10 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 397.0 $1633 4352313027426735801\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $850832 9 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 398.0 $1683 2877326592662745365\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $852559 8 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 399.0 $1728 -3411908733380024313\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $854320 7 sell put 2023-02-17 393.29 400.0 $1761 1448615067853174882\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $856134 6 sell put 2023-03-17 393.29 395.0 $1815 -4281021023140918\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $857747 5 sell put 2023-03-17 393.29 390.0 $1614 6218895123139944890\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $859739 4 sell put 2023-03-17 393.29 399.0 $1992 -3115082374063703190\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $861773 3 sell put 2023-03-17 393.29 400.0 $2035 -947150562552686888\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $863520 2 sell put 2023-03-31 393.29 390.0 $1748 8926191003041587445\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $865686 1 sell put 2023-03-31 393.29 400.0 $2166 -4044991445499686357\n",
+ "2022-12-10 $868130 0 sell put 2023-06-16 393.29 395.0 $2445 6090605997033862436\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $867459 1 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 390.0 $670 6812845494169690121\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $866838 2 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 389.0 $621 -1316670597409301575\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $866113 3 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 391.0 $724 -7300221455023416288\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $865539 4 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 388.0 $573 8946742654990703537\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $864753 5 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 392.0 $786 -4935075115049498200\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $864225 6 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 387.0 $527 -7325762946603885451\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $863378 7 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 393.0 $846 -8148126396010335787\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $862893 8 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 386.0 $485 -3040968441074155951\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $861984 9 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 394.0 $908 384672983472426319\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $861538 10 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 385.0 $446 -6203133870003435953\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $860563 11 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 395.0 $974 -6258937194475866727\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $860153 12 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 384.0 $409 3107620211550616836\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $859100 13 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 396.0 $1053 1775977771551820416\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $858725 14 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 383.0 $374 8093422506488627637\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $857610 15 buy put 2022-12-30 389.71 397.0 $1114 3079975884514246063\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $856814 16 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 390.0 $796 -1276099846735718223\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $856063 17 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 389.0 $750 7887238452581431973\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $855211 18 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 391.0 $851 4526876914814324469\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $854509 19 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 388.0 $702 6707120539222101253\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $853607 20 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 392.0 $901 -5506809230413475500\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $852948 21 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 387.0 $658 -1400237470182945354\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $851986 22 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 393.0 $962 -5401120726800305266\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $850963 23 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 394.0 $1022 5433440363661058162\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $850384 24 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 385.0 $578 -3603665703593373041\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $849305 25 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 395.0 $1079 -8429898374334625878\n",
+ "2022-12-16 $848795 26 buy put 2023-01-06 389.71 383.0 $509 -3772972467930733546\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $848189 27 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 380.0 $605 -1724852119301138818\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $847627 28 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 379.0 $562 -7790382856246216792\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $846976 29 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 381.0 $650 3181683081853951944\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $846454 30 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 378.0 $521 6664906729433885936\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $845756 31 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 382.0 $698 -510300998601636563\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $845271 32 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 377.0 $484 1458772422231651407\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $844465 33 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 384.0 $805 5976939889732844457\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $844016 34 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 376.0 $449 4362553488830020354\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $843600 35 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 375.0 $415 1241277009270491072\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $843218 36 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 374.0 $381 -8912232685689003096\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $842865 37 buy put 2023-01-06 380.02 373.0 $353 -5284927880500016891\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $842084 38 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 380.0 $780 -4159721733502113490\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $841255 39 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 381.0 $828 -5720406541239994831\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $840514 40 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 379.0 $741 -2400702509088108074\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $839812 41 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 378.0 $701 -4347378334259459562\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $838936 42 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 382.0 $875 8197459064519512994\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $838275 43 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 377.0 $661 -8952604348795894868\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $837351 44 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 383.0 $923 634444032432591537\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $836377 45 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 384.0 $973 -4797686749213805110\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $835753 46 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 376.0 $624 -1032382422956428322\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $835164 47 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 375.0 $588 1417299729984583720\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $834137 48 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 385.0 $1026 -3689682578246165902\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $833055 49 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 386.0 $1082 850822751004617247\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $832532 50 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 373.0 $522 7273266689873032448\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $831392 51 buy put 2023-01-13 380.02 387.0 $1139 -3398383881000992755\n",
