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Windows Setup Guide

Ben Zhang edited this page Jul 29, 2016 · 11 revisions

Assumes you have Visual Studio Community 2015 installed. If not, you may follow this guide.

  1. Use Git to clone this project. Remember to clone all the projects (Github client will also clone all modules automatically; if you are using other clients, please check the third-party folder).
  2. Download openFrameworks 0.9.3 and unzip it into third-party folder. Make sure rename it to openFrameworks.
  3. Copy openFrameworks plugin dependencies (third-party/ofxDatGui, third-party/ofxGrt, third-party/ofxParagraph) into openFrameworks add-on folders (third-party/openFrameworks/addons/).
  4. Download pre-compiled GRT libraries for windows from here.
  5. Navigate to Xcode/ESP/ and open the project by double clicking on ESP.sln.

You can then build the project. It would take a while to build for the first time because the dependency openFrameworks need to be build.