+ "2022-12-20 $830532 52 buy put 2023-01-20 380.02 380.0 $860 -6638884708580615921\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $829653 53 buy put 2023-01-06 380.49 386.0 $878 -3352713936901565028\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $828793 54 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 381.0 $859 -7324213369049369142\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $828020 55 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 379.0 $773 6617274698507176004\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $827116 56 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 382.0 $903 -1232581665092250404\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $826382 57 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 378.0 $733 -8893291801137292441\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $825430 58 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 383.0 $952 -92110512954613630\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $824735 59 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 377.0 $694 93909294068431475\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $823734 60 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 384.0 $1001 3551706625146726007\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $823076 61 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 376.0 $657 6686461320465933881\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $822024 62 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 385.0 $1051 252368542467453464\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $821403 63 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 375.0 $621 -7349772815960146875\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $820298 64 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 386.0 $1104 -5227879618420795982\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $819710 65 buy put 2023-01-20 380.49 374.0 $587 -1563771893695025646\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $818764 66 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 381.0 $946 2772999969394106354\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $817860 67 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 380.0 $903 5450463187086064012\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $816998 68 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 379.0 $861 -37042401075872056\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $816007 69 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 382.0 $991 -7884405754192851391\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $814992 70 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 382.5 $1014 3077321495005667230\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $813954 71 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 383.0 $1037 6157181590527475993\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $813133 72 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 378.0 $821 -4400047118636165710\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $812350 73 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 377.0 $782 4996655186938114051\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $811216 74 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 385.0 $1133 4528403739193160547\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $810469 75 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 376.0 $747 6223772956863375627\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $809285 76 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 386.0 $1183 -7593762477848980517\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $808575 77 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 375.0 $709 7667811505611265728\n",
+ "2022-12-21 $807336 78 buy put 2023-01-27 380.49 387.0 $1239 -4120366101413810426\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $806727 79 buy put 2023-01-06 386.21 387.5 $608 2161607939724964065\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $805807 80 buy put 2023-01-13 386.21 390.0 $919 8950204006790473087\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $804969 81 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 387.0 $838 4141931069058590545\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $804083 82 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 388.0 $885 8194111843603294986\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $803149 83 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 389.0 $933 1755139195576735931\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $802164 84 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 390.0 $985 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $801127 85 buy put 2023-01-20 386.21 391.0 $1036 6903056821274767437\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $800158 86 buy put 2023-01-27 386.21 388.0 $968 9011937117099202324\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $799362 87 buy put 2023-01-27 386.21 384.0 $796 -3718841252876978909\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $798346 88 buy put 2023-01-27 386.21 389.0 $1015 -5239651143132087174\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $797230 89 buy put 2023-01-27 386.21 391.0 $1115 -307998253768979588\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $796072 90 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 386.0 $1158 -2229957155634690105\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $794870 91 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 387.0 $1201 -1365950835078997156\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $793752 92 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 385.0 $1117 5916847993833641749\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $792507 93 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 388.0 $1245 4454241187934929976\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $791429 94 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 384.0 $1077 -6035708131977267864\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $790138 95 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 389.0 $1290 -476586095477579479\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $789100 96 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 383.0 $1038 -5947447470222708710\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $787763 97 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 390.0 $1336 8951830913314216018\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $786762 98 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 382.0 $1000 637539121597539942\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $785376 99 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 391.0 $1386 8764737078257028278\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $784412 100 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 381.0 $963 -7145613215947394501\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $783484 101 buy put 2023-02-17 386.21 380.0 $927 7112839307388246827\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $782019 102 buy put 2023-03-17 386.21 386.0 $1465 -2196353744737253707\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $780512 103 buy put 2023-03-17 386.21 387.0 $1506 -8180178341730916153\n",
+ "2022-12-22 $779085 104 buy put 2023-03-17 386.21 385.0 $1426 5916704248441179954\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $779588 103 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 383.0 $503 8093422506488627637\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $780141 102 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 384.0 $554 3107620211550616836\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $780755 101 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 385.0 $615 -6203133870003435953\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $781437 100 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 386.0 $682 -3040968441074155951\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $782188 99 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 387.0 $752 -7325762946603885451\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $783015 98 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 388.0 $827 8946742654990703537\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $783919 97 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 389.0 $905 -1316670597409301575\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $784904 96 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 390.0 $986 6812845494169690121\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $785973 95 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 391.0 $1069 -7300221455023416288\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $787132 94 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 392.0 $1160 -4935075115049498200\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $788378 93 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 393.0 $1247 -8148126396010335787\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $789718 92 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 394.0 $1340 384672983472426319\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $791147 91 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 395.0 $1430 -6258937194475866727\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $792680 90 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 396.0 $1534 1775977771551820416\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $794308 89 sell put 2022-12-30 380.72 397.0 $1628 3079975884514246063\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $794878 88 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 381.0 $571 3181683081853951944\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $795404 87 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 380.0 $527 -1724852119301138818\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $796022 86 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 382.0 $618 -510300998601636563\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $796507 85 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 379.0 $486 -7790382856246216792\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $797173 84 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 383.0 $667 -3772972467930733546\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $797620 83 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 378.0 $447 6664906729433885936\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $798337 82 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 384.0 $718 5976939889732844457\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $798747 81 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 377.0 $411 1458772422231651407\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $799514 80 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 385.0 $767 -3603665703593373041\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $799890 79 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 376.0 $377 4362553488830020354\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $800714 78 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 386.0 $825 -3352713936901565028\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $801060 77 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 375.0 $346 1241277009270491072\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $801943 76 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 387.0 $884 -1400237470182945354\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $802259 75 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 374.0 $317 -8912232685689003096\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $803175 74 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 387.5 $916 2161607939724964065\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $804122 73 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 388.0 $948 6707120539222101253\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $804410 72 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 373.0 $289 -5284927880500016891\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $805428 71 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 389.0 $1018 7887238452581431973\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $806517 70 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 390.0 $1090 -1276099846735718223\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $807675 69 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 391.0 $1159 4526876914814324469\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $808909 68 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 392.0 $1234 -5506809230413475500\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $810216 67 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 393.0 $1308 -5401120726800305266\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $811603 66 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 394.0 $1388 5433440363661058162\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $813074 65 sell put 2023-01-06 380.72 395.0 $1471 -8429898374334625878\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $813846 64 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 381.0 $773 -5720406541239994831\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $814574 63 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 380.0 $729 -4159721733502113490\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $815393 62 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 382.0 $819 8197459064519512994\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $816079 61 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 379.0 $687 -2400702509088108074\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $816944 60 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 383.0 $866 634444032432591537\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $817591 59 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 378.0 $647 -4347378334259459562\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $818506 58 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 384.0 $916 -4797686749213805110\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $819116 57 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 377.0 $611 -8952604348795894868\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $820079 56 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 385.0 $963 -3689682578246165902\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $820651 55 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 376.0 $573 -1032382422956428322\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $821667 54 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 386.0 $1017 850822751004617247\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $822206 53 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 375.0 $539 1417299729984583720\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $823279 52 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 387.0 $1074 -3398383881000992755\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $823752 51 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 373.0 $474 7273266689873032448\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $825003 50 sell put 2023-01-13 380.72 390.0 $1251 8950204006790473087\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $825849 49 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 381.0 $847 -7324213369049369142\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $826653 48 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 380.0 $804 -6638884708580615921\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $827544 47 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 382.0 $892 -1232581665092250404\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $828306 46 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 379.0 $763 6617274698507176004\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $829245 45 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 383.0 $939 -92110512954613630\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $829967 44 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 378.0 $723 -8893291801137292441\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $830954 43 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 384.0 $988 3551706625146726007\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $831639 42 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 377.0 $685 93909294068431475\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $832670 41 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 385.0 $1032 252368542467453464\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $833317 40 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 376.0 $648 6686461320465933881\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $834403 39 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 386.0 $1086 -5227879618420795982\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $835015 38 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 375.0 $613 -7349772815960146875\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $836153 37 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 387.0 $1139 4141931069058590545\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $836732 36 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 374.0 $579 -1563771893695025646\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $837930 35 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 388.0 $1199 8194111843603294986\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $839184 34 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 389.0 $1255 1755139195576735931\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $840500 33 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 390.0 $1316 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $841877 32 sell put 2023-01-20 380.72 391.0 $1378 6903056821274767437\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $842808 31 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 381.0 $932 2772999969394106354\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $843698 30 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 380.0 $890 5450463187086064012\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $844674 29 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 382.0 $977 -7884405754192851391\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $845672 28 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 382.5 $999 3077321495005667230\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $846520 27 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 379.0 $848 -37042401075872056\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $847542 26 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 383.0 $1023 6157181590527475993\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $848350 25 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 378.0 $809 -4400047118636165710\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $849420 24 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 384.0 $1070 -3718841252876978909\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $850190 23 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 377.0 $771 4996655186938114051\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $851309 22 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 385.0 $1120 4528403739193160547\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $852043 21 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 376.0 $734 6223772956863375627\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $853209 20 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 386.0 $1167 -7593762477848980517\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $853907 19 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 375.0 $699 7667811505611265728\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $855126 18 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 387.0 $1219 -4120366101413810426\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $856391 17 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 388.0 $1266 9011937117099202324\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $857712 16 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 389.0 $1322 -5239651143132087174\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $859144 15 sell put 2023-01-27 380.72 391.0 $1432 -307998253768979588\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $860366 14 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 381.0 $1223 -7145613215947394501\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $861545 13 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 380.0 $1180 7112839307388246827\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $862808 12 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 382.0 $1263 637539121597539942\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $864118 11 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 383.0 $1311 -5947447470222708710\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $865474 10 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 384.0 $1357 -6035708131977267864\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $866879 9 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 385.0 $1405 5916847993833641749\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $868331 8 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 386.0 $1453 -2229957155634690105\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $869833 7 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 387.0 $1503 -1365950835078997156\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $871387 6 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 388.0 $1554 4454241187934929976\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $872980 5 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 389.0 $1594 -476586095477579479\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $874626 4 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 390.0 $1647 8951830913314216018\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $876327 3 sell put 2023-02-17 380.72 391.0 $1701 8764737078257028278\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $878021 2 sell put 2023-03-17 380.72 385.0 $1695 5916704248441179954\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $879757 1 sell put 2023-03-17 380.72 386.0 $1737 -2196353744737253707\n",
+ "2022-12-23 $881535 0 sell put 2023-03-17 380.72 387.0 $1778 -8180178341730916153\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $880802 1 buy put 2023-01-13 382.88 383.0 $732 634444032432591537\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $880114 2 buy put 2023-01-13 382.88 382.0 $688 8197459064519512994\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $879466 3 buy put 2023-01-13 382.88 381.0 $647 -5720406541239994831\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $878857 4 buy put 2023-01-13 382.88 380.0 $608 -4159721733502113490\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $878287 5 buy put 2023-01-13 382.88 379.0 $570 -2400702509088108074\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $877786 6 buy put 2023-01-13 382.88 377.0 $500 -8952604348795894868\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $877318 7 buy put 2023-01-13 382.88 376.0 $467 -1032382422956428322\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $876514 8 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 383.0 $804 -92110512954613630\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $875752 9 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 382.0 $761 -1232581665092250404\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $874901 10 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 384.0 $850 3551706625146726007\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $874180 11 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 381.0 $721 -7324213369049369142\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $873279 12 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 385.0 $900 252368542467453464\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $872596 13 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 380.0 $682 -6638884708580615921\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $871653 14 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 386.0 $943 -5227879618420795982\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $871008 15 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 379.0 $644 6617274698507176004\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $870401 16 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 378.0 $606 -8893291801137292441\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $869828 17 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 377.0 $573 93909294068431475\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $869286 18 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 376.0 $541 6686461320465933881\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $868125 19 buy put 2023-01-20 382.88 390.0 $1160 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $867232 20 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 383.0 $893 6157181590527475993\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $866382 21 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 382.0 $849 -7884405754192851391\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $865446 22 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 384.0 $935 -3718841252876978909\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $864636 23 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 381.0 $810 2772999969394106354\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $863654 24 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 385.0 $981 4528403739193160547\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $862882 25 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 380.0 $771 5450463187086064012\n",
+ "2022-12-24 $862149 26 buy put 2023-01-27 382.88 379.0 $733 -37042401075872056\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $862873 25 sell put 2023-01-13 382.91 383.0 $725 634444032432591537\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $863554 24 sell put 2023-01-13 382.91 382.0 $682 8197459064519512994\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $864194 23 sell put 2023-01-13 382.91 381.0 $640 -5720406541239994831\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $864794 22 sell put 2023-01-13 382.91 380.0 $601 -4159721733502113490\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $865356 21 sell put 2023-01-13 382.91 379.0 $563 -2400702509088108074\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $865849 20 sell put 2023-01-13 382.91 377.0 $493 -8952604348795894868\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $866309 19 sell put 2023-01-13 382.91 376.0 $461 -1032382422956428322\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $867109 18 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 383.0 $801 -92110512954613630\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $867866 17 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 382.0 $757 -1232581665092250404\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $868710 16 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 384.0 $845 3551706625146726007\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $869425 15 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 381.0 $716 -7324213369049369142\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $870315 14 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 385.0 $890 252368542467453464\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $871254 13 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 386.0 $940 -5227879618420795982\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $871931 12 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 380.0 $678 -6638884708580615921\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $872571 11 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 379.0 $640 6617274698507176004\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $873173 10 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 378.0 $603 -8893291801137292441\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $873741 9 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 377.0 $569 93909294068431475\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $874277 8 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 376.0 $536 6686461320465933881\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $875419 7 sell put 2023-01-20 382.91 390.0 $1143 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $876305 6 sell put 2023-01-27 382.91 383.0 $887 6157181590527475993\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $877150 5 sell put 2023-01-27 382.91 382.0 $845 -7884405754192851391\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $878080 4 sell put 2023-01-27 382.91 384.0 $931 -3718841252876978909\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $878883 3 sell put 2023-01-27 382.91 381.0 $804 2772999969394106354\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $879860 2 sell put 2023-01-27 382.91 385.0 $977 4528403739193160547\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $880625 1 sell put 2023-01-27 382.91 380.0 $766 5450463187086064012\n",
+ "2022-12-27 $881353 0 sell put 2023-01-27 382.91 379.0 $728 -37042401075872056\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $880679 1 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 381.0 $673 -5720406541239994831\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $879959 2 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 382.0 $719 8197459064519512994\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $879329 3 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 380.0 $630 -4159721733502113490\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $878559 4 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 383.0 $769 634444032432591537\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $877970 5 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 379.0 $588 -2400702509088108074\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $877420 6 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 378.0 $550 -4347378334259459562\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $876549 7 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 385.0 $870 -3689682578246165902\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $876036 8 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 377.0 $512 -8952604348795894868\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $875592 9 buy put 2023-01-13 381.38 375.0 $444 1417299729984583720\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $874835 10 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 381.0 $756 -7324213369049369142\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $874032 11 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 382.0 $802 -1232581665092250404\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $873319 12 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 380.0 $713 -6638884708580615921\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $872469 13 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 383.0 $849 -92110512954613630\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $871796 14 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 379.0 $672 6617274698507176004\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $870900 15 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 384.0 $896 3551706625146726007\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $870266 16 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 378.0 $633 -8893291801137292441\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $869316 17 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 385.0 $949 252368542467453464\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $868720 18 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 377.0 $596 93909294068431475\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $867720 19 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 386.0 $999 -5227879618420795982\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $867159 20 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 376.0 $560 6686461320465933881\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $866096 21 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 387.0 $1063 4141931069058590545\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $865567 22 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 375.0 $528 -7349772815960146875\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $865072 23 buy put 2023-01-20 381.38 374.0 $494 -1563771893695025646\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $864226 24 buy put 2023-01-27 381.38 381.0 $846 2772999969394106354\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $863333 25 buy put 2023-01-27 381.38 382.0 $892 -7884405754192851391\n",
+ "2022-12-28 $862418 26 buy put 2023-01-27 381.38 382.5 $914 3077321495005667230\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $861772 27 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 376.0 $646 -1032382422956428322\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $861208 28 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 374.0 $563 7258866157359625718\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $860683 29 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 373.0 $524 7273266689873032448\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $860195 30 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 372.0 $488 1490954819441273056\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $859735 31 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 371.0 $459 8986840215601501074\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $859313 32 buy put 2023-01-13 376.71 370.0 $421 2602113863983792915\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $858703 33 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 373.0 $610 2218424184582398594\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $858129 34 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 372.0 $573 -6132705283849817823\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $857591 35 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 371.0 $537 6853395800332579520\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $857087 36 buy put 2023-01-20 376.71 370.0 $504 3457609187169035729\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $856210 37 buy put 2023-01-27 376.71 377.0 $876 4996655186938114051\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $855381 38 buy put 2023-01-27 376.71 376.0 $828 6223772956863375627\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $854464 39 buy put 2023-01-27 376.71 378.0 $917 -4400047118636165710\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $853677 40 buy put 2023-01-27 376.71 375.0 $786 7667811505611265728\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $852718 41 buy put 2023-01-27 376.71 379.0 $958 -37042401075872056\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $851712 42 buy put 2023-01-27 376.71 380.0 $1006 5450463187086064012\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $850540 43 buy put 2023-01-27 376.71 383.0 $1171 6157181590527475993\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $849944 44 buy put 2023-01-27 376.71 370.0 $595 4200800617974333763\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $848944 45 buy put 2023-02-03 376.71 377.0 $1000 -5567964360575579545\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $847918 46 buy put 2023-02-03 376.71 377.5 $1025 4660387731413167850\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $846872 47 buy put 2023-02-03 376.71 378.0 $1045 -3627887661311420602\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $845957 48 buy put 2023-02-03 376.71 375.0 $915 6651474207079271045\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $844866 49 buy put 2023-02-03 376.71 379.0 $1090 3252805197452454710\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $843989 50 buy put 2023-02-03 376.71 374.0 $877 8071843162895897142\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $842847 51 buy put 2023-02-03 376.71 380.0 $1141 3366785315418853701\n",
+ "2022-12-29 $842008 52 buy put 2023-02-03 376.71 373.0 $838 -1427364460184322853\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $841326 53 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 384.0 $682 -4797686749213805110\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $840544 54 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 386.0 $781 850822751004617247\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $839709 55 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 387.0 $834 -3398383881000992755\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $838697 56 buy put 2023-01-13 383.33 390.0 $1012 8950204006790473087\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $837605 57 buy put 2023-01-20 383.33 390.0 $1091 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $836741 58 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 384.0 $863 -3718841252876978909\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $835832 59 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 385.0 $909 4528403739193160547\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $834825 60 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 387.0 $1006 -4120366101413810426\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $833793 61 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 387.5 $1031 2291664737775814839\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $832735 62 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 388.0 $1058 9011937117099202324\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $831620 63 buy put 2023-01-27 383.33 389.0 $1114 -5239651143132087174\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $830689 64 buy put 2023-02-03 383.33 382.5 $930 -445133436335137829\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $829694 65 buy put 2023-02-03 383.33 384.0 $995 -8471199608896248730\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $828784 66 buy put 2023-02-03 383.33 382.0 $909 -6814213573726298299\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $827745 67 buy put 2023-02-03 383.33 385.0 $1038 -1543202347851490916\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $826585 68 buy put 2023-02-03 383.33 387.5 $1160 6465349069954110473\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $825603 69 buy put 2023-02-10 383.33 382.0 $981 -1919959977663187584\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $824484 70 buy put 2023-02-17 383.33 383.0 $1118 -5947447470222708710\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $823324 71 buy put 2023-02-17 383.33 384.0 $1160 -6035708131977267864\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $822247 72 buy put 2023-02-17 383.33 382.0 $1076 637539121597539942\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $821041 73 buy put 2023-02-17 383.33 385.0 $1205 5916847993833641749\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $820005 74 buy put 2023-02-17 383.33 381.0 $1036 -7145613215947394501\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $818753 75 buy put 2023-02-17 383.33 386.0 $1251 -2229957155634690105\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $817756 76 buy put 2023-02-17 383.33 380.0 $996 7112839307388246827\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $816459 77 buy put 2023-02-17 383.33 387.0 $1297 -1365950835078997156\n",
+ "2022-12-30 $815499 78 buy put 2023-02-17 383.33 379.0 $959 -3346645745474525929\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $816121 77 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 382.0 $623 8197459064519512994\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $816788 76 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 383.0 $667 634444032432591537\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $817365 75 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 381.0 $578 -5720406541239994831\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $818081 74 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 384.0 $717 -4797686749213805110\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $818617 73 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 380.0 $536 -4159721733502113490\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $819384 72 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 385.0 $768 -3689682578246165902\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $820190 71 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 386.0 $807 850822751004617247\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $820687 70 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 379.0 $497 -2400702509088108074\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $821546 69 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 387.0 $860 -3398383881000992755\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $822006 68 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 378.0 $461 -4347378334259459562\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $822430 67 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 377.0 $424 -8952604348795894868\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $822821 66 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 376.0 $392 -1032382422956428322\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $823181 65 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 375.0 $361 1417299729984583720\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $824223 64 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 390.0 $1042 8950204006790473087\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $824553 63 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 374.0 $331 7258866157359625718\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $824855 62 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 373.0 $303 7273266689873032448\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $825132 61 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 372.0 $277 1490954819441273056\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $825385 60 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 371.0 $254 8986840215601501074\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $825615 59 sell put 2023-01-13 382.44 370.0 $231 2602113863983792915\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $826375 58 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 383.0 $760 -92110512954613630\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $827090 57 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 382.0 $716 -1232581665092250404\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $827899 56 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 384.0 $809 3551706625146726007\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $828572 55 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 381.0 $674 -7324213369049369142\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $829202 54 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 380.0 $631 -6638884708580615921\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $830060 53 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 385.0 $858 252368542467453464\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $830966 52 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 386.0 $907 -5227879618420795982\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $831558 51 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 379.0 $593 6617274698507176004\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $832516 50 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 387.0 $958 4141931069058590545\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $833071 49 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 378.0 $556 -8893291801137292441\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $833590 48 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 377.0 $520 93909294068431475\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $834076 47 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 376.0 $486 6686461320465933881\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $834528 46 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 375.0 $453 -7349772815960146875\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $835655 45 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 390.0 $1128 8431736836230343999\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $836077 44 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 374.0 $422 -1563771893695025646\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $836469 43 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 373.0 $393 2218424184582398594\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $836834 42 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 372.0 $366 -6132705283849817823\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $837173 41 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 371.0 $339 6853395800332579520\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $837486 40 sell put 2023-01-20 382.44 370.0 $314 3457609187169035729\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $838312 39 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 382.5 $827 3077321495005667230\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $839118 38 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 382.0 $806 -7884405754192851391\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $839968 37 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 383.0 $851 6157181590527475993\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $840730 36 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 381.0 $763 2772999969394106354\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $841627 35 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 384.0 $897 -3718841252876978909\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $842349 34 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 380.0 $723 5450463187086064012\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $843293 33 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 385.0 $945 4528403739193160547\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $843976 32 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 379.0 $683 -37042401075872056\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $844620 31 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 378.0 $645 -4400047118636165710\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $845653 30 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 387.0 $1034 -4120366101413810426\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $846713 29 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 387.5 $1060 2291664737775814839\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $847322 28 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 377.0 $610 4996655186938114051\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $848407 27 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 388.0 $1086 9011937117099202324\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $848982 26 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 376.0 $575 6223772956863375627\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $850125 25 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 389.0 $1144 -5239651143132087174\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $850666 24 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 375.0 $542 7667811505611265728\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $851065 23 sell put 2023-01-27 382.44 370.0 $399 4200800617974333763\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $852019 22 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 382.5 $955 -445133436335137829\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $852953 21 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 382.0 $935 -6814213573726298299\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $853976 20 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 384.0 $1023 -8471199608896248730\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $854827 19 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 380.0 $852 3366785315418853701\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $855896 18 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 385.0 $1070 -1543202347851490916\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $856708 17 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 379.0 $812 3252805197452454710\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $857481 16 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 378.0 $774 -3627887661311420602\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $858235 15 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 377.5 $755 4660387731413167850\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $859412 14 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 387.5 $1177 6465349069954110473\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $860149 13 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 377.0 $738 -5567964360575579545\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $860818 12 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 375.0 $670 6651474207079271045\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $861453 11 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 374.0 $635 8071843162895897142\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $862058 10 sell put 2023-02-03 382.44 373.0 $606 -1427364460184322853\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $863060 9 sell put 2023-02-10 382.44 382.0 $1003 -1919959977663187584\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $864164 8 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 382.0 $1104 637539121597539942\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $865312 7 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 383.0 $1149 -5947447470222708710\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $866376 6 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 381.0 $1064 -7145613215947394501\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $867566 5 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 384.0 $1191 -6035708131977267864\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $868587 4 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 380.0 $1022 7112839307388246827\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $869824 3 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 385.0 $1237 5916847993833641749\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $871107 2 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 386.0 $1284 -2229957155634690105\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $872089 1 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 379.0 $983 -3346645745474525929\n",
+ "2022-12-31 $873420 0 sell put 2023-02-17 382.44 387.0 $1331 -1365950835078997156\n",
"Start money: $2000.00\n",
- "End money: $691295.28 (34464.76%)\n"
+ "End money: $873419.56 (43570.98%)\n"
@@ -10081,7 +9392,7 @@
"min_dte_buy = 14\n",
"min_dte_sell = int(min_dte_buy / 2)\n",
"min_volume = 100\n",
- "max_strike_distance_pct = 0.05\n",
+ "max_strike_distance_pct = 0.02\n",
"contract_fee = 0.66\n",
"money = 2000\n",
@@ -10096,8 +9407,8 @@
" index_date = index.strftime(format=\"%Y-%m-%d\")\n",
" is_last_index = index.to_numpy() == last_index\n",
- " good_call_buy = row.fear_greed_index >= row.fear_greed_index_max_14 - 3\n",
- " good_put_buy = row.fear_greed_index <= row.fear_greed_index_min_14 + 3\n",
+ " good_call_buy = row.fear_greed_index >= row.fear_greed_index_max_14 - 2\n",
+ " good_put_buy = row.fear_greed_index <= row.fear_greed_index_min_14 + 2\n",
" call_bid_price = row.C_BID * 100\n",
" put_bid_price = row.P_BID * 100\n",
@@ -10160,7 +9471,7 @@
" owned_options = owned_options_not_sold\n",
" max_buy_price = money / 10\n",
- " max_buy_amount = 25\n",
+ " max_buy_amount = 10\n",
" call_ask_price = row.C_ASK * 100\n",
" put_ask_price = row.P_ASK * 100\n",
@@ -10228,25 +9539,25 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 27,
+ "execution_count": 36,
"id": "6784b905-13d8-4f2d-9f51-724d5451ba14",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
- "model_id": "543f862fe00641b3a287dacb8bd44fd0",
+ "model_id": "2994c5026a7e4edb8dc451cc02e1d253",
"version_major": 2,
"version_minor": 0
- "image/png": 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"text/html": [
" \n",
" Figure\n",
- "
+ "
" "
@@ -10286,50 +9597,50 @@
" \n",
" \n",
" count | \n",
- " 7992.0 | \n",
- " 7992.0 | \n",
- " 7992.0 | \n",
+ " 7334.0 | \n",
+ " 7334.0 | \n",
+ " 7334.0 | \n",
" \n",
" mean | \n",
- " 324994.2196596686 | \n",
- " 739.1576576576576 | \n",
- " 56.067067067067065 | \n",
+ " 396119.2708344655 | \n",
+ " 987.1671666212162 | \n",
+ " 54.81688028361058 | \n",
" \n",
" std | \n",
- " 246573.87157902835 | \n",
- " 603.4279711778936 | \n",
- " 40.64761695186885 | \n",
+ " 272790.6404888157 | \n",
+ " 591.1243954306696 | \n",
+ " 38.803840571817 | \n",
" \n",
" min | \n",
- " 150.27999999999486 | \n",
- " 0.0 | \n",
+ " 763.0799999999995 | \n",
+ " 28.999999999999996 | \n",
" 0.0 | \n",
" \n",
" 25% | \n",
- " 51860.55499999738 | \n",
- " 271.0 | \n",
+ " 128655.83999999786 | \n",
+ " 608.0 | \n",
" 21.0 | \n",
" \n",
" 50% | \n",
- " 412675.2000000131 | \n",
- " 637.0 | \n",
+ " 442065.53000000876 | \n",
+ " 902.5 | \n",
" 49.0 | \n",
" \n",
" 75% | \n",
- " 545278.2950000376 | \n",
- " 1053.0 | \n",
- " 85.0 | \n",
+ " 616461.1300000115 | \n",
+ " 1241.0 | \n",
+ " 84.0 | \n",
" \n",
" max | \n",
- " 704981.6800000102 | \n",
- " 5733.0 | \n",
+ " 881534.839999951 | \n",
+ " 7000.0 | \n",
" 156.0 | \n",
" \n",
@@ -10337,18 +9648,18 @@
"text/plain": [
- " money price options\n",
- "count 7992.0 7992.0 7992.0\n",
- "mean 324994.2196596686 739.1576576576576 56.067067067067065\n",
- "std 246573.87157902835 603.4279711778936 40.64761695186885\n",
- "min 150.27999999999486 0.0 0.0\n",
- "25% 51860.55499999738 271.0 21.0\n",
- "50% 412675.2000000131 637.0 49.0\n",
- "75% 545278.2950000376 1053.0 85.0\n",
- "max 704981.6800000102 5733.0 156.0"
+ " money price options\n",
+ "count 7334.0 7334.0 7334.0\n",
+ "mean 396119.2708344655 987.1671666212162 54.81688028361058\n",
+ "std 272790.6404888157 591.1243954306696 38.803840571817\n",
+ "min 763.0799999999995 28.999999999999996 0.0\n",
+ "25% 128655.83999999786 608.0 21.0\n",
+ "50% 442065.53000000876 902.5 49.0\n",
+ "75% 616461.1300000115 1241.0 84.0\n",
+ "max 881534.839999951 7000.0 156.0"
- "execution_count": 27,
+ "execution_count": 36,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
@@ -10396,11 +9707,7 @@
"# SPY, max 25 options daily, fear and greed max+2/min-2\n",
"# Options: 8064\n",
- "# End money: $837246.76 (41762.34%)\n",
- "\n",
- "# SPY, max 25 options daily, fear and greed max+3/min-3\n",
- "# Options: 7992\n",
- "# End money: $691295.28 (34464.76%)"
+ "# End money: $837246.76 (41762.34%)"